- {myParasQuery.data?.map((para) => (
- // CSS ask is to reorder the mapped staff so that the selected staff are moved to the top of the list
- {para.first_name} {para.last_name}
- ))}
+ {/* we could make this and the 2nd selection process with a reusable component, e.g. labels in the
below could be from rendering {selectionLabel} but this is one solution to start */}
+ {currentModalSelection === 1 && (
Select one or more paras:
+ {myParasQuery.data?.map((para) => (
+ // CSS ask is to reorder the mapped staff so that the selected staff are moved to the top of the list
+ {para.first_name} {para.last_name}
+ ))}
+ )}
+ {/* Enter 2nd selection process here, utilizing selected staff at the end of the process */}
+ {currentModalSelection === 2 && }