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Sample apps for the AWS IoT Device SDK for JavaScript v2


If you are installing via npm instead of building from source, please make the following change to the package.json under each sample.


    "dependencies": {
        "aws-iot-device-sdk-v2": "file:../../..",
        "yargs": "^14.0.0"


    "dependencies": {
        "aws-iot-device-sdk-v2":  "<latest released version eg: ^1.3.0>",
        "yargs": "^14.0.0"


This sample uses the Message Broker for AWS IoT to send and receive messages through an MQTT connection. On startup, the device connects to the server, subscribes to a topic, and begins publishing messages to that topic. The device should receive those same messages back from the message broker, since it is subscribed to that same topic. Status updates are continually printed to the console.

Source: samples/node/pub_sub

Run the sample like this:

npm install
node dist/index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <file> --cert <file> --key <file>

Your Thing's Policy must provide privileges for this sample to connect, subscribe, publish, and receive. Make sure your policy allows a client ID of test-* to connect or use --client_id <client ID here> to send the client ID your policy supports.

(see sample policy)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [


This is a Javascript-only version of the PubSub sample. If you don't want to dig through type annotations, this sample is for you.

Run the sample like this:

npm install
node index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <file> --cert <file> --key <file>


This is a browser based version of the PubSub sample in JS.

To run the sample:

  1. Configure your credentials and endpoint URL in settings.js.

    • You will need to setup a Cognito identity pool to run this sample. You can read how to setup a Cognito identity pool here: AWS documentation.
  2. Build the script via npm install

  3. Open index.html from your browser.


This sample creates a basic MQTT connection using a certificate and key file. On startup, the device connects and then disconnects from the AWS server. This sample is for reference on connecting via certificate and key files.

Source: samples/node/basic_connect

Run the sample like this:

npm install
node dist/index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <file> --cert <file> --key <file>

Your Thing's Policy must provide privileges for this sample to connect. Make sure your policy allows a client ID of test-* to connect or use --client_id <client ID here> to send the client ID your policy supports.

(see sample policy)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [


This sample creates a basic MQTT connection using websockets. On startup, the device connects and then disconnects from the AWS server. This sample is for reference on connecting via websockets.

Source: samples/node/websocket_connect

Run the sample like this:

npm install
node dist/index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <file> --signing_region <signing region>

Your Thing's Policy must provide privileges for this sample to connect. Make sure your policy allows a client ID of test-* to connect or use --client_id <client ID here> to send the client ID your policy supports.

(see sample policy)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [


This sample is similar to the basic connect sample, but the private key for mutual TLS is stored on a PKCS#11 compatible smart card or hardware security module (HSM).

On startup, the device connects and then disconnects from the AWS server. This sample is for reference on connecting via websockets.

WARNING: Unix only. Node only. Currently, TLS integration with PKCS#11 is only available on Unix devices.

Source: samples/node/pkcs11_connect

To run this sample using SoftHSM2 as the PKCS#11 device:

  1. Create an IoT Thing with a certificate and key if you haven't already.

  2. Convert the private key into PKCS#8 format

    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in <private.pem.key> -out <private.p8.key> -nocrypt
  3. Install SoftHSM2:

    sudo apt install softhsm

    Check that it's working:

    softhsm2-util --show-slots

    If this works, continue to step 4.

    But if it spits out an error message, it's likely that SoftHM2's default token directory doesn't exist, or you don't have read/write access to it.

    Either create the directory with user permissions:

    mkdir -p /usr/local/var/lib/softhsm/tokens

    Or if that doesn't work, create a directory wherever you like and tell SoftHSM2 where to find it:

    • Create the token directory
    • Create a config file at this location: ~/.config/softhsm2/softhsm2.conf
    • The config file should look something like:
    directories.tokendir = <my-token-dir>
  4. Create token and import private key.

    You can use any values for the labels, PINs, etc.

    softhsm2-util --init-token --free --label <token-label> --pin <user-pin> --so-pin <security-officer-pin>

    Note which slot the token ended up in, and use that for <slot-with-token>.

    For <hex-chars> enter hex characters like "0123BEEF"

    softhsm2-util --import <private.p8.key> --slot <slot-with-token> --label <key-label> --id <hex-chars> --pin <user-pin>
  5. Now you can run the sample:

    npm install
    node dist/index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <AmazonRootCA1.pem> --cert <certificate.pem.crt> --pkcs11_lib <> --pin <user-pin> --token_label <token-label> --key_label <key-label>

Your Thing's Policy must provide privileges for this sample to connect, subscribe, publish, and receive. Make sure your policy allows a client ID of test-* to connect or use --client_id <client ID here> to send the client ID your policy supports.

(see sample policy)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [


WARNING: Windows only

This sample is similar to the basic connect sample, but your certificate and private key are in a Windows certificate store, rather than simply being files on disk.

To run this sample you need the path to your certificate in the store, which will look something like: "CurrentUser\My\A11F8A9B5DF5B98BA3508FBCA575D09570E0D2C6" (where "CurrentUser\My" is the store and "A11F8A9B5DF5B98BA3508FBCA575D09570E0D2C6" is the certificate's thumbprint)

If your certificate and private key are in a TPM, you would use them by passing their certificate store path.

source: samples/node/windows_cert_connect

Your Thing's Policy must provide privileges for this sample to connect, subscribe, publish, and receive. Make sure your policy allows a client ID of test-* to connect or use --client_id <client ID here> to send the client ID your policy supports.

(see sample policy)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

To run this sample with a basic certificate from AWS IoT Core:

  1. Create an IoT Thing with a certificate and key if you haven't already.

  2. Combine the certificate and private key into a single .pfx file.

    You will be prompted for a password while creating this file. Remember it for the next step.

    If you have OpenSSL installed:

    openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.pem.crt -inkey private.pem.key -out certificate.pfx

    Otherwise use CertUtil.

    certutil -mergePFX certificate.pem.crt,private.pem.key certificate.pfx
  3. Add the .pfx file to a Windows certificate store using PowerShell's Import-PfxCertificate

    In this example we're adding it to "CurrentUser\My"

    $mypwd = Get-Credential -UserName 'Enter password below' -Message 'Enter password below'
    Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath certificate.pfx -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My -Password $mypwd.Password

    Note the certificate thumbprint that is printed out:

    Thumbprint                                Subject
    ----------                                -------
    A11F8A9B5DF5B98BA3508FBCA575D09570E0D2C6  CN=AWS IoT Certificate

    So this certificate's path would be: "CurrentUser\My\A11F8A9B5DF5B98BA3508FBCA575D09570E0D2C6"

  4. Now you can run the sample:

    npm install
    node dist\index.js --endpoint --ca_file AmazonRootCA1.pem --cert CurrentUser\My\A11F8A9B5DF5B98BA3508FBCA575D09570E0D2C6


This sample makes an MQTT connection and connects through a Custom Authorizer. On startup, the device connects to the server and then disconnects. This sample is for reference on connecting using a custom authorizer.

Your Thing's Policy must provide privileges for this sample to connect. Make sure your policy allows a client ID of test-* to connect or use --client_id <client ID here> to send the client ID your policy supports.

(see sample policy)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Run the sample like this:

npm install
node dist/index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <file> --custom_auth_authorizer_name <custom authorizer name>

You will need to setup your Custom Authorizer so that the lambda function returns a policy document. See this page on the documentation for more details and example return result.


This is a browser-based version of the Custom Authorizer Connect sample in JavaScript.

To run the sample:

  • Set up your custom authorizer, lambda, and policy using the links in the NodeJS Custom Authorzer Connect sample.
  • Configure your credentials and endpoint in the browser/custom_authorizer_connect/settings.js file. Any setting marked as Optional can be left without modifications and it will not be used.
  • Run npm install in the browser/custom_authorizer_connect folder
  • Open browser/custom_authorizer_connect/index/html from your browser


This sample uses the AWS IoT Device Shadow Service to keep a property in sync between device and server. Imagine a light whose color may be changed through an app, or set by a local user.

Once connected, type a value in the terminal and press Enter to update the property's "reported" value. The sample also responds when the "desired" value changes on the server. To observe this, edit the Shadow document in the AWS Console and set a new "desired" value.

On startup, the sample requests the shadow document to learn the property's initial state. The sample also subscribes to "delta" events from the server, which are sent when a property's "desired" value differs from its "reported" value. When the sample learns of a new desired value, that value is changed on the device and an update is sent to the server with the new "reported" value.

Your Thing's Policy must provide privileges for this sample to connect, subscribe, publish, and receive. Make sure your policy allows a client ID of test-* to connect or use --client_id <client ID here> to send the client ID your policy supports.

(see sample policy)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "iot:Connect",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:region:account:client/test-*"

To run the Shadow sample use the following command:

npm install
node dist/index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <path to root CA1> --cert <path to the certificate> --key <path to the private key> --thing_name <thing name> --shadow_property <shadow property name>

This will allow you to run the program and set the shadow property by typing in the console. Enter any value to set the shadow property to it. Enter null to clear the property and clear_shadow to clear all values. To disconnect and exit the program, enter quit.

Fleet Provisioning

This sample uses the AWS IoT Fleet provisioning to provision devices using either a CSR or KeysAndcertificate and subsequently calls RegisterThing.

On startup, the script subscribes to topics based on the request type of either CSR or Keys topics, publishes the request to corresponding topic and calls RegisterThing.

Source: samples/node/fleet_provisioning

Run the sample using CreateKeysAndCertificate:

cd ~/samples/node/fleet_provisioning
npm install
node ./index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <file> --cert <file> --key <file> --template_name <template name> --template_parameters <template parameters>

Run the sample using CreateCertificateFromCsr:

cd ~/samples/node/fleet_provisioning
npm install
node ./index.js --endpoint <endpoint> --ca_file <file> --cert <file> --key <file> --template_name <template name> --template_parameters <template parameters> --csr_file <csr file>

Your Thing's Policy must provide privileges for this sample to connect, subscribe, publish, and receive. Make sure your policy allows a client ID of test-* to connect or use --client_id <client ID here> to send the client ID your policy supports.

(see sample policy)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "iot:Connect",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:region:account:client/test-*"

Fleet Provisioning Detailed Instructions

Aws Resource Setup

Fleet provisioning requires some additional AWS resources be set up first. This section documents the steps you need to take to get the sample up and running. These steps assume you have the AWS CLI installed and the default user/credentials has sufficient permission to perform all of the listed operations. You will also need python3 to be able to run These steps are based on provisioning setup steps that can be found at Embedded C SDK Setup.

First, create the IAM role that will be needed by the fleet provisioning template. Replace RoleName with a name of the role you want to create.

aws iam create-role \
    --role-name [RoleName] \
    --assume-role-policy-document '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Action":"sts:AssumeRole","Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Service":""}}]}'

Next, attach a policy to the role created in the first step. Replace RoleName with the name of the role you created previously.

aws iam attach-role-policy \
        --role-name [RoleName] \
        --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSIoTThingsRegistration

Finally, create the template resource which will be used for provisioning by the demo application. This needs to be done only once. To create a template, the following AWS CLI command may be used. Replace TemplateName with the name of the fleet provisioning template you want to create. Replace RoleName with the name of the role you created previously. Replace TemplateJSON with the template body as a JSON string (containing escape characters). Replace account with your AWS account number.

aws iot create-provisioning-template \
        --template-name [TemplateName] \
        --provisioning-role-arn arn:aws:iam::[account]:role/[RoleName] \
        --template-body "[TemplateJSON]" \

The rest of the instructions assume you have used the following for the template body:


If you use a different body, you may need to pass in different template parameters.

Running the sample and provisioning using a certificate-key set from a provisioning claim

To run the provisioning sample, you'll need a certificate and key set with sufficient permissions. Provisioning certificates are normally created ahead of time and placed on your device, but for this sample, we will just create them on the fly. You can also use any certificate set you've already created if it has sufficient IoT permissions and in doing so, you can skip the step that calls create-provisioning-claim.

We've included a script in the utils folder that creates certificate and key files from the response of calling create-provisioning-claim. These dynamically sourced certificates are only valid for five minutes. When running the command, you'll need to substitute the name of the template you previously created, and on Windows, replace the paths with something appropriate.

(Optional) Create a temporary provisioning claim certificate set:

aws iot create-provisioning-claim \
        --template-name [TemplateName] \
        | python3 ../../../utils/ \
        --path /tmp \
        --filename provision

The provisioning claim's cert and key set have been written to /tmp/provision*. Now you can use these temporary keys to perform the actual provisioning. If you are not using the temporary provisioning certificate, replace the paths for --cert and --key appropriately:

node dist/index.js \
        --endpoint [your endpoint]-ats.iot.[region] \
        --ca_file [pathToRootCA] \
        --cert /tmp/provision.cert.pem \
        --key /tmp/provision.private.key \
        --template_name [TemplateName] \
        --template_parameters "{\"SerialNumber\":\"1\",\"DeviceLocation\":\"Seattle\"}"

Notice that we provided substitution values for the two parameters in the template body, DeviceLocation and SerialNumber.

Run the sample using the certificate signing request workflow

To run the sample with this workflow, you'll need to create a certificate signing request.

First create a certificate-key pair:

openssl genrsa -out /tmp/deviceCert.key 2048

Next create a certificate signing request from it:

openssl req -new -key /tmp/deviceCert.key -out /tmp/deviceCert.csr

(Optional) As with the previous workflow, we'll create a temporary certificate set from a provisioning claim. This step can be skipped if you're using a certificate set capable of provisioning the device:

aws iot create-provisioning-claim \
        --template-name [TemplateName] \
        | python3 ../../../utils/ \
        --path /tmp \
        --filename provision

Finally, supply the certificate signing request while invoking the provisioning sample. As with the previous workflow, if using a permanent certificate set, replace the paths specified in the --cert and --key arguments:

node dist/index.js \
        --endpoint [your endpoint]-ats.iot.[region] \
        --ca_file [pathToRootCA] \
        --cert /tmp/provision.cert.pem \
        --key /tmp/provision.private.key \
        --template_name [TemplateName] \
        --template_parameters "{\"SerialNumber\":\"1\",\"DeviceLocation\":\"Seattle\"}" \
        --csr_file /tmp/deviceCert.csr

Greengrass Discovery (Basic Discovery)

This sample is intended for use with the following tutorials in the AWS IoT Greengrass documentation: