v.0.2.0: Improvements in database and files management.
- New MongoDB Schema supporting users, digital twins, executions, and steps.
- Setup uses pyproject.toml and set up method changed to poetry
- mongodb access function modified so that they can be used by both the GIU and the CLI
- CLI refactored with methods for creating and managing digital twins, and executions.
- Automatic preparation of project folders for executions.
- S3 uploading of outputs from each component.
- Switch UI from Streamlit to Nicegui
v.0.1.0: Basic UI
- Streamlit APP with different
- User tagging
- Component listing placeholder
- Digital Twins listing
- Snapshots listing.
- Workflow desginer.
- pygwalker data visualization.
- MongoDB is required to be deployed independtly.
- S3 is required to be deployed indepently.