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Contributing to Stoplight Elements

Table Of Contents


Elements is an open-source project, and we love contributions. If you're familiar with TypeScript and Jest then dive right in, see how far you can get, and talk to us in Discussions or start a draft PR if you get stuck.

Installing Elements

Before you start development, you have to install elements and its dependencies.

Make sure you have node installed. We are predominantly using version 12. If you experience any issues, make sure to have this version installed. We recommened nvm for managing different versions of node on your computer.

For dependencies, we are using yarn. Install it, following the guideline.

Clone elements repository by running git clone [email protected]:stoplightio/elements.git (provided you have SSH keys added in GitHub).

Next, move into the repository by running cd elements.

Now run yarn. Installation of dependencies will begin.

To validate that the installation was successful, move into demo folder, by running cd demo and run yarn start. You should see a demo website, under the address http://localhost:4025.

Developing Elements

Elements is split into 3 packages. 2 of them - elements and elements-dev-portal are user-facing. 3rd - elements-core is an implementation detail, created to share code and components between elements and elements-dev-portal.

Most of the code is actually in elements-core, so if you are working on an issue, it's likely where you will land. elements and elements-dev-portal only have code that is higly specific to those projects.

Most often, we are developing elements (in all of those packages) using storybooks.

Each package has it's own storybook. In order to run a storybook for a specific package, in the main directory run, for example yarn elements-core storybook. This will start a storybook for elements-core package.

Now you can develop the code and test your changes in the storybook.

For your convenience all the packages are linked. So, for example, if you run elements storybook, but make changes in elements-core codebase, those changes will be visible instantly in your storybook.


Guiding principles

The aim should never be to write tests for the sake of writing tests. In our opinion the goal of testing is to give developers confidence when making changes to the codebase, be it adding new features, cleaning up tech debt, or fixing bugs.

Well written tests also spare tons of time when authoring or reviewing PRs as one doesn't have to run through hundreds of test cases manually to verify everything still works as intended. On the other hand, badly written tests that depend on the implementation will need to be changed any time the implementation changes, causing frustration and unnecessary work, while barely adding any value.

In order to achieve good quality tests, please follow the following principles:

  • Always test the behavior of a component, not the implementation.

    • Tests that use Jest snapshots almost always violate this. (Except maybe when you are testing an AST parser, a linter or similar.)

    Do instead: Extract the real business requirement from what would be the snapshot and assert against that.

    • Tests that find child components and assert against props being passed are mostly wrong. Use the recommended selectors (see point below) and jest-dom assertions to enforce constraints that actually matter to the user.
    • Searching for DOM elements using tag name, CSS class or hierarchy (parentElement, etc.) is an antipattern.

    Do instead: use findByRole or other queries from TL's query hierarchy. Feel free to add accessibility attributes where missing. With a bit of practice you'll see that almost everything can be covered with *byRole. Warning: it's addictive. ;)

  • The goal for your test suite is to cover as much of the business requirements (e.g. in the issue description) as practical.

  • An ideal test suite only requires a change if business requirements change.

  • While not generally expected, it is OK to add additional tests for helper functions, hooks and subcomponents where it would not be practical to test them alongside their host components. In this case, still try to follow the principles above as much as practical.

  • Use Jest/JSDOM testing wherever suitable. Cypress-based tests should be reserved for high level integration tests, such as:

    • Basic sanity checks to make sure that Elements builds and loads correctly in a certain environment.
    • Making sure that the routers/navigation of the external framework play nicely with our internal router.

Unit tests

Each public-facing component should be thoroughly covered by unit tests. We take a sensible approach to testing and do not worship the coverage indicator but make sure that every notable feature is covered exhaustively.

Whenever you add a new component, implement a changing functional requirement or fix a bug, you are expected to also deliver one or more tests that cover the feature being added/modified.

Unit testing stack:

  • Jest
  • React Testing Library
  • Jest-DOM
  • * You can find some legacy code utilizing a different stack (Enzyme). When changing those tests, use your judgement to decide between amending the old unit test or rewriting it using the new stack. Mixing testing libraries in a single test file is fine.

Unit tests are currently located in a directory __tests__ close to the component being tested, but this is soon to change: In the future, tests will be located right next to the components under test, with a .spec.ts extension.

Running unit-tests

Assuming you work on the elements package, you can run jest on it using the shorthand

yarn elements test

There is no need to build Elements beforehand, the test runs on the currently saved TypeScript code. Make sure to install dependencies, however. (yarn)

Any arguments you append after the command will get forwarded to jest. Some useful combinations:

# Shows the result of each individual test case
yarn elements test --verbose
# Only runs tests related to files changed since last commit.
yarn elements test -o
# Keeps running the tests whenever you change a source or test file. Implies `-o` by default.
yarn elements test --watch
# Runs the test(s) whose name matches the argument regex
yarn elements test -t Test\ Name

Framework Integration

Framework Integration tests are set up to make sure Elements builds and loads correctly using any of the supported frameworks. Even though these tests are not "end to end" per se, we usually refer to them as end-to-end (e2e) tests, mainly because we use Cypress to run them, a traditionally end-to-end test runner.

The logical steps in which these tests are run:

  1. You build Elements from the current TypeScript source.
  2. You copy the contents of predefined example project from examples to examples-dev e.g. copy examples/angular to examples-dev/angular
  3. You install the Elements build from the first step into the chosen example project in examples-dev (you modify package.json to point to dist folder of elements-core, elements or elements-dev-portal)
  4. You serve the example from examples-dev project on localhost over HTTP port 4200
  5. You run the Cypress test suite against this example application.

You generally don't need to amend e2e tests when working on Elements unless you are adding a new supported framework. These tests are run by the CI pipeline to ensure that a PR does not break any environments. That being said, if you for some reason want to run them by hand, here's how to do so:

Note: Unlike Jest tests, FI tests simulate real-world integration scenarios and therefore require Elements to be built before testing.

Run tests as the CI would

# Make sure top level dependencies are up-to-date
# Build Elements itself
yarn build
# Copy the contents of predefined example application and make it use the local build
yarn copy:react-cra
# Build the chosen example (sub `react-cra` for any other example repo)
yarn build:react-cra
# Run the example and the test suite against it
yarn e2e:run:react-cra

Note: You only need to run yarn copy:$INTEGRATION-NAME once after you clone the Elements repo.

Run the tests manually

This is useful for either working on the tests or debugging failures.

The first 3 steps are the same, but this time, instead of running the tests in headless mode, we are going to run them by hand, using the Cypress console.

# Make sure top level dependencies are up-to-date
# Build Elements itself
yarn build
# Copy the contents of predefined example application and make it use the local build
yarn copy:react-cra
# Build the chosen example (sub `react-cra` for any other example repo)
yarn build:react-cra
# Run the example on port 4200. This is going to block so (unless you '&' it) or you'll need another terminal for the next step.
yarn serve:react-cra
# Open the Cypress console
yarn e2e:open

Note: You only need to run yarn copy:$INTEGRATION-NAME once after you clone the Elements repo.

With the console open, click on any test suite to run it visually. Check Cypress Docs for more details about the Test Runner.

Don't forget that while Cypress hot-reloads on test code change, it needs a complete rebuild for Elements changes. There is unfortunately no way around this for now. You likely won't hit this limitation often, but in case you do, one trick that may speed things up a bit is: You can substitute yarn build:react-cra && yarn serve:react-cra with cd examples/react-cra; yarn start.

Edit the tests

The tests are located under cypress/integration and utilize the same principles as the unit tests. Fixtures, Cypress plugins and support files can also be found in the relevant folder under cypress.

Inspecting test results

Test results can be found under the cypress/results directory. Cypress records videos of every test suite run, and takes screenshots on every failure. In addition, a machine- and human- readable output.xml is generated that contains a summary of the results.

When running in CircleCI, the host interprets output.xml and displays it visually on the dashboard: screenshot

Videos - and in case of failure, screenshots - can be found under the Artifacts tab. screenshot

Yalcing into platform-internal

Elements is used in the Stoplight Platform, as well as in open source projects. Here is how you (if you are a Stoplight employee) can test integrating Elements locally:

  1. Inside of elements root directory, run yarn build then cd packages/elements-core/dist then yalc publish
  2. Copy the yalc published version output to terminal @stoplight/[email protected]
  3. Go to packages/ninja, run yalc add @stoplight/[email protected] and yarn install --check-files

Releasing Elements

  1. Make sure you are in the root directory of this repo and on the main branch. Also pull all the latest changes!
  2. Create a new branch. The name doesn't really matter - something like chore/release will do.
  3. Run yarn version. You will be asked a few questions.
    • We don't release elements-demo or elements-utils packages. In order to not release them, you have to choose "Custom Version" and enter the same, old verison by hand. Awkward, but it works.
    • For other packages, you can just choose the proposed version (patch or minor update) from the console. Remember to read our versioning guidelines below!
  4. After the script gets finalized, a commit will be created for you.
  5. IMPORTANT!!! If elements-core version was updated in elements and/or elements-dev-portal, the script has changed ~ sign to ^ in front of elements-core version. Change it back to ~ in both places manually and make a new commit. The commit message doesn't really matter here, something like fix: ^ to ~ for elements-core is more than enough.
  6. Now make a push, create a PR and ask someone for a review. The purpose of the review is to make sure the release obeys our versioning guidelines.

Versioning Guidelines

If you did changes only in elements package, it's okay to release only elements package.

If you did changes only in elements-dev-portal package, it's okay to release only elements-dev-portal package.

If you did changes in the elements-core, this means that all 3 packages should be released.

If it's difficult to figure out what changes happened since the last release, there is never any harm in releasing all the packages. This will not cause any issues, meanwhile - for example - releasing only elements but not releasing elements-core can cause serious errors.

Here is how we do versioning:

Major versions

If you are bumping a major in any elements package, you are most likely doing something wrong. Consult a member of Pierogi Team. No yolo'ing allowed here!

Minor versions

Minor versions in elements and elements-dev-portal are for introducing new features. If any change that is being released introduces a new feature / somehow extends the functionality, bump the minor.

In case of elements-core (and in contrast with two other packages), we allow minors to have (within reason), some breaking changes. That's because it is an internal package that we control.

If you need to make a breaking change in elements-core, make sure to bump minor and make sure that the new versions of elements and elements-dev-portal are using this new version and are compatible with it. Remember also that elements is used in internal platform code (you-know-which repo), so make sure that the new version also works correctly there.

Because we allow for breaking changes in elements-core, elements and elements-dev-portal package.json files use ~ sign, instead of a typical ^ sign. This ensures that those packages will be installing only patch updates, until the elements-core version is explicility bumped in package.json.


This is probably the most obvious - in all 3 packages patch bumps are mostly for bug fixes.