A version of the Kubernetes Guestbook application using Pulumi.
This is a straight port of the original YAML, and doesn't highlight advantages of using real languages. For an example using abstraction to cut down on boilerplate, please see the variant using components, also in this repo. It provisions the same set of resources.
Follow the steps in Pulumi Installation and Kubernetes Setup to get Pulumi working with Kubernetes.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a new stack:
$ pulumi stack init
Enter a stack name: testbook
This example will attempt to expose the Guestbook application to the Internet with a Service
type LoadBalancer
. Since minikube does not support LoadBalancer
, the Guestbook application
already knows to use type ClusterIP
instead; all you need to do is to tell it whether you're
deploying to minikube:
pulumi config set isMinikube <value>
Perform the deployment:
$ pulumi up
Updating stack 'testbook'
Performing changes:
Type Name Status Info
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack guestbook-testbook created
+ ├─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment redis-leader created
+ ├─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment frontend created
+ ├─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment redis-replica created
+ ├─ kubernetes:core:Service redis-leader created 1 info message
+ ├─ kubernetes:core:Service redis-replica created 1 info message
+ └─ kubernetes:core:Service frontend created 2 info messages
frontendIp: ""
info: 7 changes performed:
+ 7 resources created
Update duration: 40.829381902s
Permalink: https://app.pulumi.com/hausdorff/testbook/updates/1
And finally - open the application in your browser to see the running application. If you're running macOS you can simply run:
open $(pulumi stack output frontendIp)
Note: minikube does not support type
; if you are deploying to minikube, make sure to runkubectl port-forward svc/frontend 8080:80
to forward the cluster port to the local machine and access the service vialocalhost:8080