diff --git a/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/frameworks/react.mdx b/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/frameworks/react.mdx
index 50fe901f5..bdaded514 100644
--- a/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/frameworks/react.mdx
+++ b/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/frameworks/react.mdx
@@ -5,10 +5,23 @@ title: React | JavaScript | SDK | Frameworks
description: The SurrealDB SDK for JavaScript can also be used in your React applications to interact with your SurrealDB instance.
+import LightReact from "@img/icon/light/reactjs.png";
+import DarkReact from "@img/icon/dark/reactjs.png";
import Image from "@components/Image.astro";
import Tabs from "@components/Tabs/Tabs.astro";
import TabItem from "@components/Tabs/TabItem.astro";
# React
[React](https://react.dev/) is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The SurrealDB SDK for JavaScript can also be used in your React applications to interact with your SurrealDB instance.
diff --git a/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/frameworks/solidjs.mdx b/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/frameworks/solidjs.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a1419a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/frameworks/solidjs.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+sidebar_position: 1
+sidebar_label: SolidJS
+title: SolidJS | JavaScript | SDK | Frameworks
+description: The SurrealDB SDK for JavaScript can also be used in your SolidJS applications to interact with your SurrealDB Instance.
+import LightSolid from "@img/icon/light/solidjs.png";
+import DarkSolid from "@img/icon/dark/solidjs.png";
+import Image from "@components/Image.astro";
+import Tabs from "@components/Tabs/Tabs.astro";
+import TabItem from "@components/Tabs/TabItem.astro";
+# SolidJS
+[SolidJS](https://docs.solidjs.com/) is a modern JavaScript framework designed to build responsive and high-performing user interfaces (UI). It prioritizes a simple and predictable development experience, making it a great choice for developers of all skill levels.
+The SurrealDB SDK for JavaScript can also be used in your SolidJS applications to interact with your SurrealDB Instance.
+In this guide, we will walk you through setting up and querying your first project with the SurrealDB SDK for SolidJS.
+## Prerequisites
+This guide assumes the following:
+- You have a basic understanding of SolidJS.
+- You have installed SurrealDB on your machine
+## Setup
+### Install the SDK
+First, install the [SurrealDB SDK](https://npmjs.com/package/surrealdb) using your favorite package manager:
+ ```bash
+ bun install surrealdb
+ ```
+ ```bash
+ npm install --save surrealdb
+ ```
+ ```bash
+ yarn add surrealdb
+ ```
+ ```bash
+ pnpm install surrealdb
+ ```
+> The SurrealDB SDK for JavaScript is also available in the JSR registry as [`@surrealdb/surrealdb`](https://jsr.io/@surrealdb/surrealdb).
+## Initialize the SDK
+After installing the SDK, import it into your project. We recommend initializing the SDK in a [Context Provider](https://solidjs.com/docs/components/context) in order to expose it throughout your application. This makes the client accessible anywhere in your component tree, simplifies cleanup, and provides built-in state management for connection success or failure.
+### 1. Install Required Packages
+In addition to `surrealdb`, we recommend using [@tanstack/solid-query](https://tanstack.com/query/latest) for managing manage the asynchronous connection state to the SurrealDB database.
+Specifically, `createMutation` to create a managed mutation that handles the connection lifecycle. It provides built-in state management for the async operation, automatically tracking loading states (isError, error), and provides utilities like reset to handle errors and retry operations if needed.
+You can install the package using your favorite package manager:
+ ```bash
+ bun install @tanstack/solid-query
+ ```
+ ```bash
+ npm install --save @tanstack/solid-query
+ ```
+ ```bash
+ yarn add @tanstack/solid-query
+ ```
+ ```bash
+ pnpm install @tanstack/solid-query
+ ```
+### 2. Creating the Context Provider
+The best way to manage the connection state is to create a context provider that will handle the connection and provide the client to the rest of the application. In SolidJS, we can use the `createContext` function to create a context and the `createStore` function to manage the state.
+First, create a new file, e.g., `SurrealProvider.tsx`, which will contain the context provider and hooks for accessing the SurrealDB client. You can copy the following code, which takes care of managing the connection.
+Feel free to make any changes to fit your project structure and coding style.
+> [!NOTE]
+> We do recommend adding this in a `lib/providers` directory, but you can place it wherever you see fit.
+```ts title= "src/lib/providers/SurrealProvider.tsx"
+import {
+ useContext,
+ createContext,
+ JSX,
+ createSignal,
+ createEffect,
+ onCleanup,
+ Accessor,
+ onMount
+} from "solid-js";
+import Surreal from "surrealdb";
+import { createMutation } from "@tanstack/solid-query";
+import { createStore } from "solid-js/store";
+interface SurrealProviderProps {
+ children: JSX.Element;
+ /** The database endpoint URL */
+ endpoint: string;
+ /** Optional existing Surreal client */
+ client?: Surreal;
+ /* Optional connection parameters */
+ params?: Parameters[1];
+ /** Auto connect on component mount, defaults to true */
+ autoConnect?: boolean;
+interface SurrealProviderState {
+ /** The Surreal instance */
+ client: Accessor;
+ /** Whether the connection is pending */
+ isConnecting: Accessor;
+ /** Whether the connection was successfully established */
+ isSuccess: Accessor;
+ /** Whether the connection rejected in an error */
+ isError: Accessor;
+ /** The connection error, if present */
+ error: Accessor;
+ /** Connect to the Surreal instance */
+ connect: () => Promise;
+ /** Close the Surreal instance */
+ close: () => Promise;
+// Store interface to track the Surreal instance and connection status
+interface SurrealProviderStore {
+ instance: Surreal;
+ status: "connecting" | "connected" | "disconnected";
+const SurrealContext = createContext();
+export function SurrealProvider(props: SurrealProviderProps) {
+ // Initialize store with either provided client or new instance
+ const [store, setStore] = createStore({
+ instance: props.client ?? new Surreal(),
+ status: "disconnected"
+ });
+ // Use TanStack Query's mutation hook to manage the async connection state
+ const {
+ mutateAsync,
+ isError,
+ error,
+ reset
+ } = createMutation(() => ({
+ mutationFn: async () => {
+ setStore("status", "connecting");
+ await store.instance.connect(props.endpoint, props.params);
+ }
+ }));
+ // Effect to handle auto-connection and cleanup
+ createEffect(() => {
+ // Connect automatically if autoConnect is true
+ if(props.autoConnect) {
+ mutateAsync();
+ }
+ // Cleanup function to reset mutation state and close connection
+ onCleanup(() => {
+ reset();
+ store.instance.close();
+ });
+ });
+ // Subscribe to connection events when component mounts
+ onMount(() => {
+ // Update store status when connection is established
+ store.instance.emitter.subscribe("connected", () => {
+ setStore("status", "connected");
+ });
+ // Update store status when connection is lost
+ store.instance.emitter.subscribe("disconnected", () => {
+ setStore("status", "disconnected");
+ });
+ });
+ // Create the value object that will be provided through context
+ const providerValue: SurrealProviderState = {
+ client: () => store.instance,
+ close: () => store.instance.close(),
+ connect: mutateAsync,
+ error: () => error,
+ isConnecting: () => store.status === "connecting",
+ isError: () => isError,
+ isSuccess: () => store.status === "connected"
+ };
+ return (
+ {props.children}
+ );
+// Custom hook to access the SurrealDB context
+export function useSurreal(): SurrealProviderState {
+ const context = useContext(SurrealContext);
+ // Ensure the hook is used within a provider
+ if(!context) {
+ throw new Error("useSurreal must be used within a SurrealProvider");
+ }
+ return context;
+### 3. Wrap Your Application with the Provider
+After creating the SurrealProvider, you'll need to wrap your application's root component with it. Here's an example of how to set up your `App.tsx` component with the necessary providers. We're using both the `QueryClientProvider` for managing async state and our custom `SurrealProvider` for database connectivity, along with routing and authentication setup:
+```tsx title="src/App.tsx"
+import type { Component } from 'solid-js';
+import { Router, Route } from "@solidjs/router";
+import { SurrealProvider } from './lib/providers/SurrealProvider';
+import { QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/solid-query';
+import { tanstackClient } from './lib/query-client';
+import { AuthProvider } from './lib/providers/auth';
+import { AppLayout } from './components/layout/app';
+const App: Component = () => {
+ return (
+ ... your routes here
+ );
+export default App;
+### 4. Use the `useSurreal` Hook in Your Components
+Now you can use the `useSurreal` hook in your components to access the SurrealDB client. For example, you can create an `AuthProvider` to handle authentication and user management.
+```ts title="src/lib/providers/AuthProvider.tsx"
+import { Accessor, createContext, ParentProps, useContext } from "solid-js";
+import { createStore } from "solid-js/store";
+import { useSurreal } from "../lib/providers/SurrealProvider";
+interface AuthProviderState {
+ user: Accessor;
+ login: (email: string, password: string) => Promise;
+ register: (data: Omit) => Promise;
+ logout: () => Promise;
+interface AuthProviderStore {
+ user: UserRecord | undefined;
+ status: "idle" | "signing-in" | "signing-up" | "signing-out" | "signed-in" | "signed-up";
+const AuthContext = createContext();
+export function AuthProvider(props: ParentProps) {
+ const {
+ client,
+ close,
+ connect
+ } = useSurreal();
+ const [store, setStore] = createStore({
+ user: undefined,
+ status: "idle"
+ });
+ const login = async (email: string, password: string) => {
+ const db = client();
+ setStore("status", "signing-in");
+ await db.signin({
+ access: "user",
+ namespace: "surrealdb",
+ database: "pollwebapp",
+ variables: {
+ email: email,
+ pass: password
+ }
+ });
+ setStore("status", "signed-up");
+ };
+ const register = async (data: Omit) => {
+ const db = client();
+ setStore("status", "signing-up");
+ await db.signup({
+ access: "user",
+ namespace: "surrealdb",
+ database: "pollwebapp",
+ variables: data
+ });
+ setStore("status", "signed-up");
+ };
+ const logout = async () => {
+ setStore("status", "signing-out");
+ await close();
+ await connect();
+ setStore("status", "idle");
+ };
+ const providerValue: AuthProviderState = {
+ user: () => store.user,
+ login,
+ register,
+ logout
+ };
+ return (
+ {props.children}
+ );
+export function useAuth(): AuthProviderState {
+ const ctx = useContext(AuthContext);
+ if(!ctx) {
+ throw new Error("useAuth must be used within an AuthProvider");
+ }
+ return ctx;
+## Next steps
+Now that you have SurrealDB integrated into your SolidJS project, you're ready to start building! To learn more about interacting with your database:
+- Explore the [JavaScript SDK reference](/docs/sdk/javascript/methods) for a complete list of available methods and features
+- See SurrealDB in action by checking out our SolidJS example projects in the [examples section](/docs/sdk/javascript#example-projects)
+- Join our [Discord community](https://discord.com/invite/surrealdb) to connect with other developers building with SolidJS and SurrealDB
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diff --git a/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/index.mdx b/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/index.mdx
index a9a25cd42..b377c3b66 100644
--- a/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/index.mdx
+++ b/src/content/doc-sdk-javascript/index.mdx
@@ -97,6 +97,15 @@ To contribute to the SDK code, submit an Issue or Pull Request in the [surrealdb
dark: DarkReact,