- int
- long
- double
- string
- mutex
There are no null values in Concert. The following table defines default values.
Type | Default value |
int | undefined 32-bit |
long | undefined 64-bit |
double | undefined 64-bit |
string | Empty string "" |
mutex | Not applicable |
Type | Width in bits |
int | at least 32 |
long | at least 64 |
double | at least 64 |
The following may be implicitly cast without a library call. Note that overflows may occur.
From type | To type |
int | long |
long | int |
int declaration examples:
int x;
int y = 0;
int z = 5 + y;
long declaration examples:
long l;
long m = 0;
long n = 5 + m;
double declaration examples:
double d;
double pi = 3.14;
double tenth = 1.0 / 10.0;
string declaration examples:
string s;
string partialWelcome = "Hello";
string fullWelcome = partialWelcome + ", world!";
mutex declaration examples:
mutex m;
mutex lock;