diff --git a/JSON2.ahk b/JSON2.ahk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eaa975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JSON2.ahk
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Thanks Bentschi
+ if (isobject(i))
+ {
+ o := "", a := 1, x := 1
+ for k,v in i
+ {
+ if (k!=x)
+ a := 0, break
+ x += 1
+ }
+ o .= (a) ? "[" : "{", f := 1
+ for k,v in i
+ o .= ((f) ? "" : ",")((a) ? "" : """" k """:")((isobject(v)) ? json2(v) : ((v+0=v) ? v : """" v """")), f := 0
+ return o ((a) ? "]" : "}")
+ }
+ if (regexmatch(i, "s)^__chr(A|W):(.*)", m))
+ {
+ VarSetCapacity(b, 4, 0), NumPut(m2, b, 0, "int")
+ return StrGet(&b, 1, (m1="A") ? "cp28591" : "utf-16")
+ }
+ if (regexmatch(i, "s)^__str:((\\""|[^""])*)", m))
+ {
+ str := m1
+ for p,r in {b:"`b", f:"`f", n:"`n", 0:"", r:"`r", t:"`t", v:"`v", "'":"'", """":"""", "/":"/"}
+ str := regexreplace(str, "\\" p, r)
+ while (regexmatch(str, "s)^(.*?)\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})(.*)", m))
+ str := m1 json2("__chrA:0x" m2) m3
+ while (regexmatch(str, "s)^(.*?)\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})(.*)", m))
+ str := m1 json2("__chrW:0x" m2) m3
+ while (regexmatch(str, "s)^(.*?)\\([0-9]{1,3})(.*)", m))
+ str := m1 json2("__chrA:" m2) m3
+ return regexreplace(str, "\\\\", "\")
+ }
+ str := [], obj := []
+ while (RegExMatch(i, "s)^(.*?[^\\])""((\\""|[^""])*?[^\\]|)""(.*)$", m))
+ str.insert(json2("__str:" m2)), i := m1 "__str<" str.maxIndex() ">" m4
+ while (RegExMatch(RegExReplace(i, "\s+", ""), "s)^(.*?)(\{|\[)([^\{\[\]\}]*?)(\}|\])(.*)$", m))
+ {
+ a := (m2="{") ? 0 : 1, c := m3, i := m1 "__obj<" ((obj.maxIndex()+1) ? obj.maxIndex()+1 : 1) ">" m5, tmp := []
+ while (RegExMatch(c, "^(.*?),(.*)$", m))
+ tmp.insert(m1), c := m2
+ tmp.insert(c), tmp2 := {}, obj.insert(cobj := {})
+ for k,v in tmp
+ {
+ if (RegExMatch(v, "^(.*?):(.*)$", m))
+ tmp2[m1] := m2
+ else
+ tmp2.insert(v)
+ }
+ for k,v in tmp2
+ {
+ for x,y in str
+ k := RegExReplace(k, "__str<" x ">", y), v := RegExReplace(v, "__str<" x ">", y)
+ for x,y in obj
+ v := RegExMatch(v, "^__obj<" x ">$") ? y : v
+ cobj[k] := v
+ }
+ }
+ return obj[obj.maxIndex()]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/namDHC.ahk b/namDHC.ahk
index c7e6165..b187fcc 100644
--- a/namDHC.ahk
+++ b/namDHC.ahk
@@ -27,24 +27,25 @@ SetControlDelay, -1
- GUI changes
- Added time elapsed to report
- Changed about window
+ v1.04 - Added update functionality
#Include SelectFolderEx.ahk
#Include ClassImageButton.ahk
#Include ConsoleClass.ahk
#Include JSON.ahk
-starttime := a_tickcount
+#Include JSON2.ahk
onExit("quitApp", 1)
; Default global values
; ---------------------
-mainAppVersion := "1.03"
+currentAppVersion := "1.04"
+checkForUpdatesAtStartup := "yes"
chdmanLocation := a_scriptDir "\chdman.exe"
chdmanVerArray := ["0.236", "0.237", "0.238", "0.239", "0.240"]
+githubRepoURL := "https://api.github.com/repos/umageddon/namDHC/releases/62394694"
mainAppName := "namDHC"
mainAppNameVerbose := mainAppName " - Verbose"
runAppName := mainAppName " - Job"
@@ -80,7 +81,8 @@ ini("read", ["jobQueueSize"
- ,"verboseWinPosY"])
+ ,"verboseWinPosY"
+ ,"checkForUpdatesAtStartup"])
if ( !fileExist(chdmanLocation) ) {
msgbox 16, % "Fatal Error", % "CHDMAN.EXE not found!`n`nMake sure the chdman executable is located in the same directory as namDHC and try again.`n`nThe following chdman verions are supported:`n" arrayToString(chdmanVerArray)
@@ -117,11 +119,13 @@ GUI.buttons["start"] := {normal:[0, 0xFF74b6cc, "", 0xFF444444, 3], hover:[0, 0
GUI.menu["namesOrder"] := ["File", "Settings", "About"]
GUI.menu.File[1] := {name:"Quit", gotolabel:"quitApp", saveVar:""}
GUI.menu.About[1] := {name:"About", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:""}
-GUI.menu.Settings[1] := {name:"Number of jobs to run concurrently", gotolabel:":SubSettingsConcurrently", saveVar:""}
-GUI.menu.Settings[2] := {name:"Show verbose window", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"showVerboseWin", Fn:"showVerboseWindow"}
-GUI.menu.Settings[3] := {name:"Show a console for each job", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"showJobConsole"}
-GUI.menu.Settings[4] := {name:"Play sounds when finished job queue", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"playFinishedSong"}
-GUI.menu.Settings[5] := {name:"Remove file entry from list when successful", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"removeFileEntryAfterFinish"}
+GUI.menu.Settings[1] := {name:"Check for updates automatically", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"checkForUpdatesAtStartup"}
+GUI.menu.Settings[2] := {name:"Number of jobs to run concurrently", gotolabel:":SubSettingsConcurrently", saveVar:""}
+GUI.menu.Settings[3] := {name:"Show a verbose window", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"showVerboseWin", Fn:"showVerboseWindow"}
+GUI.menu.Settings[4] := {name:"Show a console window for each new job", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"showJobConsole"}
+GUI.menu.Settings[5] := {name:"Play a sound when finished jobs", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"playFinishedSong"}
+GUI.menu.Settings[6] := {name:"Remove entry from list when successful", gotolabel:"menuSelected", saveVar:"removeFileEntryAfterFinish"}
; Set misc GUI variables
; -------------------------
@@ -196,6 +200,10 @@ mainAppHWND := winExist(mainAppName)
mainAppMenuGet := DllCall("GetMenu", "uint", mainAppHWND) ; Save menu to retrieve later
mainMenuVisible := true
+if ( checkForUpdatesAtStartup == "yes" )
+ checkForUpdates()
onMessage(0x03, "moveGUIWin") ; If windows are moved, save positions in moveGUIWin()
onMessage(0x004A, "receiveData") ; Receive messages from threads
@@ -249,22 +257,24 @@ menuSelected()
gui 4: margin, 20 20
gui 4: font, s15 Q5 w700 c000000
gui 4: add, text, x10 y10, % mainAppName
gui 4: font, s10 Q5 w700 c000000
- gui 4: add, text, x100 y17, % " v" mainAppVersion
+ gui 4: add, text, x100 y17, % " v" currentAppVersion
gui 4: font, s10 Q5 w400 c000000
- gui 4: add, text, x10 y40, % "A Windows frontend for the MAME CHDMAN tool"
- gui 4: add, link, x10 y100, Updates and bug reports: https://github.com/umageddon/namDHC
- gui 4: add, link, x10 y120, MAME Info: https://www.mamedev.org/
+ gui 4: add, text, x10 y35, % "A Windows frontend for the MAME CHDMAN tool"
+ gui 4: add, button, x10 y70 w130 h22 gcheckForUpdates, % "Check for updates"
+ gui 4: add, link, x10 y110, Github: https://github.com/umageddon/namDHC
+ gui 4: add, link, x10 y130, MAME Info: https://www.mamedev.org/
gui 4: font, s9 Q5 w400 c000000
- gui 4: add, text, x170 y145, % "(C) Copyright 2022 Umageddon"
+ gui 4: add, text, x10 y165, % "(C) Copyright 2022 Umageddon"
gui 4: show, w500 center, About
Gui 4:+LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
controlFocus,, About ; Removes outline around html anchor
@@ -855,7 +865,7 @@ createMainGUI()
gui 1:add, statusBar
SB_SetParts(640, 175)
- SB_SetText(" namDHC v" mainAppVersion " for CHDMAN", 2)
+ SB_SetText(" namDHC v" currentAppVersion " for CHDMAN", 2)
gui 1:add, groupBox, x5 w800 h425 vgroupboxJob, Job
@@ -1437,14 +1447,14 @@ getFilesFromCUEGDITOC(inputFiles)
; Log messages and send to verbose window
; --------------------------------------
-log(newMsg:="", newline:=true, clear:=false)
+log(newMsg:="", newline:=true, clear:=false, timestamp:=true)
global mainAppNameVerbose, editVerbose
if ( !newMsg )
return false
- newMsg := "[" a_Hour ":" a_Min ":" a_Sec "] " newMsg
+ newMsg := timestamp ? "[" a_Hour ":" a_Min ":" a_Sec "] " newMsg : newMsg
msg := clear? newMsg : guiCtrlGet("editVerbose", 2) . newMsg
guiCtrl({editVerbose:msg (newline? "`n" : "")}, 2)
@@ -2007,6 +2017,101 @@ millisecToTime(msec)
+; Thanks maestrith
+; https://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/88685-download-a-url-to-a-variable/
+ try {
+ hObject:=ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
+ hObject.Open("GET",url)
+ hObject.Send()
+ return hObject.ResponseText
+ }
+checkForUpdates(wParam:="", userClicked:=false)
+ global currentAppVersion, mainAppName, githubRepoURL
+ gui 4:+OwnDialogs
+ log("Checking for updates ... ")
+ if ( !a_isCompiled ) {
+ if ( userClicked )
+ msgbox 16, % "Error", % "Can only update compiled binaries"
+ log("Error updating: Can only update compiled binaries") ; no time-stamp
+ return
+ }
+ /*
+ obj.tag_name = version (ie-"namDHCv1.03")
+ obj.body = version changes
+ obj.assets[1].browser_download_url = URL *should* point to chdman.exe
+ obj.assets[2].browser_download_url = URL *should* point to namDHC.exe
+ obj.assets[3].browser_download_url = URL *should* point to namDHC_vx.xx.zip
+ obj.created_at = date created
+ */
+ JSON := URLDownloadToVar(githubRepoURL)
+ obj := json2(JSON) ; Previous JSON library cant read github API properly, this JSON library has issues with thread communication
+ if ( !isObject(obj) )
+ log("Error updating: Update info invalid")
+ else if ( obj.message && inStr(obj.message, "limit exceeded") )
+ log("Error updating: Github API limit exceeded")
+ else if ( !obj.tag_name )
+ log("Error updating: Update info invalid")
+ else {
+ newVersion := strReplace(obj.tag_name, "namDHCv", "")
+ if ( newVersion == currentAppVersion ) {
+ if ( userClicked )
+ msgbox 64, % "No new updates found", % "You are running the current version"
+ log("No new updates found. You are running the current version")
+ return
+ }
+ else if ( newVersion < currentAppVersion ) {
+ if ( userClicked )
+ msgbox 16, % "Error", % "Your version is newer then the current release!"
+ log("Your version is newer then the current release!")
+ }
+ else if ( newVersion > currentAppVersion ) {
+ log("An update was found: v" newVersion)
+ msgBox, 68, % "Update available", % "A new version of " mainAppName " is available!`n`nCurrent version: v" currentAppVersion "`nLatest version: v" newVersion "`n`nChanges:`n" strReplace(obj.body, "-", " -") "`n`nDo you want to update?"
+ ifmsgbox Yes
+ {
+ for idx, asset in obj.assets {
+ if ( inStr(asset.browser_download_url, "namDHC.exe") )
+ thisBinURL := asset.browser_download_url
+ }
+ if ( !thisBinURL ) {
+ msgbox 16, % "Error", % "Error downloading update!"
+ log("Error updating: Update binary couldn't be found in the repo!")
+ return
+ }
+ tempDir := a_Temp "\namDHC"
+ fileCreateDir, % tempDir
+ tempEXEFullFile := tempDir "\namDHC.exe"
+ urlDownloadToFile, % thisBinURL, % tempEXEFullFile
+ if ( !fileExist(tempEXEFullFile) ) {
+ msgbox 16, % "Error", % "Error downloading update!"
+ log("Error updating: There was an error downloading the update")
+ return
+ }
+ batchFile := tempDir "\update.bat"
+ fileDelete(batchFile, 5, 10)
+ batchText := "@timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL`r`n@del """ a_ScriptFullPath """ > NUL`r`n@copy """ tempEXEFullFile """ """ a_ScriptFullPath """ > NUL`r`n@start " a_ScriptFullPath "`r`n@exit 0`r`n"
+ fileAppend, % batchText, % batchFile
+ sleep 25
+ run % batchFile
+ exitApp
+ }
+ }
+ }
; Close App
; ---------
diff --git a/threads.ahk b/threads.ahk
index ed736b0..00ef049 100644
--- a/threads.ahk
+++ b/threads.ahk
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ thread_sendData(msg:="")
if ( msg == false )
msg := (msg=="") ? sendData : msg
- sendAppMessage(json(msg), mainAppName " ahk_id " mainAppHWND) ; Send back the data we've recieved plus any other new info
+ sendAppMessage(toJSON(msg), mainAppName " ahk_id " mainAppHWND) ; Send back the data we've recieved plus any other new info
sendData.log := ""
sendData.status := ""
sendData.report := ""
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ thread_receiveData(wParam, ByRef lParam)
global recvData
stringAddress := numGet(lParam + 2*A_PtrSize)
- recvData := json(strGet(stringAddress,, "utf-8"))
+ recvData := fromJSON(strGet(stringAddress,, "utf-8"))
if ( recvData.kill == "true" ) ; User has requested this job to be cancelled