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Three-Party Lightning Escrow Trade Protocol


In the last part of bisq-network/proposals#312, a lightning-based trade protocol was outlined that used garbled circuits and a third party (escrow agent) to hold the traders' BTC escrow in a way that is arguably non-custodial, with similar security properties to Bisq's current on-chain escrow protocol, which we attempt to abstract below. Unfortunately, the proposal didn't go into too much detail as it was focused on a different, much harder to implement, bond-based BSQ lightning trade protocol idea.

In this proposal, the garbled circuit-based idea is explained in much more detail (with some changes to exactly how the payment secrets are set up). In particular, there are quite a lot of subtleties during the startup and closure of the trade that weren't considered properly at the time of the original proposal, but have now been worked out.

Intended escrow trade security properties

In any arbitrator-backed (i.e. non-MAD) escrow-based trade protocol (with a buyer and seller each supplying a security deposit on top of the trade amount), there is an implicit third party who takes full custody of the escrow in the event of a dispute which cannot be resolved through mediation. This is taken to be a high trust role covered by a considerable bond. The following is an attempt to enumerate the monetary security properties we hope to achieve between the three parties:

  1. 2-out-of-3

    No party should be able to unilaterally steal or withhold funds belonging to the other two parties (except possibly the trade/network fees).

  2. Non-custodial

    In the case of the third party, the above should hold true without needing to hold them liable against their bond or needing any other intervention by the DAO (implicit fourth party). Thus mutually cooperating traders who follow the protocol can unconditionally recover their funds.

  3. Safe for the third party

    The traders cannot collude to steal or withhold funds from the third party (say by taking payout without actually depositing the escrow).

  4. Accountable

    Signatures and receipts of payment are valid (unforgeable), so that in the event that the trade does not close normally, the third party can be safely held liable (against their bond) for any and all funds that may be owed to a trader or to the DAO. In particular, a situation should not arise where a trader has misbehaved (say the seller) and funds may be owed to the counterparty (the buyer) depending on whether the third party has them, but it is impossible to tell whether they colluded with the seller to forge receipt of payout or it was actually the buyer colluding with the seller to take the payout but then deny it, placing one person's word against the other (buyer vs. third party).

  5. Avalanche free

    It should not be possible for the third party (colluding with a series of corrupt traders or sweeping the offer book using buyer/seller sockpuppets) to steal an arbitrarily large amount of money from a fixed-size starting collateral, say by driving a series of trades into arbitration. To ensure this, each trader needs to force the other two parties to tie up a total amount of liquidity which exceeds the monies already paid to them (by some large positive amount, say the security deposit), at all points in time throughout the trade window (that is, unless the trade closes normally). That way, an attacker will steadily use up their liquidity as they sweep the offer book and won't be able to free any of it up again until a noticeable amount of trades has gone into dispute, causing all trading to be shut down. Without this protection, they could quickly free up the initially 'invested' collateral to repeat their attack over and over in a (linearly or exponentially growing) avalanche.

    So with a 15% security deposit (for example), a corrupt third party sweeping the offer book could steal 1.15 / 0.15 ~ = 7.67 times their starting collateral per round of attacks, but they would get shut down after the first round. In this way, if they started with $130,000 they could steal around $1 million, which would probably exceed any reasonable bond but still be less than the 10's of millions of dollars that could feasibly be in the offer book, and hopefully a recoverable loss for the DAO.

The current on-chain 2-2 multisig mediator-based trade protocol in Bisq 1 enjoys all above five security properties, with the Burning Man (donation address holder) implicitly taking the role of the third party. The old arbitrator-based 2-3 multisig protocol (with the arbitrator taking the role of the third party) enjoys properties 1-4 but not 5, since the arbitrator in collusion with one of the traders could make off with the funds right at the start of the trade. Thus the newer on-chain protocol has strictly better security.

The lightning escrow protocol described here aims to achieve all five security properties (though with a minor flaw concerning property 4, explained below), with the escrow agent as the third party.

Overview of the lightning escrow protocol

The buyer, seller and escrow agent each have their own lightning node and wallet. After initial exchange of data between the three parties at the very start of the trade, a series of six pending lightning payments are set up between their nodes, bidirectionally between each pair of nodes (thus forming a complete directed graph). The two lightning payments to the escrow agent are then finalised to open the trade. The buyer then starts their counter-currency (fiat or altcoin) payment and confirms it in the UI. The seller then closes the trade and releases the escrow by finalising (in cooperation with the buyer) the remaining four lightning payments.

Let t be the trade amount and s the security deposit (same for both traders) and suppose that the buyer and seller deposits include their respective trade fees fB and fS. Then we have the following lightning payments:

  1. DB = buyer deposit; size(DB) = s + fB;
  2. DS = seller deposit; size(DS) = t + s + fS;
  3. PB = buyer payout; size(PB) = s;
  4. PS = seller payout; size(PS) = t + s;
  5. CBS = buyer-seller cross-payment; size(CBS) = s;
  6. CSB = seller-buyer cross-payment; size(CSB) = t + s;

These are illustrated as follows: Image

Why include the cross-payments CBS and CSB instead of just sending payout of the correct amount directly to the two traders? This is so that each trader has the full escrow amount in pending payments to them while the trade is open, in order to 'grief' (that is, tie up the channel liquidity of) the other two nodes, who could be colluding. (Regrettably, it also ties up the channel liquidity of all the routing nodes along each payment path by the same amount while the trade is open, which could be considered abusive if the trade is open a long time.)

Note that a lightning peer cannot really trust anything seen to happen outside his own node and attached channels (as it could all be fake/sockpuppets). Thus payments other than those going directly to/from a given peer are irrelevant to him. 'Griefing' the other two parties in this way (that is, with incoming pending payments) ensures that Security Property 5 above (avalanche freedom) holds. Tying up the full escrow amount for both the buyer's and the seller's two counterparties ensures that they are 'down' by at least the security deposit at all points throughout the trade, even when they collude and fake their mutual payments, as needed for property 5 to hold.

Payment latches and garbled circuits

To recap payments in lightning: the usual way to make a payment between two nodes is that the recipient first chooses a secret 256-bit preimage x and gives an invoice to the sender containing the payment hash h = sha256(x). The sender then finds a route of channels with sufficient outgoing capacity and sets up a chain of hash time locked contracts (HTLCs) in those channels, to establish a pending payment to the recipient which he may finalise with the hash-lock key x. The HTLCs have staggered timeouts, timing out first at the recipient end (after perhaps hours to days) and last at the sender end (after perhaps a few days to a week or so). The recipient has until the initial HTLC timeout (really some hours beforehand and not at the last minute, for security) to finalise his payment or let it time out. When finalising, the payment preimage x propagates (usually instantly but theoretically much slower) back to the sender, where it serves as a receipt. The sender need wait no longer than the final HTLC expiry to get the receipt.

In our lightning escrow protocol, each trader makes a pending deposit D (DB or DS as defined above) to the escrow agent, who reciprocates with a pending payout P (PB or PS) of almost the same amount back to the trader. The payment D is then finalised, leaving the trader with a receipt. If these payments are set up in the usual way, with a recipient-generated preimage and hash, then this creates the obvious problem of "who goes first?". If the escrow agent goes first then Security Property 3 above (safety for the third party) is violated, since the trader can finalise and run off with the payout. OTOH if the trader goes first then Security Property 2 (non-custodiality) is technically violated and, in the case of the seller, Security Property 5 (avalanche freedom) is violated, since if the escrow agent finalises DS before setting up PS then the pending payments to the seller are too small to 'grief' the counterparties sufficiently.

To solve this problem, we need a way to set up a payment with a sender-controlled latch, such that the recipient cannot finalise the payment until the latch is released, but when they do the sender is still left with a valid receipt (that is, one that cannot be forged by them). In the case of the payments D and P above, there should either be a latch on D or on P (it doesn't matter which), and it should be automatically released when the counter-payment is finalised (plus the latched payment should have a bigger timeout than its unlatched counter-payment). That way, there is no danger provided the latched payment is set up first. Then when both the payments are set up, the latch can be released and escrow agent can finalise D to start the trade.

To create such a latched payment with valid receipt, the payment hash must be derived from both a sender secret L and recipient secret R, with the former serving as the latch key and the latter serving as the receipt. The secrets should be combined in some way to form the payment preimage, say by XORing them:

payment hash := sha256(L xor S), for 256-bit secrets L and S;

or by concatenating them:

payment hash := sha256(L || S), for 128-bit secrets L and S.

This requires a generic secure 2-party computation (2PC), to jointly compute the (public) payment hash without either party sharing their secret. We may use a garbled circuit to perform such a computation, together with an oblivious transfer (the easy part) of the garbled input bits to the counterparty.

Garbled circuits provides a way to encrypt a boolean circuit evaluation by replacing each wire (intermediate bit) and each gate with a garbled version. For every wire in the circuit, we choose a garbled-1 and a garbled-0. Every garbled circuit has a generator who performs the garbling, and an evaluator who runs the circuit on the garbled intermediate bits without learning their ungarbled values (that is, whether a given intermediate bit is a garbled-1 or a garbled-0). Since the evaluator could tell the difference between the two if they saw multiple combinations of garbled inputs and outputs of a given gate (say an AND gate), it is vital that the generated circuit is only evaluated once, just like a one-time pad or a key pair for a Lamport signature, and never reused with a different set of inputs.

So that the evaluator may choose some inputs to the circuit, a 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer of the evaluator's choice of garbled-0 or garbled-1 is made from the generator to the evaluator for every secret input bit to the computation that the evaluator supplies. That way both parties may supply secrets to the computation (with the generator's possibly baked into the circuit), with neither side learning the other's secrets. At the end of the computation, the evaluator may pass the final garbled outputs to the generator to check and ungarble them, or the circuit evaluation may directly produce a set of final ungarbled outputs.

There are a number of optimisations that may be performed to minimise the size of the serialised garbled circuit that is sent to the evaluator, for a given boolean circuit and number of bits of security. I have written a Java-based garbled circuit implementation based on this paper, which shows how to achieve the optimal size of twice the number of bits of security times the number of AND/OR/NAND/NOR gates in the circuit, with free XOR/XNOR/NOT gates. In our case, we must perform a garbled SHA-256 hash of a 256-bit preimage. This requires around 21489 AND gates (plus a much larger number of free XOR and NOT gates). For 128 bits of security, this gives a garbled circuit size of 687648 bytes, which may be generated and evaluated in a fraction of a second. Thus the generator must send roughly 2/3 MB to the evaluator for every lightning payment latch that needs to be set up, with a corresponding secure 2-party SHA-256 computation. (Note that the oblivious transfers use negligible bandwidth in comparison.)

In our protocol, we distinguish between hard latched payments, where the latch key is known only by the sender for maximum security, and soft latched payments, where the latch key is passed to the sender from a third party who actually runs the secure 2PC with the recipient. In particular, we give the buyer a soft latch key supplied by the escrow agent for a noncritical purpose, to avoid having to run a secure 2PC directly between the buyer and the seller (or even a secure 3PC between all three parties, which would be hugely expensive).

Broadcasting with a backup notary

To ensure Security Property 4 above (accountability), there are a couple of points in the protocol where it is necessary for a party to announce or reveal something to the other two parties before a given time (really block height), such that it cannot later be denied that the other parties received that message on time, nor can it be falsely claimed that the message was sent on time when it wasn't. In particular, the trade must either close cleanly or go into arbitration and in the former case, all four pending payments PB, PS, CBS and CSB must finalise before any of them have a chance to time out. This requires the escrow agent to announce their receipt of the payment preimage of PS on time, officially closing the trade, before the payments PB and CSB to the buyer time out, as the buyer will need the seller's preimage to finalise them. Otherwise, the escrow agent could be held liable for any payouts not received.

We shall call such a non-repudiable announcement before a given block height a broadcast. In the happy path, this can be implemented by merely receiving an ACK from the other two parties upon sending each a message, non-repudiably acknowledging receipt of the message on time. However, a malicious party could withhold their ACK. In that case, it is necessary to send the message to a backup notary. This could simply be a timestamped broadcast to the Bisq P2P network, or for greater security we may use the Bitcoin blockchain as the notary, with confirmation of an OP_RETURN with the relevant message before the cutoff block height.

Payment timeouts

There are six time windows of import to our lightning escrow protocol, as follows:

  1. Nominal trade window (1-4 days);
  2. Mediation period (5-10 days minus nominal trade period);
  3. Timeout of payments PS and CBS (hours to days);
  4. Crucial buyer online window (say 24 hours);
  5. Timeout of payments PB and CSB (hours to days);
  6. Arbitration period (indefinite).

Additionally, there are the timeout windows of the deposits DB and DS, which may occur any time wholly before and after the boundary 3-4 respectively (but before window 6, the arbitration period). Of course, those payments would normally finalise quickly right at the start of the trade, at which point their timeouts cease to be relevant.

These events are illustrated as follows: Image Note that the arrows show when the six lightning payments are set to time out, not when they actually finalise in practice, which should usually be well within the nominal trade window. The arrows run backwards in time, reflecting the fact that lightning payments time out first at the recipient end, with the HTLC timeouts working backwards to the sender.

The trade may close normally any time up to the end of the mediation period, before the lightning payment timeouts start. Just like in the present on-chain escrow protocol, the buyer and seller only need to be online simultaneously at the start of the trade. The buyer confirms fiat/altcoin payment while the seller is possibly offline, then the seller confirms receipt and closes the trade to release the funds while the buyer is possibly offline. To close the trade in this protocol, the seller first releases his funds by finalising PS and CBS, which he may do while the buyer is offline. This completes the trade for the seller, who now has no need to be online again. Then the next time the buyer comes online, he sees the broadcast preimage of PS, which serves as a key to unlock the payments PB and CSB (that is, it is used to derive their payment preimages). Finalising those payments completes the trade for the buyer.

The 24-hour crucial buyer online window is only of relevance in the event that it is getting near the end of the mediation period and the seller still hasn't released. Then the buyer must make sure he is online at some point in that window of block heights in case the seller releases at the last minute. If the buyer does not see the receipt of PS (sent directly by the seller or broadcast by the escrow agent) from the start of that time window, the trade is guaranteed to go into arbitration. Otherwise, the buyer has until the end of that time window to finalise his payments. If he does not, then he is highly likely to lose money and neither of the other parties can be held liable.

Payment secrets and hashes

To set up all the required payments at the start of the trade, the escrow agent first runs a single secure 2-party computation with the seller, using a garbled circuit generated in advance by the escrow agent. The parties begin with the following secrets, generated at random:

  • The escrow agent has 32-byte secrets EB and ER, plus a 16-byte secret ES;
  • The seller has 16-byte secrets S1 and S2;
  • The buyer holds no payment related secrets of his own.

Now let S = S1 || S2 (a 32-byte secret). Then we set the following payment preimages:

  1. preimage(DB) = EB (unlatched payment);
  2. preimage(DS) = S1 || ES (hard latched payment, latch key S1);
  3. preimage(PB) = S xor ER xor EB (hard latched payment, latch key EB);
  4. preimage(PS) = S xor ER (soft latched payment, latch key ER);
  5. preimage(CBS) = S xor ER xor EB (hard latched payment, latch key EB);
  6. preimage(CSB) = S xor ER (soft latched payment, latch key ER);

The escrow agent shares ER with the buyer at the very start of the trade, serving as a soft latch key for the buyer. This is to prevent the seller from prematurely releasing the escrow before the buyer has started payment. The secrets S1 and EB serve as hard latch keys for the seller and escrow agent respectively, to prevent any of the parties from running off with money at the start of the trade. The secrets EB (latch key), ES and S2 serve as receipts of payment of the deposits DB, DS and the combined final payouts, respectively.

Thus there are four distinct payment preimages / hashes, with PB and CBS sharing the same hash and PS and CSB sharing the same hash. So the garbled circuit / secure 2PC between the seller and the escrow agent needs to compute the following three values:

sha256(S1 || ES);
sha256(S xor ER);
sha256(S xor ER xor EB).

This gives a garbled circuit size of roughly 2/3 + 2/3 + 2/3 = 2 MB.

At the end of the circuit evaluation by the seller, he is left with a list of 768 garbled bits which form the three 256-bit values above. These need to be sent to the escrow agent (circuit generator) so that each can be checked to be a valid garbling and ungarbled. That way, the escrow agent knows that the three hashes really are linked in the above way and not just made up by the seller. This is important for security.

Precomputation of the garbled circuits

For each trade, the escrow agent supplies a single garbled circuit to the seller with preset and possibly baked-in secrets EB, ER and ES. Just as it is important that the seller can assure the escrow agent that the circuit evaluation wasn't tampered with (by letting the escrow agent see the garbled outputs), it is also important that the escrow agent cannot generate a broken garbled circuit, say to deliberately produce the wrong hashes or leak secrets in its outputs. The escrow agent needs to supply some kind of proof to both traders that the circuit was generated correctly. So that it doesn't leak the escrow agent's secrets, the proof should be zero-knowledge.

As a complete zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) of correct circuit generation, such as a zk-SNARK or zk-STARK, would be an extremely complex and heavyweight construction, we shall settle for a probabilistic proof, based on sampling a large number of pre-committed candidate garbled circuits and then using one of the unsampled ones - a sort-of poor man's zero-knowledge proof.

This could work in detail as follows. The escrow agent chooses, say, a million secret random seeds x1,...,x1000000. From each seed xi, the escrow agent deterministically generates the secrets EBi, ERi and ESi as above, together with a garbled circuit Gi in which they are embedded. Then the escrow agent forms a Merkle tree out of the million pairs (hash(xi), Gi), for any suitable cryptographic hash function, such as SHA-256. At the root of the Merkle tree is a hash x which the escrow agent proceeds to publish, committing him to all the circuits and secrets underneath. This whole private computation should take the escrow agent no more than a few days.

Now a random shuffling P of the million indices (Merkle tree leaves) needs to be chosen, after the root x is published, in a way that the escrow agent has demonstrably no control over. That is, he provably cannot bias the shuffling in any way. This could be achieved by using an unbiased output from a random beacon of some sort, such as taking the Bitcoin block hash at some predetermined future height, then hashing it over and over a very large fixed number of times (taking hours, say) to produce a final 256-bit random key k. Then it is provably the case that no one can bias k in any way, not even a single bit, except at extreme cost. We may then use a format-preserving encryption (FPE) scheme, setting the permutation P to be the encryption of a Merkle leaf index with key k.

Having determined the shuffling P, the escrow agent reveals the last half of the list of shuffled secret seeds, xP(500001),...,xP(1000000), together with paths from the public root x to each of the corresponding Merkle leaves. Then it may be independently verified that the escrow agent generated each circuit GP(500001),...,GP(1000000) correctly, by regenerating it (together with its baked-in secrets) from the corresponding seed and checking that it matches byte-for-byte. If a single bad circuit is found, then the escrow agent forfeits his bond.

Having sampled half the circuits at random in this way, the escrow agent can only hide a handful of bad circuits amongst the unused ones without getting caught and has far higher expected loss from his gambled bond than expected financial gain, no matter how many bad circuits he attempts to sneak in.

For each trade, the escrow agent chooses a fresh index i from the first 500000 shuffled indices P(1),...,P(500000) and sends the seller the garbled circuit Gi together with its path from the Merkle root x, so that the two traders can be reasonably sure that it is good. This allows up to 500000 trades to be completed before the escrow agent runs out of garbled circuits and the setup above has to be repeated, which should take quite a while.

Payment setup and deposit finalisation

Having run a secure 2PC between the seller and the escrow agent to compute the hashes of the six lightning payments, the next step is to route and set up all the HTLCs before finalising any of the pending payments. The order in which the payments are made is important, in case of any misbehaviour by a party half-way through. In particular, the buyer deposit DB is unlatched and the seller-routed payout PS is only soft latched, so they need to be made after the respective reciprocal payments PB and DS, as discussed when introducing payment latches. The order of events at the start of the trade is as follows:

  1. The seller chooses secrets S1 and S2 and evaluates a 2 MB garbled circuit precomputed by the escrow agent (sent either at the start of the trade or cached in advance by the seller), sharing the resultant payment hashes (as verified by the escrow agent) with the other two parties. The escrow agent also shares the soft latch key ER with the buyer (only).
  2. The seller sets up pending payments DS and CSB.
  3. The escrow agent sets up pending payments PB and PS (after seeing DS).
  4. The buyer sets up pending payments DB and CBS, but only after the seller has confirmed seeing PS to the buyer (and of course the buyer has seen PB).
  5. The buyer and escrow agent send a signed "go ahead" signal to the seller, who broadcasts the two signatures together with the hard latch key S1, which serves as the seller's signed "go ahead" signal. The broadcast triple of signatures has a time limit set to several hours into the trade. This serves a non-repudiable confirmation by all the parties that everything has been set up correctly to finalise the deposits and start trading.
  6. The escrow agent, upon seeing the seller's broadcast, himself broadcasts the pair of deposit receipts (EB, ES), with time limit set to several hours after the seller's broadcast. The escrow agent also finalises the deposits DB and DS.

The main purpose of the two broadcasts above is to prevent the escrow agent from maliciously delaying the deposit finalisation to prevent a clean start to the trade (say in the hope of encouraging payout timeouts to steal money), then denying it afterwards. The final broadcast serves as an official opening of the trade, which the escrow agent must make on time to avoid a financial penalty. This ensures that the trade opens in a timely manner and the buyer can begin payment with a delay no later than a few hours, in the worst case.

Note that the seller deposit DS (but not the smaller buyer deposit) is hard latched and made first, before the escrow agent makes any payments. This serves as DoS attack protection. We could have designed the protocol so that both the escrow agent's payouts were hard latched and made first instead, but then malicious traders could run off at that point, repeating the process to tie up arbitrarily large amounts of the escrow agent's liquidity in incoming lightning payments without using up any of their own liquidity (just their much cheaper incoming channel capacity).

Confirming fiat payment and closing the trade

Once the buyer has started the fiat or altcoin payment, he confirms this to the seller and sends the soft latch key ER, which unlatches the remaining four lightning payouts and allows the seller to release. As mentioned earlier, the seller can be offline at this time.

Upon closing the trade, the seller finalises PS and CBS, which reveals the final secret S2 (seller receipt and release key for the payments to the buyer) to the other two parties. The escrow agent broadcasts S2 with time limit set to just before the 24-hour crucial buyer online window after the mediation period. In practice, this means that the escrow agent doesn't normally need to do anything, since he won't need to turn to the backup notary until that timeout approaches, by which time the trade should have long since closed. Then the next time the buyer comes online, he sees S2 and uses that to finalise his incoming payments PB and CSB and sends a non-repudiable confirmation to the escrow agent that the trade closed normally, completing the trade.

The ability of the escrow agent to produce the seller receipt S2 determines whether the trade closed normally or went into arbitration, that is whether the seller released the escrow or let the payouts time out. There are three possible scenarios once the arbitration phase is entered:

  1. The escrow agent broadcasts S2 on time;
  2. The escrow agent has S2 but did not broadcast it on time;
  3. The escrow agent does not have S2.

In scenario 1, the trade is assumed to have closed normally and the escrow agent is not liable for any funds.

In scenario 3, the trade went into arbitration and the escrow agent is liable for the full escrow amount, which he must pass to an arbitrator or to the DAO (say by buying BSQ with it and burning it).

In scenario 2, there was misbehaviour by the seller in collusion with either the buyer or the escrow agent, but it is impossible to tell which. Therefore, the seller is owed nothing and the buyer is owed some amount up to the full escrow amount. However, we can only be certain the payment PS from the escrow agent timed out (otherwise he would have been able to broadcast S2 on time). So we can only hold the escrow agent liable for the full escrow amount minus the security deposit. This means the buyer will get his normal payout, but we cannot award him any of the seller's forfeited security deposit. Collusion between the seller and a corrupt escrow agent (who could manually pay back the seller his forfeited security deposit) therefore allows the seller to potentially avoid making a penalty payment in the case of deliberate misbehaviour (such as claiming buyer never made payment when he did). This is a minor flaw in the implementation of Security Property 4 (accountability), as mentioned in the beginning.

Note that we could have designed the trade protocol to furnish the escrow agent with a buyer receipt instead, when closing the trade. That would have lead to similar three scenarios above, but in the middle scenario we would have misbehaviour by the buyer in collusion with an unknown second party. That would lead to an inability to award the seller any of the buyer's forfeited security deposit (who would have it returned by a corrupt escrow agent), which is a strictly worse situation than the above, as it fails to deter future trading (the most common scam on Bisq). (Arguably it is theft, as the buyer got a free option from the seller, which should have been taken out of his security deposit.)

(Furnishing the escrow agent with both a buyer and seller receipt appears to be technically very difficult.)

A note concerning privacy

Lightning payments are onion routed, which means that in principle a sender node, recipient node or intermediate node do not need to know the entire route (including its endpoints), only their immediate neighbours in the route. Only the party responsible for finding a route through the network needs to know both the sender and recipient node IDs. In practice that is always the sender, e.g. when fulfilling an invoice created by the recipient (in which he specifies his node ID).

Naively, the three parties in our protocol would all share their node IDs with each other, with the sender of each lightning payment responsible for finding the route. But that would be rather bad for privacy, as the node ID is static and reused between different payments. In particular, we don't want the escrow agent to harvest the node IDs of all the traders in the network and work out who is trading with whom.

To provide better privacy, we could try to make the seller find all six routes, passing public key encrypted routing onions to the other two parties to actually make the payments. This matches the privacy expectations of a regular lightning payment with an invoice, from the BTC seller to the buyer, with the sender learning the recipient's node ID, but not the other way round.

Note that according to the Onion Routing Protocol BOLT #4 specification, the sender is always the party that constructs the onion from the plaintext route, and indeed only the party constructing the onion would actually be capable of decrypting any error messages passed back to the sender when setting up the HTLCs (so it would complicate things a bit if that wasn't the sender). There appears to be no support in the LND gRPC API for having another party construct the onion (and likely that's the case for other lightning clients as well). Such nonstandard behaviour from the client wouldn't impact any other nodes in the network (who shouldn't be able to tell the sender from an intermediate node anyway), but would probably require a custom code fork.