- Placeholder for not-implemented function. Throws AnalysisModelLimitationException if called.
- TAJS_addContextSensitivity(Function|String targetFunctionOrTargetParameterName, [String targetParameterName]) -> void:
- Makes the given or enclosing function context sensitive in the given parameter name.
- TAJS_assert(Value value, [String predicateNameString = 'isMaybeTrueButNotFalse'], [Boolean expectedResult = true], [Boolean mustBeReachable = true]) -> void:
- Asserts that the value satisfies the given predicates. A predicate name is the name of a predicate method in the lattice.Value class. A disjunction of predicates can be made by interleaving '||' between the predicate names. If expectedResult is false, then the predicate test is expected to fail. Finally, the assertion can be allowed to be unreachable (usually not the case).
- TAJS_assertEquals(Value expected, Value actual, [Boolean expectedResult = true]) -> void:
- Asserts that the two values are equal (if expectedResult is true) or that they are not equal (if expectedResult is false).
- TAJS_assumeModuleType(String file, Object module) -> Undefined:
- Attempts to load a TypeScript declaration file for the chosen JavaScript module and then applies type filtering on module.exports accordingly.
- TAJS_asyncListen(Function callback) -> void:
- Registers a callback for asynchronous execution.
- TAJS_conversionToPrimitive(Value value, [String hint]) -> PrimitiveValue:
- Converts the given value to a primitive value, optionally according to a hint (NUM, STR).
- TAJS_dumpAttributes(Value object, String propertyName) -> void:
- Prints the attributes of the specified property.
- TAJS_dumpExp() -> void:
- Prints the expression computed by Unevalizer at the current program location.
- TAJS_dumpModifiedState() -> void:
- Prints the modified parts of the current abstract state.
- TAJS_dumpNF() -> void:
- Prints the normal-form computed by Unevalizer at the current program location.
- TAJS_dumpObject(Value value) -> void:
- Prints the objects in the given abstract value.
- TAJS_dumpPrototype(Value value) -> void:
- Prints the prototypes of the given abstract value.
- TAJS_dumpState() -> void:
- Prints the current abstract state.
- TAJS_dumpValue(Value value) -> void:
- Prints the given abstract value.
- TAJS_firstOrderStringReplace(Value receiver, Value toReplace, Value toReplaceWith) -> Value:
- Implementation of the ECMAScript function String.prototype.replace, without support for a function callback.
- TAJS_getAjaxEvent() -> EventObject:
- Returns a ReadyStateEvent object.
- TAJS_getEventListener() -> EventObject:
- Returns an EventListener object.
- TAJS_getKeyboardEvent() -> EventObject:
- Returns a KeyboardEvent object.
- TAJS_getMain() -> Value:
- Returns the absolute path to the main file.
- TAJS_getMouseEvent() -> EventObject:
- Returns a MouseEvent object.
- TAJS_getUIEvent() -> EventObject:
- Returns an UIEvent object.
- TAJS_getWheelEvent() -> EventObject:
- Returns a WheelEvent object.
- TAJS_join(Value ... values) -> Value:
- Joins the given abstract values into a single abstract value.
- TAJS_load(String file, Boolean isHostEnvironment, String ... parameterNames) -> Function:
- Loads a JavaScript file as a function with the chosen parameter names, and optionally marks the function as a host-environment function. If the file is a relative path, it is resolved relative to the file containing the call. Semantically the function behaves as if it was created with
new Function(parameterName1, parameterName2, ... , <content-of-file>)
- Loads a JavaScript file as a function with the chosen parameter names, and optionally marks the function as a host-environment function. If the file is a relative path, it is resolved relative to the file containing the call. Semantically the function behaves as if it was created with
- TAJS_loadJSON(String filename) -> Value:
- Loads the JSON file with the given filename (currently just modeled as any-JSON-data).
- TAJS_make(String partialMethodName) -> Value:
- Creates an abstract value. The value is created by reflectively invoking the
'make' + partialMethodName
-method of the Value class.
- Creates an abstract value. The value is created by reflectively invoking the
- TAJS_makeContextSensitive(Value targetFunction, Integer targetContextSensitivity, [Object contextSensitivityGuard]) -> void:
- Makes the given function more context sensitive. If targetContextSensitivity is an unsigned integer then the function is parameter-sensitive in that argument position; if it is -1 then the function is object-sensitive; if it is -2 then the function "inherits" the parameter-sensitivity of the enclosing function. The optional guard can have a field named 'caller' with a value indicating from which callers the context sensitivity should apply.
- TAJS_makeExcludedStrings(String ... strings) -> StringValue:
- Makes the abstract string consisting of all strings except the given strings.
- TAJS_makePartial(String kind, String canonicalName) -> Object:
- Creates a "partial" object of the given kind (FUNCTION, OBJECT, ARRAY) and canonical name. Partial functions cannot be invoked, and accessing properties of partial objects results in warnings.
- TAJS_moduleExportsFiltering(Value exports, String fileName) -> void:
- Filters spurious property values of module.exports by blended analysis.
- TAJS_newArray() -> Array:
- Allocates a new Array with a heap-sensitivity that corresponds to the current calling context.
- TAJS_newObject() -> Object:
- Allocates a new Object with a heap-sensitivity that corresponds to the current calling context.
- TAJS_nodeRequireResolve(String filename, [String parent = null]) -> Value:
- Performs NodeJS require.resolve of the module given as filename.
- TAJS_parentDir(filename) -> Value:
- Returns the location of the parent directory.
- TAJS_unURL(url) -> Value:
- Changes a file URL to an absolute path (Str-Value), changes non-file URLs to null (Null-Value).
(This file is auto-generated by dk.brics.tajs.analysis.nativeobjects.TAJSFunctionEvaluator)