This project is a full-stack social media application that has been developed using the MERN stack. The application includes a registration page that has complete validation, and users can upload their images for their profiles. After registering, users can log in to the application and access the home page. The home page is only accessible to users with a valid token, and those who don't have a token are redirected to the login page. The home page has a clean design with several widgets that provide information about the current user who is signed in. Users can add a post with a description and an image, and they can edit or delete the image before posting it. Users can see the posts they have created and view the newsfeed of other users' created posts. They can like or dislike a post, view the comments, and even add friends. The friend list widget is updated automatically when a user adds or removes a friend. The application also has an advertisement widget that displays information about posts with an image. Users can click on a name in the post widget to view the friend or user's profile page. On the profile page, users can view their information, friend list, and posts. They can also add a post from the profile page. The application also has the ability to switch between light mode and dark mode. The website is completely responsive, so users can access the exact same website from smaller screens with modifications for everything. The backend API retrieves all the information from a MongoDB database, and the backend is developed using the Express framework of Node.js. React is used as the front-end framework, with React Router for navigation, Formik and Yup for form and form validation, Redux Toolkit for state management, and Redux Persist to store Redux state in local storage. Dropzone is used for image upload, and Node.js is used for runtime on the backend. Mongoose is used for managing the MongoDB database, and Json Web Token is used for authentication. Multer is used for file upload.