This project provides a collection of scripts for managing your Kubernetes home server environment. It offers a one-click solution for various tasks, including:
- Logging & Monitoring: Monitor your Kubernetes deployments for performance and health.
- Bare Metal Provisioning: Provision bare metal servers using PXE.
- GitLab Management: Install and manage your own GitLab instance with a single click.
- Terraform Integration: Deep integration with Terraform, including Terraform State Management support.
- Embedded Registry: Utilize Spegel, a stateless distributed OCI registry mirror, for peer-to-peer container image sharing within your Kubernetes cluster.
- Secure Harbor: Deploy a secure Harbor instance for private container image registry.
- One-Click Kubernetes: Easily deploy and manage a Kubernetes cluster.
- Remote Management: Manage your server remotely.
- Service Exposure: Expose your Kubernetes services securely over Cloudflare Tunnel with a single click.
- Secure by Default: Automatically leverage your public key from your GitHub profile for secure access.
- Simple and Automated: Scripts automate various tasks, simplifying your home server management.
- Integrated Workflow: Scripts work seamlessly together, ensuring a smooth user experience.
- Secure by Design: Secure practices are built in, including leveraging your existing GitHub public key.
- Flexibility: The project caters to various use cases, from basic deployments to complex setups.
set -xeo pipefail
(cd ./picloud && \
./pic discover-nodes $IDENTITY_FILE && \
./pic recommended $IDENTITY_FILE)
kubectl get nodes
echo "Nodes are ready to use"
curl -o pic && chmod +x pic
Or run with Docker (limited functions):
docker build -t pic
docker run -it -v ~/.ssh/:/root/.ssh/ pic bash
docker run -it -v ~/.ssh/:/root/.ssh/ pic ./pic list-nodename $IDENTITY_FILE
your_github_username="qtvhao" # this helps to get public key from your Github account, you can ssh to created machine without password
./pic fai "your_picloud" "$your_github_username"
./pic dd "$host_name" "/dev/sdc" # "disk dump" your ISO to USB device, or use PXE boot to install your machine (see below)
./pic pxe "8c:dc:d4:34:0c:f0" ./id_rsa ""
./pic auto-pxe $IDENTITY_FILE # this will automatically discover all machines in the same network and install them with created ISO above
PiCloud will automatically discover all machines which can be authenticated with given identity file. This is useful for managing a large number of machines.
./pic list-nodename ./id_rsa
List all machines in the same network and their IP addresses, includes product name and installed date.
The script will automatically install k3s-agent on the listed machines.
./pic reinstall-k3s "$IDENTITY_FILE"
Firstly, PiCloud will discover all machines with given identity file. Then, it will install k3s on all machines and setup a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, it will install all recommended packages on the master node. It also expose all services to the internet securely with Cloudflare Tunnel.
./pic recommended "$IDENTITY_FILE"
# This following steps will be executed/installed:
# - Install K3s
# - Redis
# - Gitlab
# - Grafana, Promtail and Loki
# - Longhorn storage
./pic Registry-as-a-pull-through-cache "$IDENTIFY_FILE" "$NODE_IP"
Usage: ./pic [command]