- Max 2 eP demos per week.
- Deadline: Week 10 of each semester.
- Step 1: select a topic from the following list
- Mark your selected topic in editing mode of this file -- add x into the [ ] at the beginning of your selected topic
- Step 2: reserve a date in Moodle
- Mention your selected topic (as a comment) when reserving the date in Moodle
UI design
- Figma https://figma.com/
- Zeplin https://zeplin.io/
- Material design https://material.io/
Behavior-Driven Development
- Cucumber https://cucumber.io/
- Github Actions https://github.com/features/actions
- Jenkins https://www.jenkins.io/
- Azure https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/
- TeamCity https://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/ci-cd-guide/
- BitBucket https://bitbucket.org/product/
- GitLab https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab
Demo use case: cookie clicker game
- MVC - Python Django
- MVC - Spring Boot
- MVC - PHP Laravel
- MVC - Ruby Rails
API development
- Apiary https://apiary.io/
- GraphQL http://graphql.org/
- SWAGGER https://swagger.io/
- Postman https://www.postman.com/
- gRPC https://grpc.io/
Development platforms, languages, frameworks
Firebase https://firebase.google.com/ Google's mobile and web app development platform
Flutter https://flutter.dev/ Develope cross-platform applications (developed by Google)
Android Studio https://developer.android.com/studio IDE for Android apps. Demo should cover CI/CD with Android studio (https://developer.android.com/studio/workflow)
Kotlin https://kotlinlang.org/ Programming language. Good for Android.
Go https://golang.org/ Programming language supported by Google
Swift https://developer.apple.com/swift/ Programming language for all Apple platforms
Rust https://www.rust-lang.org/ Programming language for high performance software
Vaadin https://vaadin.com/ Java web development framework
Spring Framework / Boot https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot Java-based framework
JavaFX https://openjfx.io/ Create and deliver desktop applications, as well as web applications that can run across a wide variety of devices
Electron https://www.electronjs.org/ Create desktop apps using web technologies
Flask https://palletsprojects.com/p/flask/ Micro web framework written in Python.
Svelte Kit https://kit.svelte.dev/ Web development framework
node.js https://nodejs.org/ Javascript runtime (Web server)
Deno https://deno.land/ Runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
Angular https://angular.io/ Web development framework
React https://react.dev/ Web development framework
NextJS https://nextjs.org/ Web development framework
jQuery https://jquery.com/ JS library, good for HTML traversal and manipulation
OpenUI5 https://openui5.org/ JS framework (SAP)
Vue.js https://vuejs.org/ JS framework
sass https://sass-lang.com/ CSS framework
Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/ CSS framework
Docusaurus https://docusaurus.io/ Static-site generator
Plotly dash https://plotly.com/dash/ Data visualization
Hibernate https://hibernate.org/ Dramework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database
Kafka https://kafka.apache.org/ Distributed event store and stream-processing platform
MongoDB https://www.mongodb.com/ NoSQL database
Godot https://godotengine.org/ Game engine
UNITY https://unity.com/ Game engine
Solar2D https://solar2d.com/ Game engine
OpenAI API https://platform.openai.com/docs/introduction Understanding or generating natural language and code
- Traefik https://traefik.io/traefik/ HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer
- Nginx https://nginx.org/ HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer
- Docker https://www.docker.com/ Container. CD
- Kubernetes https://kubernetes.io/ Container orchestration. CD
- Travis https://www.travis-ci.com/ CI
Clean code / Code Smells could be combined with a code analysis tool Explain with your code examples
Reviewable https://reviewable.io/ Code review tool
Test Diven Development could be combined with a unit testing tool Explain with your source code
JUnit https://junit.org/junit5/ Unit testing for Java
NUnit https://nunit.org/ Unit testing for .Net
Mockito https://site.mockito.org/ Mocking framework for Java
Tescafé https://testcafe.io/ Automated web testing
Selenium https://www.selenium.dev/ UI testing
Coverall https://coveralls.io/ web-based code coverage service
FitNesse http://docs.fitnesse.org/FrontPage Acceptance testing
SonarQube https://www.sonarsource.com/products/sonarqube/ Static code analysis
Google Lighthouse https://developer.chrome.com/docs/lighthouse/overview/ Performance measuring
- (OWASP) ZAP https://www.zaproxy.org/ Zed Attack Proxy. Web app scanner
- OAuth2 https://oauth.net/2/ Standard. Demo: implement OAuth2 in an application, e.g. Node.js
- Aircrack-ng https://www.aircrack-ng.org/ Assess WiFi network security
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