The Strategy Pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. This allows the algorithm to vary independently from clients that use it.
// Strategy interface
interface Format
public function display(string $title): void;
// Concrete strategies
class HardcoverFormat implements Format
public function display(string $title): void
echo "{$title} in Hardcover format";
class DigitalBookFormat implements Format
public function display(string $title): void
echo "{$title} in Digital book format";
class AudioBookFormat implements Format
public function display(string $title): void
echo "{$title} in Audio book format";
// Client
class Book
public function __construct(private string $title) {}
public function display(Format $format): void
$hardcover = new HardcoverFormat();
$digitalBook = new DigitalBookFormat();
$audioBook = new AudioBookFormat();
$book = new Book("The Lord of the Rings");
The Lord of the Rings in Hardcover format
The Lord of the Rings in Digital book format
The Lord of the Rings in Audio book format