All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- clog: fix changelog template to remove 'v' from tag name
- deploy: adding: Scheduled Apache Beam jobs using Kubernetes Cronjobs
- deps: updated quarkus to 1.4.2.Final, now k8s and jib docker builds works
- deps: updated quarkus to 1.4.2.Final
- deps: updating deps for quarkus
- deps: quarkus --> 1.4.0.Final
- gradle: change spotlessChangelog plugin to remove V prefix from tag
- build: adding spotless-changelog gradle plugin, making Junit5 as default
- deps: update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.10.0
- deps: update dependency io.grpc:grpc-testing to v1.29.0
- deps: update dependency io.quarkus:io.quarkus.gradle.plugin to
- deps: update dependency io.quarkus:quarkus-bom to
- deps: update dependency io.quarkus:quarkus-bom to
- logging: remove flogger
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding test helper to create topics
- streaming: adding test helper to create topics
- streaming: updated person schema
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: adding EnricherPipeline
- streaming: fix tests
- streaming: using tags to split output
- streaming: improve test helper
- streaming: updated logging backend
- streaming: adding build time config
- readme: updated grpc link
- micro: refactor
- streaming: adding side-input and split usage
- streaming: adding PubSubProducer test data generator
- deps: remove Arrow deps
- account-service: set port to 8080 , fix docker builds
- account-service: set port to 8080 , fix docker builds
- account-service: set port to 8080 , fix docker builds
- account-service: adding account-service client for testing streaming API
- core: adding more tests for avro serialization
- core: using kotlinx-serialization for json,avro,protobuf
- gradle: polich gradle files
- kbeam: adding default name for ParDo
- kbeam: refactor API
- streaming: adding google pubsub emulator
- streaming: adding streaming pipeline docs under docs/recipes
- streaming: updated docs to query messages from pubsub emulator
- workspace: removed demo/dlib, split core into core + model projects
- grpc: rename class
- deps: updated deps
- clog: updating changelog
- deps: update dependency org.apache.beam:beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform to v2.20.0
- deps: update dependency org.apache.beam:beam-sdks-java-core to v2.20.0
- deps: update dependency org.apache.beam:beam-runners-google-cloud-dataflow-java to v2.20.0
- deps: update dependency org.apache.beam:beam-runners-direct-java to v2.20.0
- deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm:org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm.gradle.plugin to v1.3.72
- account-service: adding new kotlin-grpc example
- proto: adding proto module
- deploy: removed unused code from yaml
- mock: adding mockk
- lint: ktlint fix
- clog: updating change log
- deploy: polish Kustomization
- deploy: polish Kustomization
- deploy: test Kustomization patches
- added scaffolding structure for the new environment: production.
- added scaffolding structure for the new environment: staging.
- added scaffolding structure for the new environment: development.
- Initialized app repository, scaffolding the app configuration in kustomize format under config directory config
- deps: upgraded to 1.3.2.Final
- gradle: adding excludedProjects for empty projects
- gradle: fix kotlin version
- quarkus: adding an empty
of dependency project
- deploy: bootstraping config
- deploy: adding Elasticsearch deployment via kustomization
- deploy: adding nifi k8s deployment via kustomization
- deps: update dependency com.diffplug.gradle.spotless:com.diffplug.gradle.spotless.gradle.plugin to v3.28.1
- deps: update dependency io.quarkus:io.quarkus.gradle.plugin to
- deps: add renovate.json
- deps: update dependency io.quarkus:io.quarkus.gradle.plugin to
- deps: update dependency io.quarkus:quarkus-universe-bom to
- deps: update dependency to v0.5.1
- deps: update dependency to v0.5.1
- deps: update dependency to v0.5.1
- deps: updated gradle
- quarkus: adding kubernetes, jib extensions
- readme: adding version badge
- actions: adding github action for build docker and deploy to GKE
- jenkins: polish Jenkinsfile
- changelog: updating change log
- commitizen: add commitizen setup docs
- docker: updated docker build step
- docker: adding Docker build instructions
- gitbook: updated playbook
- gitflow: fix typo
- gradle: updated gradle docs for sonarqube spotless and Quarkus
- deploy: now using google appctl and Kustomize
- infra: adding health,metrics,openapi
- ktlint: adding ktlint gradle plugin
- quarkus: adding quarkus example
- actions: fix check action comment step
- actions: fix check action comment step
- actions: fix github actions
- docs: add image
- docs: updated docs for
git flow feature track
- docs: add image
- readme: adding github badge
- readme: adding sonarcloud badges
- structure: project structure
- gradle: reduce duplicate code
- gradle: polish gradle
- gradle: polish gradle
- gradle: refactore gradle tasks
- shared: renamed shared module to kbeam
- ktlint: fix ktlint issues
- bom: ability to switch quarkus-universe-bom <=> quarkus-bom (local quarkus build)
- flogger: adding unit tests for flogger
- quarkus: test with local built Quarkus from master
- quarkus: fix: with quarkusPlatformVersion=1.3.1.Final, tests fails
- gitbook: fix types
- gitbook: adding gitbook config
- gradle: jibDockerBuild from local image
- jenkins: polish jenkins
- docs: jenkins pipelines
- docs: changelog
- docs: manually set version with Jenkins params
- gradle: fix gradle
- jenkins: Jenkins
1.5.0 - 2020-01-28
- changelog: adding ahangelog2
- docs: adding gitbook2
- docs: adding gitbook
1.4.0 - 2020-01-26
- ci: test4
- docs: fix docs
1.3.2 - 2020-01-26
- ci: test3
1.3.1 - 2020-01-26
1.3.0 - 2020-01-26
- ci: test2
- hi: test
- deps: test
1.2.0 - 2020-01-26
- gradle: adding use-latest-versions plugin6
- deps: pin dependency2
- deps: pin dependency
- deps: pin dependency
1.1.0 - 2020-01-26
- gradle: adding use-latest-versions plugin5
0.5.0 - 2020-01-26
- code: rename java package1
- gradle: adding use-latest-versions plugin3
- gradle: adding use-latest-versions plugin2
0.4.0 - 2020-01-26
- code: rename java package
- api: testing
- gradle: adding use-latest-versions plugin
- deps: update dependency