Git Branch Management
$ git branch --list
* master
$ git checkout <branch>
$ git branch <new-branch>
$ git branch -d <branch>
package.json (changes)
"name": "gumball",
"description": "Simple Test Form",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "app.js",
"engines": {
"node": "4.1.1"
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"start": "node app.js",
"test": "vows --spec"
"dependencies": {
"express" : "3.x",
"fs" : "0.0.2",
"node-rest-client" : "1.4.1",
"mongodb" : ">=2.0.14",
"vows" : "*"
app.js (changes)
app.set('port', (process.env.PORT || 5000));
app.post("*", handle_post );
app.get( "*", handle_get ) ;
app.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
console.log('Node app is running on port', app.get('port'));
language: node_js
- "4.1"
MongoDB / MongoLabs
heroku config --app pnguyen-gumball | grep MONGOLAB_URI
mongodb://heroku_jc07tp0r:[email protected] :45614/heroku_jc07tp0r
var db_host = "ds045614.mongolab.com" ;
var db_port = "45614" ;
var db_user = "heroku_jc07tp0r" ;
var db_pwd = "paf27qhrk1l9v9bj2ecqks4n5c" ;
var db_name = "heroku_jc07tp0r" ;
Grant Role Read/Write:
use heroku_jc07tp0r
db.grantRolesToUser( "heroku_jc07tp0r", [ "readWrite" ] ) ;
To connect using the mongo shell:
mongo ds045614.mongolab.com:45614/heroku_jc07tp0r -u heroku_jc07tp0r -p paf27qhrk1l9v9bj2ecqks4n5c
To connect using a driver via the standard MongoDB URI (what's this?):
mongodb://heroku_jc07tp0r:[email protected] :45614/heroku_jc07tp0r
Troubleshoot Connections:
ping ds045614.mongolab.com
nc -w 3 -v ds045614.mongolab.com 45614
heroku logs --app pnguyen-gumball
MongoDB Node Drivers:
Command Prompts
4 git branch -help
7 git branch --list
9 git branch version1
10 git branch --list
11 git checkout version1
12 git branch --list
14 git commit --all
17 git push --set-upstream origin version1
21 git checkout master
25 git branch version2
26 git checkout version2
60 git status
61 git add -A
62 git commit -m "."
64 git push --set-upstream origin version2
73 git status
74 git checkout master
76 git checkout version2
87 mpn install
88 npm install
90 git checkout version1
91 git checkout version2
121 npm test
125 npm install
126 ls node_modules/
130 vows
131 vows --spec
133 mkdir test
135 cd test
137 touch hellotest.js
139 vows --spec
145 vows --help
147 vows -v --spec
148 vows test/*
151 git status
152 git add -A
153 git status
154 git commit -m "."
155 git push
172 git branch --list
173 heroku pg:psql
177 heroku apps
178 heroku pg:psql
179 heroku pg:psql --app pnguyen-gumball
201 vows
202 vows --spec
205 node test/hello-test.js
206 vows -w