From 80cfe5f661b773ee7c041af6d2a50d6f4413a85d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: quic-zhanweiw <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2024 09:04:36 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Delete Docs directory
Signed-off-by: quic-zhanweiw <>
Docs/ | 211 ---------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 211 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 Docs/
diff --git a/Docs/ b/Docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 901854c..0000000
--- a/Docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# User Guide
-## Environment Setup
-### 1. Libraries from QNN SDK:
-We need below libraries from QNN SDK for using QNNHelper on Snapdragon X Elite(Windows on Snapdragon device):
-C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnHtp.dll (backend for running model on HTP)
-C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnCpu.dll (backend for running model on CPU)
-C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnHtpPrepare.dll
-C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnSystem.dll
-C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\aarch64-windows-msvc\QnnHtpV73Stub.dll
-C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\hexagon-v73\unsigned\
-C:\Qualcomm\AIStack\QAIRT\{SDK Version}\lib\hexagon-v73\unsigned\
-We can copy these libraries to one folder. E.g.: ```C:\\qnn_assets\QNN_binaries\```
-### 2. Python and common python extensions:
-Get ARM64 version 'python-3.11.5-arm64.exe' from below link and install it. Make sure to add Python to your PATH environment.
-Get common Python extensions such as NumPy, Pillow from here:
-Get OpenCV from here:
-Get PyQt6 from here:
-### 3. PyTorch, TorchVision, ONNX, ONNX Runtime:
-If need these Python extensioins for ARM64 Python, you need compile them by yourselves. If need support on how to compile them, you can contact with us.
-### 4. MSVC library:
-You need ARM64 version 'msvcp140.dll' from 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable (Arm64)'. You can download it from here and install it:
-### 5. Notes:
-a. For C++(Visual Studio) projects, you need to set 'Runtime Library' to 'Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)'. Please refer to below link for detailed information:
-b. Plese use the API *LogLevel.SetLogLevel()* for Python and *SetLogLevel()* for C++ to initialize the log function before you call any other APIs.
-## API from 'libqnnhelper.dll' for C++ projects.
-##### bool LibQNNHelper::ModelInitialize(...)
-*std::string model_name*: Model name such as "unet", "text_encoder", "controlnet_canny". Model name must be unique for different model files.
-*std::string proc_name*: This is an optional parameter, needed just when you want the model to be executed in a separate process. If use process name, this model will be loaded in 'SvcQNNHelper' service process. One service process can load many models. There can be many service processes.
-*std::string model_path*: The path of model.
-*std::string backend_lib_path*: The path of 'QnnHtp.dll'
-*std::string system_lib_path*: The path of 'QnnSystem.dll'
-##### bool LibQNNHelper::ModelInference(...)
-*std::string model_name*: Model name used in 'ModelInference'.
-*std::string proc_name*: Process name used in 'ModelInference'. This is an optional parameter, needed just when you want the model to be executed in a separate process.
-*std::string share_memory_name*: Share memory name used in 'CreateShareMemory'. This is an optional parameter, use it with 'proc_name' together.
-*std::vector& inputBuffers*: All input data required for the model.
-*std::vector& inputSize*: The size of input data in 'inputBuffers'. This is an optional parameter, use it with 'proc_name' together.
-*std::vector& outputBuffers*: Used to save all the output data of the model.
-*std::vector& outputSize*: The size of output data in 'outputBuffers'.
-##### bool LibQNNHelper::ModelDestroy(...)
-*std::string model_name*: Model name used in 'ModelInference'.
-*std::string proc_name*: Process name used in 'ModelInference'. This is an optional parameter, needed just when you want the model to be executed in a separate process.
-##### bool LibQNNHelper::CreateShareMemory(...)
-*std::string share_memory_name*: Share memory name. This share memory will be used to store model input & output data.
-*size_t share_memory_size*: The one with the larger memory size of the model input and output data. For example: total size of model input data size is 10M, out put data size is 16M, we can set 'share_memory_size' to 16M.
-##### bool LibQNNHelper::DeleteShareMemory(...)
-*std::string share_memory_name*: Share memory name.
-##### Helper function for printing log:
-bool SetLogLevel(int32_t log_level)
-void QNN_ERR(const char* fmt, ...)
-void QNN_WAR(const char* fmt, ...)
-void QNN_INF(const char* fmt, ...)
-void QNN_VEB(const char* fmt, ...)
-void QNN_DBG(const char* fmt, ...)
-- log_level:
-## Sample Code(C++: load model to local process.)
-#include "LibQNNHelper.hpp"
-LibQNNHelper libQNNHelper;
-std::vector inputBuffers;
-std::vector outputBuffers;
-std::vector outputSize;
-libQNNHelper.ModelInitialize(model_name, model_path, backend_lib_path, system_lib_path);
-// Fill the inputBuffers before inference.
-libQNNHelper.ModelInference(model_name, inputBuffers, outputBuffers, outputSize);
-// Use the data in outputBuffers.
-// Free the memory in outputBuffers.
-for (int j = 0; j < outputBuffers.size(); j++) {
- free(outputBuffers[j]);
-## Sample Code(C++: load model to ‘SvcQNNHelper’ process.)
-#include "LibQNNHelper.hpp"
-LibQNNHelper libQNNHelper;
-std::vector inputBuffers;
-std::vector inputSize;
-std::vector outputBuffers;
-std::vector outputSize;
-libQNNHelper.CreateShareMemory(model_memory_name, MODEL_SHAREMEM_SIZE);
-libQNNHelper.ModelInitialize(model_name, proc_name, model_path, backend_lib_path, system_lib_path);
-// Fill the inputBuffers before inference.
-libQNNHelper.ModelInference(model_name, proc_name, model_memory_name, inputBuffers, inputSize,
- outputBuffers, outputSize);
-// Use the data in outputBuffers.
-// The data is in share memory, we don’t need to free it immediately if we still need to use it.
-libQNNHelper.ModelDestroy(model_name, proc_name);
-libQNNHelper.DeleteShareMemory(model_memory_name); // Free the memory here.
-## API from QNNHelper Python binding extension for Python projects.
-There're several Python classes from this extension:
-- QNNContext - The context of QNN model, used to initialize the QNN model, run the inference and destroy the model resource.
-- QNNContextProc - It's similar with QNNContext but support load the model into a separate processes.
-- QNNShareMemory - It's used to create processes share memory while using *QNNContextProc*.
-- QNNConfig - It's for configuring QNN SDK libraries path, runtime(CPU/HTP), log leverl, profiling level.
-- PerfProfile - Set the HTP perf profile.
-## Sample Code(Python)
-from qnnhelper import (QNNContext, Runtime, LogLevel, ProfilingLevel, PerfProfile, QNNConfig)
-import os
-execution_ws = os.getcwd()
-des_dir = execution_ws + "\\qnn_assets\\QNN_binaries"
-def SetQNNConfig():
- QNNConfig.Config(des_dir, Runtime.HTP, LogLevel.DEBUG, ProfilingLevel.BASIC)
-class TextEncoder(QNNContext):
- #@timer
- def Inference(self, input_data):
- input_datas=[input_data]
- output_data = super().Inference(input_datas)[0]
- # Output of Text encoder should be of shape (1, 77, 768)
- output_data = output_data.reshape((1, 77, 768))
- return output_data
-SetQNNConfig() # We need to call this function to configure the basic environment before using any other QNNHelper functions.
-model_text_encoder = "text_encoder"
-text_encoder_model = "models\\text_encoder_quantized.serialized.v73.bin"
-# Instance for TextEncoder
-text_encoder = TextEncoder(model_text_encoder, text_encoder_model)
-# Burst the HTP before inference.
-# Run the inference of text encoder on tokens.
-user_text_embedding = text_encoder.Inference(tokens)
-# Release the HTP.
-# Destroy the model and free the memory resource.
-## Multi-Processes
-There is no limit to the number of ‘SvcQNNHelper’ processes.
-## Share Memory
-Minimize memory copies.
-![Share Memory](resource/share-memory.png)