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t edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 70 revisions


gas is a tool that implements graph algorithms and graph store engine.


DB Commands

DB Commands modify/select data in graph store.

Initialize DB

gas db init —db=/var/sampledb

Remove Temporary Files

gas db tmp_clear —db=/var/sampledb


gas any command —tmp_clear —db=/var/sampledb

Insert edges

gas edge insert —db=/var/sampledb < sample

Select edges

gas edge select 1 —db=/var/sampledb

Select all edges

gas edge all —db=/var/sampledb

PageRank Commands

Compute PageRank and Select all results

gas pagerank —db=/var/sampledb

* —alpha (Default: 0.15)
* —eps (Default: 1.0e-8)
* —max_iteration (Default: 100)

Compute PageRank and Select a result

gas pagerank select 1 —db=/var/sampledb

HITS Commands

Compute HITS and Select all results

gas hits —db=/var/sampledb

Compute HITS and Select a result

gas hits select 1 —db=/var/sampledb

SPP Commands

Finding a Shortestpath

gas spp 1 2 —db=/var/sampledb

* —directional (Default: bi) bi or uni

Modularity-Q Commands

Clustrering using Modularity-Q

gas modularityq —db=/var/sampledb

Supporters Commands

Original Java code is Here

Estimate supporters

gas supporters —db=/var/sampledb

* —width (Default: 64) bit vector width 32 or 64
* —distance (Default: 25) distance to explore
* —epsilon_factor (Default: 1.0) probability of initializing a bit as 1, in terms of 1/N
* —reverse (Default: false) reverse links, counting, out-neighbors
* —anf (Default: false) use ANF method for arg times iteration
* —seed (Default: std::time(0)) seed of random number generator
* —adaptive (Default: false) adjust epsilon adaptively
* —adaptive_multiplier (Default: 2.0) factor for increasing epsilon
* —adaptive_epsilon_max (Default: 0.5) maximum epsilon
* —adaptive_epsilon_min_factor (Default: 1.0) minimum epsilon factor
* —adaptive_use_epsilonestimate (Default: false) use alternative estimation of 2/(M+1)e, disregarding bits
* —adaptive_stop_criteria(Default: 0.99) fraction of nodes with good estimations required to stop

Other Command Flags

Adjacency List Flags

* —adjlist (Default: fixed) fixed or ielias

google-glog Flags

gas uses google-glog. You can use glog flags.
For example, —stderrthreshold=0 outputs verbose log messages.
More information, See glog document




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