diff --git a/test_files/source/js_interop.dart b/test_files/source/js_interop.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f9122bc..0000000
--- a/test_files/source/js_interop.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Interoperability, "interop" for short, with JavaScript and browser APIs.
-/// JavaScript interop allows a Dart program to interact with a JavaScript
-/// runtime. This can, for example, be to access JavaScript declarations and
-/// interact with JavaScript values, or to adapt Dart values so that they can be
-/// passed to and used by JavaScript code.
-/// This JavaScript interop library works by introducing an abstraction over
-/// JavaScript values, a Dart type hierarchy ("JS types") which mirrors known
-/// JavaScript types, and a framework for introducing new Dart types that bind
-/// Dart type declarations to JavaScript values and external member declarations
-/// to JavaScript APIs.
-/// This abstraction allows the same interop API to be used both when the Dart
-/// code is compiled to JavaScript and when compiled to Wasm.
-/// See https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop for more details on usage, types,
-/// and previous JavaScript interop.
-/// > [!NOTE]
-/// > The types defined in this library only provide static guarantees.
-/// > The runtime types differ based on the backend, so it is important to rely
-/// > on static functionality like the conversion functions, for example `toJS`
-/// > and not runtime mechanisms like type checks (`is`) and casts (`as`).
-/// {@category Web}
-import 'dart:_internal' show Since;
-import 'dart:_js_annotations' show JSExport;
-import 'dart:_js_types';
-import 'dart:js_interop_unsafe';
-import 'dart:typed_data';
-// To support an easier transition, we allow users to use `@staticInterop`
-// classes - with or without the `@anonymous` annotation.
-export 'dart:_js_annotations' show staticInterop, anonymous, JSExport;
-export 'dart:js_util' show NullRejectionException;
-/// An annotation on a JavaScript interop declaration.
-/// This annotation defines a given library, top-level external declaration, or
-/// extension type as a JavaScript interop declaration.
-/// Specifying [name] customizes the JavaScript name to use, which can be used
-/// in the following scenarios:
-/// - Adding a JavaScript prefix to all the external top-level declarations,
-/// static members, and constructors of a library by parameterizing the
-/// annotation on the library with [name].
-/// - Specifying the JavaScript class to use for external static members and
-/// constructors of an interop extension type by parameterizing the annotation
-/// on the interop extension type with [name].
-/// - Renaming external declarations by parameterizing the annotation on the
-/// member with [name].
-/// In the case where [name] is not specified, the Dart name of the extension
-/// type or external declaration is used as the default.
-/// See https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop/usage#js for more details on how to
-/// use this annotation.
-/// > [!NOTE]
-/// > `package:js` exports an `@JS` annotation as well. Unlike that annotation,
-/// > this annotation applies to extension types, and will result in more
-/// > type-checking for external top-level declarations.
-class JS {
- final String? name;
- const JS([this.name]);
-/// A non-nullish JavaScript value.
-/// A [JSAny] can be any JavaScript value except JavaScript `null` and
-/// `undefined`. JavaScript `null` and `undefined` are instead converted to Dart
-/// `null` by the compiler. Therefore, [JSAny]?
is the top type of
-/// the type hierarchy as it includes nullish JavaScript values as well.
-extension type JSAny._(JSAnyRepType _jsAny) implements Object {}
-/// A JavaScript `Object`.
-/// [JSObject] is the supertype of all JavaScript objects, but not other JS
-/// types, like primitives. See https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop for more
-/// details on how to use JavaScript interop.
-/// When declaring interop extension types, [JSObject] is usually the type you
-/// will use as the representation type.
-extension type JSObject._(JSObjectRepType _jsObject) implements JSAny {
- /// Creates a [JSObject] from an object provided by an earlier interop
- /// library.
- ///
- /// Accepts, for example, the types created using `package:js` or `dart:html`.
- ///
- /// This constructor is intended to allow users to avoid having to cast to and
- /// from [JSObject].
- JSObject.fromInteropObject(Object interopObject)
- : _jsObject = interopObject as JSObjectRepType;
- /// Creates a new empty JavaScript object.
- ///
- /// The object is created using the JavaScript object initializer syntax
- /// (`{}`), and this constructor is more efficient than `{}.jsify()`.
- JSObject() : _jsObject = _createObjectLiteral();
-// TODO(srujzs): Move this member to `JSObject` once we can patch extension type
-// members.
-external JSObjectRepType _createObjectLiteral();
-/// A JavaScript [`Function`](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-function-objects)
-/// value.
-extension type JSFunction._(JSFunctionRepType _jsFunction)
- implements JSObject {}
-/// A JavaScript callable function created from a Dart function.
-/// See [FunctionToJSExportedDartFunction.toJS] for more details on how to
-/// convert a Dart function.
-extension type JSExportedDartFunction._(
- JSExportedDartFunctionRepType _jsExportedDartFunction)
- implements JSFunction {}
-/// A JavaScript [`Array`](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array-objects).
-/// Because [JSArray] is an extension type, [T] is only a static guarantee and
-/// the array does not necessarily only contain [T] elements. For example:
-/// ```dart
-/// @JS()
-/// external JSArray get array;
-/// ```
-/// `array` is not actually checked to ensure it contains instances of
-/// [JSNumber] when called.
-/// [T] may introduce additional checking elsewhere, however. When accessing
-/// elements of [JSArray] with type [T], there is a check to ensure the element
-/// is a [T] to ensure soundness. Similarly, when converting to a [List],
-/// casts may be introduced to ensure that it is indeed a [List].
-extension type JSArray._(JSArrayRepType _jsArray)
- implements JSObject {
- /// Creates an empty JavaScript `Array`.
- ///
- /// Equivalent to `new Array()` and more efficient than `[].jsify()`.
- external JSArray();
- /// Creates a JavaScript `Array` of size [length] with no elements.
- external JSArray.withLength(int length);
-/// A JavaScript `Promise` or a promise-like object.
-/// Because [JSPromise] is an extension type, [T] is only a static guarantee and
-/// the [JSPromise] may not actually resolve to a [T].
-/// Also like with [JSArray], [T] may introduce additional checking elsewhere.
-/// When converted to a [Future], there is a cast to ensure that the [Future]
-/// actually resolves to a [T] to ensure soundness.
-extension type JSPromise._(JSPromiseRepType _jsPromise)
- implements JSObject {
- external JSPromise(JSFunction executor);
-/// A Dart object that is wrapped with a JavaScript object so that it can be
-/// passed to JavaScript safely.
-/// Use this interface when you want to pass Dart objects within the same
-/// runtime through JavaScript. There are no usable members in the resulting
-/// [JSBoxedDartObject].
-/// See [ObjectToJSBoxedDartObject.toJSBox] to wrap an arbitrary [Object].
-extension type JSBoxedDartObject._(JSBoxedDartObjectRepType _jsBoxedDartObject)
- implements JSObject {}
-/// A JavaScript `ArrayBuffer`.
-extension type JSArrayBuffer._(JSArrayBufferRepType _jsArrayBuffer)
- implements JSObject {}
-/// A JavaScript `DataView`.
-extension type JSDataView._(JSDataViewRepType _jsDataView)
- implements JSObject {}
-/// Abstract supertype of all JavaScript typed arrays.
-extension type JSTypedArray._(JSTypedArrayRepType _jsTypedArray)
- implements JSObject {}
-/// A JavaScript `Int8Array`.
-extension type JSInt8Array._(JSInt8ArrayRepType _jsInt8Array)
- implements JSTypedArray {}
-/// A JavaScript `Uint8Array`.
-extension type JSUint8Array._(JSUint8ArrayRepType _jsUint8Array)
- implements JSTypedArray {}
-/// A JavaScript `Uint8ClampedArray`.
-extension type JSUint8ClampedArray._(
- JSUint8ClampedArrayRepType _jsUint8ClampedArray) implements JSTypedArray {}
-/// A JavaScript `Int16Array`.
-extension type JSInt16Array._(JSInt16ArrayRepType _jsInt16Array)
- implements JSTypedArray {}
-/// A JavaScript `Uint16Array`.
-extension type JSUint16Array._(JSUint16ArrayRepType _jsUint16Array)
- implements JSTypedArray {}
-/// A JavaScript `Int32Array`.
-extension type JSInt32Array._(JSInt32ArrayRepType _jsInt32Array)
- implements JSTypedArray {}
-/// A JavaScript `Uint32Array`.
-extension type JSUint32Array._(JSUint32ArrayRepType _jsUint32Array)
- implements JSTypedArray {}
-/// A JavaScript `Float32Array`.
-extension type JSFloat32Array._(JSFloat32ArrayRepType _jsFloat32Array)
- implements JSTypedArray {}
-/// A JavaScript `Float64Array`.
-extension type JSFloat64Array._(JSFloat64ArrayRepType _jsFloat64Array)
- implements JSTypedArray {}
-// The various JavaScript primitive types. Crucially, unlike the Dart type
-// hierarchy, none of these types are subtypes of [JSObject]. They are just
-// subtypes of [JSAny].
-/// A JavaScript number.
-extension type JSNumber._(JSNumberRepType _jsNumber) implements JSAny {}
-/// A JavaScript boolean.
-extension type JSBoolean._(JSBooleanRepType _jsBoolean) implements JSAny {}
-/// A JavaScript string.
-extension type JSString._(JSStringRepType _jsString) implements JSAny {}
-/// A JavaScript `Symbol`.
-extension type JSSymbol._(JSSymbolRepType _jsSymbol) implements JSAny {}
-/// A JavaScript `BigInt`.
-extension type JSBigInt._(JSBigIntRepType _jsBigInt) implements JSAny {}
-/// JS type equivalent for `undefined` for interop member return types.
-/// Prefer using `void` instead of this.
-// TODO(srujzs): Mark this as deprecated. There are no performance costs from
-// using `void`, and we'll likely provide a different way to box `undefined`.
-typedef JSVoid = JSVoidRepType;
-/// Helper methods to determine if a value is JavaScript `undefined` or `null`.
-/// > [!NOTE]
-/// > The members within these extensions may throw depending on the platform.
-/// > Do not rely on them to be platform-consistent.
-/// JavaScript `undefined` and JavaScript `null` are internalized differently
-/// based on the backend. When compiling to JavaScript, Dart `null` can actually
-/// be JavaScript `undefined` or JavaScript `null`. When compiling to Wasm,
-/// that's not the case: there's only one Wasm value `null` can be. Therefore,
-/// when an interop API returns JavaScript `null` or JavaScript `undefined`,
-/// they are both converted to Dart `null` when compiling to Wasm, and when you
-/// pass a Dart `null` to an interop API, it is called with JavaScript `null`.
-/// When compiling to JavaScript, Dart `null` retains its original JavaScript
-/// value. Avoid writing code where this distinction between `null` and
-/// `undefined` matters.
-// TODO(srujzs): Investigate what it takes to allow users to distinguish between
-// the two "nullish" values. An annotation-based model where users annotate
-// interop APIs to internalize `undefined` differently seems promising, but does
-// not handle some cases like converting a `JSArray` with `undefined`s in it to
-// `List`. In this case, the implementation of the list wrapper needs to
-// make the decision, not the user.
-extension NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension on JSAny? {
- /// Whether this value corresponds to JavaScript `undefined`.
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Currently, there is no way to distinguish between JavaScript `undefined`
- /// > and JavaScript `null` when compiling to Wasm. Therefore, this getter
- /// > should only be used for code that compiles to JavaScript and will throw
- /// > when compiling to Wasm.
- external bool get isUndefined;
- /// Whether this value corresponds to JavaScript `null`.
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Currently, there is no way to distinguish between JavaScript `undefined`
- /// > and JavaScript `null` when compiling to Wasm. Therefore, this getter
- /// > should only be used for code that compiles to JavaScript and will throw
- /// > when compiling to Wasm.
- external bool get isNull;
- bool get isUndefinedOrNull => this == null;
- bool get isDefinedAndNotNull => !isUndefinedOrNull;
-/// Common utility functions that are useful for any JavaScript value.
-extension JSAnyUtilityExtension on JSAny? {
- /// Whether the result of `typeof` on this [JSAny]?
- /// [typeString].
- external bool typeofEquals(String typeString);
- /// Whether this [JSAny]?
is an `instanceof` [constructor].
- external bool instanceof(JSFunction constructor);
- /// Whether this [JSAny]?
is an `instanceof` the constructor that
- /// is defined by [constructorName], which is looked up in the
- /// [globalContext].
- ///
- /// If [constructorName] contains '.'s, the name is split into several parts
- /// in order to get the constructor. For example, `library1.JSClass` would
- /// involve fetching `library1` off of the [globalContext], and then fetching
- /// `JSClass` off of `library1` to get the constructor.
- ///
- /// If [constructorName] is empty or any of the parts or the constructor don't
- /// exist, returns false.
- bool instanceOfString(String constructorName) {
- if (constructorName.isEmpty) return false;
- final parts = constructorName.split('.');
- JSObject? constructor = globalContext;
- for (final part in parts) {
- constructor = constructor?[part] as JSObject?;
- if (constructor == null) return false;
- }
- return instanceof(constructor as JSFunction);
- }
- /// Whether this [JSAny]?
is an instance of the JavaScript type
- /// that is declared by [T].
- ///
- /// This method uses a combination of null, `typeof`, and `instanceof` checks
- /// in order to do this check. Use this instead of `is` checks.
- ///
- /// If [T] is a primitive JS type like [JSString], this uses a `typeof` check
- /// that corresponds to that primitive type like `typeofEquals('string')`.
- ///
- /// If [T] is a non-primitive JS type like [JSArray] or an interop extension
- /// type on one, this uses an `instanceof` check using the name or the
- /// @[JS]
rename of the given type like
- /// `instanceOfString('Array')`. Note that if you rename the library using the
- /// @[JS]
annotation, this uses the rename in the `instanceof`
- /// check like `instanceOfString('library1.JSClass')`.
- ///
- /// To determine the JavaScript constructor to use as the second operand in
- /// the `instanceof` check, this function uses the JavaScript name associated
- /// with the extension type, which is either the argument given to the
- /// @[JS]
annotation or the Dart declaration name. So, if you had
- /// an interop extension type `JSClass` that wraps `JSArray` without a rename,
- /// this does an `instanceOfString('JSClass')` check and not an
- /// `instanceOfString('Array')` check.
- ///
- /// There are two exceptions to this rule. The first exception is
- /// `JSTypedArray`. As `TypedArray` does not exist as a property in
- /// JavaScript, this does some prototype checking to make `isA`
- /// do the right thing. The other exception is `JSAny`. If you do a
- /// `isA` check, it will only do a null-check.
- ///
- /// Using this method with a [T] that has an object literal constructor will
- /// result in an error as you likely want to use [JSObject] instead.
- ///
- /// Using this method with a [T] that wraps a primitive JS type will result in
- /// an error telling you to use the primitive JS type instead.
- @Since('3.4')
- external bool isA();
- /// Converts a JavaScript value to the Dart equivalent if possible.
- ///
- /// Effectively the inverse of [NullableObjectUtilExtension.jsify], [dartify]
- /// takes a JavaScript value and recursively converts it to a Dart object.
- /// Only JavaScript primitives, `Array`s, typed arrays, and map-like objects
- /// with string property names are supported.
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Prefer using the specific conversion method like `toDart` if you know
- /// > the JavaScript type as this method may perform many type-checks.
- // TODO(srujzs): We likely need stronger tests for this method to ensure
- // consistency.
- external Object? dartify();
-/// Common utility functions for [Object]?
-extension NullableObjectUtilExtension on Object? {
- /// Converts a Dart object to the JavaScript equivalent if possible.
- ///
- /// Effectively the inverse of [JSAnyUtilityExtension.dartify], [jsify] takes
- /// a Dart object and recursively converts it to a JavaScript value. Only Dart
- /// primitives, [Iterable]s, typed lists, and [Map]s are supported.
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Prefer using the specific conversion method like `toJS` if you know the
- /// > Dart type as this method may perform many type-checks.
- // TODO(srujzs): We likely need stronger tests for this method to ensure
- // consistency.
- external JSAny? jsify();
-/// Utility extensions for [JSFunction].
-// TODO(srujzs): We may want to provide a syntax for users to avoid `.call` and
-// directly call the function in JavaScript using `(...)`.
-extension JSFunctionUtilExtension on JSFunction {
- /// Call this [JSFunction] using the JavaScript `.call` syntax and returns the
- /// result.
- ///
- /// Takes at most 4 args for consistency with other APIs and relative brevity.
- /// If more are needed, you can declare your own external member with the same
- /// syntax.
- // We rename this function since declaring a `call` member makes a class
- // callable in Dart. This is convenient, but unlike Dart functions, JavaScript
- // functions explicitly take a `this` argument (which users can provide `null`
- // for in the case where the function doesn't need it), which may lead to
- // confusion.
- // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/call
- @JS('call')
- external JSAny? callAsFunction(
- [JSAny? thisArg, JSAny? arg1, JSAny? arg2, JSAny? arg3, JSAny? arg4]);
-// Extension members to support conversions between Dart types and JS types.
-// Not all Dart types can be converted to JS types and vice versa.
-// TODO(srujzs): Move some of these to the associated extension type.
-/// Conversions from [JSExportedDartFunction] to [Function].
-extension JSExportedDartFunctionToFunction on JSExportedDartFunction {
- /// The Dart [Function] that this [JSExportedDartFunction] wrapped.
- ///
- /// Must be a wrapped Dart [Function].
- external Function get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Function] to [JSExportedDartFunction].
-extension FunctionToJSExportedDartFunction on Function {
- /// A callable JavaScript function that wraps this [Function].
- ///
- /// If the static type of the [Function] could not be determined or if
- /// the static type uses types that are disallowed, the call will fail to
- /// compile. See
- /// https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop/js-types#requirements-on-external-declarations-and-function-tojs
- /// for more details on what types are allowed.
- external JSExportedDartFunction get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSBoxedDartObject] to [Object].
-extension JSBoxedDartObjectToObject on JSBoxedDartObject {
- /// The Dart [Object] that this [JSBoxedDartObjectToObject] wrapped.
- ///
- /// Throws an [Exception] if the Dart runtime was not the same as the one in
- /// which the [Object] was wrapped or if this was not a wrapped Dart [Object].
- external Object get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Object] to [JSBoxedDartObject].
-extension ObjectToJSBoxedDartObject on Object {
- /// A JavaScript object that wraps this [Object].
- ///
- /// There are no usable members in the resulting [JSBoxedDartObject] and you
- /// may get a new [JSBoxedDartObject] when calling [toJSBox] on the same Dart
- /// [Object].
- external JSBoxedDartObject get toJSBox;
-/// Conversions from [JSPromise] to [Future].
-extension JSPromiseToFuture on JSPromise {
- /// A [Future] that either completes with the result of the resolved
- /// [JSPromise] or propagates the error that the [JSPromise] rejected with.
- external Future get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Future] to [JSPromise] where the [Future] returns a value.
-extension FutureOfJSAnyToJSPromise on Future {
- /// A [JSPromise] that either resolves with the result of the completed
- /// [Future] or rejects with an object that contains its error.
- ///
- /// The rejected object contains the original error as a [JSBoxedDartObject]
- /// in the property `error` and the original stack trace as a [String] in the
- /// property `stack`.
- JSPromise get toJS {
- return JSPromise((JSFunction resolve, JSFunction reject) {
- this.then((JSAny? value) {
- resolve.callAsFunction(resolve, value);
- return value;
- }, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
- // TODO(srujzs): Can we do something better here? This is pretty much
- // useless to the user unless they call a Dart callback that consumes
- // this value and unboxes.
- final errorConstructor = globalContext['Error'] as JSFunction;
- final wrapper = errorConstructor.callAsConstructor(
- "Dart exception thrown from converted Future. Use the properties "
- "'error' to fetch the boxed error and 'stack' to recover "
- "the stack trace."
- .toJS);
- wrapper['error'] = error.toJSBox;
- wrapper['stack'] = stackTrace.toString().toJS;
- reject.callAsFunction(reject, wrapper);
- return wrapper;
- });
- }.toJS);
- }
-/// Conversions from [Future] to [JSPromise] where the [Future] does not return
-/// a value.
-extension FutureOfVoidToJSPromise on Future {
- /// A [JSPromise] that either resolves once this [Future] completes or rejects
- /// with an object that contains its error.
- ///
- /// The rejected object contains the original error as a [JSBoxedDartObject]
- /// in the property `error` and the original stack trace as a [String] in the
- /// property `stack`.
- JSPromise get toJS {
- return JSPromise((JSFunction resolve, JSFunction reject) {
- this.then((_) => resolve.callAsFunction(resolve),
- onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
- // TODO(srujzs): Can we do something better here? This is pretty much
- // useless to the user unless they call a Dart callback that consumes
- // this value and unboxes.
- final errorConstructor = globalContext['Error'] as JSFunction;
- final wrapper = errorConstructor.callAsConstructor(
- "Dart exception thrown from converted Future. Use the properties "
- "'error' to fetch the boxed error and 'stack' to recover "
- "the stack trace."
- .toJS);
- wrapper['error'] = error.toJSBox;
- wrapper['stack'] = stackTrace.toString().toJS;
- reject.callAsFunction(reject, wrapper);
- });
- }.toJS);
- }
-/// Conversions from [JSArrayBuffer] to [ByteBuffer].
-extension JSArrayBufferToByteBuffer on JSArrayBuffer {
- /// Converts this [JSArrayBuffer] to a [ByteBuffer] by either casting or
- /// wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [ByteBuffer]s are [JSArrayBuffer]s and this
- /// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
- /// Modifications to this [JSArrayBuffer] will affect the [ByteBuffer] and
- /// vice versa.
- external ByteBuffer get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [ByteBuffer] to [JSArrayBuffer].
-extension ByteBufferToJSArrayBuffer on ByteBuffer {
- /// Converts this [ByteBuffer] to a [JSArrayBuffer] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [ByteBuffer].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [ByteBuffer] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [ByteBuffer]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSArrayBuffer].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [ByteBuffer] will affect the
- /// > [JSArrayBuffer] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSArrayBuffer get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSDataView] to [ByteData].
-extension JSDataViewToByteData on JSDataView {
- /// Converts this [JSDataView] to a [ByteData] by either casting or wrapping
- /// it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [ByteData]s are [JSDataView]s and this
- /// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
- /// Modifications to this [JSDataView] will affect the [ByteData] and vice
- /// versa.
- external ByteData get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [ByteData] to [JSDataView].
-extension ByteDataToJSDataView on ByteData {
- /// Converts this [ByteData] to a [JSDataView] by either casting, unwrapping,
- /// or cloning the [ByteData].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [ByteData] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [ByteData]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSDataView].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [ByteData] will affect the
- /// > [JSDataView] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSDataView get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSInt8Array] to [Int8List].
-extension JSInt8ArrayToInt8List on JSInt8Array {
- /// Converts this [JSInt8Array] to a [Int8List] by either casting or wrapping
- /// it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Int8List]s are [JSInt8Array]s and this
- /// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
- /// Modifications to this [JSInt8Array] will affect the [Int8List] and vice
- /// versa.
- external Int8List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Int8List] to [JSInt8Array].
-extension Int8ListToJSInt8Array on Int8List {
- /// Converts this [Int8List] to a [JSInt8Array] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [Int8List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Int8List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [Int8List]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSInt8Array].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Int8List] will affect the
- /// > [JSInt8Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSInt8Array get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSUint8Array] to [Uint8List].
-extension JSUint8ArrayToUint8List on JSUint8Array {
- /// Converts this [JSUint8Array] to a [Uint8List] by either casting or
- /// wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Uint8List]s are [JSUint8Array]s and this
- /// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
- /// Modifications to this [JSUint8Array] will affect the [Uint8List] and vice
- /// versa.
- external Uint8List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Uint8List] to [JSUint8Array].
-extension Uint8ListToJSUint8Array on Uint8List {
- /// Converts this [Uint8List] to a [JSUint8Array] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [Uint8List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Uint8List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [Uint8List]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSUint8Array].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Uint8List] will affect the
- /// > [JSUint8Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSUint8Array get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSUint8ClampedArray] to [Uint8ClampedList].
-extension JSUint8ClampedArrayToUint8ClampedList on JSUint8ClampedArray {
- /// Converts this [JSUint8ClampedArray] to a [Uint8ClampedList] by either
- /// casting or wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Uint8ClampedList]s are
- /// [JSUint8ClampedArray]s and this operation will be a cast. When compiling
- /// to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced. Modifications to this
- /// [JSUint8ClampedArray] will affect the [Uint8ClampedList] and vice versa.
- external Uint8ClampedList get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Uint8ClampedList] to [JSUint8ClampedArray].
-extension Uint8ClampedListToJSUint8ClampedArray on Uint8ClampedList {
- /// Converts this [Uint8ClampedList] to a [JSUint8ClampedArray] by either
- /// casting, unwrapping, or cloning the [Uint8ClampedList].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Uint8ClampedList] may or may not be a
- /// > wrapper depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated
- /// > in Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated
- /// > in Dart, this method clones this [Uint8ClampedList]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSUint8ClampedArray].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Uint8ClampedList] will affect
- /// > the [JSUint8ClampedArray] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in
- /// > JavaScript.
- external JSUint8ClampedArray get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSInt16Array] to [Int16List].
-extension JSInt16ArrayToInt16List on JSInt16Array {
- /// Converts this [JSInt16Array] to a [Int16List] by either casting or
- /// wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Int16List]s are [JSInt16Array]s and this
- /// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
- /// Modifications to this [JSInt16Array] will affect the [Int16List] and vice
- /// versa.
- external Int16List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Int16List] to [JSInt16Array].
-extension Int16ListToJSInt16Array on Int16List {
- /// Converts this [Int16List] to a [JSInt16Array] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [Int16List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Int16List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [Int16List]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSInt16Array].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Int16List] will affect the
- /// > [JSInt16Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSInt16Array get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSUint16Array] to [Uint16List].
-extension JSUint16ArrayToInt16List on JSUint16Array {
- /// Converts this [JSUint16Array] to a [Uint16List] by either casting or
- /// wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Uint16List]s are [JSUint16Array]s and this
- /// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
- /// Modifications to this [JSUint16Array] will affect the [Uint16List] and
- /// vice versa.
- external Uint16List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Uint16List] to [JSUint16Array].
-extension Uint16ListToJSInt16Array on Uint16List {
- /// Converts this [Uint16List] to a [JSUint16Array] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [Uint16List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Uint16List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [Uint16List]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSUint16Array].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Uint16List] will affect the
- /// > [JSUint16Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSUint16Array get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSInt32Array] to [Int32List].
-extension JSInt32ArrayToInt32List on JSInt32Array {
- /// Converts this [JSInt32Array] to a [Int32List] by either casting or
- /// wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Int32List]s are [JSInt32Array]s and this
- /// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
- /// Modifications to this [JSInt32Array] will affect the [Int32List] and vice
- /// versa.
- external Int32List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Int32List] to [JSInt32Array].
-extension Int32ListToJSInt32Array on Int32List {
- /// Converts this [Int32List] to a [JSInt32Array] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [Int32List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Int32List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [Int32List]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSInt32Array].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Int32List] will affect the
- /// > [JSInt32Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSInt32Array get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSUint32Array] to [Uint32List].
-extension JSUint32ArrayToUint32List on JSUint32Array {
- /// Converts this [JSUint32Array] to a [Uint32List] by either casting or
- /// wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Uint32List]s are [JSUint32Array]s and this
- /// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
- /// Modifications to this [JSUint32Array] will affect the [Uint32List] and
- /// vice versa.
- external Uint32List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Uint32List] to [JSUint32Array].
-extension Uint32ListToJSUint32Array on Uint32List {
- /// Converts this [Uint32List] to a [JSUint32Array] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [Uint32List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Uint32List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [Uint32List]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSUint32Array].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Uint32List] will affect the
- /// > [JSUint32Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSUint32Array get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSFloat32Array] to [Float32List].
-extension JSFloat32ArrayToFloat32List on JSFloat32Array {
- /// Converts this [JSFloat32Array] to a [Float32List] by either casting or
- /// wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Float32List]s are [JSFloat32Array]s and
- /// this operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is
- /// introduced. Modifications to this [JSFloat32Array] will affect the
- /// [Float32List] and vice versa.
- external Float32List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Float32List] to [JSFloat32Array].
-extension Float32ListToJSFloat32Array on Float32List {
- /// Converts this [Float32List] to a [JSFloat32Array] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [Float32List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Float32List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [Float32List]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSFloat32Array].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Float32List] will affect the
- /// > [JSFloat32Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in
- /// > JavaScript.
- external JSFloat32Array get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSFloat64Array] to [Float64List].
-extension JSFloat64ArrayToFloat64List on JSFloat64Array {
- /// Converts this [JSFloat64Array] to a [Float64List] by either casting or
- /// wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [Float64List]s are [JSFloat64Array]s and
- /// this operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is
- /// introduced. Modifications to this [JSFloat64Array] will affect the
- /// [Float64List] and vice versa.
- external Float64List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [Float64List] to [JSFloat64Array].
-extension Float64ListToJSFloat64Array on Float64List {
- /// Converts this [Float64List] to a [JSFloat64Array] by either casting,
- /// unwrapping, or cloning the [Float64List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
- /// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Float64List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [Float64List]'s values into a new
- /// > [JSFloat64Array].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Float64List] will affect the
- /// > [JSFloat64Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in
- /// > JavaScript.
- external JSFloat64Array get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSArray] to [List].
-extension JSArrayToList on JSArray {
- /// Converts this [JSArray] to a [List] by either casting or wrapping it.
- ///
- /// When compiling to JavaScript, [List]s are [JSArray]s and this will be a
- /// cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced. Modifications to
- /// this [JSArray] will affect the [List] and vice versa. In order to ensure
- /// type soundness, this method may introduce casts when accessing elements in
- /// order to ensure they are of type [T].
- external List get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [List] to [JSArray].
-extension ListToJSArray on List {
- /// Converts this [List] to a [JSArray] by either casting, unwrapping, or
- /// cloning the [List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, the core [List] is a JavaScript `Array`,
- /// > and therefore this method simply casts. User-defined [List]s are
- /// > currently unsupported when compiling to JavaScript.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method clones this [List]'s values into a new [JSArray].
- /// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [List] will affect the
- /// > [JSArray] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
- external JSArray get toJS;
- /// Converts this [List] to a [JSArray] by either casting, unwrapping, or
- /// proxying the [List].
- ///
- /// > [!NOTE]
- /// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
- /// > conversion will have different semantics.
- /// > When compiling to JavaScript, the core [List] is a JavaScript `Array`,
- /// > and therefore this method simply casts. User-defined [List]s are
- /// > currently unsupported when compiling to JavaScript.
- /// > When compiling to Wasm, this [List] may or may not be a wrapper
- /// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
- /// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
- /// > Dart, this method proxies the [List] using a heavyweight `Array`
- /// > wrapper. Access to the original [List]'s elements may be very
- /// > unperformant.
- /// > Modifications to this [List] will affect the [JSArray] and vice versa.
- external JSArray get toJSProxyOrRef;
-/// Conversions from [JSNumber] to [double] or [int].
-extension JSNumberToNumber on JSNumber {
- /// Converts this [JSNumber] to a [double].
- external double get toDartDouble;
- /// Converts this [JSNumber] to an [int].
- ///
- /// If this [JSNumber] is not an integer value, throws.
- external int get toDartInt;
-/// Conversions from [double] to [JSNumber].
-extension DoubleToJSNumber on double {
- /// Converts this [double] to a [JSNumber].
- external JSNumber get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [num] to [JSNumber].
-extension NumToJSExtension on num {
- /// Converts this [num] to a [JSNumber].
- JSNumber get toJS => DoubleToJSNumber(toDouble()).toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSBoolean] to [bool].
-extension JSBooleanToBool on JSBoolean {
- /// Converts this [JSBoolean] to a [bool].
- external bool get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [bool] to [JSBoolean].
-extension BoolToJSBoolean on bool {
- /// Converts this [bool] to a [JSBoolean].
- external JSBoolean get toJS;
-/// Conversions from [JSString] to [String].
-extension JSStringToString on JSString {
- /// Converts this [JSString] to a [String].
- external String get toDart;
-/// Conversions from [String] to [JSString].
-extension StringToJSString on String {
- /// Converts this [String] to a [JSString].
- external JSString get toJS;
-/// General-purpose JavaScript operators.
-/// Indexing operators (`[]`, `[]=`) should be declared through operator
-/// overloading instead like:
-/// ```
-/// external operator int [](int key);
-/// ```
-/// Operators that always return number or boolean values use the Dart type
-/// instead of a JS type for convenience as the conversions are inexpensive.
-// TODO(srujzs): Add more as needed. For now, we just expose the ones needed to
-// migrate from `dart:js_util`.
-extension JSAnyOperatorExtension on JSAny? {
- // Arithmetic operators.
- /// The result of [this] + [any]
in JavaScript.
- external JSAny add(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] - [any]
in JavaScript.
- external JSAny subtract(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] * [any]
in JavaScript.
- external JSAny multiply(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] / [any]
in JavaScript.
- external JSAny divide(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] % [any]
in JavaScript.
- external JSAny modulo(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] ** [any]
in JavaScript.
- external JSAny exponentiate(JSAny? any);
- // Comparison operators.
- /// The result of [this] > [any]
in JavaScript.
- external bool greaterThan(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] >= [any]
in JavaScript.
- external bool greaterThanOrEqualTo(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] < [any]
in JavaScript.
- external bool lessThan(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] <= [any]
in JavaScript.
- external bool lessThanOrEqualTo(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] == [any]
in JavaScript.
- external bool equals(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] != [any]
in JavaScript.
- external bool notEquals(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] === [any]
in JavaScript.
- external bool strictEquals(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] !== [any]
in JavaScript.
- external bool strictNotEquals(JSAny? any);
- // Bitwise operators.
- /// The result of [this] >>> [any]
in JavaScript.
- // TODO(srujzs): This should return `num` or `double` instead.
- external JSNumber unsignedRightShift(JSAny? any);
- // Logical operators.
- /// The result of [this] && [any]
in JavaScript.
- external JSAny? and(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of [this] || [any]
in JavaScript.
- external JSAny? or(JSAny? any);
- /// The result of ![this]
in JavaScript.
- external bool get not;
- /// The result of !![this]
in JavaScript.
- external bool get isTruthy;
-/// The global scope that is used to find user-declared interop members.
-/// For example:
-/// ```
-/// @JS()
-/// external String get name;
-/// ```
-/// Reading `name` will execute JavaScript code like `globalContext.name`.
-/// There are subtle differences depending on the compiler, but in general,
-/// [globalContext] can be treated like JavaScript's `globalThis`.
-external JSObject get globalContext;
-/// Given a instance of a Dart class that contains an @[JSExport]
-/// annotation, creates a JavaScript object that wraps the given Dart object.
-/// The object literal will be a map of properties, which are either the written
-/// instance member names or their renames, to callbacks that call the
-/// corresponding Dart instance members.
-/// See https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop/mock for more details on how to
-/// declare classes that can be used in this method.
-external JSObject createJSInteropWrapper(T dartObject);
-// TODO(srujzs): Expose this method when we handle conformance checking for
-// interop extension types. We don't expose this method today due to the bound
-// on `T`. `@staticInterop` types can't implement `JSObject`, so this method
-// simply wouldn't work. We could make it extend `Object` to support the
-// `@staticInterop` case, but if we ever refactor to `extends JSObject`, this
-// would be a breaking change. For now, due to the low usage of
-// `createStaticInteropMock`, we avoid introducing this method until later.
-// external T createJSInteropMock(
-// U dartMock, [JSObject? proto = null]);
-/// Dynamically imports a JavaScript module with the given [moduleName] using
-/// the JavaScript `import()` syntax.
-/// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/import
-/// for more details.
-/// Returns a [JSPromise] that resolves to a [JSObject] that's the module
-/// namespace object.
-external JSPromise importModule(String moduleName);
diff --git a/test_files/source/js_interop_unsafe.dart b/test_files/source/js_interop_unsafe.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f5eb186..0000000
--- a/test_files/source/js_interop_unsafe.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Utility methods to manipulate JavaScript objects dynamically.
-/// This library is typically meant to be used when the names of properties or
-/// methods are not known statically. This library is similar to `dart:js_util`,
-/// except the methods here are extension methods that use JS types. This
-/// allows code using these functions to also be compiled to WebAssembly.
-/// In general, prefer to write JS interop interfaces and external static
-/// interop members using `dart:js_interop`. This library is meant to work
-/// around issues and help with migration from older JS interop libraries.
-/// > [!NOTE]
-/// > As the name suggests, usage of this library *can* be unsafe. This means
-/// > that safe usage of these methods cannot necessarily be verified
-/// > statically. Prefer using statically analyzable values like constants or
-/// > literals for property or method names so that usage can be verified. This
-/// > library should be used cautiously and only when the same effect cannot be
-/// > achieved with static interop.
-/// {@category Web}
-import 'dart:js_interop';
-/// Utility methods to check, get, set, and call properties on a [JSObject].
-/// See the [JavaScript specification](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object-type)
-/// for more details on using properties.
-extension JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension on JSObject {
- /// Shorthand helper for [hasProperty] to check whether this [JSObject]
- /// contains the property key [property], but takes and returns a Dart value.
- bool has(String property) => hasProperty(property.toJS).toDart;
- /// Whether or not this [JSObject] contains the property key [property].
- external JSBoolean hasProperty(JSAny property);
- /// Shorthand helper for [getProperty] to get the value of the property key
- /// [property] of this [JSObject], but takes and returns a Dart value.
- JSAny? operator [](String property) => getProperty(property.toJS);
- /// The value of the property key [property] of this [JSObject].
- external R getProperty(JSAny property);
- /// Shorthand helper for [setProperty] to write the [value] of the property
- /// key [property] of this [JSObject], but takes a Dart value.
- void operator []=(String property, JSAny? value) =>
- setProperty(property.toJS, value);
- /// Write the [value] of property key [property] of this [JSObject].
- external void setProperty(JSAny property, JSAny? value);
- external JSAny? _callMethod(JSAny method,
- [JSAny? arg1, JSAny? arg2, JSAny? arg3, JSAny? arg4]);
- /// Calls [method] on this [JSObject] with up to four arguments.
- ///
- /// Returns the result of calling [method], which must be an [R].
- ///
- /// This helper doesn't allow passing nulls, as it determines whether an
- /// argument is passed based on whether it was null or not. Prefer
- /// [callMethodVarArgs] if you need to pass nulls.
- R callMethod(JSAny method,
- [JSAny? arg1, JSAny? arg2, JSAny? arg3, JSAny? arg4]) =>
- _callMethod(method, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) as R;
- external JSAny? _callMethodVarArgs(JSAny method, [List? arguments]);
- /// Calls [method] on this [JSObject] with a variable number of [arguments].
- ///
- /// Returns the result of calling [method], which must be an [R].
- R callMethodVarArgs(JSAny method,
- [List? arguments]) =>
- _callMethodVarArgs(method, arguments) as R;
- /// Deletes the property with key [property] from this [JSObject].
- external JSBoolean delete(JSAny property);
-/// Utility methods to call [JSFunction]s as constructors.
-extension JSFunctionUnsafeUtilExtension on JSFunction {
- external JSObject _callAsConstructor(
- [JSAny? arg1, JSAny? arg2, JSAny? arg3, JSAny? arg4]);
- /// Calls this [JSFunction] as a constructor with up to four arguments.
- ///
- /// Returns the constructed object, which must be an [R].
- ///
- /// This helper doesn't allow passing nulls, as it determines whether an
- /// argument is passed based on whether it was null or not. Prefer
- /// [callAsConstructorVarArgs] if you need to pass nulls.
- // TODO(srujzs): The type bound should extend `JSObject`.
- R callAsConstructor(
- [JSAny? arg1, JSAny? arg2, JSAny? arg3, JSAny? arg4]) =>
- _callAsConstructor(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) as R;
- external JSObject _callAsConstructorVarArgs([List? arguments]);
- /// Calls this [JSFunction] as a constructor with a variable number of
- /// arguments.
- ///
- /// Returns the constructed [JSObject], which must be an [R].
- R callAsConstructorVarArgs([List? arguments]) =>
- _callAsConstructorVarArgs(arguments) as R;
diff --git a/tests/SevenZipTest.php b/tests/SevenZipTest.php
index cec2bd4..155591c 100644
--- a/tests/SevenZipTest.php
+++ b/tests/SevenZipTest.php
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public function testExtract(string $format): void
->target(path: $target)
$this->assertFileExists(filename: $target . '/source/Avatart.svg');
- $this->assertFileExists(filename: $target . '/source/js_interop.dart');
+ $this->assertFileExists(filename: $target . '/source/js_interop_usage.md');