- Run ./infrastructure/docker-compose.yml
- Then run ./microservices/docker-compose.yml
For example: http://localhost:5000/getActual?fsyms=BTC,LTC&tsyms=USD,RUR
Available params:
fsyms: 'BTC', 'XRP', 'ETH', 'BCH', 'EOS', 'LTC', 'XMR', 'DASH'
tsyms: 'USD', 'JPY', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'RUR'
There are two microservices:
- get_from_cryptocompare - it ask cryptocompare API every minute and save data to SQL and Redis. If it cannot obtain data - no actions.
- provide_actual_data - it provide data from Redis if last timestamp is fresh (3 minutes), or from SQL if Redis timestamp older than 3 minutes