Qentinel Pace supports Appstate definition to handle making sure application is in correct state before actual testing starts. Suite Setup and Suite Teardown handle actions that are needed to be done before suite execution starts or after the execution ends.
Appstate is usually the first keyword in every test case. It should handle all preconditions for a test case, i.e. make sure that when the actual testing starts, we know exactly what is the state of the application.
As an example, if you are testing shopping cart functionality in a web application and need to validate that the amount of items in a cart match to expected value, then you should make sure in your appstate that shopping cart is in know state (usually no items in shopping cart) prior to executing rest of the test case.
Due to nature of differences in applications Appstates are usually keywords that test automator has to define by himself/herself. Custom keywords are defined in resources file. Here is one example of the Appstate structure:
In resource file (for example ./resources/keywords.robot) create a custom keyword for Appstate implementation:
[Documentation] Navigates to Qentinel Finnish homepage
GoTo https://qentinel.com/
VerifyText Plans
VerifyText Open source
[Documentation] Navigates to Qentinel German homepage
GoTo https://qentinel.com/de/
VerifyText Einloggen
Then, in your test cases you could make sure correct language specific pages are open by calling the Appstate:
Test the global home page
[Documentation] Accepts the cookie policy, changes the
... location to 'Global' and verifies home page text.
[Tags] Home
Appstate Qentinel_Global
VerifyText Add superpowers to software testing
Test the global home page
[Documentation] Accepts the cookie policy, changes the
... location to 'Global' and verifies home page text.
[Tags] Home
Appstate Qentinel_DE
VerifyText Statten Sie Softwaretests mit Superkräften aus
Usually Appstates are used for example to login to application on web or making sure certain dialog or view is open on native/mobile applications.
More about Appstates in PaceWords reference |
Use Suite Setup/Teardown to handle conditions that will be done once per test suite. For example:
opening/closing browser
loading test data etc.
Use Test Setup/Teardown to handle conditions that will be done once per test case, for example logout or loading test data specifically for one test case.
The keyword implementation for the above suite setup/teardown and test setup would probably look something like this (would defined in .\resources\keywords.robot):
Log out
[Documentation] Logs out from example.com
ClickText Profile
ClickText Log out
VerifyText Sign in
Start Suite
[Documentation] Prepares browser and sets common settings
OpenBrowser https://www.example.com chrome
SetConfig DefaultTimeout 5s # sets default timeout to 5 secs
End Suite
[Documentation] Teardown actions
As an execise we will create a script which will fill in the contacts page in https://qentinelqi.github.io/shop/ according to information given in this screenshot:
Opening browser is done on Suite Setup
Closing broser is done on Suite Teardown
Navigating to contacts page is done on Appstate Contact
Exercise example solution can be found the repo. Please try to implement your own solution first before looking at the provided solution.
Run this solution from repo root by:
robot ./11/solution_11.robot