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Session Management

Richard Warburton edited this page Nov 11, 2018 · 9 revisions

FIX Sessions

A FIX session is a bi-directional stream of ordered and numbered messages between two parties. The underlying messages are transmitted over TCP and framed using the FIX protocol. The party that starts the TCP connection is called the Initiator and the party that receives this connection is called the Acceptor.

Sessions in Artio

Each FIX session has a corresponding object that manages the protocol logic for the session and can be inspected by your application. Artio handles session logic for you which includes logging on and off, handling sequence number resets, gapfills and resend requests. Artio also keeps a persistent archive of the messages that have been sent and received.

Initiating Sessions

Here is an example snippet of code for initiating a connection numbered comments are referenced from the explanation below.

// (1)
final SessionConfiguration sessionConfig = SessionConfiguration.builder()
    .address("localhost", 9999)

// (2)
final Reply<Session> reply = library.initiate(sessionConfig);

// (3)
while (reply.isExecuting())

// (4)
if (!reply.hasCompleted())
        "Unable to initiate the session, " + reply.state() + " " + reply.error());

// (5)
System.out.println("Replied with: " + reply.state());
final Session session = reply.resultIfPresent();

In order to initiate a connection you need to provide a SessionConfiguration object (1) that determines where you're connecting to and provides the configuration values for the Session. To start the process call the initiate method on the library (2) which will return you a Reply object. Since the Artio Library API is asynchronous and single threaded the initiate method can't just block your thread until the Session is setup. The reply represents the state of the Session initiation operation as it progresses. See for more details on reply objects, including waiting for them to complete (3) and checking their error status (4). Once the operation has completed successfully you can get your Session object from the reply (5).

Accepting Sessions

When another Gateway connects to your system the FixEngine will accept this Session for you and proceed with the logon process. Any connected libraries will be notified of this by a callback on their configured SessionExistsHandler. At this point it is up to your application to choose how to proceed. If you only have one FixLibrary connected then you can just request that your library manage that Session and the AcquiringSessionExistsHandler will do this for you. If you have multiple threads or processes with different libraries then you will have decide whether to request it or not depending upon an appropriate load balancing or sharding strategy.

In order to request a given Session in that callback you should invoke the FixLibrary.requestSession method. This takes a sessionId parameter, for which your callback can use the surrogateSessionId parameter it is passed. This returns a Reply object which can handled in the usual way, see . Once your library takes control of the session then the configured SessionAcquireHandler callback will be called that hands you an instance of the Session object, it can also be retrieved from the Reply object.

Sessions can be managed by both the FixEngine and the FixLibrary instances. So during the period when your session has been accepted by the FixEngine but not acquired by any FixLibrary then heartbeats, gapfills, resend requests, etc. will all be processed.

Releasing Sessions

If you wish to rebalance a Session between multiple FixLibrary instances you can hand its management back over to the FixEngine using the FixLibrary.releaseToGateway method, this returns a Reply object to indicate the success of the operation.

If your library is closed or times out from its connection to the FixEngine then all the sessions that it manages will be timed out as well and managed on the FixEngine automatically. This enables Artio users to easily implement Continuous Deployment of their business logic whilst remaining connected to a Fix Server or without dropping connections from clients.

Session Identification

How sessions are identified in FIX can be configured. It may be that the pair of counter parties is identified solely by the SenderCompID (49) and TargetCompID (56) fields. It might also involve SenderSubID (50), SenderLocationID (142), TargetSubID (57) and TargetLocationID (143) fields. In order to support these different requirements Artio uses a configurable SessionIdStrategy interface. By default Artio ships an implementation for the CompID pairs (SessionIdStrategy.senderAndTarget()) and also using the Sub Id fields as well (SessionIdStrategy.senderTargetAndSub()). You can implement your own SessionIdStrategy if you wish to support other strategies. The SessionIdStrategy should be set on both the EngineConfiguration and the LibraryConfiguration.

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