Controls (Starts & Stops) data retention. Given the URL of a specific Checkmarx web interface, starts a data retention by deleting either all scans within a specified date range or all but the last X scans for each project.
This command can also be used for stopping a currently running data retention process.
Parameter name | Definition |
serviceUrl | The URL of a Checkmarx web service. |
username | The Checkmarx user name of a user with permissions to run a data retention process (Server Administrator) |
pass | The password of the specified Checkmarx user |
StopRetention | Enable this switch to stop the Data Retention process. |
StartRetention | Enable this switch to start the Data Retention process. |
ByNumOfScans | A switch defining that all of the scans in the system, except for the most recent X scans in each project, will be deleted. The number of recent scans to be kept (X) |
numOfScansToKeep | When the ByNumOfScans switch is enables, defines how many recent scans are kept in each project when data retention is carried out. |
ByDateRange | A switch that defines that all of the scans within a specified date range will be deleted. |
startDate | An optional inclusive lower limit of the date range of scans to delete. Only considers dates, ignores hours. |
endDate | A mandatory inclusive upper limit of the date range of scans to delete. Only considers dates, ignores hours. |
ByRollingDate | A switch that defines that all of the scans within a specified number of days from the current date will be deleted. |
rollingDate | A mandatory integer that is used to define the end date of the data retention by subtracting it from the current date. |
retentionDurationLimit | An optional parameter that allows to limit the duration of the data retention process. Specified only in round hours (integers), and applies to all scans performed after this parameter was set. |
CxManagement.ps1 -StartRetention -serviceUrl "" -username "admin" -pass "p@ssw0rd" -ByNumOfScans -numOfScansToKeep 5
CxManagement.ps1 -StartRetention -serviceUrl "" -username "admin" -pass "p@ssw0rd" -ByNumOfScans -numOfScansToKeep 5 -retentionDurationLimit 2
CxManagement.ps1 -StartRetention -serviceUrl "" -username "admin" -pass "p@ssw0rd" -ByDateRange -endDate "2015-10-10"
CxManagement.ps1 -StartRetention -serviceUrl "" -username "admin" -pass "p@ssw0rd" -ByDateRange -startDate "2015-10-05" -endDate "2015-10-10"
CxManagement.ps1 -StartRetention -serviceUrl "" -username "admin" -pass "p@ssw0rd" -ByDateRange -startDate "2015-10-05" -endDate "2015-10-10" -retentionDurationLimit 2
CxManagement.ps1 -StartRetention -serviceUrl "" -username "admin" -pass "p@ssw0rd" -ByRollingDate -rollingDate 180
CxManagement.ps1 -StopRetention -serviceUrl "" -username "admin" -pass "p@ssw0rd"
It is only possible to define either StartRetention -OR- StopRetention. It is only possible to define one type of retention at a time. The duration limit is not an immediate limit, scans are deleted in bulks of X (configured in the database with a default value of 3) and the data retention will only stop at the end of a bulk.
* If you are having trouble executing the script, change your execution policy (Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted) or use what we'll probably tell clients to do :
Use the "Bypass" Execution Policy Flag. This is a nice flag added by Microsoft that will bypass the execution policy when you're executing scripts from a file. When this flag is used Microsoft states that "Nothing is blocked and there are no warnings or prompts". This technique does not result in a configuration change or require writing to disk.
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .runme.ps1 Other methods can be found in -