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How to Use littletable


littletable is a simple Python module to make it easy to work with collections of objects as if they were records in a database table. littletable augments normal Python list access with:

  • indexing by key attributes
  • joining multiple tables by common attribute values
  • querying for matching objects by one or more attributes
  • data pivoting on 1 or more attributes
  • full-text search on indexed attributes
  • easy CSV import/export (and TSV, JSON, and Excel)

littletable supports storage of:

  • user-defined objects
  • user-defined objects using __slots__
  • dataclasses
  • collections.namedtuples and typing.NamedTuples
  • types.SimpleNamespaces
  • dicts and typing.TypedDicts (converted internally to SimpleNamespaces for attribute-style access)
  • pydantic models (including Model, ImmutableModel, and ORMModel)
  • traits / traitlets classes
  • attrs classes

It is not necessary to define a table schema for tables in littletable; the schema of the data emerges from the attributes of the stored objects, and those used to define indexes and queries.

Indexes can be created and dropped at any time. An index can be defined to have unique or non-unique key values, and whether or not to allow null values.

Instead of returning DataSets or rows of structured values, littletable queries return new Tables. This makes it easy to arrive at a complex query by a sequence of smaller steps. The resulting values are also easily saved to a CSV file, like any other littletable table.

Creating a table

Creating a table is simple, just create an instance of Table:

t = Table()

If you want, you can name the table at creation time, or any time later.

t = Table("customers")


t = Table()

Table names are not necessary for queries or updates, as they would be in SQL.
Table names can be useful in diagnosing problems, as they will be included in exception messages. Table joins also use the names of the source tables to create a helpful name for the resulting data table.

Once you have created the Table, you can then use insert or insert_many to populate the table, or use one of the import methods (such as csv_import, tsv_import, or json_import) to load the table from a data string, external file, compressed file, Excel spreadsheet, or Internet URL.

Inserting objects

From within your Python code, you can create objects and add them to the table using insert() and insert_many(). Any object can be inserted into a table, using:


Performance tip: Calling insert_many() with a list of objects will perform better than calling insert() in a loop.

Importing data from CSV files

You can easily import a CSV file into a Table using Table.csv_import():

t = Table().csv_import("my_data.csv")


import littletable as lt
t = lt.csv_import("my_data.csv")

In place of a local file name, you can specify an HTTP url (see Importing from remote sources using HTTP for more details):

url = ""
names = ["sepal-length", "sepal-width", "petal-length", "petal-width", "class"]
iris_table = Table('iris').csv_import(url, fieldnames=names)

You can directly import CSV data as a string:

catalog_data = """\
BRDSD-001,Bird seed,LB,3
BBS-001,Steel BB's,LB,5

catalog = Table("catalog")
catalog.create_index("sku", unique=True)
catalog.csv_import(catalog_data, transforms={'unitprice': int})

If you are working with a very large CSV file and just trying to see what the structure is, add limit=100 to only read the first 100 rows.

You can pre-screen data as it is read from the input file by passing a filters={attr: filter_fn, ...} argument. Each filter function is called on the newly-read object before it is added to the table. filter_fn can be any function that takes a single argument of the type of the given attribute, and returns True or False. If False, the record does not get added to the table.

# import only the first 100 items that match the filter
# (product_category == "Home and Garden")
                   filters={"product_category": Table.eq("Home and Garden")},

Since CSV files do not keep any type information, littletable will use the SimpleNamespace type for imported records. You can specify your own type by passing row_class=MyType to csv_import. The type must be initializable using the form MyType(**attributes_dict). namedtuples and SimpleNamespace both support this form.

Performance tip: For very large files, it is faster to load data using a dataclass or namedtuple than to use the default SimpleNamespace class. Get the fields using a 10-item import using limit=10, and then define the namedtuple using the fields from["fields"].

Files containing JSON-formatted records can be similarly imported using Table.json_import(), and tab-separated files can be imported using Table.tsv_import().

littletable can also read CSV, TSV, etc. content directly from a simple .zip, .gz, .tar.gz, or .xz archive. If the archive contains multiple files, it will try to read the contained file that matches the name of the archive, after dropping the compression extension string - otherwise it will raise a ValueError.

Calling csv_import on the same Table multiple times with different CSV files accumulates all the data into a single table.

Note: if you find you cannot import .xz or .lzma files, getting the Python error ModuleNotFoundError :_lzma, you can remedy this by rebuilding Python after installing the lzma-dev library. On Ubuntu for example, this is done using:

$ sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev

Then rebuild and reinstall Python.

Transforming data while importing

By default, all data imported from CSV (and related untyped data formats) is loaded as Python strings (str type). To convert data of other types, add the transforms argument, defining conversion functions to use on specific fields of the imported data. Conversion functions must take a single str argument, and return the converted value or raise an exception.

Given input data of this form:


You can convert the numeric and date fields during the import using:

table = lt.csv_import(
                "a": int,
                "b": int,
                "c": int,
                "date_created": lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%Y/%m/%d"),

This can be a lot of work when an input file contains many numeric fields to be converted. To simplify this case, you can use a "*" wildcard value to define a conversion function for all fields that do not have other defined transforms. For the above case, you can write:

table = lt.csv_import(
                "*": int,
                "date_created": lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%Y/%m/%d"),

By default, fields whose values raise an exception during version remain unchanged (such as all the "label" values in the above example). You can specify an error default value to be used instead by passing a (function, default_value) tuple as the transform value.

Aside from the Python builtin functions int and float, the littletable.Table class includes some useful transform staticmethods:

  • convert_numeric
  • parse_date
  • parse_datetime
  • parse_timedelta

See the help text for these methods for more details.

Import/export to Excel files (.xlsx)

littletable can read and write local Excel spreadsheet files:

tbl = lt.Table().excel_import("data_table.xlsx")

Data values from Excel get converted to standard Python types where possible. A spreadsheet containing the following data:

name value type
a 100 int
b 3.14159 float
c None null
d 2021-12-25 00:00:00 date
e Floyd str
f space
g 𝚃𝖞𝐩𝓮𝖤𝔯𝘳º𝗿 str
h True bool
i =TODAY() formula
j 0 None
k None None

Can be imported and the data values will be automatically converted as shown below:

xl = lt.Table().excel_import("../test/data_types.xlsx")

for row in xl:
    print(, repr(row.value), type(row.value), row.type)

a 100 <class 'int'> int
b 3.14159 <class 'float'> float
c None <class 'NoneType'> null
d datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 25, 0, 0) <class 'datetime.datetime'> date
e 'Floyd' <class 'str'> str
f ' ' <class 'str'> space
g '𝚃𝖞𝐩𝓮𝖤𝔯𝘳º𝗿' <class 'str'> str
h True <class 'bool'> bool
i '=TODAY()' <class 'str'> formula
j 0 <class 'int'> None
k None <class 'NoneType'> None

littletable uses openpyxl package to read and write Excel files. When writing using littletable.Table.excel_export, openpyxl is optimized when an XML serialization package such as defusedxml or lxml is installed. defusedxml is preferred, as it guards against some known XML data attacks.

Importing from remote sources using HTTP

When importing from an HTTP or HTTPS source, you can optionally specify the following named arguments:

Argument Type Description
headers dict Headers to be passed as part of the HTTP request
data bytes Data to pass as the body of the request (will use the HTTP POST method in place of the default GET)
username str Username to pass using Basic Authentication; will generate Authorization header
password str Password for Basic Authentication, default = ""
cafile str SSL certificate file, default = None
capath str Directory of SSL certificate files, default = None
cadata str or bytes Either an ASCII string of one or more PEM-encoded certificates or a bytes-like object of DER-encoded certificates
context ssl.SSLContext SSLContext instance, default = None
timeout int Timeout in seconds, default = littletable.DEFAULT_HTTP_TIMEOUT (initialized to 60)

(Note: when passing username and password credentials, HTTPS URLs are strongly encouraged, to prevent exposure of credentials in unencrypted requests. littletable will emit a warning when importing with authentication using an HTTP URL.)

Some sites will use the "User-Agent" HTTP header to filter out unrestricted automated access to their site. You can add this header to your import statement using code as in the following:

user_agent_string = (
    " (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)"
    " AppleWebKit/537.36"
    " (KHTML, like Gecko)"
    " Chrome/"
    " Safari/537.36"
    " Edg/"
table = littletable.csv_import(url, headers={"User-Agent": user_agent_string})

Tabular output

To produce a nice tabular output for a table, you can use the embedded support for the rich module, as_html() in Jupyter Notebook, or the tabulate module:

  • Using table.present() (implemented using rich; present() accepts rich Table keyword args):

    table(title_str).present(fields=["col1", "col2", "col3"])


    # use select() to limit the columns to be shown"col1 col2 col3")(title_str).present(caption="caption text")

    table.present() also accepts a width argument, to override any terminal default width setting:

  • Using Jupyter Notebook:

    from IPython.display import HTML, display
    display(HTML(table.as_html(table_properties={"border": 1, "cellpadding": 5})))
  • Using tabulate:

    # use map(vars, table) to get each table record as a dict, then pass to tabulate with
    # headers="keys" to auto-define headers
    print(tabulate(map(vars, table), headers="keys"))
  • Output as Markdown


You can display groups in your tables by specifying a particular field on which to group. Pass the groupby argument to present(), as_html() or as_markdown() with the name of the field or fields, and consecutive duplicate values for that field will be suppressed.


If your program does not have a type for inserting into your table, you can use types.SimpleNamespace:

from types import SimpleNamespace
bob = {"name": "Bob", "age": 19}

Or just use dicts directly (which littletable will convert to SimpleNamespaces)

bob = {"name": "Bob", "age": 19}

Removing objects

Objects can be removed individually or by passing a list (or Table) of objects:


They can also be removed by numeric index or slice using the Python del statement, just like removing from a list:

del t[0]
del t[-1]
del t[3:10]

Finally, items can be removed using Table.pop(), which like list.pop defaults to removing the last item in the table, and returns the removed item:

obj = t.pop(12)
obj = t.pop()

Adding new fields to existing rows

If the underlying storage types for the rows in the Table permit the addition of new attributes and/or modification of existing attributes, you can do so using Table.compute_field, passing in a callable that compute_field will use to compute the value for this field for each record.

You can see an example of this in examples/, which builds a table from the contents of the official Unicode CSV file:

# import the Unicode definitions, including the name and hex character value for each code point
unicode = lt.csv_import(unicode_csv_file, delimiter=';')

# add a field containing the integer code point value, computed from the given code_value_hex field
unicode.compute_field("code_value", lambda r: int(r.code_value_hex, 16))

# add a field containing the actual Unicode character for each row
unicode.compute_field("character", lambda r: chr(r.code_value))

# add a boolean field indicating whether the character can be used as an identifier character
unicode.compute_field("is_identifier", lambda r: r.character.isidentifier())

You can also overwrite existing fields using compute_field.

compute_field also accepts a default argument, to be used if the given callable raises an exception for a particular row; if no default is specified, None is used.

(compute_field was formerly named add_field, which is still maintained for compatibility.)

Indexing attributes

Use create_index to add an index to a Table. Indexes can be unique or non-unique. If the table is not empty and the index to be created is unique=True, the uniqueness of the index attribute across the existing records is verified before creating the index, raising KeyError and listing the duplicated value.

If a unique index is created, then retrieving using that index will return the single matching object, or raise KeyError.

If a non-unique index is created, a Table is returned of all the matching objects. If no objects match, an empty Table is returned.

employees.create_index('employee_id', unique=True)

# unique indexes return a single object

# non unique indexes return a new Table
for emp in["12345"]:

Querying with indexed attributes

If accessing a table using a unique index, giving a key value will return the single matching record, or raise KeyError.['00086']['invalid_id']
#    raises KeyError: "no such value 'invalid_id' in index 'employee_id'"

If accessing a table using a non-unique index, will return a new Table containing all matching records. If there are no matching records, the returned table will be empty.['CA']['Sales']['Salex']  # no such department
#    returns empty table

You can also use the get() method, similar to Python's dict.get():

# using the unique index on "employee_id"'00086') # returns the matching record'invalid_id') # returns None

# using the non-unique index on "dept"['Sales'] # returns a Table of matching records['Salex'] # returns None

Querying for exact matching attribute values

Calling Table.where() with named attributes will return a Table of all records matching all the arguments:

employees.where(zipcode="12345", title="Manager")

# Python keywords have to be passed in an unpacked dict.
student.where(**{"class": "Algebra"})

It is not necessary for the attributes to be indexed to use Table.where().

Querying for attribute value ranges

Table.where() supports performing queries on one or more exact matches against entries in the table:


Table.where() will also accept a callable that takes a record and returns a bool to indicate if the record is a match:

employees.where(lambda emp: emp.salary > 50000)

littletable includes comparators to make range-checking easier to write. The following table lists the comparators, plus examples of their usage:

Comparator Example Comparison performed
lt attr < 100
le attr=Table.le(100) attr <= 100
gt attr > 100
ge attr >= 100
eq attr=Table.eq(100) attr == 100
ne attr != 100
is_none attr=Table.is_none()) attr is None
is_not_none attr=Table.is_not_none()) attr is not None
is_null attr=Table.is_null()) attr is None, "", or omitted
is_not_null attr=Table.is_not_null()) attr is not None or ""
startswith attr=Table.startswith("ABC") attr.startswith("ABC")
endswith attr=Table.endswith("XYZ") attr.endswith("XYZ")
between attr=Table.between(100, 200) 100 < attr < 200
within attr=Table.within(100, 200) 100 <= attr <= 200
in_range attr=Table.in_range(100, 200) 100 <= attr < 200
is_in attr=Table.is_in((1, 2, 3)) attr in (1,2,3)
not_in attr=Table.not_in((1, 2, 3)) attr not in (1,2,3)

More examples of comparators in actual Python code:

employees.where(dept=Table.is_in(["Sales", "Marketing"]))

jan_01 = date(2000, 1, 1)
mar_31 = date(2000, 3, 31)
apr_01 = date(2000, 4, 1)

first_qtr_sales = sales.where(date=Table.within(jan_01, mar_31))
first_qtr_sales = sales.where(date=Table.in_range(jan_01, apr_01))

# get customers whose address includes an apartment number
has_apt = customers.where(address_apt_no=Table.is_not_null())

# get employees whose first name starts with "X"
x_names = employees.where(name=Table.startswith("X"))

# get log records that match a regex (any word starts with 
# "warn" in the log description)
import re
warnings = log.where(description = re.compile(r"\bwarn", flags=re.I).search)

Comparators can also be used as filter functions for import methods.

[Added in version 2.0.6]

You can write your own comparator functions also. Define a function that takes a single value as would be stored in an attribute, and call Table.where() using attribute=function:

# For a table with an int field 'a', select all the records where
# 'a' is odd.

def is_odd(x):
  return bool(x % 2)

# formerly
tbl.where(lambda rec: is_odd(rec.a))

# new simplified form

# a comparator using regex
import re
# products whose name starts with "cotton" or "linen"
tbl.where(product_name=re.compile(r"(cotton|linen)\b", re.I).match)
# products whose name contains the word "cotton" or "linen"
tbl.where(product_name=re.compile(r"\b(cotton|linen)\b", re.I).search)

Range querying on indexed attributes using slice notation

[Added in version 2.0.7]

For indexed fields, range queries can also be done using slice notation. Compare these examples with operations shown above (given in comments):

# employees.where(

Unlike Python list slices, Table index slices can use non-integer data types (as long as they support >= and < comparison operations):

jan_01 =, 1, 1)
apr_01 =, 4, 1)

# first_qtr_sales = sales.where(date=Table.in_range(jan_01, apr_01))
first_qtr_sales =[jan_01: apr_01]

Note that slices with a step field (as in [start : stop : step]) are not supported.

Splitting a table using a criteria function

You can divide a littletable.Table into 2 new tables using Table.splitby. Table.splitby takes a predicate function that takes a table record and returns True or False, and returns two tables: a table with all the rows that returned False and a table with all the rows that returned True. Will also accept a string indicating a particular field name, and uses bool(getattr(rec, field_name)) for the predicate function.

# split on records based on even/odd of a value attribute
is_odd = lambda x: bool(x % 2)
evens, odds = tbl.splitby(lambda rec: is_odd(rec.value))

# split on an integer field: 0 will be treated as False, non-zero as True
has_no_cars, has_cars = tbl.splitby("number_of_cars_owned")

# split on a field that may be None or ""
nulls, not_nulls = tbl.splitby("optional_data_field")

A shorthand for specifying a predicate function can be used if the predicate is solely a test for a specific value for one or more attributes:

qa_data, production_assembly_data = tbl.splitby(
    lambda rec: rec.env == "prod" and rec.dept == "assembly"
# can be written as
qa_data, production_data = tbl.splitby(env="prod", dept="assembly")

An optional errors argument allows you to define what action to take if an exception occurs while evaluating the predicate function. Valid values for errors are:

  • True : return exceptions as True
  • False: return exceptions as False
  • 'discard': do not return table rows that raise exceptions
  • 'return': return a third table containing rows that raise exceptions
  • 'raise': raise the exception

errors can also be given as a dict mapping Exception types to one of these 4 values.

The default value for errors (if omitted, or if an exception is raised that is not listed in an errors dict), is to discard the row.

Returning grouped tables from a table

Table.groupby is very similar to itertools.groupby, yielding a (key, Table) tuple for each grouped list of rows. Includes an optional sort argument to sort the table before grouping, using the same key attributes or function used for grouping.

Splitting a table into smaller batches

You can break a Table into smaller-sized tables (such as might be needed for paginated reporting), using Table.batched, similar to itertools.batched added in Python 3.13. Returns a generator that yields tables sliced into n-sized batches:

  for mini_table in tbl.batched(10):
      ... work with table containing only 10 entries ...

Full-text search on text attributes

littletable can perform a rudimentary version of full-text search against attributes composed of multiple-word contents (such as item descriptions, comments, etc.). To perform a full-text search, a search index must first be created, using Table.create_search_index(), naming the attribute to be indexed, and optionally any stop words that should be ignored.

Afterward, queries can be run using<attribute>(query), where attribute is the attribute that was indexed, and query is a list or space-delimited string of search terms. Search terms may be prefixed by '++' or '--' to indicate required or prohibited terms, or '+' or '-' for preferred or non-preferred terms. The search function uses these prefixes to compute a matching score, and the matching records are returned in descending score order, along with their scores, and optionally each record's parsed keywords.

In addition to the query, you may also specify a limit; whether to include each entry's indexed search words; and whether to return the results as a new table or as a list of (record, search_score) tuples.


recipe_data = textwrap.dedent("""\
    Tuna casserole,tuna noodles cream of mushroom soup
    Hawaiian pizza,pizza dough pineapple ham tomato sauce
    BLT,bread bacon lettuce tomato mayonnaise
    Bacon cheeseburger,ground beef bun lettuce ketchup mustard pickle cheese bacon
recipes = lt.Table().csv_import(recipe_data)

matches ="+bacon tomato --pineapple", as_table=True)

Will display:

                          +bacon tomato --pineapple

  Title                Ingredients                 Ingredients Search Score 
  BLT                  bread bacon lettuce                             1100
                       tomato mayonnaise
  Bacon cheeseburger   ground beef bun lettuce                         1000
                       ketchup mustard pickle
                       cheese bacon

In some cases, the terms to search for are spread across multiple attributes. For these cases, create_search_index accepts an optional using argument, containing a list of string attributes to concatenate into a single searchable attribute:

recipes.create_search_index("recipe_terms", using="ingredients title")
matches ="casserole Hawaiian", as_table=True)
matches.present(fields="title ingredients".split())

Will display:

  Title            Ingredients                            
  Tuna casserole   tuna noodles cream of mushroom soup
  Hawaiian pizza   pizza dough pineapple ham tomato sauce

Search indexes will become invalid if records are added or removed from the table after the index has been created. If they are not rebuilt, subsequent searches will raise the SearchIndexInconsistentError exception.

Basic statistics on Tables of numeric values

Table.stats() will perform basic mean, variance, and standard deviation calculations by attribute on records in a table. The results are returned in a new Table that can be keyed by attribute (with "mean", "variance", etc. attributes), or by statistic (keyed by "mean", etc., with attributes matching those in the source Table). Non-numeric values are implicitly omitted from the statistics calculations.

import littletable as lt

t1 = lt.Table()
108,130,109""", transforms=dict(a=int, b=int, c=int))

t1_stats = t1.stats()


  Name    Mean   Median   Min   Max   Variance   Std Dev   Count   Missing 
   a     106.0      108   100   110         28     5.292       3         0
   b     150.3      130   101   220     3850.0     62.05       3         0
   c     103.3      102    99   109      26.33     5.132       3         0


This same data computed by stat instead of by field name.

t1_stats = t1.stats(by_field=False)
t1_stats.present(  # uses ASCII table borders


    | Stat     |     A |      B |     C |
    | mean     | 106.0 |  150.3 | 103.3 |
    | median   |   108 |    130 |   102 |
    | min      |   100 |    101 |    99 |
    | max      |   110 |    220 |   109 |
    | variance |    28 | 3850.0 | 26.33 |
    | std_dev  | 5.292 |  62.05 | 5.132 |
    | count    |     3 |      3 |     3 |
    | missing  |     0 |      0 |     0 |

Importing data from fixed-width text files

Some files contain fixed-width columns, you can use the FixedWidthReader class to import these into littletable Tables.

For data in this data file (not including the leading rows showing column numbers):

          1         2         3         4         5         6
0020WILE E COYOTE    312 ACME BLVD        TUCSON        AZ 7.3
0040JONNY QUEST      31416 SCIENCE AVE    PALO ALTO     CA 8.1

Define the columns to import as:

columns = [
    ("id_no", 0, ),
    ("name", 4, ),
    ("address", 21, ),
    ("city", 42, ),
    ("state", 56, 58, ),
    ("tech_skill_score", 59, None, float),

And use a FixedWidthReader to read the file and pass a list of dicts to a Table.insert_many:

characters = lt.Table()
reader = lt.FixedWidthReader(columns, "cartoon_characters.txt")

For each column, define:

  • the attribute name
  • the starting column
  • (optional) the ending column (the start of the next column is the default)
  • (optional) a function to transform the input string (in this example, 'tech_skill_score' gets converted to a float); if no function is specified, str.strip() is used

Joining tables

Joining tables is one of the basic functions of relational databases. To join two tables, you must specify:

  • the left source table and join attribute
  • the right source table and join attribute
  • whether the join should be performed as an inner join, left outer join, right outer join, or full outer join (default is an inner join)
  • optionally, a list of the attributes to include in the resulting join data (returned in littletable as a new Table)

littletable provides two different coding styles for joining tables.
The first uses conventional object notation, with the table.join() method:

customers.join(orders, custid="custid")

creates an inner join between the table of customers and the table of their respective orders, joining on both tables' custid attributes.

More than 2 tables can be joined in succession, since the result of a join is itself a Table:

customers.join(orders, custid="custid").join(orderitems, orderid="orderid")

In this case a third table has been added, to include the actual items that comprise each customer's order. The orderitems are associated with each order by orderid, and so the additional join uses that field to associate the joined customer-orders table with the orderitems table.

The second coding style takes advantage of Python's support for customizing the behavior of arithmetic operators. A natural operator for joining two tables would be the '+' operator. To complete the join specification, we need not only the tables to be joined (the left and right terms of the '+' operation), but also the attributes to use to know which objects of each table to join together. To support this, tables have the join_on() method, which return a JoinTerm object:

customers.join_on("custid") + orders.join_on("custid")

This returns a join expression, which when called, performs the join and returns the data as a new Table:

customerorders = (customers.join_on("custid") + orders.join_on("custid"))()

JoinTerms can be added to tables directly when the join table and the added table are to join using the same attribute name. The 3-table join above can be written as:

customerorderitems = ((customers.join_on("custid") 
                      + orders 
                      + orderitems.join_on("orderid"))())

A classic example of performing an outer join is, given a table of students and a table of student->course registrations, find the students who are not registered for any courses. The solution is to perform an outer join, and select those students where their course registration is NULL.

Here is how that looks with littletable:

# define student and registration data
students = lt.Table().csv_import("""\

registrations = lt.Table().csv_import("""\

# perform outer join and show results:    
non_reg = students.outer_join(lt.Table.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN, 
                              student_id="student_id").where(course=None)"student_id name").present()


  Student Id   Name 
  0002         Bob
  0004         Dave

['Bob', 'Dave']

Pivoting a table

Pivoting is a useful function for extracting overall distributions of values within a table. Tables can be pivoted on 1, 2, or 3 attributes. The pivot tallies up the number of objects in a given table with each of the different key values. A single attribute pivot gives the same results as a histogram - each key for the attribute is given, along with the count of objects having that key value. (Of course, pivots are most interesting for attributes with non-unique indexes.)

Pivoting on 2 attributes extends the concept, getting the range of key values for each attribute, and then tallying the number of objects containing each possible pair of key values. The results can be reported as a two-dimensional table, with the primary attribute keys down the leftmost column, and the secondary attribute keys as headers across the columns. Subtotals will be reported at the far right column and at the bottom of each column.

Optional dependencies

The base littletable code has no dependencies outside of the Python stdlib. However, some operations require additional package installs:

operation additional install required
Table.present rich
Table.excel_import/export openpyxl (plus defusedxml or lxml, defusedxml recommended)
Table.as_dataframe pandas

littletable and pandas

The pandas package is a mature and powerful data analysis module for Python, with extensive analytical, statistical, and query features. It supports a vectorized approach to many common data operations, so that operations on an entire column of values can be done very quickly.

However, the pandas package is rather heavyweight, and for simple table operations (such as reading and accessing values in a CSV file), it may be overpowered or overcomplicated to install and learn.

littletable is lightweight in comparison, and, as a pure Python module, is not optimized for vector operations on its "columns". As a single module Python file, its installation and distribution can be very easy, so well suited to small data projects. Its design philosophy is to make simple tasks (such as CSV import and tabular display) simple, make some difficult tasks (such as pivot, join, and full text search) possible, but leave the really difficult tasks to other packages, such as pandas.

littletable is useful even with tables of up to 1 or 2 million rows (especially with defined indexes); pandas can handle much larger datasets, and so is more suited to large Data Science projects.

Use pandas if:

  • your data set is large
  • your problem involves extensive vector operations on entire columns of data in your table
  • your problem is simple (CSV import), but you already have installed pandas and are familiar with its usage

Consider littletable if:

  • you do not already have pandas installed, or are unfamiliar with using DataFrames
  • your dataset is no more than 1-2 million rows
  • your data needs are simple CSV import/export, filtering, sorting, join/pivot, text search, and presentation

littletable and SQLite

littletable and SQLite have many similarities in intent; lightweight, easy to deploy and distribute. But SQLite requires some of the same schema design steps and SQL language learning of any relational database. Mapping from Python program objects to database tables often requires use of an ORM like SQLAlchemy. littletable allows you to store your Python objects directly in a Table, and query against it using similar ORM-style methods.

littletable might even be useful as a prototyping tool, to work through some data modeling and schema design concepts before making a commitment to a specific schema of tables and indexes.

Some simple littletable recipes

  • Find objects with NULL attribute values (an object's attribute is considered NULL if the object does not have that attribute, or if its value is None or ""):

  • Histogram of values of a particular attribute:

    # returns a table


    # prints the values to stdout in tabular form
  • Get a list of all key values for an indexed attribute:
  • Get a list of all values for any attribute:

    # or get just the unique values
    # get a tally of all the first names
    from collections import Counter
    tally = Counter(customers.all.first_name)
  • Get a count of entries for each key value:

  • Sort table by attribute x

    # sort in descending order
    employees.orderby("salary desc")
  • Sorted table by primary attribute x, secondary attribute y

    sales_employees = employees.where(dept="Sales").orderby("salary,commission")


    sales_employees =["Sales"].orderby("salary,commission")
  • Get top 5 objects in table by value of attribute x, and add ranking field

    # top 5 sales employees
    employees.where(dept="Sales").orderby("sales desc")[:5].rank()
  • Find all employees whose first name starts with "X"


    (or using sliced indexing):

    employees.create_index("first_name")["X": "Y"]  # same as `"X" <= first_name < "Y"`