Agda supports GHC versions 8.0.2 to 9.4.2.
The new option
turns on a variant of Cubical Agda (see #4701).When this variant of Cubical Agda is used glue (and some related builtins) may only be used in erased settings. One can import regular Cubical Agda code from this variant of Cubical Agda, but names defined using Cubical Agda are (mostly) treated as if they had been marked as erased. See the reference manual for more details.
The GHC and JS backends can compile code that uses
if the top-level module uses this flag.This feature is experimental.
The parameter arguments of constructors and record fields are now marked as erased (#4786).
For instance, the type of the constructor
below is now{@0 A : Set} → D A
, and the type of the record fieldR.f
is{@0 A : Set} → R A → A
:data D (A : Set) : Set where c : D A record R (A : Set) : Set where field f : A
Added an option
that additionally marks parameters to definitions in a record module as erased (#5770). For example:{-# OPTIONS --erase-record-parameters #-} postulate A : Set postulate a : A record R (x : A) : Set where y : A y = a f : (@0 x : A) → R x → A f x r = R.y {x} r
The generation of Cubical Agda-specific support code was removed from
and transferred to its own flag,--cubical-compatible
(see #5843 and #6049 for the rationale).Note that code that uses (only)
can no longer be imported from code that uses--cubical
. Thus it may make sense to replace--without-K
in library code, if possible.Also note that when
is used it might not be safe to compile and run programs that postulate erased univalence (but we are currently not aware of a program that would go wrong). -
The cubical interval
now belongs to its own sort,IUniv
, rather thanSSet
. ForJ : IUniv
andA : J → Set l
, we have(j : J) → A j : Set l
, that is, the type of functions from a type inIUniv
to a fibrant type is fibrant. -
The option
is now perhaps incompatible with Cubical Agda and perhaps also postulated univalence (see #5611 and #5861).This is not meant to imply that the option was not already incompatible with those things. Note that
cannot be used together with--safe
. -
A new built-in constructor
was added to the cubical identity types. This is definitionally equal to the reflexivity identification built withconid
, with the difference being that matching onREFLID
is allowed.symId : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} {x y : A} → Id x y → Id y x symId reflId = reflId
Definitions which pattern match on higher-inductive types are no longer considered for injectivity analysis. (#6219)
Higher constructors are no longer considered as guarding in the productivity check. (#6108)
Rewrite rules with interval arguments are now supported. (#4384)
Two new reflection primitives
declareData : Name → Nat → Type → TC ⊤ defineData : Name → List (Σ Name (λ _ → Type)) → TC ⊤
are added for declaring and defining datatypes, similar to
. -
The construct
is extended with the ability of bringing a datatyped
and its constructorsc₁ ... cₙ
given by aTC
into scope by the following syntax:unquoteDecl data x constructor c₁ .. cₙ = m
A new reflection primitive
getInstances : Meta → TC (List Term)
was added toAgda.Builtin.Reflection
. This operation returns the list of all possibly valid instance candidates for a given metavariable. For example, the following macro instantiates the goal with the first instance candidate, even if there are several:macro pickWhatever : Term → TC ⊤ pickWhatever hole@(meta m _) = do (cand ∷ _) ← getInstances m where [] -> typeError (strErr "No candidates!" ∷ []) unify hole cand pickWhatever _ = typeError (strErr "Already solved!" ∷ [])
The reflection primitives
use a nominal contextList (Σ String λ _ → Arg Type)
instead ofList (Arg Type)
for printing type information better. Similarly,extendContext
takes an extra argument of typeString
. -
definitions can now be used even when they are declared as erased. For example, this is now accepted:macro @0 trivial : Term → TC ⊤ trivial = unify (con (quote refl) []) test : 42 ≡ 42 test = trivial
A new reflection primitive
formatErrorParts : List ErrorPart → TC String
is added. It takes a list ofErrorPart
and return its formatted string. -
A new constructor
pattErr : Pattern → ErrorPart
for reflection is added.
It is now OK to put lambda-bound variables anywhere in the right-hand side of a syntax declaration. However, there must always be at least one "identifier" between any two regular "holes". For instance, the following syntax declaration is accepted because
is between the holesB
.postulate F : (Set → Set) → (Set → Set) → Set syntax F (λ A → B) (λ C → D) = B A C - D
Syntax can now use lambdas with multiple arguments (#394).
postulate Σ₂ : (A : Set) → (A → A → Set) → Set syntax Σ₂ A (λ x₁ x₂ → P) = [ x₁ x₂ ⦂ A ] × P
to returnMaybe Word64
. (See #6093.)The new type is
primFloatToWord64 : Float → Maybe Word64
and it returns
. -
The type expected by the builtin
has been changed to properly encode the condition thatEQUVIFUN
is an equivalence. (#5661, #6032) -
The primitive
has been removed (#6032) in favour of matching on the cubical identity type. -
The builtin
is now exported fromAgda.Builtin.Cubical.Sub
rather thaninc
. Similarly, the internal modules refer toprimSubOut
. (#6032)
It is now possible to declare several
relations. Example:{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-} open import Agda.Builtin.Equality open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite -- 1st rewrite relation postulate R : (A : Set) → A → A → Set A : Set a b c : A foo : R A a b -- using 2nd rewrite relation bar : b ≡ c -- using 1st rewrite relation {-# BUILTIN REWRITE R #-} -- 2nd rewrite relation {-# REWRITE foo bar #-} test : a ≡ c test = refl
that turns on (the incomplete) first-order unification has been renamed to--lossy-unification
. (#1625) -
The new option
by foregoing loading of the primitive modules altogether. This option leaves Agda in a very fragile state, as the built-in sorts are used extensively throughout the implementation. It is intended to be used by Literate Agda projects which want to bindBUILTIN TYPE
(and other primitives) in their own literate files. -
is used, then Agda exits with a non-zero exit code if--interaction
are used and a type error is encountered. The option also makes Agda exit with exit code 113 if Agda fails to parse a command.This option might for instance be used if Agda is controlled from a script.
Add a
pragma, which marks a function as not suitable for projection-likeness. Projection-like functions have some of their arguments erased, which can cause confusing behaviour when they are printed instantiated (see #6203). -
The options
have been removed (see #5427).
New verbosity
-v debug.time:100
adds time stamps to debugging output. -
Profiling options are now turned on with a new
flag instead of abusing the debug verbosity option. (See #5781.) -
The new profiling option
collects statistics on how often various steps of the conversion algorithm are used (reduction, eta-expansion, syntactic equality, etc). -
Meta-variables can now be saved in
files, instead of being expanded. This can affect performance. (See #5731.)Meta-variables are saved if the pragma option
is used. This option can be overridden by--no-save-metas
. -
The new option
can be used to limit how many times the syntactic equality shortcut is allowed to fail (see #5801).If
is omitted, then the syntactic equality shortcut is enabled without any restrictions.If
is given, then the syntactic equality shortcut is givenFUEL
units of fuel. The exact meaning of this is implementation-dependent, but successful uses of the shortcut do not affect the amount of fuel. Currently the fuel is decreased in the failure continuations of the implementation of the syntactic equality shortcut. When a failure continuation completes the fuel is restored to its previous amount.The idea for this option comes from András Kovács' smalltt.
Note that this option is experimental and subject to change.
Library files below the "project root" are now ignored (see #5644).
For instance, if you have a module called
in the directoryRoot/A/B
, then.agda-lib
files inRoot/A
do not affect what options are used to type-checkA.B.C
files forA.B.C
have to reside inRoot
, or further up the directory hierarchy.
- Agsy (automatic proof search) can now be invoked in the right-hand-sides of copattern matching clauses. (#5827)
Both the GHC and JS backends now refuse to compile code that uses
.Note that support for compiling code that uses
has been added to both backends (see above). -
If the GHC backend is invoked when
is active (for instance when the Emacs mode is used), then GHC is now invoked from the directory containing theMAlonzo
directory (see #6194).Before GHC was invoked from the Agda process's current working directory, and that is still the case if
are not used.
The new option
can be used to restrict the dependency graph to modules from one or more libraries (see #5634).Note that the module given on the command line might not be included.
The generated graphs no longer contain "redundant" edges: if a module is imported both directly and indirectly, then the edge corresponding to the direct import is omitted.
- The JSON API now represents meta-variables differently, using
objects containing two keys,
, both with values that are (natural) numbers. See #5731.