Added TypeScript decorators support for yup
- Named schema
import { a, is, namedSchema, getNamedSchema } from 'yup-decorator';
class User {
constructor({ email, age }) { = email;
this.age = age;
@is(a.string().email('Not a valid email'))
email: string;
age: number;
// you can get the yup schema with
const userSchema = getNamedSchema('user');
- Unnamed schema
import { schema, getSchemaByType } from 'yup-decorator';
class User {
// you can get the yup schema with
const userSchema = getSchemaByType(User);
- Nested validation
import { is, a, an, nested, schema } from 'yup-decorator';
export class NestedChildModel {
uppercase: string;
export class NestedModel {
array: number[];
child: NestedChildModel;
- Validate:
import { validate } from 'yup-decorator';
const user = new User({ email: 'vdtn359', age: 23 });
validate({ object: user, options: {
strict: true,
abortEarly: false,
}}).then(err => {
//; // => 'ValidationError'
// err.errors; // => ['Not a valid email']
// you can also pass in the schema name as a string or a constructor
validate({ object: user, schemaName: 'user' });
validate({ object: user, schemaName: User });
The sync version is validateSync
- Check if object is valid or not
import { isValid } from 'yup-decorator';
isValid({ object: user }).then(isValid => console.log(isValid));
The sync version is isValidSync
- Validate property at path
import { validateAt } from 'yup-decorator';
validateAt({ object: user, path: 'email' }).then(e => console.error(e));
The sync version is validateSyncAt
- Cast object.
This will coerce the property's value according to its type
import { cast } from 'yup-decorator';
const user = new User({ email: 'vdtn359', age: '18' });
const result = cast({ object: user });
result // {email: '', age: 18 }
The sync version is isValidSync
The API documentation is available at