- Shibboleth needs to pass the property 'matrikelnummer' in $_SERVER
- Folder ‘/student’ needs to be shielded via Apache2 sites-available
- In sites-available there need to be 2 virtual hosts: (1) /student /var/www/html/student/public -> the 1. folder is protected via Shibboleth (2) /exchange /var/www/html/exchange/public -> this 2. folder must not be included in Shibboleth protection
- Database: 'kursmatch' (mysql)
- Authentification: kursmatch : Hewf.BN?cqY6]]ZH (is defined in .env in the root of /student
- 'git pull' in root folder near '/var/www/html/...'
- Apache2, Mysql-Server, Php-7.2
- Github: https://github.com/svengiegerich/kursmatch.local
- 'php artisan' & 'composer'
- Specific passwords in .env
- Url: /student/7uvmvnm0yz
- Files are created at '/storage/app' and read students.csv (aid and id), programs.csv and preferences.csv
- SQL of preferences.csv: SELECT preferences.prid, preferences.id_to_1, preferences.id_to_2, preferences.pr_kind, preferences.rank, preferences.status, preferences.created_at, preferences.updated_at, applicants.anonymised_id FROM preferences INNER JOIN applicants ON applicants.aid=preferences.id_from;
17.12.2018, Sven Giegerich, ZEW