- 🔍 Instance Control - A NPM module to wrap around node's child process spawn functions.
- Just a wrapper to start and stop process instances.
- Not for public production! Please fork for personal use! - This module is for @htkoca's private development.
- Prep: Load the module
- Step 1: Instance creation and termination
- Step 2: General instance functions
Let's install the module
- in terminal:
npm install instance-control
Instance creation and termination
// dependencies
const InstanceCtrl = require('instance-control')
// create new controller
let instanceCtrl = new InstanceCtrl();
// start new child instances with name string, returns node native <ChildProcess>
let subProcess = instanceCtrl.startInstance('nodeApp', `node example-process.js`)
let subProcess2 = instanceCtrl.startInstance('nodeApp', `node example-process.js`)
// let's get a console log when process exited
subProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
console.log(`subProcess exited with code: '${code}', signal: '${signal}'`);
// get all instances under 'nodeApp' child name, returns: array of <ChildProcess>'s
let instances = instanceCtrl.getInstances('nodeApp');
// kill all instances under 'nodeApp' child name, returns: true if any kill signal sent
let killStatus = instanceCtrl.killInstances('nodeApp');
General instance functions
// start another instance to test global functions
instanceCtrl.startInstance('nodeApp', `node example-process.js`);
// get all instances, returns: object with child name as property, process arrays as value
let allInstances = instanceCtrl.getAll();
// kill all instances, returns: object with child name as property, process arrays as value
let killStatusAll = instanceCtrl.killAll();
Single instance functions - promise based
// start only one process - each command kills previous app
(async function() {
let subProcess = await instanceCtrl.singleInstance('nodeApp', `node example-process.js`);
let subProcess2 = await instanceCtrl.singleInstance('nodeApp', `node example-process.js`);
let subProcess3 = await instanceCtrl.singleInstance('nodeApp', `node example-process.js`);