Releases: vaadin/framework
Vaadin Framework 7.7.33
The Vaadin Framework 7.7.33 is an extended-support release with the following changes:
- Update license metainfo CVDL4
- Update Jetty version for security
- Update license checker to version 1.5.2
Vaadin Framework 7.7.32
The Vaadin Framework 7.7.32 is an extended-support release with the following changes:
- Update Atmosphere version to 2.2.13.vaadin4
Vaadin Framework 7.7.31
The Vaadin Framework 7.7.31 is an extended-support release with the following changes:
- Don't serve directories as static files
- Update license checker version to 1.2.2
- Add JNA dependencies for license checker
Vaadin Framework 7.7.30
The Vaadin Framework 7.7.30 is an extended-support release with the following changes:
- Ensure resize and dragging curtains are removed when a window is closed
Vaadin Framework 7.7.29
The Vaadin Framework 7.7.29 is an extended-support release with the following changes:
- Update Vaadin7 to use atmosphere-runtime 2.2.13.vaadin3
- Update to Jsoup 1.14.3
Vaadin Framework 8.14.3
Vaadin Framework 8.14.3 is a maintenance release with the following fixes :
- fix: Check if injected CSS String is already in the list of injected styles
- Support Liferay 7.4.3 kernel version
- Add better API to configure maximum allowed rows
See 8.14.3 milestone for all changes
Vaadin Framework 8.14.2
Vaadin Framework 8.14.2 is a maintenance release with the following fixes :
- fix: avoid ConcurrentModificationException in Binder
- fix: don't update bean property which is read-only bound
- fix: Ensure that side effects of readBean does not set hasChanges true
- fix: Do not allow border to grow row height
- fix: JavaDoc for setting page title
- fix: Grid column reorder with partially hidden joined header cells
- fix: compatibility Grid column reorder of partially hidden joined cells.
See 8.14.2 milestone for all changes
Vaadin Framework 7.7.28
The Vaadin Framework 7.7.28 is an extended-support release with the following changes:
- Update Vaadin7 to use atmosphere-runtime 2.2.13.vaadin2
- Update links shown by license checker
- Add MPR UI id request parameter
- fix: set Vaadin session attribute using lock in reinitializeSession
- Update to Jsoup 1.14.2
Vaadin Framework 8.14.1
Vaadin Framework 8.14.1 is a maintenance release with the following fixes :
- fix: Add MPR UI id request parameter(part of Warranty fix in MPR project)
- fix: VaadinService.reinitializeSession fails if there are multiple VaadinSession in the HTTP session
- fix: ConcurrentModificationException in vaadin-shared on karaf-4.2.x
Behavior breaking changes
- fix: Add row limit of 500 to DataCommunicator row data requests to avoid denial of service attacks (CVE-2021-33609) There will be method to override this behavior in upcoming versions.
Internal Changes
- deprecate the vaadin-snapshot usage in Framework project, deploy snapshot release to vaadin-prerelease
See 8.14.1 milestone for all changes
Vaadin Framework 8.14.0
Vaadin Framework 8.14.0 is a feature release contains a number of new features and bug fixes.
- #12357 Reworked and cleaned up client-side TabSheet and Accordion.
- #12355 fix: Prevent deadlock in findOrCreateVaadinSession
- #12281 Fix validation in non-buffered Grid editor
- #12348 Deprecating Flash component.
All changes in 8.14.0 can be found here