Before you install make sure you follow the instructions on this guide to make sure you have all the requirements.
- Mac OS 10.9 or newer
- Ruby 2.0 or newer (
ruby -v
) - Xcode
- Fastlane Tools
Additionally to your Xcode installation, you also need the Xcode command line tools set up.
xcode-select --install
You need to install the Fastlane tools which are Ruby Gems. You can install all the toolset by running:
[sudo] gem install fastlane
Or you can only install those tools that TiFastlane uses:
[sudo] gem install deliver sigh produce pem pilot supply
Now you are ready to get started :D
[sudo] npm install -g tifastlane
Make sure to read the rest of the guides which explain what you can do with TiFastlane.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!