This project shows you how to use uDMA
and DAC
to make sound
is connected to SSI1 on TM4C123, running at 44.1kHz x 12b- uDMA transfer data from audio buffer to SSI1, in ping-pong mode
- You can play a piece of audio, please check AUDIO_TEST definition
- You can generate wave sound with
Audio Generator
- Texas Instruments Tiva C Series TM4C123G LaunchPad
- MCP4921 or and any DAC with SPI protocol
- USB Cable, of course
- Install TI's Code Composer Studio
- Install TivaWare for C Series
- Include your Tivaware folder into project, you can use the macro TI_TIVAWARE_ROOT in vars.ini
- Change the heap size as you want
- To use ROM_function() you must define part number of this kit TARGET_IS_TM4C123_RB1
- You can flash to the board via CCS or TI's LM Flash Programmer
The MIT License applies to this software and its supporting documentation: