Run this command to start the measurements:
mvn exec:java -pl polyfill-service-perf
Modify src/main/java/org/polyfillservice/perf/RunnerConfig
to change the configurations for your own measurements.
Things you can change:
- number of iterations to run to get the measurements
- number of iterations to run for warming up jvm before getting the perf numbers
- user agent strings to use
- service configurations
# Configurations
ServiceConfig: {
polyfills: [WeakMap, Symbol,, Proxy, Object.assign, Promise, CustomEvent, Event],
gated: true,
minify: true,
load-on-unknown-ua: true
Number of polyfills loaded:26
Polyfills loaded:[CustomEvent, WeakMap, Symbol, Object.defineProperty,,
Element, Object.setPrototypeOf, Document, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Array.prototype.filter,
Proxy,, Object.getOwnPropertyNames,, Object.assign, Array.isArray,
Function.prototype.bind, Window, setImmediate, Array.prototype.forEach, Promise, Object.keys,
Object.create, Object.defineProperties, Event, Object.getPrototypeOf]
# Measurements
|User Agent |Average Query|Raw Source|Min Source|Gzip Min Source|# of Polyfills|Polyfills |
|chrome/59.0.0 |0.023 ms |0.000 kb |0.000 kb |0.020 kb |0 | |
|firefox/54.0.0|0.017 ms |0.000 kb |0.000 kb |0.020 kb |0 | |
|safari/9.3.0 |0.033 ms |8.099 kb |2.291 kb |0.969 kb |1 |Proxy |
|safari/10.1.0 |0.014 ms |0.000 kb |0.000 kb |0.020 kb |0 | |
|ios_saf/10.3.0|0.013 ms |0.000 kb |0.000 kb |0.020 kb |0 | |
|ie/11.0.0 |0.070 ms |33.128 kb |15.572 kb |5.969 kb |9 |Object.assign |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |WeakMap |
| | | | | | |Event |
| | | | | | |Symbol |
| | | | | | |Object.setPrototypeOf|
| | | | | | |CustomEvent |
| | | | | | |Promise |
| | | | | | |Proxy |