We need below libraries from QNN SDK for using AppBuilder on Snapdragon X Elite(Windows on Snapdragon device):
If use ARM64 Python, use the libraries below from QNN SDK(ARM64 Python has better performance in Snapdragon X Elite platform):
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnHtp.dll (backend for running model on HTP)
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnCpu.dll (backend for running model on CPU)
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnHtpPrepare.dll
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnSystem.dll
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnHtpV73Stub.dll
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\hexagon-v73\unsigned\libQnnHtpV73Skel.so
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\hexagon-v73\unsigned\libqnnhtpv73.cat
If use x64 Python, use the libraries below from QNN SDK:
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\arm64x-windows-msvc\QnnHtp.dll (backend for running model on HTP)
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\arm64x-windows-msvc\QnnCpu.dll (backend for running model on CPU)
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\arm64x-windows-msvc\QnnHtpPrepare.dll
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\arm64x-windows-msvc\QnnSystem.dll
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\arm64x-windows-msvc\QnnHtpV73Stub.dll
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\hexagon-v73\unsigned\libQnnHtpV73Skel.so
C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\hexagon-v73\unsigned\libqnnhtpv73.cat
We can copy these libraries to one folder. E.g.: C:\<Project Name>\qnn\
Get ARM64 version 'python-3.12.6-arm64.exe' from below link and install it. Make sure to add Python to your PATH environment. https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.6/python-3.12.6-arm64.exe
Get common Python extensions such as OpenCV, NumPy, Pillow from here: https://github.com/cgohlke/win_arm64-wheels/releases/download/v2024.6.15/2024.6.15-experimental-cp312-win_arm64.whl.zip Please to use numpy-1.26.4, do not use numpy-2.0.0.
pip install numpy-1.26.4-cp312-cp312-win_arm64.whl
pip install opencv_python_headless-
pip install pillow-10.3.0-cp312-cp312-win_arm64.whl
Get PyQt6 from here, refer to the Notes below on compiling PyQt6_sip: https://github.com/RockLakeGrass/Windows-on-ARM64-Toolchain/tree/main/Python/packages/PyQt/PyQt6
If need these Python extensioins for ARM64 Python, you need compile them by yourselves. If need support on how to compile them, you can contact with us.
You need ARM64 version 'msvcp140.dll' from 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable (Arm64)'. You can download it from here and install it: https://aka.ms/arm64previewredist/
a. For C++(Visual Studio) projects, you need to set 'Runtime Library' to 'Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)'. Please refer to below link for detailed information: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/md-mt-ld-use-run-time-library?view=msvc-170
b. Plese use the API LogLevel.SetLogLevel() for Python and SetLogLevel() for C++ to initialize the log function before you call any other APIs.
c. If using Python 3.11.5, get OpenCV from here: https://github.com/RockLakeGrass/Windows-on-ARM64-Toolchain/tree/main/Python/packages/opencv-python
d. PyQt6 install: If using Python 3.12.6, you perhaps need to setup compile environment according to below link for compiling PyQt6_sip: 13.4.0: https://github.com/quic/ai-engine-direct-helper/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#build
Steps to install PyQt6 for Python 3.12.6:
- Download PyQt6-6.3.1-cp37-abi3-win_arm64.whl & PyQt6_Qt6-6.3.1-py3-none-win_arm64.whl from below link: https://github.com/RockLakeGrass/Windows-on-ARM64-Toolchain/tree/main/Python/packages/PyQt/PyQt6/PyQt6-6.3.1
- Use below commands to install PyQt6:
pip install PyQt6-6.3.1-cp37-abi3-win_arm64.whl
pip install PyQt6_Qt6-6.3.1-py3-none-win_arm64.whl
pip install PyQt6_sip==13.4.0
You can get PyQt6_sip for Python 3.11.5 from here directly: https://github.com/RockLakeGrass/Windows-on-ARM64-Toolchain/blob/main/Python/packages/PyQt/PyQt6/PyQt6-sip/PyQt6_sip-13.4.0-cp311-cp311-win_arm64.whl
There're several Python classes from this extension:
- QNNContext - The context of QNN model, used to initialize the QNN model, run the inference and destroy the model resource.
- QNNContextProc - It's similar with QNNContext but support load the model into a separate processes. [Depress]
- QNNShareMemory - It's used to create processes share memory while using QNNContextProc.
- QNNConfig - It's for configuring QNN SDK libraries path, runtime(CPU/HTP), log leverl, profiling level.
- PerfProfile - Set the HTP perf profile.
from qai_appbuilder import (QNNContext, Runtime, LogLevel, ProfilingLevel, PerfProfile, QNNConfig)
import os
execution_ws = os.getcwd()
des_dir = execution_ws + "\\qnn"
def SetQNNConfig():
QNNConfig.Config(des_dir, Runtime.HTP, LogLevel.DEBUG, ProfilingLevel.BASIC)
class TextEncoder(QNNContext):
def Inference(self, input_data):
output_data = super().Inference(input_datas)[0]
# Output of Text encoder should be of shape (1, 77, 768)
output_data = output_data.reshape((1, 77, 768))
return output_data
SetQNNConfig() # We need to call this function to configure the basic environment before using any other AppBuilder functions.
model_text_encoder = "text_encoder"
text_encoder_model = "models\\text_encoder_quantized.serialized.v73.bin"
# Instance for TextEncoder
text_encoder = TextEncoder(model_text_encoder, text_encoder_model)
# Burst the HTP before inference.
# Run the inference of text encoder on tokens.
user_text_embedding = text_encoder.Inference(tokens)
# Release the HTP.
# Destroy the model and free the memory resource.
std::string model_name: Model name such as "unet", "text_encoder", "controlnet_canny". Model name must be unique for different model files.
std::string proc_name: This is an optional parameter, needed just when you want the model to be executed in a separate process. If use process name, this model will be loaded in 'QAIAppSvc' service process. One service process can load many models. There can be many service processes.
std::string model_path: The path of model.
std::string backend_lib_path: The path of 'QnnHtp.dll'
std::string system_lib_path: The path of 'QnnSystem.dll'
std::string model_name: Model name used in 'ModelInference'.
std::string proc_name: Process name used in 'ModelInference'. This is an optional parameter, needed just when you want the model to be executed in a separate process.
std::string share_memory_name: Share memory name used in 'CreateShareMemory'. This is an optional parameter, use it with 'proc_name' together.
std::vector<uint8_t>& inputBuffers*: All input data required for the model.
std::vector<size_t>& inputSize: The size of input data in 'inputBuffers'. This is an optional parameter, use it with 'proc_name' together.
std::vector<uint8_t>& outputBuffers*: Used to save all the output data of the model.
std::vector<size_t>& outputSize: The size of output data in 'outputBuffers'.
std::string model_name: Model name used in 'ModelInference'.
std::string proc_name: Process name used in 'ModelInference'. This is an optional parameter, needed just when you want the model to be executed in a separate process.
std::string share_memory_name: Share memory name. This share memory will be used to store model input & output data.
size_t share_memory_size: The one with the larger memory size of the model input and output data. For example: total size of model input data size is 10M, out put data size is 16M, we can set 'share_memory_size' to 16M.
std::string share_memory_name: Share memory name.
bool SetLogLevel(int32_t log_level)
void QNN_ERR(const char* fmt, ...)
void QNN_WAR(const char* fmt, ...)
void QNN_INF(const char* fmt, ...)
void QNN_VEB(const char* fmt, ...)
void QNN_DBG(const char* fmt, ...)
- log_level:
#include "LibAppBuilder.hpp"
LibAppBuilder libAppBuilder;
std::vector<uint8_t*> inputBuffers;
std::vector<uint8_t*> outputBuffers;
std::vector<size_t> outputSize;
libAppBuilder.ModelInitialize(model_name, model_path, backend_lib_path, system_lib_path);
// Fill the inputBuffers before inference.
libAppBuilder.ModelInference(model_name, inputBuffers, outputBuffers, outputSize);
// Use the data in outputBuffers.
// Free the memory in outputBuffers.
for (int j = 0; j < outputBuffers.size(); j++) {