- Refer to deep-link.md for deep linking.
- Refer to fragment.md for fragments except the Navigation component.
- Both navigate in reverse-chronological order through the history of where you have been.
- Both behave identically except:
- The Up button navigates only within the app.
- The Up button must not be shown if the user is at an app's start destination.
When your app is launched using a deep link on another app's task, Up transitions users back to your app’s task and through a simulated back stack and not to the app that triggered the deep link. The Back button, however, does take you back to the other app.
- https://developer.android.com/codelabs/kotlin-android-training-add-navigation#7
- NavHostFragment … a TV
- NavController … a remote control
- NavDestination … a television channel
- NavigationView ... Menu for DrawerLayout, which exists
- is not part of the Navigation component and exists before the Navigation component.
- NavigationUI … outside a TV
- e.g. NavigationView, BottomNavBar
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xITkfPIaStU&t=573s
app:navGraph="@navigation/nav_graph" />
- has a NavController.
- is like a window to swap in and out different fragment destinations.
- If there are more than two NavHostFragment in a layout, only one NavHostFragment must have "app:defaultNavHost="true"", which intercepts the Back button.
- How to connect NavHostFragment with BottomNavigationView
val navController = (supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.nav_host_fragment) as NavHostFragment).navController
- Don't use
. Use<androidx.fragment.app.FragmentContainerView>
Caution: Avoid using the tag to add a fragment using XML, as the tag allows a fragment to move beyond the state of its FragmentManager. Instead, always use FragmentContainerView for adding a fragment using XML.
- is in a NavHostFragment.
- shows different destinations in a NavHostFragment.
- There are three ways to get a NavController
- Fragment.findNavController()
- View.findNavController()
- Activity.findNavController(viewId: Int)
- Sample usages:
findNavController().navigate(MyOriginatingFragmentDirections.myAction1(key1 = value1))
findNavController().navigate(R.id.action1 or R.id.destination1 or R.id.nav_graph1)
findNavController().navigate(deepLink: Uri)
- Navigation graph IDs are usable because NavGraph inherits NavDestination.
When navigating using IDs, we strongly recommend using actions where possible.
- When
returns false, …NavController.getCurrentDestination()
returns null.- You should call
. - https://developer.android.com/guide/navigation/navigation-navigate#back-stack
- https://developer.android.com/guide/navigation/navigation-getting-started#kotlin
attempting to retrieve the NavController in onCreate() of an Activity via Navigation.findNavController(Activity, @IdRes int) will fail.
- is either one of them
(ActivityNavigator)- https://developer.android.com/codelabs/android-navigation#2
- If you don't specify a list of top-level destinations, then the only top-level destination is your start destination
- can contain three types of XML elements.
cannot contain<action>
because activities are considered terminal destinations.
How to save and store NavController's state during a configuration change or a system-initiated process death
- NavHostFragment automatically saves and restores NavController's state during configuration changes or system-initiated process death even if you programatically set a graph. I verified that.
- Search https://cs.android.com/androidx/platform/frameworks/support/+/androidx-main:navigation/navigation-fragment/src/main/java/androidx/navigation/fragment/NavHostFragment.kt for
to find the implementation.
- Search https://cs.android.com/androidx/platform/frameworks/support/+/androidx-main:navigation/navigation-fragment/src/main/java/androidx/navigation/fragment/NavHostFragment.kt for
- However, if you have to manually do that, you can do as follows.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var navController: NavController
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ...
navController = (supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.nav_host_fragment) as NavHostFragment).navController
override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
savedInstanceState.getBundle(NAV_STATE)?.let {
override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {
outState.putBundle(NAV_STATE, navController.saveState())
companion object {
private const val NAV_STATE = "nav_state"
- is equivalent of
in XML. - inherits the NavDestination class.
- is a collection of NavDestination.
each activity has its own navigation graph.
is a nested <navigation>
<!-- @navigatoin/outer_navigation -->
<navigation ...>
<include app:graph="@navigation/inner_navigation" … />
<fragment android:id="@+id/mainFragment" ...>
app:destination="@id/inner_navigation" />
<!-- @navigatoin/inner_navigation -->
<navigation android:id="@+id/inner_navigation" … >...</navigation>
Destinations in the outer graph cannot directly navigate to any destination, except the start destination, in the inner graph.
- is represented as an arrow in a visual navigation graph.
- is a connection from one destination to another.
- is available from any destination in the navigation graph.
- can be accessed in a type-safe way as
- is called when the currently selected bottom navigation destination is selected again.
- is called when any bottom navigation destination is selected, if
is NOT set. - is called only when a not-currently-selected bottom navigation is selected, if
is set.
- Suppose there are three items in a Bottom Navigation.
- A (startDestination), B, C
- When you touch A
- fragmentManager's fragments == [A]
- fragmentManager's backStackEntries == (empty)
- When you touch B
- If A was selected previously, A will call onDestroyView().
- If C was selected previously, C will call onDestroy().
- fragmentManager's fragments == [B]
- fragmentManager's backStackEntries == [A]
- When you touch C
- If A was selected previously, A will call onDestroyView().
- If B was selected previously, B will call onDestroy().
- fragmentManager's fragments == [C]
- fragmentManager's backStackEntries == [A]
- When you navigate from C to "C-Detail" for example.
- fragmentManager's fragments == [C-Detail]
- B will call onDestroyView().
- fragmentManager's backStackEntries == [A, C]
Caution: Avoid using a navigation drawer with other primary navigation components, such as a bottom navigation bar.
- generates ...
Android Studio's toolbar > View
> Tool Windows
> Gradle
> <app name>
> Tasks
> build
> (again) build
- Override
if the app bar is used instead of a Toolbar. The following URLs show the code snippets of overridingonSupportNavigateUp()
. -
Note: When using a Toolbar, Navigation automatically handles click events for the Navigation button, so you do not need to override onSupportNavigateUp().
- If
is overridden,AppCompatActivity.onSupportNavigateUp()
will not be called.
… How Fragment2 appears when you move from Fragment1 to Fragment2.- If
is specified, Fragment2 slides in from the left. - If
is not specified, Fragment2 shows up without animation.
- If
… How Fragment1 disappears when you move from Fragment1 to Fragment2.- If
is specified, Fragment1 slides out to the right. - If
is not specified, Fragment1 stays still and Fragment2 shows up over the Fragment1, with the animationapp:enterAnim
- If
… How Fragment1 appears when you move back from Fragment2 to Fragment1, by the pop action.app:popExitAnim
… How Fragment2 disappears when you move back from Fragment2 to Fragment1, by the pop action.
app:nullable="true" />
app:popUpToInclusive="true" />
- "Simulated back stack" and "Synthetic back stack" are the same thing.
- is a stack of activities.
- Fragments are stacked inside an activity.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvIlVsXxXmY
- Hitting the Back button ...
- pops off the top fragment if any fragment transaction exists
- pops off the top activity if no fragment transaction exists.
- Hitting the Back button ...
- The following illustraitons are useful:
- https://developer.android.com/guide/navigation/navigation-principles
The back stack always has the start destination of the app at the bottom of the stack
The top of the stack is the current screen, and the previous destinations in the stack represent the history of where you've been.
Navigating to a destination pushes that destination on top of the stack.