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Historical Timeline (Software)

Adam Sobieski edited this page Nov 26, 2022 · 17 revisions


General Problem Solver

General Problem Solver (GPS) is a computer program created in 1959 by Herbert A. Simon, J. C. Shaw, and Allen Newell (RAND Corporation) intended to work as a universal problem solver machine.



Traverser (also called Graph Traverser 4 - GT4) was created during 1971-1972 in an undergraduate student project in Computer Studies at the University of Lancaster. It built on the work of Donald Michie and his colleagues at the Department of Machine Intelligence and Perception at the University of Edinburgh. Written in POP-2.



An early planning system whose search was directed by finding and debugging "approaches" that handled the goal structure underlying the problem. Interplan was created in 1972-1975 as part of Austin Tate's PhD, supervised by Professor Donald Michie at the Machine Intelligence Research Unit at the University of Edinburgh. Written in POP-2.



The original hierarchical task network, partial-order planner - used as the basis for text book descriptions of this type of technology (Russell & Norvig). Nonlin was created in 1975-1976 during the first year of the UK Science Research Council project entitled "Planning: a joint AI/OR Approach" whose Principal Investigator was Professor Bernard Meltzer. Austin Tate was the AI researcher on the project and Lesley Daniel was the Operational Research researcher. Nonlin continued to be developed in the 1982-3 period in joint work with Steve Vere at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (who created the DEVISER planner), and with Andrew Whiter at Systems Designers Ltd in the UK. Brian Drabble's Excalibur planner was built on Nonlin by adding a qualitative process reasoner. Writen in POP-2.



An AI planning, execution, and plan repair system with extensive representations for temporal, resource and other constraints, support for plan execution monitoring and plan repair "on-the-fly". Plan representation based on the model. Runnable as a Web Service. Written in Common Lisp with User Interface and Web Service elements in Java.



Brian Drabble's Ph.D project Excalibur planner linked HTN planning methods with qualitative process reasoning. It was based partly on the Nonlin hierarchical partial-order AI planning system, developed by Austin Tate at the University of Edinburgh.



Graphplan is an algorithm for automated planning developed by Avrim Blum and Merrick Furst in 1995. Graphplan takes as input a planning problem expressed in STRIPS and produces, if one is possible, a sequence of operations for reaching a goal state.



A portable cross-platform Java-based planning and collaboration support environment. Aid to multi-agent cooperative work and external services use. Plan representation based on the conceptual model. Written in Java.

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