A beautiful, extendable PHP Package to communicate with your pinecone.io indices, collections and vectors, powered by Saloon.
Info From Version 1.x onwards we are using the latest Pinecone API which support serverless. If you need the legacy API please use a version before 1.0.0!
This API provides a feature rich, elegant baseline for working with the pinecone.io API. Developers can install and leverage this API to help them integrate pinecone.io easily and beautifully.
composer require probots-io/pinecone-php
Currently supports all of the available endpoints in the pinecone.io API based on the official documentation
Authentication via Api Key is the only available authentication methods currently supported. First, you will need to create an Api Key in your pinecone.io instance.
use \Probots\Pinecone\Client as Pinecone;
// Initialize Pinecone
$pinecone = new Pinecone($apiKey);
// Now you are ready to make requests, all requests will be authenticated automatically.
There are two ways to initialize the SDK. You can either provide an index during initialization or you can provide it later on.
use \Probots\Pinecone\Client as Pinecone;
$pinecone = new Pinecone($apiKey);
// all control methods are available now, create an index or similar
// e.g. $pinecone->control()->index()
// later on you can provide the index
// data methods are available now
// e.g. $pinecone->data()->vectors()
use \Probots\Pinecone\Client as Pinecone;
$pinecone = new Pinecone($apiKey, $indexHost);
// all control AND data methods are available now
Info The index host should include
, which you may need to prepend to the value returned from Pinecone.
Info The index host should include
, which you may need to prepend to the value returned from Pinecone.
All responses are returned as a Response
Please check the Saloon documentation to see all
available methods.
Work(s) with your indices.
$response = $pinecone->control()->index('my-index')->createPod(
dimension: 1536,
metric: 'cosine',
podType: 'p1.x1',
replicas: 1
// ... more options
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->control()->index('my-index')->createServerless(
dimension: 1536,
metric: 'cosine',
cloud: 'aws',
region: 'us-west-2'
// ... more options
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->control()->index('my-index')->describe();
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->control()->index()->list();
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->control()->index('my-index')->configure(
pod_type: 'p1.x1',
replicas: 1
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->control()->index('my-index')->delete();
if($response->successful()) {
Work(s) with your collections too.
$response = $pinecone->control()->collection('my-collection')->create(
source: 'my-index'
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->control()->collection('my-collection')->describe();
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->control()->collection()->list();
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->control()->collection('my-collection')->delete();
if($response->successful()) {
Info These operations need the index to be set. You can set the index during initialization or later on. See description at the beginning.
Vectors are the basic unit of data in Pinecone. Use them.
$response = $pinecone->data()->vectors()->stats();
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->data()->vectors()->update(
id: 'vector_1',
values: array_fill(0, 128, 0.14),
setMetadata: [
'meta1' => 'value1',
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->data()->vectors()->upsert(vectors: [
'id' => 'vector_1',
'values' => array_fill(0, 128, 0.14),
'metadata' => [
'meta1' => 'value1',
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->data()->vectors()->query(
vector: array_fill(0, 128, 0.12),
topK: 1,
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->data()->vectors()->delete(
deleteAll: true
if($response->successful()) {
$response = $pinecone->data()->vectors()->fetch([
'vector_1', 'vector_2'
if($response->successful()) {
Testing is done via PestPHP. You can run the tests by running ./vendor/bin/pest
in the root of the project.
Copy .env.example to .env and update accordingly.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
- validate parameters based on API docs - needs more checking
- Implement Custom Exceptions
- Add failure tests
- Add some examples
- Finish docs