# 20230810 Raku programming solution
class Vector2 { has ( $.x, $.y );
method dot ( \other ) { self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y }
class Rectangle { has ( $.x, $.y, $.w, $.h ) }
class Projection { has ( $.min, $.max ) };
sub getAxes(\poly) {
return poly.append(poly[0]).rotor(2=>-1).map: -> (\vertex1,\vertex2) {
my \vector1 = Vector2.new: x => vertex1[0], y => vertex1[1];
my \vector2 = Vector2.new: x => vertex2[0], y => vertex2[1];
my \edge = Vector2.new: x => vector1.x - vector2.x,
y => vector1.y - vector2.y;
$_ = Vector2.new: x => -edge.y, y => edge.x
sub projectOntoAxis(\poly, \axis) {
my \vertex0 = poly[0];
my \vector0 = Vector2.new: x => vertex0[0], y => vertex0[1];
my $max = my $min = axis.dot: vector0;
for poly -> \vertex {
my \vector = Vector2.new: x => vertex[0], y => vertex[1];
given axis.dot: vector { when $_ < $min { $min = $_ }
when $_ > $max { $max = $_ } }
return Projection.new: min => $min, max => $max
sub projectionsOverlap(\proj1, \proj2) {
return ! ( proj1.max < proj2.min or proj2.max < proj1.min )
sub rectToPolygon( \r ) {
return [(r.x, r.y), (r.x, r.y+r.h), (r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h), (r.x+r.w, r.y)]
sub polygonOverlapsRect(\poly1, \rect) {
my \poly2 = rectToPolygon rect;
my (\axes1,\axes2) := (poly1,poly2).map: { getAxes $_ };
for (axes1, axes2) -> \axes {
for axes -> \axis {
my (\proj1,\proj2) := (poly1,poly2).map: { projectOntoAxis $_, axis }
return False unless projectionsOverlap(proj1, proj2)
return True
my \poly = [ <0 0>, <0 2>, <1 4>, <2 2>, <2 0> ];
my \rect1 = Rectangle.new: :4x, :0y, :2h, :2w;
my \rect2 = Rectangle.new: :1x, :0y, :8h, :2w;
say "poly = ", poly;
say "rect1 = ", rectToPolygon(rect1);
say "rect2 = ", rectToPolygon(rect2);
say "poly and rect1 overlap? ", polygonOverlapsRect(poly, rect1);
say "poly and rect2 overlap? ", polygonOverlapsRect(poly, rect2);
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