Most QWeb keywords (TypeText, Dropdown etc.) support textual , xpaths and unique attribute values as selectors. We do suggest using visible UI texts when possible as this leads to less and especially much easier maintenance effort.
Clicking elements can be done with specific keywords:
ClickText for UI texts
ClickItem when using any attribute value (e.g. alt text)
ClickElement when using xpaths
ClickText text anchor
Click text on web page. Note that text can be anything visible on the screen that has text, i.e. buttons, list values etc.
text = Text to be clicked
anchor = another text close to text we are looking for or index
*** Settings ***
Library QWeb
*** Test Cases ***
ClickText examples
ClickText Save
ClickText Save 3 # clicks third instance of text “Save”
ClickText Save Submit # clicks text “Save” near text “Submit”
ClickItem attribute_value
Clicks and item based on any attribute value. Usually used for elements that don’t have text property (e.g. icons), but have some unique property. For example alt text is a good candidate.
*** Settings ***
Library QWeb
*** Test Cases ***
ClickItem examples
ClickItem click_me # id value click_me
ClickItem Increment quantity # alt text value "Increment quantity"
ClickElement xpath
Click element specified by xpath.
*** Settings ***
Library QWeb
*** Test Cases ***
ClickElement examples
ClickElement //*[@id="click_me"]
ClickElement xpath=//*[@id="click_me"]
TypeText locator text anchor
Types text to given input field.
locator = text (placeholder, value etc.) or xpath to find the input field
text = Text that will be typed,
anchor = another text close to input field we are looking for or index
*** Settings ***
Library QWeb
*** Test Cases ***
TypeText examples
TypeText Email [email protected] # writes email address to field having placeholder “Email” visible
TypeText Address Main street Delivery Address
TypeSecret locator text anchor
Types text to given input field but does not log written text to log. TypeSecret is usually used with passwords, tokens and otheer secrets.
*** Settings ***
Library QWeb
*** Test Cases ***
TypeSecret examples
TypeText Email [email protected] # writes email address to field having placeholder “Email” visible
TypeSecret Password ${PASSWORD} # writes variable ${PASSWORD} content to password field but does not log what is written
DropDown locator option anchor
Selects a value from a dropdown list.
locator = one of the options on the list or xpath
option = value to be selected
anchor = text near the dropdown element (optional)
*** Settings ***
Library QWeb
*** Test Cases ***
DropDown examples
DropDown City London
DropDown xpath=//*[@id=”dd_list”] London
ClickCheckbox locator status anchor
Checks or unchecks a checkbox.
locator = text / label near checkbox or xpath.
status = on → checked, off → unchecked
anchor = text near the dropdown element (optional)
*** Settings ***
Library QWeb
*** Test Cases ***
ClickCheckbox examples
ClickCheckbox I am not a robot on
ClickCheckbox I am not a robot off
Add product "Scar the Lion" to shopping cart
Select "Large" as size of a t-shirt
Set quantity of products to 2
Fill in "Full Name", "Email" and "Billing Address"
Change your mind and edit cart, remove product from cart and verify cart is empty
Exercise example solution can be found the repo. Please try to implement your own solution first before looking at the provided solution.
Run this solution from repo root by:
robot ./02/02_solution.robot