- Roughly 10GB of free space
- Docker and Docker compose (v2.32.1 or higher)
- Will not run on a mac due to mmap - OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory
- Modify docker-compose if customization is required (default port is 8000, thread and worker count suitable for a medium sized instance)
- Run
docker compose up
- The downloader will take some time to download the wind model and DEM - from Australia this takes about 30 minutes
- Test the api
curl "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/?launch_latitude=10&launch_longitude=10&launch_datetime=$(python3 -c 'import datetime; print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), end="")')&launch_altitude=0&ascent_rate=5.00&burst_altitude=1000&descent_rate=5.28"
- If docker volumes are to be persisted see note below about disabling the initial downloader and dem/ruaumoko download
- Every
docker compose up
performed will trigger a dem and wind model download before starting tawhiri. Once an initial model and dem is downloaded you can comment out the downloader
and ruaumoko
services, along with references to them in depends