This micro service has following endpoints:
- /filteredimage
- /deleteAll
It takes 2 url parameter userId and imageUrl. User Id is used to track the request made by specific user and imageUrl is required to process and return the results to the user.
It takes UserId as url paramter which used to delete all the tracking data and remove the user data from the server.
To delete the files, this is how our url looks like
To make request for image processing:
- Nodejs
- TypeScript
- Docker
- EC2
- Download necessary dependencies for the component:
Run-> npm install
- Now, Our dependencies are available. It time to run the app and checkout in browser:
Run-> npm run dev
- Now, Open browser and type:
- Now, you are ready to use this service to authenticate your users.
- Once, you're sure component is working fine locally, you can push it to hub
- Login with docker locally by providing username and password:
Run -> docker login
- Build Image:
Run -> docker build -t <repository>/<Image Name>:<Tag>
- Push to Hub:
Run-> docker push <repository>/<Image name>:<tag>
- Congrats, you have successfully published you image to hub.