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Josh Blum edited this page Oct 11, 2015 · 22 revisions

The main SoapySDR library really only requires CMake and a compiler. Additional components require additional dependencies. If those dependencies are not available, the component does not build.

  • CMake
  • C++ compiler

Optional depedencies

  • Python dev and SWIG for python bindings
  • Numpy recommended for python bindings

Recommended apt-get install instructions for Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install \
    cmake g++ \
    libpython-dev python-numpy swig

Optional dependencies based on your needs:

All dependencies and Pothos software can be installed with ease using our Homebrew tap:

First time repository clone from git

git clone
cd SoapySDR

Update from an existing checkout

cd SoapySDR
git pull origin master
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig #needed on debian systems
SoapySDRUtil --info

The first step is to configure the project with CMake. This can be done with the cmake command line utility, however we will discuss configuring using the graphical CMake application. Launch CMake from the start menu, specify the source directory and choose a location for the binaries. Click configure and select the correct version of the visual studio compiler.

The project should complete configuration successfully. However you will notice a lot of verbose concerning other libraries and dependencies. These are optional dependencies based on the user's needs. If you are interested in a particular component, you must tell CMake how to find the libraries and headers for its dependencies. When finished configuring optional components, click generate. Visual studio project files will be generated.

The next step is to build and install the generated project. The project can be built in a variety of ways, using MSBuild and opening the project in the Visual studio environment. In this tutorial, we will invoke cmake within a Visual studio terminal to build and install the project.

Find the shortcut to the Visual studio cross tools command prompt and execute the following commands:

cmake --build my_build_dir --config Release
cmake --build my_build_dir --config Release --target install

After installation, complete the setup by adding Soapy SDR to the system path, and invoke the command line utility for a quick sanity check.

  • add C:\Program Files\SoapySDR\bin to the %PATH%
  • open cmd and run SoapySDRUtil.exe --info

The SoapySDR library needs to know its installation path. The library is compiled with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as the default search path for modules. However, if the library is installed to a different location other than the one it was configured with, the SOAPY_SDR_ROOT environment variable can be set to reflect the new installation path.

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