There are three different accounts that each TJHSST student has:
- FCPS domain
- CSL domain
The FCPS domain is controlled by the FCPS IT department. Students use their FCPS domain password to access:
- Schoology
- SIS StudentVue
- FCPS Google Apps for Education
- FCPS computers (those running Windows 10)
Password resets on the FCPS domain are handled on the first day of school in homeroom (on a teacher laptop). Questions should be directed to [email protected].
The CSL domain is controlled by the TJHSST Student Systems Administrators. We use Kerberos to handle authentications in the CSL realm (CSL.TJHSST.EDU).
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Students use their CSL domain password to access:
- Ion
- Director
- Webmail
- Remote Access Servers
- Workstations
- and other CSL resources
Passwords are prompted to be reset the first time you login to Ion. Questions should be directed to [email protected].