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Releases: tsolomko/BitByteData

1.4.2 Test

19 Mar 15:45
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1.4.2 Test Pre-release

Testing that nothing is broken before releasing 1.4.2.


08 Jun 19:25
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  • Reverted performance improvements of 1.4.0 update.

Comment: Those changes were grossly incompatible with Swift 5 and had to be reverted.


12 Dec 17:28
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  • Significantly improved the performance of ByteReader, LsbBitReader and MsbBitReader.

Side note: I have published my plans for the next major update (2.0).

1.4.0 Test

04 Dec 18:53
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1.4.0 Test Pre-release

This is a test release for the upcoming 1.4.0 update. This update will include drastic changes to the internal implementation of all readers with the goal of significant improvements to the performance. Naturally, there should be NO other visible changes to the behavior of BitByteData. To ensure that this is, in fact, the case I would like to invite to test this release everyone who has the opportunity to do so. But keep in mind, that this is still a test release and it is not recommended to use it on a day-to-day basis (if everything goes well, the 1.4.0 update will go out some time next week).

Here are the instructions to install the test release:

For Cocoapods users

Replace the BitByteData dependency line in your Podfile with the following:

pod 'BitByteData', :git => '', :tag => '1.4.0-test'

Don't forget to revert the changes to your Podfile after the 1.4.0 update is released.

For Swift Package Manager users

Replace the BitByteData dependency line in your Package.swift manifest file with the following:

.package(url: "", from: "1.4.0-test"),

Don't forget to revert the changes after the 1.4.0 update is released.

For Carthage users

Replace the BitByteData dependency line in your Cartfile with the following:

github "tsolomko/BitByteData" "1.4.0-test"

Don't forget to revert the changes to your Cartfile after the 1.4.0 update is released.


08 Nov 15:00
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  • Improved performance of ByteReader's functions and computed properties when BitByteData is compiled with Swift 4.2 compiler.


01 Nov 15:23
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  • Updated to support Swift 4.2.
  • Added advance(by:) function to both LsbBitReader and MsbBitReader.
  • Added write(unsignedNumber:bitsCount:) function to both LsbBitWriter and MsbBitWriter (thanks to @cowgp for proposing and implementing this in PR #1).

Comment: There are plans to add both advance(by:) and write(unsignedNumber:bitsCount:) functions to corresponding protocols in the next major update.

Known potential issues:

  1. For Cocoapods users. It seems like Xcode 10 changed how it sets build environment variables. Particularly, it no longer sets variables which have empty string values. This change breaks custom build scripts added to projects by Cocoapods. If you encounter problems with building/installing BitByteData with something about "unbound variable" in your Cocoapods verbose log, this means that you, most likely, have this issue. Thankfully, 1.6.0 version of Cocoapods is going to fix this problem, but at the time of this writing it hasn't been released yet. Meanwhile, I would like to recommend upgrading to the beta version of Cocoapods 1.6.0 if you have this problem. You can learn more about this issue here.

  2. For Carthage users. You may notice that the size of "" archive attached to this release (that is generated and used by Carthage) is significantly smaller than the one for 1.2.0 update. Upon investigation I discovered that dSym files inside it have become a lot smaller, but I am currently unable to determine what exactly has changed about them. If you encounter any problems which may be connected with this observation, please, let me know.

1.3.0 Test

28 Oct 19:53
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1.3.0 Test Pre-release

This is a test release for the upcoming 1.3.0 update which will include several API additions and some other minor changes.


29 Apr 08:17
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  • Updated to support Swift 4.1.
  • Added bytesLeft and bytesRead computed properties to ByteReader.
  • Added int(fromBytes:), uint16(fromBytes:), uint32(fromBytes:), and uint64(fromBytes:) functions to ByteReader (and bit readers, since they are inherited from ByteReader).
  • Added byte(fromBits:), uint16(fromBits:), uint32(fromBits:), and uint64(fromBits:) functions to LsbBitReader and MsbBitReader, as well as BitReader protocol.
  • int(fromBits:) function now has a precondition that its argument doesn't exceed Int bit width.
  • Reverted "disable symbol stripping" change from 1.1.1 update, since underlying problem in Carthage was fixed.
  • Small updates to documentation.

1.2.0 Test 3

09 Apr 05:16
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1.2.0 Test 3 Pre-release
  • Updated to Swift 4.1/Xcode 9.3.
  • Reverted change, that explicitly disabled STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT Xcode project setting to workaround Carthage problems with archiving.
  • Small updates to documentation.

1.2.0 Test 2

17 Mar 11:02
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1.2.0 Test 2 Pre-release

In this second test release several precondition checks introduced in the previous test release were corrected, as well as more missing functions were added.