diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 46f8c9a..fcb4e08 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ WebView4Delphi is an open source project created by Salvador Díaz Fau to embed WebView4Delphi only supports Windows. If you need to embed a web browser in Linux, Windows or MacOS consider using [CEF4Delphi](https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi) instead. -WebView4Delphi uses the [Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/) and [Microsoft.Web.WebView2 NuGet package version 1.0.2420.47](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Web.WebView2) to embed a web browser. +WebView4Delphi uses the [Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/) and [Microsoft.Web.WebView2 NuGet package version 1.0.2478.35](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Web.WebView2) to embed a web browser. WebView4Delphi was developed and tested on Delphi 12.1, Delphi XE2, Delphi 7 and Lazarus 3.2/FPC 3.2.2. Delphi 6 support needs to be tested and it requires installing the second Delphi 6 patch. diff --git a/bin32/WebView2Loader.dll b/bin32/WebView2Loader.dll index 2a52ad5..e79094a 100644 Binary files a/bin32/WebView2Loader.dll and b/bin32/WebView2Loader.dll differ diff --git a/bin64/WebView2Loader.dll b/bin64/WebView2Loader.dll index 9155230..b3e5e4e 100644 Binary files a/bin64/WebView2Loader.dll and b/bin64/WebView2Loader.dll differ diff --git a/docs/WebView4Delphi.chm b/docs/WebView4Delphi.chm index 1cf7c7a..44f1545 100644 Binary files a/docs/WebView4Delphi.chm and b/docs/WebView4Delphi.chm differ diff --git a/docs/html/AllClasses.html b/docs/html/AllClasses.html index f20d55b..90269b9 100644 --- a/docs/html/AllClasses.html +++ b/docs/html/AllClasses.html @@ -438,316 +438,321 @@
Additional options used to create WebView2 Environment to manage browser extensions.
Additional options used to create the WebView2 Environment that support specifying the `ReleaseChannels` and `ChannelSearchKind`.
Implements the interface to receive EstimatedEndTimeChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.EstimatedEndTime property to get the new estimated end time.
Receives the result of the ExecuteScript method.
This is the result for ExecuteScriptWithResult.
This is the callback for ExecuteScriptWithResult
This interface is a handler for when the Favicon is changed. The sender is the ICoreWebView2 object the top-level document of which has changed favicon and the eventArgs is nullptr. Use the FaviconUri property and GetFavicon method to obtain the favicon data. The second argument is always null. For more information see add_FaviconChanged.
Representation of a DOM [File](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) object passed via WebMessage. You can use this object to obtain the path of a File dropped on WebView2.
Receives GotFocus and LostFocus events.
ICoreWebView2Frame provides direct access to the iframes information. You can get an ICoreWebView2Frame by handling the ICoreWebView2_4.add_FrameCreated event.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Frame interface with navigation events, executing script and posting web messages.
This is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Frame interface that supports PermissionRequested
This is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Frame interface that supports shared buffer based on file mapping.
This is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Frame interface that provides the `FrameId` property.
Receives ContentLoading events for iframe.
Event args for the FrameCreated events.
Receives FrameCreated event.
Receives FrameDestroyed event.
Receives DOMContentLoaded events for iframe.
Provides a set of properties for a frame in the ICoreWebView2.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2FrameInfo interface that provides `ParentFrameInfo`, `FrameId` and `FrameKind` properties.
Collection of FrameInfos (name and source). Used to list the affected frames' info when a frame-only render process failure occurs in the ICoreWebView2.
Iterator for a collection of FrameInfos. For more info, see ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 and ICoreWebView2FrameInfoCollection.
Receives FrameNameChanged event.
Receives NavigationCompleted events for iframe.
Receives NavigationStarting events for iframe.
Receives PermissionRequested events for iframes.
Receives WebMessageReceived events for iframe.
Receives the result of the GetCookies method. The result is written to the cookie list provided in the GetCookies method call.
This interface is a handler for the completion of the population of imageStream. errorCode returns S_OK if the API succeeded. The image is returned in the faviconStream object. If there is no image then no data would be copied into the imageStream. For more details, see the GetFavicon API.
The caller implements this interface to handle the result of GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings.
Receives the result of the `GetProcessExtendedInfos` method. The result is written to the collection of `ProcessExtendedInfo`s provided in the `GetProcessExtendedInfos` method call.
Receives HistoryChanged events.
Iterator for a collection of HTTP headers. For more information, navigate to ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders and ICoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders.
HTTP request headers. Used to inspect the HTTP request on WebResourceRequested event and NavigationStarting event.
HTTP response headers. Used to construct a WebResourceResponse for the WebResourceRequested event.
Implements the interface to receive IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged events.
Implements the interface to receive IsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged events. Use the IsDocumentPlayingAudio property to get the audio playing state.
Implements the interface to receive IsMutedChanged events. Use the IsMuted property to get the mute state.
Event args for LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
Event handler for the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
Event args for the MoveFocusRequested event.
Receives MoveFocusRequested events.
Event args for the NavigationCompleted event.
This is an interface for the StatusCode property of ICoreWebView2NavigationCompletedEventArgs
Receives NavigationCompleted events.
Event args for the NavigationStarting event.
The AdditionalAllowedFrameAncestors API that enable developers to provide additional allowed frame ancestors.
The NavigationKind API that enables developers to get more information about navigation type.
Receives NavigationStarting events.
Receives NewBrowserVersionAvailable events.
Event args for the NewWindowRequested event. The event is run when content inside webview requested to a open a new window (through window.open() and so on).
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs interface.
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs interface.
Receives NewWindowRequested events.
This is the Interface for non-client region change event args.
This is the Interface of the event handler for the non-client region changed event.
Read-only collection of generic objects.
Event args for the PermissionRequested event.
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs interface.
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs interface.
Receives PermissionRequested events.
Provides a set of properties for a permission setting.
Read-only collection of PermissionSettings (origin, kind, and state). Used to list the nondefault permission settings on the profile that are persisted across sessions.
@@ -758,317 +763,317 @@
Receives the result of the Print method.
Settings used by the PrintToPdf method.
Settings used by the Print method.
Receives the result of the PrintToPdf method. If the print to PDF operation succeeds, isSuccessful is true. Otherwise, if the operation failed, isSuccessful is set to false. An invalid path returns E_INVALIDARG.
Receives the result of the PrintToPdfStream method. errorCode returns S_OK if the PrintToPdfStream operation succeeded. The printable pdf data is returned in the pdfStream object.
Provides process with associated extended information in the `ICoreWebView2Environment`.
A list containing processInfo and associated extended information.
Event args for the ProcessFailed event.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs interface.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 interface for getting blocked file for code integrity process failures.
Receives ProcessFailed events.
Provides a set of properties for a process in the ICoreWebView2Environment.
A list containing process id and corresponding process type.
An event handler for the ProcessInfosChanged event.
Provides a set of properties to configure a Profile object.
Profile2 interface.
This is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Profile interface to control levels of tracking prevention.
This is the ICoreWebView2Profile interface for the permission management APIs.
This is the ICoreWebView2Profile interface for cookie manager.
Interfaces in profile for managing password-autosave and general-autofill.
Interfaces in profile for managing browser extensions.
This is the profile interface that manages profile deletion.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of loading an browser Extension.
Receives the `CoreWebView2Profile.Deleted` event.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of getting the browser Extensions.
Receives RasterizationScaleChanged events. Use the RasterizationScale property to get the modified scale.
This Interface Represents a Collection of Region Rects.
Event args for the ScriptDialogOpening event.
Receives ScriptDialogOpening events.
This interface represents a JavaScript exception. If the CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptWithResult result has Succeeded as false, you can use the result's Exception property to get the script exception.
Event args for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event.
An event handler for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event.
The caller implements this interface to handle the result of SetPermissionState.
Defines properties that enable, disable, or modify WebView features. Changes to IsGeneralAutofillEnabled and IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled apply immediately, while other setting changes made after NavigationStarting event do not apply until the next top-level navigation.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface that manages the user agent.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface that manages whether browser accelerator keys are enabled.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage autofill.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage pinch zoom.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage swipe navigation.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to hide Pdf toolbar items.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage smartscreen.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage non-client regions.
The shared buffer object that is created by [CreateSharedBuffer](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/win32/icorewebview2environment12#createsharedbuffer). The object is presented to script as ArrayBuffer when posted to script with [PostSharedBufferToScript](/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/win32/icorewebview2_17#postsharedbuffertoscript).
Event args for the SourceChanged event.
Receives SourceChanged events.
Implements the interface to receive StateChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.State property to get the current state, which can be in progress, interrupted, or completed. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.InterruptReason property to get the interrupt reason if the download is interrupted.
Receives StatusBarTextChanged events.
A collection of strings.
The caller implements this interface to receive the TrySuspend result.
Event args for the WebMessageReceived event.
Extension of WebMessageReceivedEventArgs to provide access to additional WebMessage objects.
Receives WebMessageReceived events.
An HTTP request used with the WebResourceRequested event.
Event args for the WebResourceRequested event.
Event args for the `WebResourceRequested` event.
Runs when a URL request (through network, file, and so on) is made in the webview for a Web resource matching resource context filter and URL specified in AddWebResourceRequestedFilter. The host views and modifies the request or provide a response in a similar pattern to HTTP, in which case the request immediately completed. This may not contain any request headers that are added by the network stack, such as an Authorization header.
An HTTP response used with the WebResourceRequested event.
Event args for the WebResourceResponseReceived event.
Receives WebResourceResponseReceived events.
View of the HTTP representation for a web resource response. The properties of this object are not mutable. This response view is used with the WebResourceResponseReceived event.
Receives the result of the ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseView.GetContent method.
Receives WindowCloseRequested events.
@@ -1081,292 +1086,292 @@
Implements the interface to receive ZoomFactorChanged events. Use the ICoreWebView2Controller.ZoomFactor property to get the modified zoom factor.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_9 that supports BasicAuthenticationRequested event.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_10 that supports sessionId for CDP method calls and ContextMenuRequested event.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_11 that supports StatusBarTextChanged event.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_12 that supports Profile API.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_13 that adds ServerCertificate support.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_14 that supports status Favicons.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2 interface to support printing.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_16 that supports shared buffer based on file mapping.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_17 that manages navigation requests to URI schemes registered with the OS.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_18 that manages memory usage target level.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2 interface.
This interface is an extension of `ICoreWebView2_19` that provides the `FrameId` property.
This is the interface for getting string and exception with ExecuteScriptWithResult.
This interface is an extension of `ICoreWebView2` that allows to set filters in order to receive WebResourceRequested events for service workers, shared workers and different origin iframes.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2_2 interface.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2_3 interface to support FrameCreated and DownloadStarting events.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2_4 interface to support ClientCertificateRequested event.
This interface is an extension of `ICoreWebView2_5` that manages opening the browser task manager window.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_5 that manages opening the browser task manager window.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_7 that supports media features.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_8 that default download dialog positioning and anchoring.
Event args for the AcceleratorKeyPressed event.
Receives AcceleratorKeyPressed events.
Receives the result of the AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated method.
Event args for the BasicAuthenticationRequested event. Will contain the request that led to the HTTP authorization challenge, the challenge and allows the host to provide authentication response or cancel the request.
The caller implements this interface to handle the BasicAuthenticationRequested event.
Represents a Basic HTTP authentication response that contains a user name and a password as according to RFC7617 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7617)
Provides a set of properties for managing an Extension, which includes an ID, name, and whether it is enabled or not, and the ability to Remove the Extension, and enable or disable it.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of setting the browser Extension as enabled or disabled. If enabled, the browser Extension is running in WebView instances. If disabled, the browser Extension is not running in WebView instances.
Provides a set of properties for managing browser Extension Lists from user profile. This includes the number of browser Extensions in the list, and the ability to get an browser Extension from the list at a particular index.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of removing the browser Extension from the Profile.
Event args for the BrowserProcessExited event.
Receives BrowserProcessExited events.
Implements the interface to receive BytesReceivedChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.BytesReceived property to get the received bytes count.
Receives CallDevToolsProtocolMethod completion results.
Receives the result of the CapturePreview method. The result is written to the stream provided in the CapturePreview method.
Provides access to the certificate metadata.
The caller implements this interface to receive the ClearBrowsingData result.
Receives the result of the ClearServerCertificateErrorActions method.
Provides access to the client certificate metadata.
A collection of client certificate object.
Event args for the ClientCertificateRequested event.
An event handler for the ClientCertificateRequested event.
This interface is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Controller interface to support visual hosting. An object implementing the ICoreWebView2CompositionController interface will also implement ICoreWebView2Controller. Callers are expected to use ICoreWebView2Controller for resizing, visibility, focus, and so on, and then use ICoreWebView2CompositionController to connect to a composition tree and provide input meant for the WebView.
Receives ContainsFullScreenElementChanged events.
Receives ContentLoading events.
Receives `ContentLoading` events.
Represents a context menu item of a context menu displayed by WebView.
Represents a collection of ContextMenuItem objects. Used to get, remove and add ContextMenuItem objects at the specified index.
Event args for the ContextMenuRequested event. Will contain the selection information and a collection of all of the default context menu items that the WebView would show. Allows the app to draw its own context menu or add/remove from the default context menu.
Receives ContextMenuRequested events.
Represents the information regarding the context menu target. Includes the context selected and the appropriate data used for the actions of a context menu.
The owner of the `CoreWebView2` object that provides support for resizing, showing and hiding, focusing, and other functionality related to windowing and composition. The `CoreWebView2Controller` owns the `CoreWebView2`, and if all references to the `CoreWebView2Controller` go away, the WebView is closed.
@@ -1377,42 +1382,42 @@
Provides a set of properties that are used to manage an ICoreWebView2Cookie.
A list of cookie objects. See ICoreWebView2Cookie.
Creates, adds or updates, gets, or or view the cookies. The changes would apply to the context of the user profile. That is, other WebViews under the same user profile could be affected.
The caller implements this interface to receive the CoreWebView2Controller created via CreateCoreWebView2CompositionController.
Receives the CoreWebView2Controller created using CreateCoreWebView2Controller.
The caller implements this interface to receive CursorChanged events. Use the Cursor property to get the new cursor.
Raised to notify the host that the end user selected a custom ContextMenuItem. CustomItemSelected event is raised on the specific ContextMenuItem that the end user selected.
@@ -1423,332 +1428,332 @@
This interface is used to complete deferrals on event args that support getting deferrals using the GetDeferral method.
Event args for the DevToolsProtocolEventReceived event.
Receives DevToolsProtocolEventReceived events from the WebView.
Receives DocumentTitleChanged events. Use the DocumentTitle property to get the modified title.
Event args for the DOMContentLoaded event.
Receives DOMContentLoaded events.
Represents a download operation. Gives access to the download's metadata and supports a user canceling, pausing, or resuming the download.
Event args for the DownloadStarting event.
Add an event handler for the DownloadStarting event.
Represents the WebView2 Environment. WebViews created from an environment run on the browser process specified with environment parameters and objects created from an environment should be used in the same environment. Using it in different environments are not guaranteed to be compatible and may fail.
Receives the WebView2Environment created using CreateCoreWebView2Environment.
Options used to create WebView2 Environment. A default implementation is provided in WebView2EnvironmentOptions.h.
Implements the interface to receive EstimatedEndTimeChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.EstimatedEndTime property to get the new estimated end time.
Receives the result of the ExecuteScript method.
This is the result for ExecuteScriptWithResult.
This is the callback for ExecuteScriptWithResult
This interface is a handler for when the Favicon is changed. The sender is the ICoreWebView2 object the top-level document of which has changed favicon and the eventArgs is nullptr. Use the FaviconUri property and GetFavicon method to obtain the favicon data. The second argument is always null. For more information see add_FaviconChanged.
Representation of a DOM [File](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) object passed via WebMessage. You can use this object to obtain the path of a File dropped on WebView2.
ICoreWebView2Frame provides direct access to the iframes information. You can get an ICoreWebView2Frame by handling the ICoreWebView2_4.add_FrameCreated event.
Receives ContentLoading events for iframe.
Event args for the FrameCreated events.
Receives FrameCreated event.
Receives FrameDestroyed event.
Receives DOMContentLoaded events for iframe.
Provides a set of properties for a frame in the ICoreWebView2.
Collection of FrameInfos (name and source). Used to list the affected frames' info when a frame-only render process failure occurs in the ICoreWebView2.
Iterator for a collection of FrameInfos. For more info, see ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 and ICoreWebView2FrameInfoCollection.
Receives FrameNameChanged event.
Receives NavigationCompleted events.
Receives NavigationCompleted events for iframe.
Receives NavigationStarting events.
Receives NavigationStarting events for iframe.
Receives PermissionRequested events for iframes.
Receives WebMessageReceived events for iframe.
Receives the result of the GetCookies method. The result is written to the cookie list provided in the GetCookies method call.
This interface is a handler for when the Favicon is changed. The sender is the ICoreWebView2 object the top-level document of which has changed favicon and the eventArgs is nullptr. Use the FaviconUri property and GetFavicon method to obtain the favicon data. The second argument is always null. For more information see add_FaviconChanged.
The caller implements this interface to handle the result of GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings.
Receives the result of the `GetProcessExtendedInfos` method. The result is written to the collection of `ProcessExtendedInfo`s provided in the `GetProcessExtendedInfos` method call.
Receives GotFocus and LostFocus events.
Receives HistoryChanged events.
Iterator for a collection of HTTP headers. For more information, navigate to ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders and ICoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders.
HTTP request headers. Used to inspect the HTTP request on WebResourceRequested event and NavigationStarting event.
HTTP response headers. Used to construct a WebResourceResponse for the WebResourceRequested event.
Implements the interface to receive IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged events.
Implements the interface to receive IsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged events. Use the IsDocumentPlayingAudio property to get the audio playing state.
Implements the interface to receive IsMutedChanged events. Use the IsMuted property to get the mute state.
Event args for LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
Event handler for the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
Receives GotFocus and LostFocus events.
Event args for the MoveFocusRequested event.
Receives MoveFocusRequested events.
Event args for the NavigationCompleted event.
Receives NavigationCompleted events.
Event args for the NavigationStarting event.
Receives NavigationStarting events.
Receives NewBrowserVersionAvailable events.
Event args for the NewWindowRequested event. The event is run when content inside webview requested to a open a new window (through window.open() and so on).
Receives NewWindowRequested events.
This is the Interface for non-client region change event args.
This is the Interface of the event handler for the non-client region changed event.
Read-only collection of generic objects.
Event args for the PermissionRequested event.
Receives PermissionRequested events.
Provides a set of properties for a permission setting.
Read-only collection of PermissionSettings (origin, kind, and state). Used to list the nondefault permission settings on the profile that are persisted across sessions.
@@ -1759,217 +1764,217 @@
Receives the result of the Print method.
Settings used by the PrintToPdf method.
Receives the result of the PrintToPdf method. If the print to PDF operation succeeds, isSuccessful is true. Otherwise, if the operation failed, isSuccessful is set to false. An invalid path returns E_INVALIDARG.
Receives the result of the PrintToPdfStream method. errorCode returns S_OK if the PrintToPdfStream operation succeeded. The printable pdf data is returned in the pdfStream object.
Provides process with associated extended information in the `ICoreWebView2Environment`.
A list containing processInfo and associated extended information.
Event args for the ProcessFailed event.
Receives ProcessFailed events.
Provides a set of properties for a process in the ICoreWebView2Environment.
A list containing process id and corresponding process type.
An event handler for the ProcessInfosChanged event.
Provides a set of properties to configure a Profile object.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of loading an browser Extension.
Receives the `CoreWebView2Profile.Deleted` event.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of getting the browser Extensions.
Receives RasterizationScaleChanged events. Use the RasterizationScale property to get the modified scale.
Event args for the ScriptDialogOpening event.
Receives ScriptDialogOpening events.
This interface represents a JavaScript exception. If the CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptWithResult result has Succeeded as false, you can use the result's Exception property to get the script exception.
Event args for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event.
An event handler for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event.
The caller implements this interface to handle the result of SetPermissionState.
Defines properties that enable, disable, or modify WebView features. Changes to IsGeneralAutofillEnabled and IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled apply immediately, while other setting changes made after NavigationStarting event do not apply until the next top-level navigation.
The shared buffer object that is created by CreateSharedBuffer. The object is presented to script as ArrayBuffer when posted to script with PostSharedBufferToScript.
Event args for the SourceChanged event.
Receives SourceChanged events.
Implements the interface to receive StateChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.State property to get the current state, which can be in progress, interrupted, or completed. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.InterruptReason property to get the interrupt reason if the download is interrupted.
Receives StatusBarTextChanged events.
A collection of strings.
The caller implements this interface to receive the TrySuspend result.
Event args for the WebMessageReceived event.
Receives WebMessageReceived events.
Event args for the WebResourceRequested event.
Runs when a URL request (through network, file, and so on) is made in the webview for a Web resource matching resource context filter and URL specified in AddWebResourceRequestedFilter. The host views and modifies the request or provide a response in a similar pattern to HTTP, in which case the request immediately completed. This may not contain any request headers that are added by the network stack, such as an Authorization header.
An HTTP request used with the WebResourceRequested event.
An HTTP request used with the WebResourceRequested event.
An HTTP response used with the WebResourceRequested event.
Event args for the WebResourceResponseReceived event.
Receives WebResourceResponseReceived events.
View of the HTTP representation for a web resource response. The properties of this object are not mutable. This response view is used with the TWVBrowserBase.OnWebResourceResponseReceived event.
Receives the result of the ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseView.GetContent method.
Receives WindowCloseRequested events.
@@ -1982,62 +1987,62 @@
Implements the interface to receive ZoomFactorChanged events. Use the ICoreWebView2Controller.ZoomFactor property to get the modified zoom factor.
Record used by GetDLLVersion to get the DLL version information
VCL and LCL version of TWVBrowserBase that puts together all browser procedures, functions, properties and events in one place. It has all you need to create, modify and destroy a web browser.
Parent class of TWVBrowser and TWVFMXBrowser that puts together all browser procedures, functions, properties and events in one place. It has all you need to create, modify and destroy a web browser.
Record with all the information to create a TCoreWebView2CustomSchemeRegistration instance to register a custom scheme.
FMX version of TWVBrowserBase that puts together all browser procedures, functions, properties and events in one place. It has all you need to create, modify and destroy a web browser.
Parent control used by FMX applications to show the web contents.
Class used to simplify the WebView2 initialization and destruction.
Class used by the TWVLoader.ProxySettigns property to configure a custom proxy server using the following command line switches: –no-proxy-server, –proxy-auto-detect, –proxy-bypass-list, –proxy-pac-url and –proxy-server.
Parent control that will be used by TWVWindowParent in VCL and LCL applications to show the web contents.
Record used by TCoreWebView2WindowFeatures.CopyToRecord to copy the windows featres
Parent control used by VCL and LCL applications to show the web contents.
Indicates that the PNG image format is used.
Search for a release channel from least to most stable: Canary -> Dev -> Beta -> WebView2 Runtime.
Search for a release channel from most to least stable: WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Dev -> Canary. This is the default behavior.
Specifies other certificate.
Indicates the utility process kind.
The Beta release channel that is released every 4 weeks, a week before the stable release.
The Canary release channel that is released daily.
The Dev release channel that is released weekly.
No release channel. Passing only this value to `ReleaseChannels` results in HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND).
The stable WebView2 Runtime that is released every 4 weeks.
Indicates that the dialog uses the window.alert JavaScript function.
Indicates that the dialog uses the beforeunload JavaScript event.
Indicates that the dialog uses the window.confirm JavaScript function.
Indicates that the dialog uses the window.prompt JavaScript function.
Indicates to ignore the warning and continue the request with the TLS certificate. This decision is cached for the RequestUri's host and the server certificate in the session.
Indicates to reject the certificate and cancel the request.
Indicates to display the default TLS interstitial error page to user for page navigations. For others TLS certificate is rejected and the request is cancelled.
Script from web page only has read access to the shared buffer.
Script from web page has read and write access to the shared buffer.
The default level of tracking prevention. Set to this level to protect against social media tracking on top of malicious trackers. Content and ads will likely be less personalized.
See [Current tracking prevention behavior](/microsoft-edge/web-platform/tracking-prevention#current-tracking-prevention-behavior) for fine-grained information on what is being blocked with this level and can change with different Edge versions.
The least restrictive level of tracking prevention. Set to this level to protect against malicious trackers but allows most other trackers and personalize content and ads.
See [Current tracking prevention behavior](/microsoft-edge/web-platform/tracking-prevention#current-tracking-prevention-behavior) for fine-grained information on what is being blocked with this level and can change with different Edge versions.
Tracking prevention is turned off.
The most restrictive level of tracking prevention. Set to this level to protect against malicious trackers and most trackers across sites. Content and ads will likely have minimal personalization. @@ -1158,636 +1193,641 @@
See [Current tracking prevention behavior](/microsoft-edge/web-platform/tracking-prevention#current-tracking-prevention-behavior) for fine-grained information on what is being blocked with this level and can change with different Edge versions.
Indicates that a connection to the destination was not established.
Indicates that the SSL certificate common name does not match the web address.
Indicates that the SSL certificate has expired.
Indicates that the SSL certificate is not valid. The certificate may not match the public key pins for the host name, the certificate is signed by an untrusted authority or using a weak sign algorithm, the certificate claimed DNS names violate name constraints, the certificate contains a weak key, the validity period of the certificate is too long, lack of revocation information or revocation mechanism, non-unique host name, lack of certificate transparency information, or the certificate is chained to a [legacy Symantec root](https://security.googleblog.com/2018/03/distrust-of-symantec-pki-immediate.html).
Indicates that the SSL certificate has been revoked.
Indicates that the SSL client certificate contains errors.
Indicates that the connection was stopped.
Indicates that the connection was reset.
Indicates that the Internet connection has been lost.
Indicates that the server returned an invalid or unrecognized response.
Indicates that the provided host name was not able to be resolved.
Indicates that the operation was canceled. This status code is also used in the following cases: - When the app cancels a navigation via NavigationStarting event. - For original navigation if the app navigates the WebView2 in a rapid succession away after the load for original navigation commenced, but before it completed.
Indicates that the request redirect failed.
Indicates that the host is unreachable.
Indicates that the connection has timed out.
Indicates that an unexpected error occurred.
Indicates that an unknown error occurred.
Indicates that user is prompted with a login, waiting on user action. Initial navigation to a login site will always return this even if app provides credential using BasicAuthenticationRequested. HTTP response status code in this case is 401. See status code reference here: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Status.
Indicates that user lacks proper authentication credentials for a proxy server. HTTP response status code in this case is 407. See status code reference here: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Status.
Specifies all resources.
Specifies a CSP Violation Report.
Specifies a document resource.
Specifies an EventSource API communication.
Specifies a Fetch API communication.
Specifies a font resource.
Specifies an image resource.
Specifies a Web App Manifest.
Specifies another media resource such as a video.
Specifies an other resource.
Specifies a Ping request.
Specifies a script resource.
Specifies a Signed HTTP Exchange.
Specifies a CSS resource.
Specifies a TextTrack resource.
Specifies a WebSocket API communication.
Specifies an XML HTTP request, Fetch and EventSource API communication.
Indicates that web resource is requested from any supported source.
Indicates that web resource is requested from main page including dedicated workers and iframes.
Indicates that no web resource is requested.
Indicates that web resource is requested from service worker.
Indicates that web resource is requested from shared worker.
Indicates that the PNG image format is used.
The channel search kind determines the order that release channels are searched for during environment creation. The default behavior is to search for and use the most stable channel found on the device. The order from most to least stable is: WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Dev -> Canary. Switch the order to prefer the least stable channel in order to perform pre-release testing. See `COREWEBVIEW2_RELEASE_CHANNELS` for descriptions of channels.
Search for a release channel from least to most stable: Canary -> Dev -> Beta -> WebView2 Runtime.
Search for a release channel from most to least stable: WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Dev -> Canary. This is the default behavior.
Specifies the client certificate kind.
Specifies other certificate.
Specifies PIN certificate.
Specifies smart card certificate.
A value representing RGBA color (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) for WebView2. Each component takes a value from 0 to 255, with 0 being no intensity and 255 being the highest intensity.
Specifies the menu item kind for the ICoreWebView2ContextMenuItem.get_Kind method
Specifies a check box menu item kind. ContextMenuItem objects of this kind will need the IsChecked property to determine current state of the check box.
Specifies a command menu item kind.
Specifies a radio button menu item kind. ContextMenuItem objects of this kind will need the IsChecked property to determine current state of the radio button.
Specifies a separator menu item kind. ContextMenuItem objects of this kind are used to signal a visual separator with no functionality.
Specifies a submenu menu item kind. ContextMenuItem objects of this kind will contain a ContextMenuItemCollection of its children ContextMenuItem objects.
Indicates the kind of context for which the context menu was created for the ICoreWebView2ContextMenuTarget::get_Kind method. This enum will always represent the active element that caused the context menu request. If there is a selection with multiple images, audio and text, for example, the element that the end user right clicks on within this selection will be the option represented by this enum.
Indicates that the context menu was created for an audio element.
Indicates that the context menu was created for an image element.
Indicates that the context menu was created for the page without any additional content.
Indicates that the context menu was created for selected text.
Indicates that the context menu was created for a video element.
Kind of cookie SameSite status used in the ICoreWebView2Cookie interface. These fields match those as specified in https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#. Learn more about SameSite cookies here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-first-party-cookies-07
Lax SameSite type. The cookie will be sent with "same-site" requests, and with "cross-site" top level navigation.
None SameSite type. No restrictions on cross-site requests.
Strict SameSite type. The cookie will only be sent along with "same-site" requests.
The default download dialog can be aligned to any of the WebView corners by setting the DefaultDownloadDialogCornerAlignment property. The default position is top-right corner.
Bottom-left corner of the WebView.
Bottom-right corner of the WebView.
Top-left corner of the WebView.
Top-right corner of the WebView.
Reason why a download was interrupted.
WebView crashed.
Access denied due to security restrictions.
File blocked by local policy.
Generic file error.
Partial file did not match the expected hash and was deleted. Download will be restarted automatically.
Microsoft Defender Smartscreen detected a virus in the file.
Result file path with file name is too long.
Disk full. User should free some space or choose a different location to store the file.
Security check failed unexpectedly. Microsoft Defender SmartScreen could not scan this file.
File is too large for file system.
Seeking past the end of a file in opening a file, as part of resuming an interrupted download. The file did not exist or was not as large as expected. Partially downloaded file was truncated or deleted, and download will be restarted automatically.
File was in use, too many files opened, or out of memory.
Network connection lost. User can retry the download manually.
Generic network error. User can retry the download manually.
Network request invalid because original or redirected URI is invalid, has an unsupported scheme, or is disallowed by network policy.
Server has gone down. User can retry the download manually.
Network operation timed out.
No reason.
Server does not have the requested data.
Server certificate problem.
Server sent fewer bytes than the Content-Length header. Content-length header may be invalid or connection may have closed. Download is treated as complete unless there are [strong validators](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7232#section-2) present to interrupt the download.
Unexpected cross-origin redirect.
Generic server error. User can retry the download manually.
Server access forbidden.
Server does not support range requests.
Server did not authorize access to resource.
Unexpected server response. Responding server may not be intended server. User can retry the download manually.
User canceled the download.
User paused the download.
User shut down the WebView. Resuming downloads that were interrupted during shutdown is not yet supported.
State of the download operation.
The download completed successfully.
The connection with the file host was broken. The InterruptReason property can be accessed from ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation. See COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON for descriptions of kinds of interrupt reasons. Host can check whether an interrupted download can be resumed with the CanResume property on the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation. Once resumed, a download is in the COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_STATE_IN_PROGRESS state.
The download is in progress.
Specifies the image format to use for favicon.
Indicates the JPEG image format is used.
Indicates that the PNG image format is used.
Indicates the frame type used in the `ICoreWebView2FrameInfo` interface.
Indicates that the frame is an embed element.
Indicates that the frame is an iframe.
Indicates that the frame is a primary main frame(webview).
Indicates that the frame is an object element.
Indicates that the frame is an unknown type frame. We may extend this enum type to identify more frame kinds in the future.
Kind of cross origin resource access allowed for host resources during download. Note that other normal access checks like same origin DOM access check and [Content Security Policy](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) still apply. The following table illustrates the host resource cross origin access according to access context and COREWEBVIEW2_HOST_RESOURCE_ACCESS_KIND.
Cross Origin Access Context | DENY | ALLOW | DENY_CORS — | — | — | — From DOM like src of img, script or iframe element| Deny | Allow | Allow From Script like Fetch or XMLHttpRequest| Deny | Allow | Deny
All cross origin resource access is allowed, including accesses that are subject to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing(CORS) check. The behavior is similar to a web site sends back http header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
All cross origin resource access is denied, including normal sub resource access as src of a script or image element.
Cross origin resource access is allowed for normal sub resource access like as src of a script or image element, while any access that subjects to CORS check will be denied. See [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) for more information.
Specifies the key event type that triggered an AcceleratorKeyPressed event.
Specifies that the key event type corresponds to window message WM_KEYDOWN.
Specifies that the key event type corresponds to window message WM_KEYUP.
Specifies that the key event type corresponds to window message WM_SYSKEYDOWN.
Specifies that the key event type corresponds to window message WM_SYSKEYUP.
Specifies memory usage target level of WebView.
Specifies low memory usage target level. Used for inactivate WebView for reduced memory consumption.
Specifies normal memory usage target level.
Mouse event type used by SendMouseInput to convey the type of mouse event being sent to WebView. The values of this enum align with the matching WM_* window messages.
Mouse horizontal wheel scroll event, WM_MOUSEHWHEEL.
Mouse leave event, WM_MOUSELEAVE.
Left button double click mouse event, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK.
Left button down mouse event, WM_LBUTTONDOWN.
Left button up mouse event, WM_LBUTTONUP.
Middle button double click mouse event, WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK.
Middle button down mouse event, WM_MBUTTONDOWN.
Middle button up mouse event, WM_MBUTTONUP.
Mouse move event, WM_MOUSEMOVE.
Mouse Right Button Down event over a nonclient area, WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN.
Mouse Right Button up event over a nonclient area, WM_NCRBUTTONUP.
Right button double click mouse event, WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK.
Right button down mouse event, WM_RBUTTONDOWN.
Right button up mouse event, WM_RBUTTONUP.
Mouse wheel scroll event, WM_MOUSEWHEEL.
First or second X button double click mouse event, WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK.
First or second X button down mouse event, WM_XBUTTONDOWN.
First or second X button up mouse event, WM_XBUTTONUP.
Mouse event virtual keys associated with a COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_KIND for SendMouseInput. These values can be combined into a bit flag if more than one virtual key is pressed for the event. The values of this enum align with the matching MK_* mouse keys.
CTRL key is down, MK_CONTROL.
Left mouse button is down, MK_LBUTTON.
Middle mouse button is down, MK_MBUTTON.
No additional keys pressed.
Right mouse button is down, MK_RBUTTON.
SHIFT key is down, MK_SHIFT.
First X button is down, MK_XBUTTON1
Second X button is down, MK_XBUTTON2
Specifies the reason for moving focus.
Specifies that the focus is moving due to Tab traversal forward.
Specifies that the focus is moving due to Tab traversal backward.
Specifies that the code is setting focus into WebView.
Specifies the navigation kind of each navigation.
A navigation back or forward to a different entry in the session navigation history, like via CoreWebView2.Back(), location.back(), the end user pressing Alt+Left or other UX, or other mechanisms to navigate back or forward in the current session navigation history.
A navigation to another document, which can be caused by CoreWebView2.Navigate(), window.location.href = ..., or other WebView2 or DOM APIs that navigate to a new URI.
A navigation caused by CoreWebView2.Reload(), location.reload(), the end user using F5 or other UX, or other reload mechanisms to reload the current document without modifying the navigation history.
This enum contains values representing possible regions a given point lies within.
A hit test region in the WebView2 which has the CSS style `-webkit-app-region: drag` set. Web content should use this CSS style to identify regions that should be treated like the app window's title bar. This has the same value as the Win32 HTCAPTION constant.
A hit test region in the WebView2 which does not have the CSS style `-webkit-app-region: drag` set. This is normal web content that should not be considered part of the app window's title bar. This has the same value as the Win32 HTCLIENT constant.
A hit test region out of bounds of the WebView2. This has the same value as the Win32 HTNOWHERE
PDF toolbar item. This enum must be in sync with ToolBarItem in pdf-store-data-types.ts Specifies the PDF toolbar item types used for the ICoreWebView2Settings.put_HiddenPdfToolbarItems method.
The bookmarks button
The fit page button
The full screen button
The more settings button
No item
The page layout button
The page select button
The print button
The rotate button
The save button
The save as button
The search button
The zoom in button
The zoom out button
Indicates the type of a permission request.
Indicates permission to play audio and video automatically on sites. This permission affects the autoplay attribute and play method of the audio and video HTML elements, and the start method of the Web Audio API. See the [Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Autoplay_guide) for details.
Indicates permission to capture video.
Indicates permission to read the system clipboard without a user gesture.
Indicates permission to read and write to files or folders on the device. Permission is requested when developers use the [File System Access API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_System_Access_API) to show the file or folder picker to the end user, and then request "readwrite" permission for the user's selection.
Indicates permission to access geolocation.
Indicates permission to use fonts on the device. Permission is requested when developers use the [Local Font Access API](https://wicg.github.io/local-font-access/) to query the system fonts available for styling web content.
Indicates permission to capture audio.
Indicates permission to send and receive system exclusive messages to/from MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) devices. Permission is requested when developers use the [Web MIDI API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_MIDI_API) to request access to system exclusive MIDI messages.
Indicates permission to automatically download multiple files. Permission is requested when multiple downloads are triggered in quick succession.
Indicates permission to send web notifications. Apps that would like to show notifications should handle PermissionRequested events and no browser permission prompt will be shown for notification requests. Note that push notifications are currently unavailable in WebView2.
Indicates permission to access generic sensor. Generic Sensor covering ambient-light-sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer.
Indicates an unknown permission.
Indicates permission to open and place windows on the screen. Permission is requested when developers use the [Multi-Screen Window Placement API](https://www.w3.org/TR/window-placement/) to get screen details.
Specifies the response to a permission request.
Specifies that the permission request is granted.
Specifies that the default browser behavior is used, which normally prompt users for decision.
Specifies that the permission request is denied.
Contains the information packed into the LPARAM sent to a Win32 key event. For more information about WM_KEYDOWN, navigate to [WM_KEYDOWN message](/windows/win32/inputdev/wm-keydown).
Pointer event type used by SendPointerInput to convey the type of pointer event being sent to WebView. The values of this enum align with the matching WM_POINTER* window messages.
Corresponds to WM_POINTERDOWN.
Corresponds to WM_POINTERENTER.
Corresponds to WM_POINTERLEAVE.
Corresponds to WM_POINTERUP.
Corresponds to WM_POINTERUPDATE.
An enum to represent the options for WebView2 color scheme: auto, light, or dark.
Auto color scheme.
Dark color scheme.
Light color scheme.
Specifies the collation for a print.
Indicate that the collation has been selected for the printed output.
The default collation for a printer.
Indicate that the collation has not been selected for the printed output.
Specifies the color mode for a print.
Indicate that the printed output will be in color.
The default color mode for a printer.
Indicate that the printed output will be in shades of gray.
Specifies the print dialog kind.
Opens the browser print preview dialog.
Opens the system print dialog.
Specifies the duplex option for a print.
The default duplex for a printer.
Print on only one side of the sheet.
Print on both sides of the sheet, flipped along the long edge.
Print on both sides of the sheet, flipped along the short edge.
Specifies the media size for a print.
Indicate custom media size that is specific to the printer.
The default media size for a printer.
The orientation for printing, used by the Orientation property on ICoreWebView2PrintSettings.
Print the page(s) in landscape orientation.
Print the page(s) in portrait orientation.
Indicates the status for printing.
Indicates that the print operation is failed.
Indicates that the printer is not available.
Indicates that the print operation is succeeded.
Specifies the process failure type used in the `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` interface. The values in this enum make reference to the process kinds in the Chromium architecture. For more information about what these processes are and what they do, see [Browser Architecture - Inside look at modern web browser](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/09/inside-browser-part1).
Indicates that the browser process ended unexpectedly. The WebView automatically moves to the Closed state. The app has to recreate a new WebView to recover from this failure.
Indicates that a frame-only render process ended unexpectedly. The process exit does not affect the top-level document, only a subset of the subframes within it. The content in these frames is replaced with an error page in the frame. Your application can communicate with the main frame to recover content in the impacted frames, using `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2.FrameInfosForFailedProcess` to get information about the impacted frames.
Indicates that the GPU process ended unexpectedly. The failed process is recreated automatically. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` and `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2` to collect information about the failure.
Indicates that a PPAPI plugin broker process ended unexpectedly. This failure is not fatal. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` and `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2` to collect information about the failure.
Indicates that a PPAPI plugin process ended unexpectedly. This failure is not fatal. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` and `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2` to collect information about the failure, including `ProcessDescription`.
Indicates that the main frame's render process ended unexpectedly. Any subframes in the WebView will be gone too. A new render process is created automatically and navigated to an error page. You can use the `Reload` method to try to recover from this failure. Alternatively, you can `Close` and recreate the WebView.
@@ -1215,186 +1230,230 @@
Indicates that a sandbox helper process ended unexpectedly. This failure is not fatal. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` and `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2` to collect information about the failure.
Indicates that a process of unspecified kind ended unexpectedly. Your application can use `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` and `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2` to collect information about the failure.
Indicates that a utility process ended unexpectedly. The failed process is recreated automatically. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` and `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2` to collect information about the failure, including `ProcessDescription`.
Specifies the process failure reason used in the ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventHandler interface.
The process crashed. Most crashes will generate dumps in the location indicated by `ICoreWebView2Environment11.get_FailureReportFolderPath`.
The process failed to launch.
The process terminated due to running out of memory.
The process exited because its corresponding profile was deleted.
The process was terminated. For example, from Task Manager.
An unexpected process failure occurred.
The process became unresponsive. This only applies to the main frame's render process.
Indicates the process type used in the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfo interface.
Indicates the browser process kind.
Indicates the GPU process kind.
Indicates the PPAPI plugin broker process kind.
Indicates the PPAPI plugin process kind.
Indicates the render process kind.
Indicates the sandbox helper process kind.
Indicates the utility process kind.
+ +
The WebView2 release channels. Use `ReleaseChannels` and `ChannelSearchKind` on `ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions` to control which channel is searched for during environment creation. + +
+ ++|Channel|Primary purpose|How often updated with new features| +|:---:|---|:---:| +|Stable (WebView2 Runtime)|Broad Deployment|Monthly| +|Beta|Flighting with inner rings, automated testing|Monthly| +|Dev|Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features|Weekly| +|Canary|Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features|Daily|+ +
The Beta release channel that is released every 4 weeks, a week before the stable release.
The Canary release channel that is released daily.
The Dev release channel that is released weekly.
No release channel. Passing only this value to `ReleaseChannels` results in HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND).
The stable WebView2 Runtime that is released every 4 weeks.
Specifies the JavaScript dialog type used in the ICoreWebView2ScriptDialogOpeningEventHandler interface.
Indicates that the dialog uses the window.alert JavaScript function.
Indicates that the dialog uses the beforeunload JavaScript event.
Indicates that the dialog uses the window.confirm JavaScript function.
Indicates that the dialog uses the window.prompt JavaScript function.
Specifies the action type when server certificate error is detected to be used in the ICoreWebView2ServerCertificateErrorDetectedEventArgs interface.
Indicates to ignore the warning and continue the request with the TLS certificate. This decision is cached for the RequestUri's host and the server certificate in the session.
Indicates to reject the certificate and cancel the request.
Indicates to display the default TLS interstitial error page to user for page navigations. For others TLS certificate is rejected and the request is cancelled.
Specifies the desired access from script to CoreWebView2SharedBuffer.
Script from web page only has read access to the shared buffer.
Script from web page has read and write access to the shared buffer.
Tracking prevention levels.
The default level of tracking prevention. Set to this level to protect against social media tracking on top of malicious trackers. Content and ads will likely be less personalized.
See [Current tracking prevention behavior](/microsoft-edge/web-platform/tracking-prevention#current-tracking-prevention-behavior) for fine-grained information on what is being blocked with this level and can change with different Edge versions.
The least restrictive level of tracking prevention. Set to this level to protect against malicious trackers but allows most other trackers and personalize content and ads.
See [Current tracking prevention behavior](/microsoft-edge/web-platform/tracking-prevention#current-tracking-prevention-behavior) for fine-grained information on what is being blocked with this level and can change with different Edge versions.
Tracking prevention is turned off.
The most restrictive level of tracking prevention. Set to this level to protect against malicious trackers and most trackers across sites. Content and ads will likely have minimal personalization. @@ -1403,232 +1462,232 @@
See [Current tracking prevention behavior](/microsoft-edge/web-platform/tracking-prevention#current-tracking-prevention-behavior) for fine-grained information on what is being blocked with this level and can change with different Edge versions.
Indicates the error status values for web navigations.
Indicates that a connection to the destination was not established.
Indicates that the SSL certificate common name does not match the web address.
Indicates that the SSL certificate has expired.
Indicates that the SSL certificate is not valid. The certificate may not match the public key pins for the host name, the certificate is signed by an untrusted authority or using a weak sign algorithm, the certificate claimed DNS names violate name constraints, the certificate contains a weak key, the validity period of the certificate is too long, lack of revocation information or revocation mechanism, non-unique host name, lack of certificate transparency information, or the certificate is chained to a [legacy Symantec root](https://security.googleblog.com/2018/03/distrust-of-symantec-pki-immediate.html).
Indicates that the SSL certificate has been revoked.
Indicates that the SSL client certificate contains errors.
Indicates that the connection was stopped.
Indicates that the connection was reset.
Indicates that the Internet connection has been lost.
Indicates that the server returned an invalid or unrecognized response.
Indicates that the provided host name was not able to be resolved.
Indicates that the operation was canceled. This status code is also used in the following cases: - When the app cancels a navigation via NavigationStarting event. - For original navigation if the app navigates the WebView2 in a rapid succession away after the load for original navigation commenced, but before it completed.
Indicates that the request redirect failed.
Indicates that the host is unreachable.
Indicates that the connection has timed out.
Indicates that an unexpected error occurred.
Indicates that an unknown error occurred.
Indicates that user is prompted with a login, waiting on user action. Initial navigation to a login site will always return this even if app provides credential using BasicAuthenticationRequested. HTTP response status code in this case is 401. See status code reference here: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Status.
Indicates that user lacks proper authentication credentials for a proxy server. HTTP response status code in this case is 407. See status code reference here: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Status.
Specifies the web resource request contexts.
Specifies all resources.
Specifies a CSP Violation Report.
Specifies a document resource.
Specifies an EventSource API communication.
Specifies a Fetch API communication.
Specifies a font resource.
Specifies an image resource.
Specifies a Web App Manifest.
Specifies another media resource such as a video.
Specifies an other resource.
Specifies a Ping request.
Specifies a script resource.
Specifies a Signed HTTP Exchange.
Specifies a CSS resource.
Specifies a TextTrack resource.
Specifies a WebSocket API communication.
Specifies an XML HTTP request, Fetch and EventSource API communication.
Specifies the source of `WebResourceRequested` event.
Indicates that web resource is requested from any supported source.
Indicates that web resource is requested from main page including dedicated workers and iframes.
Indicates that no web resource is requested.
Indicates that web resource is requested from service worker.
Indicates that web resource is requested from shared worker.
@@ -1639,96 +1698,109 @@
DLL export to create a WebView2 environment with a custom version of WebView2 Runtime, user data folder, and with or without additional options.
Represents a reference to a delegate that receives change notifications.
+ +
Get the browser version info including channel name if it is not the WebView2 Runtime. Channel names are Beta, Dev, and Canary. + +
If an override exists for the `browserExecutableFolder` or the channel preference, the override is used. If an override is not specified, then the parameter value passed to `GetAvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString` is used. + +
Returns `HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)` if it fails to find an installed WebView2 runtime or non-stable Microsoft Edge installation. + +
The caller must free the returned string with `CoTaskMemFree`. See [API Conventions](/microsoft-edge/webview2/concepts/win32-api-conventions#strings). + +
Get the browser version info including channel name if it is not the WebView2 Runtime. Channel names are Beta, Dev, and Canary. - -
If an override exists for the `browserExecutableFolder` or the channel preference, the override is used. If an override is not specified, then the parameter value passed to `GetAvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString` is used. +
This function will tell you the browser version info of the release channel used when creating an environment with the same options. Browser version info includes channel name if it is not the WebView2 Runtime. Channel names are Beta, Dev, and Canary. The format of the return string matches the format of `BrowserVersionString` on `ICoreWebView2Environment`. -
Returns `HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)` if it fails to find an installed WebView2 runtime or non-stable Microsoft Edge installation. +
If an override exists for `browserExecutableFolder`, `releaseChannels`, or `ChannelSearchKind`, the override is used. The presence of an override can result in a different channel used than the one expected based on the environment options object. `browserExecutableFolder` takes precedence over the other options, regardless of whether or not its channel is included in the `releaseChannels`. See `CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions` for more details on overrides. If an override is not specified, then the parameters passed to `GetAvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionStringWithOptions` are used. Returns `HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)` if it fails to find an installed WebView2 Runtime or non-stable Microsoft Edge installation. Use `GetAvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString` to get the version info without the environment options.
The caller must free the returned string with `CoTaskMemFree`. See [API Conventions](/microsoft-edge/webview2/concepts/win32-api-conventions#strings). @@ -2177,316 +2249,321 @@
Additional options used to create WebView2 Environment to manage browser extensions.
Additional options used to create the WebView2 Environment that support specifying the `ReleaseChannels` and `ChannelSearchKind`.
Implements the interface to receive EstimatedEndTimeChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.EstimatedEndTime property to get the new estimated end time.
Receives the result of the ExecuteScript method.
This is the result for ExecuteScriptWithResult.
This is the callback for ExecuteScriptWithResult
This interface is a handler for when the Favicon is changed. The sender is the ICoreWebView2 object the top-level document of which has changed favicon and the eventArgs is nullptr. Use the FaviconUri property and GetFavicon method to obtain the favicon data. The second argument is always null. For more information see add_FaviconChanged.
Representation of a DOM [File](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) object passed via WebMessage. You can use this object to obtain the path of a File dropped on WebView2.
Receives GotFocus and LostFocus events.
ICoreWebView2Frame provides direct access to the iframes information. You can get an ICoreWebView2Frame by handling the ICoreWebView2_4.add_FrameCreated event.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Frame interface with navigation events, executing script and posting web messages.
This is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Frame interface that supports PermissionRequested
This is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Frame interface that supports shared buffer based on file mapping.
This is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Frame interface that provides the `FrameId` property.
Receives ContentLoading events for iframe.
Event args for the FrameCreated events.
Receives FrameCreated event.
Receives FrameDestroyed event.
Receives DOMContentLoaded events for iframe.
Provides a set of properties for a frame in the ICoreWebView2.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2FrameInfo interface that provides `ParentFrameInfo`, `FrameId` and `FrameKind` properties.
Collection of FrameInfos (name and source). Used to list the affected frames' info when a frame-only render process failure occurs in the ICoreWebView2.
Iterator for a collection of FrameInfos. For more info, see ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 and ICoreWebView2FrameInfoCollection.
Receives FrameNameChanged event.
Receives NavigationCompleted events for iframe.
Receives NavigationStarting events for iframe.
Receives PermissionRequested events for iframes.
Receives WebMessageReceived events for iframe.
Receives the result of the GetCookies method. The result is written to the cookie list provided in the GetCookies method call.
This interface is a handler for the completion of the population of imageStream. errorCode returns S_OK if the API succeeded. The image is returned in the faviconStream object. If there is no image then no data would be copied into the imageStream. For more details, see the GetFavicon API.
The caller implements this interface to handle the result of GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings.
Receives the result of the `GetProcessExtendedInfos` method. The result is written to the collection of `ProcessExtendedInfo`s provided in the `GetProcessExtendedInfos` method call.
Receives HistoryChanged events.
Iterator for a collection of HTTP headers. For more information, navigate to ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders and ICoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders.
HTTP request headers. Used to inspect the HTTP request on WebResourceRequested event and NavigationStarting event.
HTTP response headers. Used to construct a WebResourceResponse for the WebResourceRequested event.
Implements the interface to receive IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged events.
Implements the interface to receive IsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged events. Use the IsDocumentPlayingAudio property to get the audio playing state.
Implements the interface to receive IsMutedChanged events. Use the IsMuted property to get the mute state.
Event args for LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
Event handler for the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
Event args for the MoveFocusRequested event.
Receives MoveFocusRequested events.
Event args for the NavigationCompleted event.
This is an interface for the StatusCode property of ICoreWebView2NavigationCompletedEventArgs
Receives NavigationCompleted events.
Event args for the NavigationStarting event.
The AdditionalAllowedFrameAncestors API that enable developers to provide additional allowed frame ancestors.
The NavigationKind API that enables developers to get more information about navigation type.
Receives NavigationStarting events.
Receives NewBrowserVersionAvailable events.
Event args for the NewWindowRequested event. The event is run when content inside webview requested to a open a new window (through window.open() and so on).
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs interface.
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs interface.
Receives NewWindowRequested events.
This is the Interface for non-client region change event args.
This is the Interface of the event handler for the non-client region changed event.
Read-only collection of generic objects.
Event args for the PermissionRequested event.
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs interface.
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs interface.
Receives PermissionRequested events.
Provides a set of properties for a permission setting.
Read-only collection of PermissionSettings (origin, kind, and state). Used to list the nondefault permission settings on the profile that are persisted across sessions.
@@ -2497,317 +2574,317 @@
Receives the result of the Print method.
Settings used by the PrintToPdf method.
Settings used by the Print method.
Receives the result of the PrintToPdf method. If the print to PDF operation succeeds, isSuccessful is true. Otherwise, if the operation failed, isSuccessful is set to false. An invalid path returns E_INVALIDARG.
Receives the result of the PrintToPdfStream method. errorCode returns S_OK if the PrintToPdfStream operation succeeded. The printable pdf data is returned in the pdfStream object.
Provides process with associated extended information in the `ICoreWebView2Environment`.
A list containing processInfo and associated extended information.
Event args for the ProcessFailed event.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs interface.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 interface for getting blocked file for code integrity process failures.
Receives ProcessFailed events.
Provides a set of properties for a process in the ICoreWebView2Environment.
A list containing process id and corresponding process type.
An event handler for the ProcessInfosChanged event.
Provides a set of properties to configure a Profile object.
Profile2 interface.
This is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Profile interface to control levels of tracking prevention.
This is the ICoreWebView2Profile interface for the permission management APIs.
This is the ICoreWebView2Profile interface for cookie manager.
Interfaces in profile for managing password-autosave and general-autofill.
Interfaces in profile for managing browser extensions.
This is the profile interface that manages profile deletion.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of loading an browser Extension.
Receives the `CoreWebView2Profile.Deleted` event.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of getting the browser Extensions.
Receives RasterizationScaleChanged events. Use the RasterizationScale property to get the modified scale.
This Interface Represents a Collection of Region Rects.
Event args for the ScriptDialogOpening event.
Receives ScriptDialogOpening events.
This interface represents a JavaScript exception. If the CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptWithResult result has Succeeded as false, you can use the result's Exception property to get the script exception.
Event args for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event.
An event handler for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event.
The caller implements this interface to handle the result of SetPermissionState.
Defines properties that enable, disable, or modify WebView features. Changes to IsGeneralAutofillEnabled and IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled apply immediately, while other setting changes made after NavigationStarting event do not apply until the next top-level navigation.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface that manages the user agent.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface that manages whether browser accelerator keys are enabled.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage autofill.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage pinch zoom.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage swipe navigation.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to hide Pdf toolbar items.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage smartscreen.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage non-client regions.
The shared buffer object that is created by [CreateSharedBuffer](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/win32/icorewebview2environment12#createsharedbuffer). The object is presented to script as ArrayBuffer when posted to script with [PostSharedBufferToScript](/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/win32/icorewebview2_17#postsharedbuffertoscript).
Event args for the SourceChanged event.
Receives SourceChanged events.
Implements the interface to receive StateChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.State property to get the current state, which can be in progress, interrupted, or completed. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.InterruptReason property to get the interrupt reason if the download is interrupted.
Receives StatusBarTextChanged events.
A collection of strings.
The caller implements this interface to receive the TrySuspend result.
Event args for the WebMessageReceived event.
Extension of WebMessageReceivedEventArgs to provide access to additional WebMessage objects.
Receives WebMessageReceived events.
An HTTP request used with the WebResourceRequested event.
Event args for the WebResourceRequested event.
Event args for the `WebResourceRequested` event.
Runs when a URL request (through network, file, and so on) is made in the webview for a Web resource matching resource context filter and URL specified in AddWebResourceRequestedFilter. The host views and modifies the request or provide a response in a similar pattern to HTTP, in which case the request immediately completed. This may not contain any request headers that are added by the network stack, such as an Authorization header.
An HTTP response used with the WebResourceRequested event.
Event args for the WebResourceResponseReceived event.
Receives WebResourceResponseReceived events.
View of the HTTP representation for a web resource response. The properties of this object are not mutable. This response view is used with the WebResourceResponseReceived event.
Receives the result of the ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseView.GetContent method.
Receives WindowCloseRequested events.
@@ -2820,521 +2897,526 @@
Implements the interface to receive ZoomFactorChanged events. Use the ICoreWebView2Controller.ZoomFactor property to get the modified zoom factor.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_9 that supports BasicAuthenticationRequested event.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_10 that supports sessionId for CDP method calls and ContextMenuRequested event.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_11 that supports StatusBarTextChanged event.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_12 that supports Profile API.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_13 that adds ServerCertificate support.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_14 that supports status Favicons.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2 interface to support printing.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_16 that supports shared buffer based on file mapping.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_17 that manages navigation requests to URI schemes registered with the OS.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_18 that manages memory usage target level.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2 interface.
This interface is an extension of `ICoreWebView2_19` that provides the `FrameId` property.
This is the interface for getting string and exception with ExecuteScriptWithResult.
This interface is an extension of `ICoreWebView2` that allows to set filters in order to receive WebResourceRequested events for service workers, shared workers and different origin iframes.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2_2 interface.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2_3 interface to support FrameCreated and DownloadStarting events.
A continuation of the ICoreWebView2_4 interface to support ClientCertificateRequested event.
This interface is an extension of `ICoreWebView2_5` that manages opening the browser task manager window.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_5 that manages opening the browser task manager window.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_7 that supports media features.
This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_8 that default download dialog positioning and anchoring.
* Missing HANDLE declaration ************** WEBVIEW4DELPHI ************** *
* tagRect is identical to TRect. ************** WEBVIEW4DELPHI ************** *
Event args for the AcceleratorKeyPressed event.
Receives AcceleratorKeyPressed events.
Receives the result of the AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated method.
Event args for the BasicAuthenticationRequested event. Will contain the request that led to the HTTP authorization challenge, the challenge and allows the host to provide authentication response or cancel the request.
The caller implements this interface to handle the BasicAuthenticationRequested event.
Represents a Basic HTTP authentication response that contains a user name and a password as according to RFC7617 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7617)
Provides a set of properties for managing an Extension, which includes an ID, name, and whether it is enabled or not, and the ability to Remove the Extension, and enable or disable it.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of setting the browser Extension as enabled or disabled. If enabled, the browser Extension is running in WebView instances. If disabled, the browser Extension is not running in WebView instances.
Provides a set of properties for managing browser Extension Lists from user profile. This includes the number of browser Extensions in the list, and the ability to get an browser Extension from the list at a particular index.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of removing the browser Extension from the Profile.
Event args for the BrowserProcessExited event.
Receives BrowserProcessExited events.
Implements the interface to receive BytesReceivedChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.BytesReceived property to get the received bytes count.
Receives CallDevToolsProtocolMethod completion results.
Receives the result of the CapturePreview method. The result is written to the stream provided in the CapturePreview method.
Provides access to the certificate metadata.
The caller implements this interface to receive the ClearBrowsingData result.
Receives the result of the ClearServerCertificateErrorActions method.
Provides access to the client certificate metadata.
A collection of client certificate object.
Event args for the ClientCertificateRequested event.
An event handler for the ClientCertificateRequested event.
This interface is an extension of the ICoreWebView2Controller interface to support visual hosting. An object implementing the ICoreWebView2CompositionController interface will also implement ICoreWebView2Controller. Callers are expected to use ICoreWebView2Controller for resizing, visibility, focus, and so on, and then use ICoreWebView2CompositionController to connect to a composition tree and provide input meant for the WebView.
Receives ContainsFullScreenElementChanged events.
Receives ContentLoading events.
Receives `ContentLoading` events.
Represents a context menu item of a context menu displayed by WebView.
Represents a collection of ContextMenuItem objects. Used to get, remove and add ContextMenuItem objects at the specified index.
Event args for the ContextMenuRequested event. Will contain the selection information and a collection of all of the default context menu items that the WebView would show. Allows the app to draw its own context menu or add/remove from the default context menu.
Receives ContextMenuRequested events.
Represents the information regarding the context menu target. Includes the context selected and the appropriate data used for the actions of a context menu.
The owner of the `CoreWebView2` object that provides support for resizing, showing and hiding, focusing, and other functionality related to windowing and composition. The `CoreWebView2Controller` owns the `CoreWebView2`, and if all references to the `CoreWebView2Controller` go away, the WebView is closed.
@@ -4396,42 +4483,42 @@
Provides a set of properties that are used to manage an ICoreWebView2Cookie.
A list of cookie objects. See ICoreWebView2Cookie.
Creates, adds or updates, gets, or or view the cookies. The changes would apply to the context of the user profile. That is, other WebViews under the same user profile could be affected.
The caller implements this interface to receive the CoreWebView2Controller created via CreateCoreWebView2CompositionController.
Receives the CoreWebView2Controller created using CreateCoreWebView2Controller.
The caller implements this interface to receive CursorChanged events. Use the Cursor property to get the new cursor.
Raised to notify the host that the end user selected a custom ContextMenuItem. CustomItemSelected event is raised on the specific ContextMenuItem that the end user selected.
@@ -4442,332 +4529,332 @@
This interface is used to complete deferrals on event args that support getting deferrals using the GetDeferral method.
Event args for the DevToolsProtocolEventReceived event.
Receives DevToolsProtocolEventReceived events from the WebView.
Receives DocumentTitleChanged events. Use the DocumentTitle property to get the modified title.
Event args for the DOMContentLoaded event.
Receives DOMContentLoaded events.
Represents a download operation. Gives access to the download's metadata and supports a user canceling, pausing, or resuming the download.
Event args for the DownloadStarting event.
Add an event handler for the DownloadStarting event.
Represents the WebView2 Environment. WebViews created from an environment run on the browser process specified with environment parameters and objects created from an environment should be used in the same environment. Using it in different environments are not guaranteed to be compatible and may fail.
Receives the WebView2Environment created using CreateCoreWebView2Environment.
Options used to create WebView2 Environment. A default implementation is provided in WebView2EnvironmentOptions.h.
Implements the interface to receive EstimatedEndTimeChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.EstimatedEndTime property to get the new estimated end time.
Receives the result of the ExecuteScript method.
This is the result for ExecuteScriptWithResult.
This is the callback for ExecuteScriptWithResult
This interface is a handler for when the Favicon is changed. The sender is the ICoreWebView2 object the top-level document of which has changed favicon and the eventArgs is nullptr. Use the FaviconUri property and GetFavicon method to obtain the favicon data. The second argument is always null. For more information see add_FaviconChanged.
Representation of a DOM [File](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) object passed via WebMessage. You can use this object to obtain the path of a File dropped on WebView2.
ICoreWebView2Frame provides direct access to the iframes information. You can get an ICoreWebView2Frame by handling the ICoreWebView2_4.add_FrameCreated event.
Receives ContentLoading events for iframe.
Event args for the FrameCreated events.
Receives FrameCreated event.
Receives FrameDestroyed event.
Receives DOMContentLoaded events for iframe.
Provides a set of properties for a frame in the ICoreWebView2.
Collection of FrameInfos (name and source). Used to list the affected frames' info when a frame-only render process failure occurs in the ICoreWebView2.
Iterator for a collection of FrameInfos. For more info, see ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 and ICoreWebView2FrameInfoCollection.
Receives FrameNameChanged event.
Receives NavigationCompleted events.
Receives NavigationCompleted events for iframe.
Receives NavigationStarting events.
Receives NavigationStarting events for iframe.
Receives PermissionRequested events for iframes.
Receives WebMessageReceived events for iframe.
Receives the result of the GetCookies method. The result is written to the cookie list provided in the GetCookies method call.
This interface is a handler for when the Favicon is changed. The sender is the ICoreWebView2 object the top-level document of which has changed favicon and the eventArgs is nullptr. Use the FaviconUri property and GetFavicon method to obtain the favicon data. The second argument is always null. For more information see add_FaviconChanged.
The caller implements this interface to handle the result of GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings.
Receives the result of the `GetProcessExtendedInfos` method. The result is written to the collection of `ProcessExtendedInfo`s provided in the `GetProcessExtendedInfos` method call.
Receives GotFocus and LostFocus events.
Receives HistoryChanged events.
Iterator for a collection of HTTP headers. For more information, navigate to ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders and ICoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders.
HTTP request headers. Used to inspect the HTTP request on WebResourceRequested event and NavigationStarting event.
HTTP response headers. Used to construct a WebResourceResponse for the WebResourceRequested event.
Implements the interface to receive IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged events.
Implements the interface to receive IsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged events. Use the IsDocumentPlayingAudio property to get the audio playing state.
Implements the interface to receive IsMutedChanged events. Use the IsMuted property to get the mute state.
Event args for LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
Event handler for the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
Receives GotFocus and LostFocus events.
Event args for the MoveFocusRequested event.
Receives MoveFocusRequested events.
Event args for the NavigationCompleted event.
Receives NavigationCompleted events.
Event args for the NavigationStarting event.
Receives NavigationStarting events.
Receives NewBrowserVersionAvailable events.
Event args for the NewWindowRequested event. The event is run when content inside webview requested to a open a new window (through window.open() and so on).
Receives NewWindowRequested events.
This is the Interface for non-client region change event args.
This is the Interface of the event handler for the non-client region changed event.
Read-only collection of generic objects.
Event args for the PermissionRequested event.
Receives PermissionRequested events.
Provides a set of properties for a permission setting.
Read-only collection of PermissionSettings (origin, kind, and state). Used to list the nondefault permission settings on the profile that are persisted across sessions.
@@ -4778,217 +4865,217 @@
Receives the result of the Print method.
Settings used by the PrintToPdf method.
Receives the result of the PrintToPdf method. If the print to PDF operation succeeds, isSuccessful is true. Otherwise, if the operation failed, isSuccessful is set to false. An invalid path returns E_INVALIDARG.
Receives the result of the PrintToPdfStream method. errorCode returns S_OK if the PrintToPdfStream operation succeeded. The printable pdf data is returned in the pdfStream object.
Provides process with associated extended information in the `ICoreWebView2Environment`.
A list containing processInfo and associated extended information.
Event args for the ProcessFailed event.
Receives ProcessFailed events.
Provides a set of properties for a process in the ICoreWebView2Environment.
A list containing process id and corresponding process type.
An event handler for the ProcessInfosChanged event.
Provides a set of properties to configure a Profile object.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of loading an browser Extension.
Receives the `CoreWebView2Profile.Deleted` event.
The caller implements this interface to receive the result of getting the browser Extensions.
Receives RasterizationScaleChanged events. Use the RasterizationScale property to get the modified scale.
Event args for the ScriptDialogOpening event.
Receives ScriptDialogOpening events.
This interface represents a JavaScript exception. If the CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptWithResult result has Succeeded as false, you can use the result's Exception property to get the script exception.
Event args for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event.
An event handler for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event.
The caller implements this interface to handle the result of SetPermissionState.
Defines properties that enable, disable, or modify WebView features. Changes to IsGeneralAutofillEnabled and IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled apply immediately, while other setting changes made after NavigationStarting event do not apply until the next top-level navigation.
The shared buffer object that is created by CreateSharedBuffer. The object is presented to script as ArrayBuffer when posted to script with PostSharedBufferToScript.
Event args for the SourceChanged event.
Receives SourceChanged events.
Implements the interface to receive StateChanged event. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.State property to get the current state, which can be in progress, interrupted, or completed. Use the ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation.InterruptReason property to get the interrupt reason if the download is interrupted.
Receives StatusBarTextChanged events.
A collection of strings.
The caller implements this interface to receive the TrySuspend result.
Event args for the WebMessageReceived event.
Receives WebMessageReceived events.
Event args for the WebResourceRequested event.
Runs when a URL request (through network, file, and so on) is made in the webview for a Web resource matching resource context filter and URL specified in AddWebResourceRequestedFilter. The host views and modifies the request or provide a response in a similar pattern to HTTP, in which case the request immediately completed. This may not contain any request headers that are added by the network stack, such as an Authorization header.
An HTTP request used with the WebResourceRequested event.
An HTTP request used with the WebResourceRequested event.
An HTTP response used with the WebResourceRequested event.
Event args for the WebResourceResponseReceived event.
Receives WebResourceResponseReceived events.
View of the HTTP representation for a web resource response. The properties of this object are not mutable. This response view is used with the TWVBrowserBase.OnWebResourceResponseReceived event.
Receives the result of the ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseView.GetContent method.
Receives WindowCloseRequested events.
@@ -5001,486 +5088,491 @@
Implements the interface to receive ZoomFactorChanged events. Use the ICoreWebView2Controller.ZoomFactor property to get the modified zoom factor.
Record used by GetDLLVersion to get the DLL version information
Loader events
Loader events
Custom events
Custom events
Browser events
Browser events
Debug log values used by TWVLoader.DebugLog
Debug log level used when the logging is enabled
Blink editing commands used by the "Input.dispatchKeyEvent" DevTools method.
Event type used by TWVBrowserBase.SimulateKeyEvent
TWVLoader status values
Autoplay policy types used by TWVLoader.AutoplayPolicy. See the –autoplay-policy switch.
Mode for how the Bounds property is interpreted in relation to the RasterizationScale property.
VCL and LCL version of TWVBrowserBase that puts together all browser procedures, functions, properties and events in one place. It has all you need to create, modify and destroy a web browser.
Parent class of TWVBrowser and TWVFMXBrowser that puts together all browser procedures, functions, properties and events in one place. It has all you need to create, modify and destroy a web browser.
Specifies the browser process exit type used in the ICoreWebView2BrowserProcessExitedEventArgs interface.
Specifies the datatype for the ICoreWebView2Profile2.ClearBrowsingData method.
Specifies the image format for the ICoreWebView2.CapturePreview method.
The channel search kind determines the order that release channels are searched for during environment creation. The default behavior is to search for and use the most stable channel found on the device. The order from most to least stable is: WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Dev -> Canary. Switch the order to prefer the least stable channel in order to perform pre-release testing. See `COREWEBVIEW2_RELEASE_CHANNELS` for descriptions of channels.
Class used by the TWVLoader.ProxySettigns property to configure a custom proxy server using the following command line switches: –no-proxy-server, –proxy-auto-detect, –proxy-bypass-list, –proxy-pac-url and –proxy-server.
+ +
The WebView2 release channels. Use `ReleaseChannels` and `ChannelSearchKind` on `ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions` to control which channel is searched for during environment creation. + +
+ ++|Channel|Primary purpose|How often updated with new features| +|:---:|---|:---:| +|Stable (WebView2 Runtime)|Broad Deployment|Monthly| +|Beta|Flighting with inner rings, automated testing|Monthly| +|Dev|Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features|Weekly| +|Canary|Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features|Daily|+ +
Specifies the JavaScript dialog type used in the ICoreWebView2ScriptDialogOpeningEventHandler interface.
Specifies the action type when server certificate error is detected to be used in the ICoreWebView2ServerCertificateErrorDetectedEventArgs interface.
Specifies the desired access from script to CoreWebView2SharedBuffer.
Represents the state of a setting.
Tracking prevention levels.
Indicates the error status values for web navigations.
Specifies the web resource request contexts.
Specifies the source of `WebResourceRequested` event.
Parent control that will be used by TWVWindowParent in VCL and LCL applications to show the web contents.
Record used by TCoreWebView2WindowFeatures.CopyToRecord to copy the windows featres
Parent control used by VCL and LCL applications to show the web contents.
TypeLibrary major version
TypeLibrary minor version
* Reserved IDs used in some DevTools functions *
* Reserved IDs used in some JavaScript functions *
* These constants are declared in the "Windows" unit but some old Delphi versions don't have them. We have to add "WV2_" to be compatible with C++ Builder. *
Specifies the image format for the ICoreWebView2.CapturePreview method.
The channel search kind determines the order that release channels are searched for during environment creation. The default behavior is to search for and use the most stable channel found on the device. The order from most to least stable is: WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Dev -> Canary. Switch the order to prefer the least stable channel in order to perform pre-release testing. See `COREWEBVIEW2_RELEASE_CHANNELS` for descriptions of channels.
Specifies the client certificate kind.
Specifies the menu item kind for the ICoreWebView2ContextMenuItem.get_Kind method
Indicates the kind of context for which the context menu was created for the ICoreWebView2ContextMenuTarget::get_Kind method. This enum will always represent the active element that caused the context menu request. If there is a selection with multiple images, audio and text, for example, the element that the end user right clicks on within this selection will be the option represented by this enum.
Kind of cookie SameSite status used in the ICoreWebView2Cookie interface. These fields match those as specified in https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#. Learn more about SameSite cookies here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-first-party-cookies-07
The default download dialog can be aligned to any of the WebView corners by setting the DefaultDownloadDialogCornerAlignment property. The default position is top-right corner.
Reason why a download was interrupted.
State of the download operation.
Specifies the image format to use for favicon.
Indicates the frame type used in the `ICoreWebView2FrameInfo` interface.
Kind of cross origin resource access allowed for host resources during download. Note that other normal access checks like same origin DOM access check and [Content Security Policy](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) still apply. The following table illustrates the host resource cross origin access according to access context and COREWEBVIEW2_HOST_RESOURCE_ACCESS_KIND.
Cross Origin Access Context | DENY | ALLOW | DENY_CORS — | — | — | — From DOM like src of img, script or iframe element| Deny | Allow | Allow From Script like Fetch or XMLHttpRequest| Deny | Allow | Deny
Specifies the key event type that triggered an AcceleratorKeyPressed event.
Specifies memory usage target level of WebView.
Mouse event type used by SendMouseInput to convey the type of mouse event being sent to WebView. The values of this enum align with the matching WM_* window messages.
Mouse event virtual keys associated with a COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_KIND for SendMouseInput. These values can be combined into a bit flag if more than one virtual key is pressed for the event. The values of this enum align with the matching MK_* mouse keys.
Specifies the reason for moving focus.
Specifies the navigation kind of each navigation.
This enum contains values representing possible regions a given point lies within.
PDF toolbar item. This enum must be in sync with ToolBarItem in pdf-store-data-types.ts Specifies the PDF toolbar item types used for the ICoreWebView2Settings.put_HiddenPdfToolbarItems method.
Indicates the type of a permission request.
Specifies the response to a permission request.
Pointer event type used by SendPointerInput to convey the type of pointer event being sent to WebView. The values of this enum align with the matching WM_POINTER* window messages.
An enum to represent the options for WebView2 color scheme: auto, light, or dark.
Specifies the collation for a print.
Specifies the color mode for a print.
Specifies the print dialog kind.
Specifies the duplex option for a print.
Specifies the media size for a print.
The orientation for printing, used by the Orientation property on ICoreWebView2PrintSettings.
Indicates the status for printing.
Specifies the process failure type used in the `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` interface. The values in this enum make reference to the process kinds in the Chromium architecture. For more information about what these processes are and what they do, see [Browser Architecture - Inside look at modern web browser](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/09/inside-browser-part1).
Specifies the process failure reason used in the ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventHandler interface.
Indicates the process type used in the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfo interface.
+ +
The WebView2 release channels. Use `ReleaseChannels` and `ChannelSearchKind` on `ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions` to control which channel is searched for during environment creation. + +
+ ++|Channel|Primary purpose|How often updated with new features| +|:---:|---|:---:| +|Stable (WebView2 Runtime)|Broad Deployment|Monthly| +|Beta|Flighting with inner rings, automated testing|Monthly| +|Dev|Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features|Weekly| +|Canary|Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features|Daily|+ +
* tagRect is identical to TRect. ************** WEBVIEW4DELPHI ************** *
Loader events
Custom events
Browser events
Specifies the image format for the ICoreWebView2.CapturePreview method.
The channel search kind determines the order that release channels are searched for during environment creation. The default behavior is to search for and use the most stable channel found on the device. The order from most to least stable is: WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Dev -> Canary. Switch the order to prefer the least stable channel in order to perform pre-release testing. See `COREWEBVIEW2_RELEASE_CHANNELS` for descriptions of channels.
Used by TWVBrowserBase.ClearDataForOrigin to clear the storage
Specifies the client certificate kind.
A value representing RGBA color (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) for WebView2. Each component takes a value from 0 to 255, with 0 being no intensity and 255 being the highest intensity.
Kind of cookie SameSite status used in the ICoreWebView2Cookie interface. These fields match those as specified in https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#. Learn more about SameSite cookies here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-first-party-cookies-07
The default download dialog can be aligned to any of the WebView corners by setting the DefaultDownloadDialogCornerAlignment property. The default position is top-right corner.
Reason why a download was interrupted.
State of the download operation.
Specifies the image format to use for favicon.
Indicates the frame type used in the `ICoreWebView2FrameInfo` interface.
Kind of cross origin resource access allowed for host resources during download. Note that other normal access checks like same origin DOM access check and [Content Security Policy](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) still apply. The following table illustrates the host resource cross origin access according to access context and COREWEBVIEW2_HOST_RESOURCE_ACCESS_KIND.
Cross Origin Access Context | DENY | ALLOW | DENY_CORS — | — | — | — From DOM like src of img, script or iframe element| Deny | Allow | Allow From Script like Fetch or XMLHttpRequest| Deny | Allow | Deny
Specifies the key event type that triggered an AcceleratorKeyPressed event.
Specifies memory usage target level of WebView.
Specifies the menu item kind for the ICoreWebView2ContextMenuItem.get_Kind method
Indicates the kind of context for which the context menu was created for the `ICoreWebView2ContextMenuTarget::get_Kind` method. This enum will always represent the active element that caused the context menu request. If there is a selection with multiple images, audio and text, for example, the element that the end user right clicks on within this selection will be the option represented by this enum.
Mouse event type used by SendMouseInput to convey the type of mouse event being sent to WebView. The values of this enum align with the matching WM_* window messages.
Mouse event virtual keys associated with a COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_KIND for SendMouseInput. These values can be combined into a bit flag if more than one virtual key is pressed for the event. The values of this enum align with the matching MK_* mouse keys.
Specifies the reason for moving focus.
Specifies the navigation kind of each navigation.
This enum contains values representing possible regions a given point lies within.
PDF toolbar item. This enum must be in sync with ToolBarItem in pdf-store-data-types.ts Specifies the PDF toolbar item types used for the ICoreWebView2Settings.put_HiddenPdfToolbarItems method.
Indicates the type of a permission request.
Specifies the response to a permission request.
Pointer event type used by SendPointerInput to convey the type of pointer event being sent to WebView. The values of this enum align with the matching WM_POINTER* window messages.
An enum to represent the options for WebView2 color scheme: auto, light, or dark.
Specifies the collation for a print.
Specifies the color mode for a print.
Specifies the print dialog kind.
Specifies the duplex option for a print.
Specifies the media size for a print.
The orientation for printing, used by the Orientation property on ICoreWebView2PrintSettings.
Indicates the status for printing.
Specifies the process failure type used in the `ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs` interface. The values in this enum make reference to the process kinds in the Chromium architecture. For more information about what these processes are and what they do, see [Browser Architecture - Inside look at modern web browser](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/09/inside-browser-part1).
Specifies the process failure reason used in the ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventHandler interface.
Indicates the process type used in the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfo interface.
+ +
The WebView2 release channels. Use `ReleaseChannels` and `ChannelSearchKind` on `ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions` to control which channel is searched for during environment creation. + +
+ ++|Channel|Primary purpose|How often updated with new features| +|:---:|---|:---:| +|Stable (WebView2 Runtime)|Broad Deployment|Monthly| +|Beta|Flighting with inner rings, automated testing|Monthly| +|Dev|Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features|Weekly| +|Canary|Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features|Daily|+ +
+ +
This function will tell you the browser version info of the release channel used when creating an environment with the same options. Browser version info includes channel name if it is not the WebView2 Runtime. Channel names are Beta, Dev, and Canary. The format of the return string matches the format of `BrowserVersionString` on `ICoreWebView2Environment`. + +
If an override exists for `browserExecutableFolder`, `releaseChannels`, or `ChannelSearchKind`, the override is used. The presence of an override can result in a different channel used than the one expected based on the environment options object. `browserExecutableFolder` takes precedence over the other options, regardless of whether or not its channel is included in the `releaseChannels`. See `CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions` for more details on overrides. If an override is not specified, then the parameters passed to `GetAvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionStringWithOptions` are used. Returns `HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)` if it fails to find an installed WebView2 Runtime or non-stable Microsoft Edge installation. Use `GetAvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString` to get the version info without the environment options. + +
The caller must free the returned string with `CoTaskMemFree`. See [API Conventions](/microsoft-edge/webview2/concepts/win32-api-conventions#strings). + +
Global instance of TWVLoader used to simplify the WebView2 initialization and destruction.
FAdditionalBrowserArguments: wvstring;
FIgnoreCertificateErrors: boolean;
FLanguage: wvstring;
FZoomStep: byte;
FTargetCompatibleBrowserVersion: wvstring;
FOffline: boolean;
FAllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount: boolean;
FIsNavigating: boolean;
FExclusiveUserDataFolderAccess: boolean;
FProfileName: wvstring;
FCustomCrashReportingEnabled: boolean;
FIsInPrivateModeEnabled: boolean;
FIgnoreCertificateErrors: boolean;
FClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler;
FZoomStep: byte;
FSetPermissionStateCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2SetPermissionStateCompletedHandler;
FOffline: boolean;
FGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2GetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler;
FIsNavigating: boolean;
FProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedHandler;
FProfileName: wvstring;
FProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedHandler;
FIsInPrivateModeEnabled: boolean;
FPreferredTrackingPreventionLevel: TWVTrackingPreventionLevel;
FClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler;
FScriptLocale: wvstring;
FSetPermissionStateCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2SetPermissionStateCompletedHandler;
FAdditionalBrowserArguments: wvstring;
FGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2GetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler;
FLanguage: wvstring;
FProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedHandler;
FTargetCompatibleBrowserVersion: wvstring;
FProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedHandler;
FAllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount: boolean;
FExclusiveUserDataFolderAccess: boolean;
FCustomCrashReportingEnabled: boolean;
FPreferredTrackingPreventionLevel: TWVTrackingPreventionLevel;
FChannelSearchKind: TWVChannelSearchKind;
FScriptLocale: wvstring;
FReleaseChannels: TWVReleaseChannels;
FOnInitializationError: TOnInitializationErrorEvent;
FOnInitializationError: TOnInitializationErrorEvent;
FOnExecuteScriptCompleted: TOnExecuteScriptCompletedEvent;
FOnExecuteScriptCompleted: TOnExecuteScriptCompletedEvent;
FOnCapturePreviewCompleted: TOnCapturePreviewCompletedEvent;
FOnCapturePreviewCompleted: TOnCapturePreviewCompletedEvent;
FOnNavigationStarting: TOnNavigationStartingEvent;
FOnNavigationStarting: TOnNavigationStartingEvent;
FOnNavigationCompleted: TOnNavigationCompletedEvent;
FOnNavigationCompleted: TOnNavigationCompletedEvent;
FOnFrameNavigationStarting: TOnNavigationStartingEvent;
FOnFrameNavigationStarting: TOnNavigationStartingEvent;
FOnFrameNavigationCompleted: TOnNavigationCompletedEvent;
FOnFrameNavigationCompleted: TOnNavigationCompletedEvent;
FOnSourceChanged: TOnSourceChangedEvent;
FOnSourceChanged: TOnSourceChangedEvent;
FOnContentLoading: TOnContentLoadingEvent;
FOnContentLoading: TOnContentLoadingEvent;
FOnNewWindowRequested: TOnNewWindowRequestedEvent;
FOnNewWindowRequested: TOnNewWindowRequestedEvent;
FOnWebResourceRequested: TOnWebResourceRequestedEvent;
FOnWebResourceRequested: TOnWebResourceRequestedEvent;
FOnScriptDialogOpening: TOnScriptDialogOpeningEvent;
FOnScriptDialogOpening: TOnScriptDialogOpeningEvent;
FOnPermissionRequested: TOnPermissionRequestedEvent;
FOnPermissionRequested: TOnPermissionRequestedEvent;
FOnProcessFailed: TOnProcessFailedEvent;
FOnProcessFailed: TOnProcessFailedEvent;
FOnWebMessageReceived: TOnWebMessageReceivedEvent;
FOnWebMessageReceived: TOnWebMessageReceivedEvent;
FOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived: TOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEvent;
FOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived: TOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEvent;
FOnMoveFocusRequested: TOnMoveFocusRequestedEvent;
FOnMoveFocusRequested: TOnMoveFocusRequestedEvent;
FOnAcceleratorKeyPressed: TOnAcceleratorKeyPressedEvent;
FOnAcceleratorKeyPressed: TOnAcceleratorKeyPressedEvent;
FOnBrowserProcessExited: TOnBrowserProcessExitedEvent;
FOnBrowserProcessExited: TOnBrowserProcessExitedEvent;
FOnWebResourceResponseReceived: TOnWebResourceResponseReceivedEvent;
FOnWebResourceResponseReceived: TOnWebResourceResponseReceivedEvent;
FOnDOMContentLoaded: TOnDOMContentLoadedEvent;
FOnDOMContentLoaded: TOnDOMContentLoadedEvent;
FOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted: TOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedEvent;
FOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted: TOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedEvent;
FOnGetCookiesCompleted: TOnGetCookiesCompletedEvent;
FOnGetCookiesCompleted: TOnGetCookiesCompletedEvent;
FOnTrySuspendCompleted: TOnTrySuspendCompletedEvent;
FOnTrySuspendCompleted: TOnTrySuspendCompletedEvent;
FOnFrameCreated: TOnFrameCreatedEvent;
FOnFrameCreated: TOnFrameCreatedEvent;
FOnDownloadStarting: TOnDownloadStartingEvent;
FOnDownloadStarting: TOnDownloadStartingEvent;
FOnClientCertificateRequested: TOnClientCertificateRequestedEvent;
FOnClientCertificateRequested: TOnClientCertificateRequestedEvent;
FOnPrintToPdfCompleted: TOnPrintToPdfCompletedEvent;
FOnPrintToPdfCompleted: TOnPrintToPdfCompletedEvent;
FOnBytesReceivedChanged: TOnBytesReceivedChangedEvent;
FOnBytesReceivedChanged: TOnBytesReceivedChangedEvent;
FOnEstimatedEndTimeChanged: TOnEstimatedEndTimeChangedEvent;
FOnEstimatedEndTimeChanged: TOnEstimatedEndTimeChangedEvent;
FOnDownloadStateChanged: TOnDownloadStateChangedEvent;
FOnDownloadStateChanged: TOnDownloadStateChangedEvent;
FOnFrameNameChanged: TOnFrameNameChangedEvent;
FOnFrameNameChanged: TOnFrameNameChangedEvent;
FOnFrameDestroyed: TOnFrameDestroyedEvent;
FOnFrameDestroyed: TOnFrameDestroyedEvent;
FOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted: TOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedEvent;
FOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted: TOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedEvent;
FOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted: TOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedEvent;
FOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted: TOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedEvent;
FOnWidget0CompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent;
FOnWidget0CompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent;
FOnWidget1CompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent;
FOnWidget1CompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent;
FOnRenderCompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent;
FOnRenderCompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent;
FOnD3DWindowCompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent;
FOnD3DWindowCompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent;
FOnPrintCompleted: TOnPrintCompletedEvent;
FOnPrintCompleted: TOnPrintCompletedEvent;
FOnRetrieveHTMLCompleted: TOnRetrieveHTMLCompletedEvent;
FOnRetrieveHTMLCompleted: TOnRetrieveHTMLCompletedEvent;
FOnRetrieveTextCompleted: TOnRetrieveTextCompletedEvent;
FOnRetrieveTextCompleted: TOnRetrieveTextCompletedEvent;
FOnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted: TOnRetrieveMHTMLCompletedEvent;
FOnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted: TOnRetrieveMHTMLCompletedEvent;
FOnClearCacheCompleted: TOnClearCacheCompletedEvent;
FOnClearCacheCompleted: TOnClearCacheCompletedEvent;
FOnClearDataForOriginCompleted: TOnClearDataForOriginCompletedEvent;
FOnClearDataForOriginCompleted: TOnClearDataForOriginCompletedEvent;
FOnOfflineCompleted: TOnOfflineCompletedEvent;
FOnOfflineCompleted: TOnOfflineCompletedEvent;
FOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted: TOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompletedEvent;
FOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted: TOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompletedEvent;
FOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted: TOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompletedEvent;
FOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted: TOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompletedEvent;
FOnSimulateKeyEventCompleted: TOnSimulateKeyEventCompletedEvent;
FOnSimulateKeyEventCompleted: TOnSimulateKeyEventCompletedEvent;
FOnIsMutedChanged: TOnIsMutedChangedEvent;
FOnIsMutedChanged: TOnIsMutedChangedEvent;
FOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged: TOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChangedEvent;
FOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged: TOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChangedEvent;
FOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged: TOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChangedEvent;
FOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged: TOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChangedEvent;
FOnProcessInfosChanged: TOnProcessInfosChangedEvent;
FOnProcessInfosChanged: TOnProcessInfosChangedEvent;
FOnFrameNavigationStarting2: TOnFrameNavigationStartingEvent;
FOnFrameNavigationStarting2: TOnFrameNavigationStartingEvent;
FOnFrameNavigationCompleted2: TOnFrameNavigationCompletedEvent;
FOnFrameNavigationCompleted2: TOnFrameNavigationCompletedEvent;
FOnFrameContentLoading: TOnFrameContentLoadingEvent;
FOnFrameContentLoading: TOnFrameContentLoadingEvent;
FOnFrameDOMContentLoaded: TOnFrameDOMContentLoadedEvent;
FOnFrameDOMContentLoaded: TOnFrameDOMContentLoadedEvent;
FOnFrameWebMessageReceived: TOnFrameWebMessageReceivedEvent;
FOnFrameWebMessageReceived: TOnFrameWebMessageReceivedEvent;
FOnBasicAuthenticationRequested: TOnBasicAuthenticationRequestedEvent;
FOnBasicAuthenticationRequested: TOnBasicAuthenticationRequestedEvent;
FOnContextMenuRequested: TOnContextMenuRequestedEvent;
FOnContextMenuRequested: TOnContextMenuRequestedEvent;
FOnCustomItemSelected: TOnCustomItemSelectedEvent;
FOnCustomItemSelected: TOnCustomItemSelectedEvent;
FOnStatusBarTextChanged: TOnStatusBarTextChangedEvent;
FOnStatusBarTextChanged: TOnStatusBarTextChangedEvent;
FOnFramePermissionRequested: TOnFramePermissionRequestedEvent;
FOnFramePermissionRequested: TOnFramePermissionRequestedEvent;
FOnClearBrowsingDataCompleted: TOnClearBrowsingDataCompletedEvent;
FOnClearBrowsingDataCompleted: TOnClearBrowsingDataCompletedEvent;
FOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted: TOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompletedEvent;
FOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted: TOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompletedEvent;
FOnServerCertificateErrorDetected: TOnServerCertificateErrorDetectedEvent;
FOnServerCertificateErrorDetected: TOnServerCertificateErrorDetectedEvent;
FOnFaviconChanged: TOnFaviconChangedEvent;
FOnFaviconChanged: TOnFaviconChangedEvent;
FOnGetFaviconCompleted: TOnGetFaviconCompletedEvent;
FOnGetFaviconCompleted: TOnGetFaviconCompletedEvent;
FOnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted: TOnPrintToPdfStreamCompletedEvent;
FOnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted: TOnPrintToPdfStreamCompletedEvent;
FOnGetCustomSchemes: TOnGetCustomSchemesEvent;
FOnGetCustomSchemes: TOnGetCustomSchemesEvent;
FOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted: TOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedEvent;
FOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted: TOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedEvent;
FOnSetPermissionStateCompleted: TOnSetPermissionStateCompletedEvent;
FOnSetPermissionStateCompleted: TOnSetPermissionStateCompletedEvent;
FOnLaunchingExternalUriScheme: TOnLaunchingExternalUriSchemeEvent;
FOnLaunchingExternalUriScheme: TOnLaunchingExternalUriSchemeEvent;
FOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted: TOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompletedEvent;
FOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted: TOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompletedEvent;
FOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted: TOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompletedEvent;
FOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted: TOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompletedEvent;
FOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted: TOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompletedEvent;
FOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted: TOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompletedEvent;
FOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted: TOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedEvent;
FOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted: TOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedEvent;
FOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted: TOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedEvent;
FOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted: TOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedEvent;
FOnProfileDeleted: TOnProfileDeletedEvent;
FOnProfileDeleted: TOnProfileDeletedEvent;
FOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted: TOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompletedEvent;
FOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted: TOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompletedEvent;
FOnNonClientRegionChanged: TOnNonClientRegionChangedEvent;
FOnNonClientRegionChanged: TOnNonClientRegionChangedEvent;
property ChannelSearchKind : TWVChannelSearchKind read FChannelSearchKind write FChannelSearchKind;
property ReleaseChannels : TWVReleaseChannels read FReleaseChannels write FReleaseChannels;
property BrowserVersionInfo : wvstring read GetBrowserVersionInfo;
property OnBrowserProcessExited : TOnBrowserProcessExitedEvent read FOnBrowserProcessExited write FOnBrowserProcessExited;
property OnBrowserProcessExited : TOnBrowserProcessExitedEvent read FOnBrowserProcessExited write FOnBrowserProcessExited;
property OnProcessInfosChanged : TOnProcessInfosChangedEvent read FOnProcessInfosChanged write FOnProcessInfosChanged;
property OnProcessInfosChanged : TOnProcessInfosChangedEvent read FOnProcessInfosChanged write FOnProcessInfosChanged;
property OnContentLoading : TOnContentLoadingEvent read FOnContentLoading write FOnContentLoading;
property OnContentLoading : TOnContentLoadingEvent read FOnContentLoading write FOnContentLoading;
property OnFrameNavigationCompleted : TOnNavigationCompletedEvent read FOnFrameNavigationCompleted write FOnFrameNavigationCompleted;
property OnFrameNavigationCompleted : TOnNavigationCompletedEvent read FOnFrameNavigationCompleted write FOnFrameNavigationCompleted;
property OnFrameNavigationStarting : TOnNavigationStartingEvent read FOnFrameNavigationStarting write FOnFrameNavigationStarting;
property OnFrameNavigationStarting : TOnNavigationStartingEvent read FOnFrameNavigationStarting write FOnFrameNavigationStarting;
property OnNavigationCompleted : TOnNavigationCompletedEvent read FOnNavigationCompleted write FOnNavigationCompleted;
property OnNavigationCompleted : TOnNavigationCompletedEvent read FOnNavigationCompleted write FOnNavigationCompleted;
property OnNavigationStarting : TOnNavigationStartingEvent read FOnNavigationStarting write FOnNavigationStarting;
property OnNavigationStarting : TOnNavigationStartingEvent read FOnNavigationStarting write FOnNavigationStarting;
property OnNewWindowRequested : TOnNewWindowRequestedEvent read FOnNewWindowRequested write FOnNewWindowRequested;
property OnNewWindowRequested : TOnNewWindowRequestedEvent read FOnNewWindowRequested write FOnNewWindowRequested;
property OnPermissionRequested : TOnPermissionRequestedEvent read FOnPermissionRequested write FOnPermissionRequested;
property OnPermissionRequested : TOnPermissionRequestedEvent read FOnPermissionRequested write FOnPermissionRequested;
property OnProcessFailed : TOnProcessFailedEvent read FOnProcessFailed write FOnProcessFailed;
property OnProcessFailed : TOnProcessFailedEvent read FOnProcessFailed write FOnProcessFailed;
property OnScriptDialogOpening : TOnScriptDialogOpeningEvent read FOnScriptDialogOpening write FOnScriptDialogOpening;
property OnScriptDialogOpening : TOnScriptDialogOpeningEvent read FOnScriptDialogOpening write FOnScriptDialogOpening;
property OnSourceChanged : TOnSourceChangedEvent read FOnSourceChanged write FOnSourceChanged;
property OnSourceChanged : TOnSourceChangedEvent read FOnSourceChanged write FOnSourceChanged;
property OnWebMessageReceived : TOnWebMessageReceivedEvent read FOnWebMessageReceived write FOnWebMessageReceived;
property OnWebMessageReceived : TOnWebMessageReceivedEvent read FOnWebMessageReceived write FOnWebMessageReceived;
property OnWebResourceRequested : TOnWebResourceRequestedEvent read FOnWebResourceRequested write FOnWebResourceRequested;
property OnWebResourceRequested : TOnWebResourceRequestedEvent read FOnWebResourceRequested write FOnWebResourceRequested;
property OnDOMContentLoaded : TOnDOMContentLoadedEvent read FOnDOMContentLoaded write FOnDOMContentLoaded;
property OnDOMContentLoaded : TOnDOMContentLoadedEvent read FOnDOMContentLoaded write FOnDOMContentLoaded;
property OnWebResourceResponseReceived : TOnWebResourceResponseReceivedEvent read FOnWebResourceResponseReceived write FOnWebResourceResponseReceived;
property OnWebResourceResponseReceived : TOnWebResourceResponseReceivedEvent read FOnWebResourceResponseReceived write FOnWebResourceResponseReceived;
property OnDownloadStarting : TOnDownloadStartingEvent read FOnDownloadStarting write FOnDownloadStarting;
property OnDownloadStarting : TOnDownloadStartingEvent read FOnDownloadStarting write FOnDownloadStarting;
property OnFrameCreated : TOnFrameCreatedEvent read FOnFrameCreated write FOnFrameCreated;
property OnFrameCreated : TOnFrameCreatedEvent read FOnFrameCreated write FOnFrameCreated;
property OnClientCertificateRequested : TOnClientCertificateRequestedEvent read FOnClientCertificateRequested write FOnClientCertificateRequested;
property OnClientCertificateRequested : TOnClientCertificateRequestedEvent read FOnClientCertificateRequested write FOnClientCertificateRequested;
property OnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged : TOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChangedEvent read FOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged write FOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged;
property OnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged : TOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChangedEvent read FOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged write FOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged;
property OnIsMutedChanged : TOnIsMutedChangedEvent read FOnIsMutedChanged write FOnIsMutedChanged;
property OnIsMutedChanged : TOnIsMutedChangedEvent read FOnIsMutedChanged write FOnIsMutedChanged;
property OnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged : TOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChangedEvent read FOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged write FOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged;
property OnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged : TOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChangedEvent read FOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged write FOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged;
property OnBasicAuthenticationRequested : TOnBasicAuthenticationRequestedEvent read FOnBasicAuthenticationRequested write FOnBasicAuthenticationRequested;
property OnBasicAuthenticationRequested : TOnBasicAuthenticationRequestedEvent read FOnBasicAuthenticationRequested write FOnBasicAuthenticationRequested;
property OnContextMenuRequested : TOnContextMenuRequestedEvent read FOnContextMenuRequested write FOnContextMenuRequested;
property OnContextMenuRequested : TOnContextMenuRequestedEvent read FOnContextMenuRequested write FOnContextMenuRequested;
property OnStatusBarTextChanged : TOnStatusBarTextChangedEvent read FOnStatusBarTextChanged write FOnStatusBarTextChanged;
property OnStatusBarTextChanged : TOnStatusBarTextChangedEvent read FOnStatusBarTextChanged write FOnStatusBarTextChanged;
property OnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted : TOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompletedEvent read FOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted write FOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted;
property OnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted : TOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompletedEvent read FOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted write FOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted;
property OnServerCertificateErrorDetected : TOnServerCertificateErrorDetectedEvent read FOnServerCertificateErrorDetected write FOnServerCertificateErrorDetected;
property OnServerCertificateErrorDetected : TOnServerCertificateErrorDetectedEvent read FOnServerCertificateErrorDetected write FOnServerCertificateErrorDetected;
property OnFaviconChanged : TOnFaviconChangedEvent read FOnFaviconChanged write FOnFaviconChanged;
property OnFaviconChanged : TOnFaviconChangedEvent read FOnFaviconChanged write FOnFaviconChanged;
property OnGetFaviconCompleted : TOnGetFaviconCompletedEvent read FOnGetFaviconCompleted write FOnGetFaviconCompleted;
property OnGetFaviconCompleted : TOnGetFaviconCompletedEvent read FOnGetFaviconCompleted write FOnGetFaviconCompleted;
property OnPrintCompleted : TOnPrintCompletedEvent read FOnPrintCompleted write FOnPrintCompleted;
property OnPrintCompleted : TOnPrintCompletedEvent read FOnPrintCompleted write FOnPrintCompleted;
property OnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted : TOnPrintToPdfStreamCompletedEvent read FOnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted write FOnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted;
property OnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted : TOnPrintToPdfStreamCompletedEvent read FOnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted write FOnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted;
property OnAcceleratorKeyPressed : TOnAcceleratorKeyPressedEvent read FOnAcceleratorKeyPressed write FOnAcceleratorKeyPressed;
property OnAcceleratorKeyPressed : TOnAcceleratorKeyPressedEvent read FOnAcceleratorKeyPressed write FOnAcceleratorKeyPressed;
property OnMoveFocusRequested : TOnMoveFocusRequestedEvent read FOnMoveFocusRequested write FOnMoveFocusRequested;
property OnMoveFocusRequested : TOnMoveFocusRequestedEvent read FOnMoveFocusRequested write FOnMoveFocusRequested;
property OnBytesReceivedChanged : TOnBytesReceivedChangedEvent read FOnBytesReceivedChanged write FOnBytesReceivedChanged;
property OnBytesReceivedChanged : TOnBytesReceivedChangedEvent read FOnBytesReceivedChanged write FOnBytesReceivedChanged;
property OnEstimatedEndTimeChanged : TOnEstimatedEndTimeChangedEvent read FOnEstimatedEndTimeChanged write FOnEstimatedEndTimeChanged;
property OnEstimatedEndTimeChanged : TOnEstimatedEndTimeChangedEvent read FOnEstimatedEndTimeChanged write FOnEstimatedEndTimeChanged;
property OnDownloadStateChanged : TOnDownloadStateChangedEvent read FOnDownloadStateChanged write FOnDownloadStateChanged;
property OnDownloadStateChanged : TOnDownloadStateChangedEvent read FOnDownloadStateChanged write FOnDownloadStateChanged;
property OnFrameDestroyed : TOnFrameDestroyedEvent read FOnFrameDestroyed write FOnFrameDestroyed;
property OnFrameDestroyed : TOnFrameDestroyedEvent read FOnFrameDestroyed write FOnFrameDestroyed;
property OnFrameNameChanged : TOnFrameNameChangedEvent read FOnFrameNameChanged write FOnFrameNameChanged;
property OnFrameNameChanged : TOnFrameNameChangedEvent read FOnFrameNameChanged write FOnFrameNameChanged;
property OnFrameNavigationStarting2 : TOnFrameNavigationStartingEvent read FOnFrameNavigationStarting2 write FOnFrameNavigationStarting2;
property OnFrameNavigationStarting2 : TOnFrameNavigationStartingEvent read FOnFrameNavigationStarting2 write FOnFrameNavigationStarting2;
property OnFrameNavigationCompleted2 : TOnFrameNavigationCompletedEvent read FOnFrameNavigationCompleted2 write FOnFrameNavigationCompleted2;
property OnFrameNavigationCompleted2 : TOnFrameNavigationCompletedEvent read FOnFrameNavigationCompleted2 write FOnFrameNavigationCompleted2;
property OnFrameContentLoading : TOnFrameContentLoadingEvent read FOnFrameContentLoading write FOnFrameContentLoading;
property OnFrameContentLoading : TOnFrameContentLoadingEvent read FOnFrameContentLoading write FOnFrameContentLoading;
property OnFrameDOMContentLoaded : TOnFrameDOMContentLoadedEvent read FOnFrameDOMContentLoaded write FOnFrameDOMContentLoaded;
property OnFrameDOMContentLoaded : TOnFrameDOMContentLoadedEvent read FOnFrameDOMContentLoaded write FOnFrameDOMContentLoaded;
property OnFrameWebMessageReceived : TOnFrameWebMessageReceivedEvent read FOnFrameWebMessageReceived write FOnFrameWebMessageReceived;
property OnFrameWebMessageReceived : TOnFrameWebMessageReceivedEvent read FOnFrameWebMessageReceived write FOnFrameWebMessageReceived;
property OnFramePermissionRequested : TOnFramePermissionRequestedEvent read FOnFramePermissionRequested write FOnFramePermissionRequested;
property OnFramePermissionRequested : TOnFramePermissionRequestedEvent read FOnFramePermissionRequested write FOnFramePermissionRequested;
property OnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived : TOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEvent read FOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived write FOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived;
property OnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived : TOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEvent read FOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived write FOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived;
property OnCustomItemSelected : TOnCustomItemSelectedEvent read FOnCustomItemSelected write FOnCustomItemSelected;
property OnCustomItemSelected : TOnCustomItemSelectedEvent read FOnCustomItemSelected write FOnCustomItemSelected;
property OnClearBrowsingDataCompleted : TOnClearBrowsingDataCompletedEvent read FOnClearBrowsingDataCompleted write FOnClearBrowsingDataCompleted;
property OnClearBrowsingDataCompleted : TOnClearBrowsingDataCompletedEvent read FOnClearBrowsingDataCompleted write FOnClearBrowsingDataCompleted;
property OnInitializationError : TOnInitializationErrorEvent read FOnInitializationError write FOnInitializationError;
property OnInitializationError : TOnInitializationErrorEvent read FOnInitializationError write FOnInitializationError;
property OnExecuteScriptCompleted : TOnExecuteScriptCompletedEvent read FOnExecuteScriptCompleted write FOnExecuteScriptCompleted;
property OnExecuteScriptCompleted : TOnExecuteScriptCompletedEvent read FOnExecuteScriptCompleted write FOnExecuteScriptCompleted;
property OnCapturePreviewCompleted : TOnCapturePreviewCompletedEvent read FOnCapturePreviewCompleted write FOnCapturePreviewCompleted;
property OnCapturePreviewCompleted : TOnCapturePreviewCompletedEvent read FOnCapturePreviewCompleted write FOnCapturePreviewCompleted;
property OnGetCookiesCompleted : TOnGetCookiesCompletedEvent read FOnGetCookiesCompleted write FOnGetCookiesCompleted;
property OnGetCookiesCompleted : TOnGetCookiesCompletedEvent read FOnGetCookiesCompleted write FOnGetCookiesCompleted;
property OnTrySuspendCompleted : TOnTrySuspendCompletedEvent read FOnTrySuspendCompleted write FOnTrySuspendCompleted;
property OnTrySuspendCompleted : TOnTrySuspendCompletedEvent read FOnTrySuspendCompleted write FOnTrySuspendCompleted;
property OnPrintToPdfCompleted : TOnPrintToPdfCompletedEvent read FOnPrintToPdfCompleted write FOnPrintToPdfCompleted;
property OnPrintToPdfCompleted : TOnPrintToPdfCompletedEvent read FOnPrintToPdfCompleted write FOnPrintToPdfCompleted;
property OnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted : TOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedEvent read FOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted write FOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted;
property OnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted : TOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedEvent read FOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted write FOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted;
property OnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted : TOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedEvent read FOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted write FOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted;
property OnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted : TOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedEvent read FOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted write FOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted;
property OnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted : TOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedEvent read FOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted write FOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted;
property OnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted : TOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedEvent read FOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted write FOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted;
property OnWidget0CompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnWidget0CompMsg write FOnWidget0CompMsg;
property OnWidget0CompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnWidget0CompMsg write FOnWidget0CompMsg;
property OnWidget1CompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnWidget1CompMsg write FOnWidget1CompMsg;
property OnWidget1CompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnWidget1CompMsg write FOnWidget1CompMsg;
property OnRenderCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnRenderCompMsg write FOnRenderCompMsg;
property OnRenderCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnRenderCompMsg write FOnRenderCompMsg;
property OnD3DWindowCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnD3DWindowCompMsg write FOnD3DWindowCompMsg;
property OnD3DWindowCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnD3DWindowCompMsg write FOnD3DWindowCompMsg;
property OnRetrieveHTMLCompleted : TOnRetrieveHTMLCompletedEvent read FOnRetrieveHTMLCompleted write FOnRetrieveHTMLCompleted;
property OnRetrieveHTMLCompleted : TOnRetrieveHTMLCompletedEvent read FOnRetrieveHTMLCompleted write FOnRetrieveHTMLCompleted;
property OnRetrieveTextCompleted : TOnRetrieveTextCompletedEvent read FOnRetrieveTextCompleted write FOnRetrieveTextCompleted;
property OnRetrieveTextCompleted : TOnRetrieveTextCompletedEvent read FOnRetrieveTextCompleted write FOnRetrieveTextCompleted;
property OnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted : TOnRetrieveMHTMLCompletedEvent read FOnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted write FOnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted;
property OnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted : TOnRetrieveMHTMLCompletedEvent read FOnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted write FOnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted;
property OnClearCacheCompleted : TOnClearCacheCompletedEvent read FOnClearCacheCompleted write FOnClearCacheCompleted;
property OnClearCacheCompleted : TOnClearCacheCompletedEvent read FOnClearCacheCompleted write FOnClearCacheCompleted;
property OnClearDataForOriginCompleted : TOnClearDataForOriginCompletedEvent read FOnClearDataForOriginCompleted write FOnClearDataForOriginCompleted;
property OnClearDataForOriginCompleted : TOnClearDataForOriginCompletedEvent read FOnClearDataForOriginCompleted write FOnClearDataForOriginCompleted;
property OnOfflineCompleted : TOnOfflineCompletedEvent read FOnOfflineCompleted write FOnOfflineCompleted;
property OnOfflineCompleted : TOnOfflineCompletedEvent read FOnOfflineCompleted write FOnOfflineCompleted;
property OnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted : TOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompletedEvent read FOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted write FOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted;
property OnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted : TOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompletedEvent read FOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted write FOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted;
property OnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted : TOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompletedEvent read FOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted write FOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted;
property OnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted : TOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompletedEvent read FOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted write FOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted;
property OnSimulateKeyEventCompleted : TOnSimulateKeyEventCompletedEvent read FOnSimulateKeyEventCompleted write FOnSimulateKeyEventCompleted;
property OnSimulateKeyEventCompleted : TOnSimulateKeyEventCompletedEvent read FOnSimulateKeyEventCompleted write FOnSimulateKeyEventCompleted;
property OnGetCustomSchemes : TOnGetCustomSchemesEvent read FOnGetCustomSchemes write FOnGetCustomSchemes;
property OnGetCustomSchemes : TOnGetCustomSchemesEvent read FOnGetCustomSchemes write FOnGetCustomSchemes;
property OnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted : TOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedEvent read FOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted write FOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted;
property OnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted : TOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedEvent read FOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted write FOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted;
property OnSetPermissionStateCompleted : TOnSetPermissionStateCompletedEvent read FOnSetPermissionStateCompleted write FOnSetPermissionStateCompleted;
property OnSetPermissionStateCompleted : TOnSetPermissionStateCompletedEvent read FOnSetPermissionStateCompleted write FOnSetPermissionStateCompleted;
property OnLaunchingExternalUriScheme : TOnLaunchingExternalUriSchemeEvent read FOnLaunchingExternalUriScheme write FOnLaunchingExternalUriScheme;
property OnLaunchingExternalUriScheme : TOnLaunchingExternalUriSchemeEvent read FOnLaunchingExternalUriScheme write FOnLaunchingExternalUriScheme;
property OnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted : TOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompletedEvent read FOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted write FOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted;
property OnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted : TOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompletedEvent read FOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted write FOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted;
property OnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted : TOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompletedEvent read FOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted write FOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted;
property OnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted : TOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompletedEvent read FOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted write FOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted;
property OnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted : TOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompletedEvent read FOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted write FOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted;
property OnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted : TOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompletedEvent read FOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted write FOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted;
property OnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted : TOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedEvent read FOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted write FOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted;
property OnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted : TOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedEvent read FOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted write FOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted;
property OnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted : TOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedEvent read FOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted write FOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted;
property OnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted : TOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedEvent read FOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted write FOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted;
property OnProfileDeleted : TOnProfileDeletedEvent read FOnProfileDeleted write FOnProfileDeleted;
property OnProfileDeleted : TOnProfileDeletedEvent read FOnProfileDeleted write FOnProfileDeleted;
property OnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted : TOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompletedEvent read FOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted write FOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted;
property OnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted : TOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompletedEvent read FOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted write FOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted;
property OnNonClientRegionChanged : TOnNonClientRegionChangedEvent read FOnNonClientRegionChanged write FOnNonClientRegionChanged;
property OnNonClientRegionChanged : TOnNonClientRegionChangedEvent read FOnNonClientRegionChanged write FOnNonClientRegionChanged;
- | FAdditionalBrowserArguments: wvstring; |
+FIgnoreCertificateErrors: boolean; |
This item has no description. |
- | FLanguage: wvstring; |
+FZoomStep: byte; |
This item has no description. |
- | FTargetCompatibleBrowserVersion: wvstring; |
+FOffline: boolean; |
This item has no description. |
- | FAllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount: boolean; |
+FIsNavigating: boolean; |
This item has no description. |
- | FExclusiveUserDataFolderAccess: boolean; |
+FProfileName: wvstring; |
This item has no description. |
- | FCustomCrashReportingEnabled: boolean; |
+FIsInPrivateModeEnabled: boolean; |
This item has no description. |
- | FIgnoreCertificateErrors: boolean; |
+FClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler; |
This item has no description. |
- | FZoomStep: byte; |
+FSetPermissionStateCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2SetPermissionStateCompletedHandler; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOffline: boolean; |
+FGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2GetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler; |
This item has no description. |
- | FIsNavigating: boolean; |
+FProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedHandler; |
This item has no description. |
- | FProfileName: wvstring; |
+FProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedHandler; |
This item has no description. |
- | FIsInPrivateModeEnabled: boolean; |
+FPreferredTrackingPreventionLevel: TWVTrackingPreventionLevel; |
This item has no description. |
- | FClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler; |
+FScriptLocale: wvstring; |
This item has no description. |
- | FSetPermissionStateCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2SetPermissionStateCompletedHandler; |
+FAdditionalBrowserArguments: wvstring; |
+ +Fields used to create the environment + |
+ | FLanguage: wvstring; |
This item has no description. |
- | FGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2GetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler; |
+FTargetCompatibleBrowserVersion: wvstring; |
This item has no description. |
- | FProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedHandler; |
+FAllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount: boolean; |
This item has no description. |
- | FProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedHandler: ICoreWebView2ProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedHandler; |
+FExclusiveUserDataFolderAccess: boolean; |
+ This item has no description. |
+ | FCustomCrashReportingEnabled: boolean; |
This item has no description. |
- | FPreferredTrackingPreventionLevel: TWVTrackingPreventionLevel; |
+FChannelSearchKind: TWVChannelSearchKind; |
This item has no description. |
- | FScriptLocale: wvstring; |
+FReleaseChannels: TWVReleaseChannels; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnInitializationError: TOnInitializationErrorEvent; |
+FOnInitializationError: TOnInitializationErrorEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnExecuteScriptCompleted: TOnExecuteScriptCompletedEvent; |
+FOnExecuteScriptCompleted: TOnExecuteScriptCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnCapturePreviewCompleted: TOnCapturePreviewCompletedEvent; |
+FOnCapturePreviewCompleted: TOnCapturePreviewCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnNavigationStarting: TOnNavigationStartingEvent; |
+FOnNavigationStarting: TOnNavigationStartingEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnNavigationCompleted: TOnNavigationCompletedEvent; |
+FOnNavigationCompleted: TOnNavigationCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameNavigationStarting: TOnNavigationStartingEvent; |
+FOnFrameNavigationStarting: TOnNavigationStartingEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameNavigationCompleted: TOnNavigationCompletedEvent; |
+FOnFrameNavigationCompleted: TOnNavigationCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnSourceChanged: TOnSourceChangedEvent; |
+FOnSourceChanged: TOnSourceChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnContentLoading: TOnContentLoadingEvent; |
+FOnContentLoading: TOnContentLoadingEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnNewWindowRequested: TOnNewWindowRequestedEvent; |
+FOnNewWindowRequested: TOnNewWindowRequestedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnWebResourceRequested: TOnWebResourceRequestedEvent; |
+FOnWebResourceRequested: TOnWebResourceRequestedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnScriptDialogOpening: TOnScriptDialogOpeningEvent; |
+FOnScriptDialogOpening: TOnScriptDialogOpeningEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnPermissionRequested: TOnPermissionRequestedEvent; |
+FOnPermissionRequested: TOnPermissionRequestedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnProcessFailed: TOnProcessFailedEvent; |
+FOnProcessFailed: TOnProcessFailedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnWebMessageReceived: TOnWebMessageReceivedEvent; |
+FOnWebMessageReceived: TOnWebMessageReceivedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived: TOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEvent; |
+FOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived: TOnDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnMoveFocusRequested: TOnMoveFocusRequestedEvent; |
+FOnMoveFocusRequested: TOnMoveFocusRequestedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnAcceleratorKeyPressed: TOnAcceleratorKeyPressedEvent; |
+FOnAcceleratorKeyPressed: TOnAcceleratorKeyPressedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnBrowserProcessExited: TOnBrowserProcessExitedEvent; |
+FOnBrowserProcessExited: TOnBrowserProcessExitedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnWebResourceResponseReceived: TOnWebResourceResponseReceivedEvent; |
+FOnWebResourceResponseReceived: TOnWebResourceResponseReceivedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnDOMContentLoaded: TOnDOMContentLoadedEvent; |
+FOnDOMContentLoaded: TOnDOMContentLoadedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted: TOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedEvent; |
+FOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompleted: TOnWebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnGetCookiesCompleted: TOnGetCookiesCompletedEvent; |
+FOnGetCookiesCompleted: TOnGetCookiesCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnTrySuspendCompleted: TOnTrySuspendCompletedEvent; |
+FOnTrySuspendCompleted: TOnTrySuspendCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameCreated: TOnFrameCreatedEvent; |
+FOnFrameCreated: TOnFrameCreatedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnDownloadStarting: TOnDownloadStartingEvent; |
+FOnDownloadStarting: TOnDownloadStartingEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnClientCertificateRequested: TOnClientCertificateRequestedEvent; |
+FOnClientCertificateRequested: TOnClientCertificateRequestedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnPrintToPdfCompleted: TOnPrintToPdfCompletedEvent; |
+FOnPrintToPdfCompleted: TOnPrintToPdfCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnBytesReceivedChanged: TOnBytesReceivedChangedEvent; |
+FOnBytesReceivedChanged: TOnBytesReceivedChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnEstimatedEndTimeChanged: TOnEstimatedEndTimeChangedEvent; |
+FOnEstimatedEndTimeChanged: TOnEstimatedEndTimeChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnDownloadStateChanged: TOnDownloadStateChangedEvent; |
+FOnDownloadStateChanged: TOnDownloadStateChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameNameChanged: TOnFrameNameChangedEvent; |
+FOnFrameNameChanged: TOnFrameNameChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameDestroyed: TOnFrameDestroyedEvent; |
+FOnFrameDestroyed: TOnFrameDestroyedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted: TOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedEvent; |
+FOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompleted: TOnCallDevToolsProtocolMethodCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted: TOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedEvent; |
+FOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted: TOnAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnWidget0CompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent; |
+FOnWidget0CompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnWidget1CompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent; |
+FOnWidget1CompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnRenderCompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent; |
+FOnRenderCompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnD3DWindowCompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent; |
+FOnD3DWindowCompMsg: TOnCompMsgEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnPrintCompleted: TOnPrintCompletedEvent; |
+FOnPrintCompleted: TOnPrintCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnRetrieveHTMLCompleted: TOnRetrieveHTMLCompletedEvent; |
+FOnRetrieveHTMLCompleted: TOnRetrieveHTMLCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnRetrieveTextCompleted: TOnRetrieveTextCompletedEvent; |
+FOnRetrieveTextCompleted: TOnRetrieveTextCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted: TOnRetrieveMHTMLCompletedEvent; |
+FOnRetrieveMHTMLCompleted: TOnRetrieveMHTMLCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnClearCacheCompleted: TOnClearCacheCompletedEvent; |
+FOnClearCacheCompleted: TOnClearCacheCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnClearDataForOriginCompleted: TOnClearDataForOriginCompletedEvent; |
+FOnClearDataForOriginCompleted: TOnClearDataForOriginCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnOfflineCompleted: TOnOfflineCompletedEvent; |
+FOnOfflineCompleted: TOnOfflineCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted: TOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompletedEvent; |
+FOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompleted: TOnIgnoreCertificateErrorsCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted: TOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompletedEvent; |
+FOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompleted: TOnRefreshIgnoreCacheCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnSimulateKeyEventCompleted: TOnSimulateKeyEventCompletedEvent; |
+FOnSimulateKeyEventCompleted: TOnSimulateKeyEventCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnIsMutedChanged: TOnIsMutedChangedEvent; |
+FOnIsMutedChanged: TOnIsMutedChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged: TOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChangedEvent; |
+FOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged: TOnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged: TOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChangedEvent; |
+FOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged: TOnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnProcessInfosChanged: TOnProcessInfosChangedEvent; |
+FOnProcessInfosChanged: TOnProcessInfosChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameNavigationStarting2: TOnFrameNavigationStartingEvent; |
+FOnFrameNavigationStarting2: TOnFrameNavigationStartingEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameNavigationCompleted2: TOnFrameNavigationCompletedEvent; |
+FOnFrameNavigationCompleted2: TOnFrameNavigationCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameContentLoading: TOnFrameContentLoadingEvent; |
+FOnFrameContentLoading: TOnFrameContentLoadingEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameDOMContentLoaded: TOnFrameDOMContentLoadedEvent; |
+FOnFrameDOMContentLoaded: TOnFrameDOMContentLoadedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFrameWebMessageReceived: TOnFrameWebMessageReceivedEvent; |
+FOnFrameWebMessageReceived: TOnFrameWebMessageReceivedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnBasicAuthenticationRequested: TOnBasicAuthenticationRequestedEvent; |
+FOnBasicAuthenticationRequested: TOnBasicAuthenticationRequestedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnContextMenuRequested: TOnContextMenuRequestedEvent; |
+FOnContextMenuRequested: TOnContextMenuRequestedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnCustomItemSelected: TOnCustomItemSelectedEvent; |
+FOnCustomItemSelected: TOnCustomItemSelectedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnStatusBarTextChanged: TOnStatusBarTextChangedEvent; |
+FOnStatusBarTextChanged: TOnStatusBarTextChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFramePermissionRequested: TOnFramePermissionRequestedEvent; |
+FOnFramePermissionRequested: TOnFramePermissionRequestedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnClearBrowsingDataCompleted: TOnClearBrowsingDataCompletedEvent; |
+FOnClearBrowsingDataCompleted: TOnClearBrowsingDataCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted: TOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompletedEvent; |
+FOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompleted: TOnServerCertificateErrorActionsCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnServerCertificateErrorDetected: TOnServerCertificateErrorDetectedEvent; |
+FOnServerCertificateErrorDetected: TOnServerCertificateErrorDetectedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnFaviconChanged: TOnFaviconChangedEvent; |
+FOnFaviconChanged: TOnFaviconChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnGetFaviconCompleted: TOnGetFaviconCompletedEvent; |
+FOnGetFaviconCompleted: TOnGetFaviconCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted: TOnPrintToPdfStreamCompletedEvent; |
+FOnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted: TOnPrintToPdfStreamCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnGetCustomSchemes: TOnGetCustomSchemesEvent; |
+FOnGetCustomSchemes: TOnGetCustomSchemesEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted: TOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedEvent; |
+FOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompleted: TOnGetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnSetPermissionStateCompleted: TOnSetPermissionStateCompletedEvent; |
+FOnSetPermissionStateCompleted: TOnSetPermissionStateCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnLaunchingExternalUriScheme: TOnLaunchingExternalUriSchemeEvent; |
+FOnLaunchingExternalUriScheme: TOnLaunchingExternalUriSchemeEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted: TOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompletedEvent; |
+FOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompleted: TOnGetProcessExtendedInfosCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted: TOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompletedEvent; |
+FOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompleted: TOnBrowserExtensionRemoveCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted: TOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompletedEvent; |
+FOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompleted: TOnBrowserExtensionEnableCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted: TOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedEvent; |
+FOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompleted: TOnProfileAddBrowserExtensionCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted: TOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedEvent; |
+FOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompleted: TOnProfileGetBrowserExtensionsCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnProfileDeleted: TOnProfileDeletedEvent; |
+FOnProfileDeleted: TOnProfileDeletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted: TOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompletedEvent; |
+FOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompleted: TOnExecuteScriptWithResultCompletedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
- | FOnNonClientRegionChanged: TOnNonClientRegionChangedEvent; |
+FOnNonClientRegionChanged: TOnNonClientRegionChangedEvent; |
This item has no description. |
+ | property ChannelSearchKind : TWVChannelSearchKind read FChannelSearchKind write FChannelSearchKind; |
+ + + + The `ChannelSearchKind` property is `COREWEBVIEW2_CHANNEL_SEARCH_KIND_MOST_STABLE` by default; environment creation searches for a release channel on the machine from most to least stable using the first channel found. The default search order is: WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Dev -> Canary. Set `ChannelSearchKind` to `COREWEBVIEW2_CHANNEL_SEARCH_KIND_LEAST_STABLE` to reverse the search order so that environment creation searches for a channel from least to most stable. If `ReleaseChannels` has been provided, the loader will only search for channels in the set. See `COREWEBVIEW2_RELEASE_CHANNELS` for more details on channels. + + This property can be overridden by the corresponding registry key `ChannelSearchKind` or the environment variable `WEBVIEW2_CHANNEL_SEARCH_KIND`. Set the value to `1` to set the search kind to `COREWEBVIEW2_CHANNEL_SEARCH_KIND_LEAST_STABLE`. See `CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions` for more details on overrides. + + ++ + + Property used to create the environment. Used as ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions7.Get_ChannelSearchKind. + + <see href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/win32/icorewebview2environmentoptions7">See the ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions7 article.) + |
+ | property ReleaseChannels : TWVReleaseChannels read FReleaseChannels write FReleaseChannels; |
+ + + + Sets the `ReleaseChannels`, which is a mask of one or more indicating which channels environment creation should search for. + + OR operation(s) can be applied to multiple to create a mask. The default value is a mask of all the channels. By default, environment creation searches for channels from most to least stable, using the first channel found on the device. When is provided, environment creation will only search for the channels specified in the set. Set to to reverse the search order so that the loader searches for the least stable build first. See for descriptions of each channel. Environment creation fails if it is unable to find any channel from the installed on the device. + + Use to verify which channel is used. If both a and are provided, the takes precedence. The can be overridden by the corresponding registry override or the environment variable . Set the value to a comma-separated string of integers, which map to the values: Stable (0), Beta (1), Dev (2), and Canary (3). + + For example, the values "0,2" and "2,0" indicate that the loader should only search for Dev channel and the WebView2 Runtime, using the order indicated by . Environment creation attempts to interpret each integer and treats any invalid entry as Stable channel. + + + ++| ReleaseChannels | Channel Search Kind: Most Stable (default) | Channel Search Kind: Least Stable | +| --- | --- | --- | +|CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Beta \| CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Stable| WebView2 Runtime -> Beta | Beta -> WebView2 Runtime| +|CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Canary \| CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Dev \| CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Beta \| CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Stable | WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Dev -> Canary | Canary -> Dev -> Beta -> WebView2 Runtime | +|CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Canary| Canary | Canary | +|CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Beta \| CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Canary \| CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels.Stable | WebView2 Runtime -> Beta -> Canary | Canary -> Beta -> WebView2 Runtime |+ + + + + + Property used to create the environment. Used as ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions7.Get_ReleaseChannels. + + <see href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/win32/icorewebview2environmentoptions7">See the ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions7 article.) + |
property BrowserVersionInfo : wvstring read GetBrowserVersionInfo; |
@@ -9436,9 +9528,7 @@ PropertiesReturns the User Agent. The default value is the default User Agent of the Microsoft Edge browser. - This property may be overridden if the User-Agent header is set in a request. If the parameter is empty the User Agent will not be updated and the current User Agent will remain. - - Setting this property will cause the other user agent client hints Sec-CH-UA-* headers to be overridden and dropped. + This property may be overridden if the User-Agent header is set in a request. If the parameter is empty the User Agent will not be updated and the current User Agent will remain. Setting this property may clear User Agent Client Hints headers Sec-CH-UA-* and script values from navigator.userAgentData. Current implementation behavior is subject to change. @@ -9890,7 +9980,7 @@ Properties