Releases: usnistgov/jsfive
fix reading link info msgs
Bug fix for files that have link_info_msgs and links are stored compactly (triggered a bug where checking for undefined address was done twice and failed the second time)
add node build
a nodejs build is located in dist/index.js
Example use:
$ node
Welcome to Node.js v14.17.4.
Type ".help" for more information.
> const hdf5 = require("jsfive")
> var fs = require("fs");
> var ab = fs.readFileSync("/home/brian/Downloads/sans4490.nxs.ngv");
> var f = new hdf5.File(ab.buffer);
> f.keys
[ 'entry' ]
> f.get("entry").attrs
{ NX_class: 'NXentry' }
Adding fractal heap and BTree V2 support
Adding fractal heap and BTree V2 support, based on jjhelmus/pyfive#47
fix for version 2 object headers
0.2.3 updated version with fix for version 2 object headers
fix for link messages
from pull request #11
match version number in package.json
This is a release that does nothing but match the package version in package.json
bugfix in dataobjects
0.1.6 replace repeated underscore placeholders in initialize of var, which …
adding softlink
This adds an implementation of resolving SoftLinks. The variety of SoftLink that appears in SymbolTable.get_links has been tested and works, but I couldn't find any files that contain link messages (0x0002) in the tests or in my typical working files, so that has not been tested (the _get_links_from_link_msgs method in DataObjects)
Implementation notes: soft links are distinguished from hard links by the fact that they are strings, in the 'get' method in high_level.Group class. If a link is a string (and therefore a soft link) it is sent back to "get" as a string, and if the lookup fails None is returned, as in the spec.
Fix reading of VLEN_STRING in data
0.1.4 support both esm and es2015 from index.js
bug fix for references at the end of global heap object
Fix for global heap objects with zero data size at the end of heap