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4.36 In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, Chevron_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN accused_VBN by_IN the_DT All-Ijaw_NNP indigenous_JJ people_NNS of_IN instigating_VBG violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC actually_RB paying_VBG Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB protesters_NNS at_IN the_DT Warri_NNP naval_JJ base_NN ._. In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, the_DT whole_JJ ijaw_NN indigenous_JJ showed_VBD Chevron_NNP to_TO encourage_VB the_DT violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC of_IN up_RB to_TO pay_VB Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB the_DT demonstrators_NNS at_IN the_DT naval_JJ base_NN from_IN Warri_NNP ._.
4.4 I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP they_PRP have_VBP had_VBN whole_JJ herd_NN slaughter_NN and_CC this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN forward_RB ._. I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP ,_, the_DT principle_NN of_IN slaughter_NN of_IN whole_JJ herd_NN has_VBZ been_VBN implemented_VBN and_CC that_IN this_DT is_VBZ not_RB the_DT best_JJS way_NN to_TO combat_VB this_DT phenomenon_NN ._.
4.84 Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_DT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB precisely_RB the_DT opposite_JJ ,_, and_CC so_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB vote_VB for_IN it_PRP ._. Unfortunately_RB the_DT final_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB exactly_RB the_DT opposite_JJ and_CC obviously_RB we_PRP can_MD not_RB approve_VB it_PRP ._.
4.84 The_DT right_NN of_IN a_DT government_NN arbitrarily_RB to_TO set_VB aside_RP its_PRP$ own_JJ constitution_NN is_VBZ the_DT defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._. The_DT right_NN for_IN a_DT government_NN to_TO draw_VB aside_RB its_PRP$ constitution_NN arbitrarily_RB is_VBZ the_DT definition_NN characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._.
4.2 The_DT House_NNP had_VBD also_RB fought_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, for_IN the_DT reduction_NN of_IN the_DT funds_NNS available_JJ for_IN innovative_JJ measures_NNS to_TO be_VB offset_VBN by_IN means_NNS of_IN resources_NNS from_IN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ,_, a_DT demand_NN which_WDT is_VBZ recorded_VBN in_IN a_DT declaration_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN in_IN the_DT Interinstitutional_NNP Agreement_NNP ._. This_DT Parliament_NNP has_VBZ also_RB fought_VBN for_IN this_DT reduction_NN in_IN the_DT funds_NNS available_JJ for_IN innovative_JJ actions_NNS should_MD be_VB compensated_VBN for_IN by_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN the_DT framework_NN of_IN flexibility_NN ,_, defined_VBN in_IN a_DT statement_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN ._.
4.84 The_DT right_NN of_IN a_DT government_NN arbitrarily_RB to_TO set_VB aside_RP its_PRP$ own_JJ constitution_NN is_VBZ the_DT defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._. The_DT right_NN for_IN a_DT government_NN to_TO dismiss_VB arbitrarily_RB its_PRP$ constitution_NN is_VBZ the_DT definition_NN of_IN a_DT characteristic_JJ tyranny_NN ._.
4.0 After_IN all_DT ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ by_IN no_DT means_NNS certain_JJ that_IN the_DT proposed_VBN definition_NN of_IN equitable_JJ price_NN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN any_DT other_JJ ,_, because_IN the_DT various_JJ definitions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP currently_RB in_IN use_NN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS are_VBP all_DT perfectly_RB satisfactory_JJ ._. Indeed_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB absolutely_RB certain_JJ that_IN the_DT definition_NN of_IN fair_JJ price_NN which_WDT is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN another_DT ,_, because_IN the_DT definitions_NNS used_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS in_IN all_DT amply_RB sufficient_JJ ._.
4.84 One_CD could_MD indeed_RB wish_VB for_IN more_JJR and_CC for_IN improvement_NN ,_, but_CC I_PRP honestly_RB believe_VBP that_IN we_PRP have_VBP made_VBN a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._. They_PRP can_MD in_IN fact_NN wish_NN to_TO more_JJR and_CC better_JJR ,_, but_CC I_PRP think_VBP that_IN it_PRP is_VBZ a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._.
4.2 It_PRP must_MD genuinely_RB be_VB a_DT centre_NN for_IN coordinating_VBG the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, must_MD activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN for_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN the_DT level_NN of_IN the_DT individual_JJ regions_NNS ._. It_PRP should_MD be_VB the_DT real_JJ coordination_NN of_IN the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, will_MD speed_VB up_RP and_CC a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN of_IN food_NN at_IN regional_JJ level_NN ._.
4.84 On_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ behalf_NN and_CC on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS ,_, I_PRP would_MD ask_VB you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, to_TO send_VB Parliament_NNP '_POS s_PRP condolences_VBZ to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC to_TO the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS in_IN both_DT Brittany_NNP and_CC in_IN Marín_NNP ,_, Galicia_NNP ,_, from_IN where_WRB the_DT majority_NN of_IN the_DT victims_NNS came_VBD ._. Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP would_MD ask_VB you_PRP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS and_CC in_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ name_NN ,_, to_TO send_VB a_DT message_NN of_IN condolence_NN on_IN the_DT part_NN of_IN Parliament_NNP to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS of_IN Brittany_NNP as_IN Marín_NNP ,_, city_NN of_IN Galicia_NNP ,_, where_WRB originating_VBG from_IN most_JJS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS ._.
4.84 One_CD could_MD indeed_RB wish_VB for_IN more_JJR and_CC for_IN improvement_NN ,_, but_CC I_PRP honestly_RB believe_VBP that_IN we_PRP have_VBP made_VBN a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._. One_CD can_MD indeed_RB wish_VB more_JJR and_CC better_JJR ,_, but_CC I_PRP believe_VBP very_RB honestly_RB that_IN it_PRP is_VBZ a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._.
4.36 He_PRP will_MD stand_VB trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP on_IN charges_NNS of_IN having_VBG attended_VBD a_DT meeting_NN of_IN the_DT Tunisian_JJ opposition_NN in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT he_PRP denies_VBZ ._. It_PRP passes_VBZ in_IN lawsuit_NN next_JJ on_IN January_NNP 8_CD ._. It_PRP is_VBZ reproached_VBN to_TO him_PRP for_IN having_VBG taken_VBN part_NN in_IN a_DT meeting_NN of_IN Tunisian_JJ opponents_NNS in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT besides_IN it_PRP denies_VBZ ._.
4.6 Thank_VB you_PRP very_RB much_RB ,_, Commissioner_NNP ._. Thank_VB you_PRP very_RB much_RB ,_, Mr_NNP Commissioner_NNP ._.
4.2 A_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, for_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN striving_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN now_RB ,_, is_VBZ the_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN for_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN ._. The_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN of_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN is_VBZ a_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, not_RB to_TO which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN seeking_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN already_RB ._.
4.2 There_EX has_VBZ been_VBN a_DT budget_NN heading_VBG for_IN the_DT funding_NN of_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN programmes_NNS for_IN many_JJ years_NNS now_RB ._. A_DT budget_NN line_NN finance_NN programmes_NNS of_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN for_IN years_NNS ._.
4.2 The_DT other_JJ viewpoint_NN illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN '_'' s_PRP initial_JJ statement_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN members_NNS is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN which_WDT are_VBP needed_VBN in_IN order_NN to_TO establish_VB among_IN insurers_NNS ways_NNS of_IN organising_VBG costs_NNS on_IN a_DT mutual_JJ basis_NN providing_VBG everybody_NN with_IN guaranteed_JJ access_NN to_TO high-quality_JJ care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS developing_VBG together_RB with_IN risk_NN and_CC client_NN selection_NN ._. The_DT other_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT initial_JJ aim_NN of_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN many_JJ colleagues_NNS ,_, is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB the_DT regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN necessary_JJ to_TO establish_VB ,_, between_IN insurers_NNS ,_, the_DT forms_NNS of_IN cost_NN option_NN guaranteeing_VBG all_PDT the_DT supply_NN of_IN good_JJ quality_NN of_IN care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risks_NNS of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS and_CC a_DT selection_NN of_IN risks_NNS and_CC customers_NNS ._.
4.04 The_DT only_JJ instance_NN in_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ levied_VBN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT supplier_NN is_VBZ in_IN a_DT non-EU_JJ country_NN and_CC the_DT recipient_JJ is_VBZ in_IN a_DT Member_NNP State_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._. The_DT only_JJ case_NN for_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ still_RB perceived_VBN ``_`` is_VBZ an_DT example_NN of_IN supply_NN in_IN the_DT European_NNP Community_NNP from_IN a_DT third_JJ country_NN ._.
5.0 Clearly_RB ,_, explanations_NNS are_VBP necessary_JJ for_IN the_DT increased_VBN incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. It_PRP is_VBZ obviously_RB necessary_JJ to_TO determine_VB the_DT reasons_NNS for_IN the_DT increase_NN in_IN the_DT incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
4.84 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP '_POS s_PRP attitude_NN to_TO the_DT right_NN of_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS may_MD be_VB seen_VBN from_IN the_DT internal_JJ handbook_NN sent_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP to_TO employees_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO tell_VB them_PRP how_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_IN requests_NNS from_IN MEPs_NNS for_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP can_MD see_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS position_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN public_JJ access_NN to_TO documents_NNS by_IN reading_VBG the_DT internal_JJ manual_NN which_WDT was_VBD given_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP ,_, with_IN the_DT Commission_NNP officials_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO explain_VB the_DT way_NN in_IN which_WDT they_PRP were_VBD to_TO deal_VB with_IN the_DT requests_NNS from_IN the_DT Members_NNS with_IN regard_NN to_TO access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._.
4.84 I_PRP stress_VBP this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB everything_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB competition_NN is_VBZ not_RB completely_RB unrestricted_JJ ,_, nor_CC should_MD it_PRP be_VB ._. I_PRP insist_VBP on_IN this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB all_DT and_CC that_IN ,_, accordingly_RB ,_, it_PRP does_VBZ not_RB have_VB there_RB nor_CC can_MD not_RB have_VB there_RB of_IN competition_NN without_IN limits_NNS ._.
4.52 After_IN all_DT ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ by_IN no_DT means_NNS certain_JJ that_IN the_DT proposed_VBN definition_NN of_IN equitable_JJ price_NN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN any_DT other_JJ ,_, because_IN the_DT various_JJ definitions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP currently_RB in_IN use_NN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS are_VBP all_DT perfectly_RB satisfactory_JJ ._. Indeed_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB absolutely_RB certain_JJ that_IN the_DT definition_NN of_IN fair_JJ price_NN proposed_VBN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN another_DT ,_, because_IN the_DT different_JJ definitions_NNS are_VBP currently_RB used_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS are_VBP enough_JJ is_VBZ enough_RB ._.
3.8 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB a_DT few_JJ words_NNS on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, be_VB passed_VBN ._. Mr._NNP President_NNP ,_, my_PRP$ honourable_JJ Members_NNS ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO intervene_VB on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT obviously_RB we_PRP will_MD vote_VB ._.
4.84 I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNPS into_IN the_DT eventual_JJ Treaty_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ._. I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT requires_VBZ the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN the_DT fundamental_JJ rights_NNS in_IN the_DT future_JJ treaty_NN which_WDT will_MD be_VB adopted_VBN in_IN Nice_NNP ._.
3.4 There_EX has_VBZ been_VBN a_DT budget_NN heading_VBG for_IN the_DT funding_NN of_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN programmes_NNS for_IN many_JJ years_NNS now_RB ._. A_DT budget_NN line_NN finances_NNS clearance_NN programmes_NNS and_CC of_IN prevention_NN since_IN years_NNS ._.
5.0 Fifty-seven_CD senators_NNS ,_, including_VBG 24_CD Republicans_NNPS ,_, have_VBP signed_VBN the_DT letter_NN ._. Of_IN those_DT who_WP signed_VBD the_DT letter_NN ,_, 57_CD are_VBP senators_NNS ,_, including_VBG 24_CD Republicans_NNPS ._.
4.52 I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP rather_RB odd_JJ that_IN people_NNS are_VBP already_RB trying_VBG to_TO tie_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS hands_NNS in_IN relation_NN to_TO the_DT proposal_NN for_IN a_DT directive_NN ,_, while_IN at_IN the_DT same_JJ calling_VBG on_IN it_PRP to_TO present_VB a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ situation_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO optional_JJ and_CC supplementary_JJ health_NN insurance_NN schemes_NNS ._. I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP a_DT little_JJ strange_JJ to_TO now_RB obliging_VBG the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO a_DT motion_NN for_IN a_DT resolution_NN and_CC to_TO ask_VB him_PRP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN to_TO draw_VB up_RP a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ state_NN of_IN voluntary_JJ insurance_NN and_CC supplementary_JJ sickness_NN insurance_NN ._.
3.4 People_NNS with_IN the_DT same_JJ business_NN affairs_NNS in_IN common_JJ are_VBP peacefully_RB bound_VBN to_TO one_CD another_DT ._. The_DT economic_JJ activities_NNS Commons_NNPS generating_VBG peaceful_JJ links_NNS between_IN people_NNS ._.
3.72 Spain_NNP has_VBZ done_VBN a_DT magnificent_JJ job_NN in_IN turning_VBG round_NN the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourly_JJ relations_NNS which_WDT Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP have_VBP suffered_VBN during_IN the_DT course_NN of_IN history_NN ._. Spain_NNP has_VBZ developed_VBN a_DT remarkably_RB positive_JJ the_DT difficult_JJ that_DT always_RB existed_VBN between_IN Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC between_IN Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP ._.
3.88 A_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, for_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN striving_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN now_RB ,_, is_VBZ the_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN for_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN ._. The_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT Provisional_NNP Judicial_NNP Cooperation_NNP Unit_NNP is_VBZ a_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ not_RB a_DT long_JJ time_NN ago_RB ._.
4.68 I_PRP would_MD urge_VB the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB their_PRP$ utmost_JJ to_TO overcome_VB this_DT divide_NN ,_, because_IN it_PRP is_VBZ extremely_RB destructive_JJ ._. I_PRP urge_VBP the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB everything_NN in_IN its_PRP$ power_NN to_TO bridge_VB this_DT gap_NN ,_, particularly_RB destructive_JJ ._.
4.52 Reiterating_VBG the_DT calls_NNS made_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, what_WP initiatives_NNS does_VBZ the_DT Presidency_NNP of_IN the_DT European_JJ Council_NNP propose_VBP to_TO take_VB with_IN a_DT view_NN to_TO playing_VBG a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN so_RB as_IN to_TO guarantee_VB the_DT full_JJ and_CC complete_JJ application_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_. As_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, that_IN they_PRP initiatives_VBZ does_VBZ the_DT Council_NNP intend_VBP to_TO take_VB to_TO play_VB a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB the_DT full_JJ and_CC entire_JJ application_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_.
4.36 On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT influence_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS is_VBZ being_VBG reduced_VBN by_IN the_DT further_JJ restriction_NN of_IN the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC by_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ being_VBG given_VBN more_JJR power_NN ._. On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT power_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ restricting_VBG still_RB further_RB the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC to_TO give_VB more_JJR power_NN to_TO the_DT Parliament_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._.
4.84 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO focus_VB in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN on_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP '_POS s_PRP report_NN ,_, which_WDT I_PRP think_VBP is_VBZ clearly_RB worded_VBN and_CC well_RB put_VB together_RB ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN I_PRP shall_MD focus_VB on_IN the_DT report_NN by_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP report_NN ,_, which_WDT I_PRP find_VBP formulated_VBN well_RB thought-out_JJ and_CC clearly_RB ._.
4.36 I_PRP stress_VBP this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB everything_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB competition_NN is_VBZ not_RB completely_RB unrestricted_JJ ,_, nor_CC should_MD it_PRP be_VB ._. I_PRP stress_VBP this_DT because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB everything_NN and_CC that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT sense_NN ,_, there_EX can_MD not_RB be_VB any_DT competition_NN without_IN limits_NNS ._.
3.88 The_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP ,_, along_IN with_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, has_VBZ a_DT wealth_NN of_IN experience_NN of_IN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN supervision_NN ,_, and_CC we_PRP can_MD build_VB on_IN these_DT ._. Just_RB like_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN the_DT human_JJ rights_NNS ,_, the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP has_VBZ to_TO him_PRP also_RB a_DT solid_JJ experiment_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN control_NN ._. We_PRP can_MD take_VB it_PRP for_IN base_NN ._.
4.52 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB a_DT few_JJ words_NNS on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, be_VB passed_VBN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO speak_VB on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT obviously_RB we_PRP vote_VB ._.
4.68 I_PRP call_VBP on_IN Prague_NNP to_TO respond_VB to_TO this_DT signal_NN ,_, this_DT challenge_NN ,_, this_DT plea_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO grant_VB our_PRP$ request_NN and_CC to_TO ensure_VB ,_, together_RB with_IN our_PRP$ House_NNP ,_, that_IN this_DT legacy_NN of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB consigned_VBN to_TO the_DT past_NN ._. I_PRP invite_VBP Prague_NNP to_TO take_VB this_DT message_NN ,_, this_DT invitation_NN ,_, this_DT request_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO act_VB and_CC to_TO make_VB it_PRP so_IN that_IN ,_, together_RB with_IN this_DT House_NNP ,_, these_DT being_VBG nationalistic_JJ period_NN relics_NNS may_MD be_VB abandoned_VBN ._.
4.68 It_PRP must_MD genuinely_RB be_VB a_DT centre_NN for_IN coordinating_VBG the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, must_MD activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN for_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN the_DT level_NN of_IN the_DT individual_JJ regions_NNS ._. It_PRP must_MD be_VB the_DT true_JJ brain_NN coordination_NN of_IN the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS ,_, which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, must_MD activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN of_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN regional_JJ level_NN ._.
4.2 As_IN a_DT matter_NN of_IN urgency_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_DT staff_NN complement_VBP of_IN the_DT Interdepartmental_NNP Group_NNP attached_VBD to_TO the_DT Commission_NNP Secretariat_NNP should_MD be_VB strengthened_VBN at_IN the_DT earliest_JJS possible_JJ opportunity_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN all_DT proposals_NNS for_IN acts_NNS which_WDT are_VBP general_JJ in_IN scope_NN are_VBP accompanied_VBN ,_, when_WRB considered_VBN by_IN the_DT College_NNP of_IN Commissioners_NNPS and_CC on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, by_IN a_DT simplified_VBN sheet_NN outlining_VBG their_PRP$ potential_JJ impact_NN ._. Therefore_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ urgent_JJ that_IN the_DT personnel_NNS of_IN the_DT inter-service_JJ group_NN are_VBP very_RB quickly_RB reinforced_VBN at_IN the_DT heart_NN of_IN the_DT Secretary-General_NNP of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ,_, so_RB that_IN all_PDT the_DT proposals_NNS of_IN the_DT Act_NNP of_IN general_JJ interest_NN can_MD be_VB accompanied_VBN ,_, during_IN their_PRP$ examination_NN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- of_IN a_DT detailed_JJ fiche_NN d'impact_NN ._.
4.84 While_IN withdrawing_VBG the_DT resolution_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, I_PRP express_VBP the_DT conviction_NN that_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB made_VBN its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBD better_JJR if_IN ,_, in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, it_PRP had_VBD devoted_VBN a_DT specific_JJ and_CC separate_JJ resolution_NN to_TO these_DT important_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ topics_NNS of_IN the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, instead_RB of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN them_PRP in_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT also_RB embraces_VBZ all_PDT the_DT other_JJ points_NNS on_IN the_DT Council_NNP agenda_NN ._. By_IN withdrawing_VBG our_PRP$ resolution_NN ,_, I_PRP am_VBP ,_, however_RB ,_, convinced_JJ that_IN Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB done_VBN better_RB by_IN making_VBG its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBD ,_, in_IN view_NN of_IN the_DT Nice_NNP European_NNP Council_NNP ,_, a_DT separate_JJ and_CC specific_JJ resolution_NN on_IN the_DT issues_NNS which_WDT are_VBP so_RB important_JJ and_CC so_RB difficult_JJ for_IN the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, rather_RB than_IN treating_VBG them_PRP in_IN the_DT context_NN of_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN including_VBG also_RB all_PDT the_DT other_JJ items_NNS on_IN the_DT agenda_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP ._.
4.52 The_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP ,_, along_IN with_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, has_VBZ a_DT wealth_NN of_IN experience_NN of_IN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN supervision_NN ,_, and_CC we_PRP can_MD build_VB on_IN these_DT ._. Just_RB as_IN the_DT European_NNP Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP has_VBZ also_RB considerable_JJ experience_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO these_DT forms_NNS of_IN control_NN ;_: we_PRP can_MD take_VB as_IN a_DT basis_NN ._.
5.0 We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO exchange_VB ideas_NNS on_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT it_PRP has_VBZ emerged_VBN that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._. We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO have_VB discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, making_VBG it_PRP clear_JJ that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS wish_NN to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._.
5.0 Firstly_RB ,_, simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._. Firstly_RB ,_, that_IN of_IN simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._.
4.2 As_IN a_DT matter_NN of_IN urgency_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_DT staff_NN complement_VBP of_IN the_DT Interdepartmental_NNP Group_NNP attached_VBD to_TO the_DT Commission_NNP Secretariat_NNP should_MD be_VB strengthened_VBN at_IN the_DT earliest_JJS possible_JJ opportunity_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN all_DT proposals_NNS for_IN acts_NNS which_WDT are_VBP general_JJ in_IN scope_NN are_VBP accompanied_VBN ,_, when_WRB considered_VBN by_IN the_DT College_NNP of_IN Commissioners_NNPS and_CC on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, by_IN a_DT simplified_VBN sheet_NN outlining_VBG their_PRP$ potential_JJ impact_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ urgent_JJ that_IN the_DT staff_NN of_IN the_DT interservice_NN group_NN are_VBP very_RB quickly_RB strengthened_VBD at_IN the_DT heart_NN of_IN the_DT Secretary-General_NNP of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ,_, so_RB that_IN all_PDT the_DT proposed_VBN act_NN of_IN general_JJ scope_NN can_MD be_VB accompanied_VBN ,_, during_IN their_PRP$ examination_NN by_IN the_DT college_NN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- of_IN a_DT fiche_NN d'impact_NN detailed_VBN ._.
4.84 Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN at_IN all_DT than_IN a_DT poor_JJ one_CD and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT instance_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT third-rate_JJ proposal_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD which_WDT was_VBD completely_RB unacceptable_JJ to_TO Europe_NNP ._. Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN only_RB have_VBP an_DT agreement_NN that_WDT is_VBZ bad_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT proposal_NN to_TO the_DT rebate_NN ,_, totally_RB unacceptable_JJ for_IN Europe_NNP ._.
3.88 The_DT very_JJ worst_JJS situation_NN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT women_NNS concerned_VBN also_RB come_VBN from_IN distant_JJ countries_NNS ,_, having_VBG taken_VBN the_DT work_NN on_IN out_IN of_IN desperation_NN because_IN they_PRP have_VBP no_DT other_JJ way_NN of_IN continuing_VBG to_TO provide_VB for_IN themselves_PRP ._. The_DT situation_NN is_VBZ worse_JJR when_WRB it_PRP comes_VBZ to_TO women_NNS 's_POS distant_JJ countries_NNS which_WDT have_VBP accepted_VBN this_DT work_NN by_IN necessity_NN and_CC who_WP have_VBP no_DT alternative_NN to_TO continue_VB supporting_VBG themselves_PRP to_TO their_PRP$ vital_JJ needs_NNS ._.
5.0 The_DT joint_JJ debate_NN is_VBZ closed_VBN ._. The_DT joint_JJ debate_NN is_VBZ closed_VBN ._.
4.36 It_PRP is_VBZ this_DT kind_NN of_IN future_NN I_PRP would_MD also_RB like_VB to_TO see_VB in_IN the_DT other_JJ countries_NNS within_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. This_DT is_VBZ a_DT development_NN of_IN this_DT kind_NN that_WDT I_PRP wish_VBP the_DT other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._.
5.0 If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP we_PRP must_MD act_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC deeds_NNS ,_, not_RB merely_RB words_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP ,_, we_PRP must_MD intervene_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC actions_NNS ,_, and_CC not_RB just_RB with_IN words_NNS ._.
4.36 Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN at_IN all_DT than_IN a_DT poor_JJ one_CD and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT instance_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT third-rate_JJ proposal_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD which_WDT was_VBD completely_RB unacceptable_JJ to_TO Europe_NNP ._. Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN have_VBP an_DT agreement_NN that_WDT is_VBZ wrong_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT watered-down_JJ proposal_NN totally_RB unacceptable_JJ for_IN Europe_NNP ._.
4.8856 This_DT is_VBZ also_RB the_DT position_NN advocated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_JJ People_NNS '_POS s_PRP Party_NNP ._. That_DT is_VBZ the_DT position_NN defended_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP People_NNP 's_POS Party_NNP ._.
4.7336 Clearly_RB ,_, explanations_NNS are_VBP necessary_JJ for_IN the_DT increased_VBN incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. We_PRP must_MD clearly_RB define_VB the_DT reasons_NNS for_IN the_DT increase_NN in_IN the_DT incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
4.2 Whilst_NNP employment_NN may_MD be_VB the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP '_POS s_PRP priority_NN policy_NN ,_, fisheries_NNS ,_, as_IN another_DT economic_JJ sector_NN ,_, can_MD not_RB remain_VB on_IN the_DT sidelines_NNS ._. If_IN employment_NN is_VBZ the_DT political_JJ priority_NN of_IN the_DT Union_NNP ,_, fisheries_NNS ,_, as_IN an_DT economic_JJ sector_NN ,_, can_MD not_RB remain_VB on_IN the_DT sidelines_NNS ._.
4.52 Lastly_RB ,_, and_CC most_JJS controversially_RB ,_, the_DT committee_NN strongly_RB called_VBN for_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN a_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ a_DT subject_NN more_RBR controversial_JJ ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP invited_VBN vigorously_RB to_TO use_VB the_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._.
4.52 They_PRP will_MD keep_VB the_DT pressure_NN on_IN ,_, and_CC they_PRP are_VBP strengthening_VBG their_PRP$ position_NN with_IN the_DT revenue_NN they_PRP are_VBP generating_VBG from_IN delivering_VBG mail_NN above_IN 150_CD grams_NNS ._. They_PRP continue_VBP to_TO put_VB pressure_NN ._. The_DT money_NN they_PRP earn_VBP with_IN distribution_NN beyond_IN the_DT bounds_NNS of_IN 150_CD grammes_NNS allows_VBZ them_PRP to_TO strengthen_VB their_PRP$ position_NN ._.
4.68 If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP we_PRP must_MD act_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC deeds_NNS ,_, not_RB merely_RB words_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP ,_, we_PRP must_MD speak_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC concrete_JJ action_NN ,_, and_CC not_RB just_RB with_IN words_NNS ._.
4.04 There_EX has_VBZ been_VBN a_DT budget_NN heading_VBG for_IN the_DT funding_NN of_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN programmes_NNS for_IN many_JJ years_NNS now_RB ._. A_DT budget_NN line_NN is_VBZ funding_VBG programmes_NNS for_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN for_IN years_NNS ._.
3.24 Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ,_, Greek_JJ ships_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN without_IN warning_NN ,_, when_WRB there_EX were_VBD no_DT storms_NNS in_IN the_DT vicinity_NN ._. Vessels_NNS ,_, without_IN which_WDT there_EX is_VBZ the_DT slightest_JJS ,_, Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ._.
4.68 I_PRP call_VBP on_IN Prague_NNP to_TO respond_VB to_TO this_DT signal_NN ,_, this_DT challenge_NN ,_, this_DT plea_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO grant_VB our_PRP$ request_NN and_CC to_TO ensure_VB ,_, together_RB with_IN our_PRP$ House_NNP ,_, that_IN this_DT legacy_NN of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB consigned_VBN to_TO the_DT past_NN ._. I_PRP invite_VBP Prague_NNP to_TO seize_VB this_DT sign_NN ,_, this_DT invitation_NN ,_, this_DT request_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO take_VB action_NN pursuant_JJ and_CC to_TO make_VB to_TO it_PRP so_RB that_IN ,_, in.liaison.with_NN this_DT Parliament_NNP ,_, these_DT one_CD nationalist_JJ era_NN old_JJ relics_NNS can_MD be_VB abandoned_VBN ._.
4.68 But_CC I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO Parliament_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT EU_NNP spends_VBZ just_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN GDP_NNP and_CC much_JJ of_IN that_DT is_VBZ administered_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO the_DT House_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP must_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP spends_VBZ only_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN the_DT GDP_NNP of_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS and_CC that_IN the_DT bulk_NN of_IN this_DT money_NN is_VBZ managed_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
3.6 The_DT UK_NNP Labour_NNP members_NNS of_IN the_DT PES_NNP Group_NNP welcome_VB the_DT adoption_NN of_IN their_PRP$ contribution_NN to_TO the_DT ongoing_JJ work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN endorsing_VBG every_DT single_JJ detail_NN ._. ._. -LRB-_-LRB- IN_IN -RRB-_-RRB- the_DT British_JJ Labor_NN Members_NNS of_IN group_NN PSE_NNP are_VBP pleased_JJ with_IN the_DT favourable_JJ response_NN reserved_VBN for_IN the_DT contribution_NN which_WDT they_PRP made_VBD to_TO the_DT ongoing_JJ work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN the_DT reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN adhering_VBG completely_RB to_TO all_PDT the_DT details_NNS of_IN this_DT one_CD ._.
4.2 In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, Chevron_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN accused_VBN by_IN the_DT All-Ijaw_NNP indigenous_JJ people_NNS of_IN instigating_VBG violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC actually_RB paying_VBG Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB protesters_NNS at_IN the_DT Warri_NNP naval_JJ base_NN ._. In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, the_DT indigenous_JJ people_NNS All-Ijaw_NNP Chevron_NNP have_VBP been_VBN accused_VBN of_IN inciting_VBG violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC to_TO go_VB so_RB far_RB as_IN to_TO pay_VB Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO draw_VB on_IN the_DT demonstrators_NNS in_IN the_DT Warri_NNP naval_JJ base_NN ._.
4.4 I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP they_PRP have_VBP had_VBN whole_JJ herd_NN slaughter_NN and_CC this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN forward_RB ._. I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP ,_, the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT slaughter_NN of_IN whole_JJ herds_NNS was_VBD applied_VBN and_CC that_IN does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN to_TO combat_VB this_DT phenomenon_NN ._.
5.0 These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT main_JJ one_CD and_CC the_DT secondary_JJ ones_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB the_DT touchstone_NN by_IN which_WDT the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS submitted_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP must_MD be_VB judged_VBN ._. These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT overriding_VBG goal_NN and_CC secondary_JJ objectives_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB the_DT yardstick_NN by_IN which_WDT we_PRP judge_VBP the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS put_VBD forward_RB by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ._.
4.84 The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN the_DT accession_NN negotiations_NNS and_CC hence_RB of_IN the_DT enlargement_NN ._. The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD discuss_VB the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN accession_NN negotiations_NNS ,_, and_CC therefore_RB of_IN enlargement_NN ._.
4.52 -_: My_PRP$ party_NN has_VBZ serious_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN Community_NNP law_NN applying_VBG to_TO the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN products_NNS ,_, as_IN against_IN applying_VBG the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._. My_PRP$ party_NN has_VBZ profound_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN the_DT regulation_NN of_IN the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN goods_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN Community_NNP legislation_NN ,_, as_IN it_PRP expresses_VBZ reservations_NNS about_IN the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._.
4.36 The_DT other_JJ viewpoint_NN illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN '_'' s_PRP initial_JJ statement_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN members_NNS is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN which_WDT are_VBP needed_VBN in_IN order_NN to_TO establish_VB among_IN insurers_NNS ways_NNS of_IN organising_VBG costs_NNS on_IN a_DT mutual_JJ basis_NN providing_VBG everybody_NN with_IN guaranteed_JJ access_NN to_TO high-quality_JJ care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS developing_VBG together_RB with_IN risk_NN and_CC client_NN selection_NN ._. The_DT other_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT initial_JJ matter_NN of_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN per_IN number_NN of_IN Members_NNS ,_, consists_VBZ in_IN promoting_VBG the_DT regulations_NNS and_CC the_DT codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN necessary_JJ to_TO found_VBN ,_, between_IN insurers_NNS ,_, the_DT forms_NNS of_IN mutualisation_NN of_IN the_DT costs_NNS guaranteeing_VBG to_TO all_PDT the_DT supply_NN of_IN an_DT high_JJ quality_NN of_IN care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risks_NNS to_TO see_VB developing_VBG discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS and_CC a_DT risk_NN selection_NN and_CC customers_NNS ._.
3.72 I_PRP wonder_VBP if_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP has_VBZ planned_VBN any_DT steps_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB that_IN we_PRP really_RB do_VBP consider_VB Kostunica_NNP to_TO be_VB the_DT only_JJ lawfully_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT only_JJ partner_NN with_IN whom_WP the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ involved_VBN as_IN from_IN today_NN ._. I_PRP wonder_VBP if_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP ,_, for_IN the_DT steps_NNS which_WDT they_PRP show_VBP that_IN we_PRP consider_VBP and_CC as_IN the_DT representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS and_CC as_IN the_DT partner_NN with_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP will_MD have_VB to_TO deal_VB with_IN ._.
4.4 All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP at_IN present_JJ engaged_VBN in_IN illicit_JJ work_NN would_MD obtain_VB work_NN with_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._. All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP currently_RB engaged_VBN in_IN undeclared_JJ work_NN e.g._FW employment_NN in_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._.
4.8 Therefore_RB ,_, I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN is_VBZ sustainable_JJ ,_, but_CC that_IN the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT university_NN issue_NN and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ issues_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ success_NN ,_, and_CC powerful_JJ support_NN ,_, else_RB peace_NN throughout_IN the_DT region_NN will_MD be_VB under_IN threat_NN ._. That_DT is_VBZ why_WRB I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN can_MD take_VB ,_, but_CC the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT issue_NN of_IN universities_NNS and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ problems_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ the_DT visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN success_NN as_RB well_RB as_IN a_DT strong_JJ support_NN ,_, on_IN pain_NN of_IN being_VBG threatened_VBN peace_NN in_IN the_DT region_NN as_IN a_DT whole_NN ._.
5.0 Clearly_RB ,_, explanations_NNS are_VBP necessary_JJ for_IN the_DT increased_VBN incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. We_PRP must_MD obviously_RB determine_VB the_DT reasons_NNS for_IN the_DT increase_NN in_IN the_DT incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
4.4 Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN at_IN all_DT than_IN a_DT poor_JJ one_CD and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT instance_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT third-rate_JJ proposal_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD which_WDT was_VBD completely_RB unacceptable_JJ to_TO Europe_NNP ._. Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN at_IN all_DT than_IN to_TO have_VB an_DT agreement_NN that_WDT is_VBZ wrong_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT proposal_NN to_TO you_PRP ,_, totally_RB unacceptable_JJ for_IN Europe_NNP ._.
4.68 Reiterating_VBG the_DT calls_NNS made_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, what_WP initiatives_NNS does_VBZ the_DT Presidency_NNP of_IN the_DT European_JJ Council_NNP propose_VBP to_TO take_VB with_IN a_DT view_NN to_TO playing_VBG a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN so_RB as_IN to_TO guarantee_VB the_DT full_JJ and_CC complete_JJ application_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_. As_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ called_VBN for_IN in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, they_PRP initiatives_VBZ European_JJ Council_NNP Presidency_NNP intend_VBP to_TO take_VB to_TO play_VB a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB the_DT full_JJ implementation_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_.
3.56 It_PRP is_VBZ unlikely_JJ that_IN the_DT planned_JJ protection_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ provision_NN of_IN services_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN a_DT compensatory_JJ fund_NN ,_, as_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN which_WDT private_JJ profits_NNS are_VBP ploughed_VBN back_RB into_IN public_JJ services_NNS ,_, will_MD last_VB ._. The_DT maintenance_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ service_NN to_TO the_DT assistance_NN of_IN a_DT compensation_NN Fund_NN which_WDT enable_VBP engaging_VBG the_DT advantage_NN of_IN public_JJ service_NN will_MD probably_RB long_RB fire_NN ._.
4.84 I_PRP wonder_VBP if_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP has_VBZ planned_VBN any_DT steps_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB that_IN we_PRP really_RB do_VBP consider_VB Kostunica_NNP to_TO be_VB the_DT only_JJ lawfully_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT only_JJ partner_NN with_IN whom_WP the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ involved_VBN as_IN from_IN today_NN ._. I_PRP wonder_VBP if_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP already_RB provides_VBZ the_DT steps_NNS that_WDT will_MD make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO show_VB that_IN we_PRP consider_VBP Koitunica_NNP as_IN the_DT legally_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS and_CC as_IN a_DT partner_NN with_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP will_MD now_RB address_VB ._.
4.68 The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN that_WDT was_VBD agreed_VBN on_IN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_JJ form_NN of_IN labelling_NN and_CC only_RB came_VBD into_IN force_NN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ago_RB ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ for_IN the_DT origin_NN of_IN animals_NNS to_TO be_VB adequately_RB traced_VBN ,_, and_CC we_PRP were_VBD very_RB slow_JJ to_TO ban_VB specified_VBN risk_NN materials_NNS ._. The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN which_WDT has_VBZ been_VBN decided_VBN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_NN and_CC labelling_NN which_WDT is_VBZ in_IN force_NN for_IN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ,_, does_VBZ not_RB properly_RB to_TO trace_VB the_DT origin_NN of_IN the_DT animals_NNS and_CC we_PRP have_VBP banned_VBN quite_RB late_JJ specified_VBN risk_NN materials_NNS ._.
3.56 We_PRP shall_MD have_VB to_TO speak_VB with_IN just_RB one_CD disagreeable_JJ voice_NN in_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._. We_PRP speak_VBP with_IN a_DT single_JJ voice_NN within_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._.
4.2 They_PRP will_MD keep_VB the_DT pressure_NN on_IN ,_, and_CC they_PRP are_VBP strengthening_VBG their_PRP$ position_NN with_IN the_DT revenue_NN they_PRP are_VBP generating_VBG from_IN delivering_VBG mail_NN above_IN 150_CD grams_NNS ._. They_PRP will_MD continue_VB to_TO put_VB pressure_NN on_IN the_DT money_NN they_PRP gain_VBP the_DT distribution_NN beyond_IN the_DT bounds_NNS of_IN the_DT 150_CD grams_NNS enables_VBZ them_PRP to_TO strengthen_VB their_PRP$ position_NN ._.
4.2 It_PRP is_VBZ gratifying_VBG that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ succeeded_VBN in_IN producing_VBG a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN more_JJR openness_NN ._. It_PRP must_MD be_VB welcomed_VBN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ succeeded_VBN in_IN bringing_VBG together_RP a_DT broad_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN greater_JJR transparency_NN ._.
5.0 The_DT aim_NN of_IN the_DT annual_JJ review_NN is_VBZ to_TO identify_VB such_JJ potential_JJ improvements_NNS ._. The_DT annual_JJ report_NN aims_VBZ to_TO identify_VB such_JJ potential_JJ improvements_NNS ._.
4.84 There_EX is_VBZ an_DT urgent_JJ need_NN ,_, following_VBG the_DT recent_JJ attacks_NNS on_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP ,_, to_TO promote_VB democratisation_NN measures_NNS and_CC measures_NNS to_TO strengthen_VB institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._. The_DT recent_JJ incidents_NNS against_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN of_IN Himara_NNP make_VBP more_JJR imperative_JJ that_IN we_PRP need_VBP to_TO promote_VB measures_NNS for_IN democratisation_NN ,_, institution-building_NN and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._.
4.36 I_PRP call_VBP on_IN Prague_NNP to_TO respond_VB to_TO this_DT signal_NN ,_, this_DT challenge_NN ,_, this_DT plea_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO grant_VB our_PRP$ request_NN and_CC to_TO ensure_VB ,_, together_RB with_IN our_PRP$ House_NNP ,_, that_IN this_DT legacy_NN of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB consigned_VBN to_TO the_DT past_NN ._. I_PRP call_VBP on_IN Prague_NNP to_TO seize_VB this_DT sign_NN ,_, this_DT invitation_NN ,_, this_DT request_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO follow_VB them_PRP up_RP and_CC to_TO ensure_VB that_IN ,_, together_RB with_IN this_DT House_NNP ,_, these_DT relics_NNS of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB abandoned_VBN ._.
4.2 The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN that_WDT was_VBD agreed_VBN on_IN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_JJ form_NN of_IN labelling_NN and_CC only_RB came_VBD into_IN force_NN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ago_RB ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ for_IN the_DT origin_NN of_IN animals_NNS to_TO be_VB adequately_RB traced_VBN ,_, and_CC we_PRP were_VBD very_RB slow_JJ to_TO ban_VB specified_VBN risk_NN materials_NNS ._. The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN and_CC veal_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ been_VBN decided_VBN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_NN and_CC which_WDT is_VBZ in_IN force_NN for_IN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO trace_VB the_DT origin_NN of_IN the_DT animals_NNS properly_RB and_CC we_PRP have_VBP banned_VBN well_RB late_RB at_IN risk_NN ._.
4.84 And_CC I_PRP am_VBP telling_VBG you_PRP loud_JJ and_CC clear_JJ :_: Kostunica_NNP must_MD be_VB given_VBN his_PRP$ chance_NN here_RB and_CC I_PRP therefore_RB hope_VBP that_IN he_PRP will_MD give_VB amnesty_NN in_IN the_DT next_JJ couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS or_CC months_NNS ,_, but_CC meanwhile_RB ,_, I_PRP do_VBP want_VB the_DT introduction_NN of_IN those_DT two_CD new_JJ budget_NN lines_NNS ,_, democratisation_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN ,_, to_TO be_VB accompanied_VBN by_IN political_JJ conditions_NNS ,_, both_DT from_IN a_DT political_JJ and_CC budgetary_JJ perspective_NN ._. And_CC I_PRP say_VBP this_DT to_TO you_PRP very_RB clearly_RB :_: we_PRP must_MD give_VB its_PRP$ opportunity_NN to_TO Kostunica_NNP and_CC I_PRP therefore_RB hope_VBP that_IN it_PRP will_MD ensure_VB an_DT amnesty_NN during_IN the_DT weeks_NNS or_CC months_NNS ahead_RB ;_: but_CC in_IN the_DT meantime_NN ,_, I_PRP wish_VBP ,_, however_RB ,_, that_IN ,_, in_IN political_JJ terms_NNS and_CC in_IN budgetary_JJ terms_NNS ,_, the_DT political_JJ conditions_NNS are_VBP linked_VBN to_TO the_DT introduction_NN of_IN these_DT two_CD new_JJ budget_NN lines_NNS ,_, namely_RB democratisation_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN ._.
4.04 The_DT House_NNP had_VBD also_RB fought_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, for_IN the_DT reduction_NN of_IN the_DT funds_NNS available_JJ for_IN innovative_JJ measures_NNS to_TO be_VB offset_VBN by_IN means_NNS of_IN resources_NNS from_IN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ,_, a_DT demand_NN which_WDT is_VBZ recorded_VBN in_IN a_DT declaration_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN in_IN the_DT Interinstitutional_NNP Agreement_NNP ._. This_DT Parliament_NNP has_VBZ ,_, however_RB ,_, also_RB fought_VBD for_IN this_DT reduction_NN in_IN the_DT funds_NNS allocated_VBN to_TO the_DT innovative_JJ actions_NNS to_TO be_VB compensated_VBN for_IN by_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN framework_NN of_IN flexibility_NN ,_, defined_VBN in_IN a_DT statement_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN ._.
5.0 Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN devoted_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN to_TO equality_NN through_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC through_IN specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._. Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN dedicated_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN to_TO equality_NN by_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._.
4.36 On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT influence_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS is_VBZ being_VBG reduced_VBN by_IN the_DT further_JJ restriction_NN of_IN the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC by_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ being_VBG given_VBN more_JJR power_NN ._. On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT power_NN of_IN national_JJ democracies_NNS is_VBZ still_RB more_JJR force_NN to_TO limit_VB the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC to_TO give_VB more_JJR power_NN for_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ._.
4.2 Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ,_, Greek_JJ ships_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN without_IN warning_NN ,_, when_WRB there_EX were_VBD no_DT storms_NNS in_IN the_DT vicinity_NN ._. Greek_JJ ship_NN sank_VBD ,_, without_IN the_DT least_JJS storm_NN in_IN exist_VBP ,_, Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ._.
4.92 Knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ accepted_VBN as_IN a_DT necessary_JJ precursor_NN to_TO mobility_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ recognised_VBN that_IN the_DT knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ a_DT prerequisite_NN for_IN mobility_NN ._.
4.52 It_PRP must_MD genuinely_RB be_VB a_DT centre_NN for_IN coordinating_VBG the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, must_MD activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN for_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN the_DT level_NN of_IN the_DT individual_JJ regions_NNS ._. It_PRP must_MD be_VB the_DT true_JJ brain_NN coordination_NN of_IN the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS ,_, which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, must_MD activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN food_NN safety_NN at_IN regional_JJ level_NN ._.
4.36 The_DT lesson_NN for_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP this_DT morning_NN must_MD be_VB that_IN we_PRP have_VBP to_TO conclude_VB that_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS throughout_IN the_DT world_NN are_VBP in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN shambles_NN and_CC we_PRP have_VBP to_TO begin_VB the_DT process_NN of_IN putting_VBG them_PRP right_RB ._. The_DT lesson_NN that_IN this_DT House_NNP in_IN this_DT morning_NN 's_POS debate_NN must_MD learn_VB is_VBZ that_IN we_PRP are_VBP forced_VBN to_TO conclude_VB that_IN the_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS are_VBP all_DT over_IN the_DT world_NN ,_, in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN chaos_NN ,_, and_CC that_IN we_PRP must_MD set_VB about_IN the_DT task_NN to_TO sort_VB all_PDT this_DT out_RP ._.
4.52 We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ Council_NNP Presidency_NNP first_JJ restructured_VBN and_CC then_RB scrapped_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP for_IN Equality_NNP ._. We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ presidency_NN has_VBZ restructured_VBN first_RB and_CC then_RB dismantled_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP of_IN equal_JJ opportunities_NNS ._.
1.8 The_DT broader_JJR Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD Index_NNP ._. SPX_NNP gained_VBD 3_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.39_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN 924_CD ._. The_DT technology-laced_JJ Nasdaq_NNP Composite_NNP Index_NNP <_NNP ._. IXIC_NNP >_CD rose_VBD 6_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.41_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 1,498_CD ._.
4.36 This_DT is_VBZ also_RB the_DT position_NN advocated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_JJ People_NNS '_POS s_PRP Party_NNP ._. It_PRP is_VBZ the_DT position_NN defended_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_JJ popular_JJ party_NN ._.
3.56 It_PRP is_VBZ unlikely_JJ that_IN the_DT planned_JJ protection_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ provision_NN of_IN services_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN a_DT compensatory_JJ fund_NN ,_, as_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN which_WDT private_JJ profits_NNS are_VBP ploughed_VBN back_RB into_IN public_JJ services_NNS ,_, will_MD last_VB ._. The_DT safeguarding_VBG of_IN universal_JJ service_NN to_TO a_DT compensation_NN fund_NN which_WDT would_MD engage_VB in_IN private_JJ profits_NNS for_IN the_DT benefit_NN of_IN the_DT public_JJ service_NN will_MD probably_RB long_RB ._.
5.0 -LRB-_-LRB- Parliament_NNP accepted_VBD the_DT oral_JJ amendment_NN -RRB-_-RRB- -LRB-_-LRB- Parliament_NNP accepted_VBD the_DT oral_JJ amendment_NN -RRB-_-RRB-
4.68 ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC united_VBD European_JJ continent_NN ._. ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr._NNP President_NNP ,_, widening_VBG is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC plain_JJ continent_NN of_IN Europe_NNP ._.
4.2 Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN at_IN all_DT than_IN a_DT poor_JJ one_CD and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT instance_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT third-rate_JJ proposal_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD which_WDT was_VBD completely_RB unacceptable_JJ to_TO Europe_NNP ._. Certainly_RB ,_, it_PRP was_VBD not_RB to_TO have_VB an_DT agreement_NN better_JJR than_IN to_TO have_VB an_DT agreement_NN which_WDT is_VBZ wrong_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT proposal_NN to_TO the_DT reduction_NN ,_, totally_RB unacceptable_JJ for_IN Europe_NNP ._.
5.0 on_IN the_DT situation_NN in_IN Burma_NNP On_IN the_DT situation_NN in_IN Burma_NNP ._.
5.0 The_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thanks_NNS you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, for_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN the_DT warm_JJ reception_NN you_PRP have_VBP given_VBN us_PRP ._. For_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN your_PRP$ warm_JJ welcome_JJ ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thank_VBP you_PRP ._.
4.68 The_DT lesson_NN for_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP this_DT morning_NN must_MD be_VB that_IN we_PRP have_VBP to_TO conclude_VB that_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS throughout_IN the_DT world_NN are_VBP in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN shambles_NN and_CC we_PRP have_VBP to_TO begin_VB the_DT process_NN of_IN putting_VBG them_PRP right_RB ._. The_DT lesson_NN that_WDT must_MD retain_VB this_DT House_NNP in_IN her_PRP$ this_DT morning_NN 's_POS debate_NN is_VBZ that_IN we_PRP are_VBP forced_VBN to_TO conclude_VB that_IN the_DT laws_NNS are_VBP maritime_JJ ,_, throughout_IN the_DT world_NN ,_, in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN mess_NN ,_, and_CC that_IN we_PRP must_MD set_VB about_IN the_DT task_NN of_IN them_PRP to_TO bring_VB order_NN ._.
4.36 Secondly_RB ,_, say_VBP no_UH to_TO the_DT big_JJ bang_NN idea_NN of_IN incorporating_VBG candidate_NN countries_NNS simultaneously_RB as_IN a_DT large_JJ group_NN ,_, since_IN that_DT would_MD militate_VB against_IN the_DT principle_NN that_IN each_DT country_NN should_MD be_VB admitted_VBN on_IN its_PRP$ own_JJ merits_NNS ._. Secondly_RB ,_, we_PRP must_MD say_VB `_`` no_DT '_'' to_TO the_DT concept_NN which_WDT would_MD be_VB admitted_VBN that_DT big_JJ bang_NN ,_, but_CC at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN ,_, a_DT large_JJ group_NN of_IN countries_NNS ,_, because_IN this_DT would_MD be_VB in_IN contradiction_NN with_IN the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT admission_NN of_IN each_DT country_NN on_IN its_PRP$ merits_NNS ._.
4.04 Secondly_RB ,_, say_VBP no_UH to_TO the_DT big_JJ bang_NN idea_NN of_IN incorporating_VBG candidate_NN countries_NNS simultaneously_RB as_IN a_DT large_JJ group_NN ,_, since_IN that_DT would_MD militate_VB against_IN the_DT principle_NN that_IN each_DT country_NN should_MD be_VB admitted_VBN on_IN its_PRP$ own_JJ merits_NNS ._. Secondly_RB ,_, we_PRP must_MD say_VB `_`` no_DT '_'' to_TO the_DT big_JJ bang_NN concept_NN which_WDT would_MD admit_VB that_DT at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN ,_, a_DT large_JJ group_NN of_IN countries_NNS ,_, because_IN that_DT would_MD be_VB at_IN odds_NNS with_IN the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT admission_NN of_IN each_DT country_NN according_VBG to_TO its_PRP$ merits_NNS ._.
4.84 Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_DT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB precisely_RB the_DT opposite_JJ ,_, and_CC so_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB vote_VB for_IN it_PRP ._. Unfortunately_RB the_DT final_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB exactly_RB the_DT opposite_JJ and_CC of_IN course_NN we_PRP can_MD not_RB agree_VB ._.
4.68 A_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, for_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN striving_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN now_RB ,_, is_VBZ the_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN for_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN ._. The_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN of_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN is_VBZ a_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN striving_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN ._.
5.0 The_DT debate_NN is_VBZ closed_VBN ._. The_DT debate_NN is_VBZ closed_VBN ._.
4.52 Those_DT who_WP stand_VBP apart_RB from_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN are_VBP really_RB being_VBG given_VBN the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN as_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN passengers_NNS in_IN a_DT car_NN ._. Those_DT who_WP reject_VBP the_DT enhanced_JJ cooperation_NN have_VBP the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN of_IN movement_NN that_IN passengers_NNS in_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN of_IN a_DT car_NN ._.
4.52 Worst_JJS of_IN all_DT ,_, I_PRP believe_VBP ,_, is_VBZ having_VBG to_TO issue_VB a_DT warning_NN that_IN a_DT court_NN judgment_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN may_MD just_RB be_VB a_DT set_NN of_IN comforting_JJ words_NNS and_CC make_VB no_DT real_JJ difference_NN in_IN their_PRP$ lives_NNS ._. In_IN my_PRP$ opinion_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ nothing_NN worse_JJR than_IN having_VBG to_TO inform_VB the_DT people_NNS to_TO be_VB made_VBN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN could_MD be_VB that_IN a_DT series_NN of_IN words_NNS and_CC have_VBP no_DT worries_NNS on_IN their_PRP$ existence_NN ._.
4.52 While_IN withdrawing_VBG the_DT resolution_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, I_PRP express_VBP the_DT conviction_NN that_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB made_VBN its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBD better_JJR if_IN ,_, in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, it_PRP had_VBD devoted_VBN a_DT specific_JJ and_CC separate_JJ resolution_NN to_TO these_DT important_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ topics_NNS of_IN the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, instead_RB of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN them_PRP in_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT also_RB embraces_VBZ all_PDT the_DT other_JJ points_NNS on_IN the_DT Council_NNP agenda_NN ._. By_IN withdrawing_VBG our_PRP$ resolution_NN ,_, I_PRP am_VBP ,_, however_RB ,_, convinced_JJ that_IN Parliament_NNP would_MD do_VB better_JJR to_TO devote_VB its_PRP$ voice_NN ,_, in_IN view_NN of_IN the_DT Nice_NNP Council_NNP ,_, a_DT specific_JJ resolution_NN separate_JJ and_CC the_DT extremely_RB important_JJ subjects_NNS and_CC difficult_JJ if_IN the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, rather_RB than_IN treating_VBG them_PRP within_IN the_DT framework_NN of_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN including_VBG also_RB all_DT other_JJ items_NNS on_IN the_DT agenda_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP ._.
5.0 I_PRP should_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS '_POS report_NN to_TO have_VB been_VBN a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC to_TO have_VB provided_VBN a_DT number_NN of_IN clear_JJ recommendations_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN one_CD or_CC two_CD per_IN chapter_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN the_DT report_NN of_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS was_VBD a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC that_IN it_PRP had_VBD submitted_VBN some_DT clear_JJ recommendations_NNS -_: for_IN example_NN ,_, one_CD or_CC two_CD recommendations_NNS per_IN chapter_NN ._.
3.8568 In_IN the_DT last_JJ three_CD weeks_NNS ,_, progress_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN in_IN three_CD major_JJ areas_NNS ._. In_IN recent_JJ weeks_NNS ,_, three_CD important_JJ progress_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN ._.
3.88 That_DT is_VBZ a_DT shameful_JJ state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS when_WRB we_PRP consider_VBP that_IN the_DT EU_NNP itself_PRP is_VBZ a_DT champion_NN of_IN modernised_JJ business_NN practice_NN ._. This_DT is_VBZ a_DT disgrace_NN when_WRB we_PRP think_VBP that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ a_DT champion_NN of_IN the_DT modernisation_NN of_IN economic_JJ life_NN ._.
3.88 In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, Chevron_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN accused_VBN by_IN the_DT All-Ijaw_NNP indigenous_JJ people_NNS of_IN instigating_VBG violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC actually_RB paying_VBG Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB protesters_NNS at_IN the_DT Warri_NNP naval_JJ base_NN ._. In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, the_DT All-Ijaw_NNP natives_NNS showed_VBD Chevron_NNP to_TO incite_VB with_IN the_DT violence_NN in_IN their_PRP$ opposition_NN and_CC of_IN going_VBG until_IN paying_VBG Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB at_IN the_DT demonstrators_NNS at_IN the_DT naval_JJ base_NN from_IN Warri_NNP ._.
4.52 Slovakia_NNP has_VBZ not_RB been_VBN condemned_VBN to_TO the_DT second_JJ division_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO join_VB together_RB with_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._. Slovakia_NNP is_VBZ not_RB condemned_VBN to_TO remain_VB in_IN the_DT second_JJ group_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP wishes_VBZ to_TO join_VB the_DT Union_NNP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN as_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._.
4.84 We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT arrangements_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT Preparatory_NNP Committee_NNP and_CC adopted_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP regarding_VBG procedures_NNS for_IN the_DT registration_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS for_IN involvement_NN in_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT Special_JJ Session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._. We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT provisions_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ committee_NN and_CC decided_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP in_IN relation_NN to_TO the_DT method_NN of_IN accreditation_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS ,_, at_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT special_JJ session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._.
4.2 You_PRP do_VBP not_RB even_RB intend_VB to_TO incorporate_VB it_PRP into_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, evidence_NN indeed_RB that_IN this_DT text_NN ,_, this_DT exercise_NN was_VBD always_RB destined_VBN to_TO be_VB laid_VBN aside_RB ._. You_PRP do_VBP not_RB want_VB to_TO incorporate_VB in_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, which_WDT demonstrates_VBZ that_IN this_DT text_NN should_MD be_VB set_VBN aside_RB ._.
4.52 This_DT is_VBZ a_DT vague_JJ area_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ possible_JJ that_IN more_JJR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS may_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ one_CD point_NN in_IN respect_NN of_IN which_WDT we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._. It_PRP is_VBZ not_RB clear_JJ on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB impossible_JJ that_IN can_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN more_RBR restrictive_JJ measures_NNS ,_, especially_RB on_IN this_DT point_NN than_IN we_PRP tabled_VBD amendments_NNS ._.
5.0 Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ,_, Greek_JJ ships_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN without_IN warning_NN ,_, when_WRB there_EX were_VBD no_DT storms_NNS in_IN the_DT vicinity_NN ._. Greek_JJ ships_NNS were_VBD sunk_VBN ,_, without_IN any_DT storm_NN around_RB ,_, Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ._.
4.68 Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_DT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB precisely_RB the_DT opposite_JJ ,_, and_CC so_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB vote_VB for_IN it_PRP ._. Unfortunately_RB the_DT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB opposite_JJ and_CC obviously_RB we_PRP can_MD not_RB support_VB it_PRP ._.
2.92 I_PRP would_MD urge_VB the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB their_PRP$ utmost_JJ to_TO overcome_VB this_DT divide_NN ,_, because_IN it_PRP is_VBZ extremely_RB destructive_JJ ._. I_PRP make_VBP an_DT urgent_JJ appeal_NN to_TO the_DT Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB everything_NN in_IN its_PRP$ power_NN to_TO fill_VB this_DT role_NN ._.
2.12 That_DT made_VBD them_PRP heavily_RB dependent_JJ on_IN loans_NNS ._. A_DT policy_NN which_WDT has_VBZ been_VBN strongly_RB capital_NN ._.
4.68 It_PRP is_VBZ this_DT kind_NN of_IN future_NN I_PRP would_MD also_RB like_VB to_TO see_VB in_IN the_DT other_JJ countries_NNS within_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. This_DT is_VBZ a_DT development_NN of_IN this_DT type_NN that_IN I_PRP wish_VBP to_TO other_JJ States_NNS of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._.
4.6 The_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP and_CC the_DT Internal_NNP Market_NNP rightly_RB insists_VBZ on_IN no_DT upper_JJ limit_NN and_CC a_DT minimum_NN of_IN no_DT less_JJR than_IN 7_CD %_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ right_RB in_IN saying_VBG that_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP continues_VBZ in_IN the_DT refusal_NN of_IN a_DT ceiling_NN and_CC the_DT maintenance_NN of_IN a_DT minimum_JJ rate_NN which_WDT can_MD not_RB be_VB less_JJR than_IN 7_CD %_NN ._.
4.0 The_DT very_JJ worst_JJS situation_NN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT women_NNS concerned_VBN also_RB come_VBN from_IN distant_JJ countries_NNS ,_, having_VBG taken_VBN the_DT work_NN on_IN out_IN of_IN desperation_NN because_IN they_PRP have_VBP no_DT other_JJ way_NN of_IN continuing_VBG to_TO provide_VB for_IN themselves_PRP ._. Things_NNS deteriorate_VBP when_WRB it_PRP is_VBZ a_DT question_NN of_IN women_NNS from_IN countries_NNS which_WDT have_VBP accepted_VBN this_DT work_NN and_CC who_WP have_VBP no_DT other_JJ possibility_NN to_TO continue_VB to_TO provide_VB their_PRP$ basic_JJ needs_NNS ._.
5.0 It_PRP must_MD genuinely_RB be_VB a_DT centre_NN for_IN coordinating_VBG the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, must_MD activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN for_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN the_DT level_NN of_IN the_DT individual_JJ regions_NNS ._. It_PRP must_MD be_VB the_DT true_JJ brain_NN of_IN coordination_NN of_IN the_DT network_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN their_PRP$ turn_NN ,_, will_MD have_VB to_TO activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centers_NNS of_IN excellence_NN of_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN the_DT regional_JJ level_NN ._.
4.2 All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP at_IN present_JJ engaged_VBN in_IN illicit_JJ work_NN would_MD obtain_VB work_NN with_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._. All_PDT those_DT who_WP work_VBP currently_RB out_IN a_DT job_NN in_IN social_JJ conditions_NNS ._.
4.52 He_PRP will_MD stand_VB trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP on_IN charges_NNS of_IN having_VBG attended_VBD a_DT meeting_NN of_IN the_DT Tunisian_JJ opposition_NN in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT he_PRP denies_VBZ ._. It_PRP goes_VBZ trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP of_IN next_JJ year_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ accused_VBN of_IN having_VBG participated_VBN in_IN a_DT meeting_NN of_IN Tunisian_JJ opponents_NNS in_IN France_NNP ,_, as_IN indeed_RB it_PRP denies_VBZ ._.
4.84 The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN that_WDT was_VBD agreed_VBN on_IN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_JJ form_NN of_IN labelling_NN and_CC only_RB came_VBD into_IN force_NN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ago_RB ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ for_IN the_DT origin_NN of_IN animals_NNS to_TO be_VB adequately_RB traced_VBN ,_, and_CC we_PRP were_VBD very_RB slow_JJ to_TO ban_VB specified_VBN risk_NN materials_NNS ._. The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN which_WDT was_VBD decided_VBN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_JJ labelling_JJ and_CC which_WDT came_VBD into_IN effect_NN only_RB since_IN two_CD months_NNS and_CC half_NN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO suitably_RB recall_VB the_DT origin_NN of_IN the_DT animals_NNS and_CC we_PRP prohibited_VBD well_RB tardily_RB the_DT specified_VBN risk_NN materials_NNS ._.
4.36 As_RB long_RB ago_RB as_IN 1996_CD the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP came_VBD out_RP in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT ban_NN on_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN meat-and-bone_JJ meal_NN throughout_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN -_: if_IN only_RB ._. Since_IN 1996_CD ,_, the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP had_VBD decided_VBN in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT prohibition_NN of_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN the_DT bone_NN meals_NNS in_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ,_, in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN -_: so_RB only_RB it_PRP had_VBD been_VBN listened_VBN to_TO ._.
4.04 You_PRP do_VBP not_RB even_RB intend_VB to_TO incorporate_VB it_PRP into_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, evidence_NN indeed_RB that_IN this_DT text_NN ,_, this_DT exercise_NN was_VBD always_RB destined_VBN to_TO be_VB laid_VBN aside_RB ._. You_PRP do_VBP not_RB even_RB want_VB to_TO incorporate_VB into_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, which_WDT shows_VBZ that_IN this_DT text_NN should_MD be_VB set_VBN aside_RB ._.
4.04 That_DT was_VBD changed_VBN in_IN the_DT face_NN of_IN criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB from_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, and_CC a_DT different_JJ spin_NN has_VBZ now_RB been_VBN put_VBN on_IN it_PRP by_IN the_DT British_JJ Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB being_VBG portrayed_VBN as_IN a_DT user_NN charge_NN for_IN all_DT ,_, including_VBG British_JJ lorry_NN drivers_NNS ._. Faced_VBN with_IN criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB those_DT in_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, the_DT British_NNP Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP gave_VBD a_DT new_JJ interpretation_NN of_IN it_PRP :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB a_DT tax_NN for_IN all_DT users_NNS ,_, including_VBG the_DT British_JJ drivers_NNS of_IN heavy_JJ goods_NNS vehicles_NNS ._.
4.36 And_CC I_PRP am_VBP telling_VBG you_PRP loud_JJ and_CC clear_JJ :_: Kostunica_NNP must_MD be_VB given_VBN his_PRP$ chance_NN here_RB and_CC I_PRP therefore_RB hope_VBP that_IN he_PRP will_MD give_VB amnesty_NN in_IN the_DT next_JJ couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS or_CC months_NNS ,_, but_CC meanwhile_RB ,_, I_PRP do_VBP want_VB the_DT introduction_NN of_IN those_DT two_CD new_JJ budget_NN lines_NNS ,_, democratisation_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN ,_, to_TO be_VB accompanied_VBN by_IN political_JJ conditions_NNS ,_, both_DT from_IN a_DT political_JJ and_CC budgetary_JJ perspective_NN ._. And_CC I_PRP say_VBP to_TO you_PRP very_RB clearly_RB :_: we_PRP must_MD give_VB its_PRP$ chance_NN Kostunica_NNP and_CC I_PRP therefore_RB hope_VBP that_IN it_PRP will_MD provide_VB an_DT amnesty_NN during_IN the_DT weeks_NNS and_CC months_NNS ahead_RB ;_: but_CC in_IN the_DT meantime_NN ,_, I_PRP hope_VBP ,_, however_RB ,_, that_IN ,_, politically_RB and_CC in_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_DT budget_NN ,_, the_DT political_JJ conditions_NNS are_VBP linked_VBN to_TO the_DT introduction_NN of_IN these_DT two_CD new_JJ budgetary_JJ lines_NNS ,_, namely_RB democratisation_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN ._.
4.36 It_PRP is_VBZ this_DT kind_NN of_IN future_NN I_PRP would_MD also_RB like_VB to_TO see_VB in_IN the_DT other_JJ countries_NNS within_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT development_NN of_IN this_DT type_NN which_WDT I_PRP hope_VBP in_IN the_DT other_JJ States_NNPS of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._.
3.88 You_PRP do_VBP not_RB even_RB intend_VB to_TO incorporate_VB it_PRP into_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, evidence_NN indeed_RB that_IN this_DT text_NN ,_, this_DT exercise_NN was_VBD always_RB destined_VBN to_TO be_VB laid_VBN aside_RB ._. You_PRP do_VBP not_RB even_RB want_VB to_TO incorporate_VB into_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, that_IN proves_VBZ that_IN this_DT text_NN should_MD be_VB set_VBN aside_RB ._.
4.4 Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT one-man_JJ company_NN or_CC a_DT company_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS has_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP should_MD not_RB need_VB to_TO provide_VB 120_CD %_NN loan_NN guarantees_NNS in_IN the_DT form_NN of_IN land_NN to_TO receive_VB financing_NN ;_: it_PRP should_MD also_RB be_VB possible_JJ for_IN it_PRP to_TO be_VB funded_VBN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._. Above_IN all_DT ,_, unipersonnelle_NN when_WRB a_DT company_NN or_CC a_DT society_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS has_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP must_MD be_VB possible_JJ to_TO receive_VB financing_NN not_RB only_RB with_IN a_DT guarantee_NN to_TO 120_CD %_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._.
4.2 I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP rather_RB odd_JJ that_IN people_NNS are_VBP already_RB trying_VBG to_TO tie_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS hands_NNS in_IN relation_NN to_TO the_DT proposal_NN for_IN a_DT directive_NN ,_, while_IN at_IN the_DT same_JJ calling_VBG on_IN it_PRP to_TO present_VB a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ situation_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO optional_JJ and_CC supplementary_JJ health_NN insurance_NN schemes_NNS ._. I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP a_DT little_JJ strange_JJ to_TO try_VB now_RB to_TO force_VB the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO a_DT motion_NN for_IN a_DT resolution_NN and_CC ask_VB him_PRP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN to_TO draw_VB up_RP a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ state_NN of_IN voluntary_JJ insurance_NN and_CC supplementary_JJ sickness_NN insurance_NN ._.
4.8 I_PRP stress_VBP this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB everything_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB competition_NN is_VBZ not_RB completely_RB unrestricted_JJ ,_, nor_CC should_MD it_PRP be_VB ._. I_PRP stress_VBP this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB solve_VB all_DT and_CC ,_, in_IN this_DT sense_NN ,_, there_EX can_MD not_RB be_VB any_DT competition_NN without_IN limits_NNS ._.
4.68 Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN at_IN all_DT than_IN a_DT poor_JJ one_CD and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT instance_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT third-rate_JJ proposal_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD which_WDT was_VBD completely_RB unacceptable_JJ to_TO Europe_NNP ._. Undoubtedly_NNP ,_, was_VBD it_PRP not_RB to_TO have_VB an_DT agreement_NN better_JJR than_IN to_TO have_VB an_DT agreement_NN which_WDT is_VBZ bad_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT proposal_NN with_IN the_DT reduction_NN ,_, completely_RB unacceptable_JJ for_IN Europe_NNP ._.
4.52 It_PRP is_VBZ gratifying_VBG that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ succeeded_VBN in_IN producing_VBG a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN more_JJR openness_NN ._. We_PRP must_MD welcome_VB the_DT fact_NN that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ managed_VBN to_TO gather_VB a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN greater_JJR transparency_NN ._.
4.52 On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT influence_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS is_VBZ being_VBG reduced_VBN by_IN the_DT further_JJ restriction_NN of_IN the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC by_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ being_VBG given_VBN more_JJR power_NN ._. On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT power_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS decreases_VBZ in_IN force_NN of_IN limiting_VBG increasingly_RB the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC to_TO give_VB ever_RB more_JJR power_NN in_IN Parliament_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._.
4.36 The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN the_DT accession_NN negotiations_NNS and_CC hence_RB of_IN the_DT enlargement_NN ._. The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT State_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN the_DT negotiations_NNS on_IN membership_NN ,_, and_CC therefore_RB of_IN the_DT '_'' ._.
3.72 I_PRP call_VBP on_IN Prague_NNP to_TO respond_VB to_TO this_DT signal_NN ,_, this_DT challenge_NN ,_, this_DT plea_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO grant_VB our_PRP$ request_NN and_CC to_TO ensure_VB ,_, together_RB with_IN our_PRP$ House_NNP ,_, that_IN this_DT legacy_NN of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB consigned_VBN to_TO the_DT past_NN ._. I_PRP invite_VBP Prague_NNP to_TO seize_VB this_DT ,_, this_DT invitation_NN ,_, this_DT request_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO respond_VB and_CC to_TO ensure_VB that_IN ,_, together_RB with_IN this_DT House_NNP ,_, these_DT relics_NNS of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ age_NN can_MD be_VB abandoned_VBN ._.
4.2 Those_DT who_WP stand_VBP apart_RB from_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN are_VBP really_RB being_VBG given_VBN the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN as_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN passengers_NNS in_IN a_DT car_NN ._. Those_DT who_WP refuse_VBP closer_JJR cooperation_NN to_TO enjoy_VB the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN of_IN movement_NN that_IN passengers_NNS in_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN of_IN a_DT car_NN ._.
3.88 That_DT was_VBD changed_VBN in_IN the_DT face_NN of_IN criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB from_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, and_CC a_DT different_JJ spin_NN has_VBZ now_RB been_VBN put_VBN on_IN it_PRP by_IN the_DT British_JJ Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB being_VBG portrayed_VBN as_IN a_DT user_NN charge_NN for_IN all_DT ,_, including_VBG British_JJ lorry_NN drivers_NNS ._. Given_VBN the_DT criticisms_NNS ,_, particularly_RB those_DT of_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, the_DT British_NNP Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT new_JJ interpretation_NN :_: it_PRP would_MD now_RB a_DT tax_NN for_IN all_DT users_NNS ,_, including_VBG the_DT lorry_NN drivers_NNS in_IN the_DT UK_NNP ._.
4.52 We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ Council_NNP Presidency_NNP first_JJ restructured_VBN and_CC then_RB scrapped_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP for_IN Equality_NNP ._. We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ presidency_NN was_VBD first_JJ restructured_VBN can_MD dismantled_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP of_IN equal_JJ opportunities_NNS ._.
4.2 Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN devoted_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN to_TO equality_NN through_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC through_IN specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._. Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN dedicated_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN to_TO equality_NN by_IN the_DT mainstreaming_NN and_CC by_IN specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._.
4.04 This_DT rule_NN can_MD be_VB applied_VBN equally_RB to_TO all_DT recreational_JJ but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS when_WRB no_DT one_NN but_CC the_DT person_NN consuming_NN the_DT drug_NN is_VBZ likely_JJ to_TO be_VB affected_VBN ._. This_DT rule_NN can_MD also_RB apply_VB to_TO all_DT drugs_NNS récréationnelles_NNS but_CC dangerous_JJ as_IN far_RB as_IN the_DT consumer_NN of_IN drugs_NNS should_MD be_VB the_DT only_JJ to_TO run_VB risks_NNS ._.
5.0 When_WRB we_PRP are_VBP faced_VBN with_IN a_DT potential_JJ risk_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ important_JJ to_TO apply_VB the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN ._. When_WRB we_PRP are_VBP confronted_VBN with_IN a_DT potential_JJ risk_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ important_JJ to_TO implement_VB the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN ._.
4.68 We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT arrangements_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT Preparatory_NNP Committee_NNP and_CC adopted_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP regarding_VBG procedures_NNS for_IN the_DT registration_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS for_IN involvement_NN in_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT Special_JJ Session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._. We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT proposed_JJ provisions_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ committee_NN and_CC decided_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP as_IN regards_VBZ the_DT way_NN accreditation_NN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS ,_, the_DT preparation_NN process_NN and_CC the_DT special_JJ session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._.
3.56 Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT one-man_JJ company_NN or_CC a_DT company_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS has_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP should_MD not_RB need_VB to_TO provide_VB 120_CD %_NN loan_NN guarantees_NNS in_IN the_DT form_NN of_IN land_NN to_TO receive_VB financing_NN ;_: it_PRP should_MD also_RB be_VB possible_JJ for_IN it_PRP to_TO be_VB funded_VBN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._. Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT business_NN or_CC a_DT society_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP must_MD be_VB possible_JJ for_IN a_DT means_VBZ not_RB only_RB with_IN a_DT guarantee_NN to_TO 120_CD %_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._.
4.2 A_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, for_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN striving_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN now_RB ,_, is_VBZ the_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN for_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN ._. The_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN of_IN legal_JJ cooperation_NN constitutes_VBZ a_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, not_RB to_TO which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP aspires_VBZ for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN already_RB ._.
1.0 -LRB-_-LRB- Applause_NN -RRB-_-RRB- I_PRP already_RB answered_VBN on_IN this_DT point_NN and_CC I_PRP subscribe_VBP completely_RB so_RB that_IN he_PRP said_VBD on_IN the_DT need_NN for_IN improving_VBG the_DT public_JJ debate_NN considerably_RB ._. I_PRP will_MD not_RB return_VB on_IN what_WP I_PRP said_VBD ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, too_RB often_RB ,_, the_DT citizens_NNS feel_VBP foreign_JJ with_IN decisions_NNS which_WDT are_VBP made_VBN in_IN authorities_NNS that_IN they_PRP do_VBP not_RB know_VB ._.
4.04 These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT main_JJ one_CD and_CC the_DT secondary_JJ ones_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB the_DT touchstone_NN by_IN which_WDT the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS submitted_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP must_MD be_VB judged_VBN ._. These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT secondary_JJ primary_JJ objective_NN and_CC objectives_NNS ,_, will_MD represent_VB the_DT stone_NN of_IN key_JJ enabling_VBG us_PRP to_TO consider_VB the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS presented_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ._.
5.0 When_WRB we_PRP are_VBP faced_VBN with_IN a_DT potential_JJ risk_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ important_JJ to_TO apply_VB the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN ._. When_WRB we_PRP are_VBP faced_VBN with_IN a_DT potential_JJ risk_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ important_JJ to_TO implement_VB the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN ._.
4.36 From_IN the_DT first_JJ discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT dossier_NN ,_, which_WDT were_VBD held_VBN at_IN European_JJ level_NN at_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT commitment_NN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO pursue_VB a_DT course_NN of_IN action_NN designed_VBN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP might_MD call_VB a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, grounded_VBN in_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS of_IN duty_NN ,_, respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN our_PRP$ citizens_NNS and_CC efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._. Since_IN the_DT first_JJ ,_, on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, which_WDT took_VBD place_NN at_IN the_DT European_JJ level_NN on_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP is_VBZ in_IN relation_NN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO promote_VB an_DT action_NN intended_VBN to_TO what_WP we_PRP could_MD consider_VB as_IN a_DT culture_NN ,_, on_IN the_DT standard_JJ them_PRP in_IN the_DT matter_NN of_IN respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN the_DT citizens_NNS ,_, and_CC effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._.
4.36 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB a_DT few_JJ words_NNS on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, be_VB passed_VBN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO speak_VB on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN that_IN of_IN course_NN we_PRP will_MD ._.
4.68 These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT main_JJ one_CD and_CC the_DT secondary_JJ ones_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB the_DT touchstone_NN by_IN which_WDT the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS submitted_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP must_MD be_VB judged_VBN ._. These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT objective_NN of_IN primary_JJ and_CC secondary_JJ objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT cornerstone_NN of_IN allowing_VBG us_PRP to_TO judge_VB the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ._.
5.0 on_IN the_DT situation_NN in_IN Burma_NNP on_IN the_DT situation_NN in_IN Burma_NNP ._.
4.52 While_IN withdrawing_VBG the_DT resolution_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, I_PRP express_VBP the_DT conviction_NN that_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB made_VBN its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBD better_JJR if_IN ,_, in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, it_PRP had_VBD devoted_VBN a_DT specific_JJ and_CC separate_JJ resolution_NN to_TO these_DT important_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ topics_NNS of_IN the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, instead_RB of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN them_PRP in_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT also_RB embraces_VBZ all_PDT the_DT other_JJ points_NNS on_IN the_DT Council_NNP agenda_NN ._. By_IN withdrawing_VBG our_PRP$ resolution_NN ,_, I_PRP express_VBP however_RB the_DT conviction_NN that_IN our_PRP$ Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB better_JJR done_VBN to_TO hear_VB its_PRP$ voice_NN while_IN devoting_VBG ,_, for_IN Conseil_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, a_DT resolution_NN specific_NN and_CC distinct_JJ with_IN the_DT so_RB important_JJ and_CC so_RB difficult_JJ topics_NNS to_TO the_DT intergovernmental_JJ Conference_NN ,_, rather_RB than_IN to_TO treat_VB them_PRP within_IN the_DT framework_NN of_IN one_CD only_RB resolution_NN also_RB including_VBG all_PDT the_DT other_JJ points_NNS of_IN about_IN an_DT agenda_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP ._.
2.44 Those_DT who_WP stand_VBP apart_RB from_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN are_VBP really_RB being_VBG given_VBN the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN as_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN passengers_NNS in_IN a_DT car_NN ._. Those_DT who_WP refuse_VBP and_CC enjoy_VBP the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN of_IN movement_NN as_IN the_DT passengers_NNS out_IN of_IN a_DT car_NN ._.
3.24 I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP they_PRP have_VBP had_VBN whole_JJ herd_NN slaughter_NN and_CC this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN forward_RB ._. I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP ,_, the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT whole_JJ and_CC that_IN it_PRP does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN to_TO combat_VB this_DT phenomenon_NN ._.
5.0 Action_NNP is_VBZ needed_VBN quickly_RB ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB we_PRP decided_VBD to_TO include_VB this_DT item_NN on_IN the_DT agenda_NN ._. There_EX is_VBZ urgency_NN and_CC that_DT is_VBZ why_WRB we_PRP have_VBP decided_VBN to_TO put_VB this_DT item_NN on_IN the_DT agenda_NN ._.
4.8856 That_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP have_VBP avoided_VBN a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN by_IN going_VBG to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN has_VBZ been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB though_IN we_PRP have_VBP used_VBN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._. That_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP have_VBP avoided_VBN a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN by_IN returning_VBG to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN has_VBZ been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB if_IN we_PRP have_VBP used_VBN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._.
4.2 A_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, for_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN striving_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN now_RB ,_, is_VBZ the_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN for_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN ._. The_DT establishment_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN of_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN is_VBZ a_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, not_RB to_TO which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP wants_VBZ a_DT long_JJ time_NN ago_RB ._.
5.0 I_PRP would_MD urge_VB the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB their_PRP$ utmost_JJ to_TO overcome_VB this_DT divide_NN ,_, because_IN it_PRP is_VBZ extremely_RB destructive_JJ ._. I_PRP appeal_VBP urgently_RB to_TO the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB everything_NN in_IN its_PRP$ power_NN to_TO bridge_VB this_DT gap_NN particularly_RB destructive_JJ ._.
4.04 In_IN the_DT last_JJ three_CD weeks_NNS ,_, progress_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN in_IN three_CD major_JJ areas_NNS ._. These_DT last_JJ weeks_NNS ,_, three_CD significant_JJ progresses_VBZ were_VBD made_VBN ._.
3.72 This_DT is_VBZ no_DT time_NN for_IN the_DT faint-hearted_JJ ._. It_PRP is_VBZ not_RB the_DT moment_NN to_TO be_VB hesitant_JJ ._.
4.52 One_CD could_MD indeed_RB wish_VB for_IN more_JJR and_CC for_IN improvement_NN ,_, but_CC I_PRP honestly_RB believe_VBP that_IN we_PRP have_VBP made_VBN a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._. We_PRP can_MD indeed_RB want_VB more_JJR and_CC better_JJR ,_, but_CC quite_RB honestly_RB that_IN I_PRP believe_VBP this_DT is_VBZ a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._.
4.68 I_PRP should_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS '_POS report_NN to_TO have_VB been_VBN a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC to_TO have_VB provided_VBN a_DT number_NN of_IN clear_JJ recommendations_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN one_CD or_CC two_CD per_IN chapter_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN to_TO see_VB the_DT report_NN of_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC if_IN he_PRP had_VBD presented_VBN a_DT few_JJ clear_JJ recommendations_NNS -_: for_IN example_NN ,_, one_CD or_CC two_CD recommendations_NNS by_IN chapter_NN ._.
4.84 Secondly_RB ,_, say_VBP no_UH to_TO the_DT big_JJ bang_NN idea_NN of_IN incorporating_VBG candidate_NN countries_NNS simultaneously_RB as_IN a_DT large_JJ group_NN ,_, since_IN that_DT would_MD militate_VB against_IN the_DT principle_NN that_IN each_DT country_NN should_MD be_VB admitted_VBN on_IN its_PRP$ own_JJ merits_NNS ._. Secondly_RB ,_, we_PRP must_MD say_VB `_`` no_DT '_'' to_TO the_DT concept_NN being_VBG recognised_VBN that_IN the_DT big_JJ bang_NN ,_, but_CC at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN ,_, a_DT large_JJ group_NN of_IN countries_NNS ,_, because_IN this_DT would_MD be_VB in_IN contradiction_NN with_IN the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT admission_NN of_IN each_DT country_NN on_IN its_PRP$ merits_NNS ._.
4.04 The_DT only_JJ instance_NN in_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ levied_VBN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT supplier_NN is_VBZ in_IN a_DT non-EU_JJ country_NN and_CC the_DT recipient_JJ is_VBZ in_IN a_DT Member_NNP State_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._. The_DT only_JJ way_NN for_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ not_RB yet_RB seen_VBN is_VBZ that_IN of_IN supply_NN in_IN the_DT European_NNP Community_NNP from_IN third_JJ countries_NNS ._.
1.0 -LRB-_-LRB- Applause_NN -RRB-_-RRB- I_PRP have_VBP already_RB replied_VBN to_TO this_DT point_NN and_CC I_PRP agree_VBP entirely_RB with_IN what_WP he_PRP said_VBD about_IN the_DT need_NN to_TO improve_VB considerably_RB the_DT public_JJ debate_NN I_PRP will_MD not_RB repeat_VB what_WP I_PRP said_VBD ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, all_DT too_RB often_RB ,_, citizens_NNS feel_VBP alienated_VBN to_TO decisions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP taken_VBN in_IN bodies_NNS that_IN they_PRP do_VBP not_RB know_VB ._.
5.0 Given_VBN this_DT situation_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ an_DT inescapable_JJ need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN ._. Given_VBN these_DT realities_NNS ,_, the_DT need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ ._.
4.68 -_: My_PRP$ party_NN has_VBZ serious_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN Community_NNP law_NN applying_VBG to_TO the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN products_NNS ,_, as_IN against_IN applying_VBG the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._. My_PRP$ party_NN has_VBZ serious_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN the_DT regulation_NN of_IN the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN goods_NNS through_IN Community_NNP legislation_NN ,_, as_IN it_PRP expresses_VBZ reservations_NNS about_IN the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._.
5.0 Given_VBN this_DT situation_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ an_DT inescapable_JJ need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN ._. Faced_VBN with_IN this_DT situation_NN ,_, the_DT need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ ._.
4.68 Therefore_RB ,_, I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN is_VBZ sustainable_JJ ,_, but_CC that_IN the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT university_NN issue_NN and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ issues_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ success_NN ,_, and_CC powerful_JJ support_NN ,_, else_RB peace_NN throughout_IN the_DT region_NN will_MD be_VB under_IN threat_NN ._. That_DT is_VBZ why_WRB I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN can_MD take_VB ;_: however_RB ,_, the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT issue_NN of_IN universities_NNS and_CC many_JJ other_JJ problems_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN success_NN and_CC a_DT strong_JJ support_NN ,_, otherwise_RB the_DT peace_NN threatened_VBN in_IN the_DT region_NN as_IN a_DT whole_NN ._.
3.8 The_DT only_JJ instance_NN in_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ levied_VBN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT supplier_NN is_VBZ in_IN a_DT non-EU_JJ country_NN and_CC the_DT recipient_JJ is_VBZ in_IN a_DT Member_NNP State_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._. The_DT only_JJ case_NN for_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ a_DT delivery_NN is_VBZ still_RB seen_VBN in_IN the_DT European_NNP Community_NNP from_IN a_DT third_JJ country_NN ._.
4.0 It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT matter_NN of_IN the_DT utmost_JJ importance_NN and_CC yet_RB has_VBZ curiously_RB attracted_VBN very_RB little_JJ public_JJ attention_NN ._. The_DT task_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ however_RB capital_NN ,_, did_VBD not_RB arouse_VB an_DT lively_JJ interest_NN on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT public_JJ yet_RB ._.
4.0 He_PRP will_MD stand_VB trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP on_IN charges_NNS of_IN having_VBG attended_VBD a_DT meeting_NN of_IN the_DT Tunisian_JJ opposition_NN in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT he_PRP denies_VBZ ._. It_PRP is_VBZ on_IN trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP is_VBZ accused_VBN him_PRP for_IN having_VBG taken_VBN part_NN in_IN a_DT meeting_NN of_IN Tunisian_JJ opponents_NNS in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT also_RB it_PRP denies_VBZ ._.
5.0 When_WRB we_PRP are_VBP faced_VBN with_IN a_DT potential_JJ risk_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ important_JJ to_TO apply_VB the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN ._. When_WRB we_PRP are_VBP faced_VBN with_IN a_DT potential_JJ risk_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ important_JJ to_TO put_VB into_IN practice_NN the_DT principle_NN of_IN precaution_NN ._.
3.88 B5-0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT kidnap_VB in_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerillas_NNS ;_: -LRB-_-LRB- B5-0794_JJ /_NN 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Linkohr_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS and_CC the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, from_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ in_IN the_DT negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT ;_:
4.68 We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ Council_NNP Presidency_NNP first_JJ restructured_VBN and_CC then_RB scrapped_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP for_IN Equality_NNP ._. We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ presidency_NN first_JJ restructured_VBN then_RB dismantled_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP for_IN equal_JJ opportunities_NNS ._.
4.2 Worst_JJS of_IN all_DT ,_, I_PRP believe_VBP ,_, is_VBZ having_VBG to_TO issue_VB a_DT warning_NN that_IN a_DT court_NN judgment_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN may_MD just_RB be_VB a_DT set_NN of_IN comforting_JJ words_NNS and_CC make_VB no_DT real_JJ difference_NN in_IN their_PRP$ lives_NNS ._. In_IN my_PRP$ view_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, there_EX is_VBZ nothing_NN worse_JJR than_IN to_TO have_VB to_TO inform_VB people_NNS that_IN a_DT ruling_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN can_MD only_RB be_VB a_DT series_NN of_IN reassuring_VBG words_NNS and_CC have_VBP no_DT practical_JJ effect_NN on_IN their_PRP$ existence_NN ._.
5.0 ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC united_VBD European_JJ continent_NN ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNS -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC United_NNP European_NNP continent_NN ._.
4.84 Either_CC we_PRP are_VBP in_IN a_DT club_NN or_CC we_PRP are_VBP out_IN of_IN it_PRP and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ particularly_RB important_JJ that_IN we_PRP accept_VBP this_DT ._. Either_CC we_PRP are_VBP part_NN of_IN the_DT club_NN ,_, or_CC we_PRP are_VBP not_RB and_CC we_PRP must_MD therefore_RB we_PRP bow_VBP to_TO that_DT decision_NN ._.
4.52 That_DT is_VBZ a_DT shameful_JJ state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS when_WRB we_PRP consider_VBP that_IN the_DT EU_NNP itself_PRP is_VBZ a_DT champion_NN of_IN modernised_JJ business_NN practice_NN ._. This_DT is_VBZ a_DT disgrace_NN when_WRB you_PRP think_VBP that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP raises_VBZ a_DT champion_NN of_IN the_DT modernisation_NN of_IN economic_JJ life_NN ._.
4.68 That_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP have_VBP avoided_VBN a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN by_IN going_VBG to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN has_VBZ been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB though_IN we_PRP have_VBP used_VBN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP did_VBD :_: we_PRP avoided_VBD a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN while_IN returning_VBG in_IN article_NN 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspectives_NNS were_VBD maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB if_IN we_PRP used_VBD the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._.
4.84 Declarations_NNS must_MD be_VB followed_VBN by_IN concrete_JJ steps_NNS to_TO trace_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._. The_DT declarations_NNS must_MD be_VB followed_VBN concrete_JJ actions_NNS to_TO identify_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT products_NNS of_IN the_DT crime_NN ._.
4.52 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB a_DT few_JJ words_NNS on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, be_VB passed_VBN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO speak_VB on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT obviously_RB we_PRP shall_MD vote_VB ._.
4.36 I_PRP would_MD urge_VB the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB their_PRP$ utmost_JJ to_TO overcome_VB this_DT divide_NN ,_, because_IN it_PRP is_VBZ extremely_RB destructive_JJ ._. I_PRP urge_VBP the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO should_MD do_VB everything_NN in_IN its_PRP$ power_NN to_TO bridge_VB the_DT gap_NN particularly_RB destructive_JJ ._.
4.52 It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT matter_NN of_IN the_DT utmost_JJ importance_NN and_CC yet_RB has_VBZ curiously_RB attracted_VBN very_RB little_JJ public_JJ attention_NN ._. The_DT most_RBS urgent_JJ task_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ ,_, however_RB ,_, has_VBZ not_RB yet_RB a_DT lively_JJ interest_NN on_IN the_DT part_NN of_IN the_DT public_NN ._.
4.84 I_PRP call_VBP on_IN Prague_NNP to_TO respond_VB to_TO this_DT signal_NN ,_, this_DT challenge_NN ,_, this_DT plea_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO grant_VB our_PRP$ request_NN and_CC to_TO ensure_VB ,_, together_RB with_IN our_PRP$ House_NNP ,_, that_IN this_DT legacy_NN of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB consigned_VBN to_TO the_DT past_NN ._. I_PRP invite_VBP Prague_NNP to_TO seize_VB this_DT sign_NN ,_, this_DT invitation_NN ,_, this_DT request_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO follow_VB up_RP and_CC to_TO ensure_VB that_IN ,_, together_RB with_IN this_DT House_NNP ,_, these_DT reliques_NNS an_DT era_NN nationalist_JJ may_MD be_VB abandoned_VBN ._.
4.84 Lastly_RB ,_, and_CC most_JJS controversially_RB ,_, the_DT committee_NN strongly_RB called_VBN for_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN a_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ something_NN which_WDT is_VBZ most_RBS controversial_JJ ,_, the_DT committee_NN has_VBZ called_VBN vehemently_RB to_TO use_VB the_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._.
4.84 There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, one_CD crucial_JJ event_NN ,_, namely_RB that_IN a_DT start_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN with_IN category_NN four_CD and_CC with_IN looking_VBG at_IN ways_NNS how_WRB we_PRP will_MD deal_VB with_IN it_PRP ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB yet_RB entirely_RB clear_JJ whether_IN we_PRP have_VBP managed_VBN to_TO resolve_VB this_DT ,_, partly_RB because_IN the_DT Council_NNP refuses_VBZ to_TO have_VB sufficient_JJ input_NN in_IN the_DT attendant_NN thought_VBD processes_NNS ._. There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, a_DT very_RB important_JJ point_NN is_VBZ the_DT fact_NN that_IN we_PRP started_VBD in_IN category_NN four_CD ,_, with_IN its_PRP$ approach_NN ,_, but_CC we_PRP do_VBP not_RB yet_RB know_VB very_RB well_RB if_IN we_PRP managed_VBD to_TO resolve_VB the_DT issue_NN ,_, not_RB least_JJS because_IN the_DT Council_NNP does_VBZ not_RB wish_VB to_TO participate_VB sufficiently_RB in_IN the_DT reflection_NN ._.
4.84 Therefore_RB ,_, I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN is_VBZ sustainable_JJ ,_, but_CC that_IN the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT university_NN issue_NN and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ issues_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ success_NN ,_, and_CC powerful_JJ support_NN ,_, else_RB peace_NN throughout_IN the_DT region_NN will_MD be_VB under_IN threat_NN ._. This_DT is_VBZ why_WRB I_PRP also_RB think_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN can_MD hold_VB ._. However_RB ,_, the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN with_IN the_DT question_NN of_IN the_DT universities_NNS and_CC many_JJ other_JJ problems_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN the_DT success_NN as_RB well_RB as_IN strong_JJ support_NN ,_, under_IN penalty_NN of_IN seeing_VBG the_DT peace_NN threatened_VBD as_IN a_DT whole_NN of_IN the_DT area_NN ._.
4.84 This_DT is_VBZ also_RB the_DT position_NN advocated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_JJ People_NNS '_POS s_PRP Party_NNP ._. It_PRP is_VBZ the_DT position_NN defended_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP People_NNP 's_POS Party_NNP ._.
5.0 Approval_NN of_IN the_DT Minutes_NNPS of_IN the_DT previous_JJ sitting_VBG Approval_NN of_IN the_DT Minutes_NNPS of_IN the_DT previous_JJ session_NN
4.84 -LRB-_-LRB- Parliament_NNP accepted_VBD the_DT oral_JJ amendment_NN -RRB-_-RRB- -LRB-_-LRB- The_DT House_NNP accepts_VBZ the_DT oral_JJ amendment_NN -RRB-_-RRB-
5.0 Thirdly_RB ,_, acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT individual_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ basically_RB depend_VBP -_: and_CC Denmark_NNP demonstrated_VBD this_DT -_: on_IN dismantling_VBG the_DT social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._. Thirdly_RB ,_, the_DT acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT various_JJ countries_NNS and_CC the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ dependent_JJ --_: the_DT example_NN of_IN Denmark_NNP is_VBZ there_RB for_IN us_PRP to_TO show_VB it_PRP --_: elimination_NN on_IN social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS for_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._.
4.68 That_DT was_VBD changed_VBN in_IN the_DT face_NN of_IN criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB from_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, and_CC a_DT different_JJ spin_NN has_VBZ now_RB been_VBN put_VBN on_IN it_PRP by_IN the_DT British_JJ Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB being_VBG portrayed_VBN as_IN a_DT user_NN charge_NN for_IN all_DT ,_, including_VBG British_JJ lorry_NN drivers_NNS ._. Faced_VBN with_IN the_DT criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB those_DT in_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, the_DT British_NNP Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP ,_, gave_VBD a_DT different_JJ interpretation_NN :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB a_DT tax_NN for_IN all_DT users_NNS ,_, including_VBG the_DT British_JJ drivers_NNS of_IN heavy_JJ goods_NNS vehicles_NNS ._.
3.72 The_DT resolution_NN on_IN Nice_NNP ,_, voted_VBD today_NN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB this_DT ._. The_DT resolution_NN on_IN the_DT Nice_NNP Summit_NNP ,_, which_WDT just_RB does_VBZ not_RB ._.
3.88 The_DT only_JJ instance_NN in_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ levied_VBN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT supplier_NN is_VBZ in_IN a_DT non-EU_JJ country_NN and_CC the_DT recipient_JJ is_VBZ in_IN a_DT Member_NNP State_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._. The_DT only_JJ case_NN for_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ still_RB being_VBG EU_NNP is_VBZ one_CD of_IN a_SYM -_: in_IN the_DT change_NN from_IN a_DT third_JJ country_NN ._.
4.84 -LRB-_-LRB- The_DT sitting_VBG was_VBD suspended_VBN at_IN 2.06_CD p.m._NN and_CC resumed_VBD at_IN 3_CD p.m._NN -RRB-_-RRB- -LRB-_-LRB- The_DT meeting_NN ,_, stopped_VBD with_IN 14:06_CD ,_, is_VBZ taken_VBN again_RB at_IN 3_CD p.m._NN -RRB-_-RRB-
4.36 I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP they_PRP have_VBP had_VBN whole_JJ herd_NN slaughter_NN and_CC this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN forward_RB ._. I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP ,_, the_DT principle_NN of_IN demolition_NN of_IN the_DT whole_JJ herd_NN was_VBD applied_VBN and_CC that_IN does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB the_DT best_JJS means_NNS of_IN fighting_VBG this_DT phenomenon_NN ._.
5.0 Question_NN No_DT 6_CD by_IN -LRB-_-LRB- H-0886_JJ /_NN 00_CD -RRB-_-RRB- :_: Question_NN No_DT 6_CD by_IN -LRB-_-LRB- H-0886_JJ /_NN 00_CD -RRB-_-RRB- :_:
4.2 As_RB long_RB ago_RB as_IN 1996_CD the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP came_VBD out_RP in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT ban_NN on_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN meat-and-bone_JJ meal_NN throughout_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN -_: if_IN only_RB ._. In_IN 1996_CD ,_, the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP decided_VBD in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT ban_NN on_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN meat_NN and_CC bone_NN meal_NN in_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ,_, in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN ,_, if_IN only_RB we_PRP had_VBD listened_VBN to_TO ._.
5.0 Knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ accepted_VBN as_IN a_DT necessary_JJ precursor_NN to_TO mobility_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ agreed_VBN that_IN the_DT knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ a_DT necessary_JJ precondition_NN for_IN mobility_NN ._.
5.0 I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNPS into_IN the_DT eventual_JJ Treaty_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ._. I_PRP have_VBP also_RB voted_VBN against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT asks_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS in_IN the_DT future_JJ Treaty_NNP which_WDT will_MD be_VB adopted_VBN at_IN Nice_NNP ._.
4.36 Spain_NNP has_VBZ done_VBN a_DT magnificent_JJ job_NN in_IN turning_VBG round_NN the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourly_JJ relations_NNS which_WDT Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP have_VBP suffered_VBN during_IN the_DT course_NN of_IN history_NN ._. Spain_NNP has_VBZ developed_VBN a_DT remarkably_RB positive_JJ way_NN the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourhood_NN that_WDT has_VBZ always_RB existed_VBN between_IN Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC between_IN Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP ._.
4.52 The_DT very_JJ worst_JJS situation_NN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT women_NNS concerned_VBN also_RB come_VBN from_IN distant_JJ countries_NNS ,_, having_VBG taken_VBN the_DT work_NN on_IN out_IN of_IN desperation_NN because_IN they_PRP have_VBP no_DT other_JJ way_NN of_IN continuing_VBG to_TO provide_VB for_IN themselves_PRP ._. The_DT situation_NN is_VBZ worsening_VBG ,_, when_WRB it_PRP comes_VBZ to_TO women_NNS distant_JJ countries_NNS which_WDT have_VBP accepted_VBN this_DT work_NN by_IN necessity_NN and_CC which_WDT have_VBP no_DT alternative_NN to_TO continue_VB to_TO meet_VB their_PRP$ basic_JJ needs_NNS ._.
4.36 This_DT is_VBZ no_DT time_NN for_IN the_DT faint-hearted_JJ ._. That_DT is_VBZ not_RB the_DT time_NN to_TO take_VB hesitant_JJ ._.
5.0 The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN the_DT accession_NN negotiations_NNS and_CC hence_RB of_IN the_DT enlargement_NN ._. The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT progress_NN of_IN the_DT accession_NN negotiations_NNS ,_, and_CC therefore_RB of_IN enlargement_NN ._.
5.0 If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP we_PRP must_MD act_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC deeds_NNS ,_, not_RB merely_RB words_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP ,_, we_PRP must_MD intervene_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC concrete_JJ actions_NNS ,_, and_CC not_RB only_RB with_IN words_NNS ._.
4.52 The_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP ,_, along_IN with_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, has_VBZ a_DT wealth_NN of_IN experience_NN of_IN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN supervision_NN ,_, and_CC we_PRP can_MD build_VB on_IN these_DT ._. Just_RB as_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN human_JJ rights_NNS ,_, the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP also_RB has_VBZ a_DT solid_JJ experience_NN in_IN this_DT regard_NN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN control_NN and_CC we_PRP can_MD take_VB as_IN a_DT basis_NN ._.
4.2 The_DT other_JJ viewpoint_NN illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN '_'' s_PRP initial_JJ statement_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN members_NNS is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN which_WDT are_VBP needed_VBN in_IN order_NN to_TO establish_VB among_IN insurers_NNS ways_NNS of_IN organising_VBG costs_NNS on_IN a_DT mutual_JJ basis_NN providing_VBG everybody_NN with_IN guaranteed_JJ access_NN to_TO high-quality_JJ care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS developing_VBG together_RB with_IN risk_NN and_CC client_NN selection_NN ._. The_DT other_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT comments_NNS by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC a_DT number_NN of_IN colleagues_NNS ,_, is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB the_DT regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, between_IN a_DT good_JJ supply_NN of_IN guaranteeing_VBG the_DT provision_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ practices_NNS and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS and_CC a_DT series_NN of_IN risks_NNS and_CC customers_NNS ._.
5.0 Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN devoted_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN to_TO equality_NN through_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC through_IN specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._. Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN devoted_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN of_IN equality_NN by_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._.
4.84 From_IN the_DT first_JJ discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT dossier_NN ,_, which_WDT were_VBD held_VBN at_IN European_JJ level_NN at_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT commitment_NN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO pursue_VB a_DT course_NN of_IN action_NN designed_VBN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP might_MD call_VB a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, grounded_VBN in_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS of_IN duty_NN ,_, respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN our_PRP$ citizens_NNS and_CC efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._. Since_IN the_DT first_JJ thoughts_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, which_WDT took_VBD place_NN at_IN European_JJ level_NN on_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP is_VBZ committed_VBN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO promote_VB action_NN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP could_MD consider_VB a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, based_VBN on_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS in_IN terms_NNS of_IN ethics_NNS ,_, respect_NN for_IN citizens_NNS '_POS rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS ,_, and_CC effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._.
4.2 It_PRP is_VBZ this_DT kind_NN of_IN future_NN I_PRP would_MD also_RB like_VB to_TO see_VB in_IN the_DT other_JJ countries_NNS within_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT policy_NN of_IN this_DT type_NN that_IN I_PRP wish_VBP to_TO other_JJ States_NNS of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._.
5.0 Action_NNP is_VBZ needed_VBN quickly_RB ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB we_PRP decided_VBD to_TO include_VB this_DT item_NN on_IN the_DT agenda_NN ._. There_EX is_VBZ urgency_NN and_CC that_DT is_VBZ why_WRB we_PRP decided_VBD to_TO put_VB this_DT item_NN on_IN the_DT agenda_NN ._.
4.52 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO focus_VB in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN on_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP '_POS s_PRP report_NN ,_, which_WDT I_PRP think_VBP is_VBZ clearly_RB worded_VBN and_CC well_RB put_VB together_RB ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN I_PRP shall_MD focus_VB on_IN the_DT report_NN by_IN Mrs_NNP LalumiÚre_NNP report_NN ,_, which_WDT I_PRP think_VBP is_VBZ well_RB thought-out_JJ and_CC clearly_RB formulated_VBN ._.
4.5 This_DT is_VBZ no_DT time_NN for_IN the_DT faint-hearted_JJ ._. This_DT is_VBZ not_RB the_DT time_NN to_TO be_VB hesitant_JJ ._.
3.88 Do_VBP you_PRP think_VB that_IN the_DT Austrian_JJ model_NN ,_, i.e._FW bilateral_JJ majority_NN resolutions_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB used_VBN in_IN future_NN as_IN a_DT way_NN of_IN passing_VBG resolutions_NNS which_WDT bypass_VBP the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC of_IN forming_VBG a_DT new_JJ institution_NN or_CC a_DT new_JJ group_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO circumvent_VB unanimity_NN in_IN the_DT Council_NNP ?_. Do_VBP you_PRP think_VB that_IN the_DT model_NN of_IN the_DT ''_'' -_: ''_'' -_: namely_RB the_DT majority_NN -_: will_MD be_VB in_IN the_DT future_NN as_IN a_DT means_NN of_IN taking_VBG in_RP ignoring_VBG the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC to_TO a_DT new_JJ institution_NN ,_, or_CC a_DT new_JJ Group_NNP ,_, to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO bypass_VB the_DT rule_NN of_IN unanimity_NN in_IN the_DT Council_NNP ?_.
4.8 This_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ priority_NN fight_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS is_VBZ put_VBN into_IN practice_NN in_IN our_PRP$ political_JJ decisions_NNS ._. It_PRP is_VBZ our_PRP$ priority_NN fight_NN so_IN that_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS is_VBZ implemented_VBN in_IN political_JJ choices_NNS ._.
4.6 It_PRP is_VBZ this_DT kind_NN of_IN future_NN I_PRP would_MD also_RB like_VB to_TO see_VB in_IN the_DT other_JJ countries_NNS within_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. It_PRP is_VBZ an_DT evolution_NN of_IN this_DT type_NN which_WDT I_PRP wish_VBP in_IN the_DT other_JJ States_NNPS of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._.
4.6 Those_DT who_WP stand_VBP apart_RB from_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN are_VBP really_RB being_VBG given_VBN the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN as_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN passengers_NNS in_IN a_DT car_NN ._. Those_DT who_WP refuse_VBP enhanced_JJ cooperation_NN enjoy_VB the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN of_IN movement_NN that_IN passengers_NNS in_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN of_IN a_DT car_NN ._.
4.6 -_: My_PRP$ party_NN has_VBZ serious_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN Community_NNP law_NN applying_VBG to_TO the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN products_NNS ,_, as_IN against_IN applying_VBG the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._. My_PRP$ party_NN expresses_VBZ serious_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN the_DT regulation_NN of_IN the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN products_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN Community_NNP legislation_NN ,_, as_IN it_PRP makes_VBZ reservations_NNS about_IN the_DT concept_NN of_IN the_DT mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._.
4.68 It_PRP must_MD genuinely_RB be_VB a_DT centre_NN for_IN coordinating_VBG the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, must_MD activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN for_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN the_DT level_NN of_IN the_DT individual_JJ regions_NNS ._. It_PRP must_MD be_VB true_JJ brain_NN of_IN coordination_NN of_IN the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, will_MD have_VB to_TO activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN in_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN regional_JJ level_NN ._.
5.0 Approval_NN of_IN the_DT Minutes_NNPS of_IN the_DT previous_JJ sitting_VBG Approval_NN of_IN the_DT Minutes_NNPS of_IN the_DT previous_JJ sitting_VBG
4.68 A_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, for_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN striving_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN now_RB ,_, is_VBZ the_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN for_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN ._. The_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT Provisional_NNP Judicial_NNP Cooperation_NNP Unit_NNP is_VBZ a_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, not_RB to_TO which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ aiming_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN ._.
4.68 Slovakia_NNP has_VBZ not_RB been_VBN condemned_VBN to_TO the_DT second_JJ division_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO join_VB together_RB with_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._. Slovakia_NNP is_VBZ not_RB to_TO remain_VB in_IN the_DT second_JJ Group_NNP and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP wants_VBZ to_TO join_VB the_DT Union_NNP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN that_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._.
4.0 In_IN the_DT last_JJ three_CD weeks_NNS ,_, progress_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN in_IN three_CD major_JJ areas_NNS ._. In_IN recent_JJ weeks_NNS ,_, three_CD significant_JJ progress_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN ._.
5.0 When_WRB we_PRP are_VBP faced_VBN with_IN a_DT potential_JJ risk_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ important_JJ to_TO apply_VB the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN ._. When_WRB we_PRP are_VBP faced_VBN with_IN a_DT potential_JJ risk_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ important_JJ to_TO put_VB into_IN practice_NN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN ._.
4.0 We_PRP shall_MD have_VB to_TO speak_VB with_IN just_RB one_CD disagreeable_JJ voice_NN in_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._. We_PRP will_MD speak_VB with_IN one_CD voice_NN grace_NN within_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._.
4.4 We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT arrangements_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT Preparatory_NNP Committee_NNP and_CC adopted_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP regarding_VBG procedures_NNS for_IN the_DT registration_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS for_IN involvement_NN in_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT Special_JJ Session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._. We_PRP are_VBP pleased_JJ with_IN proposed_VBN arrangements_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT committee_NN preparatory_JJ and_CC decided_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP with_IN regard_NN to_TO the_DT mode_NN of_IN accreditation_NN of_IN the_DT governmental_JJ organizations_NNS ,_, with_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT extraordinary_JJ session_NN of_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._.
4.68 That_DT is_VBZ a_DT shameful_JJ state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS when_WRB we_PRP consider_VBP that_IN the_DT EU_NNP itself_PRP is_VBZ a_DT champion_NN of_IN modernised_JJ business_NN practice_NN ._. This_DT is_VBZ a_DT disgrace_NN when_WRB we_PRP think_VBP that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP presents_VBZ itself_PRP as_IN the_DT champion_NN of_IN the_DT modernisation_NN of_IN economic_JJ life_NN !_.
4.68 I_PRP think_VBP that_IN France_NNP has_VBZ set_VBN an_DT excellent_JJ example_NN by_IN finally_RB deciding_VBG to_TO take_VB this_DT step_NN ._. I_PRP find_VBP exemplary_JJ that_IN France_NNP will_MD be_VB resolved_VBN to_TO take_VB this_DT step_NN ._.
1.0 -LRB-_-LRB- Applause_NN -RRB-_-RRB- I_PRP have_VBP already_RB answered_VBN on_IN this_DT point_NN and_CC I_PRP support_VBP completely_RB what_WP he_PRP has_VBZ said_VBN on_IN the_DT necessity_NN of_IN improving_VBG the_DT public_JJ debate_NN ,_, and_CC I_PRP will_MD not_RB go_VB back_RB on_IN what_WP I_PRP have_VBP said_VBD ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, all_DT too_RB often_RB ,_, the_DT citizens_NNS feel_VBP the_DT decisions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP taken_VBN in_IN the_DT authorities_NNS that_IN they_PRP do_VBP not_RB know_VB ._.
4.2 On_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ behalf_NN and_CC on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS ,_, I_PRP would_MD ask_VB you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, to_TO send_VB Parliament_NNP '_POS s_PRP condolences_VBZ to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC to_TO the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS in_IN both_DT Brittany_NNP and_CC in_IN Marín_NNP ,_, Galicia_NNP ,_, from_IN where_WRB the_DT majority_NN of_IN the_DT victims_NNS came_VBD ._. Madam_NNP the_DT President_NNP ,_, I_PRP ask_VBP you_PRP ,_, in_IN the_DT name_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS and_CC in_IN my_PRP$ proper_JJ name_NN ,_, to_TO send_VB a_DT message_NN of_IN sympathy_NN on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Parliament_NNP to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC to_TO the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS both_DT of_IN Brittany_NNP and_CC of_IN Marín_NNP ,_, town_NN of_IN Galicia_NNP ,_, from_IN where_WRB are_VBP originating_VBG the_DT majority_NN in_IN the_DT victims_NNS ._.
4.68 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP took_VBD a_DT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN care_NN over_IN preparing_VBG the_DT Karamanou_NNP report_NN in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Citizens_NNPS '_POS Freedoms_NNPS and_CC Rights_NNPS ,_, Justice_NNP and_CC Home_NNP Affairs_NNP ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Citizens_NNPS '_POS Freedoms_NNPS and_CC Rights_NNPS ,_, Justice_NNP and_CC Internal_NNP Affairs_NNP has_VBZ prepared_VBN with_IN great_JJ care_NN the_DT Karamanou_NNP report_NN ._.
4.68 This_DT is_VBZ also_RB the_DT position_NN advocated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_JJ People_NNS '_POS s_PRP Party_NNP ._. This_DT is_VBZ the_DT position_NN defended_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP People_NNP 's_POS Party_NNP ._.
5.0 ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC united_VBD European_JJ continent_NN ._. -_: -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC unified_JJ European_JJ continent_NN ._.
4.36 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO focus_VB in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN on_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP '_POS s_PRP report_NN ,_, which_WDT I_PRP think_VBP is_VBZ clearly_RB worded_VBN and_CC well_RB put_VB together_RB ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN I_PRP shall_MD focus_VB on_IN the_DT report_NN by_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP ,_, report_NN that_IN I_PRP think_VBP it_PRP is_VBZ well_RB thought-out_JJ and_CC clearly_RB formulated_VBN ._.
4.84 Given_VBN this_DT situation_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ an_DT inescapable_JJ need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN ._. In_IN view_NN of_IN these_DT realities_NNS ,_, the_DT need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ ._.
4.52 As_IN a_DT matter_NN of_IN urgency_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_DT staff_NN complement_VBP of_IN the_DT Interdepartmental_NNP Group_NNP attached_VBD to_TO the_DT Commission_NNP Secretariat_NNP should_MD be_VB strengthened_VBN at_IN the_DT earliest_JJS possible_JJ opportunity_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN all_DT proposals_NNS for_IN acts_NNS which_WDT are_VBP general_JJ in_IN scope_NN are_VBP accompanied_VBN ,_, when_WRB considered_VBN by_IN the_DT College_NNP of_IN Commissioners_NNPS and_CC on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, by_IN a_DT simplified_VBN sheet_NN outlining_VBG their_PRP$ potential_JJ impact_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ urgent_JJ that_IN manpower_NN of_IN the_DT Interdepartmental_NNP Group_NNP are_VBP very_RB quickly_RB reinforced_VBN with_IN the_DT cur_NN of_IN the_DT General_NNP Secretariat_NNP of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ,_, so_RB that_IN all_PDT the_DT proposals_NNS of_IN act_NN of_IN general_JJ scope_NN can_MD be_VB accompanied_VBN ,_, during_IN their_PRP$ examination_NN by_IN the_DT college_NN on_IN basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD ,_, paragraph_NN 2_CD ,_, of_IN a_DT detailed_JJ impact_NN statement_NN ._.
4.52 There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, one_CD crucial_JJ event_NN ,_, namely_RB that_IN a_DT start_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN with_IN category_NN four_CD and_CC with_IN looking_VBG at_IN ways_NNS how_WRB we_PRP will_MD deal_VB with_IN it_PRP ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB yet_RB entirely_RB clear_JJ whether_IN we_PRP have_VBP managed_VBN to_TO resolve_VB this_DT ,_, partly_RB because_IN the_DT Council_NNP refuses_VBZ to_TO have_VB sufficient_JJ input_NN in_IN the_DT attendant_NN thought_VBD processes_NNS ._. There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, a_DT very_RB important_JJ point_NN is_VBZ the_DT fact_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP begun_VBN the_DT heading_VBG four_CD ,_, with_IN its_PRP$ approach_NN ,_, but_CC we_PRP do_VBP not_RB yet_RB know_VB very_RB well_RB if_IN we_PRP managed_VBD to_TO resolve_VB the_DT problem_NN ,_, particularly_RB because_IN the_DT Council_NNP does_VBZ not_RB wish_VB to_TO participate_VB enough_JJ food_NN for_IN thought_NN ._.
4.84 The_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thanks_NNS you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, for_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN the_DT warm_JJ reception_NN you_PRP have_VBP given_VBN us_PRP ._. For_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN your_PRP$ reception_NN ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thanks_NNS you_PRP ._.
4.84 Firstly_RB ,_, simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._. First_RB ,_, that_IN of_IN a_DT simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._.
4.68 It_PRP must_MD genuinely_RB be_VB a_DT centre_NN for_IN coordinating_VBG the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, must_MD activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN for_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN the_DT level_NN of_IN the_DT individual_JJ regions_NNS ._. It_PRP must_MD be_VB the_DT real_JJ brains_NNS of_IN coordination_NN of_IN the_DT network_NN of_IN national_JJ agencies_NNS which_WDT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, will_MD have_VB to_TO activate_VB and_CC coordinate_VB a_DT network_NN of_IN centres_NNS of_IN excellence_NN on_IN food_NN safety_NN at_IN regional_JJ level_NN ._.
5.0 Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ,_, Greek_JJ ships_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN without_IN warning_NN ,_, when_WRB there_EX were_VBD no_DT storms_NNS in_IN the_DT vicinity_NN ._. The_DT Greek_JJ ships_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN ,_, without_IN there_EX being_VBG the_DT slightest_JJS storm_NN in_IN its_PRP$ neck_NN of_IN the_DT woods_NNS ,_, Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ._.
4.68 B5-0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT kidnap_VB in_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerillas_NNS ;_: -LRB-_-LRB- B5-0794_JJ /_NN 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT abduction_NN by_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerrilla_NN movement_NN ._.
4.68 As_IN there_EX is_VBZ still_RB a_DT lot_NN of_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, we_PRP must_MD know_VB what_WP the_DT scientific_JJ facts_NNS are_VBP and_CC what_WP action_NN must_MD be_VB taken_VBN ._. We_PRP need_VBP to_TO know_VB today_NN ,_, since_IN we_PRP are_VBP still_RB in_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, which_WDT are_VBP the_DT scientific_JJ data_NNS ,_, which_WDT are_VBP the_DT measures_NNS to_TO be_VB taken_VBN ._.
4.68 Given_VBN this_DT situation_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ an_DT inescapable_JJ need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN ._. Vis-a-vis_NNS these_DT realities_NNS ,_, the_DT need_NN for_IN a_DT greater_JJR implication_NN and_CC a_DT greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC the_DT underdevelopment_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ ._.
4.84 Do_VBP you_PRP think_VB that_IN the_DT Austrian_JJ model_NN ,_, i.e._FW bilateral_JJ majority_NN resolutions_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB used_VBN in_IN future_NN as_IN a_DT way_NN of_IN passing_VBG resolutions_NNS which_WDT bypass_VBP the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC of_IN forming_VBG a_DT new_JJ institution_NN or_CC a_DT new_JJ group_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO circumvent_VB unanimity_NN in_IN the_DT Council_NNP ?_. Do_VBP you_PRP think_VB that_IN the_DT Austrian_JJ `_`` model_NN '_'' -_: the_DT majority_NN decisions_NNS to_TO be_VB taken_VBN in_IN future_JJ bilateral_JJ -_: it_PRP will_MD be_VB an_DT instrument_NN to_TO take_VB decisions_NNS by_IN ignoring_VBG the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC to_TO set_VB up_RP a_DT new_JJ institution_NN ,_, or_CC a_DT new_JJ group_NN ,_, in_IN order_NN to_TO get_VB round_VB the_DT unanimity_NN rule_NN in_IN the_DT Council_NNP ?_.
4.84 Thirdly_RB ,_, acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT individual_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ basically_RB depend_VBP -_: and_CC Denmark_NNP demonstrated_VBD this_DT -_: on_IN dismantling_VBG the_DT social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._. Thirdly_RB :_: the_DT positive_JJ acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT various_JJ countries_NNS and_CC the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_NN largely_RB depend_VBP -_: the_DT example_NN of_IN Denmark_NNP east_JJ there_EX for_IN us_PRP to_TO show_VB it_PRP -_: elimination_NN on_IN the_DT social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS for_IN the_DT European_JJ policy_NN ._.
4.52 Those_DT who_WP stand_VBP apart_RB from_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN are_VBP really_RB being_VBG given_VBN the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN as_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN passengers_NNS in_IN a_DT car_NN ._. Those_DT who_WP reject_VBP reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN enjoy_VB the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN of_IN movement_NN that_IN passengers_NNS back_RB the_DT seat_NN of_IN a_DT car_NN ._.
5.0 The_DT joint_JJ debate_NN is_VBZ closed_VBN ._. The_DT joint_JJ debate_NN is_VBZ closed_VBN ._.
4.36 The_DT right_NN of_IN a_DT government_NN arbitrarily_RB to_TO set_VB aside_RP its_PRP$ own_JJ constitution_NN is_VBZ the_DT defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._. The_DT right_NN to_TO a_DT government_NN of_IN arbitrarily_RB its_PRP$ Constitution_NNP is_VBZ the_DT definition_NN of_IN a_DT dictatorship_NN ._.
5.0 If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP we_PRP must_MD act_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC deeds_NNS ,_, not_RB merely_RB words_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP ,_, we_PRP must_MD intervene_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC concrete_JJ action_NN ,_, and_CC not_RB just_RB with_IN words_NNS ._.
5.0 Question_NN No_DT 6_CD by_IN -LRB-_-LRB- H-0886_JJ /_NN 00_CD -RRB-_-RRB- :_: Question_NN No_DT 6_CD by_IN -LRB-_-LRB- h_SYM 0886_CD /_CD 00_CD -RRB-_-RRB- :_:
4.84 ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC united_VBD European_JJ continent_NN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ continent_NN strong_JJ and_CC united_VBD ._.
4.84 The_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thanks_NNS you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, for_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN the_DT warm_JJ reception_NN you_PRP have_VBP given_VBN us_PRP ._. For_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC for_IN your_PRP$ kind_NN welcome_JJ ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thank_VBP you_PRP ._.
4.2 This_DT rule_NN can_MD be_VB applied_VBN equally_RB to_TO all_DT recreational_JJ but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS when_WRB no_DT one_NN but_CC the_DT person_NN consuming_NN the_DT drug_NN is_VBZ likely_JJ to_TO be_VB affected_VBN ._. This_DT rule_NN can_MD also_RB apply_VB to_TO all_DT récréationnelles_NNS but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS as_IN far_RB as_IN the_DT consumer_NN of_IN drugs_NNS is_VBZ the_DT only_RB one_CD to_TO risks_NNS ._.
5.0 If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP we_PRP must_MD act_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC deeds_NNS ,_, not_RB merely_RB words_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP ,_, we_PRP now_RB have_VBP to_TO intervene_VB with_IN money_NN and_CC concrete_JJ actions_NNS ,_, and_CC not_RB only_RB with_IN words_NNS ._.
3.72 The_DT House_NNP had_VBD also_RB fought_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, for_IN the_DT reduction_NN of_IN the_DT funds_NNS available_JJ for_IN innovative_JJ measures_NNS to_TO be_VB offset_VBN by_IN means_NNS of_IN resources_NNS from_IN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ,_, a_DT demand_NN which_WDT is_VBZ recorded_VBN in_IN a_DT declaration_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN in_IN the_DT Interinstitutional_NNP Agreement_NNP ._. This_DT Parliament_NNP however_RB also_RB fought_VBN so_IN that_IN this_DT reduction_NN of_IN the_DT funds_NNS allocated_VBN with_IN the_DT innovative_JJ measures_NNS is_VBZ compensated_VBN by_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN the_DT framework_NN of_IN flexibilisation_NN ,_, defined_VBN in_IN a_DT declaration_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN ._.
4.2 At_IN Feira_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP considered_VBD those_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT Stabilisation_NNP and_CC Association_NNP Process_NNP as_IN potential_JJ applicants_NNS for_IN membership_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. In_IN Feira_NNP ,_, he_PRP recognised_VBD the_DT quality_NN of_IN potential_JJ candidates_NNS for_IN accession_NN to_TO the_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT stabilisation_NN and_CC association_NN process_NN ._.
4.52 The_DT lesson_NN for_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP this_DT morning_NN must_MD be_VB that_IN we_PRP have_VBP to_TO conclude_VB that_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS throughout_IN the_DT world_NN are_VBP in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN shambles_NN and_CC we_PRP have_VBP to_TO begin_VB the_DT process_NN of_IN putting_VBG them_PRP right_RB ._. The_DT lesson_NN which_WDT this_DT Parliament_NNP in_IN her_PRP$ debate_NN of_IN this_DT morning_NN must_MD retain_VB is_VBZ that_IN we_PRP are_VBP forced_VBN to_TO conclude_VB that_IN the_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS are_VBP ,_, all_DT over_IN the_DT world_NN ,_, in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN disorder_NN ,_, and_CC that_IN we_PRP must_MD harness_VB ourselves_PRP with_IN the_DT task_NN to_TO put_VB order_NN at_IN it_PRP ._.
4.52 Approval_NN of_IN the_DT Minutes_NNPS of_IN the_DT previous_JJ sitting_VBG Approval_NN of_IN the_DT official_JJ report_NN of_IN the_DT previous_JJ sitting_VBG
4.68 Thirdly_RB ,_, acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT individual_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ basically_RB depend_VBP -_: and_CC Denmark_NNP demonstrated_VBD this_DT -_: on_IN dismantling_VBG the_DT social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._. Thirdly_RB :_: the_DT acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT various_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ depend_VBP --_: the_DT example_NN of_IN Denmark_NNP is_VBZ there_RB for_IN us_PRP to_TO show_VB this_DT -_: the_DT elimination_NN of_IN social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._.
4.6 After_IN all_DT ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ by_IN no_DT means_NNS certain_JJ that_IN the_DT proposed_VBN definition_NN of_IN equitable_JJ price_NN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN any_DT other_JJ ,_, because_IN the_DT various_JJ definitions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP currently_RB in_IN use_NN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS are_VBP all_DT perfectly_RB satisfactory_JJ ._. Indeed_RB ,_, there_EX is_VBZ absolutely_RB no_DT doubt_NN that_IN the_DT definition_NN of_IN fair_JJ price_NN that_WDT is_VBZ proposed_VBN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN another_DT ,_, because_IN the_DT definitions_NNS used_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS currently_RB sufficient_JJ all_DT amply_RB ._.
3.56 As_IN a_DT matter_NN of_IN urgency_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_DT staff_NN complement_VBP of_IN the_DT Interdepartmental_NNP Group_NNP attached_VBD to_TO the_DT Commission_NNP Secretariat_NNP should_MD be_VB strengthened_VBN at_IN the_DT earliest_JJS possible_JJ opportunity_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN all_DT proposals_NNS for_IN acts_NNS which_WDT are_VBP general_JJ in_IN scope_NN are_VBP accompanied_VBN ,_, when_WRB considered_VBN by_IN the_DT College_NNP of_IN Commissioners_NNPS and_CC on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, by_IN a_DT simplified_VBN sheet_NN outlining_VBG their_PRP$ potential_JJ impact_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ imperative_JJ that_IN the_DT inter-service_JJ Group_NNP are_VBP very_RB quickly_RB ,_, of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ,_, so_RB that_IN all_PDT the_DT proposals_NNS to_TO act_VB can_MD be_VB ,_, during_IN their_PRP$ examination_NN by_IN the_DT force_NN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD ,_, paragraph_NN 2_CD ,_, a_DT detailed_JJ impact_NN ._.
4.8856 -LRB-_-LRB- The_DT sitting_VBG was_VBD suspended_VBN at_IN 2.06_CD p.m._NN and_CC resumed_VBD at_IN 3_CD p.m._NN -RRB-_-RRB- -LRB-_-LRB- The_DT sitting_VBG was_VBD suspended_VBN at_IN 14h06_CD and_CC resumed_VBD at_IN 3_CD p.m._NN -RRB-_-RRB-
4.2 Finally_RB ,_, I_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT idea_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD review_VB the_DT implementation_NN of_IN the_DT programme_JJ annually_RB ._. Finally_RB I_PRP accomodate_VBP the_DT idea_NN favorably_RB to_TO give_VB us_PRP an_DT annual_JJ appointment_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO take_VB stock_NN of_IN the_DT setting_NN in_IN uvre_NN program_NN ._.
4.2888 At_IN Feira_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP considered_VBD those_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT Stabilisation_NNP and_CC Association_NNP Process_NNP as_IN potential_JJ applicants_NNS for_IN membership_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. In_IN Feira_NNP ,_, it_PRP has_VBZ recognised_VBN the_DT quality_NN of_IN potential_JJ candidates_NNS for_IN accession_NN to_TO the_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT stabilisation_NN and_CC association_NN process_NN ._.
4.68 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB a_DT few_JJ words_NNS on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, be_VB passed_VBN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO speak_VB on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN that_IN we_PRP will_MD obviously_RB vote_VB ._.
4.36 And_CC I_PRP am_VBP telling_VBG you_PRP loud_JJ and_CC clear_JJ :_: Kostunica_NNP must_MD be_VB given_VBN his_PRP$ chance_NN here_RB and_CC I_PRP therefore_RB hope_VBP that_IN he_PRP will_MD give_VB amnesty_NN in_IN the_DT next_JJ couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS or_CC months_NNS ,_, but_CC meanwhile_RB ,_, I_PRP do_VBP want_VB the_DT introduction_NN of_IN those_DT two_CD new_JJ budget_NN lines_NNS ,_, democratisation_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN ,_, to_TO be_VB accompanied_VBN by_IN political_JJ conditions_NNS ,_, both_DT from_IN a_DT political_JJ and_CC budgetary_JJ perspective_NN ._. And_CC I_PRP say_VBP it_PRP very_RB clearly_RB to_TO you_PRP :_: it_PRP is_VBZ necessary_JJ to_TO give_VB its_PRP$ chance_NN to_TO Kostunica_NNP and_CC I_PRP hope_VBP since_IN it_PRP will_MD take_VB care_NN of_IN an_DT amnesty_NN during_IN the_DT weeks_NNS or_CC of_IN the_DT months_NNS to_TO come_VB ;_: but_CC meanwhile_RB ,_, I_PRP wish_VBP however_RB that_IN ,_, on_IN the_DT political_JJ plan_NN and_CC the_DT budgetary_JJ term_NN ,_, of_IN the_DT political_JJ conditions_NNS be_VB coupled_VBN with_IN the_DT introduction_NN of_IN these_DT two_CD special_JJ budget_NN headings_NNS ,_, namely_RB democratization_NN and_CC the_DT rebuilding_NN ._.
5.0 We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO exchange_VB ideas_NNS on_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT it_PRP has_VBZ emerged_VBN that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._. We_PRP started_VBD discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, which_WDT show_VBP that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS wish_NN to_TO maintaining_VBG this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._.
4.2 Let_VB us_PRP ,_, as_IN a_DT Europe_NNP of_IN 15_CD Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB those_DT countries_NNS who_WP are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN the_DT door_NN into_IN the_DT fold_VB under_IN respectable_JJ conditions_NNS ._. We_PRP must_MD organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN fifteen_CD Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB in_IN good_JJ conditions_NNS for_IN the_DT countries_NNS which_WDT are_VBP knocking_VBG on_IN our_PRP$ door_NN ._.
4.36 Thank_VB you_PRP very_RB much_RB ,_, Commissioner_NNP ._. Thank_VB you_PRP very_RB much_RB ,_, Mister_NNP the_DT Police_NNP chief_NN ._.
4.84 Those_DT who_WP stand_VBP apart_RB from_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN are_VBP really_RB being_VBG given_VBN the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN as_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN passengers_NNS in_IN a_DT car_NN ._. Those_DT who_WP deny_VBP the_DT enhanced_JJ cooperation_NN enjoy_VB the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN of_IN movement_NN as_IN passengers_NNS in_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN of_IN a_DT car_NN ._.
5.0 The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN the_DT accession_NN negotiations_NNS and_CC hence_RB of_IN the_DT enlargement_NN ._. The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB be_VB discussing_VBG the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN accession_NN negotiations_NNS ,_, and_CC therefore_RB of_IN enlargement_NN ._.
4.52 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP '_POS s_PRP attitude_NN to_TO the_DT right_NN of_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS may_MD be_VB seen_VBN from_IN the_DT internal_JJ handbook_NN sent_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP to_TO employees_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO tell_VB them_PRP how_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_IN requests_NNS from_IN MEPs_NNS for_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP know_VBP the_DT position_NN of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP on_IN public_JJ access_NN to_TO documents_NNS in_IN reading_VBG the_DT internal_JJ manual_NN ,_, which_WDT was_VBD submitted_VBN ,_, on_IN 11_CD October_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS officials_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO explain_VB the_DT way_NN in_IN which_WDT they_PRP were_VBD to_TO deal_VB with_IN the_DT requests_NNS from_IN the_DT Members_NNS regarding_VBG access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._.
4.04 The_DT House_NNP had_VBD also_RB fought_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, for_IN the_DT reduction_NN of_IN the_DT funds_NNS available_JJ for_IN innovative_JJ measures_NNS to_TO be_VB offset_VBN by_IN means_NNS of_IN resources_NNS from_IN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ,_, a_DT demand_NN which_WDT is_VBZ recorded_VBN in_IN a_DT declaration_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN in_IN the_DT Interinstitutional_NNP Agreement_NNP ._. This_DT Parliament_NNP has_VBZ ,_, however_RB ,_, also_RB fought_VBD for_IN this_DT reduction_NN of_IN funds_NNS for_IN innovative_JJ actions_NNS should_MD be_VB compensated_VBN for_IN by_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN flexibility_NN ,_, defined_VBN in_IN a_DT statement_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN ._.
3.88 Clearly_RB ,_, explanations_NNS are_VBP necessary_JJ for_IN the_DT increased_VBN incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. We_PRP should_MD obviously_RB determine_VB the_DT reasons_NNS of_IN the_DT increased_VBN incidence_NN of_IN the_DT ESB_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
5.0 It_PRP must_MD be_VB respected_VBN and_CC protected_VBN '_'' ._. It_PRP must_MD be_VB respected_VBN and_CC protected_VBN ._.
4.84 Lastly_RB ,_, and_CC most_JJS controversially_RB ,_, the_DT committee_NN strongly_RB called_VBN for_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN a_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ a_DT more_RBR controversial_JJ topic_NN ,_, the_DT Committee_NNP has_VBZ called_VBN with_IN vigour_NN to_TO make_VB use_NN of_IN the_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._.
4.68 Declarations_NNS must_MD be_VB followed_VBN by_IN concrete_JJ steps_NNS to_TO trace_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._. The_DT debate_NN must_MD be_VB followed_VBN by_IN concrete_JJ actions_NNS to_TO identify_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._.
4.36 B5-0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT kidnap_VB in_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerillas_NNS ;_: B5-0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, Misters_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Linkohr_NNP and_CC Fava_NNP ,_, in_IN the_DT name_NN of_IN the_DT Europeans_NNPS Group_NNP of_IN the_DT European_JJ Socialist_NNP ,_, on_IN removal_NN in_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN the_DT negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerrilla_NN ;_:
4.52 On_IN the_DT other_JJ hand_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB given_VBN a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP on_IN our_PRP$ own_JJ ,_, by_IN recognising_VBG the_DT genuine_JJ principles_NNS of_IN democracy_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, we_PRP would_MD have_VB a_DT chance_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB their_PRP$ own_JJ constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP ,_, recognising_VBG the_DT true_JJ democratic_JJ principles_NNS ._.
4.8664 That_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP have_VBP avoided_VBN a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN by_IN going_VBG to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN has_VBZ been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB though_IN we_PRP have_VBP used_VBN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._. That_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP have_VBP avoided_VBN a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN by_IN returning_VBG to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspectives_NNS have_VBP been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB if_IN we_PRP have_VBP used_VBN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._.
4.84 This_DT rule_NN can_MD be_VB applied_VBN equally_RB to_TO all_DT recreational_JJ but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS when_WRB no_DT one_NN but_CC the_DT person_NN consuming_NN the_DT drug_NN is_VBZ likely_JJ to_TO be_VB affected_VBN ._. This_DT rule_NN can_MD ,_, moreover_RB ,_, apply_VB to_TO all_DT drugs_NNS récréationnelles_NNS but_CC dangerous_JJ provided_VBN that_IN the_DT consumer_NN of_IN drugs_NNS is_VBZ the_DT only_JJ run_NN the_DT risks_NNS ._.
5.0 Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN devoted_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN to_TO equality_NN through_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC through_IN specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._. Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN dedicated_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN of_IN equality_NN by_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._.
3.24 We_PRP shall_MD have_VB to_TO speak_VB with_IN just_RB one_CD disagreeable_JJ voice_NN in_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._. We_PRP will_MD speak_VB with_IN one_CD voice_NN disgracieuse_NN within_IN OMC_NNP ._.
3.56 Let_VB us_PRP ,_, as_IN a_DT Europe_NNP of_IN 15_CD Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB those_DT countries_NNS who_WP are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN the_DT door_NN into_IN the_DT fold_VB under_IN respectable_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Let_VB us_PRP organise_VB itself_PRP to_TO 15_CD in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB the_DT right_JJ conditions_NNS for_IN countries_NNS which_WDT are_VBP knocking_VBG on_IN our_PRP$ door_NN ._.
4.04 I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, Common_NNP Security_NNP and_CC Defence_NNP Policy_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ ,_, comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._. I_PRP thank_VBP the_DT rapporteur_NN for_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN foreign_JJ Affairs_NNPS ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ and_CC comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._.
4.2 Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT one-man_JJ company_NN or_CC a_DT company_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS has_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP should_MD not_RB need_VB to_TO provide_VB 120_CD %_NN loan_NN guarantees_NNS in_IN the_DT form_NN of_IN land_NN to_TO receive_VB financing_NN ;_: it_PRP should_MD also_RB be_VB possible_JJ for_IN it_PRP to_TO be_VB funded_VBN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._. Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT one-person_NN business_NN or_CC a_DT society_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS has_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP must_MD be_VB possible_JJ to_TO receive_VB financing_NN not_RB only_RB to_TO guarantee_VB to_TO 120_CD %_NN ,_, but_CC merely_RB on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._.
1.0 -LRB-_-LRB- Applause_NN -RRB-_-RRB- I_PRP have_VBP already_RB replied_VBN on_IN this_DT point_NN and_CC I_PRP entirely_RB agree_VBP with_IN what_WP he_PRP has_VBZ said_VBN about_IN the_DT need_NN to_TO improve_VB considerably_RB the_DT public_JJ debate_NN ,_, and_CC I_PRP will_MD not_RB repeat_VB what_WP I_PRP said_VBD ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, all_DT too_RB often_RB ,_, citizens_NNS feel_VBP alienated_VBN to_TO decisions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP taken_VBN in_IN the_DT bodies_NNS that_IN they_PRP do_VBP not_RB know_VB ._.
4.84 ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC united_VBD European_JJ continent_NN ._. -_: -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC united_VBD continent_NN of_IN Europe_NNP ._.
4.36 Therefore_RB ,_, I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN is_VBZ sustainable_JJ ,_, but_CC that_IN the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT university_NN issue_NN and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ issues_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ success_NN ,_, and_CC powerful_JJ support_NN ,_, else_RB peace_NN throughout_IN the_DT region_NN will_MD be_VB under_IN threat_NN ._. This_DT is_VBZ why_WRB I_PRP also_RB think_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN can_MD hold_VB ._. however_RB ,_, the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT question_NN and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ problems_NNS ,_, need_VBP visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN success_NN so_IN that_IN a_DT strong_JJ support_NN to_TO the_DT peace_NN in_IN the_DT whole_NN of_IN the_DT region_NN ._.
3.88 I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, Common_NNP Security_NNP and_CC Defence_NNP Policy_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ ,_, comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._. I_PRP thank_VBP the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, on_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ and_CC comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._.
4.84 But_CC I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO Parliament_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT EU_NNP spends_VBZ just_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN GDP_NNP and_CC much_JJ of_IN that_DT is_VBZ administered_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. Nevertheless_RB I_PRP would_MD wish_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO the_DT Parliament_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP spends_VBZ only_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN the_DT GDP_NNP of_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS and_CC that_IN the_DT largest_JJS part_NN of_IN this_DT money_NN is_VBZ managed_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
4.36 You_PRP do_VBP not_RB even_RB intend_VB to_TO incorporate_VB it_PRP into_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, evidence_NN indeed_RB that_IN this_DT text_NN ,_, this_DT exercise_NN was_VBD always_RB destined_VBN to_TO be_VB laid_VBN aside_RB ._. You_PRP do_VBP not_RB even_RB want_VB to_TO incorporate_VB into_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, which_WDT proves_VBZ that_IN this_DT text_NN should_MD be_VB put_VBN to_TO one_CD side_NN ._.
3.56 I_PRP would_MD urge_VB the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB their_PRP$ utmost_JJ to_TO overcome_VB this_DT divide_NN ,_, because_IN it_PRP is_VBZ extremely_RB destructive_JJ ._. I_PRP launch_VBP an_DT urgent_JJ appeal_NN with_IN the_DT French_JJ presidency_NN so_IN that_IN it_PRP does_VBZ all_PDT that_DT is_VBZ in_IN its_PRP$ capacity_NN to_TO fill_VB this_DT particularly_RB destroying_VBG ditch_NN ._.
2.28 We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ Council_NNP Presidency_NNP first_JJ restructured_VBN and_CC then_RB scrapped_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP for_IN Equality_NNP ._. We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT first_JJ and_CC then_RB the_DT inequality_NN of_IN opportunity_NN ._.
4.36 On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT influence_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS is_VBZ being_VBG reduced_VBN by_IN the_DT further_JJ restriction_NN of_IN the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC by_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ being_VBG given_VBN more_JJR power_NN ._. On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT influence_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS decreases_VBZ by_IN limit_NN always_RB more_RBR the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC to_TO give_VB always_RB more_RBR capacity_NN to_TO the_DT Parliament_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._.
4.52 Lastly_RB ,_, and_CC most_JJS controversially_RB ,_, the_DT committee_NN strongly_RB called_VBN for_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN a_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ a_DT more_RBR controversial_JJ subject_NN ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO make_VB use_NN of_IN the_DT procedure_NN for_IN the_DT implementation_NN of_IN this_DT legislation_NN ._.
5.0 Firstly_RB ,_, simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._. First_NNP of_IN all_DT ,_, the_DT simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._.
4.2 It_PRP is_VBZ this_DT kind_NN of_IN future_NN I_PRP would_MD also_RB like_VB to_TO see_VB in_IN the_DT other_JJ countries_NNS within_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. This_DT is_VBZ of_IN such_PDT a_DT development_NN that_IN I_PRP hope_VBP the_DT other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._.
4.52 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD for_IN the_DT García-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP report_NN on_IN the_DT taxation_NN of_IN electronic_JJ commerce_NN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD for_IN the_DT García-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP report_NN ,_, which_WDT concerns_VBZ the_DT taxation_NN of_IN services_NNS provided_VBN by_IN electronic_JJ means_NNS ._.
4.36 Firstly_RB ,_, simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._. Firstly_RB ,_, that_IN of_IN a_DT simplification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._.
5.0 Thank_VB you_PRP very_RB much_RB ,_, Commissioner_NNP ._. Thank_VB you_PRP very_RB much_RB ,_, Commissioner_NNP ._.
4.2 Therefore_RB ,_, I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN is_VBZ sustainable_JJ ,_, but_CC that_IN the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT university_NN issue_NN and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ issues_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ success_NN ,_, and_CC powerful_JJ support_NN ,_, else_RB peace_NN throughout_IN the_DT region_NN will_MD be_VB under_IN threat_NN ._. That_DT is_VBZ why_WRB I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN can_MD have_VB ,_, however_RB ,_, the_DT Government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT issue_NN of_IN universities_NNS and_CC many_JJ other_JJ problems_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN success_NN as_RB well_RB as_IN strong_JJ support_NN ,_, otherwise_RB the_DT threatened_VBN peace_NN in_IN the_DT region_NN as_IN a_DT whole_NN ._.
4.36 This_DT is_VBZ a_DT vague_JJ area_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ possible_JJ that_IN more_JJR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS may_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ one_CD point_NN in_IN respect_NN of_IN which_WDT we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._. The_DT things_NNS are_VBP not_RB clear_JJ on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB impossible_JJ that_IN can_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN more_RBR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS ._. It_PRP is_VBZ in_IN particular_JJ on_IN this_DT point_NN that_IN we_PRP introduced_VBD amendments_NNS ._.
5.0 I_PRP think_VBP that_IN France_NNP has_VBZ set_VBN an_DT excellent_JJ example_NN by_IN finally_RB deciding_VBG to_TO take_VB this_DT step_NN ._. I_PRP think_VBP it_PRP is_VBZ exemplary_JJ that_IN France_NNP is_VBZ resolved_VBN to_TO take_VB that_DT step_NN ._.
4.2 Spain_NNP has_VBZ done_VBN a_DT magnificent_JJ job_NN in_IN turning_VBG round_NN the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourly_JJ relations_NNS which_WDT Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP have_VBP suffered_VBN during_IN the_DT course_NN of_IN history_NN ._. Spain_NNP has_VBZ developed_VBN a_DT remarkably_RB positive_JJ the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourhood_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ always_RB existed_VBN between_IN Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC between_IN Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP ._.
5.0 He_PRP will_MD stand_VB trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP on_IN charges_NNS of_IN having_VBG attended_VBD a_DT meeting_NN of_IN the_DT Tunisian_JJ opposition_NN in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT he_PRP denies_VBZ ._. It_PRP happening_VBG in_IN trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP ._. He_PRP is_VBZ accused_VBN of_IN having_VBG attended_VBD a_DT meeting_NN of_IN Tunisian_JJ opponents_NNS in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT he_PRP denies_VBZ ._.
4.68 I_PRP should_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS '_POS report_NN to_TO have_VB been_VBN a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC to_TO have_VB provided_VBN a_DT number_NN of_IN clear_JJ recommendations_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN one_CD or_CC two_CD per_IN chapter_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN to_TO see_VB the_DT report_NN of_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS fusse_VBP a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC it_PRP would_MD have_VB put_VBN forward_RB some_DT clear_JJ recommendations_NNS -_: for_IN example_NN ,_, one_CD or_CC two_CD recommendations_NNS by_IN chapter_NN ._.
5.0 These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT main_JJ one_CD and_CC the_DT secondary_JJ ones_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB the_DT touchstone_NN by_IN which_WDT the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS submitted_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP must_MD be_VB judged_VBN ._. These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT primary_JJ objective_NN and_CC secondary_JJ objectives_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB the_DT yardstick_NN for_IN judging_VBG the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS put_VBD forward_RB by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ._.
4.84 The_DT right_NN of_IN a_DT government_NN arbitrarily_RB to_TO set_VB aside_RP its_PRP$ own_JJ constitution_NN is_VBZ the_DT defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._. The_DT right_NN for_IN a_DT government_NN to_TO remove_VB arbitrarily_RB its_PRP$ constitution_NN is_VBZ defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._.
4.04 These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT main_JJ one_CD and_CC the_DT secondary_JJ ones_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB the_DT touchstone_NN by_IN which_WDT the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS submitted_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP must_MD be_VB judged_VBN ._. These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT secondary_JJ objective_NN and_CC objectives_NNS ,_, will_MD represent_VB the_DT touchstone_NN of_IN enabling_VBG us_PRP to_TO consider_VB the_DT specific_JJ proposals_NNS presented_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ._.
3.72 The_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP and_CC the_DT Internal_NNP Market_NNP rightly_RB insists_VBZ on_IN no_DT upper_JJ limit_NN and_CC a_DT minimum_NN of_IN no_DT less_JJR than_IN 7_CD %_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ just_RB that_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN legal_JJ Affairs_NNPS of_IN the_DT refusal_NN of_IN a_DT ceiling_NN and_CC in_IN the_DT maintenance_NN of_IN a_DT minimum_JJ rate_NN which_WDT can_MD not_RB be_VB 7_CD %_NN ._.
5.0 We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO exchange_VB ideas_NNS on_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT it_PRP has_VBZ emerged_VBN that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._. We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO have_VB exchanges_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, where_WRB it_PRP emerges_VBZ that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP the_DT maintenance_NN of_IN this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._.
3.08 Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ,_, Greek_JJ ships_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN without_IN warning_NN ,_, when_WRB there_EX were_VBD no_DT storms_NNS in_IN the_DT vicinity_NN ._. Greek_JJ vessels_NNS flowed_VBD ,_, without_IN any_DT storm_NN in_IN around_RB ,_, Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ._.
3.72 B5-0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT kidnap_VB in_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerillas_NNS ;_: B5-0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN Colombia_NNP removal_NN of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerrilla_NN ;_:
3.56 Let_VB us_PRP ,_, as_IN a_DT Europe_NNP of_IN 15_CD Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB those_DT countries_NNS who_WP are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN the_DT door_NN into_IN the_DT fold_VB under_IN respectable_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Let_VB us_PRP to_TO organise_VB ourselves_PRP Fifteen_CD to_TO welcome_VB in_IN good_JJ conditions_NNS to_TO the_DT countries_NNS knocking_VBG at_IN our_PRP$ door_NN ._.
4.04 We_PRP shall_MD have_VB to_TO speak_VB with_IN just_RB one_CD disagreeable_JJ voice_NN in_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._. We_PRP speak_VBP with_IN a_DT single_JJ voice_NN Language_NN describes_VBZ within_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._.
5.0 The_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thanks_NNS you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, for_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN the_DT warm_JJ reception_NN you_PRP have_VBP given_VBN us_PRP ._. For_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN your_PRP$ reception_NN ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, Europe_NNP ,_, the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP would_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB you_PRP ._.
4.2 This_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ priority_NN fight_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS is_VBZ put_VBN into_IN practice_NN in_IN our_PRP$ political_JJ decisions_NNS ._. This_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ priority_NN struggle_NN for_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS has_VBZ found_VBN expression_NN in_IN political_JJ choices_NNS ._.
4.52 I_PRP should_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS '_POS report_NN to_TO have_VB been_VBN a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC to_TO have_VB provided_VBN a_DT number_NN of_IN clear_JJ recommendations_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN one_CD or_CC two_CD per_IN chapter_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD have_VB also_RB wished_VBN that_IN the_DT report_NN of_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS was_VBD a_DT little_RB more_RBR convivial_JJ and_CC that_IN it_PRP had_VBD presented_VBN some_DT clear_JJ recommendations_NNS -_: for_IN example_NN ,_, one_CD or_CC two_CD recommendations_NNS per_IN chapter_NN ._.
3.72 Worst_JJS of_IN all_DT ,_, I_PRP believe_VBP ,_, is_VBZ having_VBG to_TO issue_VB a_DT warning_NN that_IN a_DT court_NN judgment_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN may_MD just_RB be_VB a_DT set_NN of_IN comforting_JJ words_NNS and_CC make_VB no_DT real_JJ difference_NN in_IN their_PRP$ lives_NNS ._. In_IN my_PRP$ view_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, there_EX is_VBZ nothing_NN worse_JJR than_IN having_VBG to_TO warn_VB people_NNS that_IN a_DT ruling_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN could_MD not_RB have_VB been_VBN a_DT series_NN of_IN words_NNS réconfortants_NNS and_CC do_VB not_RB have_VB any_DT consequences_NNS concrete_NN on_IN their_PRP$ existence_NN ._.
4.36 I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP rather_RB odd_JJ that_IN people_NNS are_VBP already_RB trying_VBG to_TO tie_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS hands_NNS in_IN relation_NN to_TO the_DT proposal_NN for_IN a_DT directive_NN ,_, while_IN at_IN the_DT same_JJ calling_VBG on_IN it_PRP to_TO present_VB a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ situation_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO optional_JJ and_CC supplementary_JJ health_NN insurance_NN schemes_NNS ._. I_PRP find_VBP a_DT little_JJ strange_JJ to_TO want_VB as_IN of_IN now_RB forcing_VBG the_DT Commission_NNP with_IN a_DT motion_NN for_IN resolutions_NNS and_CC to_TO ask_VB him_PRP in_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN to_TO establish_VB one_CD Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ state_NN of_IN the_DT voluntary_JJ insurances_NNS and_CC the_DT complementary_JJ health_NN insurances_NNS ._.
4.68 They_PRP will_MD keep_VB the_DT pressure_NN on_IN ,_, and_CC they_PRP are_VBP strengthening_VBG their_PRP$ position_NN with_IN the_DT revenue_NN they_PRP are_VBP generating_VBG from_IN delivering_VBG mail_NN above_IN 150_CD grams_NNS ._. They_PRP will_MD continue_VB to_TO put_VB pressure_NN ._. The_DT money_NN that_IN they_PRP earn_VBP with_IN the_DT distribution_NN beyond_IN the_DT limit_NN of_IN 150_CD grams_NNS allows_VBZ them_PRP to_TO strengthen_VB their_PRP$ position_NN ._.
4.2 I_PRP wonder_VBP if_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP has_VBZ planned_VBN any_DT steps_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB that_IN we_PRP really_RB do_VBP consider_VB Kostunica_NNP to_TO be_VB the_DT only_JJ lawfully_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT only_JJ partner_NN with_IN whom_WP the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ involved_VBN as_IN from_IN today_NN ._. I_PRP wonder_VBP whether_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP already_RB provides_VBZ steps_NNS which_WDT will_MD show_VB that_IN we_PRP regard_VBP Kostunica_NNP as_IN the_DT legally_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS and_CC as_IN the_DT partner_NN with_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP must_MD now_RB address_VB ._.
4.2 There_EX has_VBZ been_VBN a_DT budget_NN heading_VBG for_IN the_DT funding_NN of_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN programmes_NNS for_IN many_JJ years_NNS now_RB ._. A_DT budget_NN line_NN financing_NN demining_NN and_CC prevention_NN programmes_NNS for_IN years_NNS ._.
4.2 Reiterating_VBG the_DT calls_NNS made_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, what_WP initiatives_NNS does_VBZ the_DT Presidency_NNP of_IN the_DT European_JJ Council_NNP propose_VBP to_TO take_VB with_IN a_DT view_NN to_TO playing_VBG a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN so_RB as_IN to_TO guarantee_VB the_DT full_JJ and_CC complete_JJ application_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_. As_IN requested_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, that_IN these_DT initiatives_NNS the_DT presidency_NN of_IN the_DT European_JJ Council_NNP is_VBZ going_VBG to_TO take_VB to_TO play_VB a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB the_DT full_JJ implementation_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_.
1.0 -LRB-_-LRB- Applause_NN -RRB-_-RRB- I_PRP have_VBP already_RB replied_VBN on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC I_PRP entirely_RB agree_VBP with_IN what_WP he_PRP has_VBZ said_VBN on_IN the_DT need_NN to_TO improve_VB considerably_RB the_DT public_JJ debate_NN I_PRP will_MD not_RB go_VB back_RB to_TO what_WP I_PRP said_VBD ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, all_DT too_RB often_RB ,_, the_DT citizens_NNS feel_VBP foreigners_NNS to_TO decisions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP taken_VBN in_IN the_DT bodies_NNS that_IN they_PRP do_VBP not_RB know_VB ._.
3.24 People_NNS with_IN the_DT same_JJ business_NN affairs_NNS in_IN common_JJ are_VBP peacefully_RB bound_VBN to_TO one_CD another_DT ._. The_DT economic_JJ activities_NNS of_IN links_NNS between_IN the_DT people_NNS ._.
4.52 The_DT other_JJ viewpoint_NN illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN '_'' s_PRP initial_JJ statement_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN members_NNS is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN which_WDT are_VBP needed_VBN in_IN order_NN to_TO establish_VB among_IN insurers_NNS ways_NNS of_IN organising_VBG costs_NNS on_IN a_DT mutual_JJ basis_NN providing_VBG everybody_NN with_IN guaranteed_JJ access_NN to_TO high-quality_JJ care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS developing_VBG together_RB with_IN risk_NN and_CC client_NN selection_NN ._. The_DT other_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT original_JJ words_NNS of_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN many_JJ colleagues_NNS ,_, is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB the_DT regulations_NNS and_CC the_DT codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN needed_VBN to_TO establish_VB ,_, between_IN insurers_NNS ,_, forms_NNS of_IN mutual_JJ costs_NNS guaranteeing_VBG to_TO all_PDT the_DT provision_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ quality_NN of_IN care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN seeing_VBG develop_VB discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS and_CC a_DT selection_NN of_IN risks_NNS and_CC customers_NNS ._.
4.36 Whilst_NNP employment_NN may_MD be_VB the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP '_POS s_PRP priority_NN policy_NN ,_, fisheries_NNS ,_, as_IN another_DT economic_JJ sector_NN ,_, can_MD not_RB remain_VB on_IN the_DT sidelines_NNS ._. If_IN employment_NN is_VBZ the_DT political_JJ priority_NN of_IN the_DT Union_NNP ,_, the_DT fishing_NN industry_NN ,_, as_IN the_DT economic_JJ sector_NN ,_, can_MD not_RB remain_VB on_IN the_DT sidelines_NNS ._.
4.68 As_IN a_DT matter_NN of_IN urgency_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_DT staff_NN complement_VBP of_IN the_DT Interdepartmental_NNP Group_NNP attached_VBD to_TO the_DT Commission_NNP Secretariat_NNP should_MD be_VB strengthened_VBN at_IN the_DT earliest_JJS possible_JJ opportunity_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN all_DT proposals_NNS for_IN acts_NNS which_WDT are_VBP general_JJ in_IN scope_NN are_VBP accompanied_VBN ,_, when_WRB considered_VBN by_IN the_DT College_NNP of_IN Commissioners_NNPS and_CC on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, by_IN a_DT simplified_VBN sheet_NN outlining_VBG their_PRP$ potential_JJ impact_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ urgent_JJ that_IN the_DT inter-service_JJ group_NN staff_NN should_MD be_VB strengthened_VBN very_RB quickly_RB at_IN the_DT heart_NN of_IN the_DT General_NNP Secretariat_NNP of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ,_, so_RB that_IN all_DT proposals_NNS to_TO act_VB of_IN general_JJ scope_NN can_MD be_VB accompanied_VBN ,_, during_IN their_PRP$ examination_NN by_IN the_DT college_NN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, a_DT detailed_JJ impact_NN statement_NN ._.
4.3336 People_NNS with_IN the_DT same_JJ business_NN affairs_NNS in_IN common_JJ are_VBP peacefully_RB bound_VBN to_TO one_CD another_DT ._. The_DT common_JJ economic_JJ activities_NNS create_VBP peaceful_JJ links_NNS between_IN people_NNS ._.
4.36 The_DT House_NNP had_VBD also_RB fought_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, for_IN the_DT reduction_NN of_IN the_DT funds_NNS available_JJ for_IN innovative_JJ measures_NNS to_TO be_VB offset_VBN by_IN means_NNS of_IN resources_NNS from_IN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ,_, a_DT demand_NN which_WDT is_VBZ recorded_VBN in_IN a_DT declaration_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN in_IN the_DT Interinstitutional_NNP Agreement_NNP ._. This_DT House_NNP but_CC also_RB fought_VBD so_RB that_IN this_DT reduction_NN in_IN funds_NNS allocated_VBN to_TO the_DT innovative_JJ actions_NNS is_VBZ offset_VBN by_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN framework_NN of_IN flexibility_NN ,_, as_IN defined_VBN in_IN a_DT statement_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN ._.
3.56 It_PRP is_VBZ unlikely_JJ that_IN the_DT planned_JJ protection_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ provision_NN of_IN services_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN a_DT compensatory_JJ fund_NN ,_, as_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN which_WDT private_JJ profits_NNS are_VBP ploughed_VBN back_RB into_IN public_JJ services_NNS ,_, will_MD last_VB ._. The_DT safeguarding_VBG of_IN the_DT universal_JJ service_NN to_TO the_DT aid_NN of_IN a_DT compensation_NN fund_NN which_WDT would_MD make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO engage_VB in_IN private_JJ profits_NNS for_IN the_DT benefit_NN of_IN the_DT public_JJ service_NN will_MD probably_RB long_RB ._.
4.36 Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT one-man_JJ company_NN or_CC a_DT company_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS has_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP should_MD not_RB need_VB to_TO provide_VB 120_CD %_NN loan_NN guarantees_NNS in_IN the_DT form_NN of_IN land_NN to_TO receive_VB financing_NN ;_: it_PRP should_MD also_RB be_VB possible_JJ for_IN it_PRP to_TO be_VB funded_VBN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._. Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT company_NN unipersonnelle_NN or_CC a_DT company_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS is_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP must_MD be_VB possible_JJ to_TO receive_VB financing_NN not_RB only_RB with_IN a_DT guarantee_NN to_TO 120_CD %_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._.
4.68 I_PRP should_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS '_POS report_NN to_TO have_VB been_VBN a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC to_TO have_VB provided_VBN a_DT number_NN of_IN clear_JJ recommendations_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN one_CD or_CC two_CD per_IN chapter_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN the_DT report_NN of_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS fusse_VBP somewhat_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC he_PRP seen_VBN tabled_VBD a_DT few_JJ clear_JJ recommendations_NNS -_: for_IN example_NN ,_, one_CD or_CC two_CD recommendations_NNS by_IN chapter_NN ._.
3.56 Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN devoted_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN to_TO equality_NN through_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC through_IN specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._. Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN of_IN the_DT approach_NN of_IN the_DT approach_NN adopted_VBN by_IN the_DT gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC guidelines_NNS ._.
4.68 Finally_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN devoted_VBN to_TO equal_JJ opportunities_NNS reinforces_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN to_TO equality_NN through_IN gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC through_IN specific_JJ guidelines_NNS ._. Lastly_RB ,_, in_IN a_DT word_NN ,_, the_DT fourth_JJ pillar_NN dedicated_VBN to_TO the_DT equal_JJ opportunity_NN consolidates_VBZ the_DT integrated_JJ approach_NN of_IN the_DT equality_NN by_IN the_DT gender_NN mainstreaming_NN and_CC specific_JJ guiding_VBG lines_NNS ._.
4.84 In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, Chevron_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN accused_VBN by_IN the_DT All-Ijaw_NNP indigenous_JJ people_NNS of_IN instigating_VBG violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC actually_RB paying_VBG Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB protesters_NNS at_IN the_DT Warri_NNP naval_JJ base_NN ._. In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, the_DT indigenous_JJ people_NNS all-ijaw_JJ accused_VBN Chevron_NNP to_TO incite_VB violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC to_TO pay_VB Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO draw_VB on_IN the_DT demonstrators_NNS in_IN the_DT warri_NN naval_JJ base_NN ._.
4.52 On_IN the_DT other_JJ hand_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB given_VBN a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP on_IN our_PRP$ own_JJ ,_, by_IN recognising_VBG the_DT genuine_JJ principles_NNS of_IN democracy_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, we_PRP would_MD have_VB a_DT chance_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB only_RB constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP ,_, recognising_VBG the_DT real_JJ democratic_JJ principles_NNS ._.
4.52 It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT matter_NN of_IN the_DT utmost_JJ importance_NN and_CC yet_RB has_VBZ curiously_RB attracted_VBN very_RB little_JJ public_JJ attention_NN ._. The_DT task_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ essential_JJ ,_, has_VBZ not_RB yet_RB been_VBN a_DT keen_JJ interest_NN on_IN the_DT part_NN of_IN the_DT public_NN ._.
4.7336 Slovakia_NNP has_VBZ not_RB been_VBN condemned_VBN to_TO the_DT second_JJ division_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO join_VB together_RB with_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._. Slovakia_NNP is_VBZ not_RB condemned_VBN to_TO remain_VB in_IN the_DT second_JJ group_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP wants_VBZ to_TO join_VB the_DT Union_NNP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN as_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._.
4.52 All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP at_IN present_JJ engaged_VBN in_IN illicit_JJ work_NN would_MD obtain_VB work_NN with_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._. All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP currently_RB working_VBG to_TO obtain_VB an_DT undeclared_JJ employment_NN in_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._.
4.84 But_CC I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO Parliament_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT EU_NNP spends_VBZ just_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN GDP_NNP and_CC much_JJ of_IN that_DT is_VBZ administered_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. But_CC I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO the_DT House_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP must_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP spends_VBZ only_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN the_DT GDP_NNP of_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS and_CC that_IN the_DT bulk_NN of_IN this_DT money_NN is_VBZ administered_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
4.04 Spain_NNP has_VBZ done_VBN a_DT magnificent_JJ job_NN in_IN turning_VBG round_NN the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourly_JJ relations_NNS which_WDT Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP have_VBP suffered_VBN during_IN the_DT course_NN of_IN history_NN ._. Spain_NNP has_VBZ developed_VBN in_IN a_DT way_NN the_DT positive_JJ extremely_RB difficult_JJ neighbourhood_NN that_WDT has_VBZ always_RB existed_VBN between_IN Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC between_IN Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP ._.
4.84 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD for_IN the_DT García-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP report_NN on_IN the_DT taxation_NN of_IN electronic_JJ commerce_NN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD in_IN favour_NN of_IN the_DT report_NN García-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP ,_, which_WDT concerns_VBZ the_DT taxation_NN of_IN services_NNS provided_VBN by_IN electronic_JJ means_NNS ._.
4.2 As_IN a_DT matter_NN of_IN urgency_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_DT staff_NN complement_VBP of_IN the_DT Interdepartmental_NNP Group_NNP attached_VBD to_TO the_DT Commission_NNP Secretariat_NNP should_MD be_VB strengthened_VBN at_IN the_DT earliest_JJS possible_JJ opportunity_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN all_DT proposals_NNS for_IN acts_NNS which_WDT are_VBP general_JJ in_IN scope_NN are_VBP accompanied_VBN ,_, when_WRB considered_VBN by_IN the_DT College_NNP of_IN Commissioners_NNPS and_CC on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, by_IN a_DT simplified_VBN sheet_NN outlining_VBG their_PRP$ potential_JJ impact_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ urgent_JJ that_IN the_DT staff_NN of_IN the_DT interservice_NN group_NN are_VBP very_RB quickly_RB strengthened_VBD at_IN the_DT heart_NN of_IN the_DT secretariat_NN of_IN the_DT committee_NN ,_, so_RB that_IN all_PDT the_DT proposed_VBN act_NN of_IN general_JJ scope_NN can_MD be_VB accompanied_VBN by_IN the_DT college_NN in_IN their_PRP$ discussion_NN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD ,_, paragraph_NN 2_CD ,_, a_DT fiche_NN d'impact_NN detailed_VBN ._.
4.68 These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT main_JJ one_CD and_CC the_DT secondary_JJ ones_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB the_DT touchstone_NN by_IN which_WDT the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS submitted_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP must_MD be_VB judged_VBN ._. These_DT objectives_NNS ,_, the_DT overarching_JJ objective_NN and_CC secondary_JJ objectives_NNS ,_, represent_VBP the_DT touchstone_NN allowing_VBG us_PRP to_TO judge_VB the_DT concrete_JJ proposals_NNS presented_VBN by_IN the_DT Commission_NNP ._.
4.68 After_IN all_DT ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ by_IN no_DT means_NNS certain_JJ that_IN the_DT proposed_VBN definition_NN of_IN equitable_JJ price_NN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN any_DT other_JJ ,_, because_IN the_DT various_JJ definitions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP currently_RB in_IN use_NN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS are_VBP all_DT perfectly_RB satisfactory_JJ ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ by_IN no_DT means_NNS certain_JJ that_IN the_DT definition_NN of_IN fair_JJ prices_NNS which_WDT is_VBZ being_VBG proposed_VBN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN another_DT ,_, because_IN the_DT different_JJ definitions_NNS currently_RB used_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS all_DT are_VBP quite_RB adequate_JJ ._.
5.0 ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC united_VBD European_JJ continent_NN ._. ._. -LRB-_-LRB- ES_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, enlargement_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ for_IN the_DT construction_NN of_IN a_DT strong_JJ and_CC unified_JJ European_JJ continent_NN ._.
4.8 The_DT UK_NNP Labour_NNP members_NNS of_IN the_DT PES_NNP Group_NNP welcome_VB the_DT adoption_NN of_IN their_PRP$ contribution_NN to_TO the_DT ongoing_JJ work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN endorsing_VBG every_DT single_JJ detail_NN ._. -_: British_JJ Labour_NNP members_NNS of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS welcome_VBP the_DT welcomed_VBN contribution_NN to_TO the_DT continuous_JJ work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN closer_RBR cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN fully_RB adhere_VBP to_TO all_PDT the_DT details_NNS of_IN it_PRP ._.
4.84 Therefore_RB ,_, I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN is_VBZ sustainable_JJ ,_, but_CC that_IN the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT university_NN issue_NN and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ issues_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ success_NN ,_, and_CC powerful_JJ support_NN ,_, else_RB peace_NN throughout_IN the_DT region_NN will_MD be_VB under_IN threat_NN ._. That_DT is_VBZ why_WRB I_PRP believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN can_MD take_VB ._. However_RB ,_, the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT issue_NN of_IN universities_NNS and_CC many_JJ other_JJ problems_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN success_NN and_CC a_DT strong_JJ support_NN ,_, otherwise_RB the_DT threatened_VBN peace_NN throughout_IN the_DT region_NN ._.
4.8 Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN at_IN all_DT than_IN a_DT poor_JJ one_CD and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT instance_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT third-rate_JJ proposal_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD which_WDT was_VBD completely_RB unacceptable_JJ to_TO Europe_NNP ._. Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, worth_IN it_PRP better_JJR not_RB to_TO have_VB an_DT agreement_NN that_WDT will_MD have_VB an_DT agreement_NN that_WDT is_VBZ wrong_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT watered-down_JJ proposal_NN ,_, unacceptable_JJ for_IN Europe_NNP ._.
4.8664 We_PRP shall_MD have_VB to_TO speak_VB with_IN just_RB one_CD disagreeable_JJ voice_NN in_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._. We_PRP speak_VBP with_IN one_CD voice_NN disgracieuse_NN within_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._.
4.84 We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO exchange_VB ideas_NNS on_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT it_PRP has_VBZ emerged_VBN that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._. We_PRP started_VBD to_TO have_VB exchanges_NNS on_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, from_IN where_WRB it_PRP arises_VBZ that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS wish_VBP the_DT maintenance_NN of_IN this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN widening_VBG ._.
4.68 If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ ,_, binding_JJ framework_NN for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, then_RB there_RB should_MD be_VB a_DT longer_JJR evaluation_NN period_NN for_IN the_DT various_JJ support_NN systems_NNS required_VBN to_TO satisfy_VB these_DT requirements_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP create_VBP a_DT clear_JJ framework_NN and_CC binding_JJ on_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, the_DT different_JJ systems_NNS to_TO meet_VB these_DT requirements_NNS should_MD have_VB a_DT longer_JJR period_NN of_IN put_VBN to_TO the_DT test_NN ._.
4.7712 Finally_RB ,_, I_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT idea_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD review_VB the_DT implementation_NN of_IN the_DT programme_JJ annually_RB ._. Finally_RB ,_, I_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT idea_NN of_IN giving_VBG us_PRP an_DT annual_JJ meeting_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO make_VB an_DT assessment_NN of_IN the_DT implementation_NN of_IN the_DT programme_NN ._.
4.68 In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, Chevron_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN accused_VBN by_IN the_DT All-Ijaw_NNP indigenous_JJ people_NNS of_IN instigating_VBG violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC actually_RB paying_VBG Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB protesters_NNS at_IN the_DT Warri_NNP naval_JJ base_NN ._. In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, the_DT indigenous_JJ All-Ijaw_NNP accused_VBD Chevron_NNP to_TO encourage_VB violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC to_TO go_VB as_RB far_RB as_IN to_TO pay_VB Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO draw_VB on_IN the_DT demonstrators_NNS in_IN the_DT naval_JJ base_NN of_IN Warri_NNP ._.
4.36 The_DT aim_NN of_IN the_DT annual_JJ review_NN is_VBZ to_TO identify_VB such_JJ potential_JJ improvements_NNS ._. The_DT report_NN aims_VBZ to_TO identify_VB such_JJ improvements_NNS ._.
4.84 We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT arrangements_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT Preparatory_NNP Committee_NNP and_CC adopted_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP regarding_VBG procedures_NNS for_IN the_DT registration_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS for_IN involvement_NN in_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT Special_JJ Session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._. We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT measures_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ committee_NN and_CC decided_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP with_IN regard_NN to_TO the_DT system_NN of_IN accreditation_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS ,_, with_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT special_JJ session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._.
3.88 Action_NNP is_VBZ needed_VBN quickly_RB ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB we_PRP decided_VBD to_TO include_VB this_DT item_NN on_IN the_DT agenda_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ an_DT urgent_JJ matter_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ to_TO this_DT that_IN we_PRP have_VBP to_TO put_VB this_DT point_NN to_TO the_DT order_NN of_IN the_DT day_NN ._.
4.68 Those_DT who_WP stand_VBP apart_RB from_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN are_VBP really_RB being_VBG given_VBN the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN as_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN passengers_NNS in_IN a_DT car_NN ._. Those_DT which_WDT refuse_VBP the_DT reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN enjoy_VB the_DT same_JJ freedom_NN of_IN movement_NN as_IN the_DT passengers_NNS of_IN the_DT back_JJ seat_NN of_IN a_DT car_NN ._.
5.0 Declarations_NNS must_MD be_VB followed_VBN by_IN concrete_JJ steps_NNS to_TO trace_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._. Statements_NNS must_MD be_VB matched_VBN by_IN action_NN to_TO identify_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._.
4.68 The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN the_DT accession_NN negotiations_NNS and_CC hence_RB of_IN the_DT enlargement_NN ._. The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT progress_NN of_IN the_DT negotiations_NNS of_IN adhesion_NN ,_, and_CC thus_RB widening_VBG ._.
4.68 As_IN there_EX is_VBZ still_RB a_DT lot_NN of_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, we_PRP must_MD know_VB what_WP the_DT scientific_JJ facts_NNS are_VBP and_CC what_WP action_NN must_MD be_VB taken_VBN ._. We_PRP must_MD be_VB aware_JJ today_NN ,_, since_IN we_PRP are_VBP still_RB in_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, what_WDT are_VBP the_DT scientific_JJ data_NNS ,_, what_WDT are_VBP the_DT measures_NNS to_TO be_VB taken_VBN ._.
4.68 The_DT only_JJ instance_NN in_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ levied_VBN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT supplier_NN is_VBZ in_IN a_DT non-EU_JJ country_NN and_CC the_DT recipient_JJ is_VBZ in_IN a_DT Member_NNP State_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._. The_DT only_JJ case_NN for_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ still_RB perceived_VBN is_VBZ that_IN of_IN a_DT delivery_NN in_IN the_DT European_NNP Community_NNP starting_VBG from_IN a_DT third_JJ country_NN ._.
4.36 Reiterating_VBG the_DT calls_NNS made_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, what_WP initiatives_NNS does_VBZ the_DT Presidency_NNP of_IN the_DT European_JJ Council_NNP propose_VBP to_TO take_VB with_IN a_DT view_NN to_TO playing_VBG a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN so_RB as_IN to_TO guarantee_VB the_DT full_JJ and_CC complete_JJ application_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_. As_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP asked_VBD it_PRP in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN March_NNP 16_CD ,_, 2000_CD ,_, that_IN they_PRP initiatives_VBZ the_DT presidency_NN of_IN the_DT European_JJ Council_NNP does_VBZ hope_VB to_TO take_VB to_TO play_VB a_DT more_RBR active_JJ part_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO guarantee_VB the_DT application_NN full_JJ and_CC whole_JJ peace_NN plan_NN of_IN UNO_NNP ?_.
4.68 This_DT is_VBZ a_DT vague_JJ area_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ possible_JJ that_IN more_JJR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS may_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ one_CD point_NN in_IN respect_NN of_IN which_WDT we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._. Things_NNS are_VBP not_RB clear_JJ on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB impossible_JJ that_IN can_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN more_RBR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS ._. This_DT is_VBZ particularly_RB on_IN this_DT point_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._.
4.36 If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ ,_, binding_JJ framework_NN for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, then_RB there_RB should_MD be_VB a_DT longer_JJR evaluation_NN period_NN for_IN the_DT various_JJ support_NN systems_NNS required_VBN to_TO satisfy_VB these_DT requirements_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ framework_NN and_CC constraining_VBG for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, the_DT various_JJ systems_NNS having_VBG to_TO satisfy_VB these_DT requirements_NNS should_MD have_VB more_JJR a_DT long_JJ period_NN of_IN setting_VBG with_IN the_DT test_NN ._.
4.36 The_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP ,_, along_IN with_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, has_VBZ a_DT wealth_NN of_IN experience_NN of_IN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN supervision_NN ,_, and_CC we_PRP can_MD build_VB on_IN these_DT ._. As_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP has_VBZ also_RB solid_JJ experience_NN as_IN regards_VBZ such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN control_NN ._. We_PRP can_MD take_VB as_IN a_DT basis_NN ._.
4.4 On_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ behalf_NN and_CC on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS ,_, I_PRP would_MD ask_VB you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, to_TO send_VB Parliament_NNP '_POS s_PRP condolences_VBZ to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC to_TO the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS in_IN both_DT Brittany_NNP and_CC in_IN Marín_NNP ,_, Galicia_NNP ,_, from_IN where_WRB the_DT majority_NN of_IN the_DT victims_NNS came_VBD ._. Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP would_MD ask_VB you_PRP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS and_CC on_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ behalf_NN ,_, to_TO send_VB a_DT message_NN of_IN condolence_NN from_IN Parliament_NNP to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS of_IN both_DT Brittany_NNP and_CC MarÃn_NNP ,_, city_NN of_IN Galicia_NNP ,_, which_WDT most_JJS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS ._.
4.6 At_IN Feira_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP considered_VBD those_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT Stabilisation_NNP and_CC Association_NNP Process_NNP as_IN potential_JJ applicants_NNS for_IN membership_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. In_IN Feira_NNP ,_, he_PRP has_VBZ recognised_VBN the_DT quality_NN of_IN potential_JJ candidates_NNS for_IN accession_NN to_TO the_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT stabilisation_NN and_CC association_NN process_NN ._.
4.2 Spain_NNP has_VBZ done_VBN a_DT magnificent_JJ job_NN in_IN turning_VBG round_NN the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourly_JJ relations_NNS which_WDT Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP have_VBP suffered_VBN during_IN the_DT course_NN of_IN history_NN ._. Spain_NNP has_VBZ developed_VBN in_IN a_DT remarkably_RB positive_JJ the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourhood_NN which_WDT always_RB existed_VBD between_IN Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC between_IN Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP ._.
5.0 There_EX is_VBZ an_DT urgent_JJ need_NN ,_, following_VBG the_DT recent_JJ attacks_NNS on_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP ,_, to_TO promote_VB democratisation_NN measures_NNS and_CC measures_NNS to_TO strengthen_VB institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._. The_DT recent_JJ incidents_NNS against_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP make_VBP it_PRP more_RBR imperative_JJ the_DT need_NN to_TO promote_VB measures_NNS for_IN democratisation_NN ,_, strengthening_VBG the_DT institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._.
4.36 As_IN a_DT matter_NN of_IN urgency_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_DT staff_NN complement_VBP of_IN the_DT Interdepartmental_NNP Group_NNP attached_VBD to_TO the_DT Commission_NNP Secretariat_NNP should_MD be_VB strengthened_VBN at_IN the_DT earliest_JJS possible_JJ opportunity_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN all_DT proposals_NNS for_IN acts_NNS which_WDT are_VBP general_JJ in_IN scope_NN are_VBP accompanied_VBN ,_, when_WRB considered_VBN by_IN the_DT College_NNP of_IN Commissioners_NNPS and_CC on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, by_IN a_DT simplified_VBN sheet_NN outlining_VBG their_PRP$ potential_JJ impact_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ urgent_JJ that_IN the_DT staff_NN of_IN the_DT interservice_NN group_NN are_VBP very_RB quickly_RB strengthened_VBD at_IN the_DT heart_NN of_IN the_DT secretariat_NN of_IN the_DT committee_NN ,_, so_RB that_IN all_PDT the_DT proposed_VBN act_NN of_IN general_JJ scope_NN can_MD be_VB accompanied_VBN ,_, during_IN their_PRP$ examination_NN by_IN the_DT College_NNP on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN Article_NNP 299_CD -LRB-_-LRB- 2_LS -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, a_DT fiche_NN d'impact_NN detail_NN ._.
4.68 As_IN there_EX is_VBZ still_RB a_DT lot_NN of_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, we_PRP must_MD know_VB what_WP the_DT scientific_JJ facts_NNS are_VBP and_CC what_WP action_NN must_MD be_VB taken_VBN ._. We_PRP need_VBP to_TO know_VB today_NN ,_, since_IN we_PRP are_VBP still_RB in_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, what_WDT are_VBP the_DT scientific_JJ data_NNS ,_, what_WDT are_VBP the_DT measures_NNS to_TO be_VB taken_VBN ._.
4.2 It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT matter_NN of_IN the_DT utmost_JJ importance_NN and_CC yet_RB has_VBZ curiously_RB attracted_VBN very_RB little_JJ public_JJ attention_NN ._. The_DT task_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ capital_NN ,_, has_VBZ not_RB yet_RB been_VBN a_DT lively_JJ interest_NN on_IN the_DT part_NN of_IN the_DT public_NN ._.
5.0 B5-0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT kidnap_VB in_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerillas_NNS ;_: -LRB-_-LRB- B5-0794_JJ /_NN 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Linkohr_NNP and_CC Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT kidnapping_NN in_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerillas_NNS ;_:
4.6 I_PRP call_VBP on_IN Prague_NNP to_TO respond_VB to_TO this_DT signal_NN ,_, this_DT challenge_NN ,_, this_DT plea_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO grant_VB our_PRP$ request_NN and_CC to_TO ensure_VB ,_, together_RB with_IN our_PRP$ House_NNP ,_, that_IN this_DT legacy_NN of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB consigned_VBN to_TO the_DT past_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD urge_VB Prague_NNP to_TO seize_VB this_DT sign_NN ,_, this_DT invitation_NN ,_, this_DT request_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO follow_VB them_PRP up_RP ,_, and_CC to_TO ensure_VB that_IN ,_, together_RB with_IN this_DT House_NNP ,_, these_DT relics_NNS of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB abandoned_VBN ._.
4.6 As_IN there_EX is_VBZ still_RB a_DT lot_NN of_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, we_PRP must_MD know_VB what_WP the_DT scientific_JJ facts_NNS are_VBP and_CC what_WP action_NN must_MD be_VB taken_VBN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ necessary_JJ to_TO know_VB today_NN ,_, since_IN we_PRP are_VBP always_RB in_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, which_WDT are_VBP the_DT scientific_JJ data_NNS ,_, which_WDT are_VBP the_DT measures_NNS to_TO be_VB taken_VBN ._.
4.4 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP '_POS s_PRP attitude_NN to_TO the_DT right_NN of_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS may_MD be_VB seen_VBN from_IN the_DT internal_JJ handbook_NN sent_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP to_TO employees_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO tell_VB them_PRP how_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_IN requests_NNS from_IN MEPs_NNS for_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP have_VBP to_TO know_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS position_NN in_IN relation_NN to_TO public_JJ access_NN to_TO documents_NNS on_IN reading_VBG the_DT internal_JJ Manuel_NNP which_WDT has_VBZ been_VBN submitted_VBN ,_, on_IN 11_CD October_NNP ,_, to_TO the_DT Commission_NN officials_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO explain_VB how_WRB they_PRP deal_VBP with_IN the_DT requests_NNS of_IN Members_NNS regarding_VBG access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._.
4.8 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP took_VBD a_DT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN care_NN over_IN preparing_VBG the_DT Karamanou_NNP report_NN in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Citizens_NNPS '_POS Freedoms_NNPS and_CC Rights_NNPS ,_, Justice_NNP and_CC Home_NNP Affairs_NNP ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Citizens_NNPS '_POS Freedoms_NNPS and_CC Rights_NNPS ,_, Justice_NNP and_CC Internal_NNP Affairs_NNP has_VBZ prepared_VBN carefully_RB the_DT Karamanou_NNP report_NN ._.
4.4 I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, Common_NNP Security_NNP and_CC Defence_NNP Policy_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ ,_, comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ and_CC comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._.
4.0 Whilst_NNP employment_NN may_MD be_VB the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP '_POS s_PRP priority_NN policy_NN ,_, fisheries_NNS ,_, as_IN another_DT economic_JJ sector_NN ,_, can_MD not_RB remain_VB on_IN the_DT sidelines_NNS ._. If_IN the_DT employment_NN is_VBZ the_DT policy_NN of_IN the_DT Union_NNP ,_, the_DT Community_NNP ,_, as_IN a_DT sector_NN ,_, can_MD not_RB remain_VB on_IN the_DT sidelines_NNS ._.
4.2 This_DT is_VBZ a_DT vague_JJ area_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ possible_JJ that_IN more_JJR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS may_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ one_CD point_NN in_IN respect_NN of_IN which_WDT we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._. Things_NNS are_VBP not_RB clear_JJ on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB impossible_JJ that_IN we_PRP can_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN more_RBR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS ,_, but_CC particularly_RB on_IN this_DT point_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._.
4.6 The_DT lesson_NN for_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP this_DT morning_NN must_MD be_VB that_IN we_PRP have_VBP to_TO conclude_VB that_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS throughout_IN the_DT world_NN are_VBP in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN shambles_NN and_CC we_PRP have_VBP to_TO begin_VB the_DT process_NN of_IN putting_VBG them_PRP right_RB ._. The_DT lesson_NN for_IN us_PRP within_IN this_DT House_NNP in_IN its_PRP$ debate_NN this_DT morning_NN is_VBZ that_IN we_PRP are_VBP forced_VBN to_TO conclude_VB that_IN the_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS are_VBP in_IN the_DT world_NN ,_, in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN control_NN ,_, and_CC that_IN we_PRP must_MD get_VB down_RB to_TO the_DT task_NN to_TO put_VB its_PRP$ house_NN in_IN order_NN ._.
5.0 We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT arrangements_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT Preparatory_NNP Committee_NNP and_CC adopted_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP regarding_VBG procedures_NNS for_IN the_DT registration_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS for_IN involvement_NN in_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT Special_JJ Session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._. We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT proposed_JJ provisions_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ committee_NN and_CC decided_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP as_IN regards_VBZ the_DT method_NN of_IN accreditation_NN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS ,_, the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT extraordinary_JJ session_NN of_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._.
3.88 At_IN Feira_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP considered_VBD those_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT Stabilisation_NNP and_CC Association_NNP Process_NNP as_IN potential_JJ applicants_NNS for_IN membership_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. In_IN Feira_NNP ,_, he_PRP recognized_VBD the_DT quality_NN of_IN potential_JJ candidates_NNS to_TO adhesion_NN with_IN the_DT countries_NNS taking_VBG part_NN in_IN the_DT stabilisation_NN process_NN and_CC of_IN association_NN ._.
4.52 That_DT is_VBZ a_DT shameful_JJ state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS when_WRB we_PRP consider_VBP that_IN the_DT EU_NNP itself_PRP is_VBZ a_DT champion_NN of_IN modernised_JJ business_NN practice_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT disgrace_NN when_WRB we_PRP think_VBP that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP raises_VBZ champion_NN of_IN the_DT modernisation_NN of_IN economic_JJ life_NN !_.
5.0 I_PRP should_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS '_POS report_NN to_TO have_VB been_VBN a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC to_TO have_VB provided_VBN a_DT number_NN of_IN clear_JJ recommendations_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN one_CD or_CC two_CD per_IN chapter_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD also_RB have_VB liked_VBN to_TO see_VB the_DT report_NN of_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Auditors_NNS was_VBD a_DT little_RB more_RBR user-friendly_JJ and_CC that_IN he_PRP had_VBD tabled_VBN a_DT number_NN of_IN clear_JJ recommendations_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, one_CD or_CC two_CD recommendations_NNS by_IN chapter_NN ._.
3.4 At_IN Feira_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP considered_VBD those_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT Stabilisation_NNP and_CC Association_NNP Process_NNP as_IN potential_JJ applicants_NNS for_IN membership_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ._. In_IN it_PRP ,_, he_PRP has_VBZ recognised_VBN the_DT quality_NN of_IN potential_JJ candidates_NNS for_IN membership_NN in_IN the_DT countries_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_DT stabilisation_NN and_CC association_NN process_NN ._.
4.2 While_IN withdrawing_VBG the_DT resolution_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, I_PRP express_VBP the_DT conviction_NN that_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB made_VBN its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBD better_JJR if_IN ,_, in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, it_PRP had_VBD devoted_VBN a_DT specific_JJ and_CC separate_JJ resolution_NN to_TO these_DT important_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ topics_NNS of_IN the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, instead_RB of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN them_PRP in_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT also_RB embraces_VBZ all_PDT the_DT other_JJ points_NNS on_IN the_DT Council_NNP agenda_NN ._. By_IN withdrawing_VBG our_PRP$ resolution_NN ,_, I_PRP am_VBP nevertheless_RB convinced_VBN that_IN our_PRP$ Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB done_VBN better_JJR to_TO its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBN by_IN spending_NN ,_, for_IN the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, a_DT resolution_NN specific_NN and_CC separate_JJ with_IN so_RB important_JJ and_CC so_RB difficult_JJ issues_NNS to_TO the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, rather_RB than_IN to_TO deal_VB with_IN them_PRP in_IN the_DT context_NN of_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN including_VBG also_RB all_PDT the_DT other_JJ items_NNS on_IN the_DT agenda_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP ._.
4.36 People_NNS with_IN the_DT same_JJ business_NN affairs_NNS in_IN common_JJ are_VBP peacefully_RB bound_VBN to_TO one_CD another_DT ._. The_DT common_JJ economic_JJ activities_NNS create_VBP peaceful_JJ links_NNS between_IN the_DT people_NNS ._.
4.36 There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, one_CD crucial_JJ event_NN ,_, namely_RB that_IN a_DT start_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN with_IN category_NN four_CD and_CC with_IN looking_VBG at_IN ways_NNS how_WRB we_PRP will_MD deal_VB with_IN it_PRP ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB yet_RB entirely_RB clear_JJ whether_IN we_PRP have_VBP managed_VBN to_TO resolve_VB this_DT ,_, partly_RB because_IN the_DT Council_NNP refuses_VBZ to_TO have_VB sufficient_JJ input_NN in_IN the_DT attendant_NN thought_VBD processes_NNS ._. There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, a_DT very_RB important_JJ point_NN is_VBZ the_DT fact_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP started_VBN category_NN four_CD ,_, with_IN his_PRP$ approach_NN ,_, but_CC we_PRP do_VBP not_RB yet_RB know_VB very_RB well_RB if_IN we_PRP managed_VBD to_TO solve_VB the_DT problem_NN ,_, particularly_RB because_IN the_DT Council_NNP does_VBZ not_RB wish_VB to_TO participate_VB in_IN the_DT discussion_NN ._.
4.6568 It_PRP is_VBZ gratifying_VBG that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ succeeded_VBN in_IN producing_VBG a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN more_JJR openness_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ gratifying_VBG that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ managed_VBN to_TO gather_VB a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN greater_JJR transparency_NN ._.
4.68 The_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thanks_NNS you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, for_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN the_DT warm_JJ reception_NN you_PRP have_VBP given_VBN us_PRP ._. For_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN your_PRP$ welcome_JJ ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS of_IN the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS ,_, the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thank_VBP you_PRP ._.
4.36 If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ ,_, binding_JJ framework_NN for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, then_RB there_RB should_MD be_VB a_DT longer_JJR evaluation_NN period_NN for_IN the_DT various_JJ support_NN systems_NNS required_VBN to_TO satisfy_VB these_DT requirements_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP create_VBP a_DT clear_JJ and_CC binding_JJ framework_NN for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, the_DT various_JJ systems_NNS have_VBP to_TO meet_VB these_DT requirements_NNS should_MD have_VB a_DT longer_JJR period_NN of_IN put_VBN to_TO the_DT test_NN ._.
4.68 The_DT resolution_NN on_IN Nice_NNP ,_, voted_VBD today_NN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB this_DT ._. The_DT resolution_NN on_IN the_DT Nice_NNP Summit_NNP ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ just_RB been_VBN adopted_VBN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB it_PRP ._.
4.84 The_DT very_JJ worst_JJS situation_NN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT women_NNS concerned_VBN also_RB come_VBN from_IN distant_JJ countries_NNS ,_, having_VBG taken_VBN the_DT work_NN on_IN out_IN of_IN desperation_NN because_IN they_PRP have_VBP no_DT other_JJ way_NN of_IN continuing_VBG to_TO provide_VB for_IN themselves_PRP ._. Things_NNS are_VBP getting_VBG worse_JJR when_WRB it_PRP is_VBZ a_DT matter_NN of_IN women_NNS from_IN distant_JJ countries_NNS which_WDT have_VBP accepted_VBN this_DT work_NN by_IN necessity_NN and_CC which_WDT have_VBP no_DT alternative_NN to_TO continue_VB to_TO provide_VB for_IN their_PRP$ vital_JJ needs_NNS ._.
4.68 I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP they_PRP have_VBP had_VBN whole_JJ herd_NN slaughter_NN and_CC this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN forward_RB ._. I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP ,_, the_DT principle_NN of_IN slaughter_NN of_IN the_DT whole_JJ herd_NN has_VBZ been_VBN applied_VBN ,_, and_CC that_IN this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN to_TO combat_VB this_DT phenomenon_NN ._.
4.84 Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_DT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB precisely_RB the_DT opposite_JJ ,_, and_CC so_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB vote_VB for_IN it_PRP ._. Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_DT final_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB exactly_RB the_DT opposite_JJ and_CC obviously_RB we_PRP can_MD not_RB endorse_VB it_PRP ._.
4.84 Finally_RB ,_, I_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT idea_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD review_VB the_DT implementation_NN of_IN the_DT programme_JJ annually_RB ._. Finally_RB ,_, I_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT idea_NN of_IN giving_VBG us_PRP an_DT annual_JJ meeting_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO take_VB stock_NN of_IN the_DT implementation_NN of_IN the_DT programme_NN ._.
4.52 But_CC I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO Parliament_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT EU_NNP spends_VBZ just_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN GDP_NNP and_CC much_JJ of_IN that_DT is_VBZ administered_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO the_DT House_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP must_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP spends_VBZ only_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN the_DT GDP_NNP of_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS and_CC that_IN most_JJS of_IN this_DT money_NN is_VBZ managed_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
5.0 -LRB-_-LRB- Parliament_NNP accepted_VBD the_DT oral_JJ amendment_NN -RRB-_-RRB- -LRB-_-LRB- Parliament_NNP accepts_VBZ the_DT oral_JJ amendment_NN -RRB-_-RRB-
4.68 That_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP have_VBP avoided_VBN a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN by_IN going_VBG to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN has_VBZ been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB though_IN we_PRP have_VBP used_VBN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._. That_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP avoided_VBD a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN back_RB to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ,_, the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN has_VBZ been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB if_IN we_PRP use_VBP the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._.
4.2 Spain_NNP has_VBZ done_VBN a_DT magnificent_JJ job_NN in_IN turning_VBG round_NN the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourly_JJ relations_NNS which_WDT Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP have_VBP suffered_VBN during_IN the_DT course_NN of_IN history_NN ._. Spain_NNP has_VBZ developed_VBN a_DT remarkably_RB positive_JJ the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourhood_NN which_WDT has_VBZ always_RB existed_VBN between_IN Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC between_IN Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP ._.
4.36 From_IN the_DT first_JJ discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT dossier_NN ,_, which_WDT were_VBD held_VBN at_IN European_JJ level_NN at_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT commitment_NN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO pursue_VB a_DT course_NN of_IN action_NN designed_VBN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP might_MD call_VB a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, grounded_VBN in_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS of_IN duty_NN ,_, respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN our_PRP$ citizens_NNS and_CC efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._. Since_IN the_DT initial_JJ reflections_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, which_WDT took_VBD place_NN at_IN European_JJ level_NN at_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP is_VBZ committed_VBN towards_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO promote_VB action_NN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP could_MD consider_VB it_PRP as_IN a_DT police_NN European_JJ culture_NN ,_, focused_VBD on_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS in_IN the_DT field_NN of_IN ethics_NNS ,_, respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN the_DT people_NNS ,_, and_CC effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._.
5.0 We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT arrangements_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT Preparatory_NNP Committee_NNP and_CC adopted_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP regarding_VBG procedures_NNS for_IN the_DT registration_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS for_IN involvement_NN in_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT Special_JJ Session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._. We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT proposed_JJ provisions_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ committee_NN and_CC decided_VBN by_IN the_DT general_JJ meeting_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO the_DT method_NN of_IN accreditation_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS ,_, the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC to_TO the_DT special_JJ session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._.
4.6 That_DT was_VBD changed_VBN in_IN the_DT face_NN of_IN criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB from_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, and_CC a_DT different_JJ spin_NN has_VBZ now_RB been_VBN put_VBN on_IN it_PRP by_IN the_DT British_JJ Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB being_VBG portrayed_VBN as_IN a_DT user_NN charge_NN for_IN all_DT ,_, including_VBG British_JJ lorry_NN drivers_NNS ._. Vis-a-vis_JJ criticisms_NNS ,_, particularly_RB those_DT of_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, the_DT British_NNP Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP gave_VBD a_DT new_JJ interpretation_NN of_IN it_PRP :_: it_PRP would_MD be_VB now_RB about_IN a_DT tax_NN for_IN all_PDT the_DT users_NNS ,_, including_VBG the_DT British_JJ drivers_NNS of_IN heavy_JJ lorries_NNS ._.
4.68 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP took_VBD a_DT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN care_NN over_IN preparing_VBG the_DT Karamanou_NNP report_NN in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Citizens_NNPS '_POS Freedoms_NNPS and_CC Rights_NNPS ,_, Justice_NNP and_CC Home_NNP Affairs_NNP ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Citizens_NNPS '_POS Freedoms_NNPS and_CC Rights_NNPS ,_, Justice_NNP and_CC Internal_NNP Affairs_NNP has_VBZ prepared_VBN very_RB carefully_RB the_DT Karamanou_NNP report_NN ._.
5.0 There_EX is_VBZ an_DT urgent_JJ need_NN ,_, following_VBG the_DT recent_JJ attacks_NNS on_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP ,_, to_TO promote_VB democratisation_NN measures_NNS and_CC measures_NNS to_TO strengthen_VB institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._. The_DT recent_JJ incidents_NNS against_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP make_VBP more_JJR imperative_JJ the_DT need_NN to_TO promote_VB measures_NNS to_TO democratisation_NN ,_, the_DT strengthening_NN of_IN institutions_NNS and_CC the_DT respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._.
4.4 The_DT resolution_NN on_IN Nice_NNP ,_, voted_VBD today_NN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB this_DT ._. The_DT resolution_NN on_IN the_DT Nice_NNP Summit_NNP ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ just_RB been_VBN adopted_VBN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB ._.
4.2 People_NNS with_IN the_DT same_JJ business_NN affairs_NNS in_IN common_JJ are_VBP peacefully_RB bound_VBN to_TO one_CD another_DT ._. The_DT joint_JJ economic_JJ activities_NNS create_VBP peaceful_JJ links_NNS between_IN peoples_NNS ._.
3.6 The_DT only_JJ instance_NN in_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ levied_VBN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT supplier_NN is_VBZ in_IN a_DT non-EU_JJ country_NN and_CC the_DT recipient_JJ is_VBZ in_IN a_DT Member_NNP State_NNP of_IN the_DT EU_NNP ._. The_DT only_JJ case_NN for_IN which_WDT no_DT tax_NN is_VBZ not_RB yet_RB seen_VBN is_VBZ one_CD of_IN supply_NN in_IN the_DT European_NNP Community_NNP from_IN a_DT third_JJ country_NN ._.
5.0 But_CC I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO Parliament_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT EU_NNP spends_VBZ just_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN GDP_NNP and_CC much_JJ of_IN that_DT is_VBZ administered_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. However_RB ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO the_DT House_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP must_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ spending_VBG that_IN 1_CD %_NN of_IN GDP_NNP in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS and_CC that_IN most_JJS of_IN this_DT money_NN is_VBZ managed_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
5.0 The_DT right_NN of_IN a_DT government_NN arbitrarily_RB to_TO set_VB aside_RP its_PRP$ own_JJ constitution_NN is_VBZ the_DT defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._. The_DT right_NN for_IN a_DT government_NN to_TO dismiss_VB its_PRP$ Constitution_NNP arbitrarily_RB is_VBZ the_DT defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._.
3.88 This_DT rule_NN can_MD be_VB applied_VBN equally_RB to_TO all_DT recreational_JJ but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS when_WRB no_DT one_NN but_CC the_DT person_NN consuming_NN the_DT drug_NN is_VBZ likely_JJ to_TO be_VB affected_VBN ._. This_DT could_MD also_RB apply_VB to_TO all_DT drugs_NNS but_CC dangerous_JJ insofar_RB as_IN the_DT consumer_NN of_IN drugs_NNS is_VBZ the_DT only_RB to_TO run_VB risks_NNS ._.
5.0 Clearly_RB ,_, explanations_NNS are_VBP necessary_JJ for_IN the_DT increased_VBN incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. It_PRP is_VBZ obviously_RB necessary_JJ to_TO clarify_VB the_DT reasons_NNS for_IN the_DT increase_NN in_IN the_DT incidence_NN of_IN BSE_NNP ,_, not_RB only_RB in_IN France_NNP but_CC also_RB in_IN other_JJ Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
4.6 One_CD could_MD indeed_RB wish_VB for_IN more_JJR and_CC for_IN improvement_NN ,_, but_CC I_PRP honestly_RB believe_VBP that_IN we_PRP have_VBP made_VBN a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._. We_PRP can_MD indeed_RB wish_VB more_JJR and_CC better_JJR ,_, but_CC I_PRP think_VBP quite_RB honestly_RB that_IN it_PRP is_VBZ a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._.
5.0 Declarations_NNS must_MD be_VB followed_VBN by_IN concrete_JJ steps_NNS to_TO trace_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._. The_DT statements_NNS must_MD be_VB followed_VBN by_IN specific_JJ actions_NNS to_TO identify_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._.
4.8 I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP they_PRP have_VBP had_VBN whole_JJ herd_NN slaughter_NN and_CC this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN forward_RB ._. I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP ,_, the_DT slaughter_NN of_IN whole_JJ herds_NNS principle_NN was_VBD applied_VBN and_CC that_IN it_PRP does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN to_TO combat_VB this_DT phenomenon_NN ._.
3.56 -LRB-_-LRB- The_DT sitting_VBG was_VBD suspended_VBN at_IN 2.06_CD p.m._NN and_CC resumed_VBD at_IN 3_CD p.m._NN -RRB-_-RRB- -LRB-_-LRB- the_DT sitting_VBG was_VBD suspended_VBN at_IN ,_, is_VBZ resumed_VBN at_IN 3_CD p.m._NN -RRB-_-RRB-
4.2 They_PRP will_MD keep_VB the_DT pressure_NN on_IN ,_, and_CC they_PRP are_VBP strengthening_VBG their_PRP$ position_NN with_IN the_DT revenue_NN they_PRP are_VBP generating_VBG from_IN delivering_VBG mail_NN above_IN 150_CD grams_NNS ._. They_PRP will_MD continue_VB to_TO put_VB pressure_NN on_IN the_DT money_NN they_PRP earned_VBD with_IN distribution_NN beyond_IN the_DT bounds_NNS of_IN 150_CD grams_NNS enables_VBZ them_PRP to_TO improve_VB their_PRP$ position_NN ._.
4.68 I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNPS into_IN the_DT eventual_JJ Treaty_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ._. I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT requires_VBZ the_DT integration_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNS in_IN the_DT future_JJ Treaty_NNP which_WDT will_MD be_VB adopted_VBN in_IN Nice_NNP ._.
4.04 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB a_DT few_JJ words_NNS on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, be_VB passed_VBN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, my_PRP$ dear_RB colleagues_NNS ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO intervene_VB on_IN the_DT common_JJ resolution_NN which_WDT of_IN course_NN we_PRP will_MD ._.
4.36 He_PRP will_MD stand_VB trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP on_IN charges_NNS of_IN having_VBG attended_VBD a_DT meeting_NN of_IN the_DT Tunisian_JJ opposition_NN in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT he_PRP denies_VBZ ._. It_PRP is_VBZ on_IN trial_NN on_IN 8_CD January_NNP ._. He_PRP is_VBZ accused_VBN of_IN having_VBG participated_VBN in_IN a_DT meeting_NN of_IN Tunisian_JJ opponents_NNS in_IN France_NNP ,_, which_WDT incidentally_RB it_PRP excludes_VBZ ._.
4.04 I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, Common_NNP Security_NNP and_CC Defence_NNP Policy_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ ,_, comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._. I_PRP thank_VBP the_DT rapporteur_NN for_IN the_DT Committee_NNP for_IN the_DT foreign_JJ affairs_NNS ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ and_CC complete_JJ report/ratio_NN ._.
4.2 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP '_POS s_PRP attitude_NN to_TO the_DT right_NN of_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS may_MD be_VB seen_VBN from_IN the_DT internal_JJ handbook_NN sent_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP to_TO employees_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO tell_VB them_PRP how_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_IN requests_NNS from_IN MEPs_NNS for_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP can_MD hear_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS position_NN on_IN public_JJ access_NN to_TO documents_NNS from_IN the_DT internal_JJ manual_NN ,_, which_WDT was_VBD submitted_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS officials_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO explain_VB to_TO them_PRP how_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_IN the_DT requests_NNS of_IN Members_NNS as_IN regards_VBZ access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._.
4.68 As_RB long_RB ago_RB as_IN 1996_CD the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP came_VBD out_RP in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT ban_NN on_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN meat-and-bone_JJ meal_NN throughout_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN -_: if_IN only_RB ._. From_IN 1996_CD ,_, the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ declared_VBN itself_PRP in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT ban_NN on_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN meat_NN and_CC bone_NN meal_NN in_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ,_, in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN -_: only_RB if_IN we_PRP had_VBD listened_VBN ._.
4.52 I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP rather_RB odd_JJ that_IN people_NNS are_VBP already_RB trying_VBG to_TO tie_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS hands_NNS in_IN relation_NN to_TO the_DT proposal_NN for_IN a_DT directive_NN ,_, while_IN at_IN the_DT same_JJ calling_VBG on_IN it_PRP to_TO present_VB a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ situation_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO optional_JJ and_CC supplementary_JJ health_NN insurance_NN schemes_NNS ._. I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP a_DT little_JJ strange_JJ to_TO now_RB force_VB the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO a_DT motion_NN for_IN a_DT resolution_NN and_CC ask_VB him_PRP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN to_TO draw_VB up_RP a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ state_NN of_IN voluntary_JJ and_CC insurance_NN supplementary_JJ sickness_NN insurance_NN ._.
4.68 Do_VBP you_PRP think_VB that_IN the_DT Austrian_JJ model_NN ,_, i.e._FW bilateral_JJ majority_NN resolutions_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB used_VBN in_IN future_NN as_IN a_DT way_NN of_IN passing_VBG resolutions_NNS which_WDT bypass_VBP the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC of_IN forming_VBG a_DT new_JJ institution_NN or_CC a_DT new_JJ group_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO circumvent_VB unanimity_NN in_IN the_DT Council_NNP ?_. Do_VBP you_PRP believe_VBP that_IN the_DT Austrian_JJ model_NN ''_'' '_'' --_: namely_RB bilateral_JJ majority_NN decision-making_NN -_: will_MD in_IN future_JJ an_DT instrument_NN to_TO take_VB decisions_NNS by_IN ignoring_VBG the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC start_VB a_DT new_JJ institution_NN ,_, or_CC a_DT new_JJ group_NN ,_, to_TO get_VB round_VB the_DT unanimity_NN rule_NN in_IN the_DT Council_NNP ?_.
4.52 Knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ accepted_VBN as_IN a_DT necessary_JJ precursor_NN to_TO mobility_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ accepted_VBN that_IN the_DT knowledge_NN of_IN languages_NNS is_VBZ a_DT reference_NN to_TO the_DT mobility_NN ._.
4.52 This_DT is_VBZ no_DT time_NN for_IN the_DT faint-hearted_JJ ._. It_PRP is_VBZ not_RB the_DT time_NN to_TO be_VB hesitant_JJ ._.
3.6 The_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP ,_, along_IN with_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, has_VBZ a_DT wealth_NN of_IN experience_NN of_IN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN supervision_NN ,_, and_CC we_PRP can_MD build_VB on_IN these_DT ._. Just_RB as_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP also_RB has_VBZ a_DT solid_JJ experience_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN control_NN ._. We_PRP can_MD to_TO base_NN ._.
4.0 This_DT is_VBZ a_DT vague_JJ area_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ possible_JJ that_IN more_JJR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS may_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ one_CD point_NN in_IN respect_NN of_IN which_WDT we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._. It_PRP is_VBZ not_RB clear_JJ on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB impossible_JJ that_IN can_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN for_IN more_JJR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS ._. This_DT is_VBZ particularly_RB on_IN this_DT point_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._.
4.4 The_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP and_CC the_DT Internal_NNP Market_NNP rightly_RB insists_VBZ on_IN no_DT upper_JJ limit_NN and_CC a_DT minimum_NN of_IN no_DT less_JJR than_IN 7_CD %_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ right_JJ that_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP persists_VBZ in_IN refusing_VBG a_DT ceiling_NN and_CC a_DT minimum_JJ rate_NN which_WDT can_MD not_RB be_VB below_IN 7_CD %_NN ._.
4.4 The_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP ,_, along_IN with_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, has_VBZ a_DT wealth_NN of_IN experience_NN of_IN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN supervision_NN ,_, and_CC we_PRP can_MD build_VB on_IN these_DT ._. As_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP also_RB has_VBZ a_DT solid_JJ experience_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN control_NN we_PRP can_MD take_VB it_PRP as_IN a_DT basis_NN ._.
4.36 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP '_POS s_PRP attitude_NN to_TO the_DT right_NN of_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS may_MD be_VB seen_VBN from_IN the_DT internal_JJ handbook_NN sent_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP to_TO employees_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO tell_VB them_PRP how_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_IN requests_NNS from_IN MEPs_NNS for_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB know_VB the_DT position_NN of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP in_IN the_DT matter_NN of_IN public_JJ access_NN to_TO documents_NNS in_IN reading_VBG the_DT Commission_NNP has_VBZ that_DT has_VBZ been_VBN postponed_VBN ,_, on_IN 11_CD October_NNP ,_, the_DT officials_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP in_IN order_NN to_TO explain_VB the_DT way_NN in_IN which_WDT they_PRP had_VBD to_TO deal_VB with_IN the_DT requests_NNS in_IN this_DT regard_NN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._.
4.84 If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ ,_, binding_JJ framework_NN for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, then_RB there_RB should_MD be_VB a_DT longer_JJR evaluation_NN period_NN for_IN the_DT various_JJ support_NN systems_NNS required_VBN to_TO satisfy_VB these_DT requirements_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ framework_NN and_CC binding_JJ on_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, the_DT different_JJ systems_NNS to_TO meet_VB these_DT requirements_NNS should_MD have_VB a_DT longer_JJR period_NN of_IN being_VBG tested_VBN ._.
3.72 That_DT made_VBD them_PRP heavily_RB dependent_JJ on_IN loans_NNS ._. A_DT development_NN which_WDT made_VBD capital_NN borrowed_VBN heavily_RB dependent_JJ ._.
4.68 Therefore_RB ,_, I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN is_VBZ sustainable_JJ ,_, but_CC that_IN the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT university_NN issue_NN and_CC to_TO many_JJ other_JJ issues_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ success_NN ,_, and_CC powerful_JJ support_NN ,_, else_RB peace_NN throughout_IN the_DT region_NN will_MD be_VB under_IN threat_NN ._. That_DT is_VBZ why_WRB I_PRP also_RB believe_VBP that_IN this_DT reconciliation_NN can_MD take_VB ,_, and_CC the_DT government_NN ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ very_RB courageously_RB found_VBD a_DT solution_NN to_TO the_DT issue_NN of_IN universities_NNS and_CC many_JJ other_JJ problems_NNS ,_, needs_VBZ visible_JJ signs_NNS of_IN success_NN and_CC a_DT strong_JJ support_NN ,_, otherwise_RB the_DT peace_NN threatened_VBN in_IN the_DT region_NN as_IN a_DT whole_NN ._.
4.68 That_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP have_VBP avoided_VBN a_DT budgetary_JJ crisis_NN by_IN going_VBG to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN has_VBZ been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB though_IN we_PRP have_VBP used_VBN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._. This_DT is_VBZ what_WP we_PRP have_VBP done_VBN :_: we_PRP have_VBP a_DT budget_NN crisis_NN in_IN coming_VBG to_TO Article_NNP 272_CD ;_: the_DT financial_JJ perspectives_NNS have_VBP been_VBN maintained_VBN ,_, even_RB if_IN we_PRP have_VBP used_VBN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ._.
4.84 Given_VBN this_DT situation_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ an_DT inescapable_JJ need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN ._. Faced_VBN with_IN these_DT realities_NNS ,_, the_DT need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC of_IN greater_JJR efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN is_VBZ essential_JJ ._.
4.04 I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP they_PRP have_VBP had_VBN whole_JJ herd_NN slaughter_NN and_CC this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN forward_RB ._. I_PRP know_VBP that_IN in_IN France_NNP ,_, the_DT principle_NN of_IN slaughter_NN of_IN the_DT entire_JJ herd_NN has_VBZ been_VBN implemented_VBN and_CC that_IN this_DT does_VBZ not_RB seem_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT best_JJS way_NN to_TO combat_VB this_DT phenomenon_NN ._.
4.68 Finally_RB ,_, I_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT idea_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD review_VB the_DT implementation_NN of_IN the_DT programme_JJ annually_RB ._. Finally_RB I_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT idea_NN of_IN giving_VBG us_PRP an_DT annual_JJ meeting_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO make_VB an_DT assessment_NN of_IN the_DT implementation_NN of_IN the_DT programme_NN ._.
4.84 Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_DT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB precisely_RB the_DT opposite_JJ ,_, and_CC so_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB vote_VB for_IN it_PRP ._. Unfortunately_RB the_DT final_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB exactly_RB opposite_JJ and_CC obviously_RB we_PRP can_MD not_RB approve_VB it_PRP ._.
4.36 A_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, for_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN striving_VBG for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN now_RB ,_, is_VBZ the_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ unit_NN for_IN judicial_JJ cooperation_NN ._. The_DT creation_NN of_IN a_DT provisional_JJ judicial_JJ cooperation_NN is_VBZ a_DT step_NN in_IN the_DT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP for_IN a_DT long_JJ time_NN ._.
4.2 The_DT very_JJ worst_JJS situation_NN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT women_NNS concerned_VBN also_RB come_VBN from_IN distant_JJ countries_NNS ,_, having_VBG taken_VBN the_DT work_NN on_IN out_IN of_IN desperation_NN because_IN they_PRP have_VBP no_DT other_JJ way_NN of_IN continuing_VBG to_TO provide_VB for_IN themselves_PRP ._. The_DT things_NNS worsen_VBP when_WRB it_PRP is_VBZ question_NN of_IN women_NNS of_IN distant_JJ countries_NNS who_WP accepted_VBD this_DT work_NN by_IN need_NN and_CC who_WP do_VBP not_RB have_VB any_DT other_JJ possibility_NN to_TO continue_VB to_TO provide_VB for_IN their_PRP$ vital_JJ needs_NNS ._.
4.2 If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ ,_, binding_JJ framework_NN for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, then_RB there_RB should_MD be_VB a_DT longer_JJR evaluation_NN period_NN for_IN the_DT various_JJ support_NN systems_NNS required_VBN to_TO satisfy_VB these_DT requirements_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ and_CC binding_JJ for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, the_DT different_JJ systems_NNS to_TO meet_VB these_DT requirements_NNS should_MD have_VB a_DT longer_JJR period_NN of_IN put_VBN to_TO the_DT test_NN ._.
4.8 Declarations_NNS must_MD be_VB followed_VBN by_IN concrete_JJ steps_NNS to_TO trace_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._. The_DT statements_NNS must_MD be_VB matched_VBN by_IN action_NN to_TO identify_VB ,_, freeze_VB ,_, seize_VB and_CC confiscate_VB the_DT proceeds_NNS of_IN crime_NN ._.
3.8 It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT matter_NN of_IN the_DT utmost_JJ importance_NN and_CC yet_RB has_VBZ curiously_RB attracted_VBN very_RB little_JJ public_JJ attention_NN ._. The_DT task_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ nevertheless_RB capital_NN ,_, has_VBZ not_RB yet_RB aroused_VBN great_JJ interest_NN on_IN the_DT part_NN of_IN the_DT public_NN ._.
4.52 Either_CC we_PRP are_VBP in_IN a_DT club_NN or_CC we_PRP are_VBP out_IN of_IN it_PRP and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ particularly_RB important_JJ that_IN we_PRP accept_VBP this_DT ._. Either_CC we_PRP are_VBP part_NN of_IN the_DT club_NN ,_, or_CC we_PRP are_VBP not_RB and_CC we_PRP must_MD therefore_RB abide_VB by_IN this_DT decision_NN ._.
4.04 Let_VB us_PRP ,_, as_IN a_DT Europe_NNP of_IN 15_CD Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB those_DT countries_NNS who_WP are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN the_DT door_NN into_IN the_DT fold_VB under_IN respectable_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Let_VB us_PRP hold_VB to_TO fifteen_CD in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB in_IN the_DT right_JJ conditions_NNS which_WDT countries_NNS knocking_VBG at_IN our_PRP$ door_NN ._.
4.2 That_DT made_VBD them_PRP heavily_RB dependent_JJ on_IN loans_NNS ._. A_DT development_NN which_WDT has_VBZ made_VBN the_DT heavily_RB dependent_JJ on_IN capital_NN borrowed_VBN ._.
4.68 I_PRP would_MD urge_VB the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB their_PRP$ utmost_JJ to_TO overcome_VB this_DT divide_NN ,_, because_IN it_PRP is_VBZ extremely_RB destructive_JJ ._. I_PRP appeal_VBP urgently_RB to_TO the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB everything_NN in_IN its_PRP$ power_NN to_TO fill_VB that_DT gap_NN particularly_RB destructive_JJ ._.
5.0 We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ Council_NNP Presidency_NNP first_JJ restructured_VBN and_CC then_RB scrapped_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP for_IN Equality_NNP ._. We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ presidency_NN was_VBD first_JJ restructured_VBN then_RB dismantled_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP of_IN equal_JJ opportunities_NNS ._.
4.68 Given_VBN this_DT situation_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ an_DT inescapable_JJ need_NN for_IN greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC underdevelopment_NN ._. Faced_VBN with_IN these_DT ,_, the_DT necessity_NN of_IN a_DT greater_JJR involvement_NN and_CC greater_JJR effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN poverty_NN and_CC is_VBZ essential_JJ ._.
4.52 In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, Chevron_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN accused_VBN by_IN the_DT All-Ijaw_NNP indigenous_JJ people_NNS of_IN instigating_VBG violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC actually_RB paying_VBG Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB protesters_NNS at_IN the_DT Warri_NNP naval_JJ base_NN ._. In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, the_DT indigenous_JJ people_NNS all_DT ijaw_VBP Chevron_NNP have_VBP accused_VBN of_IN encouraging_VBG the_DT violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC to_TO go_VB up_RP to_TO pay_VB Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO draw_VB on_IN the_DT demonstrators_NNS at_IN the_DT naval_JJ base_NN of_IN Warri_NNP ._.
4.84 I_PRP would_MD urge_VB the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB their_PRP$ utmost_JJ to_TO overcome_VB this_DT divide_NN ,_, because_IN it_PRP is_VBZ extremely_RB destructive_JJ ._. I_PRP appeal_VBP urgently_RB to_TO the_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP to_TO do_VB everything_NN in_IN its_PRP$ power_NN to_TO fulfil_VB this_DT particularly_RB destructive_JJ gap_NN ._.
4.68 There_EX is_VBZ an_DT urgent_JJ need_NN ,_, following_VBG the_DT recent_JJ attacks_NNS on_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP ,_, to_TO promote_VB democratisation_NN measures_NNS and_CC measures_NNS to_TO strengthen_VB institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._. The_DT recent_JJ incidents_NNS against_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP make_VBP more_JJR imperative_JJ that_WDT measures_VBZ to_TO promote_VB democratisation_NN ,_, strengthening_VBG the_DT institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._.
4.84 The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN that_WDT was_VBD agreed_VBN on_IN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_JJ form_NN of_IN labelling_NN and_CC only_RB came_VBD into_IN force_NN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ago_RB ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ for_IN the_DT origin_NN of_IN animals_NNS to_TO be_VB adequately_RB traced_VBN ,_, and_CC we_PRP were_VBD very_RB slow_JJ to_TO ban_VB specified_VBN risk_NN materials_NNS ._. The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN which_WDT has_VBZ been_VBN decided_VBN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_JJ labelling_JJ and_CC which_WDT has_VBZ only_RB been_VBN in_IN force_NN for_IN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO properly_RB remind_VB the_DT origin_NN of_IN the_DT animals_NNS and_CC we_PRP banned_VBD very_RB late_JJ specified_VBN risk_NN material_NN ._.
4.2 The_DT very_JJ worst_JJS situation_NN is_VBZ when_WRB the_DT women_NNS concerned_VBN also_RB come_VBN from_IN distant_JJ countries_NNS ,_, having_VBG taken_VBN the_DT work_NN on_IN out_IN of_IN desperation_NN because_IN they_PRP have_VBP no_DT other_JJ way_NN of_IN continuing_VBG to_TO provide_VB for_IN themselves_PRP ._. Things_NNS worse_JJR when_WRB it_PRP comes_VBZ to_TO women_NNS 's_POS distant_JJ countries_NNS which_WDT accepted_VBD this_DT work_NN by_IN need_NN and_CC which_WDT have_VBP no_DT other_JJ option_NN to_TO continue_VB to_TO provide_VB for_IN their_PRP$ vital_JJ needs_NNS ._.
4.52 On_IN the_DT other_JJ hand_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB given_VBN a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP on_IN our_PRP$ own_JJ ,_, by_IN recognising_VBG the_DT genuine_JJ principles_NNS of_IN democracy_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO have_VB a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO the_DT Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB only_RB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP in_IN Yugoslavia_NNP ,_, recognising_VBG the_DT genuine_JJ democratic_JJ principles_NNS ._.
4.84 They_PRP will_MD keep_VB the_DT pressure_NN on_IN ,_, and_CC they_PRP are_VBP strengthening_VBG their_PRP$ position_NN with_IN the_DT revenue_NN they_PRP are_VBP generating_VBG from_IN delivering_VBG mail_NN above_IN 150_CD grams_NNS ._. They_PRP will_MD continue_VB to_TO put_VB pressure_NN ._. The_DT money_NN they_PRP earn_VBP with_IN the_DT distribution_NN beyond_IN the_DT limit_NN of_IN 150_CD grammes_NNS enables_VBZ them_PRP to_TO strengthen_VB their_PRP$ position_NN ._.
4.52 I_PRP wonder_VBP if_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP has_VBZ planned_VBN any_DT steps_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB that_IN we_PRP really_RB do_VBP consider_VB Kostunica_NNP to_TO be_VB the_DT only_JJ lawfully_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT only_JJ partner_NN with_IN whom_WP the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ involved_VBN as_IN from_IN today_NN ._. I_PRP wonder_VBP whether_IN the_DT police_NN chief_NN envisages_VBZ already_RB stages_NNS which_WDT will_MD make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO show_VB that_IN we_PRP regard_VBP Kostunica_NNP as_IN the_DT legally_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN Serbian_JJ people_NNS and_CC as_IN the_DT partner_NN with_IN whom_WP the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP will_MD have_VB henceforth_NN to_TO treat_VB ._.
4.84 Action_NNP is_VBZ needed_VBN quickly_RB ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB we_PRP decided_VBD to_TO include_VB this_DT item_NN on_IN the_DT agenda_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ urgent_JJ and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ for_IN that_DT reason_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP decided_VBN to_TO put_VB this_DT item_NN on_IN the_DT agenda_NN ._.
4.36 The_DT resolution_NN on_IN Nice_NNP ,_, voted_VBD today_NN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB this_DT ._. The_DT resolution_NN on_IN the_DT Nice_NNP Summit_NNP ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ just_RB been_VBN voted_VBN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB it_PRP ._.
4.68 On_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ behalf_NN and_CC on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS ,_, I_PRP would_MD ask_VB you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, to_TO send_VB Parliament_NNP '_POS s_PRP condolences_VBZ to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC to_TO the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS in_IN both_DT Brittany_NNP and_CC in_IN Marín_NNP ,_, Galicia_NNP ,_, from_IN where_WRB the_DT majority_NN of_IN the_DT victims_NNS came_VBD ._. Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP would_MD ask_VB you_PRP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS and_CC on_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ behalf_NN ,_, to_TO send_VB a_DT message_NN of_IN condolence_NN from_IN Parliament_NNP to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS of_IN both_DT Brittany_NNP Marín_NNP ,_, that_IN the_DT city_NN of_IN Galicia_NNP ,_, which_WDT are_VBP from_IN most_JJS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS ._.
4.84 Worst_JJS of_IN all_DT ,_, I_PRP believe_VBP ,_, is_VBZ having_VBG to_TO issue_VB a_DT warning_NN that_IN a_DT court_NN judgment_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN may_MD just_RB be_VB a_DT set_NN of_IN comforting_JJ words_NNS and_CC make_VB no_DT real_JJ difference_NN in_IN their_PRP$ lives_NNS ._. In_IN my_PRP$ view_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ ,_, however_RB ,_, nothing_NN worse_JJR than_IN having_VBG to_TO warn_VB people_NNS that_IN a_DT ruling_NN for_IN them_PRP could_MD only_RB be_VB a_DT series_NN of_IN words_NNS pleasing_VBG and_CC have_VBP no_DT practical_JJ effect_NN on_IN their_PRP$ existence_NN ._.
4.52 The_DT other_JJ viewpoint_NN illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN '_'' s_PRP initial_JJ statement_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN members_NNS is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN which_WDT are_VBP needed_VBN in_IN order_NN to_TO establish_VB among_IN insurers_NNS ways_NNS of_IN organising_VBG costs_NNS on_IN a_DT mutual_JJ basis_NN providing_VBG everybody_NN with_IN guaranteed_JJ access_NN to_TO high-quality_JJ care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS developing_VBG together_RB with_IN risk_NN and_CC client_NN selection_NN ._. The_DT other_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT original_JJ subject_NN of_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN many_JJ colleagues_NNS ,_, is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB the_DT regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN to_TO be_VB found_VBN ,_, between_IN insurers_NNS ,_, the_DT forms_NNS of_IN mutual_JJ cost_NN guarantee_NN to_TO all_PDT the_DT supply_NN of_IN good_JJ quality_NN care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risks_NNS to_TO see_VB developing_VBG discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS and_CC a_DT selection_NN of_IN risks_NNS and_CC customers_NNS ._.
4.36 That_DT was_VBD changed_VBN in_IN the_DT face_NN of_IN criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB from_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, and_CC a_DT different_JJ spin_NN has_VBZ now_RB been_VBN put_VBN on_IN it_PRP by_IN the_DT British_JJ Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB being_VBG portrayed_VBN as_IN a_DT user_NN charge_NN for_IN all_DT ,_, including_VBG British_JJ lorry_NN drivers_NNS ._. Criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB those_DT of_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, the_DT Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT new_JJ interpretation_NN :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB a_DT tax_NN for_IN all_DT users_NNS ,_, including_VBG the_DT British_JJ lorry_NN drivers_NNS ._.
4.84 One_CD could_MD indeed_RB wish_VB for_IN more_JJR and_CC for_IN improvement_NN ,_, but_CC I_PRP honestly_RB believe_VBP that_IN we_PRP have_VBP made_VBN a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._. We_PRP can_MD indeed_RB wish_VB more_JJR and_CC better_JJR ,_, but_CC I_PRP quite_RB honestly_RB believe_VB that_IN it_PRP is_VBZ a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._.
4.84 B5-0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT kidnap_VB in_IN Colombia_NNP of_IN a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerillas_NNS ;_: B5_CD 0794_CD /_CD 2000_CD ,_, by_IN Mr_NNP Medina_NNP Ortega_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Linkohr_NNP and_CC Mr_NNP Fava_NNP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS ,_, on_IN the_DT kidnapping_NN of_IN Colombia_NNP a_DT Spanish_JJ Jesuit_NN engaged_VBN in_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_DT guerrilla_NN ;_:
4.84 The_DT aim_NN of_IN the_DT annual_JJ review_NN is_VBZ to_TO identify_VB such_JJ potential_JJ improvements_NNS ._. The_DT annual_JJ report_NN is_VBZ to_TO identify_VB such_JJ potential_JJ improvements_NNS ._.
4.36 You_PRP do_VBP not_RB even_RB intend_VB to_TO incorporate_VB it_PRP into_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, evidence_NN indeed_RB that_IN this_DT text_NN ,_, this_DT exercise_NN was_VBD always_RB destined_VBN to_TO be_VB laid_VBN aside_RB ._. You_PRP do_VBP not_RB want_VB to_TO even_RB integrate_VB it_PRP in_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP ,_, which_WDT proves_VBZ that_IN this_DT text_NN was_VBD to_TO be_VB put_VBN on_IN side_NN ._.
4.68 This_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ priority_NN fight_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS is_VBZ put_VBN into_IN practice_NN in_IN our_PRP$ political_JJ decisions_NNS ._. This_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ priority_NN for_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS to_TO be_VB implemented_VBN in_IN political_JJ choices_NNS ._.
3.88 Let_VB us_PRP ,_, as_IN a_DT Europe_NNP of_IN 15_CD Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB those_DT countries_NNS who_WP are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN the_DT door_NN into_IN the_DT fold_VB under_IN respectable_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Let_VB us_PRP ,_, here_RB in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB in_IN good_JJ conditions_NNS the_DT countries_NNS that_WDT are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN our_PRP$ door_NN ._.
3.88 Either_CC we_PRP are_VBP in_IN a_DT club_NN or_CC we_PRP are_VBP out_IN of_IN it_PRP and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ particularly_RB important_JJ that_IN we_PRP accept_VBP this_DT ._. Either_CC we_PRP are_VBP part_NN of_IN the_DT club_NN ,_, we_PRP are_VBP not_RB and_CC we_PRP must_MD ,_, therefore_RB ,_, we_PRP have_VBP to_TO comply_VB with_IN this_DT ._.
4.52 I_PRP wonder_VBP if_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP has_VBZ planned_VBN any_DT steps_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB that_IN we_PRP really_RB do_VBP consider_VB Kostunica_NNP to_TO be_VB the_DT only_JJ lawfully_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT only_JJ partner_NN with_IN whom_WP the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ involved_VBN as_IN from_IN today_NN ._. I_PRP wonder_VBP whether_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP already_RB provides_VBZ for_IN steps_NNS to_TO show_VB that_IN we_PRP regard_VBP Kostunica_NNP as_IN the_DT legally_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS and_CC as_IN a_DT partner_NN with_IN which_WDT the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP must_MD now_RB address_VB ._.
4.68 We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO exchange_VB ideas_NNS on_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT it_PRP has_VBZ emerged_VBN that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._. We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO have_VB exchanges_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, it_PRP emerges_VBZ that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS wish_NN to_TO the_DT maintenance_NN of_IN this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._.
4.68 They_PRP will_MD keep_VB the_DT pressure_NN on_IN ,_, and_CC they_PRP are_VBP strengthening_VBG their_PRP$ position_NN with_IN the_DT revenue_NN they_PRP are_VBP generating_VBG from_IN delivering_VBG mail_NN above_IN 150_CD grams_NNS ._. They_PRP continue_VBP to_TO put_VB the_DT pressure_NN that_IN they_PRP earn_VBP ._. money_NN with_IN the_DT distribution_NN of_IN the_DT limit_NN of_IN 150_CD grammes_NNS allows_VBZ them_PRP to_TO strengthen_VB their_PRP$ position_NN ._.
4.84 From_IN the_DT first_JJ discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT dossier_NN ,_, which_WDT were_VBD held_VBN at_IN European_JJ level_NN at_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT commitment_NN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO pursue_VB a_DT course_NN of_IN action_NN designed_VBN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP might_MD call_VB a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, grounded_VBN in_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS of_IN duty_NN ,_, respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN our_PRP$ citizens_NNS and_CC efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._. Since_IN the_DT first_JJ thoughts_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, which_WDT were_VBD held_VBN at_IN European_JJ level_NN on_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP is_VBZ committed_VBN to_TO Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO promote_VB an_DT action_NN intended_VBN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP could_MD consider_VB a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, focused_VBD on_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS in_IN terms_NNS of_IN ethics_NNS ,_, human_JJ rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS ,_, and_CC efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._.
4.84 From_IN the_DT first_JJ discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT dossier_NN ,_, which_WDT were_VBD held_VBN at_IN European_JJ level_NN at_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT commitment_NN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO pursue_VB a_DT course_NN of_IN action_NN designed_VBN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP might_MD call_VB a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, grounded_VBN in_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS of_IN duty_NN ,_, respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN our_PRP$ citizens_NNS and_CC efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._. Since_IN the_DT first_JJ reflexions_NNS on_IN this_DT file_NN ,_, which_WDT took_VBD place_NN at_IN the_DT European_JJ level_NN on_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP committed_VBD itself_PRP with_IN respect_NN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS promoting_VBG an_DT action_NN intended_VBN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP could_MD regard_VB as_IN a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, centered_VBN on_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS as_IN regards_VBZ deontology_NN ,_, of_IN respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN the_DT citizens_NNS ,_, and_CC of_IN effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._.
4.52 All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP at_IN present_JJ engaged_VBN in_IN illicit_JJ work_NN would_MD obtain_VB work_NN with_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._. All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP currently_RB working_VBG on_IN the_DT black_JJ would_MD get_VB jobs_NNS under_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._.
4.68 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD for_IN the_DT García-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP report_NN on_IN the_DT taxation_NN of_IN electronic_JJ commerce_NN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD in_IN favour_NN of_IN the_DT Garcia-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP report_NN ,_, which_WDT concerns_VBZ the_DT taxation_NN of_IN services_NNS provided_VBN electronically_RB ._.
4.52 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP '_POS s_PRP attitude_NN to_TO the_DT right_NN of_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS may_MD be_VB seen_VBN from_IN the_DT internal_JJ handbook_NN sent_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP to_TO employees_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO tell_VB them_PRP how_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_IN requests_NNS from_IN MEPs_NNS for_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP know_VBP the_DT position_NN of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP on_IN public_JJ access_NN to_TO documents_NNS in_IN the_DT internal_JJ manual_NN ,_, which_WDT was_VBD submitted_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS officials_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO explain_VB how_WRB to_TO handle_VB applications_NNS by_IN Members_NNS as_IN regards_VBZ access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._.
4.2 This_DT rule_NN can_MD be_VB applied_VBN equally_RB to_TO all_DT recreational_JJ but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS when_WRB no_DT one_NN but_CC the_DT person_NN consuming_NN the_DT drug_NN is_VBZ likely_JJ to_TO be_VB affected_VBN ._. This_DT rule_NN can_MD apply_VB besides_IN to_TO all_DT récréationnelles_NNS but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS in_IN so_RB far_RB as_IN the_DT consumer_NN of_IN drug_NN is_VBZ the_DT only_RB one_CD to_TO run_VB risks_NNS ._.
4.84 I_PRP think_VBP that_IN France_NNP has_VBZ set_VBN an_DT excellent_JJ example_NN by_IN finally_RB deciding_VBG to_TO take_VB this_DT step_NN ._. I_PRP find_VBP exemplary_JJ that_IN France_NNP will_MD be_VB to_TO take_VB this_DT step_NN ._.
4.52 Secondly_RB ,_, say_VBP no_UH to_TO the_DT big_JJ bang_NN idea_NN of_IN incorporating_VBG candidate_NN countries_NNS simultaneously_RB as_IN a_DT large_JJ group_NN ,_, since_IN that_DT would_MD militate_VB against_IN the_DT principle_NN that_IN each_DT country_NN should_MD be_VB admitted_VBN on_IN its_PRP$ own_JJ merits_NNS ._. Secondly_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ necessary_JJ to_TO say_VB ``_`` not_RB ''_'' to_TO the_DT concept_NN big-bang_JJ which_WDT would_MD like_VB that_IN one_CD admits_VBZ at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN an_DT major_JJ group_NN of_IN country_NN ,_, because_IN that_DT would_MD be_VB in_IN conflict_NN with_IN the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT admission_NN of_IN each_DT country_NN according_VBG to_TO its_PRP$ merits_NNS ._.
4.52 Lastly_RB ,_, and_CC most_JJS controversially_RB ,_, the_DT committee_NN strongly_RB called_VBN for_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN a_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._. Lastly_RB ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ there_RB a_DT subject_NN more_RBR discussed_VBN ,_, the_DT commission_NN invited_VBN with_IN strength_NN to_TO make_VB use_NN of_IN the_DT procedure_NN accelerated_VBD to_TO put_VB in_RP uvre_NN this_DT legislation_NN ._.
4.52 It_PRP is_VBZ unlikely_JJ that_IN the_DT planned_JJ protection_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ provision_NN of_IN services_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN a_DT compensatory_JJ fund_NN ,_, as_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN which_WDT private_JJ profits_NNS are_VBP ploughed_VBN back_RB into_IN public_JJ services_NNS ,_, will_MD last_VB ._. The_DT safeguarding_VBG of_IN the_DT universal_JJ service_NN with_IN compensation_NN fund_NN which_WDT would_MD make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO initiate_VB private_JJ profits_NNS for_IN the_DT benefit_NN of_IN the_DT public_JJ service_NN will_MD probably_RB failure_NN ._.
2.6 The_DT House_NNP had_VBD also_RB fought_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, for_IN the_DT reduction_NN of_IN the_DT funds_NNS available_JJ for_IN innovative_JJ measures_NNS to_TO be_VB offset_VBN by_IN means_NNS of_IN resources_NNS from_IN the_DT flexibility_NN instrument_NN ,_, a_DT demand_NN which_WDT is_VBZ recorded_VBN in_IN a_DT declaration_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN in_IN the_DT Interinstitutional_NNP Agreement_NNP ._. This_DT Parliament_NNP has_VBZ ,_, however_RB ,_, also_RB for_IN this_DT Fund_NN actions_NNS by_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN framework_NN ,_, defined_VBN in_IN a_DT statement_NN on_IN the_DT financial_JJ perspective_NN ._.
4.52 Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT one-man_JJ company_NN or_CC a_DT company_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS has_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP should_MD not_RB need_VB to_TO provide_VB 120_CD %_NN loan_NN guarantees_NNS in_IN the_DT form_NN of_IN land_NN to_TO receive_VB financing_NN ;_: it_PRP should_MD also_RB be_VB possible_JJ for_IN it_PRP to_TO be_VB funded_VBN on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT good_JJ idea_NN ._. Above_IN all_DT ,_, when_WRB a_DT company_NN unipersonnelle_NN or_CC a_DT society_NN with_IN fewer_JJR than_IN 250_CD employees_NNS has_VBZ a_DT project_NN ,_, it_PRP must_MD be_VB possible_JJ to_TO benefit_VB from_IN funding_VBG not_RB only_RB with_IN a_DT guaranteed_VBN to_TO 120_CD %_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB on_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN a_DT simple_JJ idea_NN :_:
4.84 -LRB-_-LRB- Parliament_NNP accepted_VBD the_DT oral_JJ amendment_NN -RRB-_-RRB- -LRB-_-LRB- The_DT Parliament_NNP accepts_VBZ the_DT oral_JJ amendment_NN -RRB-_-RRB-
4.84 On_IN the_DT other_JJ hand_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB given_VBN a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP on_IN our_PRP$ own_JJ ,_, by_IN recognising_VBG the_DT genuine_JJ principles_NNS of_IN democracy_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB likely_JJ to_TO prove_VB in_IN Europe_NNP which_WDT we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB only_RB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP ,_, by_IN recognizing_VBG the_DT true_JJ democratic_JJ principles_NNS ._.
4.52 And_CC I_PRP am_VBP telling_VBG you_PRP loud_JJ and_CC clear_JJ :_: Kostunica_NNP must_MD be_VB given_VBN his_PRP$ chance_NN here_RB and_CC I_PRP therefore_RB hope_VBP that_IN he_PRP will_MD give_VB amnesty_NN in_IN the_DT next_JJ couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS or_CC months_NNS ,_, but_CC meanwhile_RB ,_, I_PRP do_VBP want_VB the_DT introduction_NN of_IN those_DT two_CD new_JJ budget_NN lines_NNS ,_, democratisation_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN ,_, to_TO be_VB accompanied_VBN by_IN political_JJ conditions_NNS ,_, both_DT from_IN a_DT political_JJ and_CC budgetary_JJ perspective_NN ._. And_CC I_PRP would_MD say_VB to_TO you_PRP very_RB clearly_RB :_: it_PRP must_MD be_VB given_VBN a_DT chance_NN to_TO Kostunica_NNP ,_, and_CC I_PRP therefore_RB hope_VBP that_IN it_PRP will_MD provide_VB an_DT amnesty_NN over_IN the_DT coming_VBG weeks_NNS or_CC months_NNS ;_: but_CC in_IN the_DT meantime_NN ,_, I_PRP hope_VBP ,_, however_RB ,_, that_IN ,_, in_IN political_JJ terms_NNS and_CC in_IN budgetary_JJ terms_NNS ,_, the_DT political_JJ conditions_NNS are_VBP linked_VBN to_TO the_DT introduction_NN of_IN these_DT two_CD new_JJ budget_NN lines_NNS ,_, namely_RB democratisation_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN ._.
4.2 There_EX has_VBZ been_VBN a_DT budget_NN heading_VBG for_IN the_DT funding_NN of_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN programmes_NNS for_IN many_JJ years_NNS now_RB ._. A_DT budget_NN line_NN has_VBZ programmes_NNS to_TO de-mining_NN and_CC prevention_NN for_IN years_NNS ._.
4.2 We_PRP welcome_VBP the_DT arrangements_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT Preparatory_NNP Committee_NNP and_CC adopted_VBN by_IN the_DT General_NNP Assembly_NNP regarding_VBG procedures_NNS for_IN the_DT registration_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS for_IN involvement_NN in_IN the_DT preparatory_JJ process_NN and_CC the_DT Special_JJ Session_NN in_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._. We_PRP congratulate_VBP the_DT provisions_NNS proposed_VBN in_IN this_DT respect_NN by_IN the_DT Committee_NNP and_CC by_IN the_DT general_JJ Assembly_NN of_IN the_DT United_NNP Nations_NNPS with_IN regard_NN to_TO the_DT method_NN of_IN non-governmental_JJ organisations_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT extraordinary_JJ session_NN of_IN September_NNP 2001_CD ._.
4.36 I_PRP think_VBP that_IN France_NNP has_VBZ set_VBN an_DT excellent_JJ example_NN by_IN finally_RB deciding_VBG to_TO take_VB this_DT step_NN ._. I_PRP find_VBP exemplary_JJ that_IN France_NNP has_VBZ resolved_VBN to_TO take_VB that_DT step_NN ._.
4.4 While_IN withdrawing_VBG the_DT resolution_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, I_PRP express_VBP the_DT conviction_NN that_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB made_VBN its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBD better_JJR if_IN ,_, in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, it_PRP had_VBD devoted_VBN a_DT specific_JJ and_CC separate_JJ resolution_NN to_TO these_DT important_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ topics_NNS of_IN the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, instead_RB of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN them_PRP in_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT also_RB embraces_VBZ all_PDT the_DT other_JJ points_NNS on_IN the_DT Council_NNP agenda_NN ._. By_IN withdrawing_VBG our_PRP$ resolution_NN ,_, I_PRP am_VBP nonetheless_RB convinced_VBN that_IN our_PRP$ Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB done_VBN better_RBR in_IN devoting_VBG its_PRP$ voice_NN to_TO the_DT Nice_NNP European_NNP Council_NNP ,_, a_DT specific_JJ resolution_NN and_CC separate_JJ issues_NNS so_RB important_JJ and_CC so_RB difficult_JJ to_TO the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, rather_RB than_IN to_TO deal_VB with_IN them_PRP in_IN the_DT context_NN of_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN including_VBG also_RB all_PDT the_DT other_JJ items_NNS on_IN the_DT agenda_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP ._.
4.04 As_RB long_RB ago_RB as_IN 1996_CD the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP came_VBD out_RP in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT ban_NN on_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN meat-and-bone_JJ meal_NN throughout_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN -_: if_IN only_RB ._. In_IN 1996_CD ,_, the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP was_VBD in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT ban_NN on_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN meat_NN meal_NN in_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP ,_, in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_DT precautionary_JJ principle_NN -_: if_IN only_RB we_PRP had_VBD listened_VBN to_TO ._.
4.52 We_PRP shall_MD have_VB to_TO speak_VB with_IN just_RB one_CD disagreeable_JJ voice_NN in_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._. We_PRP shall_MD talk_VB with_IN one_CD voice_NN disgracieuse_NN within_IN the_DT WTO_NNP ._.
4.52 The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN that_WDT was_VBD agreed_VBN on_IN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_JJ form_NN of_IN labelling_NN and_CC only_RB came_VBD into_IN force_NN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ago_RB ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ for_IN the_DT origin_NN of_IN animals_NNS to_TO be_VB adequately_RB traced_VBN ,_, and_CC we_PRP were_VBD very_RB slow_JJ to_TO ban_VB specified_VBN risk_NN materials_NNS ._. The_DT labelling_NN of_IN beef_NN which_WDT has_VBZ been_VBN decided_VBN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ a_DT minimum_JJ labelling_JJ and_CC which_WDT has_VBZ only_RB been_VBN in_IN force_NN for_IN two_CD and_CC a_DT half_NN months_NNS ago_RB ,_, does_VBZ not_RB make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO trace_VB the_DT origin_NN of_IN animals_NNS properly_RB very_RB late_JJ and_CC have_VBP banned_VBN the_DT specified_VBN risk_NN material_NN ._.
4.68 Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, it_PRP was_VBD better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN at_IN all_DT than_IN a_DT poor_JJ one_CD and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT instance_NN ,_, the_DT American_JJ proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT third-rate_JJ proposal_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD which_WDT was_VBD completely_RB unacceptable_JJ to_TO Europe_NNP ._. Without_IN doubt_NN ,_, just_RB better_JJR to_TO have_VB no_DT agreement_NN than_IN having_VBG an_DT agreement_NN that_WDT is_VBZ wrong_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT US_NNP proposal_NN was_VBD a_DT watered-down_JJ proposal_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ totally_RB unacceptable_JJ for_IN Europe_NNP ._.
4.84 Knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ accepted_VBN as_IN a_DT necessary_JJ precursor_NN to_TO mobility_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ allowed_VBN that_IN the_DT knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ a_DT necessary_JJ precondition_NN with_IN mobility_NN ._.
4.04 Worst_JJS of_IN all_DT ,_, I_PRP believe_VBP ,_, is_VBZ having_VBG to_TO issue_VB a_DT warning_NN that_IN a_DT court_NN judgment_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN may_MD just_RB be_VB a_DT set_NN of_IN comforting_JJ words_NNS and_CC make_VB no_DT real_JJ difference_NN in_IN their_PRP$ lives_NNS ._. In_IN my_PRP$ view_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ ,_, however_RB ,_, nothing_NN worse_JJR than_IN to_TO have_VB to_TO warn_VB the_DT people_NNS a_DT ruling_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN could_MD be_VB a_DT series_NN of_IN reassuring_VBG words_NNS and_CC have_VBP no_DT concrete_JJ result_NN on_IN their_PRP$ existence_NN ._.
4.2 Either_CC we_PRP are_VBP in_IN a_DT club_NN or_CC we_PRP are_VBP out_IN of_IN it_PRP and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ particularly_RB important_JJ that_IN we_PRP accept_VBP this_DT ._. Either_CC we_PRP belong_VBP to_TO the_DT club_NN ,_, or_CC we_PRP are_VBP not_RB and_CC we_PRP must_MD therefore_RB be_VB packed_VBN with_IN this_DT decision_NN ._.
3.72 It_PRP is_VBZ unlikely_JJ that_IN the_DT planned_JJ protection_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ provision_NN of_IN services_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN a_DT compensatory_JJ fund_NN ,_, as_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN which_WDT private_JJ profits_NNS are_VBP ploughed_VBN back_RB into_IN public_JJ services_NNS ,_, will_MD last_VB ._. The_DT preservation_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ service_NN with_IN a_DT compensation_NN fund_NN which_WDT would_MD make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO initiate_VB private_JJ benefits_NNS for_IN the_DT benefit_NN of_IN the_DT public_JJ service_NN will_MD probably_RB long_RB fire_NN ._.
4.52 The_DT UK_NNP Labour_NNP members_NNS of_IN the_DT PES_NNP Group_NNP welcome_VB the_DT adoption_NN of_IN their_PRP$ contribution_NN to_TO the_DT ongoing_JJ work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN endorsing_VBG every_DT single_JJ detail_NN ._. ._. The_DT British_JJ Labour_NNP Members_NNS of_IN the_DT PSE_NNP Group_NNP welcomes_VBZ the_DT support_NN given_VBN to_TO the_DT contribution_NN to_TO the_DT work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN closer_RBR cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN adhere_JJ entirely_RB with_IN all_PDT the_DT details_NNS of_IN this_DT ._.
5.0 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO focus_VB in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN on_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP '_POS s_PRP report_NN ,_, which_WDT I_PRP think_VBP is_VBZ clearly_RB worded_VBN and_CC well_RB put_VB together_RB ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP shall_MD concentrate_VB in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN on_IN the_DT report_NN by_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP report_NN ,_, that_IN I_PRP find_VBP well_RB thought-out_JJ and_CC clearly_RB formulated_VBN ._.
5.0 It_PRP is_VBZ gratifying_VBG that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ succeeded_VBN in_IN producing_VBG a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN more_JJR openness_NN ._. We_PRP should_MD be_VB pleased_JJ that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ succeeded_VBN in_IN bringing_VBG together_RP a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN greater_JJR transparency_NN ._.
4.36 That_DT made_VBD them_PRP heavily_RB dependent_JJ on_IN loans_NNS ._. A_DT development_NN which_WDT made_VBD them_PRP dependent_JJ on_IN the_DT borrowed_VBN capital_NN ._.
4.68 There_EX has_VBZ been_VBN a_DT budget_NN heading_VBG for_IN the_DT funding_NN of_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN programmes_NNS for_IN many_JJ years_NNS now_RB ._. A_DT budget_NN line_NN has_VBZ programmes_NNS for_IN mine_JJ clearance_NN and_CC prevention_NN for_IN years_NNS ._.
4.36 This_DT is_VBZ a_DT vague_JJ area_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ possible_JJ that_IN more_JJR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS may_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ one_CD point_NN in_IN respect_NN of_IN which_WDT we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._. Things_NNS are_VBP not_RB clear_JJ on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB impossible_JJ that_IN can_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN more_RBR restrictive_JJ measures_NNS ,_, and_CC that_DT is_VBZ particularly_RB on_IN this_DT point_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._.
4.52 This_DT is_VBZ also_RB the_DT position_NN advocated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_JJ People_NNS '_POS s_PRP Party_NNP ._. This_DT is_VBZ the_DT position_NN defended_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC by_IN the_DT popular_JJ Party_NNP ._.
4.52 -_: My_PRP$ party_NN has_VBZ serious_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN Community_NNP law_NN applying_VBG to_TO the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN products_NNS ,_, as_IN against_IN applying_VBG the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._. My_PRP$ Party_NNP to_TO serious_JJ and_CC about_IN the_DT rules_NNS of_IN the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN products_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN the_DT Community_NNP ,_, just_RB as_IN it_PRP sets_VBZ about_IN the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._.
4.52 That_DT made_VBD them_PRP heavily_RB dependent_JJ on_IN loans_NNS ._. A_DT development_NN which_WDT made_VBD highly_RB dependent_JJ on_IN capital_NN borrowed_VBN ._.
4.68 It_PRP is_VBZ gratifying_VBG that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ succeeded_VBN in_IN producing_VBG a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN more_JJR openness_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ necessary_JJ to_TO be_VB delighted_JJ that_IN the_DT Parliament_NNP succeeded_VBD in_IN gathering_VBG a_DT broad_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN a_DT greater_JJR transparency_NN ._.
4.52 That_DT was_VBD changed_VBN in_IN the_DT face_NN of_IN criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB from_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, and_CC a_DT different_JJ spin_NN has_VBZ now_RB been_VBN put_VBN on_IN it_PRP by_IN the_DT British_JJ Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB being_VBG portrayed_VBN as_IN a_DT user_NN charge_NN for_IN all_DT ,_, including_VBG British_JJ lorry_NN drivers_NNS ._. In_IN view_NN of_IN the_DT criticism_NN ,_, especially_RB those_DT in_IN Ireland_NNP and_CC France_NNP ,_, the_DT Chancellor_NNP of_IN the_DT Exchequer_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT new_JJ interpretation_NN :_: it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB a_DT tax_NN for_IN all_DT users_NNS ,_, including_VBG the_DT British_JJ lorry_NN drivers_NNS ._.
4.52 The_DT lesson_NN for_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP this_DT morning_NN must_MD be_VB that_IN we_PRP have_VBP to_TO conclude_VB that_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS throughout_IN the_DT world_NN are_VBP in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN shambles_NN and_CC we_PRP have_VBP to_TO begin_VB the_DT process_NN of_IN putting_VBG them_PRP right_RB ._. The_DT lesson_NN that_WDT must_MD keep_VB this_DT Assembly_NN in_IN its_PRP$ debate_NN of_IN this_DT morning_NN is_VBZ that_IN we_PRP are_VBP forced_VBN to_TO conclude_VB that_IN the_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS are_VBP ,_, all_DT over_IN the_DT world_NN ,_, in_IN a_DT State_NN of_IN mess_NN ,_, and_CC that_IN we_PRP should_MD get_VB down_RB to_TO the_DT task_NN to_TO put_VB in_RP order_NN ._.
4.68 All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP at_IN present_JJ engaged_VBN in_IN illicit_JJ work_NN would_MD obtain_VB work_NN with_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._. All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP currently_RB working_VBG on_IN the_DT black_JJ market_NN to_TO obtain_VB an_DT employment_NN in_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._.
3.24 On_IN the_DT other_JJ hand_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB given_VBN a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP on_IN our_PRP$ own_JJ ,_, by_IN recognising_VBG the_DT genuine_JJ principles_NNS of_IN democracy_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO have_VB a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO the_DT Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP in_IN a_DT position_NN to_TO alone_RB the_DT cause_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP ,_, while_IN recognizing_VBG the_DT principles_NNS ._.
4.68 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD for_IN the_DT García-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP report_NN on_IN the_DT taxation_NN of_IN electronic_JJ commerce_NN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD in_IN favour_NN of_IN the_DT Garcia-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP report_NN ,_, which_WDT deals_VBZ with_IN the_DT taxation_NN of_IN services_NNS provided_VBN electronically_RB ._.
4.84 Thirdly_RB ,_, acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT individual_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ basically_RB depend_VBP -_: and_CC Denmark_NNP demonstrated_VBD this_DT -_: on_IN dismantling_VBG the_DT social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._. Thirdly_RB ,_, the_DT acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT different_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_NN -_: depends_VBZ on_IN the_DT example_NN of_IN Denmark_NNP is_VBZ for_IN us_PRP to_TO show_VB -_: largely_RB of_IN the_DT elimination_NN of_IN social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS in_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._.
4.4 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP '_POS s_PRP attitude_NN to_TO the_DT right_NN of_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS may_MD be_VB seen_VBN from_IN the_DT internal_JJ handbook_NN sent_VBN on_IN 11_CD October_NNP to_TO employees_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO tell_VB them_PRP how_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_IN requests_NNS from_IN MEPs_NNS for_IN access_NN to_TO documents_NNS ._. Mr._NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP can_MD know_VB the_DT position_NN of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP as_IN regards_VBZ access_NN to_TO public_JJ documents_NNS by_IN reading_VBG the_DT internal_JJ handbook_NN which_WDT was_VBD given_VBN ,_, on_IN October_NNP 11_CD ,_, with_IN the_DT Commission_NNP officials_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO explain_VB the_DT way_NN to_TO them_PRP in_IN which_WDT they_PRP were_VBD to_TO treat_VB the_DT requests_NNS emanating_VBG of_IN the_DT deputies_NNS with_IN regard_NN to_TO the_DT access_NN to_TO the_DT documents_NNS ._.
4.84 The_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP and_CC the_DT Internal_NNP Market_NNP rightly_RB insists_VBZ on_IN no_DT upper_JJ limit_NN and_CC a_DT minimum_NN of_IN no_DT less_JJR than_IN 7_CD %_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ right_JJ that_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP persists_VBZ in_IN refusing_VBG a_DT ceiling_NN and_CC the_DT maintenance_NN of_IN a_DT minimum_JJ rate_NN which_WDT can_MD not_RB be_VB less_JJR than_IN 7_CD %_NN ._.
3.88 It_PRP is_VBZ unlikely_JJ that_IN the_DT planned_JJ protection_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ provision_NN of_IN services_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN a_DT compensatory_JJ fund_NN ,_, as_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN which_WDT private_JJ profits_NNS are_VBP ploughed_VBN back_RB into_IN public_JJ services_NNS ,_, will_MD last_VB ._. The_DT maintenance_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ service_NN means_NNS of_IN a_DT compensation_NN fund_NN which_WDT could_MD initiate_VB private_JJ profits_NNS for_IN the_DT benefit_NN of_IN the_DT public_JJ service_NN will_MD probably_RB deal_VB fire_NN ._.
5.0 Thirdly_RB ,_, acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT individual_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ basically_RB depend_VBP -_: and_CC Denmark_NNP demonstrated_VBD this_DT -_: on_IN dismantling_VBG the_DT social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._. Thirdly_RB :_: the_DT acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT various_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ depend_VBP -_: the_DT example_NN of_IN Denmark_NNP is_VBZ here_RB to_TO show_VB this_DT -_: largely_RB to_TO the_DT elimination_NN of_IN social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS in_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._.
4.52 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, we_PRP took_VBD a_DT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN care_NN over_IN preparing_VBG the_DT Karamanou_NNP report_NN in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Citizens_NNPS '_POS Freedoms_NNPS and_CC Rights_NNPS ,_, Justice_NNP and_CC Home_NNP Affairs_NNP ._. Mr._NNP President_NNP ,_, the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Citizens_NNPS and_CC of_IN the_DT rights_NNS of_IN citizens_NNS ,_, justice_NN and_CC the_DT businesses_NNS interiors_NNS prepared_VBN with_IN much_JJ care_NN the_DT Karamanou_NNP report/ratio_NN ._.
4.52 There_EX is_VBZ an_DT urgent_JJ need_NN ,_, following_VBG the_DT recent_JJ attacks_NNS on_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP ,_, to_TO promote_VB democratisation_NN measures_NNS and_CC measures_NNS to_TO strengthen_VB institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._. The_DT recent_JJ incidents_NNS against_IN the_DT Greek_JJ imperative_JJ more_RBR the_DT need_NN to_TO promote_VB measures_NNS ,_, of_IN strengthening_VBG the_DT institutions_NNS and_CC the_DT respect_NN of_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._.
4.36 Worst_JJS of_IN all_DT ,_, I_PRP believe_VBP ,_, is_VBZ having_VBG to_TO issue_VB a_DT warning_NN that_IN a_DT court_NN judgment_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN may_MD just_RB be_VB a_DT set_NN of_IN comforting_JJ words_NNS and_CC make_VB no_DT real_JJ difference_NN in_IN their_PRP$ lives_NNS ._. In_IN my_PRP$ eyes_NNS ,_, there_EX is_VBZ however_RB nothing_NN worse_JJR than_IN to_TO have_VB to_TO inform_VB people_NNS that_IN a_DT judgment_NN delivered_VBN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN could_MD be_VB only_RB one_CD series_NN of_IN comforting_JJ words_NNS and_CC not_RB to_TO have_VB any_DT practical_JJ consequence_NN on_IN their_PRP$ existence_NN ._.
4.68 While_IN withdrawing_VBG the_DT resolution_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, I_PRP express_VBP the_DT conviction_NN that_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB made_VBN its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBD better_JJR if_IN ,_, in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, it_PRP had_VBD devoted_VBN a_DT specific_JJ and_CC separate_JJ resolution_NN to_TO these_DT important_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ topics_NNS of_IN the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, instead_RB of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN them_PRP in_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN that_WDT also_RB embraces_VBZ all_PDT the_DT other_JJ points_NNS on_IN the_DT Council_NNP agenda_NN ._. In_IN withdrawing_VBG our_PRP$ resolution_NN ,_, I_PRP am_VBP ,_, however_RB ,_, convinced_JJ that_IN our_PRP$ Parliament_NNP would_MD have_VB made_VBN its_PRP$ voice_NN heard_VBN in_IN dedicating_VBG ,_, in_IN view_NN of_IN the_DT Nice_NNP Council_NNP ,_, a_DT resolution_NN and_CC traditional_JJ so_RB important_JJ and_CC so_RB difficult_JJ to_TO the_DT Intergovernmental_NNP Conference_NNP ,_, rather_RB than_IN to_TO deal_VB in_IN the_DT framework_NN of_IN a_DT single_JJ resolution_NN including_VBG also_RB all_PDT the_DT other_JJ points_NNS of_IN the_DT agenda_NN of_IN the_DT Council_NNP ._.
1.0 -LRB-_-LRB- Applause_NN -RRB-_-RRB- I_PRP have_VBP already_RB replied_VBN on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC I_PRP entirely_RB agree_VBP with_IN what_WP he_PRP has_VBZ said_VBN about_IN the_DT need_NN to_TO improve_VB considerably_RB the_DT public_JJ debate_NN ._. I_PRP will_MD not_RB repeat_VB what_WP I_PRP said_VBD ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ true_JJ that_IN ,_, all_DT too_RB often_RB ,_, citizens_NNS feel_VBP alienated_VBN to_TO decisions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP taken_VBN in_IN the_DT bodies_NNS that_IN they_PRP do_VBP not_RB know_VB ._.
2.92 In_IN the_DT last_JJ three_CD weeks_NNS ,_, progress_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN in_IN three_CD major_JJ areas_NNS ._. These_DT weeks_NNS ,_, three_CD important_JJ have_VBP been_VBN achieved_VBN ._.
4.52 The_DT French_JJ Presidency_NNP thanks_NNS you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, for_IN this_DT cooperation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN the_DT warm_JJ reception_NN you_PRP have_VBP given_VBN us_PRP ._. For_IN this_DT co-operation_NN ,_, for_IN your_PRP$ support_NN and_CC also_RB for_IN your_PRP$ reception_NN ,_, Madam_NNP the_DT President_NNP ,_, Mesdames_NNP and_CC the_DT European_JJ Deputies_NNS ,_, the_DT French_JJ presidency_NN thanks_NNS you_PRP ._.
4.36 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO focus_VB in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN on_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP '_POS s_PRP report_NN ,_, which_WDT I_PRP think_VBP is_VBZ clearly_RB worded_VBN and_CC well_RB put_VB together_RB ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP shall_MD concentrate_VB in_IN my_PRP$ speech_NN on_IN the_DT report_NN by_IN Mrs_NNP Lalumière_NNP ,_, report_NN that_IN I_PRP find_VBP well_RB and_CC clearly_RB ._.
3.24 Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ,_, Greek_JJ ships_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN without_IN warning_NN ,_, when_WRB there_EX were_VBD no_DT storms_NNS in_IN the_DT vicinity_NN ._. Greek_JJ ships_NNS ran_VBD ,_, without_IN there_EX being_VBG the_DT least_JJS storm_NN in_IN trimmings_NNS ,_, Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ._.
4.84 There_EX is_VBZ an_DT urgent_JJ need_NN ,_, following_VBG the_DT recent_JJ attacks_NNS on_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN in_IN Himara_NNP ,_, to_TO promote_VB democratisation_NN measures_NNS and_CC measures_NNS to_TO strengthen_VB institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._. The_DT recent_JJ incidents_NNS against_IN the_DT Greek_JJ minority_NN of_IN Himara_NNP more_RBR imperative_JJ the_DT need_NN to_TO promote_VB measures_NNS of_IN democratisation_NN ,_, strengthening_VBG of_IN the_DT institutions_NNS and_CC respect_NN for_IN human_JJ rights_NNS in_IN Albania_NNP ._.
4.84 From_IN the_DT first_JJ discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT dossier_NN ,_, which_WDT were_VBD held_VBN at_IN European_JJ level_NN at_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT commitment_NN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO pursue_VB a_DT course_NN of_IN action_NN designed_VBN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP might_MD call_VB a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, grounded_VBN in_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS of_IN duty_NN ,_, respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN our_PRP$ citizens_NNS and_CC efficiency_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._. Since_IN the_DT first_JJ thoughts_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, which_WDT took_VBD place_NN at_IN European_JJ level_NN on_IN the_DT initiative_NN of_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP is_VBZ committed_VBN to_TO the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS to_TO promote_VB action_NN to_TO develop_VB what_WP we_PRP might_MD regard_VB as_IN a_DT European_JJ police_NN culture_NN ,_, based_VBN on_IN the_DT highest_JJS standards_NNS in_IN the_DT field_NN of_IN ethics_NNS ,_, respect_NN for_IN the_DT rights_NNS and_CC freedoms_NNS of_IN the_DT citizens_NNS ,_, and_CC effectiveness_NN in_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN crime_NN ._.
3.72 Let_VB us_PRP ,_, as_IN a_DT Europe_NNP of_IN 15_CD Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB those_DT countries_NNS who_WP are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN the_DT door_NN into_IN the_DT fold_VB under_IN respectable_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Let_VB us_PRP organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN fifteen_CD in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB in_IN the_DT countries_NNS that_WDT are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN our_PRP$ door_NN ._.
4.68 This_DT is_VBZ also_RB the_DT position_NN advocated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ shared_VBN by_IN the_DT European_JJ People_NNS '_POS s_PRP Party_NNP ._. That_DT is_VBZ the_DT position_NN advocated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN and_CC supported_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP People_NNP 's_POS Party_NNP ._.
4.2 It_PRP is_VBZ gratifying_VBG that_IN Parliament_NNP has_VBZ succeeded_VBN in_IN producing_VBG a_DT large_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN more_JJR openness_NN ._. It_PRP should_MD be_VB delighted_JJ that_IN the_DT Parliament_NNP together_RB a_DT broad_JJ majority_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN greater_JJR transparency_NN ._.
4.52 Knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ accepted_VBN as_IN a_DT necessary_JJ precursor_NN to_TO mobility_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ accepted_VBN that_IN knowledge_NN of_IN foreign_JJ languages_NNS is_VBZ a_DT necessary_JJ precondition_NN to_TO mobility_NN ._.
4.52 I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP rather_RB odd_JJ that_IN people_NNS are_VBP already_RB trying_VBG to_TO tie_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS hands_NNS in_IN relation_NN to_TO the_DT proposal_NN for_IN a_DT directive_NN ,_, while_IN at_IN the_DT same_JJ calling_VBG on_IN it_PRP to_TO present_VB a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ situation_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO optional_JJ and_CC supplementary_JJ health_NN insurance_NN schemes_NNS ._. I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP a_DT little_JJ strange_JJ to_TO want_VB as_IN of_IN now_RB forcing_VBG the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO a_DT motion_NN for_IN a_DT resolution_NN and_CC to_TO ask_VB him_PRP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN to_TO draw_VB up_RP a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ state_NN of_IN voluntary_JJ insurance_NN and_CC supplementary_JJ sickness_NN insurance_NN ._.
4.68 But_CC I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO Parliament_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT EU_NNP spends_VBZ just_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN GDP_NNP and_CC much_JJ of_IN that_DT is_VBZ administered_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._. However_RB ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB to_TO the_DT House_NNP this_DT afternoon_NN that_IN we_PRP should_MD not_RB lose_VB sight_NN of_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP spends_VBZ only_RB 1_CD %_NN of_IN GDP_NNP of_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS and_CC that_IN most_JJS of_IN this_DT money_NN is_VBZ managed_VBN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ._.
4.2 On_IN the_DT other_JJ hand_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB given_VBN a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP on_IN our_PRP$ own_JJ ,_, by_IN recognising_VBG the_DT genuine_JJ principles_NNS of_IN democracy_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO demonstrate_VB in_IN Europe_NNP which_WDT we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB only_RB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP ,_, recognising_VBG the_DT true_JJ democratic_JJ principles_NNS ._.
3.72 After_IN all_DT ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ by_IN no_DT means_NNS certain_JJ that_IN the_DT proposed_VBN definition_NN of_IN equitable_JJ price_NN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN any_DT other_JJ ,_, because_IN the_DT various_JJ definitions_NNS that_WDT are_VBP currently_RB in_IN use_NN in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS are_VBP all_DT perfectly_RB satisfactory_JJ ._. Indeed_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ absolutely_RB not_RB certain_JJ only_RB the_DT definition_NN of_IN fair_JJ price_NN which_WDT is_VBZ proposed_VBN is_VBZ better_JJR than_IN another_DT ,_, because_IN the_DT various_JJ definitions_NNS used_VBN currently_RB in_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS are_VBP enough_RB all_DT amply_RB ._.
4.36 The_DT right_NN of_IN a_DT government_NN arbitrarily_RB to_TO set_VB aside_RP its_PRP$ own_JJ constitution_NN is_VBZ the_DT defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._. The_DT right_NN to_TO a_DT government_NN to_TO remove_VB arbitrarily_RB its_PRP$ Constitution_NNP is_VBZ the_DT defining_VBG characteristic_NN of_IN a_DT tyranny_NN ._.
5.0 I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNPS into_IN the_DT eventual_JJ Treaty_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ._. I_PRP have_VBP also_RB voted_VBN against_IN a_DT text_NN that_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNS in_IN the_DT future_JJ Treaty_NNP to_TO be_VB adopted_VBN in_IN Nice_NNP ._.
4.52 This_DT is_VBZ a_DT vague_JJ area_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ possible_JJ that_IN more_JJR restrictive_JJ provisions_NNS may_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ one_CD point_NN in_IN respect_NN of_IN which_WDT we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._. Things_NNS are_VBP not_RB clear_JJ on_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB impossible_JJ that_IN can_MD also_RB remain_VB in_IN force_NN more_RBR restrictive_JJ measures_NNS ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ particularly_RB on_IN this_DT point_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP tabled_VBN amendments_NNS ._.
4.36 Do_VBP you_PRP think_VB that_IN the_DT Austrian_JJ model_NN ,_, i.e._FW bilateral_JJ majority_NN resolutions_NNS ,_, will_MD be_VB used_VBN in_IN future_NN as_IN a_DT way_NN of_IN passing_VBG resolutions_NNS which_WDT bypass_VBP the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC of_IN forming_VBG a_DT new_JJ institution_NN or_CC a_DT new_JJ group_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO circumvent_VB unanimity_NN in_IN the_DT Council_NNP ?_. Do_VBP you_PRP think_VB that_IN the_DT ``_`` Austrian_JJ ''_'' model_NN -_: namely_RB decision_NN making_VBG majority_NN bilateral_JJ -_: will_MD in_IN the_DT future_JJ constitute_VBP an_DT instrument_NN making_VBG it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO make_VB decisions_NNS by_IN being_VBG unaware_JJ of_IN the_DT European_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC to_TO found_VBD a_DT new_JJ institution_NN ,_, or_CC a_DT new_JJ group_NN ,_, to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO circumvent_VB the_DT rule_NN of_IN unanimity_NN within_IN the_DT Council_NNP ?_.
4.36 It_PRP is_VBZ unlikely_JJ that_IN the_DT planned_JJ protection_NN of_IN the_DT universal_JJ provision_NN of_IN services_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN a_DT compensatory_JJ fund_NN ,_, as_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN which_WDT private_JJ profits_NNS are_VBP ploughed_VBN back_RB into_IN public_JJ services_NNS ,_, will_MD last_VB ._. The_DT safeguard_VB of_IN the_DT universal_JJ service_NN using_VBG compensation_NN funds_NNS which_WDT would_MD make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO engage_VB of_IN the_DT private_JJ profits_NNS to_TO the_DT profit_NN of_IN the_DT public_JJ service_NN will_MD probably_RB make_VB failure_NN ._.
4.04 Thirdly_RB ,_, acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT individual_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ basically_RB depend_VBP -_: and_CC Denmark_NNP demonstrated_VBD this_DT -_: on_IN dismantling_VBG the_DT social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._. Thirdly_RB :_: the_DT approval_NN of_IN the_DT enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT different_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ and_CC -_: the_DT example_NN of_IN Denmark_NNP is_VBZ for_IN us_PRP to_TO the_DT point_NN -_: matters_NNS of_IN the_DT social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ policy_NN ._.
3.88 That_DT is_VBZ a_DT shameful_JJ state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS when_WRB we_PRP consider_VBP that_IN the_DT EU_NNP itself_PRP is_VBZ a_DT champion_NN of_IN modernised_JJ business_NN practice_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT shame_NN when_WRB they_PRP believe_VBP that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP presents_VBZ itself_PRP as_IN the_DT champion_NN of_IN the_DT modernisation_NN of_IN the_DT life_NN !_.
4.52 -_: My_PRP$ party_NN has_VBZ serious_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN Community_NNP law_NN applying_VBG to_TO the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN products_NNS ,_, as_IN against_IN applying_VBG the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._. My_PRP$ Party_NNP expresses_VBZ serious_JJ reservations_NNS about_IN the_DT regulation_NN of_IN the_DT sale_NN of_IN consumer_NN goods_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN Community_NNP legislation_NN ,_, as_IN it_PRP makes_VBZ reservations_NNS about_IN the_DT concept_NN of_IN mutual_JJ recognition_NN of_IN standards_NNS ._.
4.68 On_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ behalf_NN and_CC on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Fisheries_NNPS ,_, I_PRP would_MD ask_VB you_PRP ,_, Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, to_TO send_VB Parliament_NNP '_POS s_PRP condolences_VBZ to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC to_TO the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS in_IN both_DT Brittany_NNP and_CC in_IN Marín_NNP ,_, Galicia_NNP ,_, from_IN where_WRB the_DT majority_NN of_IN the_DT victims_NNS came_VBD ._. Madam_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP ask_VBP you_PRP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN my_PRP$ colleagues_NNS of_IN the_DT Commission_NNP and_CC on_IN my_PRP$ own_JJ behalf_NN ,_, to_TO send_VB a_DT message_NN from_IN Parliament_NNP to_TO the_DT families_NNS of_IN the_DT victims_NNS and_CC the_DT local_JJ authorities_NNS of_IN both_DT of_IN city_NN of_IN Galicia_NNP ,_, where_WRB they_PRP are_VBP in_IN the_DT majority_NN of_IN victims_NNS ._.
3.56 I_PRP call_VBP on_IN Prague_NNP to_TO respond_VB to_TO this_DT signal_NN ,_, this_DT challenge_NN ,_, this_DT plea_NN for_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO grant_VB our_PRP$ request_NN and_CC to_TO ensure_VB ,_, together_RB with_IN our_PRP$ House_NNP ,_, that_IN this_DT legacy_NN of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ era_NN can_MD be_VB consigned_VBN to_TO the_DT past_NN ._. I_PRP urge_VBP that_IN to_TO seize_VB this_DT motion_NN ,_, this_DT invitation_NN ,_, this_DT request_NN of_IN dialogue_NN ,_, to_TO give_VB further_JJ and_CC to_TO make_VB sure_JJ that_IN ,_, together_RB with_IN this_DT Assembly_NN ,_, these_DT relics_NNS of_IN a_DT nationalist_JJ might_MD be_VB ._.
4.52 Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ,_, Greek_JJ ships_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN without_IN warning_NN ,_, when_WRB there_EX were_VBD no_DT storms_NNS in_IN the_DT vicinity_NN ._. Ships_NNS Greeks_NNS have_VBP sunk_VBN ,_, without_IN that_DT there_EX are_VBP the_DT slightest_JJS storm_NN in_IN the_DT exist_VBP ,_, Mr_NNP Gayssot_NNP ._.
4.68 People_NNS with_IN the_DT same_JJ business_NN affairs_NNS in_IN common_JJ are_VBP peacefully_RB bound_VBN to_TO one_CD another_DT ._. The_DT common_JJ economic_JJ activities_NNS create_VBP peaceful_JJ bonds_NNS between_IN the_DT people_NNS ._.
4.84 Secondly_RB ,_, say_VBP no_UH to_TO the_DT big_JJ bang_NN idea_NN of_IN incorporating_VBG candidate_NN countries_NNS simultaneously_RB as_IN a_DT large_JJ group_NN ,_, since_IN that_DT would_MD militate_VB against_IN the_DT principle_NN that_IN each_DT country_NN should_MD be_VB admitted_VBN on_IN its_PRP$ own_JJ merits_NNS ._. Secondly_RB ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ necessary_JJ to_TO say_VB ``_`` no_DT ''_'' to_TO the_DT concept_NN to_TO accept_VB at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN an_DT important_JJ Group_NNP of_IN countries_NNS ,_, because_IN this_DT would_MD be_VB in_IN contradiction_NN with_IN the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT admission_NN of_IN each_DT country_NN according_VBG to_TO its_PRP$ merits_NNS ._.
4.04 Let_VB us_PRP ,_, as_IN a_DT Europe_NNP of_IN 15_CD Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, organise_VB ourselves_PRP in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO welcome_VB those_DT countries_NNS who_WP are_VBP knocking_VBG at_IN the_DT door_NN into_IN the_DT fold_VB under_IN respectable_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Let_VB us_PRP can_MD organize_VB itself_PRP to_TO Fifteen_CD in_IN order_NN to_TO be_VB able_JJ to_TO accomodate_VB under_IN right_JJ conditions_NNS the_DT countries_NNS which_WDT strike_VBP with_IN our_PRP$ door_NN ._.
4.84 The_DT aim_NN of_IN the_DT annual_JJ review_NN is_VBZ to_TO identify_VB such_JJ potential_JJ improvements_NNS ._. The_DT annual_JJ report_NN aims_VBZ to_TO identify_VB potential_JJ such_JJ improvements_NNS ._.
4.68 This_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ priority_NN fight_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS is_VBZ put_VBN into_IN practice_NN in_IN our_PRP$ political_JJ decisions_NNS ._. This_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ struggle_NN for_IN priority_NN that_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS to_TO be_VB implemented_VBN in_IN political_JJ choices_NNS ._.
4.84 I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNPS into_IN the_DT eventual_JJ Treaty_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ._. I_PRP have_VBP also_RB voted_VBN against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNPS into_IN the_DT future_JJ Treaty_NNP which_WDT will_MD be_VB adopted_VBN in_IN Nice_NNP ._.
4.36 Secondly_RB ,_, say_VBP no_UH to_TO the_DT big_JJ bang_NN idea_NN of_IN incorporating_VBG candidate_NN countries_NNS simultaneously_RB as_IN a_DT large_JJ group_NN ,_, since_IN that_DT would_MD militate_VB against_IN the_DT principle_NN that_IN each_DT country_NN should_MD be_VB admitted_VBN on_IN its_PRP$ own_JJ merits_NNS ._. Secondly_RB ,_, we_PRP must_MD say_VB `_`` no_DT '_'' to_TO the_DT concept_NN which_WDT bang_NN would_MD admit_VB that_DT at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN an_DT important_JJ group_NN of_IN countries_NNS ,_, because_IN that_DT would_MD be_VB at_IN odds_NNS with_IN the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT admission_NN of_IN each_DT country_NN on_IN its_PRP$ merits_NNS ._.
4.52 The_DT UK_NNP Labour_NNP members_NNS of_IN the_DT PES_NNP Group_NNP welcome_VB the_DT adoption_NN of_IN their_PRP$ contribution_NN to_TO the_DT ongoing_JJ work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN endorsing_VBG every_DT single_JJ detail_NN ._. ._. The_DT British_JJ Labour_NNP Members_NNS of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS welcomes_VBZ the_DT support_NN given_VBN to_TO the_DT contribution_NN they_PRP have_VBP made_VBN to_TO the_DT work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN closer_RBR cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN adhering_VBG fully_RB to_TO all_PDT the_DT details_NNS of_IN it_PRP ._.
4.84 On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT influence_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS is_VBZ being_VBG reduced_VBN by_IN the_DT further_JJ restriction_NN of_IN the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC by_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ being_VBG given_VBN more_JJR power_NN ._. On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT influence_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS fall_VBP into_IN force_NN by_IN the_DT further_JJ restriction_NN of_IN the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC to_TO increasing_VBG the_DT power_NN of_IN Parliament_NNP to_TO the_DT EU_NNP ._.
4.68 The_DT resolution_NN on_IN Nice_NNP ,_, voted_VBD today_NN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB this_DT ._. The_DT resolution_NN about_IN the_DT Summit_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ,_, which_WDT has_VBZ just_RB been_VBN voted_VBN ,_, does_VBZ not_RB reflect_VB it_PRP ._.
3.0 This_DT is_VBZ no_DT time_NN for_IN the_DT faint-hearted_JJ ._. This_DT is_VBZ not_RB the_DT time_NN to_TO show_VB ._.
4.84 Firstly_RB ,_, simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._. Initially_RB ,_, that_IN of_IN a_DT simplification_NN and_CC a_DT clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._.
4.52 As_IN there_EX is_VBZ still_RB a_DT lot_NN of_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, we_PRP must_MD know_VB what_WP the_DT scientific_JJ facts_NNS are_VBP and_CC what_WP action_NN must_MD be_VB taken_VBN ._. We_PRP need_VBP to_TO know_VB today_NN ,_, since_IN we_PRP are_VBP still_RB in_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, what_WDT are_VBP the_DT scientific_JJ data_NNS ,_, what_WDT measures_NNS are_VBP to_TO be_VB taken_VBN ._.
5.0 On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT influence_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS is_VBZ being_VBG reduced_VBN by_IN the_DT further_JJ restriction_NN of_IN the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC by_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ being_VBG given_VBN more_JJR power_NN ._. On_IN the_DT contrary_NN ,_, the_DT power_NN of_IN the_DT national_JJ democracies_NNS is_VBZ being_VBG reduced_VBN by_IN the_DT further_JJ restriction_NN of_IN the_DT right_NN of_IN veto_NN and_CC by_IN the_DT fact_NN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP is_VBZ being_VBG given_VBN more_JJR power_NN ._.
4.04 The_DT UK_NNP Labour_NNP members_NNS of_IN the_DT PES_NNP Group_NNP welcome_VB the_DT adoption_NN of_IN their_PRP$ contribution_NN to_TO the_DT ongoing_JJ work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN reinforced_VBN cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN endorsing_VBG every_DT single_JJ detail_NN ._. -LRB-_-LRB- it_PRP -RRB-_-RRB- the_DT British_JJ labour_NN Members_NNS of_IN the_DT Group_NNP of_IN the_DT Party_NNP of_IN European_NNP Socialists_NNPS is_VBZ very_RB welcome_JJ to_TO the_DT contribution_NN that_IN they_PRP have_VBP continuous_JJ work_NN of_IN the_DT IGC_NNP on_IN the_DT cooperation_NN ,_, without_IN all_PDT the_DT details_NNS of_IN this_DT ._.
4.52 Spain_NNP has_VBZ done_VBN a_DT magnificent_JJ job_NN in_IN turning_VBG round_NN the_DT difficult_JJ neighbourly_JJ relations_NNS which_WDT Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP have_VBP suffered_VBN during_IN the_DT course_NN of_IN history_NN ._. Spain_NNP developed_VBD in_IN a_DT remarkably_RB positive_JJ way_NN the_DT difficult_JJ vicinity_NN which_WDT always_RB existed_VBD between_IN Europe_NNP and_CC North_NNP Africa_NNP and_CC between_IN Spain_NNP and_CC Morocco_NNP ._.
4.52 Secondly_RB ,_, say_VBP no_UH to_TO the_DT big_JJ bang_NN idea_NN of_IN incorporating_VBG candidate_NN countries_NNS simultaneously_RB as_IN a_DT large_JJ group_NN ,_, since_IN that_DT would_MD militate_VB against_IN the_DT principle_NN that_IN each_DT country_NN should_MD be_VB admitted_VBN on_IN its_PRP$ own_JJ merits_NNS ._. Secondly_RB ,_, we_PRP must_MD say_VB `_`` no_DT '_'' to_TO the_DT concept_NN bang_NN who_WP would_MD like_VB to_TO see_VB the_DT same_JJ time_NN admit_VBP a_DT large_JJ group_NN of_IN countries_NNS ,_, because_IN that_DT would_MD be_VB in_IN contradiction_NN with_IN the_DT principle_NN of_IN the_DT admission_NN of_IN each_DT country_NN according_VBG to_TO its_PRP$ merits_NNS ._.
4.52 There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, one_CD crucial_JJ event_NN ,_, namely_RB that_IN a_DT start_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN with_IN category_NN four_CD and_CC with_IN looking_VBG at_IN ways_NNS how_WRB we_PRP will_MD deal_VB with_IN it_PRP ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB yet_RB entirely_RB clear_JJ whether_IN we_PRP have_VBP managed_VBN to_TO resolve_VB this_DT ,_, partly_RB because_IN the_DT Council_NNP refuses_VBZ to_TO have_VB sufficient_JJ input_NN in_IN the_DT attendant_NN thought_VBD processes_NNS ._. There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, a_DT very_RB important_JJ point_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ the_DT fact_NN that_IN we_PRP started_VBD the_DT heading_VBG four_CD ,_, with_IN its_PRP$ approach_NN ,_, but_CC we_PRP do_VBP not_RB know_VB yet_RB very_RB well_RB if_IN we_PRP managed_VBD to_TO solve_VB the_DT problem_NN ,_, in_IN particular_JJ because_IN the_DT Council_NNP does_VBZ not_RB wish_VB to_TO take_VB part_NN sufficiently_RB in_IN the_DT reflexion_NN ._.
3.72 In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, Chevron_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN accused_VBN by_IN the_DT All-Ijaw_NNP indigenous_JJ people_NNS of_IN instigating_VBG violence_NN against_IN them_PRP and_CC actually_RB paying_VBG Nigerian_JJ soldiers_NNS to_TO shoot_VB protesters_NNS at_IN the_DT Warri_NNP naval_JJ base_NN ._. In_IN Nigeria_NNP ,_, encouraging_VBG the_DT violence_NN in_IN their_PRP$ employment_NN and_CC go_VB up_RP to_TO pay_VB soldiers_NNS to_TO draw_VB on_IN the_DT demonstrators_NNS at_IN the_DT basis_NN of_IN warri_NNS ._.
5.0 The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD also_RB discuss_VB the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN the_DT accession_NN negotiations_NNS and_CC hence_RB of_IN the_DT enlargement_NN ._. The_DT European_JJ Council_NNP will_MD discuss_VB also_RB of_IN the_DT state_NN of_IN progress_NN of_IN accession_NN negotiations_NNS ,_, and_CC therefore_RB ,_, of_IN enlargement_NN ._.
4.04 I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, Common_NNP Security_NNP and_CC Defence_NNP Policy_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ ,_, comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._. I_PRP thank_VBP the_DT rapporteur_NN for_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ and_CC comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._.
4.68 I_PRP stress_VBP this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB everything_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB competition_NN is_VBZ not_RB completely_RB unrestricted_JJ ,_, nor_CC should_MD it_PRP be_VB ._. I_PRP stress_VBP this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB everything_NN and_CC that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT context_NN ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB or_CC can_MD not_RB be_VB competitive_JJ without_IN borders_NNS ._.
4.68 One_CD could_MD indeed_RB wish_VB for_IN more_JJR and_CC for_IN improvement_NN ,_, but_CC I_PRP honestly_RB believe_VBP that_IN we_PRP have_VBP made_VBN a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._. We_PRP can_MD ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, want_VBP more_JJR and_CC better_JJR ,_, but_CC I_PRP believe_VBP that_IN it_PRP is_VBZ a_DT good_JJ start_NN ._.
4.84 The_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP and_CC the_DT Internal_NNP Market_NNP rightly_RB insists_VBZ on_IN no_DT upper_JJ limit_NN and_CC a_DT minimum_NN of_IN no_DT less_JJR than_IN 7_CD %_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ rightly_RB that_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Legal_NNP Affairs_NNP and_CC Citizens_NNPS '_POS Rights_NNPS persists_VBZ in_IN the_DT rejection_NN of_IN a_DT ceiling_NN and_CC in_IN the_DT maintenance_NN of_IN a_DT minimum_JJ rate_NN which_WDT can_MD not_RB be_VB below_IN 7_CD %_NN ._.
5.0 We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO exchange_VB ideas_NNS on_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT it_PRP has_VBZ emerged_VBN that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._. We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO have_VB discussions_NNS on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, which_WDT show_VBP that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP to_TO keep_VB the_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._.
4.36 We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO exchange_VB ideas_NNS on_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT it_PRP has_VBZ emerged_VBN that_IN all_PDT the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS want_VBP to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._. We_PRP have_VBP started_VBN to_TO have_VB trade_NN on_IN this_DT issue_NN ,_, where_WRB it_PRP appears_VBZ that_IN all_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS wish_NN to_TO maintain_VB this_DT ceiling_NN after_IN enlargement_NN ._.
4.52 I_PRP wonder_VBP if_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP has_VBZ planned_VBN any_DT steps_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB that_IN we_PRP really_RB do_VBP consider_VB Kostunica_NNP to_TO be_VB the_DT only_JJ lawfully_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT only_JJ partner_NN with_IN whom_WP the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ involved_VBN as_IN from_IN today_NN ._. I_PRP wonder_VBP whether_IN the_DT Commissioner_NNP already_RB provides_VBZ steps_NNS which_WDT will_MD make_VB it_PRP possible_JJ to_TO show_VB that_IN we_PRP regard_VBP Kostunica_NNP as_IN the_DT legally_RB elected_VBN representative_NN of_IN the_DT Serbian_JJ people_NNS and_CC as_IN a_DT partner_NN with_IN whom_WP the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP will_MD now_RB have_VB to_TO deal_VB with_IN ._.
4.36 The_DT other_JJ viewpoint_NN illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN '_'' s_PRP initial_JJ statement_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN members_NNS is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN which_WDT are_VBP needed_VBN in_IN order_NN to_TO establish_VB among_IN insurers_NNS ways_NNS of_IN organising_VBG costs_NNS on_IN a_DT mutual_JJ basis_NN providing_VBG everybody_NN with_IN guaranteed_JJ access_NN to_TO high-quality_JJ care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS developing_VBG together_RB with_IN risk_NN and_CC client_NN selection_NN ._. The_DT other_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN 's_POS original_JJ and_CC shared_VBN by_IN many_JJ colleagues_NNS ,_, is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB the_DT rules_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN needed_VBN to_TO build_VB ,_, between_IN insurers_NNS ,_, forms_NNS of_IN degree_NN of_IN costs_NNS guaranteeing_VBG all_PDT the_DT supply_NN of_IN good_JJ quality_NN care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risks_NNS of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS and_CC a_DT risk_NN selection_NN and_CC customers_NNS ._.
4.84 Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_DT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB precisely_RB the_DT opposite_JJ ,_, and_CC so_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB vote_VB for_IN it_PRP ._. Unfortunately_RB the_DT final_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB exactly_RB the_DT opposite_JJ course_NN and_CC we_PRP can_MD not_RB approve_VB it_PRP ._.
5.0 Thirdly_RB ,_, acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT individual_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT EU_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_JJ basically_RB depend_VBP -_: and_CC Denmark_NNP demonstrated_VBD this_DT -_: on_IN dismantling_VBG the_DT social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._. Thirdly_RB ,_, the_DT acceptance_NN of_IN enlargement_NN and_CC its_PRP$ positive_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN the_DT various_JJ countries_NNS and_CC for_IN the_DT whole_NN of_IN the_DT EU_NNP depend_VBP -_: the_DT example_NN of_IN Denmark_NNP is_VBZ here_RB to_TO show_VB this_DT -_: largely_RB to_TO the_DT elimination_NN of_IN social_JJ and_CC democratic_JJ deficits_NNS of_IN European_JJ policy_NN ._.
4.84 Slovakia_NNP has_VBZ not_RB been_VBN condemned_VBN to_TO the_DT second_JJ division_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO join_VB together_RB with_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._. Slovakia_NNP is_VBZ not_RB doomed_VBN to_TO remain_VB in_IN the_DT second_JJ group_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP wants_VBZ to_TO join_VB the_DT Union_NNP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN as_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._.
5.0 I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, Common_NNP Security_NNP and_CC Defence_NNP Policy_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ ,_, comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._. I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO thank_VB the_DT rapporteur_NN of_IN the_DT Committee_NNP on_IN Foreign_NNP Affairs_NNP ,_, Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, Common_NNP Security_NNP and_CC Defence_NNP Policy_NNP ,_, Mr_NNP Brok_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ clear_JJ and_CC comprehensive_JJ report_NN ._.
4.84 Lastly_RB ,_, and_CC most_JJS controversially_RB ,_, the_DT committee_NN strongly_RB called_VBN for_IN the_DT use_NN of_IN a_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, and_CC this_DT is_VBZ a_DT most_RBS controversial_JJ issue_NN ,_, the_DT Commission_NNP has_VBZ called_VBN vigorously_RB to_TO use_VB the_DT fast-track_JJ procedure_NN to_TO implement_VB this_DT legislation_NN ._.
4.2 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP voted_VBD for_IN the_DT García-Margallo_NNP y_NNP Marfil_NNP report_NN on_IN the_DT taxation_NN of_IN electronic_JJ commerce_NN ._. Mr._NNP President_NNP ,_, I_PRP have_VBP voting_NN in_IN favour_NN of_IN the_DT report_NN García-Margallo_NNP there_RB Marfil_NNP ,_, which_WDT relates_VBZ to_TO the_DT tax_NN on_IN the_DT abundant_JJ services_NNS with_IN electronic_JJ way_NN ._.
5.0 Either_CC we_PRP are_VBP in_IN a_DT club_NN or_CC we_PRP are_VBP out_IN of_IN it_PRP and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ particularly_RB important_JJ that_IN we_PRP accept_VBP this_DT ._. Either_CC we_PRP part_NN of_IN the_DT club_NN ,_, or_CC we_PRP are_VBP not_RB ,_, and_CC we_PRP must_MD therefore_RB we_PRP bow_VBP to_TO this_DT decision_NN ._.
5.0 on_IN the_DT situation_NN in_IN Burma_NNP On_IN the_DT situation_NN in_IN Burma_NNP ._.
4.52 The_DT other_JJ viewpoint_NN illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT rapporteur_NN '_'' s_PRP initial_JJ statement_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN members_NNS is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN which_WDT are_VBP needed_VBN in_IN order_NN to_TO establish_VB among_IN insurers_NNS ways_NNS of_IN organising_VBG costs_NNS on_IN a_DT mutual_JJ basis_NN providing_VBG everybody_NN with_IN guaranteed_JJ access_NN to_TO high-quality_JJ care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS developing_VBG together_RB with_IN risk_NN and_CC client_NN selection_NN ._. The_DT other_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, illustrated_VBN by_IN the_DT example_NN of_IN the_DT original_JJ rapporteur_NN and_CC shared_VBN by_IN many_JJ colleagues_NNS ,_, is_VBZ to_TO promote_VB the_DT regulations_NNS and_CC codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN needed_VBN to_TO create_VB ,_, between_IN insurers_NNS ,_, the_DT forms_NNS of_IN mutual_JJ costs_NNS guaranteeing_VBG to_TO all_PDT the_DT provision_NN of_IN high-quality_JJ care_NN and_CC to_TO counter_VB the_DT risk_NN of_IN seeing_VBG develop_VB discriminatory_JJ practices_NNS and_CC a_DT risk_NN selection_NN and_CC customers_NNS ._.
4.68 It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT matter_NN of_IN the_DT utmost_JJ importance_NN and_CC yet_RB has_VBZ curiously_RB attracted_VBN very_RB little_JJ public_JJ attention_NN ._. The_DT task_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ important_JJ ,_, however_RB ,_, did_VBD not_RB arouse_VB great_JJ interest_NN on_IN the_DT part_NN of_IN the_DT public_JJ yet_RB ._.
4.52 The_DT lesson_NN for_IN this_DT Parliament_NNP this_DT morning_NN must_MD be_VB that_IN we_PRP have_VBP to_TO conclude_VB that_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS throughout_IN the_DT world_NN are_VBP in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN shambles_NN and_CC we_PRP have_VBP to_TO begin_VB the_DT process_NN of_IN putting_VBG them_PRP right_RB ._. The_DT lesson_NN must_MD retain_VB this_DT House_NNP in_IN its_PRP$ debate_NN this_DT morning_NN is_VBZ that_IN we_PRP are_VBP forced_VBN to_TO conclude_VB that_IN the_DT maritime_NN laws_NNS are_VBP in_IN the_DT world_NN ,_, in_IN a_DT state_NN of_IN mess_NN ,_, and_CC that_IN we_PRP must_MD get_VB down_RB to_TO the_DT task_NN of_IN up_RB ._.
4.68 That_DT is_VBZ a_DT shameful_JJ state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS when_WRB we_PRP consider_VBP that_IN the_DT EU_NNP itself_PRP is_VBZ a_DT champion_NN of_IN modernised_JJ business_NN practice_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ a_DT shame_NN when_WRB it_PRP is_VBZ thought_VBN that_IN the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ posed_VBN as_IN a_DT champion_NN modernization_NN of_IN the_DT economic_JJ life_NN !_.
4.36 And_CC I_PRP am_VBP telling_VBG you_PRP loud_JJ and_CC clear_JJ :_: Kostunica_NNP must_MD be_VB given_VBN his_PRP$ chance_NN here_RB and_CC I_PRP therefore_RB hope_VBP that_IN he_PRP will_MD give_VB amnesty_NN in_IN the_DT next_JJ couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS or_CC months_NNS ,_, but_CC meanwhile_RB ,_, I_PRP do_VBP want_VB the_DT introduction_NN of_IN those_DT two_CD new_JJ budget_NN lines_NNS ,_, democratisation_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN ,_, to_TO be_VB accompanied_VBN by_IN political_JJ conditions_NNS ,_, both_DT from_IN a_DT political_JJ and_CC budgetary_JJ perspective_NN ._. And_CC I_PRP say_VBP this_DT very_RB clearly_RB :_: it_PRP is_VBZ necessary_JJ to_TO give_VB its_PRP$ chance_NN to_TO Kostunica_NNP and_CC I_PRP hope_VBP that_IN it_PRP will_MD take_VB time_NN to_TO a_DT clear_JJ in_IN the_DT course_NN of_IN the_DT coming_VBG weeks_NNS or_CC months_NNS ;_: but_CC in_IN the_DT meantime_NN ,_, I_PRP hope_VBP ,_, however_RB ,_, that_IN ,_, in_IN terms_NNS of_IN policy_NN and_CC in_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_DT budget_NN ,_, the_DT political_JJ conditions_NNS are_VBP the_DT introduction_NN of_IN these_DT two_CD new_JJ budget_NN lines_NNS ,_, namely_RB the_DT and_CC reconstruction_NN ._.
4.2 On_IN the_DT other_JJ hand_NN ,_, we_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO be_VB given_VBN a_DT chance_NN to_TO prove_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP able_JJ to_TO develop_VB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP within_IN Yugoslavia_NNP on_IN our_PRP$ own_JJ ,_, by_IN recognising_VBG the_DT genuine_JJ principles_NNS of_IN democracy_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, we_PRP would_MD have_VB a_DT chance_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB to_TO Europe_NNP that_IN we_PRP are_VBP in_IN a_DT position_NN to_TO develop_VB the_DT constitutional_JJ equality_NN of_IN Serbia_NNP and_CC Montenegro_NNP ,_, in_IN Yugoslavia_NNP ,_, recognising_VBG the_DT real_JJ democratic_JJ principles_NNS ._.
4.68 If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP we_PRP must_MD act_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC deeds_NNS ,_, not_RB merely_RB words_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP ,_, we_PRP must_MD intervene_VB with_IN money_NN and_CC concrete_JJ actions_NNS ,_, and_CC not_RB only_RB with_IN words_NNS ._.
3.88 I_PRP find_VBP it_PRP rather_RB odd_JJ that_IN people_NNS are_VBP already_RB trying_VBG to_TO tie_VB the_DT Commission_NNP 's_POS hands_NNS in_IN relation_NN to_TO the_DT proposal_NN for_IN a_DT directive_NN ,_, while_IN at_IN the_DT same_JJ calling_VBG on_IN it_PRP to_TO present_VB a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ situation_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO optional_JJ and_CC supplementary_JJ health_NN insurance_NN schemes_NNS ._. I_PRP am_VBP a_DT bit_NN of_IN him_PRP now_RB to_TO compel_VB the_DT Commission_NNP to_TO a_DT motion_NN for_IN a_DT resolution_NN and_CC ask_VB him_PRP in_IN a_DT time_NN to_TO establish_VB a_DT Green_NNP Paper_NNP on_IN the_DT current_JJ State_NN of_IN voluntary_JJ insurance_NN and_CC health_NN insurance_NN ._.
4.52 There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, one_CD crucial_JJ event_NN ,_, namely_RB that_IN a_DT start_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN with_IN category_NN four_CD and_CC with_IN looking_VBG at_IN ways_NNS how_WRB we_PRP will_MD deal_VB with_IN it_PRP ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB yet_RB entirely_RB clear_JJ whether_IN we_PRP have_VBP managed_VBN to_TO resolve_VB this_DT ,_, partly_RB because_IN the_DT Council_NNP refuses_VBZ to_TO have_VB sufficient_JJ input_NN in_IN the_DT attendant_NN thought_VBD processes_NNS ._. There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, a_DT very_RB important_JJ point_NN ,_, is_VBZ the_DT fact_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP initiated_VBN within_IN category_NN four_CD ,_, with_IN his_PRP$ approach_NN ,_, but_CC we_PRP do_VBP not_RB yet_RB know_VB very_RB well_RB if_IN we_PRP managed_VBD to_TO solve_VB the_DT problem_NN ,_, not_RB least_JJS because_IN the_DT Council_NNP does_VBZ not_RB wish_VB to_TO participate_VB enough_JJ food_NN for_IN thought_NN ._.
3.88 That_DT made_VBD them_PRP heavily_RB dependent_JJ on_IN loans_NNS ._. A_DT development_NN which_WDT has_VBZ made_VBN heavily_RB dependent_JJ on_IN capital_NN loans_NNS ._.
4.84 Slovakia_NNP has_VBZ not_RB been_VBN condemned_VBN to_TO the_DT second_JJ division_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN it_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO join_VB together_RB with_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._. Slovakia_NNP is_VBZ not_RB condemned_VBN to_TO remain_VB in_IN the_DT second_JJ group_NN and_CC it_PRP is_VBZ logical_JJ that_IN she_PRP wants_VBZ to_TO adhere_VB to_TO the_DT Union_NNP at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN as_IN the_DT Czech_JJ Republic_NNP ._.
4.52 Question_NN No_DT 6_CD by_IN -LRB-_-LRB- H-0886_JJ /_NN 00_CD -RRB-_-RRB- :_: question_NN nº_NN 6_CD of_IN -LRB-_-LRB- H-0886_JJ /_NN 00_CD -RRB-_-RRB- :_:
4.68 Worst_JJS of_IN all_DT ,_, I_PRP believe_VBP ,_, is_VBZ having_VBG to_TO issue_VB a_DT warning_NN that_IN a_DT court_NN judgment_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN may_MD just_RB be_VB a_DT set_NN of_IN comforting_JJ words_NNS and_CC make_VB no_DT real_JJ difference_NN in_IN their_PRP$ lives_NNS ._. In_IN my_PRP$ view_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ nothing_NN worse_JJR than_IN having_VBG to_TO warn_VB people_NNS that_IN a_DT judgment_NN in_IN their_PRP$ favour_NN could_MD only_RB be_VB a_DT series_NN of_IN reassuring_VBG words_NNS and_CC have_VBP no_DT practical_JJ effect_NN on_IN their_PRP$ existence_NN ._.
5.0 Firstly_RB ,_, simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._. Firstly_RB ,_, that_IN of_IN a_DT simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._.
4.84 Whilst_NNP employment_NN may_MD be_VB the_DT European_NNP Union_NNP '_POS s_PRP priority_NN policy_NN ,_, fisheries_NNS ,_, as_IN another_DT economic_JJ sector_NN ,_, can_MD not_RB remain_VB on_IN the_DT sidelines_NNS ._. If_IN employment_NN is_VBZ the_DT political_JJ priority_NN of_IN the_DT Union_NNP ,_, fishing_NN ,_, as_IN an_DT economic_JJ sector_NN ,_, can_MD not_RB remain_VB on_IN the_DT sidelines_NNS ._.
4.68 We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ Council_NNP Presidency_NNP first_JJ restructured_VBN and_CC then_RB scrapped_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP for_IN Equality_NNP ._. We_PRP have_VBP heard_VBN that_IN the_DT previous_JJ presidency_NN has_VBZ first_RB restructured_VBN and_CC then_RB dismantled_VBD the_DT Ministry_NNP of_IN equal_JJ opportunities_NNS ._.
4.68 As_IN there_EX is_VBZ still_RB a_DT lot_NN of_IN uncertainty_NN ,_, we_PRP must_MD know_VB what_WP the_DT scientific_JJ facts_NNS are_VBP and_CC what_WP action_NN must_MD be_VB taken_VBN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ necessary_JJ to_TO know_VB today_NN ,_, since_IN we_PRP are_VBP still_RB in_IN the_DT uncertainty_NN ,_, which_WDT are_VBP the_DT scientific_JJ ,_, what_WDT are_VBP the_DT measures_NNS to_TO take_VB ._.
4.52 I_PRP stress_VBP this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB everything_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ why_WRB competition_NN is_VBZ not_RB completely_RB unrestricted_JJ ,_, nor_CC should_MD it_PRP be_VB ._. I_PRP insist_VBP on_IN this_DT point_NN because_IN the_DT market_NN can_MD not_RB regulate_VB everything_NN and_CC that_IN ,_, in_IN this_DT perspective_NN ,_, there_EX is_VBZ neither_DT can_MD be_VB no_DT competition_NN without_IN limits_NNS ._.
4.84 They_PRP will_MD keep_VB the_DT pressure_NN on_IN ,_, and_CC they_PRP are_VBP strengthening_VBG their_PRP$ position_NN with_IN the_DT revenue_NN they_PRP are_VBP generating_VBG from_IN delivering_VBG mail_NN above_IN 150_CD grams_NNS ._. They_PRP will_MD continue_VB to_TO put_VB the_DT pressure_NN ._. The_DT money_NN that_IN they_PRP gain_VBP with_IN the_DT distribution_NN beyond_IN the_DT limit_NN of_IN the_DT 150_CD grams_NNS makes_VBZ it_PRP possible_JJ them_PRP to_TO reinforce_VB their_PRP$ position_NN ._.
4.84 I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT incorporation_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNPS into_IN the_DT eventual_JJ Treaty_NNP of_IN Nice_NNP ._. I_PRP also_RB voted_VBD against_IN a_DT text_NN which_WDT calls_VBZ for_IN the_DT integration_NN of_IN the_DT Charter_NNP of_IN Fundamental_JJ Rights_NNS in_IN the_DT future_JJ Treaty_NNP which_WDT will_MD be_VB adopted_VBN at_IN Nice_NNP ._.
4.84 If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ ,_, binding_JJ framework_NN for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, then_RB there_RB should_MD be_VB a_DT longer_JJR evaluation_NN period_NN for_IN the_DT various_JJ support_NN systems_NNS required_VBN to_TO satisfy_VB these_DT requirements_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP define_VBP a_DT clear_JJ and_CC binding_JJ framework_NN for_IN the_DT Member_NNP States_NNPS ,_, the_DT various_JJ systems_NNS to_TO meet_VB these_DT demands_NNS should_MD have_VB a_DT longer_JJR period_NN of_IN put_VBN to_TO the_DT test_NN ._.
4.36 Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP should_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB a_DT few_JJ words_NNS on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, be_VB passed_VBN ._. Mr_NNP President_NNP ,_, ladies_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ,_, I_PRP would_MD like_VB to_TO speak_VB on_IN the_DT joint_JJ resolution_NN that_IN we_PRP shall_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, be_VB voting_VBG ._.
4.52 Question_NN No_DT 6_CD by_IN -LRB-_-LRB- H-0886_JJ /_NN 00_CD -RRB-_-RRB- :_: Question_NN 6_CD -LRB-_-LRB- H-0886_NN /_CD 00_CD -RRB-_-RRB- :_:
4.68 This_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ priority_NN fight_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB that_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS is_VBZ put_VBN into_IN practice_NN in_IN our_PRP$ political_JJ decisions_NNS ._. That_DT is_VBZ our_PRP$ fight_NN priority_NN for_IN the_DT affirmation_NN of_IN fundamental_JJ rights_NNS is_VBZ implemented_VBN in_IN political_JJ choices_NNS ._.
4.36 The_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP ,_, along_IN with_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, has_VBZ a_DT wealth_NN of_IN experience_NN of_IN such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN supervision_NN ,_, and_CC we_PRP can_MD build_VB on_IN these_DT ._. As_IN the_DT Court_NNP of_IN Human_NNP Rights_NNP ,_, the_DT Council_NNP of_IN Europe_NNP has_VBZ also_RB a_DT solid_JJ experience_NN regarding_VBG such_JJ forms_NNS of_IN control_NN ;_: we_PRP can_MD take_VB to_TO basis_NN ._.
4.52 Reiterating_VBG the_DT calls_NNS made_VBN by_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, what_WP initiatives_NNS does_VBZ the_DT Presidency_NNP of_IN the_DT European_JJ Council_NNP propose_VBP to_TO take_VB with_IN a_DT view_NN to_TO playing_VBG a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN so_RB as_IN to_TO guarantee_VB the_DT full_JJ and_CC complete_JJ application_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_. As_IN the_DT European_NNP Parliament_NNP called_VBD for_IN in_IN its_PRP$ resolution_NN of_IN 16_CD March_NNP 2000_CD ,_, they_PRP initiatives_VBZ the_DT European_JJ Council_NNP Presidency_NNP intend_VBP to_TO take_VB to_TO play_VB a_DT more_RBR active_JJ role_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO ensure_VB the_DT full_JJ implementation_NN of_IN the_DT UN_NNP peace_NN plan_NN ?_.
4.36 There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, one_CD crucial_JJ event_NN ,_, namely_RB that_IN a_DT start_NN has_VBZ been_VBN made_VBN with_IN category_NN four_CD and_CC with_IN looking_VBG at_IN ways_NNS how_WRB we_PRP will_MD deal_VB with_IN it_PRP ,_, but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB yet_RB entirely_RB clear_JJ whether_IN we_PRP have_VBP managed_VBN to_TO resolve_VB this_DT ,_, partly_RB because_IN the_DT Council_NNP refuses_VBZ to_TO have_VB sufficient_JJ input_NN in_IN the_DT attendant_NN thought_VBD processes_NNS ._. There_EX is_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, a_DT very_RB important_JJ point_NN is_VBZ the_DT fact_NN that_IN we_PRP have_VBP begun_VBN category_NN four_CD ,_, with_IN his_PRP$ approach_NN ,_, but_CC we_PRP do_VBP not_RB yet_RB know_VB very_RB well_RB if_IN we_PRP managed_VBD to_TO solve_VB the_DT problem_NN ,_, not_RB least_JJS because_IN the_DT Council_NNP does_VBZ not_RB wish_VB to_TO participate_VB in_IN the_DT discussion_NN ._.
5.0 If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP we_PRP must_MD act_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC deeds_NNS ,_, not_RB merely_RB words_NNS ._. If_IN we_PRP want_VBP to_TO help_VB Indonesia_NNP ,_, we_PRP must_MD act_VB now_RB with_IN money_NN and_CC concrete_JJ action_NN ,_, and_CC not_RB only_RB with_IN words_NNS ._.
5.0 Firstly_RB ,_, simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._. Firstly_RB ,_, the_DT simplification_NN and_CC clarification_NN of_IN the_DT Treaties_NNPS ._.
3.56 This_DT rule_NN can_MD be_VB applied_VBN equally_RB to_TO all_DT recreational_JJ but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS when_WRB no_DT one_NN but_CC the_DT person_NN consuming_NN the_DT drug_NN is_VBZ likely_JJ to_TO be_VB affected_VBN ._. This_DT rule_NN can_MD apply_VB to_TO all_DT drugs_NNS récréationnelles_VBZ provided_VBN that_IN the_DT consumer_NN but_CC dangerous_JJ drugs_NNS is_VBZ the_DT only_RB to_TO run_VB risks_NNS ._.
5.0 Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_DT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB precisely_RB the_DT opposite_JJ ,_, and_CC so_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB vote_VB for_IN it_PRP ._. Unfortunately_RB the_DT ultimate_JJ goal_NN of_IN a_DT European_JJ Constitution_NNP would_MD be_VB exactly_RB the_DT opposite_JJ and_CC ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PRP can_MD not_RB approve_VB it_PRP ._.
3.72 All_PDT those_DT who_WP are_VBP at_IN present_JJ engaged_VBN in_IN illicit_JJ work_NN would_MD obtain_VB work_NN with_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Everyone_NN who_WP works_VBZ are_VBP currently_RB obtiendraient_JJ undeclared_JJ work_NN in_IN decent_JJ social_JJ conditions_NNS ._.
4.2 But_CC other_JJ sources_NNS close_RB to_TO the_DT sale_NN said_VBD Vivendi_NNP was_VBD keeping_VBG the_DT door_NN open_JJ to_TO further_JJ bids_NNS and_CC hoped_VBD to_TO see_VB bidders_NNS interested_JJ in_IN individual_JJ assets_NNS team_NN up_RB ._. But_CC other_JJ sources_NNS close_RB to_TO the_DT sale_NN said_VBD Vivendi_NNP was_VBD keeping_VBG the_DT door_NN open_JJ for_IN further_JJ bids_NNS in_IN the_DT next_JJ day_NN or_CC two_CD ._.
4.0 Micron_NNP has_VBZ declared_VBN its_PRP$ first_JJ quarterly_JJ profit_NN for_IN three_CD years_NNS ._. Micron_NNP 's_POS numbers_NNS also_RB marked_VBD the_DT first_JJ quarterly_JJ profit_NN in_IN three_CD years_NNS for_IN the_DT DRAM_NNP manufacturer_NN ._.
3.24 The_DT fines_NNS are_VBP part_NN of_IN failed_VBN Republican_JJ efforts_NNS to_TO force_VB or_CC entice_VB the_DT Democrats_NNPS to_TO return_VB ._. Perry_NNP said_VBD he_PRP backs_VBZ the_DT Senate_NNP 's_POS efforts_NNS ,_, including_VBG the_DT fines_NNS ,_, to_TO force_VB the_DT Democrats_NNPS to_TO return_VB ._.
3.72 The_DT American_JJ Anglican_NNP Council_NNP ,_, which_WDT represents_VBZ Episcopalian_JJ conservatives_NNS ,_, said_VBD it_PRP will_MD seek_VB authorization_NN to_TO create_VB a_DT separate_JJ group_NN ._. The_DT American_JJ Anglican_NNP Council_NNP ,_, which_WDT represents_VBZ Episcopalian_JJ conservatives_NNS ,_, said_VBD it_PRP will_MD seek_VB authorization_NN to_TO create_VB a_DT separate_JJ province_NN in_IN North_NNP America_NNP because_IN of_IN last_JJ week_NN 's_POS actions_NNS ._.
2.92 The_DT tech-loaded_JJ Nasdaq_NNP composite_NN rose_VBD 20.96_CD points_NNS to_TO 1595.91_CD ,_, ending_VBG at_IN its_PRP$ highest_JJS level_NN for_IN 12_CD months_NNS ._. The_DT technology-laced_JJ Nasdaq_NNP Composite_NNP Index_NNP <_NNP ._. IXIC_NNP >_CD climbed_VBD 19.11_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 1.2_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 1,615.02_CD ._.
2.0664 Amgen_NNP shares_NNS gained_VBD 93_CD cents_NNS ,_, or_CC 1.45_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO $_$ 65.05_CD in_IN afternoon_NN trading_NN on_IN Nasdaq_NNP ._. Shares_NNS of_IN Allergan_NNP were_VBD up_RB 14_CD cents_NNS at_IN $_$ 78.40_CD in_IN late_JJ trading_NN on_IN the_DT New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP ._.
4.68 U.S._NNP prosecutors_NNS have_VBP arrested_VBN more_JJR than_IN 130_CD individuals_NNS and_CC have_VBP seized_VBN more_JJR than_IN $_$ 17_CD million_CD in_IN a_DT continuing_VBG crackdown_NN on_IN Internet_NNP fraud_NN and_CC abuse_NN ._. More_JJR than_IN 130_CD people_NNS have_VBP been_VBN arrested_VBN and_CC $_$ 17_CD million_CD worth_NN of_IN property_NN seized_VBD in_IN an_DT Internet_NNP fraud_NN sweep_NN announced_VBD Friday_NNP by_IN three_CD U.S._NNP government_NN agencies_NNS ._.
4.04 Chavez_NNP said_VBD investigators_NNS feel_VB confident_JJ they_PRP 've_VBP got_VBN ``_`` at_IN least_JJS one_CD of_IN the_DT fires_NNS resolved_VBN in_IN that_DT regard_NN ._. ''_'' Albuquerque_NNP Mayor_NNP Martin_NNP Chavez_NNP said_VBD investigators_NNS felt_VBD confident_JJ that_IN with_IN the_DT arrests_NNS they_PRP had_VBD ``_`` at_IN least_JJS one_CD of_IN the_DT fires_NNS resolved_VBN ._. ''_''
4.36 Authorities_NNP said_VBD the_DT scientist_NN properly_RB quarantined_VBD himself_PRP at_IN home_NN after_IN he_PRP developed_VBD SARS_NNP symptoms_NNS Dec._NNP 10_CD ._. The_DT scientist_NN also_RB quarantined_VBD himself_PRP at_IN home_NN as_RB soon_RB as_IN he_PRP developed_VBD SARS_NNP symptoms_NNS ,_, officials_NNS said_VBD ._.
3.08 The_DT support_NN will_MD come_VB as_IN a_DT free_JJ software_NN upgrade_NN called_VBN WebVPN_NNP for_IN current_JJ customers_NNS that_WDT have_VBP support_NN contracts_NNS ._. The_DT upgrade_NN will_MD be_VB available_JJ as_IN a_DT free_JJ download_NN for_IN current_JJ customers_NNS with_IN SmarNet_NNP support_NN in_IN January_NNP 2004_CD ._.
4.52 The_DT man_NN accused_VBN of_IN using_VBG fake_JJ grenades_NNS to_TO commandeer_VB a_DT Cuban_JJ plane_NN that_WDT landed_VBD in_IN Key_NNP West_NNP in_IN April_NNP was_VBD sentenced_VBN Friday_NNP to_TO 20_CD years_NNS in_IN prison_NN ._. A_DT Cuban_JJ architect_NN was_VBD sentenced_VBN to_TO 20_CD years_NNS in_IN prison_NN Friday_NNP for_IN using_VBG two_CD fake_JJ grenades_NNS to_TO hijack_VB a_DT passenger_NN plane_NN from_IN Cuba_NNP to_TO Florida_NNP in_IN April_NNP ._.
4.36 Jim_NNP Williams_NNP ,_, director_NN of_IN the_DT US-VISIT_NNP project_NN ,_, said_VBD that_IN by_IN the_DT middle_NN of_IN November_NNP ,_, many_JJ arriving_VBG passengers_NNS in_IN Atlanta_NNP will_MD be_VB fingerprinted_VBN and_CC photographed_VBN ._. Jim_NNP Williams_NNP ,_, director_NN of_IN the_DT US-VISIT_NNP project_NN ,_, said_VBD that_IN by_IN the_DT middle_NN of_IN November_NNP ,_, inspectors_NNS will_MD be_VB fingerprinting_VBG and_CC photographing_VBG many_JJ foreign_JJ passengers_NNS arriving_VBG in_IN Atlanta_NNP ._.
5.0 The_DT hearing_NN occurred_VBD a_DT day_NN after_IN the_DT Pentagon_NNP for_IN the_DT first_JJ time_NN singled_VBN out_RP an_DT officer_NN ,_, Dallager_NNP ,_, for_IN not_RB addressing_VBG the_DT scandal_NN ._. The_DT hearing_NN came_VBD one_CD day_NN after_IN the_DT Pentagon_NNP for_IN the_DT first_JJ time_NN singled_VBN out_RP an_DT officer_NN -_: Dallager_NNP -_: for_IN failing_VBG to_TO address_VB the_DT scandal_NN ._.
5.0 The_DT Episcopal_NNP Church_NNP ''_'' is_VBZ alienating_VBG itself_PRP from_IN the_DT Anglican_NNP Communion_NNP ,_, ''_'' said_VBD the_DT Very_NNP Rev._NNP Peter_NNP Karanja_NNP ,_, provost_NN of_IN the_DT All_DT Saints_NNP Cathedral_NNP ,_, in_IN Nairobi_NNP ._. In_IN Nairobi_NNP ,_, the_DT provost_NN of_IN All_DT Saints_NNP Cathedral_NNP ,_, the_DT Very_NNP Reverend_NNP Peter_NNP Karanja_NNP ,_, said_VBD the_DT US_NNP Episcopal_NNP Church_NNP was_VBD alienating_VBG itself_PRP from_IN the_DT Anglican_NNP Communion_NNP ._.
5.0 Counties_NNS with_IN population_NN declines_NNS will_MD be_VB Vermillion_NNP ,_, Posey_NNP and_CC Madison_NNP ._. Vermillion_NNP ,_, Posey_NNP and_CC Madison_NNP County_NNP populations_NNS will_MD decline_VB ._.
3.72 Swartz_NNP ,_, indicted_VBN in_IN February_NNP ,_, had_VBD argued_VBN that_IN New_NNP Hampshire_NNP was_VBD the_DT wrong_JJ place_NN to_TO charge_VB him_PRP ._. Swartz_NNP had_VBD sought_VBN to_TO have_VB the_DT charges_NNS dismissed_VBD ,_, saying_VBG New_NNP Hampshire_NNP was_VBD the_DT wrong_JJ place_NN to_TO charge_VB him_PRP ._.
5.0 The_DT last_JJ time_NN the_DT survey_NN was_VBD conducted_VBN ,_, in_IN 1995_CD ,_, those_DT numbers_NNS matched_VBN ._. In_IN 1995_CD ,_, the_DT last_JJ survey_NN ,_, those_DT numbers_NNS were_VBD equal_JJ ._.
4.2 Higher_JJR courts_NNS have_VBP ruled_VBN that_IN the_DT tablets_NNS broke_VBD the_DT constitutional_JJ separation_NN of_IN church_NN and_CC state_NN ._. The_DT federal_JJ courts_NNS have_VBP ruled_VBN that_IN the_DT monument_NN violates_VBZ the_DT constitutional_JJ ban_NN against_IN state-established_JJ religion_NN ._.
3.56 They_PRP were_VBD at_IN Raffles_NNP Hospital_NNP over_IN the_DT weekend_NN for_IN further_JJ evaluation_NN ._. They_PRP underwent_VBD more_JJR tests_NNS over_IN the_DT weekend_NN ,_, and_CC are_VBP now_RB warded_VBN at_IN Raffles_NNP Hospital_NNP ._.
5.0 When_WRB the_DT bomb_NN exploded_VBD at_IN the_DT Casa_NNP de_IN España_NNP ,_, customers_NNS were_VBD eating_VBG dinner_NN and_CC playing_VBG bingo_NN ._. At_IN the_DT Casa_NNP de_IN Espaa_NNP ,_, customers_NNS were_VBD eating_VBG dinner_NN and_CC playing_VBG bingo_NN when_WRB a_DT bomb_NN went_VBD off_RB ._.
4.52 Plofsky_NNP said_VBD the_DT commission_NN wo_MD n't_RB investigate_VB because_IN the_DT three-year_JJ statute_NN of_IN limitations_NNS has_VBZ expired_VBN ._. The_DT panel_NN will_MD not_RB begin_VB a_DT formal_JJ investigation_NN because_IN the_DT statute_NN of_IN limitations_NNS has_VBZ expired_VBN ,_, Plofsky_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.88 In_IN two_CD weeks_NNS ,_, he_PRP 'll_MD probably_RB send_VB out_RP Peace_NNP Rules_NNP in_IN the_DT Preakness_NNP ._. Frankel_NNP said_VBD Peace_NNP Rules_NNP will_MD run_VB in_IN the_DT Preakness_NNP Stakes_NNP on_IN May_NNP 17_CD ._.
3.88 If_IN convicted_VBN of_IN the_DT spying_VBG charges_NNS ,_, he_PRP could_MD face_VB the_DT death_NN penalty_NN ._. The_DT charges_NNS of_IN espionage_NN and_CC aiding_VBG the_DT enemy_NN can_MD carry_VB the_DT death_NN penalty_NN ._.
1.64 The_DT technology-laced_JJ Nasdaq_NNP Composite_NNP Index_NNP was_VBD up_RB 7.60_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.46_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN 1,653.62_CD ._. The_DT broader_JJR Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD Index_NNP <_NN ._. SPX_NNP >_CD shed_VBD 2.38_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.24_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN 995.10_CD ._.
2.12 Hilsenrath_NNP and_CC Klarman_NNP each_DT were_VBD indicted_VBN on_IN three_CD counts_NNS of_IN securities_NNS fraud_NN ._. Klarman_NNP was_VBD charged_VBN with_IN 16_CD counts_NNS of_IN wire_NN fraud_NN ._.
3.56 Entrenched_JJ interests_NNS are_VBP positioning_NN themselves_PRP to_TO control_VB the_DT network_NN 's_POS chokepoints_NNS and_CC they_PRP are_VBP lobbying_VBG the_DT FCC_NNP to_TO aid_VB and_CC abet_VB them_PRP ._. It_PRP may_MD be_VB dying_VBG because_IN entrenched_JJ interests_NNS are_VBP positioning_NN themselves_PRP to_TO control_VB the_DT Internet_NNP 's_POS choke-points_NNS and_CC they_PRP are_VBP lobbying_VBG the_DT FCC_NNP to_TO aid_VB and_CC abet_VB them_PRP ._. ''_''
4.04 But_CC church_NN members_NNS and_CC observers_NNS say_VBP they_PRP expect_VBP that_IN the_DT decision_NN could_MD be_VB problematic_JJ for_IN many_JJ Episcopalians_NNPS ._. But_CC church_NN members_NNS and_CC observers_NNS say_VBP they_PRP anticipate_VBP that_IN the_DT decision_NN here_RB could_MD pose_VB doctrinal_JJ problems_NNS for_IN some_DT Episcopalians_NNPS who_WP believe_VBP the_DT Bible_NNP prohibits_VBZ homosexuality_NN ._.
4.36 Squyres_NNP is_VBZ principal_JJ investigator_NN for_IN the_DT Athena_NNP payload_NN -_: a_DT collection_NN of_IN science_NN instruments_NNS carted_VBN by_IN each_DT rover_NN ._. Steve_NNP Squyres_NNP ,_, a_DT Cornell_NNP University_NNP scientist_NN ,_, is_VBZ principal_JJ investigator_NN for_IN the_DT missions_NNS '_POS science_NN instruments_NNS ._.
3.4 The_DT military_NN said_VBD it_PRP had_VBD killed_VBN 12_CD rebels_NNS and_CC captured_VBN nine_CD in_IN the_DT campaign_NN so_RB far_RB ,_, for_IN the_DT loss_NN of_IN six_CD soldiers_NNS wounded_VBN ._. The_DT military_NN said_VBD it_PRP had_VBD killed_VBN 16_CD rebels_NNS and_CC captured_VBN nine_CD in_IN the_DT campaign_NN so_RB far_RB ,_, with_IN one_CD soldier_NN killed_VBN and_CC six_CD wounded_VBN ._.
3.88 The_DT new_JJ sensor_NN --_: dubbed_VBN CANARY_NNP for_IN ''_'' cellular_JJ analysis_NN and_CC notification_NN of_IN antigen_NN risks_NNS and_CC yields_NNS ''_'' --_: hijacks_VBZ this_DT natural_JJ process_NN with_IN two_CD important_JJ changes_NNS ._. The_DT team_NN has_VBZ named_VBN the_DT sensor_NN Canary_NNP ,_, for_IN cellular_JJ analysis_NN and_CC notification_NN of_IN antigen_NN risks_NNS and_CC yields_NNS ._.
3.4 Express_NNP Scripts_NNPS ESRX.O_NNP shares_NNS fell_VBD 3.6_CD percent_NN to_TO close_VB at_IN $_$ 66.89_CD on_IN the_DT Nasdaq_NNP ._. Shares_NNS of_IN Express_NNP Scripts_NNPS ESRX.O_NNP fell_VBD about_RB 4_CD percent_NN to_TO $_$ 66.73_CD on_IN the_DT Nasdaq_NNP in_IN late_JJ morning_NN trade_NN ._.
3.4 One_CD ,_, Fort_NNP Carson-based_JJ Sgt._NNP Ernest_NNP Bucklew_NNP ,_, 33_CD ,_, had_VBD been_VBN on_IN his_PRP$ way_NN home_NN to_TO attend_VB his_PRP$ mother_NN 's_POS funeral_JJ in_IN Pennsylvania_NNP ._. Sgt._NNP Ernest_NNP Bucklew_NNP ,_, 33_CD ,_, was_VBD coming_VBG home_NN from_IN Iraq_NNP to_TO bury_VB his_PRP$ mother_NN in_IN Pennsylvania_NNP ._.
3.4 Police_NNP launched_VBD an_DT international_JJ hunt_NN for_IN Shevaun_NNP Pennington_NNP after_IN she_PRP ran_VBD away_RB with_IN 31-year-old_JJ Toby_NNP Studabaker_NNP Saturday_NNP ._. Shevaun_NNP Pennington_NNP disappeared_VBD on_IN Saturday_NNP morning_NN after_IN arranging_VBG to_TO meet_VB 31-year-old_JJ Toby_NNP Studabaker_NNP ._.
4.84 Lawyers_NNS and_CC others_NNS familiar_JJ with_IN the_DT federal_JJ investigation_NN say_VBP it_PRP remains_VBZ focused_VBN on_IN Campbell_NNP ,_, though_IN prosecutors_NNS declined_VBD to_TO discuss_VB the_DT probe_NN ._. While_IN federal_JJ prosecutors_NNS refuse_VBP to_TO discuss_VB the_DT investigation_NN ,_, lawyers_NNS and_CC others_NNS familiar_JJ with_IN it_PRP say_VBP it_PRP remains_VBZ focused_VBN on_IN Campbell_NNP ._.
3.0 The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN ._. DJI_NNP was_VBD off_IN 58.69_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.64_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN 9,137.86_CD ._. The_DT blue-chip_JJ Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN ._. DJI_NNP fell_VBD 86.56_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.94_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 9,109.99_CD ,_, after_IN giving_VBG up_RP more_JJR than_IN 1_CD percent_NN earlier_RBR ._.
2.8 Peace_NNP Rules_NNP defeated_VBD Funny_NNP Cide_NNP in_IN the_DT Louisiana_NNP Derby_NNP ._. But_CC neither_DT he_PRP nor_CC Peace_NNP Rules_NNP could_MD keep_VB Funny_NNP Cide_NNP from_IN drawing_VBG away_RB ._.
3.8 Waksal_NNP has_VBZ pleaded_VBN guilty_JJ to_TO securities_NNS fraud_NN and_CC is_VBZ to_TO be_VB sentenced_VBN next_JJ week_NN ._. Waksal_NNP pleaded_VBD guilty_JJ to_TO insider_NN trading_NN charges_NNS last_JJ year_NN ,_, and_CC he_PRP is_VBZ scheduled_VBN to_TO be_VB sentenced_VBN June_NNP 10_CD ._.
3.8 He_PRP allowed_VBD two_CD runs_NNS in_IN seven_CD innings_NNS and_CC struck_VBD out_RP six_CD ._. Zambrano_NNP pitched_VBD seven_CD innings_NNS and_CC allowed_VBD two_CD runs_NNS on_IN five_CD hits_NNS and_CC four_CD walks_VBZ ._.
3.4 Still_RB ,_, he_PRP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PRP 'm_VBP absolutely_RB confident_JJ we_PRP 're_VBP going_VBG to_TO have_VB a_DT bill_NN ._. ''_'' ``_`` I_PRP 'm_VBP absolutely_RB confident_JJ we_PRP 're_VBP going_VBG to_TO have_VB a_DT bill_NN ,_, ''_'' Frist_NNP ,_, R-Tenn._NNP ,_, said_VBD Thursday_NNP ._.
3.4 Boeing_NNP said_VBD the_DT final_JJ agreement_NN is_VBZ expected_VBN to_TO be_VB signed_VBN during_IN the_DT next_JJ few_JJ weeks_NNS ._. The_DT Korean_NNP Air_NNP deal_NN is_VBZ expected_VBN to_TO be_VB finalized_VBN ``_`` in_IN the_DT next_JJ several_JJ weeks_NNS ,_, ''_'' Boeing_NNP spokesman_NN Bob_NNP Saling_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.9336 Shares_NNS in_IN EDS_NNP closed_VBD on_IN Thursday_NNP at_IN $_$ 18.51_CD ,_, a_DT gain_NN of_IN 6_CD cents_NNS ._. Shares_NNS of_IN EDS_NNP closed_VBD Thursday_NNP at_IN $_$ 18.51_CD ,_, up_RB 6_CD cents_NNS on_IN the_DT New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP ._.
2.3336 Nationally_RB ,_, the_DT federal_JJ Centers_NNPS for_IN Disease_NNP Control_NNP and_CC Prevention_NNP recorded_VBD 4,156_CD cases_NNS of_IN West_NNP Nile_NNP ,_, including_VBG 284_CD deaths_NNS ._. There_EX were_VBD 293_CD human_JJ cases_NNS of_IN West_NNP Nile_NNP in_IN Indiana_NNP in_IN 2002_CD ,_, including_VBG 11_CD deaths_NNS statewide_RB ._.
3.88 A_DT divided_VBN Supreme_NNP Court_NNP ruled_VBD Monday_NNP that_IN Congress_NNP can_MD force_VB the_DT nation_NN 's_POS public_JJ libraries_NNS to_TO equip_VB computers_NNS with_IN anti-pornography_JJ filters_NNS ._. The_DT Supreme_NNP Court_NNP said_VBD Monday_NNP the_DT government_NN can_MD require_VB public_JJ libraries_NNS to_TO equip_VB computers_NNS with_IN anti-pornography_JJ filters_NNS ,_, rejecting_VBG librarians_NNS '_POS complaints_NNS that_IN the_DT law_NN amounts_VBZ to_TO censorship_NN ._.
4.04 The_DT weakness_NN exists_VBZ in_IN the_DT way_NN that_IN VBA_NNP looks_VBZ at_IN the_DT properties_NNS of_IN documents_NNS passed_VBN to_TO it_PRP when_WRB the_DT document_NN is_VBZ opened_VBN by_IN a_DT host_NN application_NN ._. The_DT vulnerability_NN exists_VBZ in_IN the_DT way_NN Microsoft_NNP 's_POS Visual_NNP Basic_NNP for_IN Applications_NNS checks_NNS document_NN properties_NNS passed_VBD to_TO it_PRP when_WRB a_DT document_NN is_VBZ opened_VBN ._.
3.72 Of_IN 24_CD million_CD phoned-in_JJ votes_NNS ,_, 50.28_CD percent_NN were_VBD for_IN Studdard_NNP ,_, putting_VBG him_PRP 130,000_CD votes_NNS ahead_RB of_IN Aiken_NNP ._. Of_IN the_DT 24_CD million_CD phone_NN votes_NNS cast_VBD ,_, Studdard_NNP was_VBD only_RB 130,000_CD votes_NNS ahead_RB of_IN Aiken_NNP ._.
3.72 Consumers_NNS still_RB would_MD have_VB to_TO get_VB a_DT descrambling_JJ security_NN card_NN from_IN their_PRP$ cable_NN operator_NN to_TO plug_VB into_IN the_DT set_NN ._. To_TO watch_VB pay_NN television_NN ,_, consumers_NNS would_MD insert_VB into_IN the_DT set_VBN a_DT security_NN card_NN provided_VBN by_IN their_PRP$ cable_NN service_NN ._.
4.04 However_RB ,_, we_PRP have_VBP decided_VBN to_TO opt_VB for_IN the_DT European_JJ consortium_NN 's_POS engine_NN as_IN the_DT best_JJS overall_JJ solution_NN and_CC due_JJ to_TO the_DT substantial_JJ price_NN efforts_NNS made_VBD ''_'' ._. However_RB ,_, we_PRP have_VBP decided_VBN to_TO opt_VB for_IN the_DT European_JJ consortium_NN 's_POS engine_NN as_IN the_DT best_JJS overall_JJ solution_NN ._. ''_''
3.24 The_DT Food_NNP and_CC Drug_NNP Administration_NNP rejected_VBD ImClone_NNP 's_POS 2001_CD application_NN to_TO sell_VB Erbitux_NNP ,_, citing_VBG shoddy_JJ research_NN ._. The_DT U.S._NNP Food_NNP and_CC Drug_NNP Administration_NNP rejected_VBD ImClone_NNP 's_POS original_JJ application_NN in_IN December_NNP 2001_CD ,_, saying_VBG the_DT trial_NN had_VBD been_VBN sloppily_RB conducted_VBN ._.
4.0 Critics_NNS say_VBP the_DT law_NN violates_VBZ civil_JJ liberties_NNS ,_, something_NN House_NNP Judiciary_NNP Committee_NNP Chairman_NNP James_NNP Sensenbrenner_NNP ,_, R-Wis._NNP ,_, says_VBZ he_PRP is_VBZ sensitive_JJ to_TO ._. House_NNP Judiciary_NNP Committee_NNP Chairman_NNP James_NNP Sensenbrenner_NNP ,_, R-Wis._NNP ,_, says_VBZ he_PRP is_VBZ sensitive_JJ to_TO civil_JJ liberties_NNS complaints_NNS ._.
4.52 The_DT Dodgers_NNPS won_VBD their_PRP$ sixth_JJ consecutive_JJ game_NN their_PRP$ longest_JJS win_VBP streak_NN since_IN 2001_CD as_IN they_PRP edged_VBD Colorado_NNP ,_, 3-2_CD ,_, Wednesday_NNP in_IN front_NN of_IN a_DT crowd_NN of_IN 25,332_CD at_IN Dodger_NNP Stadium_NNP ._. The_DT Dodgers_NNPS won_VBD their_PRP$ sixth_JJ consecutive_JJ game_NN and_CC seventh_JJ in_IN their_PRP$ last_JJ nine_CD as_IN they_PRP beat_VBP Colorado_NNP 3-2_CD on_IN Wednesday_NNP in_IN front_NN of_IN a_DT crowd_NN of_IN 25,332_CD at_IN Dodger_NNP Stadium_NNP ._.
4.0 So_RB far_RB ,_, they_PRP have_VBP searched_VBN Pennsylvania_NNP ,_, Ohio_NNP ,_, Michigan_NNP ,_, Illinois_NNP and_CC Indiana_NNP ,_, authorities_NNS in_IN those_DT state_NN said_VBD ._. So_RB far_RB ,_, authorities_NNS also_RB have_VBP searched_VBN areas_NNS in_IN Pennsylvania_NNP ,_, Ohio_NNP ,_, Indiana_NNP ,_, and_CC Michigan_NNP ._.
3.2 The_DT 30-year_JJ bond_NN US30YT_NNP =_SYM RR_NNP firmed_VBD 31/32_CD ,_, taking_VBG its_PRP$ yield_NN to_TO 4.16_CD percent_NN --_: another_DT record_NN low_NN --_: from_IN 4.22_CD percent_NN ._. The_DT 30-year_JJ bond_NN <_CD US30YT_NNP =_SYM RR_SYM >_CD firmed_VBD 24/32_CD ,_, taking_VBG its_PRP$ yield_NN to_TO 4.18_CD percent_NN ,_, after_IN hitting_VBG another_DT record_NN low_NN of_IN 4.16_CD percent_NN ._.
4.0 On_IN Thursday_NNP ,_, a_DT Washington_NNP Post_NNP article_NN argued_VBD that_IN a_DT 50_CD basis_NN point_NN cut_VBN from_IN the_DT Fed_NNP was_VBD more_RBR likely_JJ ,_, contrary_JJ to_TO the_DT Wall_NNP Street_NNP Journal_NNP 's_POS line_NN ._. On_IN Thursday_NNP ,_, a_DT Post_NNP article_NN argued_VBD that_IN a_DT 50_CD basis_NN point_NN cut_VBN from_IN the_DT Fed_NNP was_VBD more_RBR likely_JJ ._.
2.8 Mr._NNP Heatley_NNP ,_, who_WP suffered_VBD a_DT broken_JJ jaw_NN and_CC torn_VBN knee_NN ligaments_NNS ,_, faces_VBZ several_JJ charges_NNS ._. Heatley_NNP underwent_VBD surgery_NN Saturday_NNP for_IN a_DT broken_JJ jaw_NN and_CC an_DT MRI_NNP found_VBD two_CD torn_VBN ligaments_NNS in_IN his_PRP$ right_JJ knee_NN ._.
4.04 Lay_NNP had_VBD argued_VBN that_IN handing_VBG over_IN the_DT documents_NNS would_MD be_VB a_DT violation_NN of_IN his_PRP$ Fifth_NNP Amendment_NNP rights_NNS against_IN self-incrimination_NN ._. Lay_NNP had_VBD refused_VBN to_TO turn_VB over_RP the_DT papers_NNS ,_, asserting_VBG his_PRP$ Fifth_NNP Amendment_NNP right_NN against_IN self-incrimination_NN ._.
3.56 Strayhorn_NNP said_VBD it_PRP was_VBD the_DT first_JJ time_NN in_IN Texas_NNP history_NN a_DT comptroller_NN had_VBD not_RB certified_VBN the_DT appropriations_NNS act_NN ._. In_IN a_DT news_NN release_NN Thursday_NNP ,_, Strayhorn_NNP said_VBD this_DT was_VBD the_DT first_JJ time_NN a_DT comptroller_NN rejected_VBD a_DT budget_NN ._.
4.04 Excluding_VBG the_DT charges_NNS ,_, analysts_NNS ,_, on_IN average_NN ,_, expected_VBD a_DT loss_NN of_IN 11_CD cents_NNS a_DT share_NN ._. Analysts_NNS polled_VBN by_IN Thomson_NNP Financial_NNP First_NNP Call_VB had_VBD been_VBN expected_VBN to_TO see_VB a_DT loss_NN of_IN about_RB 11_CD cents_NNS a_DT share_NN from_IN continuing_VBG operations_NNS ._.
4.84 Security_NN experts_NNS are_VBP warning_VBG that_IN a_DT new_JJ mass-mailing_NN worm_NN is_VBZ spreading_VBG widely_RB across_IN the_DT Internet_NNP ,_, sometimes_RB posing_VBG as_IN e-mail_NN from_IN the_DT Microsoft_NNP founder_NN ._. A_DT new_JJ worm_NN has_VBZ been_VBN spreading_VBG rapidly_RB across_IN the_DT Internet_NNP ,_, sometimes_RB pretending_VBG to_TO be_VB an_DT e-mail_NN from_IN Microsoft_NNP Chairman_NNP Bill_NNP Gates_NNP ,_, antivirus_NN vendors_NNS said_VBD Monday_NNP ._.
4.2 Mr_NNP Sahel_NNP said_VBD police_NN had_VBD identified_VBN the_DT bodies_NNS of_IN seven_CD of_IN the_DT 14-strong_JJ cell_NN believed_VBD to_TO have_VB carried_VBN out_IN the_DT five_CD almost_RB simultaneous_JJ attacks_NNS on_IN Saturday_NNP ._. He_PRP said_VBD police_NN had_VBD identified_VBN the_DT bodies_NNS of_IN seven_CD of_IN the_DT 14_CD bombers_NNS who_WP launched_VBD five_CD almost_RB simultaneous_JJ raids_NNS Friday_NNP night_NN ._.
2.12 Only_RB New_NNP Jersey_NNP now_RB bans_VBZ holders_NNS of_IN learners_NNS permits_VBZ or_CC intermediate_JJ licenses_NNS from_IN using_VBG cell_NN phones_NNS ,_, pagers_NNS or_CC other_JJ wireless_JJ devices_NNS while_IN driving_VBG ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, the_DT NTSB_NNP also_RB recommended_VBD to_TO NHTSA_NNP that_IN state_NN legislation_NN be_VB enacted_VBN to_TO prohibit_VB holders_NNS of_IN learners_NNS permits_NNS and_CC intermediate_JJ licenses_NNS from_IN using_VBG mobile_JJ phones_NNS while_IN driving_VBG ._.
4.36 The_DT University_NNP of_IN Michigan_NNP released_VBD today_NN a_DT new_JJ admissions_NNS policy_NN after_IN the_DT U.S._NNP Supreme_NNP Court_NNP struck_VBD down_RP in_IN June_NNP the_DT way_NN it_PRP previously_RB admitted_VBD undergraduates_NNS ._. The_DT University_NNP of_IN Michigan_NNP plans_VBZ to_TO release_VB a_DT new_JJ undergraduate_JJ admissions_NNS policy_NN Thursday_NNP after_IN its_PRP$ acceptance_NN requirements_NNS were_VBD rejected_VBN by_IN the_DT U.S._NNP Supreme_NNP Court_NNP in_IN June_NNP ._.
2.44 The_DT audiotape_NN aired_VBD last_JJ week_NN by_IN the_DT Arab_NNP Al-Jazeera_NNP television_NN network_NN appears_VBZ to_TO be_VB an_DT effort_NN to_TO incite_VB attacks_NNS ._. An_DT audiotape_NN aired_VBD last_JJ week_NN by_IN the_DT Arab_NNP al-Jazeera_NNP television_NN network_NN may_MD be_VB the_DT strongest_JJS evidence_NN yet_RB that_IN Saddam_NNP survived_VBD the_DT war_NN ._.
4.36 Former_JJ company_NN chief_NN financial_JJ officer_NN Franklyn_NNP M._NNP Bergonzi_NNP pleaded_VBD guilty_JJ to_TO one_CD count_NN of_IN conspiracy_NN on_IN June_NNP 5_CD and_CC agreed_VBD to_TO cooperate_VB with_IN prosecutors_NNS ._. Last_JJ week_NN ,_, former_JJ chief_NN financial_JJ officer_NN Franklyn_NNP Bergonzi_NNP pleaded_VBD guilty_JJ to_TO one_CD count_NN of_IN conspiracy_NN and_CC agreed_VBD to_TO cooperate_VB with_IN the_DT government_NN 's_POS investigation_NN ._.
2.6 The_DT company_NN did_VBD n't_RB detail_NN the_DT costs_NNS of_IN the_DT replacement_NN and_CC repairs_NNS ._. But_CC company_NN officials_NNS expect_VBP the_DT costs_NNS of_IN the_DT replacement_NN work_NN to_TO run_VB into_IN the_DT millions_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS ._.
3.08 Dean_NNP told_VBD reporters_NNS traveling_VBG on_IN his_PRP$ 10-city_JJ ``_`` Sleepless_JJ Summer_NNPS ''_'' tour_NN that_IN he_PRP considered_VBD campaigning_NN in_IN Texas_NNP a_DT challenge_NN ._. Today_NN ,_, Dean_NNP ends_VBZ his_PRP$ four-day_JJ ,_, 10-city_JJ ``_`` Sleepless_JJ Summer_NNPS ''_'' tour_NN in_IN Chicago_NNP and_CC New_NNP York_NNP ._.
3.6 ``_`` I_PRP felt_VBD that_IN if_IN I_PRP disagreed_VBD with_IN Rosie_NNP too_RB much_RB I_PRP would_MD lose_VB my_PRP$ job_NN ,_, ''_'' she_PRP said_VBD ._. Cavender_NNP did_VBD say_VB :_: ``_`` I_PRP felt_VBD that_IN if_IN I_PRP disagreed_VBD with_IN Rosie_NNP too_RB much_RB I_PRP would_MD lose_VB my_PRP$ job_NN ._. ''_''
5.0 The_DT device_NN plays_VBZ Internet_NNP radio_NN streams_NNS and_CC comes_VBZ with_IN a_DT 30-day_JJ trial_NN of_IN RealNetworks_NNS '_POS Rhapsody_NNP music_NN service_NN ._. The_DT product_NN also_RB streams_NNS Internet_NNP radio_NN and_CC comes_VBZ with_IN a_DT 30-day_JJ free_JJ trial_NN for_IN RealNetworks_NNS '_POS Rhapsody_NNP digital_JJ music_NN subscription_NN service_NN ._.
3.4 The_DT dollar_NN fell_VBD as_RB low_JJ as_IN $_$ 1.1624_CD per_IN euro_NN from_IN $_$ 1.1486_CD on_IN Friday_NNP ,_, and_CC traded_VBD at_IN $_$ 1.1594_CD at_IN 10:15_CD a.m._NN in_IN London_NNP ._. The_DT dollar_NN dropped_VBD to_TO $_$ 1.1564_CD per_IN euro_NN at_IN 7:30_CD a.m._NN in_IN London_NNP from_IN $_$ 1.1486_CD on_IN Friday_NNP ._.
4.0 The_DT American_JJ decision_NN provoked_VBD an_DT angry_JJ reaction_NN from_IN the_DT European_JJ Commission_NNP ,_, which_WDT described_VBD the_DT move_NN as_IN ``_`` legally_RB unwarranted_JJ ,_, economically_RB unfounded_JJ and_CC politically_RB unhelpful_JJ ''_'' ._. The_DT European_JJ Commission_NNP ,_, the_DT EU_NNP 's_POS powerful_JJ executive_NN body_NN ,_, described_VBD the_DT move_NN as_IN ``_`` legally_RB unwarranted_JJ ,_, economically_RB unfounded_JJ and_CC politically_RB unhelpful_JJ ._. ''_''
4.4 Ms._NNP Cripps-Prawak_NNP left_VBD last_JJ Friday_NNP ,_, two_CD days_NNS after_IN the_DT department_NN introduced_VBD a_DT plan_NN to_TO distribute_VB medical_JJ marijuana_NN through_IN doctors_NNS '_POS offices_NNS ._. The_DT director_NN of_IN the_DT Office_NNP of_IN Medical_NNP Access_NNP ,_, Cindy_NNP Cripps-Prawak_NNP ,_, left_VBD her_PRP$ job_NN after_IN the_DT department_NN introduced_VBD a_DT plan_NN to_TO distribute_VB marijuana_NN through_IN doctors_NNS '_POS offices_NNS ._.
4.8 During_IN 2001_CD and_CC 2002_CD ,_, Morgenthau_NNP said_VBD ,_, wire_NN transfers_NNS from_IN just_RB four_CD of_IN Beacon_NNP Hill_NNP 's_POS 40_CD accounts_NNS totaled_VBD more_JJR than_IN $_$ 3.2_CD billion_CD ._. Wire_NN transfers_NNS from_IN four_CD of_IN the_DT 40_CD accounts_NNS open_JJ at_IN Beacon_NNP Hill_NNP totaled_VBD more_JJR than_IN $_$ 3.2_CD billion_CD from_IN 2001_CD to_TO 2002_CD ,_, Morgenthau_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.6 Last_JJ year_NN ,_, he_PRP made_VBD an_DT unsuccessful_JJ bid_NN for_IN the_DT Democratic_JJ nomination_NN for_IN governor_NN ._. He_PRP ran_VBD last_JJ year_NN for_IN the_DT Democratic_JJ nomination_NN for_IN Texas_NNP governor_NN ,_, but_CC lost_VBD the_DT primary_JJ to_TO multimillionaire_VB Tony_NNP Sanchez_NNP ._.
4.0 The_DT nation_NN 's_POS largest_JJS retailer_NN has_VBZ told_VBN its_PRP$ 100_CD top_JJ suppliers_NNS they_PRP have_VBP to_TO start_VB using_VBG electronic_JJ tags_NNS on_IN all_DT pallets_NNS of_IN goods_NNS by_IN Jan._NNP 25_CD ,_, 2005_CD ._. Wal-Mart_NNP has_VBZ told_VBN its_PRP$ top_JJ 100_CD suppliers_NNS that_IN they_PRP 'll_MD need_VB to_TO have_VB radio-frequency_NN ID_NNP systems_NNS in_IN place_NN for_IN tracking_VBG pallets_NNS of_IN goods_NNS through_IN the_DT supply_NN chain_NN by_IN Jan._NNP 25_CD ,_, 2005_CD ._.
3.6 He_PRP was_VBD taken_VBN to_TO a_DT hospital_NN for_IN precautionary_JJ X-rays_NNS on_IN his_PRP$ neck_NN ._. Harvey_NNP was_VBD taken_VBN to_TO St._NNP Luke_NNP 's_POS Hospital_NN for_IN precautionary_JJ neck_NN X-rays_NNS ,_, which_WDT came_VBD back_RB negative_JJ ._.
4.04 During_IN the_DT hearing_NN ,_, Morales_NNP expressed_VBD ``_`` sincere_JJ regrets_NNS and_CC remorse_NN ''_'' for_IN his_PRP$ actions_NNS ._. Morales_NNP ,_, who_WP pleaded_VBD guilty_JJ in_IN July_NNP ,_, expressed_VBD ``_`` sincere_JJ regret_NN and_CC remorse_NN ''_'' for_IN his_PRP$ crimes_NNS ._.
5.0 The_DT bill_NN says_VBZ that_IN a_DT woman_NN who_WP undergoes_VBZ such_PDT an_DT abortion_NN could_MD n't_RB be_VB prosecuted_VBN ._. A_DT woman_NN who_WP underwent_VBD such_PDT an_DT abortion_NN could_MD not_RB be_VB prosecuted_VBN under_IN the_DT bill_NN ._.
3.88 U.S._NNP District_NNP Judge_NNP Edmund_NNP Sargus_NNP ruled_VBD that_IN the_DT Akron-based_JJ company_NN should_MD have_VB determined_VBN that_IN changes_NNS at_IN one_CD of_IN its_PRP$ plants_NNS would_MD increase_VB overall_JJ pollution_NN emissions_NNS ._. FirstEnergy_NNP Corp._NNP should_MD have_VB determined_VBN that_IN modernizing_VBG one_CD of_IN its_PRP$ plants_NNS would_MD increase_VB overall_JJ pollution_NN emissions_NNS ,_, U.S._NNP District_NNP Judge_NNP Edmund_NNP Sargus_NNP ruled_VBD Thursday_NNP ._.
4.04 Site_NN Finder_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN visited_VBN 65_CD million_CD times_NNS since_IN its_PRP$ introduction_NN ,_, Galvin_NNP said_VBD ._. Through_IN Sunday_NNP ,_, Sept._NNP 21_CD ,_, Site_NNP Finder_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN visited_VBN over_IN 65_CD million_CD times_NNS by_IN Internet_NNP users_NNS ._.
2.6 There_EX are_VBP 103_CD Democrats_NNPS in_IN the_DT Assembly_NN and_CC 47_CD Republicans_NNS ._. Democrats_NNPS dominate_VBP the_DT Assembly_NN while_IN Republicans_NNPS control_VBP the_DT Senate_NNP ._.
3.72 Mr_NNP Pollard_NNP said_VBD :_: ``_`` This_DT is_VBZ a_DT terrible_JJ personal_JJ tragedy_NN and_CC a_DT shocking_JJ blow_NN for_IN James_NNP 's_POS family_NN ._. Nick_NNP Pollard_NNP ,_, the_DT head_NN of_IN Sky_NNP News_NNP said_VBD :_: ``_`` This_DT is_VBZ a_DT shocking_JJ blow_NN for_IN James_NNP 's_POS family_NN ._.
4.36 ``_`` I_PRP came_VBD basically_RB to_TO Washington_NNP to_TO establish_VB relationships_NNS and_CC to_TO make_VB sure_JJ that_IN we_PRP are_VBP getting_VBG more_JJR federal_JJ money_NN to_TO California_NNP ,_, ''_'' Schwarzenegger_NNP said_VBD after_IN meeting_VBG with_IN congressional_JJ Republicans_NNPS ._. ``_`` I_PRP came_VBD to_TO Washington_NNP basically_RB to_TO establish_VB relationships_NNS and_CC make_VB sure_JJ we_PRP are_VBP getting_VBG more_JJR federal_JJ money_NN ,_, ''_'' Schwarzenegger_NNP said_VBD after_IN one_CD meeting_NN ._.
3.72 The_DT latest_JJS snapshot_NN of_IN the_DT labor_NN markets_NNS was_VBD slightly_RB better_JJR than_IN economists_NNS were_VBD expecting_VBG ;_: they_PRP were_VBD forecasting_VBG claims_NNS to_TO fall_VB no_DT lower_JJR than_IN 410,000_CD for_IN last_JJ week_NN ._. Despite_IN problems_NNS in_IN the_DT job_NN market_NN ,_, the_DT latest_JJS snapshot_NN of_IN the_DT labor_NN markets_NNS was_VBD slightly_RB better_JJR than_IN economists_NNS were_VBD expecting_VBG ._.
3.4 ``_`` They_PRP were_VBD tossed_VBN around_RP like_IN feathers_NNS ,_, ''_'' Gordon_NNP said_VBD ._. ``_`` The_DT concrete_JJ barriers_NNS -LRB-_-LRB- between_IN lanes_NNS -RRB-_-RRB- were_VBD being_VBG tossed_VBD around_RP like_IN feathers_NNS ._. ''_''
3.4 Chante_NNP Jawan_NNP Mallard_NNP ,_, 27_CD ,_, went_VBD on_IN trial_NN Monday_NNP ,_, charged_VBN with_IN first-degree_JJ murder_NN ._. Chante_NNP Jawaon_NNP Mallard_NNP ,_, 27_CD ,_, is_VBZ charged_VBN with_IN murder_NN and_CC tampering_VBG with_IN evidence_NN ._.
3.6 ``_`` IT_PRP is_VBZ the_DT only_JJ vehicle_NN on_IN which_WDT established_JJ economies_NNS will_MD be_VB able_JJ to_TO compete_VB ,_, ''_'' Barrett_NNP said_VBD ._. ``_`` IT_PRP is_VBZ the_DT only_JJ vehicle_NN on_IN which_WDT established_JJ economies_NNS will_MD be_VB able_JJ to_TO compete_VB ''_'' with_IN fast-growing_JJ economies_NNS such_JJ as_IN China_NNP and_CC India_NNP ,_, Barrett_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.2 Linda_NNP Saunders_NNP pleaded_VBD guilty_JJ in_IN federal_JJ court_NN to_TO six_CD charges_NNS ,_, including_VBG extortion_NN ,_, money_NN laundering_NN and_CC conspiracy_NN ._. Former_JJ Phipps_NNP aides_NNS Linda_NNP Saunders_NNP and_CC Bobby_NNP McLamb_NNP have_VBP both_DT pleaded_VBD guilty_JJ to_TO federal_JJ charges_NNS including_VBG extortion_NN ._.
3.08 Vivendi_NNP shares_NNS closed_VBD 3.8_CD percent_NN up_RB in_IN Paris_NNP at_IN 15.78_CD euros_NNS ._. Vivendi_NNP shares_NNS were_VBD 0.3_CD percent_NN up_RB at_IN 15.62_CD euros_NNS in_IN Paris_NNP at_IN 0841_CD GMT_NNP ._.
3.72 Microsoft_NNP has_VBZ identified_VBN the_DT freely_RB distributed_VBN Linux_NNP software_NN as_IN one_CD of_IN the_DT biggest_JJS threats_NNS to_TO its_PRP$ sales_NNS ._. The_DT company_NN has_VBZ publicly_RB identified_VBN Linux_NNP as_IN one_CD of_IN its_PRP$ biggest_JJS competitive_JJ threats_NNS ._.
3.88 Antonio_NNP Monteiro_NNP de_FW Castro_NNP ,_, 58_CD ,_, currently_RB director_NN of_IN the_DT group_NN 's_POS Latin_NNP America_NNP &_CC Caribbean_NNP operations_NNS ,_, will_MD become_VB chief_JJ operating_VBG officer_NN from_IN the_DT same_JJ date_NN ._. BAT_NN also_RB said_VBD Antonio_NNP Monteiro_NNP de_FW Castro_NNP ,_, director_NN for_IN Latin_NNP America_NNP and_CC the_DT Caribbean_NNP ,_, would_MD become_VB chief_JJ operating_VBG officer_NN on_IN January_NNP 1_CD ,_, 2004_CD ._.
3.88 ``_`` Spin_VB and_CC manipulative_JJ public_JJ relations_NNS and_CC propaganda_NN are_VBP not_RB the_DT answer_NN ,_, ''_'' it_PRP said_VBD ._. The_DT report_NN added_VBD that_IN ``_`` spin_NN ''_'' and_CC manipulative_JJ public_JJ relations_NNS ``_`` are_VBP not_RB the_DT answer_NN ,_, ''_'' but_CC that_IN neither_DT is_VBZ avoiding_VBG the_DT debate_NN ._.
4.84 Another_DT shooting_NN linked_VBN to_TO the_DT spree_NN occurred_VBD Nov._NNP 11_CD at_IN Hamilton_NNP Central_NNP Elementary_NNP in_IN Obetz_NNP ,_, about_IN two_CD miles_NNS from_IN the_DT freeway_NN ._. The_DT latest_JJS shooting_NN linked_VBN to_TO the_DT spree_NN was_VBD a_DT Nov._NNP 11_CD shooting_NN at_IN Hamilton_NNP Township_NNP Elementary_NNP School_NNP in_IN Obetz_NNP ,_, about_IN two_CD miles_NNS from_IN the_DT freeway_NN ._.
4.2 On_IN Tuesday_NNP ,_, the_DT central_JJ bank_NN left_VBD interest_NN rates_NNS steady_JJ ,_, as_IN expected_VBN ,_, but_CC also_RB declared_VBD that_IN overall_JJ risks_NNS were_VBD weighted_VBN toward_IN weakness_NN and_CC warned_VBD of_IN deflation_NN risks_NNS ._. The_DT central_JJ bank_NN 's_POS policy_NN board_NN left_VBD rates_NNS steady_JJ for_IN now_RB ,_, as_IN widely_RB expected_VBN ,_, but_CC surprised_VBD the_DT market_NN by_IN declaring_VBG that_IN overall_JJ risks_NNS were_VBD weighted_VBN toward_IN weakness_NN ._.
3.88 The_DT new_JJ system_NN costs_NNS between_IN $_$ 1.1_CD million_CD and_CC $_$ 22_CD million_CD ,_, depending_VBG on_IN configuration_NN ._. The_DT system_NN is_VBZ priced_VBN from_IN US$_$ 1.1_CD million_CD to_TO $_$ 22.4_CD million_CD ,_, depending_VBG on_IN configuration_NN ._.
3.72 Fighting_NN erupted_VBD after_IN four_CD North_JJ Korean_JJ journalists_NNS confronted_VBD a_DT dozen_NN South_JJ Korean_JJ activists_NNS protesting_VBG human_JJ rights_NNS abuses_NNS in_IN the_DT North_NNP outside_IN the_DT main_JJ media_NNS centre_NN ._. Trouble_NN flared_VBD when_WRB at_IN least_JJS four_CD North_JJ Korean_JJ reporters_NNS rushed_VBD from_IN the_DT Taegu_NNP media_NNS centre_VBP to_TO confront_VB a_DT dozen_NN activists_NNS protesting_VBG against_IN human_JJ rights_NNS abuses_NNS in_IN the_DT North_NNP ._.
2.92 Dusty_JJ had_VBD battled_VBN kidney_NN cancer_NN for_IN more_JJR than_IN a_DT year_NN ._. Dusty_JJ had_VBD surgery_NN for_IN cancer_NN in_IN 2001_CD and_CC had_VBD a_DT kidney_NN removed_VBD ._.
4.3776 According_VBG to_TO SunnComm_NNP 's_POS Peter_NNP Jacobs_NNP ,_, ``_`` MediaMax_NNP performs_VBZ exactly_RB as_IN `_`` advertised_JJ '_'' to_TO the_DT companies_NNS who_WP purchased_VBD it_PRP ._. ``_`` MediaMax_NNP performs_VBZ EXACTLY_NNP as_IN ``_`` advertised_JJ ''_'' to_TO the_DT companies_NNS who_WP purchased_VBD it_PRP ,_, ''_'' Jacobs_NNP said_VBD in_IN the_DT statement_NN ._.
3.4 Kadyrov_NNP was_VBD not_RB injured_VBN ,_, but_CC four_CD of_IN his_PRP$ bodyguards_NNS were_VBD among_IN those_DT killed_VBN ._. But_CC Itar-Tass_NNP news_NN agency_NN said_VBD four_CD of_IN his_PRP$ bodyguards_NNS were_VBD among_IN those_DT killed_VBN by_IN the_DT bomb_NN ._.
3.4 The_DT router_NN will_MD be_VB available_JJ in_IN the_DT first_JJ quarter_NN of_IN 2004_CD and_CC will_MD cost_VB around_IN $_$ 200_CD ,_, the_DT company_NN said_VBD ._. Netgear_NNP prices_NNS the_DT WGT634U_NNP Super_NNP Wireless_NNP Media_NNP Router_NNP ,_, which_WDT will_MD be_VB available_JJ in_IN the_DT first_JJ quarter_NN of_IN 2004_CD ,_, at_IN under_IN $_$ 200_CD ._.
3.2 The_DT commission_NN estimates_VBZ California_NNP lost_VBD $_$ 1.34_CD billion_CD --_: the_DT most_JJS of_IN any_DT state_NN --_: to_TO tax_NN shelters_NNS in_IN 2001_CD ._. The_DT commission_NN estimated_VBN California_NNP lost_VBD $_$ 937_CD million_CD to_TO corporate_JJ tax_NN shelters_NNS in_IN 2001_CD ._.
4.2 The_DT officials_NNS did_VBD not_RB say_VB whether_IN U.S._NNP forces_NNS crossed_VBD into_IN Syrian_JJ territory_NN and_CC were_VBD vague_JJ about_IN how_WRB the_DT Syrian_JJ border_NN guards_NNS became_VBD involved_VBN ._. U.S._NNP officials_NNS did_VBD not_RB say_VB whether_IN American_JJ forces_NNS ,_, who_WP were_VBD acting_VBG on_IN intelligence_NN ,_, crossed_VBD into_IN Syrian_JJ territory_NN and_CC were_VBD vague_JJ about_IN how_WRB the_DT Syrian_JJ guards_NNS were_VBD involved_VBN ._.
2.4 VeriSign_NNP introduced_VBD its_PRP$ Site_NNP Finder_NNP service_NN on_IN Sept._NNP 15_CD ._. The_DT battle_NN around_IN VeriSign_NNP ``_`` s_PRP three-week-old_JJ Site_NNP Finder_NNP service_NN rages_VBZ on_IN ._.
2.4 On_IN Monday_NNP ,_, as_IN first_RB reported_VBN by_IN CNET_NNP News.com_NNP ,_, the_DT RIAA_NNP withdrew_VBD a_DT DMCA_NNP notice_NN to_TO Penn_NNP State_NNP University_NNP 's_POS astronomy_NN and_CC astrophysics_NN department_NN ._. Last_JJ Thursday_NNP ,_, the_DT RIAA_NNP sent_VBD a_DT stiff_JJ copyright_NN warning_VBG to_TO Penn_NNP State_NNP 's_POS department_NN of_IN astronomy_NN and_CC astrophysics_NNS ._.
4.6 Druce_NNP is_VBZ still_RB being_VBG held_VBN at_IN the_DT prison_NN and_CC is_VBZ now_RB in_IN isolation_NN ,_, she_PRP said_VBD ._. Druce_NNP last_JJ night_NN was_VBD held_VBN in_IN isolation_NN at_IN the_DT same_JJ prison_NN ._.
3.6 The_DT first_JJ health-care_NN worker_NN in_IN the_DT country_NN to_TO die_VB of_IN SARS_NNP was_VBD a_DT Filipina-Canadian_NNP who_WP contracted_VBD the_DT disease_NN at_IN North_NNP York_NNP General_NNP Hospital_NNP ,_, the_DT site_NN of_IN the_DT second_JJ outbreak_NN ._. Emile_NNP Laroza_NNP ,_, 51_CD ,_, contracted_VBD SARS_NNP while_IN working_VBG as_IN a_DT nurse_NN at_IN North_NNP York_NNP General_NNP Hospital_NNP ,_, the_DT epicentre_NN of_IN the_DT second_JJ SARS_NNP outbreak_NN ._.
5.0 Their_PRP$ leader_NN ,_, Abu_NNP Bakr_NNP al-Azdi_NNP ,_, turned_VBD himself_PRP in_IN in_IN June_NNP ;_: his_PRP$ deputy_NN was_VBD killed_VBN in_IN a_DT recent_JJ shootout_NN with_IN Saudi_JJ forces_NNS ._. Their_PRP$ leader_NN ,_, Abu_NNP Bakr_NNP al-Azdi_NNP ,_, surrendered_VBD in_IN June_NNP ;_: his_PRP$ deputy_NN was_VBD killed_VBN in_IN a_DT shoot-out_NN with_IN Saudi_JJ forces_NNS recently_RB ._.
3.4 After_IN Freitas_NNP '_POS opening_NN statement_NN ,_, King_NNP County_NNP Superior_NNP Court_NNP Judge_NNP Charles_NNP Mertel_NNP recessed_VBD trial_NN until_IN after_IN the_DT Thanksgiving_NNP weekend_NN ._. King_NNP County_NNP Superior_NNP Court_NNP Judge_NNP Charles_NNP Mertel_NNP will_MD then_RB recess_NN the_DT trial_NN until_IN Monday_NNP ._.
3.24 Google_NNP 's_POS investors_NNS include_VBP prominent_JJ VC_NNP firms_NNS Kleiner_NNP Perkins_NNP Caufield_NNP &_CC Byers_NNP and_CC Sequoia_NNP Capital_NNP ,_, the_DT paper_NN noted_VBD ._. Google_NNP 's_POS early_JJ stage_NN backers_NNS in_IN include_VBP California-based_JJ Stanford_NNP University_NNP and_CC VC_NNP firms_NNS Kleiner_NNP Perkins_NNP and_CC Sequoia_NNP Capital_NNP ._.
3.1336 July_NNP 1st_CD is_VBZ the_DT sixth_JJ anniversary_NN of_IN Hong_NNP Kong_NNP 's_POS return_NN to_TO Chinese_JJ rule_NN ._. The_DT rally_NN overshadowed_VBD ceremonies_NNS marking_VBG the_DT sixth_JJ anniversary_NN of_IN Hong_NNP Kong_NNP 's_POS return_NN to_TO China_NNP on_IN 1_CD July_NNP 1997_CD ._.
4.2 Palm_NNP Wednesday_NNP announced_VBD plans_NNS to_TO acquire_VB Handspring_NNP ,_, a_DT company_NN started_VBN by_IN Jeff_NNP Hawkins_NNP ,_, regarded_VBN by_IN many_JJ as_IN the_DT father_NN of_IN the_DT Palm_NNP handheld_JJ ._. Palm_NNP said_VBD on_IN Wednesday_NNP it_PRP plans_VBZ to_TO buy_VB Handspring_NNP ,_, a_DT company_NN created_VBN by_IN renegade_NN Palm_NNP co-founder_NN Jeff_NNP Hawkins_NNP ._.
4.52 ``_`` I_PRP 'm_VBP not_RB going_VBG to_TO be_VB sponsoring_VBG it_PRP because_IN it_PRP is_VBZ not_RB our_PRP$ proposal_NN but_CC I_PRP 'm_VBP not_RB going_VBG to_TO be_VB negative_JJ about_IN it_PRP ''_'' ._. ``_`` I_PRP 'm_VBP not_RB going_VBG to_TO be_VB sponsoring_VBG it_PRP because_IN it_PRP 's_VBZ not_RB our_PRP$ proposal_NN ,_, but_CC I_PRP 'm_VBP not_RB responding_VBG to_TO it_PRP in_IN a_DT negative_JJ way_NN ,_, ''_'' he_PRP said_VBD ._.
4.4 The_DT government_NN recently_RB shelved_VBD peace_NN talks_NNS with_IN the_DT MILF_NNP ,_, being_VBG brokered_VBN by_IN Malaysia_NNP ,_, after_IN a_DT string_NN of_IN attacks_NNS ,_, including_VBG three_CD bombings_NNS ,_, on_IN Mindanao_NNP ._. The_DT government_NN recently_RB shelved_VBD peace_NN talks_NNS being_VBG brokered_VBN by_IN neighbouring_VBG Malaysia_NNP after_IN a_DT spate_NN of_IN attacks_NNS on_IN Mindanao_NNP ,_, including_VBG three_CD deadly_JJ bombings_NNS ,_, that_IN it_PRP blamed_VBD on_IN the_DT MILF_NNP ._.
4.3408 The_DT company_NN posted_VBD a_DT profit_NN of_IN $_$ 54.3_CD million_CD ,_, or_CC 22_CD cents_NNS per_IN share_NN ,_, in_IN the_DT year-ago_JJ period_NN ._. That_DT was_VBD up_RB from_IN the_DT year-ago_JJ quarter_NN ,_, when_WRB the_DT company_NN earned_VBD $_$ 54.3_CD million_CD ,_, or_CC 22_CD cents_NNS a_DT share_NN ._.
3.4 Joining_VBG Boston_NNP on_IN Monday_NNP were_VBD the_DT Massachusetts_NNP communities_NNS of_IN Watertown_NNP ,_, Saugus_NNP and_CC Framingham_NNP ._. Along_IN with_IN Boston_NNP ,_, Watertown_NNP ,_, Saugus_NNP and_CC Framingham_NNP also_RB are_VBP going_VBG smoke-free_JJ Monday_NNP ._.
3.0 He_PRP was_VBD tracked_VBN to_TO Atlanta_NNP where_WRB he_PRP was_VBD arrested_VBN on_IN Tuesday_NNP night_NN ._. He_PRP was_VBD arrested_VBN in_IN Atlanta_NNP ,_, Georgia_NNP ,_, on_IN Monday_NNP night_NN by_IN police_NNS acting_VBG on_IN a_DT tip-off_NN ._.
4.04 ISRAELI_JJ soldiers_NNS knocked_VBD down_RP empty_JJ mobile_JJ homes_NNS and_CC water_NN towers_NNS in_IN 10_CD tiny_JJ West_NNP Bank_NNP settlement_NN outposts_NNS overnight_JJ as_IN part_NN of_IN a_DT US-backed_JJ Mideast_NN peace_NN plan_NN ._. Israeli_JJ soldiers_NNS began_VBD tearing_VBG down_RP settlement_NN outposts_NNS in_IN the_DT West_NNP Bank_NNP yesterday_NN -_: an_DT Israeli_JJ obligation_NN under_IN a_DT new_JJ Mideast_NN peace_NN plan_NN ._.
4.68 The_DT union_NN had_VBD not_RB yet_RB revealed_VBD which_WDT chain_NN would_MD be_VB targeted_VBN ._. The_DT union_NN said_VBD it_PRP would_MD reveal_VB later_RB which_WDT chain_NN would_MD be_VB targeted_VBN ._.
2.12 Get_VB it_PRP all_DT out_RP ,_, ''_'' says_VBZ Howard_NNP Davidowitz_NNP ,_, chairman_NN of_IN Davidowitz_NNP &_CC Associates_NNP ,_, a_DT national_JJ retail_JJ consulting_NN firm_NN based_VBN in_IN New_NNP York_NNP City_NNP ._. Innocent_JJ or_CC not_RB ,_, ``_`` she_PRP 's_VBZ damaged_VBN goods_NNS ,_, ''_'' said_VBD Howard_NNP Davidowitz_NNP ,_, chairman_NN of_IN Davidowitz_NNP &_CC Associates_NNP ,_, a_DT national_JJ retail_JJ consulting_NN firm_NN in_IN New_NNP York_NNP ._.
3.24 The_DT updated_VBN products_NNS include_VBP Pylon_NNP Pro_FW ,_, Pylon_NNP Conduit_NNP ,_, Pylon_NNP Anywhere_NNP ,_, and_CC Pylon_NNP Application_NNP Server_NNP ._. The_DT new_JJ products_NNS on_IN the_DT desktop_NN side_NN include_VBP the_DT latest_JJS versions_NNS of_IN Pylon_NNP Conduit_NNP and_CC Pylon_NNP Pro_FW ._.
3.24 Dixon_NNP was_VBD otherwise_RB the_DT class_NN of_IN the_DT field_NN at_IN Pikes_NNP Peak_NNP International_NNP Raceway_NNP ._. Scott_NNP Dixon_NNP eventually_RB made_VBD winning_VBG the_DT Honda_NNP Indy_NNP 225_CD look_NN easy_JJ Sunday_NNP at_IN Pikes_NNP Peak_NNP International_NNP Raceway_NNP ._.
4.36 Turkish_JJ authorities_NNS have_VBP said_VBN all_PDT the_DT suicide_NN bombers_NNS were_VBD Turks_NNPS ._. Ankara_NNP says_VBZ all_DT four_CD suicide_NN bombers_NNS were_VBD Turkish_JJ ._.
1.8 In_IN April_NNP ,_, it_PRP had_VBD forecast_VBN operating_NN earnings_NNS in_IN the_DT range_NN of_IN 60_CD to_TO 80_CD cents_NNS a_DT share_NN ._. Kodak_NNP expects_VBZ earnings_NNS of_IN 5_CD cents_NNS to_TO 25_CD cents_NNS a_DT share_NN in_IN the_DT quarter_NN ._.
4.36 From_IN Florida_NNP to_TO Alaska_NNP ,_, thousands_NNS of_IN revelers_NNS vowed_VBD to_TO push_VB for_IN more_JJR legal_JJ rights_NNS ,_, including_VBG same-sex_JJ marriages_NNS ._. Thousands_NNS of_IN revellers_NNS ,_, celebrating_VBG the_DT decision_NN ,_, vowed_VBD to_TO push_VB for_IN more_JJR legal_JJ rights_NNS ,_, including_VBG same-sex_JJ marriages_NNS ._.
3.2 By_IN Sunday_NNP night_NN ,_, the_DT fires_NNS had_VBD blackened_VBN 277,000_CD acres_NNS ,_, hundreds_NNS of_IN miles_NNS apart_RB ._. Major_JJ fires_NNS had_VBD burned_VBN 264,000_CD acres_NNS by_IN early_RB last_JJ night_NN ._.
3.0 Others_NNS with_IN such_PDT a_DT status_NN are_VBP Egypt_NNP ,_, Israel_NNP ,_, and_CC Australia_NNP ._. Nations_NNPS like_IN Israel_NNP and_CC Australia_NNP already_RB have_VBP such_JJ status_NN ._.
3.8 The_DT findings_NNS appear_VBP in_IN Wednesday_NNP 's_POS Journal_NNP of_IN the_DT American_NNP Medical_NNP Association_NNP -LRB-_-LRB- news_NN -_: web_NN sites_NNS -RRB-_-RRB- ._. The_DT results_NNS are_VBP to_TO be_VB published_VBN in_IN Wednesday_NNP 's_POS issue_NN of_IN The_DT Journal_NNP of_IN the_DT American_NNP Medical_NNP Association_NNP ._.
4.8 Additionally_RB ,_, the_DT h2210_NN 's_POS cradle_NN has_VBZ room_NN to_TO charge_VB a_DT second_JJ battery_NN ._. The_DT cradle_NN for_IN the_DT h2200_NN has_VBZ space_NN for_IN recharging_VBG a_DT second_JJ battery_NN ._.
3.4 U.S._NNP forces_NNS struck_VBD dozens_NNS of_IN targets_NNS on_IN Monday_NNP ,_, killing_VBG six_CD guerrillas_NNS and_CC arresting_VBG 21_CD others_NNS ,_, the_DT military_NN said_VBD ._. U.S._NNP forces_NNS struck_VBD dozens_NNS of_IN targets_NNS on_IN Monday_NNP ,_, killing_VBG six_CD guerrillas_NNS and_CC arresting_VBG 99_CD others_NNS during_IN 1,729_CD patrols_NNS and_CC 25_CD raids_NNS conducted_VBN over_IN 24_CD hours_NNS ._.
3.8 One_CD of_IN the_DT 14_CD Kurds_NNPS pointed_VBD at_IN the_DT word_NN ``_`` refugee_NN ''_'' in_IN an_DT English/Turkish_JJ dictionary_NN ._. One_CD man_NN had_VBD brandished_VBN an_DT English-Turkish_JJ dictionary_NN and_CC pointed_VBD to_TO the_DT word_NN ``_`` refugee_NN ''_'' ._.
4.2 ``_`` Close_JJ co-operation_NN between_IN law-enforcement_JJ agencies_NNS and_CC intelligence_NN services_NNS lie_VBP at_IN the_DT heart_NN of_IN the_DT ongoing_JJ fight_NN against_IN terrorism_NN ,_, ''_'' Mr_NNP Howard_NNP said_VBD ._. Close_JJ cooperation_NN between_IN regional_JJ law_NN enforcement_NN agencies_NNS and_CC intelligence_NN services_NNS was_VBD at_IN the_DT heart_NN of_IN the_DT fight_NN against_IN terrorism_NN ,_, he_PRP said_VBD ._.
2.6 In_IN 2006_CD ,_, the_DT group_NN says_VBZ the_DT market_NN will_MD rebound_VB 29.6_CD percent_NN to_TO $_$ 21.3_CD billion_CD in_IN sales_NNS ._. In_IN 2006_CD ,_, Asia_NNP Pacific_NNP will_MD report_VB growth_NN of_IN 7.9_CD percent_NN to_TO $_$ 81.8_CD billion_CD ._.
3.56 Captain_NN Robert_NNP Ramsey_NNP of_IN the_DT US_NNP 1st_CD Armoured_NNP Division_NNP said_VBD a_DT truck_NN had_VBD exploded_VBN outside_IN the_DT building_NN about_IN 11am_CD ,_, and_CC that_IN one_CD of_IN the_DT compound_NN 's_POS outer_JJ walls_NNS had_VBD collapsed_VBN ._. Captain_NN Robert_NNP Ramsey_NNP of_IN US_NNP 1St_NNP Armored_NNP Division_NNP said_VBD a_DT truck_NN had_VBD exploded_VBN outside_IN the_DT building_NN at_IN around_IN 11_CD am_VBP ._.
3.88 They_PRP came_VBD despite_IN what_WP BA_NNP called_VBD a_DT ``_`` difficult_JJ quarter_NN ''_'' ,_, which_WDT it_PRP said_VBD included_VBN unofficial_JJ industrial_JJ action_NN at_IN Heathrow_NNP ._. BA_NNP said_VBD the_DT second_JJ quarter_NN ,_, which_WDT included_VBD unofficial_JJ industrial_JJ action_NN at_IN Heathrow_NNP ,_, had_VBD been_VBN difficult_JJ ._.
4.04 This_DT northern_JJ autumn_NN US_NNP trainers_NNS will_MD work_VB with_IN soldiers_NNS from_IN four_CD North_JJ African_JJ countries_NNS on_IN patrolling_NN and_CC gathering_NN intelligence_NN ._. Later_RB this_DT year_NN ,_, the_DT command_NN will_MD send_VB trainers_NNS with_IN soldiers_NNS from_IN four_CD North_JJ African_JJ nations_NNS on_IN patrolling_NN and_CC intelligence_NN gathering_NN missions_NNS ._.
5.0 The_DT Bush_NNP administration_NN blames_VBZ Hussein_NNP loyalists_NNS and_CC foreign_JJ Muslim_NNP militants_NNS who_WP have_VBP entered_VBN Iraq_NNP to_TO fight_VB U.S._NNP troops_NNS for_IN the_DT wave_NN of_IN bombings_NNS and_CC guerrilla_NN attacks_NNS ._. The_DT Bush_NNP administration_NN blames_VBZ the_DT wave_NN of_IN bombings_NNS and_CC guerrilla_NN attacks_NNS on_IN Saddam_NNP loyalists_NNS and_CC foreign_JJ Muslim_NNP militants_NNS who_WP have_VBP entered_VBN Iraq_NNP to_TO fight_VB U.S._NNP troops_NNS ._.
4.2 It_PRP later_RB emerged_VBD that_IN he_PRP had_VBD broken_VBN his_PRP$ right_JJ thigh_NN and_CC bones_NNS in_IN his_PRP$ right_JJ wrist_NN and_CC elbow_NN ._. Tour_NN doctors_NNS later_RB confirmed_VBD that_IN he_PRP had_VBD broken_VBN his_PRP$ right_JJ leg_NN near_IN the_DT hip_NN and_CC also_RB sustained_VBD wrist_NN and_CC elbow_NN fractures_NNS ._.
3.4 The_DT author_NN is_VBZ one_CD of_IN several_JJ defense_NN experts_NNS expected_VBN to_TO testify_VB ._. Spitz_NNP is_VBZ expected_VBN to_TO testify_VB later_RB for_IN the_DT defense_NN ._.
3.0 ``_`` The_DT figures_NNS are_VBP becoming_VBG catastrophic_JJ ,_, ''_'' said_VBD Dr._NNP Patrick_NNP Pelloux_NNP ,_, the_DT president_NN of_IN the_DT association_NN of_IN emergency_NN room_NN physicians_NNS ._. This_DT is_VBZ unacceptable_JJ ,_, ''_'' said_VBD Patrick_NNP Pelloux_NNP ,_, the_DT president_NN of_IN France_NNP 's_POS Association_NNP of_IN Emergency_NNP Doctors_NNS ._.
3.4 ``_`` Whatever_WDT has_VBZ happened_VBN to_TO you_PRP by_IN way_NN of_IN punishment_NN is_VBZ certainly_RB more_JJR than_IN enough_RB ,_, ''_'' Covello_NNP told_VBD the_DT 49-year-old_JJ ,_, whose_WP$ family_NN ,_, friends_NNS and_CC supporters_NNS filled_VBN half_PDT the_DT courtroom_NN ._. ``_`` What_WP has_VBZ happened_VBN to_TO you_PRP ,_, sir_NN ,_, by_IN way_NN of_IN punishment_NN ,_, is_VBZ certainly_RB more_JJR than_IN enough_RB ,_, ''_'' Covello_NNP said_VBD ._.
4.2 The_DT mother_NN also_RB alleged_VBN in_IN the_DT lawsuit_NN that_IN she_PRP was_VBD sexually_RB assaulted_VBN by_IN one_CD of_IN the_DT guards_NNS ._. The_DT mother_NN also_RB contended_VBD that_IN she_PRP was_VBD sexually_RB assaulted_VBN by_IN one_CD of_IN the_DT guards_NNS during_IN the_DT 1998_CD confrontation_NN ._.
2.6 The_DT two-year_JJ note_NN US2YT_NNP =_SYM RR_NNP fell_VBD 5/32_CD in_IN price_NN ,_, taking_VBG its_PRP$ yield_NN to_TO 1.23_CD percent_NN from_IN 1.16_CD percent_NN late_RB on_IN Monday_NNP ._. The_DT benchmark_NN 10-year_JJ note_NN US10YT_NNP =_SYM RR_NNP lost_VBD 11/32_CD in_IN price_NN ,_, taking_VBG its_PRP$ yield_NN to_TO 3.21_CD percent_NN from_IN 3.17_CD percent_NN late_RB on_IN Monday_NNP ._.
3.4 As_IN part_NN of_IN a_DT restructuring_NN Peregrine_NNP sold_VBD its_PRP$ Remedy_NNP help_NN desk_NN software_NN unit_NN last_JJ year_NN to_TO BMC_NNP Software_NNP Inc._NNP ._. Peregrine_NNP sold_VBD its_PRP$ Remedy_NN business_NN unit_NN to_TO BMC_NNP Software_NNP in_IN November_NNP for_IN $_$ 355_CD million_CD ._.
3.1 Yes_UH ,_, from_IN today_NN Flash_VBP memory_NN purchased_VBN from_IN AMD_NNP or_CC Fujitsu_NNP will_MD be_VB branded_VBN Spansion_NNP ._. Spansion_NNP Flash_NNP memory_NN solutions_NNS are_VBP available_JJ worldwide_NN from_IN AMD_NNP and_CC Fujitsu_NNP ._.
3.56 The_DT world_NN 's_POS two_CD largest_JJS automakers_NNS said_VBD their_PRP$ U.S._NNP sales_NNS declined_VBD more_JJR than_IN predicted_VBN last_JJ month_NN as_IN a_DT late_JJ summer_NN sales_NNS frenzy_NN caused_VBD more_JJR of_IN an_DT industry_NN backlash_NN than_IN expected_VBN ._. Domestic_JJ sales_NNS at_IN both_DT GM_NNP and_CC No._NN 2_CD Ford_NNP Motor_NNP Co._NNP declined_VBD more_JJR than_IN predicted_VBD as_IN a_DT late_JJ summer_NN sales_NNS frenzy_NN prompted_VBD a_DT larger-than-expected_JJ industry_NN backlash_NN ._.
4.2 A_DT tropical_JJ storm_NN rapidly_RB developed_VBD in_IN the_DT Gulf_NNP of_IN Mexico_NNP Sunday_NNP and_CC was_VBD expected_VBN to_TO hit_VB somewhere_RB along_IN the_DT Texas_NNP or_CC Louisiana_NNP coasts_NNS by_IN Monday_NNP night_NN ._. A_DT tropical_JJ storm_NN rapidly_RB developed_VBD in_IN the_DT Gulf_NNP of_IN Mexico_NNP on_IN Sunday_NNP and_CC could_MD have_VB hurricane-force_JJ winds_NNS when_WRB it_PRP hits_VBZ land_NN somewhere_RB along_IN the_DT Louisiana_NNP coast_NN Monday_NNP night_NN ._.
3.56 The_DT pressure_NN may_MD well_RB rise_VB on_IN Thursday_NNP ,_, with_IN national_JJ coverage_NN of_IN the_DT final_JJ round_NN planned_VBN by_IN ESPN_NNP ,_, the_DT cable_NN sports_NNS network_NN ._. The_DT pressure_NN will_MD intensify_VB today_NN ,_, with_IN national_JJ coverage_NN of_IN the_DT final_JJ round_NN planned_VBN by_IN ESPN_NNP and_CC words_NNS that_WDT are_VBP even_RB more_RBR difficult_JJ ._.
2.92 Pataki_NNP praised_VBD Abraham_NNP 's_POS decision_NN ,_, and_CC LIPA_NNP Chairman_NNP Richard_NNP Kessel_NNP said_VBD the_DT cable_NN should_MD be_VB kept_VBN in_IN operation_NN permanently_RB ._. LIPA_NNP Chairman_NNP Richard_NNP Kessel_NNP said_VBD that_IN meant_VBD the_DT cable_NN could_MD be_VB used_VBN ``_`` as_IN we_PRP see_VBP fit_NN ._.
4.52 Part_NN of_IN the_DT accord_NN was_VBD the_DT implementation_NN of_IN a_DT special_JJ health_NN council_NN that_WDT would_MD monitor_VB health_NN spending_NN and_CC progress_NN in_IN reforming_VBG the_DT health_NN system_NN ._. A_DT key_JJ portion_NN of_IN the_DT accord_NN was_VBD the_DT implementation_NN of_IN a_DT special_JJ council_NN to_TO monitor_VB health_NN spending_NN ,_, set_VBN goals_NNS for_IN the_DT system_NN and_CC measure_NN progress_NN in_IN reforming_VBG health_NN care_NN ._.
3.88 Dynes_NNPS came_VBD to_TO UC_NNP San_NNP Diego_NNP in_IN 1991_CD after_IN 22_CD years_NNS as_IN a_DT physicist_NN with_IN AT&T_NNP Bell_NNP Labs_NNPS ._. Dynes_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN at_IN UC_NNP San_NNP Diego_NNP since_IN 1991_CD after_IN spending_VBG 22_CD years_NNS with_IN AT&T_NNP Bell_NNP Labs_NNPS ,_, where_WRB he_PRP worked_VBD on_IN superconductors_NNS and_CC other_JJ materials_NNS ._.
2.92 Shares_NNS in_IN BA_NNP were_VBD down_RB 1.5_CD percent_NN at_IN 168_CD pence_NN by_IN 1420_CD GMT_NNP ,_, off_IN a_DT low_JJ of_IN 164p_CD ,_, in_IN a_DT slightly_RB stronger_JJR overall_JJ London_NNP market_NN ._. Shares_NNS in_IN BA_NNP were_VBD down_RB three_CD percent_NN at_IN 165-1/4_CD pence_NN by_IN 0933_CD GMT_NNP ,_, off_IN a_DT low_JJ of_IN 164_CD pence_NN ,_, in_IN a_DT stronger_JJR market_NN ._.
3.88 The_DT Senate_NNP agreed_VBD Tuesday_NNP to_TO lift_VB a_DT 10-year-old_JJ ban_NN on_IN the_DT research_NN and_CC development_NN of_IN low-yield_JJ nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS ._. Both_DT the_DT House_NNP and_CC Senate_NNP bills_NNS would_MD end_VB the_DT ban_NN on_IN research_NN and_CC development_NN of_IN low-yield_JJ nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS ._.
4.68 Meningitis_NNPS is_VBZ an_DT infection_NN of_IN the_DT spinal_JJ cord_NN fluid_NN and_CC the_DT tissue_NN around_IN the_DT brain_NN ._. Meningitis_NNPS is_VBZ an_DT infection_NN of_IN the_DT fluid_NN in_IN a_DT person_NN 's_POS spinal_JJ cord_NN and_CC around_IN the_DT brain_NN ._.
4.52 The_DT companies_NNS ,_, Chiron_NNP and_CC Aventis_NNP Pasteur_NNP ,_, together_RB made_VBN about_IN 80_CD million_CD doses_NNS of_IN the_DT injected_VBN vaccine_NN ,_, which_WDT ordinarily_RB would_MD have_VB been_VBN enough_RB to_TO meet_VB U.S._NNP demand_NN ._. Chiron_NNP and_CC Aventis_NNP Pasteur_NNP together_RB made_VBD about_IN 80_CD million_CD doses_NNS ,_, ordinarily_RB enough_RB for_IN U.S._NNP demand_NN ,_, The_DT Associated_NNP Press_NNP reported_VBD ._.
4.52 Mayor_NNP Joe_NNP T._NNP Parker_NNP said_VBD late_JJ Thursday_NNP that_IN the_DT three_CD workers_NNS were_VBD two_CD men_NNS and_CC a_DT woman_NN who_WP were_VBD inside_IN the_DT building_NN when_WRB the_DT first_JJ blast_NN occurred_VBD ._. The_DT missing_VBG workers_NNS ,_, two_CD men_NNS and_CC a_DT woman_NN ,_, were_VBD inside_IN the_DT building_NN when_WRB the_DT first_JJ blast_NN occurred_VBD ,_, Mayor_NNP Joe_NNP T._NNP Parker_NNP said_VBD ._.
4.68 London-based_JJ NCRI_NNP official_NN Ali_NNP Safavi_NNP told_VBD Reuters_NNP :_: ``_`` We_PRP condemn_VBP this_DT raid_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ in_IN our_PRP$ view_NN illegal_JJ and_CC morally_RB and_CC politically_RB unjustifiable_JJ ._. ''_'' ``_`` We_PRP condemn_VBP this_DT raid_NN which_WDT is_VBZ in_IN our_PRP$ view_NN illegal_JJ and_CC morally_RB and_CC politically_RB unjustifiable_JJ ,_, ''_'' London-based_JJ NCRI_NNP official_NN Ali_NNP Safavi_NNP told_VBD Reuters_NNP by_IN telephone_NN ._.
4.52 Investigators_NNS uncovered_VBD a_DT 4-inch_JJ bone_NN fragment_NN from_IN beneath_IN the_DT concrete_JJ slab_NN Thursday_NNP ,_, but_CC it_PRP turned_VBD out_RP to_TO be_VB an_DT animal_NN bone_NN ,_, authorities_NNS said_VBD ._. Investigators_NNS uncovered_VBD a_DT 4-inch_JJ bone_NN fragment_NN Thursday_NNP night_NN ,_, but_CC authorities_NNS said_VBD it_PRP was_VBD from_IN an_DT animal_NN ._.
3.08 Joining_VBG Stern_NNP and_CC McEntee_NNP on_IN stage_NN was_VBD International_NNP Union_NNP of_IN Painters_NNPS and_CC Allied_NNP Trades_NNPS President_NNP James_NNP Williams_NNP ._. The_DT International_NNP Union_NNP of_IN Painters_NNPS and_CC Allied_NNP Trades_NNPS endorsed_VBD Mr_NNP Dean_NNP several_JJ weeks_NNS ago_RB ._.
3.88 It_PRP exploded_VBD in_IN his_PRP$ hands_NNS ,_, but_CC the_DT former_JJ Italian_JJ prime_JJ minister_NN was_VBD unhurt_RB ._. The_DT letter_NN bomb_NN sent_VBN to_TO Prodi_NNP exploded_VBD in_IN his_PRP$ hands_NNS but_CC he_PRP was_VBD unhurt_RB ._.
4.36 Some_DT 95_CD million_CD Americans_NNPS --_: half_NN of_IN all_DT households_NNS --_: invest_VB in_IN mutual_JJ funds_NNS ._. About_IN half_NN of_IN all_DT U.S._NNP households_NNS have_VBP money_NN in_IN mutual_JJ funds_NNS ._.
3.56 Halabi_NNP 's_POS military_JJ attorney_NN ,_, Air_NNP Force_NNP Maj._NNP James_NNP Key_NNP ,_, denied_VBD the_DT charges_NNS ,_, which_WDT could_MD carry_VB a_DT death_NN penalty_NN ._. The_DT attorney_NN representing_VBG al-Halabi_NNP ,_, Air_NNP Force_NNP Maj._NNP James_NNP Key_NNP III_NNP ,_, denied_VBD the_DT charges_NNS ,_, according_VBG to_TO The_DT Associated_NNP Press_NNP ._.
2.6 Waksal_NNP ,_, in_IN a_DT letter_NN to_TO the_DT court_NN ,_, said_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PRP tore_VBD my_PRP$ family_NN apart_RB ._. In_IN seeking_VBG leniency_NN ,_, Waksal_NNP apologized_VBD to_TO the_DT court_NN ,_, his_PRP$ employees_NNS and_CC his_PRP$ family_NN ._.
3.24 Since_IN early_JJ May_NNP ,_, the_DT city_NN has_VBZ received_VBN 1,400_CD reports_NNS of_IN dead_JJ blue_JJ jays_NNS and_CC crows_VBZ ,_, Jayroe_NNP said_VBD ._. Since_IN early_JJ May_NNP ,_, the_DT city_NN has_VBZ received_VBN 1,400_CD reports_NNS ,_, he_PRP said_VBD ._.
2.28 But_CC Forest_NNP ,_, the_DT Freedom_NNP Organisation_NNP for_IN the_DT Right_NNP to_TO Enjoy_VB Smoking_NNP Tobacco_NNP ,_, said_VBD :_: ''_'' Mention_VB the_DT word_NN prohibition_NN and_CC everyone_NN knows_VBZ what_WP happened_VBD there_RB ._. Forest_NNP ,_, the_DT Freedom_NNP Organisation_NNP for_IN the_DT Right_NNP to_TO Enjoy_VB Smoking_NNP Tobacco_NNP ,_, said_VBD it_PRP had_VBD greeted_VBN The_DT Lancet_NNP 's_POS call_NN with_IN ``_`` amusement_NN and_CC disbelief_NN '_'' ''_'' ._.
3.72 The_DT House_NNP has_VBZ passed_VBN prescription-drug_JJ legislation_NN in_IN the_DT last_JJ two_CD sessions_NNS ,_, but_CC the_DT Senate_NNP has_VBZ failed_VBN to_TO do_VB so_RB ._. The_DT House_NNP has_VBZ passed_VBN bills_NNS the_DT past_JJ two_CD Congresses_NNS ,_, but_CC the_DT Senate_NNP has_VBZ not_RB ._.
4.2 Once_RB converted_VBN ,_, BayStar_NNP will_MD own_VB an_DT aggregate_NN of_IN approximately_RB 2.95_CD million_CD shares_NNS of_IN SCO_NNP common_JJ stock_NN or_CC 17.5_CD percent_NN of_IN the_DT company_NN 's_POS outstanding_JJ shares_NNS ._. The_DT investment_NN gives_VBZ Larkspur_NNP ,_, Calif.-based_JJ BayStar_NNP more_JJR than_IN 2.9_CD million_CD shares_NNS of_IN SCO_NNP common_JJ stock_NN ,_, or_CC 17.5_CD percent_NN of_IN the_DT company_NN 's_POS outstanding_JJ shares_NNS ._.
3.08 The_DT elderly_JJ and_CC those_DT with_IN weakened_JJ immune_JJ systems_NNS are_VBP also_RB urged_VBN to_TO protect_VB against_IN mosquito_JJ bites_VBZ ._. But_CC for_IN the_DT elderly_JJ and_CC those_DT with_IN weakened_JJ immune_JJ systems_NNS ,_, it_PRP can_MD be_VB fatal_JJ ._.
3.24 OPEC_NNP producers_NNS at_IN a_DT meeting_NN on_IN Wednesday_NNP are_VBP set_VBN to_TO pressure_VB independent_JJ oil_NN exporters_NNS to_TO contribute_VB to_TO the_DT cartel_NN 's_POS next_JJ supply_NN cut_NN to_TO allow_VB for_IN the_DT return_NN of_IN Iraqi_JJ oil_NN ._. OPEC_NNP this_DT week_NN is_VBZ set_VBN to_TO pressure_VB independent_JJ exporters_NNS to_TO back_VB the_DT cartel_NN 's_POS next_JJ supply_NN cut_NN to_TO prevent_VB the_DT resumption_NN of_IN Iraqi_JJ exports_NNS undercutting_VBG oil_NN prices_NNS ._.
3.4 The_DT Winston-Salem_NNP ,_, North_NNP Carolina_NNP company_NN opened_VBD six_CD stores_NNS during_IN the_DT quarter_NN ,_, bringing_VBG the_DT total_NN to_TO 282_CD ._. Six_CD new_JJ Krispy_NNP Kreme_NNP stores_NNS were_VBD opened_VBN in_IN the_DT first_JJ quarter_NN ,_, bringing_VBG the_DT total_JJ number_NN of_IN stores_NNS to_TO 282_CD ._.
3.88 Ms_NNP Lafferty_NNP 's_POS lawyer_NN ,_, Thomas_NNP Ezzell_NNP ,_, told_VBD a_DT Kentucky_NNP newspaper_NN :_: ``_`` My_PRP$ understanding_NN of_IN this_DT is_VBZ that_IN there_EX is_VBZ a_DT lower_JJR percentage_NN of_IN successful_JJ impregnations_NNS with_IN frozen_JJ ._. ``_`` My_PRP$ understanding_NN of_IN this_DT is_VBZ that_IN there_EX is_VBZ a_DT lower_JJR percentage_NN of_IN successful_JJ impregnations_NNS with_IN frozen_JJ ,_, ''_'' Ezzell_NNP said_VBD ._.
5.0 The_DT Federal_NNP Trade_NNP Commission_NNP -LRB-_-LRB- FTC_NNP -RRB-_-RRB- asked_VBD Congress_NNP today_NN for_IN additional_JJ authority_NN to_TO fight_VB unwanted_JJ Internet_NNP spam_NN ,_, which_WDT now_RB accounts_VBZ for_IN up_RB to_TO half_NN of_IN all_DT e-mail_JJ traffic_NN ._. The_DT Federal_NNP Trade_NNP Commission_NNP asked_VBD Congress_NNP yesterday_NN for_IN broader_JJR powers_NNS to_TO attack_VB the_DT rapidly_RB growing_VBG problem_NN of_IN spam_NN ,_, which_WDT new_JJ studies_NNS show_VBP accounts_NNS for_IN half_NN of_IN all_DT e-mail_JJ traffic_NN ._.
3.72 A_DT federal_JJ grand_JJ jury_NN indicted_VBD them_PRP on_IN Tuesday_NNP ;_: the_DT document_NN was_VBD sealed_VBN until_IN yesterday_NN to_TO allow_VB authorities_NNS to_TO make_VB arrests_NNS ._. Federal_NNP officials_NNS said_VBD the_DT document_NN remained_VBD sealed_VBN until_IN Thursday_NNP morning_NN to_TO allow_VB authorities_NNS to_TO make_VB arrests_NNS in_IN five_CD Western_JJ states_NNS ._.
4.2 People_NNS who_WP have_VBP opposed_VBN these_DT actions_NNS throughout_IN are_VBP now_RB trying_VBG to_TO find_VB fresh_JJ reasons_NNS to_TO say_VB this_DT was_VBD n't_RB the_DT right_JJ thing_NN to_TO do_VB ._. ''_'' ``_`` What_WP is_VBZ happening_VBG here_RB is_VBZ that_IN people_NNS who_WP have_VBP opposed_VBN this_DT action_NN throughout_IN are_VBP trying_VBG to_TO find_VB fresh_JJ reasons_NNS why_WRB it_PRP was_VBD not_RB the_DT right_JJ thing_NN to_TO do_VB ._. ''_''
4.2 Klarman_NNP was_VBD arrested_VBN by_IN FBI_NNP agents_NNS in_IN the_DT Hamptons_NNPS ,_, an_DT exclusive_JJ summer_NN resort_NN enclave_NN east_JJ of_IN New_NNP York_NNP City_NNP ._. Klarman_NNP was_VBD arrested_VBN by_IN FBI_NNP agents_NNS Monday_NNP morning_NN at_IN his_PRP$ home_NN in_IN New_NNP York_NNP ._.
3.8 The_DT bishop_NN told_VBD police_NNS he_PRP thought_VBD he_PRP had_VBD hit_VBN a_DT dog_NN or_CC a_DT cat_NN or_CC that_IN someone_NN had_VBD thrown_VBN a_DT rock_NN at_IN his_PRP$ vehicle_NN ._. Bishop_NNP O'Brien_NNP ,_, aged_VBN 67_CD ,_, had_VBD told_VBN police_NN he_PRP thought_VBD he_PRP had_VBD hit_VBN a_DT dog_NN or_CC cat_NN ._.
4.6 The_DT report_NN also_RB claims_VBZ that_IN there_EX will_MD be_VB up_RB to_TO 9.3_CD million_CD visitors_NNS to_TO hot_JJ spots_NNS this_DT year_NN ,_, up_RB again_RB from_IN the_DT meagre_NN 2.5_CD million_CD in_IN 2002_CD ._. There_EX will_MD be_VB 9.3_CD million_CD visitors_NNS to_TO hot_JJ spots_NNS in_IN 2003_CD ,_, up_RB from_IN 2.5_CD million_CD in_IN 2002_CD ,_, Gartner_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.56 Richard_NNP Miller_NNP remained_VBD hospitalized_VBN after_IN undergoing_VBG a_DT liver_NN transplant_NN ,_, but_CC his_PRP$ wife_NN has_VBZ recovered_VBN ._. Richard_NNP Miller_NNP ,_, 57_CD ,_, survived_VBD a_DT lifesaving_JJ liver_NN transplant_NN but_CC remains_VBZ hospitalized_VBN ._.
4.04 Sequent_NNP representatives_NNS could_MD not_RB immediately_RB be_VB reached_VBN for_IN comment_NN on_IN the_DT SCO_NNP announcement_NN ._. A_DT spokesman_NN for_IN SCO_NNP could_MD not_RB be_VB reached_VBN for_IN comment_NN this_DT afternoon_NN ._.
3.56 The_DT proportion_NN of_IN people_NNS covered_VBN by_IN employers_NNS dropped_VBD from_IN 62.3_CD percent_NN in_IN 2001_CD to_TO 61.3_CD percent_NN last_JJ year_NN ._. The_DT proportion_NN of_IN Americans_NNPS with_IN insurance_NN from_IN employers_NNS declined_VBD to_TO 61.3_CD percent_NN ,_, from_IN 62.6_CD percent_NN in_IN 2001_CD and_CC 63.6_CD percent_NN in_IN 2000_CD ._.
4.2 WORLD_NN No._NN 2_CD Lleyton_NNP Hewitt_NNP has_VBZ accused_VBN the_DT Association_NNP of_IN Tennis_NNP Professionals_NNP of_IN malice_NN ,_, including_VBG an_DT alleged_JJ attempt_NN last_JJ year_NN to_TO dupe_VB him_PRP into_IN refusing_VBG a_DT drug_NN test_NN ._. World_NNP No._NN 2_CD Lleyton_NNP Hewitt_NNP has_VBZ accused_VBN his_PRP$ professional_JJ peers_NNS of_IN long-standing_JJ malice_NN ,_, including_VBG an_DT attempt_NN last_JJ year_NN to_TO dupe_VB him_PRP into_IN refusing_VBG a_DT drug_NN test_NN ._.
3.6 MSN_NNP Messenger_NNP 6_CD will_MD be_VB available_JJ for_IN download_NN starting_VBG at_IN 6_CD p.m._RB GMT_NNP on_IN Wednesday_NNP from_IN http://messenger.msn.com/download/v6preview.asp_JJ ._. The_DT MSN_NNP Messenger_NNP 6_CD software_NN will_MD be_VB available_JJ from_IN 11_CD a.m._NN PST_NNP on_IN Wednesday_NNP ,_, according_VBG to_TO Microsoft_NNP ._.
3.4 Families_NNS stuck_VBD on_IN the_DT highway_NN remained_VBD in_IN their_PRP$ cars_NNS ,_, and_CC used_VBD their_PRP$ cell_NN phones_NNS to_TO call_VB home_NN ._. Families_NNS stuck_VBD on_IN the_DT highway_NN were_VBD being_VBG urged_VBN to_TO remain_VB in_IN their_PRP$ cars_NNS ,_, and_CC to_TO use_VB their_PRP$ cell_NN phones_NNS only_RB in_IN case_NN of_IN emergency_NN ._.
4.4 In_IN connection_NN with_IN the_DT incident_NN ,_, I_PRP have_VBP acknowledged_VBN that_IN I_PRP behaved_VBD inappropriately_RB ._. ''_'' ``_`` I_PRP have_VBP acknowledged_VBN that_IN I_PRP behaved_VBD inappropriately_RB ,_, ''_'' he_PRP said_VBD ._.
2.2 A_DT promotional_JJ poster_NN ,_, complete_JJ with_IN countdown_NN dial_NN ,_, reminds_VBZ readers_NNS of_IN the_DT upcoming_VBG release_NN of_IN ``_`` Harry_NNP Potter_NNP and_CC the_DT Order_NN of_IN the_DT Phoenix_NNP ._. ''_'' The_DT crates_NNS are_VBP full_JJ of_IN hardback_NN copies_NNS of_IN ``_`` Harry_NNP Potter_NNP and_CC the_DT Order_NN of_IN the_DT Phoenix_NNP ._. ''_''
4.4 A_DT spokesman_NN said_VBD :_: ``_`` Since_IN November_NNP ,_, we_PRP have_VBP co-operated_JJ fully_RB with_IN the_DT police_NN ._. It_PRP added_VBD it_PRP had_VBD ``_`` co-operated_JJ fully_RB ''_'' with_IN police_NNS since_IN November_NNP ._.
4.4 Women_NNS who_WP eat_VBP potatoes_NNS and_CC other_JJ tuberous_JJ vegetables_NNS during_IN pregnancy_NN may_MD be_VB at_IN risk_NN of_IN triggering_VBG type_NN 1_CD diabetes_NN in_IN their_PRP$ children_NNS ,_, Melbourne_NNP researchers_NNS believe_VBP ._. Australian_JJ researchers_NNS believe_VBP they_PRP have_VBP found_VBN a_DT trigger_NN of_IN type_NN 1_CD diabetes_NN in_IN children_NNS -_: their_PRP$ mothers_NNS eating_VBG potatoes_NNS and_CC other_JJ tuberous_JJ vegetables_NNS during_IN pregnancy_NN ._.
1.6 The_DT broad_JJ Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD Index_NNP ._. SPX_NNP inched_VBD up_RP 3_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.32_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 970_CD ._. The_DT technology-laced_JJ Nasdaq_NNP Composite_NNP Index_NNP ._. IXIC_NNP lost_VBD 2_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.18_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 1,649_CD ._.
3.4 People_NNS who_WP once_RB thought_VBD their_PRP$ blood_NN pressure_NN was_VBD fine_JJ actually_RB may_MD be_VB well_RB on_IN their_PRP$ way_NN to_TO hypertension_NN under_IN new_JJ U.S._NNP guidelines_NNS published_VBN on_IN Wednesday_NNP ._. People_NNS who_WP once_RB thought_VBD their_PRP$ blood_NN pressure_NN was_VBD fine_JJ actually_RB need_VBP to_TO start_VB exercising_VBG and_CC eating_VBG better_JJR ,_, according_VBG to_TO new_JJ U.S._NNP guidelines_NNS published_VBN on_IN Wednesday_NNP ._.
3.8 ``_`` Further_JJ testing_NN is_VBZ still_RB under_IN way_NN ,_, but_CC at_IN this_DT stage_NN ,_, given_VBN the_DT early_JJ detection_NN ,_, the_DT outlook_NN in_IN such_JJ instances_NNS would_MD be_VB positive_JJ ,_, ''_'' the_DT specialist_NN said_VBD yesterday_NN ._. ``_`` But_CC at_IN this_DT stage_NN ,_, given_VBN the_DT early_JJ detection_NN ,_, the_DT outlook_NN in_IN such_JJ instances_NNS would_MD be_VB positive_JJ ,_, ''_'' he_PRP said_VBD ._.
4.0 Amazon_NNP also_RB reported_VBD that_IN the_DT New_NNP York_NNP Attorney_NNP General_NNP 's_POS office_NN had_VBD settled_VBN civil_JJ fraud_NN charges_NNS with_IN one_CD of_IN the_DT spoofers_NNS it_PRP identified_VBD ._. Amazon_NNP and_CC the_DT New_NNP York_NNP attorney_NN general_NN 's_POS office_NN have_VBP already_RB settled_VBN with_IN one_CD of_IN the_DT alleged_JJ e-mail_NN forgers_NNS ._.
4.2 The_DT leading_VBG actress_NN nod_NN went_VBD to_TO energetic_JJ newcomer_NN Marissa_NNP Jaret_NNP Winokur_NNP as_IN Edna_NNP 's_POS daughter_NN Tracy_NNP ._. Marissa_NNP Jaret_NNP Winokur_NNP ,_, as_IN Tracy_NNP ,_, won_VBD for_IN best_JJS actress_NN in_IN a_DT musical_JJ ._.
2.4 In_IN morning_NN trading_NN ,_, the_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN was_VBD up_RB 40.12_CD ,_, or_CC 0.5_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN 8,571.69_CD ,_, having_VBG fallen_VBN 51_CD points_NNS Monday_NNP ._. In_IN New_NNP York_NNP ,_, the_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN a_DT gauge_NN of_IN 30_CD blue_JJ chip_NN stocks_NNS was_VBD up_RB 3.29_CD points_NNS or_CC 0.04_CD per_IN cent_NN to_TO 8,585.97_CD ._.
2.4 For_IN the_DT entire_JJ season_NN ,_, the_DT average_JJ five-day_JJ forecast_NN track_NN error_NN was_VBD 259_CD miles_NNS ,_, Franklin_NNP said_VBD ._. ``_`` The_DT average_JJ track_NN error_NN for_IN the_DT five-day_JJ -LRB-_-LRB- forecast_NN -RRB-_-RRB- is_VBZ 323_CD nautical_JJ miles_NNS ._.
4.0 Rich_NNP media_NNS doubled_VBD its_PRP$ share_NN ,_, increasing_VBG from_IN 3_CD %_NN in_IN Q2_NNP 2002_CD to_TO 6_CD %_NN in_IN Q2_NNP 2003_CD ._. Rich_NNP Media_NNP interactive_JJ ad_NN formats_NNS doubled_VBD their_PRP$ share_NN from_IN 3_CD %_NN in_IN second_JJ quarter_NN of_IN 2002_CD ,_, to_TO 6_CD %_NN in_IN the_DT second_JJ quarter_NN of_IN 2003_CD ._.
4.2 ``_`` It_PRP appears_VBZ from_IN our_PRP$ initial_JJ report_NN that_IN this_DT was_VBD a_DT textbook_NN landing_NN considering_VBG the_DT circumstances_NNS ,_, ''_'' Burke_NNP said_VBD ._. Said_NNP Mr._NNP Burke_NNP :_: ``_`` It_PRP was_VBD a_DT textbook_NN landing_NN considering_VBG the_DT circumstances_NNS ._. ''_''
2.6 Allegiant_NNP shares_NNS rose_VBD $_$ 4_CD ,_, or_CC $_$ 17.2_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO $_$ 27.43_CD in_IN Thursday_NNP morning_NN trading_NN on_IN the_DT Nasdaq_NNP Stock_NNP Market_NNP ._. Allegiant_NNP 's_POS stock_NN closed_VBD Wednesday_NNP at_IN $_$ 23.40_CD ,_, up_RB 64_CD cents_NNS ,_, in_IN trading_NN on_IN the_DT Nasdaq_NNP market_NN ._.
3.72 By_IN state_NN law_NN ,_, 911_CD calls_NNS are_VBP not_RB public_JJ information_NN and_CC were_VBD not_RB released_VBN ._. By_IN law_NN ,_, 911_CD calls_NNS are_VBP not_RB public_JJ information_NN in_IN Rhode_NNP Island_NNP ._.
2.12 The_DT ADRs_NNPS fell_VBD 10_CD cents_NNS to_TO $_$ 28.95_CD at_IN 10:06_CD a.m._NN in_IN New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP composite_JJ trading_NN today_NN ._. Shares_NNS of_IN Fox_NNP Entertainment_NNP Group_NNP Inc._NNP ,_, News_NNP Corp._NNP 's_POS U.S._NNP media_NNS and_CC entertainment_NN arm_NN ,_, fell_VBD 45_CD cents_NNS to_TO $_$ 26.85_CD in_IN New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP composite_JJ trading_NN ._.
4.84 It_PRP will_MD take_VB time_NN to_TO oust_VB die-hard_JJ remnants_NNS of_IN Saddam_NNP Hussein_NNP 's_POS deposed_VBN regime_NN in_IN Iraq_NNP ,_, Defense_NNP Secretary_NNP Donald_NNP H._NNP Rumsfeld_NNP said_VBD Tuesday_NNP ._. Defense_NNP Secretary_NNP Donald_NNP H._NNP Rumsfeld_NNP said_VBD Tuesday_NNP it_PRP will_MD take_VB time_NN to_TO locate_VB die-hard_JJ remnants_NNS of_IN Saddam_NNP Hussein_NNP 's_POS deposed_VBN regime_NN in_IN Iraq_NNP ._.
2.6 Orange_NNP shares_NNS jumped_VBD as_RB much_JJ as_IN 15_CD percent_NN ._. France_NNP Telecom_NNP shares_NNS dropped_VBD 3.6_CD percent_NN while_IN Orange_NNP surged_VBD 13_CD percent_NN ._.
3.72 Bremer_NNP said_VBD one_CD initiative_NN is_VBZ to_TO launch_VB a_DT $_$ 70_CD million_CD nationwide_JJ program_NN in_IN the_DT next_JJ two_CD weeks_NNS to_TO clean_VB up_RP neighborhoods_NNS and_CC build_VB community_NN projects_NNS ._. Bremer_NNP said_VBD he_PRP would_MD launch_VB a_DT $_$ 70-million_JJ program_NN in_IN the_DT next_JJ two_CD weeks_NNS to_TO clean_VB up_RP neighborhoods_NNS across_IN Iraq_NNP and_CC build_VB community_NN projects_NNS ,_, but_CC gave_VBD no_DT details_NNS ._.
2.92 A_DT search_NN for_IN three_CD missing_VBG teenagers_NNS uncovered_VBN at_IN least_JJS two_CD bodies_NNS buried_VBN beneath_IN freshly_RB poured_VBN concrete_NN in_IN the_DT basement_NN of_IN a_DT house_NN ,_, authorities_NNS said_VBD Wednesday_NNP ._. Authorities_NNP performed_VBD an_DT autopsy_NN Thursday_NNP on_IN one_CD of_IN three_CD bodies_NNS recovered_VBD from_IN beneath_IN a_DT layer_NN of_IN freshly_RB poured_VBN concrete_NN in_IN the_DT basement_NN of_IN a_DT northwest_RB Indiana_NNP home_NN ._.
3.72 Sayliyah_NNP was_VBD the_DT command_NN base_NN for_IN the_DT Iraq_NNP war_NN ,_, but_CC Central_NNP Command_NNP sent_VBD hundreds_NNS who_WP ran_VBD the_DT war_NN back_RB home_NN to_TO Tampa_NNP ,_, Florida_NNP ._. As_IN Sayliyah_NNP was_VBD the_DT command_NN base_NN for_IN the_DT Iraq_NNP war_NN ,_, but_CC hundreds_NNS who_WP ran_VBD the_DT war_NN have_VBP returned_VBN to_TO the_DT United_NNP States_NNPS ._.
4.84 Beleaguered_JJ telecommunications_NNS gear_NN maker_NN Lucent_NNP Technologies_NNP is_VBZ being_VBG investigated_VBN by_IN two_CD federal_JJ agencies_NNS for_IN possible_JJ violations_NNS of_IN U.S._NNP bribery_NN laws_NNS in_IN its_PRP$ operations_NNS in_IN Saudi_NNP Arabia_NNP ._. Two_CD federal_JJ agencies_NNS are_VBP investigating_VBG telecommunications_NNS gear_NN maker_NN Lucent_NNP Technologies_NNP for_IN possible_JJ violations_NNS of_IN U.S._NNP bribery_NN laws_NNS in_IN its_PRP$ operations_NNS in_IN Saudi_NNP Arabia_NNP ._.
3.08 SCO_NNP says_VBZ the_DT pricing_NN terms_NNS for_IN a_DT license_NN will_MD not_RB be_VB announced_VBN for_IN weeks_NNS ._. Details_NNS on_IN pricing_NN will_MD be_VB announced_VBN within_IN a_DT few_JJ weeks_NNS ,_, McBride_NNP said_VBD ._.
2.92 The_DT Nasdaq_NNP composite_JJ index_NN added_VBD 30.46_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 2_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 1,520.15_CD ._. The_DT Nasdaq_NNP had_VBD a_DT weekly_JJ gain_NN of_IN 17.27_CD ,_, or_CC 1.2_CD percent_NN ,_, closing_VBG at_IN 1,520.15_CD after_IN gaining_VBG 30.46_CD yesterday_NN ._.
3.08 The_DT British_NNP Foreign_NNP Office_NNP said_VBD Monday_NNP that_IN coalition_NN authorities_NNS in_IN Iraq_NNP were_VBD pleased_JJ that_IN the_DT men_NNS were_VBD freed_VBN ._. The_DT British_NNP Foreign_NNP Office_NNP said_VBD it_PRP had_VBD mediated_VBN the_DT two_CD men_NNS 's_POS release_NN ._.
3.24 Wal-Mart_NNP estimates_VBZ more_JJR than_IN 100_CD million_CD Americans_NNPS visit_VBP their_PRP$ stores_NNS every_DT week_NN ._. Each_DT week_NN 138_CD million_CD shoppers_NNS visit_VBP Wal-Mart_NNP 's_POS 4,750_CD stores_NNS ._.
4.52 Sources_NNS within_IN the_DT racing_NN industry_NN have_VBP told_VBN the_DT Daily_NNP Bulletin_NNP that_IN Fontana_NNP will_MD get_VB a_DT second_JJ NASCAR_NNP race_NN on_IN Labor_NNP Day_NNP weekend_NN starting_VBG next_JJ season_NN ._. Sources_NNS in_IN the_DT racing_NN industry_NN said_VBD Fontana_NNP will_MD get_VB a_DT second_JJ NASCAR_NNP race_NN on_IN Labor_NNP Day_NNP weekend_NN starting_VBG next_JJ season_NN ._.
3.56 Added_VBD Mr._NNP Prodi_NNP :_: ``_`` Maybe_RB ,_, but_CC the_DT old_JJ age_NN helps_VBZ us_PRP to_TO understand_VB our_PRP$ strengths_NNS and_CC our_PRP$ weakness_NN ._. ''_'' ``_`` Maybe_RB ,_, but_CC the_DT old_JJ age_NN helps_VBZ us_PRP to_TO understand_VB our_PRP$ strength_NN and_CC our_PRP$ weakness_NN and_CC the_DT reality_NN of_IN the_DT world_NN ._.
2.92 ``_`` I_PRP am_VBP proud_JJ that_IN I_PRP stood_VBD against_IN Richard_NNP Nixon_NNP ,_, not_RB with_IN him_PRP ,_, ''_'' Kerry_NNP said_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PRP marched_VBD in_IN the_DT streets_NNS against_IN Richard_NNP Nixon_NNP and_CC the_DT Vietnam_NNP War_NNP ,_, ''_'' she_PRP said_VBD ._.
4.2 He_PRP claimed_VBD Red_NNP Hat_NNP and_CC the_DT Free_NNP Software_NNP Foundation_NNP with_IN trying_VBG to_TO undermine_VB U.S._NNP copyright_NN and_CC patent_NN law_NN ._. In_IN his_PRP$ letter_NN ,_, McBride_NNP charges_VBZ the_DT Free_NNP Software_NNP Foundation_NNP and_CC Red_NNP Hat_NNP with_IN trying_VBG to_TO undermine_VB U.S._NNP copyright_NN laws_NNS ._.
3.6 Shares_NNS of_IN Corixa_NNP were_VBD gaining_VBG 71_CD cents_NNS ,_, or_CC 10_CD %_NN ,_, to_TO $_$ 7.91_CD on_IN the_DT Nasdaq_NNP ._. In_IN late-morning_JJ trading_NN on_IN the_DT Nasdaq_NNP Stock_NNP Market_NNP ,_, Corixa_NNP was_VBD up_RB 74_CD cents_NNS ,_, or_CC 10_CD %_NN ,_, at_IN $_$ 7.94_CD ._.
4.2 Police_NNP then_RB called_VBD a_DT bomb_NN squad_NN ,_, but_CC the_DT device_NN exploded_VBD ,_, killing_VBG Wells_NNP ,_, before_IN bomb_NN technicians_NNS arrived_VBD ._. While_IN waiting_VBG for_IN a_DT bomb_NN squad_NN to_TO arrive_VB ,_, the_DT bomb_NN exploded_VBD ,_, killing_VBG Wells_NNP ._.
3.2 Spokesmen_NNS for_IN the_DT FBI_NNP ,_, CIA_NNP ,_, Canadian_NNP Security_NNP Intelligence_NNP Service_NNP and_CC Royal_NNP Canadian_NNP Mounted_NNP Police_NNP declined_VBD to_TO comment_VB on_IN El_NNP Shukrijumah_NNP 's_POS stay_NN in_IN Canada_NNP ._. The_DT FBI_NNP ,_, CIA_NNP ,_, Canadian_NNP Security_NNP Intelligence_NNP Service_NNP and_CC Royal_NNP Canadian_NNP Mounted_NNP Police_NNP declined_VBD to_TO comment_VB on_IN the_DT Washington_NNP Times_NNP report_NN ._.
4.2 ``_`` This_DT has_VBZ been_VBN a_DT persistent_JJ problem_NN that_WDT has_VBZ not_RB been_VBN solved_VBN ,_, ''_'' investigation_NN board_NN member_NN Steven_NNP Wallace_NNP said_VBD ._. ``_`` This_DT was_VBD a_DT persistent_JJ problem_NN which_WDT has_VBZ not_RB been_VBN solved_VBN ,_, mechanically_RB and_CC physically_RB ,_, ''_'' said_VBD board_NN member_NN Steven_NNP Wallace_NNP ._.
3.88 The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN ._. DJI_NNP ended_VBD up_RP 56.79_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.67_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN 8,588.36_CD --_: its_PRP$ highest_JJS level_NN since_IN January_NNP 17_CD ._. The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP Industrial_NNP Average_NNP -LRB-_-LRB- $_$ DJ_NNP :_: news_NN ,_, chart_NN ,_, profile_NN -RRB-_-RRB- rose_VBD 56_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.7_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 8,588_CD ._.
3.88 ``_`` Americans_NNS do_VBP n't_RB cut_VB and_CC run_VB ,_, we_PRP have_VBP to_TO see_VB this_DT misadventure_NN through_IN ,_, ''_'' she_PRP said_VBD ._. She_PRP also_RB pledged_VBD to_TO bring_VB peace_NN to_TO Iraq_NNP :_: ``_`` Americans_NNS do_VBP n't_RB cut_VB and_CC run_VB ,_, we_PRP have_VBP to_TO see_VB this_DT misadventure_NN through_IN ._. ''_''
4.52 At_IN 12_CD months_NNS there_RB was_VBD still_RB a_DT difference_NN in_IN function_NN ,_, although_IN it_PRP was_VBD not_RB a_DT significant_JJ one_CD ._. At_IN 12_CD months_NNS ,_, there_EX was_VBD still_RB a_DT difference_NN between_IN the_DT groups_NNS ,_, but_CC it_PRP was_VBD not_RB considered_VBN significant_JJ ._.
4.04 ``_`` There_EX is_VBZ no_DT doubt_NN about_IN the_DT chemical_NN programme_NN ,_, biological_JJ programme_NN ,_, indeed_RB nuclear_JJ programme_NN ,_, indeed_RB all_DT that_DT was_VBD documented_VBN by_IN the_DT UN_NNP ,_, ''_'' he_PRP said_VBD ._. He_PRP added_VBD :_: ``_`` There_EX is_VBZ no_DT doubt_NN about_IN the_DT chemical_NN programme_NN ,_, the_DT biological_JJ programme_NN and_CC indeed_RB the_DT nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS programme_NN ._.
4.36 ``_`` It_PRP just_RB seems_VBZ like_IN all_DT the_DT issues_NNS that_IN we_PRP support_VBP ,_, he_PRP does_VBZ n't_RB ,_, ''_'' said_VBD Gabriela_NNP Lemus_NNP of_IN LULAC_NNP ._. ``_`` It_PRP just_RB seems_VBZ like_IN all_DT the_DT issues_NNS that_IN we_PRP support_VBP he_PRP does_VBZ n't_RB ,_, ''_'' said_VBD Gabriela_NNP Lemus_NNP ,_, the_DT league_NN 's_POS director_NN of_IN policy_NN and_CC legislation_NN ._.
3.88 ``_`` City-grown_JJ pollution_NN ,_, and_CC ozone_NN in_IN particular_JJ ,_, is_VBZ tougher_JJR on_IN country_NN trees_NNS ,_, ''_'' says_VBZ Cornell_NNP University_NNP ecologist_NN Jillian_NNP Gregg_NNP ._. ``_`` I_PRP know_VBP this_DT sounds_VBZ counterintuitive_JJ ,_, but_CC it_PRP 's_VBZ true_JJ :_: City-grown_JJ pollution_NN --_: and_CC ozone_NN in_IN particular_JJ --_: is_VBZ tougher_JJR on_IN country_NN trees_NNS ,_, ''_'' U.S._NNP ecologist_NN Jillian_NNP Gregg_NNP said_VBD ._.
4.68 Ridge_NNP said_VBD no_DT real_JJ explosives_NNS or_CC harmful_JJ devices_NNS will_MD be_VB used_VBN in_IN the_DT exercise_NN ._. Ridge_NNP said_VBD that_IN no_DT actual_JJ explosives_NNS or_CC other_JJ harmful_JJ substances_NNS will_MD be_VB used_VBN ._.
3.88 Dennehy_NNP ,_, who_WP transferred_VBD to_TO Baylor_NNP last_JJ year_NN after_IN getting_VBG kicked_VBD off_RP the_DT University_NNP of_IN New_NNP Mexico_NNP Lobos_NNP for_IN temper_NN tantrums_NNS ,_, had_VBD begun_VBN to_TO read_VB the_DT Bible_NNP daily_RB ._. Dennehy_NNP ,_, who_WP transferred_VBD to_TO Baylor_NNP last_JJ year_NN after_IN getting_VBG kicked_VBD off_RP the_DT University_NNP of_IN New_NNP Mexico_NNP Lobos_NNP for_IN temper_NN tantrums_NNS ,_, became_VBD a_DT born-again_JJ Christian_NNP in_IN June_NNP 2002_CD ._.
3.6 This_DT is_VBZ America_NNP ,_, my_PRP$ friends_NNS ,_, and_CC it_PRP should_MD not_RB happen_VB here_RB ,_, ''_'' he_PRP said_VBD to_TO loud_JJ applause_NN ._. ``_`` This_DT is_VBZ America_NNP ,_, my_PRP$ friends_NNS ,_, and_CC it_PRP should_MD not_RB happen_VB here_RB ._. ''_''
4.2 Bashir_NNP felt_VBD he_PRP was_VBD being_VBG tried_VBN by_IN opinion_NN not_RB on_IN the_DT facts_NNS ,_, Mahendradatta_NNP told_VBD Reuters_NNP ._. Bashir_NNP also_RB felt_VBD he_PRP was_VBD being_VBG tried_VBN by_IN opinion_NN rather_RB than_IN facts_NNS of_IN law_NN ,_, he_PRP added_VBD ._.
4.6 Schofield_NNP got_VBD Toepfer_NNP to_TO admit_VB on_IN cross-examination_NN that_IN she_PRP ignored_VBD many_JJ of_IN O'Donnell_NNP 's_POS suggestions_NNS and_CC projects_NNS ._. But_CC under_IN cross-examination_NN by_IN O'Donnell_NNP 's_POS attorney_NN ,_, Lorna_NNP Schofield_NNP ,_, Toepfer_NNP conceded_VBD she_PRP had_VBD ignored_VBN many_JJ of_IN O'Donnell_NNP 's_POS suggestions_NNS and_CC projects_NNS ._.
3.0 The_DT Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD Index_NNP slipped_VBD 4.77_CD ,_, or_CC 0.5_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 929.62_CD ._. The_DT broad_JJ Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD Index_NNP ._. SPX_NNP shed_VBD 0.17_CD of_IN a_DT point_NN ,_, or_CC just_RB 0.02_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 934_CD ._.
4.0 On_IN May_NNP 1_CD ,_, he_PRP crawled_VBD through_IN a_DT narrow_JJ ,_, winding_VBG canyon_NN ,_, rappelled_VBN down_RP a_DT 60-foot_JJ cliff_NN and_CC walked_VBD some_DT six_CD miles_NNS down_IN the_DT canyon_NN ._. He_PRP crawled_VBD through_IN a_DT narrow_JJ ,_, winding_VBG canyon_NN ,_, rappelled_VBN down_RP a_DT 60-foot_JJ cliff_NN ,_, and_CC walked_VBD some_DT six_CD miles_NNS down_IN the_DT canyon_NN near_IN Canyonlands_NNP National_NNP Park_NNP in_IN southeastern_JJ Utah_NNP ._.
4.2 Amnesty_NNP International_NNP has_VBZ said_VBN that_IN over_IN the_DT past_JJ 20_CD years_NNS it_PRP has_VBZ collected_VBN information_NN about_IN 17,000_CD disappearances_NNS in_IN Iraq_NNP but_CC the_DT actual_JJ figure_NN may_MD be_VB much_RB higher_JJR ._. Amnesty_NNP International_NNP said_VBD that_IN over_IN the_DT past_JJ 20_CD years_NNS it_PRP had_VBD collected_VBN information_NN about_IN 17,000_CD disappearances_NNS in_IN Iraq_NNP ._.
2.2 The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP Industrial_NNP Average_NNP fell_VBD 0.7_CD per_IN cent_NN to_TO 9,547.43_CD while_IN the_DT S&P_NNP 500_CD was_VBD 0.8_CD per_IN cent_NN weaker_JJR at_IN 1,025.79_CD ._. The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN <_NN ._. DJI_NNP >_CD fell_VBD 44_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.46_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 9,568_CD ._.
4.0 Texas_NNP Instruments_NNP climbed_VBD $_$ 1.37_CD to_TO $_$ 19.25_CD yesterday_NN and_CC Novellus_NNP Systems_NNPS Inc._NNP advanced_VBD $_$ 1.76_CD to_TO $_$ 36.31_CD ._. Texas_NNP Instruments_NNP climbed_VBD $_$ US1_CD .37_CD to_TO $_$ US19_CD .25_CD and_CC Novellus_NNP Systems_NNP advanced_VBD $_$ US1_CD .76_CD to_TO $_$ US36_CD .31_CD ,_, each_DT having_VBG been_VBN raised_VBN to_TO ``_`` overweight_JJ ''_'' by_IN Lehman_NNP ._.
3.764 She_PRP asked_VBD to_TO be_VB excused_VBN from_IN last_JJ week_NN 's_POS Cabinet_NNP session_NN to_TO prepare_VB for_IN a_DT meeting_NN with_IN the_DT presidents_NNS of_IN Rwanda_NNP and_CC Uganda_NNP ._. She_PRP took_VBD the_DT highly_RB unusual_JJ step_NN of_IN skipping_VBG cabinet_NN to_TO attend_VB a_DT meeting_NN with_IN the_DT presidents_NNS of_IN Rwanda_NNP and_CC Uganda_NNP ._.
5.0 ``_`` We_PRP hope_VBP all_DT parties_NNS will_MD continue_VB to_TO make_VB efforts_NNS and_CC continue_VB the_DT process_NN of_IN dialogue_NN ,_, ''_'' the_DT Chinese_NNP Foreign_NNP Ministry_NNP said_VBD in_IN a_DT statement_NN ._. China_NNP 's_POS foreign_JJ ministry_NN said_VBD :_: ``_`` We_PRP hope_VBP all_DT parties_NNS will_MD continue_VB to_TO make_VB efforts_NNS and_CC continue_VB the_DT process_NN of_IN dialogue_NN ._. ''_''
4.0 School_NNP officials_NNS said_VBD Van-Vliet_NNP reported_VBD the_DT accident_NN using_VBG the_DT bus_NN '_'' radio_NN ._. Van-Vliet_NNP ,_, who_WP was_VBD also_RB injured_VBN ,_, called_VBN in_IN the_DT accident_NN on_IN the_DT school_NN bus_NN radio_NN ._.
4.2 In_IN a_DT mixture_NN of_IN ancient_JJ pagan_NN and_CC modern_JJ Christian_JJ rites_NNS ,_, the_DT villagers_NNS have_VBP staged_VBN a_DT series_NN of_IN ceremonies_NNS hoping_VBG to_TO erase_VB the_DT misfortunes_NNS they_PRP believe_VBP have_VBP kept_VBN them_PRP poor_JJ ._. In_IN a_DT mixture_NN of_IN ancient_JJ Melanesian_JJ pagan_NN and_CC modern_JJ Christian_JJ ceremonies_NNS the_DT people_NNS tried_VBD again_RB to_TO erase_VB the_DT misfortunes_NNS they_PRP believe_VBP have_VBP kept_VBN them_PRP poor_JJ since_IN that_DT long-ago_JJ meal_NN ._.
3.0 The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN ._. DJI_NNP edged_VBD up_IN 13.33_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.15_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 9,196.55_CD ._. The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN <_NN ._. DJI_NNP >_CD was_VBD off_RB 7.75_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.08_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN 9,175.47_CD ._.
1.2 Monkeypox_NNP is_VBZ usually_RB found_VBN only_RB in_IN central_JJ and_CC western_JJ Africa_NNP ._. Prairie_NNP dogs_NNS ,_, usually_RB found_VBN in_IN southwestern_JJ and_CC western_JJ states_NNS ,_, are_VBP n't_RB indigenous_JJ to_TO Wisconsin_NNP ._.
2.4 Board_NNP Chancellor_NNP Robert_NNP Bennett_NNP declined_VBD to_TO comment_VB on_IN personnel_NNS matters_NNS Tuesday_NNP ._. Mr._NNP Mills_NNP declined_VBD to_TO comment_VB yesterday_NN ,_, saying_VBG that_IN he_PRP never_RB discussed_VBD personnel_NNS matters_NNS ._.
5.0 In_IN that_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT court_NN held_VBD that_IN Cincinnati_NNP had_VBD violated_VBN the_DT First_NNP Amendment_NNP in_IN banning_VBG only_RB the_DT advertising_NN pamphlets_NNS in_IN the_DT interest_NN of_IN aesthetics_NNS ._. In_IN that_DT case_NN ,_, the_DT court_NN held_VBD that_IN the_DT city_NN of_IN Cincinnati_NNP had_VBD violated_VBN the_DT First_NNP Amendment_NNP in_IN banning_VBG ,_, in_IN the_DT interest_NN of_IN aesthetics_NNS ,_, only_RB the_DT advertising_NN pamphlets_NNS ._.
4.0664 The_DT film_NN is_VBZ the_DT second_NN of_IN a_DT trilogy_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD wrap_VB up_RP in_IN November_NNP with_IN The_DT Matrix_NNP Revolutions_NNPS ._. ``_`` Reloaded_NNP ''_'' is_VBZ the_DT second_JJ installment_NN of_IN a_DT trilogy_NN ;_: ``_`` The_DT Matrix_NNP Revolutions_NNPS ''_'' is_VBZ slated_VBN for_IN debut_NN in_IN November_NNP ._.
4.0 In_IN addition_NN ,_, the_DT Justice_NNP Department_NNP said_VBD that_IN the_DT FBI_NNP has_VBZ conducted_VBN ''_'' fewer_JJR than_IN 10_CD ''_'' investigations_NNS involving_VBG visits_NNS to_TO mosques_NNS ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, ``_`` fewer_JJR than_IN 10_CD ''_'' FBI_NNP offices_NNS have_VBP conducted_VBN investigations_NNS involving_VBG visits_NNS to_TO Islamic_JJ mosques_NNS ,_, the_DT Justice_NNP Department_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.6 The_DT launch_NN coincides_VBZ with_IN the_DT JavaOne_NNP developers_NNS '_POS conference_NN in_IN San_NNP Francisco_NNP this_DT week_NN ._. The_DT news_NN also_RB comes_VBZ in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN Suns_NNPS annual_JJ JavaOne_NN developers_NNS conference_NN in_IN San_NNP Francisco_NNP ._.
3.2 A_DT Royal_NNP Duty_NNP is_VBZ based_VBN on_IN his_PRP$ experiences_NNS with_IN Diana_NNP ,_, Princess_NNP of_IN Wales_NNP and_CC letters_NNS allegedly_RB to_TO and_CC from_IN her_PRP ._. The_DT royal_JJ household_NN was_VBD bracing_VBG itself_PRP for_IN any_DT more_JJR revelations_NNS in_IN A_DT Royal_NNP Duty_NNP ,_, based_VBN on_IN the_DT former_JJ servant_NN 's_POS time_NN with_IN Diana_NNP ,_, Princess_NNP of_IN Wales_NNP ._.
3.4 The_DT army_NN said_VBD the_DT raid_NN ,_, which_WDT comes_VBZ just_RB days_NNS after_IN Israeli_JJ troops_NNS shot_VBN and_CC killed_VBN Abdullah_NNP Kawasme_NNP ,_, the_DT Hamas_NNP leader_NN in_IN the_DT city_NN ,_, targeted_VBN militants_NNS in_IN Hamas_NNP ._. The_DT arrests_NNS came_VBD just_RB days_NNS after_IN Israeli_JJ troops_NNS shot_VBN and_CC killed_VBN Abdullah_NNP Kawasme_NNP ,_, the_DT militant_JJ group_NN 's_POS leader_NN in_IN Hebron_NNP ._.
4.52 Its_PRP$ former_JJ chief_NN Mickey_NNP Robinson_NNP was_VBD fired_VBN for_IN cause_NN when_WRB he_PRP left_VBD in_IN September_NNP ,_, the_DT company_NN said_VBD ._. Chief_NNP Executive_NNP Mickey_NNP Robinson_NNP was_VBD fired_VBN for_IN cause_NN in_IN September_NNP ,_, the_DT company_NN said_VBD last_JJ month_NN ._.
3.56 SARS_NNP went_VBD on_IN to_TO claim_VB the_DT lives_NNS of_IN 44_CD people_NNS in_IN the_DT Toronto_NNP area_NN ,_, including_VBG two_CD nurses_NNS and_CC a_DT doctor_NN ._. The_DT virus_NN killed_VBD 44_CD people_NNS in_IN the_DT Toronto_NNP area_NN ,_, including_VBG one_CD doctor_NN and_CC two_CD nurses_NNS ._.
4.68 Apple_NNP Computer_NNP 's_POS new_JJ online_JJ music_NN service_NN sold_VBD more_JJR than_IN 1_CD million_CD songs_NNS during_IN its_PRP$ first_JJ week_NN of_IN operation_NN ,_, the_DT company_NN said_VBD Monday_NNP ._. Apple_NNP Computer_NNP Inc._NNP said_VBD Monday_NNP it_PRP exceeded_VBD record_NN industry_NN expectations_NNS by_IN selling_VBG more_JJR than_IN 1_CD million_CD songs_NNS since_IN the_DT launch_NN of_IN its_PRP$ online_JJ music_NN store_NN a_DT week_NN ago_RB ._.
3.88 He_PRP had_VBD been_VBN arrested_VBN twice_RB before_IN for_IN trespassing_NN and_CC barred_VBN from_IN the_DT complex_NN -_: home_NN to_TO his_PRP$ mother_NN and_CC two_CD children_NNS ._. He_PRP had_VBD been_VBN arrested_VBN twice_RB before_IN for_IN trespassing_NN and_CC was_VBD barred_VBN from_IN the_DT complex_NN ._.
4.52 Oracle_NNP Corp_NNP 's_POS Chairman_NNP and_CC CEO_NNP Larry_NNP Ellison_NNP did_VBD n't_RB rule_VB out_RP sweetening_VBG the_DT company_NN 's_POS unsolicited_JJ offer_NN to_TO acquire_VB rival_JJ PeopleSoft_NNP Inc._NNP ._. Oracle_NNP chairman_NN Larry_NNP Ellison_NNP has_VBZ hinted_VBN that_IN the_DT company_NN could_MD yet_RB again_RB increase_VB its_PRP$ offer_NN for_IN rival_JJ PeopleSoft_NNP ._.
3.72 Box_NNP cutters_NNS were_VBD used_VBN as_IN a_DT weapon_NN by_IN the_DT Sept._NNP 11_CD ,_, 2001_CD ,_, hijackers_NNS and_CC have_VBP since_IN been_VBN banned_VBN as_IN carry-on_JJ items_NNS ._. Box_NNP cutters_NNS were_VBD the_DT weapons_NNS used_VBN by_IN the_DT 19_CD hijackers_NNS in_IN the_DT Sept._NNP 11_CD ,_, 2001_CD ,_, attacks_NNS ._.
4.2448 The_DT Portuguese_JJ weather_NN service_NN said_VBD Europe_NNP 's_POS heatwave_NN was_VBD caused_VBN by_IN a_DT mass_NN of_IN hot_JJ ,_, dry_JJ air_NN moving_VBG from_IN the_DT southeast_NN ._. The_DT heatwave_NN was_VBD due_JJ to_TO a_DT mass_NN of_IN hot_JJ ,_, dry_JJ air_NN from_IN the_DT southeast_NN ,_, said_VBD Mario_NNP Almeida_NNP of_IN Portugal_NNP 's_POS weather_NN service_NN ._.
3.8 ``_`` Spending_NN taxpayer_NN dollars_NNS to_TO create_VB terrorism_NN betting_VBG parlors_NNS is_VBZ as_IN wasteful_JJ as_IN it_PRP is_VBZ repugnant_JJ ,_, ''_'' they_PRP announced_VBD at_IN a_DT press_NN conference_NN yesterday_NN ._. ``_`` Spending_NN taxpayer_NN dollars_NNS to_TO create_VB terrorism_NN betting_VBG parlors_NNS is_VBZ as_IN wasteful_JJ as_IN it_PRP is_VBZ repugnant_JJ ,_, ''_'' Wyden_NNP and_CC Dorgan_NNP said_VBD Monday_NNP in_IN a_DT letter_NN to_TO the_DT Pentagon_NNP ._.
5.0 Still_RB ,_, the_DT ``_`` somewhat_RB ambiguous_JJ ruling_NN ''_'' might_MD be_VB a_DT setback_NN for_IN Static_NNP Control_NNP depending_VBG on_IN how_WRB it_PRP developed_VBD its_PRP$ competing_VBG product_NN ,_, Merrill_NNP Lynch_NNP analyst_NN Steven_NNP Milunovich_NNP said_VBD ._. But_CC Merrill_NNP Lynch_NNP analyst_NN Steven_NNP Milunovich_NNP said_VBD the_DT ``_`` somewhat_RB ambiguous_JJ ruling_NN ''_'' by_IN regulators_NNS might_MD be_VB a_DT setback_NN for_IN Static_NNP Control_NNP depending_VBG on_IN how_WRB it_PRP developed_VBD its_PRP$ competing_VBG product_NN ._.
3.4 Police_NNS believe_VBP Wilson_NNP shot_VBD Reynolds_NNP ,_, then_RB her_PRP$ mother_NN once_RB in_IN the_DT head_NN before_IN fatally_RB turning_VBG the_DT gun_NN on_IN herself_PRP ._. Police_NNS believe_VBP Wilson_NNP then_RB shot_VBD Jennie_NNP Mae_NNP Robinson_NNP once_RB in_IN the_DT head_NN before_IN turning_VBG the_DT gun_NN on_IN herself_PRP ._.
4.0 On_IN July_NNP 22_CD ,_, Moore_NNP announced_VBD he_PRP would_MD appeal_VB the_DT case_NN directly_RB to_TO the_DT U.S._NNP Supreme_NNP Court_NNP ._. Moore_NNP of_IN Alabama_NNP says_VBZ he_PRP will_MD appeal_VB his_PRP$ case_NN to_TO the_DT nation_NN 's_POS highest_JJS court_NN ._.
4.2 The_DT monkeys_NNS could_MD track_VB their_PRP$ progress_NN by_IN watching_VBG a_DT schematic_JJ representation_NN of_IN the_DT arm_NN and_CC its_PRP$ motions_NNS on_IN a_DT video_NN screen_NN ._. The_DT arm_NN was_VBD kept_VBN in_IN a_DT separate_JJ room_NN ,_, but_CC the_DT monkeys_NNS could_MD track_VB their_PRP$ progress_NN by_IN watching_VBG a_DT representation_NN of_IN the_DT arm_NN and_CC its_PRP$ motions_NNS on_IN a_DT video_NN screen_NN ._.
4.2 That_DT triggered_VBD a_DT 47-hour_JJ police_NN standoff_NN that_WDT inconvenienced_VBD thousands_NNS of_IN commuters_NNS ,_, as_IN traffic_NN backed_VBD up_RP in_IN Downtown_NN Washington_NNP and_CC northern_JJ Virginia_NNP ._. His_PRP$ protest_NN led_VBD to_TO a_DT 47-hour_JJ standoff_NN with_IN police_NNS that_WDT caused_VBD huge_JJ traffic_NN jams_NNS in_IN downtown_NN Washington_NNP and_CC northern_JJ Virginia_NNP ._.
4.8 The_DT Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD index_NN advanced_VBD 6.48_CD ,_, or_CC 0.7_CD per_IN cent_NN ,_, to_TO 990.51_CD ._. The_DT broader_JJR Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD Index_NNP ._. SPX_NNP rose_VBD 6.48_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.66_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 990.51_CD ._.
4.0 Agriculture_NNP ministers_NNS from_IN more_JJR than_IN one_CD hundred_CD nations_NNS are_VBP expected_VBN to_TO attend_VB the_DT three-day_JJ Ministerial_NNP Conference_NNP and_CC Expo_NNP on_IN Agricultural_NNP Science_NNP and_CC Technology_NNP sponsored_VBN by_IN the_DT U.S._NNP Department_NNP of_IN Agriculture_NNP ._. U.S._NNP Agriculture_NNP Secretary_NNP Ann_NNP Veneman_NNP kicks_VBZ off_RP the_DT three-day_JJ Ministerial_NNP Conference_NNP and_CC Expo_NNP on_IN Agricultural_NNP Science_NNP and_CC Technology_NNP on_IN Monday_NNP ._.
4.04 According_VBG to_TO security_NN sources_NNS ,_, London_NNP Metropolitan_NNP Police_NNP Commissioner_NNP John_NNP Stevens_NNP placed_VBD his_PRP$ force_NN on_IN its_PRP$ highest_JJS state_NN of_IN alert_JJ last_JJ week_NN following_VBG the_DT warning_NN ._. The_DT Telegraph_NNP can_MD reveal_VB that_IN Sir_NNP John_NNP Stevens_NNP ,_, the_DT Metropolitan_NNP Police_NNP Commissioner_NNP ,_, placed_VBD his_PRP$ force_NN on_IN its_PRP$ highest_JJS alert_NN last_JJ week_NN ._.
4.2 Complicating_VBG the_DT situation_NN is_VBZ the_DT presence_NN of_IN battle-hardened_JJ Liberians_NNPS who_WP have_VBP been_VBN fighting_VBG on_IN both_DT sides_NNS ._. Fighting_NN has_VBZ continued_VBN sporadically_RB in_IN the_DT west_NN ,_, where_WRB it_PRP is_VBZ complicated_VBN by_IN the_DT presence_NN of_IN battle-hardened_JJ Liberians_NNPS on_IN both_DT sides_NNS ._.
3.8 This_DT year_NN the_DT Audubon_NNP Society_NNP once_RB again_RB hosts_VBZ its_PRP$ annual_JJ Christmas_NNP Bird_NNP Count_NNP ._. It_PRP 's_VBZ the_DT National_NNP Audubon_NNP Society_NNP 's_POS annual_JJ Christmas_NNP Bird_NNP Count_NNP ,_, now_RB in_IN its_PRP$ 104th_JJ season_NN ._.
3.4 Before_IN it_PRP was_VBD removed_VBN ,_, the_DT site_NN listed_VBN in_IN broken_JJ English_NNP the_DT rules_NNS for_IN hackers_NNS who_WP might_MD participate_VB ._. Organizers_NNS established_VBD a_DT Web_NNP site_NN ,_, http://defacerschallenge.com_NN ,_, listing_VBG in_IN broken_JJ English_NNP the_DT rules_NNS for_IN hackers_NNS who_WP might_MD participate_VB ._.
3.5408 Southwest_NNP said_VBD its_PRP$ traffic_NN was_VBD up_RB 4.6_CD percent_NN in_IN the_DT quarter_NN ,_, and_CC it_PRP ended_VBD the_DT quarter_NN with_IN $_$ 2.2_CD billion_CD in_IN cash_NN ._. Southwest_NNP said_VBD its_PRP$ traffic_NN was_VBD up_RB 4.6_CD percent_NN in_IN the_DT quarter_NN on_IN a_DT capacity_NN increase_NN of_IN 4.2_CD percent_NN ._.
4.36 Doctors_NNS have_VBP speculated_VBN that_IN the_DT body_NN 's_POS own_JJ estrogen_NN protects_VBZ against_IN cell_NN damage_NN and_CC improves_VBZ blood_NN flow_NN ._. Their_PRP$ belief_NN was_VBD based_VBN on_IN speculation_NN that_IN estrogen_NN prevents_VBZ cell_NN damage_NN and_CC improves_VBZ blood_NN flow_NN ._.
3.72 They_PRP also_RB found_VBD shortness_NN was_VBD associated_VBN with_IN a_DT family_NN history_NN of_IN hearing_NN loss_NN ._. Shortness_NNP was_VBD found_VBN twice_RB as_RB often_RB in_IN those_DT with_IN hearing_NN loss_NN ._.
4.68 Cisco_NNP executives_NNS said_VBD they_PRP were_VBD encouraged_VBN by_IN $_$ 1.3_CD billion_CD in_IN cash_NN flow_NN and_CC the_DT increase_NN in_IN net_JJ income_NN ,_, but_CC hoped_VBD for_IN a_DT rebound_NN ._. Cisco_NNP executives_NNS were_VBD encouraged_VBN by_IN $_$ 1.3_CD billion_CD in_IN cash_NN flow_NN and_CC the_DT increase_NN in_IN net_JJ income_NN ,_, but_CC said_VBD they_PRP remained_VBD ``_`` cautiously_RB optimistic_JJ ''_'' about_IN a_DT rebound_NN ._.
4.2 In_IN an_DT E-mail_NN statement_NN to_TO the_DT Knoxville_NNP News_NNP Sentinel_NNP ,_, Shumaker_NNP said_VBD ,_, ''_'' I_PRP am_VBP not_RB giving_VBG any_DT consideration_NN to_TO resignation_NN ._. I_PRP am_VBP not_RB giving_VBG any_DT consideration_NN to_TO resignation_NN ,_, ''_'' Shumaker_NNP said_VBD in_IN a_DT statement_NN ._.
4.2 A_DT poll_NN showed_VBD that_IN the_DT FBI_NNP bugging_NN of_IN the_DT mayor_NN had_VBD given_VBN a_DT boost_NN to_TO his_PRP$ reelection_NN effort_NN against_IN GOP_NNP opponent_NN Sam_NNP Katz_NNP ._. A_DT poll_NN released_VBN this_DT week_NN showed_VBD that_IN the_DT FBI_NNP bugging_NN of_IN the_DT mayor_NN has_VBZ given_VBN a_DT boost_NN to_TO his_PRP$ re-election_NN effort_NN ._.
3.6 Bulger_NNP 's_POS brother_NN is_VBZ now_RB on_IN the_DT agency_NN 's_POS ''_'' 10_CD Most_JJS Wanted_VBD ''_'' list_NN ,_, sought_VBN in_IN connection_NN with_IN 21_CD murders_NNS ._. Bulger_NNP 's_POS brother_NN ,_, a_DT former_JJ FBI_NNP informant_NN ,_, is_VBZ now_RB on_IN the_DT law_NN enforcement_NN agency_NN 's_POS ``_`` 10_CD Most_JJS Wanted_VBD ''_'' list_NN ._.
3.9144 The_DT injured_JJ passenger_NN at_IN John_NNP Peter_NNP Smith_NNP Hospital_NNP died_VBD later_RB Friday_NNP morning_NN ,_, Jones_NNP said_VBD ._. The_DT injured_JJ passenger_NN at_IN John_NNP Peter_NNP Smith_NNP died_VBD later_RB in_IN the_DT morning_NN ;_: his_PRP$ name_NN has_VBZ not_RB been_VBN released_VBN ,_, Jones_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.88 Doctors_NNS had_VBD planned_VBN to_TO deliver_VB him_PRP two_CD weeks_NNS early_RB ,_, on_IN or_CC around_IN November_NNP 14_CD ._. A_DT Caesarean_JJ had_VBD originally_RB been_VBN planned_VBN in_IN mid_NN -_: November_NNP ,_, two_CD weeks_NNS early_RB ._.
4.2 Sobig.F_JJ spreads_NNS when_WRB unsuspecting_JJ computer_NN users_NNS open_JJ file_NN attachments_NNS in_IN emails_NNS that_WDT contain_VBP such_JJ familiar_JJ headings_NNS as_IN ``_`` Thank_VB You_PRP !_. ,_, ''_'' ``_`` Re_NNP :_: Details_NNS ''_'' or_CC ``_`` Re_NNP :_: That_IN Movie_NNP ._. ''_'' The_DT virus_NN spreads_NNS when_WRB unsuspecting_JJ computer_NN users_NNS open_JJ file_NN attachments_NNS in_IN emails_NNS that_WDT contain_VBP familiar_JJ headings_NNS like_IN ``_`` Thank_VB You_PRP !_. ''_'' and_CC ``_`` Re_NNP :_: Details_NNS ''_'' ._.
1.8 The_DT technology-laced_JJ Nasdaq_NNP Composite_NNP Index_NNP ._. IXIC_NNP rose_VBD 17.26_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 1.06_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 1,640.06_CD ,_, based_VBN on_IN the_DT latest_JJS data_NNS ._. The_DT broader_JJR Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD Index_NNP <_NN ._. SPX_NNP >_CD gained_VBD 5.51_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.56_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 981.73_CD ._.
3.72 Founders_NNS of_IN the_DT group_NN are_VBP Matsushita_NNP Electric_NNP ,_, Sony_NNP ,_, Hitachi_NNP ,_, NEC_NNP ,_, Royal_NNP Philips_NNP Electronics_NNP ,_, Samsung_NNP ,_, Sharp_NNP and_CC Toshiba_NNP ._. CELF_NNP 's_POS founding_JJ members_NNS are_VBP Hitachi_NNP ,_, Matsushita_NNP ,_, NEC_NNP ,_, Philips_NNP ,_, Samsung_NNP ,_, Sharp_NNP ,_, Sony_NNP ,_, and_CC Toshiba_NNP ._.
2.4 Is_VBZ it_PRP in_IN the_DT food_NN supply_NN ?_. ''_'' says_VBZ David_NNP Ropeik_NNP ,_, director_NN of_IN risk_NN communication_NN at_IN the_DT Harvard_NNP Center_NNP for_IN Risk_NNP Analysis_NNP ._. ``_`` It_PRP 's_VBZ not_RB zero_CD ,_, ''_'' said_VBD David_NNP Ropeik_NNP ,_, director_NN of_IN risk_NN communication_NN at_IN the_DT Harvard_NNP Center_NNP for_IN Risk_NNP Analysis_NNP ._.
3.4 During_IN a_DT screaming_VBG match_NN in_IN 1999_CD ,_, Carolyn_NNP told_VBD John_NNP she_PRP was_VBD still_RB sleeping_VBG with_IN Bergin_NNP ._. She_PRP ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, occasionally_RB told_VBD John_NNP that_IN she_PRP was_VBD still_RB sleeping_VBG with_IN an_DT ex-boyfriend_NN ,_, ``_`` Baywatch_NNP ''_'' hunk_NN Michael_NNP Bergin_NNP ._.
3.6 On_IN the_DT other_JJ hand_NN ,_, if_IN this_DT will_MD help_VB further_RB establish_VB Steve_NNP 's_POS innocence_NN ,_, we_PRP welcome_VBP it_PRP ._. ''_'' If_IN draining_VBG the_DT ponds_NNS in_IN Maryland_NNP will_MD further_RB help_VB establish_VB Steve_NNP 's_POS innocence_NN ,_, we_PRP welcome_VBP it_PRP ._. ''_''
3.2 Florida_NNP 's_POS Supreme_NNP Court_NNP has_VBZ twice_RB refused_VBN to_TO hear_VB the_DT case_NN ._. On_IN Tuesday_NNP ,_, a_DT Florida_NNP appeals_NNS court_NN again_RB refused_VBD to_TO block_VB removal_NN of_IN the_DT tube_NN ._.
3.72 Fletcher_NNP said_VBD he_PRP expects_VBZ to_TO have_VB the_DT support_NN of_IN lawmakers_NNS from_IN agricultural_JJ states_NNS ,_, many_JJ of_IN whom_WP are_VBP on_IN the_DT committee_NN ._. He_PRP said_VBD he_PRP also_RB expects_VBZ to_TO have_VB the_DT support_NN of_IN lawmakers_NNS from_IN other_JJ agricultural_JJ states_NNS ._.
3.88 Four_CD versions_NNS of_IN Windows_NNS operating_VBG systems_NNS are_VBP targeted_VBN :_: Windows_NNP NT_NNP ,_, Windows_NNP 2000_CD ,_, Windows_NNP XP_NNP and_CC Windows_NNP Server_NNP 2003_CD ._. The_DT new_JJ worm_NN affects_VBZ these_DT Windows_NNP systems_NNS :_: 2000_CD ,_, XP_NNP ,_, NT_NNP 4.0_CD and_CC Server_NNP 2003_CD ._.
3.56 Seven_CD 20_CD -_: and_CC 21-year-old_JJ cadets_NNS were_VBD ticketed_VBN by_IN police_NNS for_IN drinking_NN alcohol_NN in_IN an_DT off-campus_JJ hotel_NN room_NN early_RB Saturday_NNP with_IN two_CD young_JJ women_NNS ,_, aged_VBN 16_CD and_CC 18_CD ._. Seven_CD 20_CD -_: and_CC 21-year-old_JJ male_NN cadets_NNS were_VBD caught_VBN in_IN an_DT off-campus_JJ hotel_NN room_NN early_RB Saturday_NNP with_IN two_CD female_JJ teens_NNS ,_, 16_CD and_CC 18_CD years_NNS ._.
3.56 Shares_NNS of_IN McDonald_NNP 's_POS Corp._NNP and_CC Wendy_NNP 's_POS International_NNP Inc._NNP continued_VBD a_DT modest_JJ run-up_NN on_IN the_DT New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP Monday_NNP ._. Shares_NNS of_IN McDonald_NNP 's_POS and_CC Wendy_NNP 's_POS continued_VBD their_PRP$ recent_JJ recovery_NN Monday_NNP ,_, rising_VBG more_JJR than_IN 1_CD percent_NN on_IN the_DT New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP in_IN afternoon_NN trade_NN ._.
3.24 Such_JJ a_DT step_NN could_MD put_VB the_DT issue_NN before_IN the_DT UN_NNP Security_NNP Council_NNP ._. The_DT matter_NN could_MD then_RB be_VB sent_VBN to_TO the_DT U.N._NNP Security_NNP Council_NNP ._.
2.92 He_PRP planned_VBD to_TO stay_VB all_DT day_NN until_IN the_DT river_NN crested_VBD ,_, which_WDT was_VBD forecast_VBN for_IN late_JJ last_JJ night_NN ._. He_PRP and_CC the_DT other_JJ lawyers_NNS planned_VBD to_TO stay_VB until_IN the_DT river_NN starts_VBZ receding_VBG ._.
3.72 The_DT camp_NN hosts_NNS summer_NN religious_JJ retreats_NNS for_IN children_NNS and_CC other_JJ events_NNS year-round_JJ ,_, according_VBG to_TO its_PRP$ Web_NNP site_NN ._. The_DT Saint_NNP Sophia_NNP Camp_NNP hosts_NNS religious_JJ retreats_NNS for_IN children_NNS during_IN the_DT summer_NN months_NNS as_RB well_RB as_IN other_JJ events_NNS year_NN round_NN ,_, according_VBG to_TO its_PRP$ Web_NNP site_NN ._.
3.88 Dealers_NNS said_VBD the_DT single_JJ currency_NN 's_POS downward_JJ momentum_NN against_IN the_DT dollar_NN could_MD pick_VB up_RP speed_NN if_IN it_PRP broke_VBD below_IN $_$ 1.15_CD ._. Dealers_NNS said_VBD the_DT euro_NN 's_POS downward_JJ momentum_NN may_MD pick_VB up_RP speed_NN should_MD it_PRP break_VB below_IN $_$ 1.15_CD ._.
4.04 Gemstar_NNP 's_POS shares_NNS gathered_VBD up_RP 2.6_CD percent_NN ,_, adding_VBG 14_CD cents_NNS to_TO $_$ 5.49_CD at_IN the_DT close_NN ._. Gemstar_NNP shares_NNS moved_VBD higher_RBR on_IN the_DT news_NN ,_, closing_VBG up_RP 2.6_CD percent_NN at_IN $_$ 5.49_CD on_IN Nasdaq_NNP ._.
3.72 ``_`` The_DT European_NNP Union_NNP is_VBZ basically_RB absent_JJ ,_, ''_'' said_VBD Tito_NNP Barbini_NNP ,_, regional_JJ minister_NN for_IN agriculture_NN in_IN Tuscany_NNP ,_, Italy_NNP ._. Tito_NNP Barbini_NNP ,_, a_DT regional_JJ minister_NN for_IN agriculture_NN in_IN Tuscany_NNP ,_, Italy_NNP ,_, criticized_VBD the_DT absence_NN Tuesday_NNP in_IN Sacramento_NNP ._.
4.84 Along_IN with_IN chipmaker_NN Intel_NNP ,_, the_DT companies_NNS include_VBP Sony_NNP Corp._NNP ,_, Microsoft_NNP Corp._NNP ,_, Hewlett-Packard_NNP Co._NNP ,_, IBM_NNP Corp._NNP ,_, Gateway_NNP Inc._NNP and_CC Nokia_NNP Corp._NNP ._. Along_IN with_IN chip_NN maker_NN Intel_NNP ,_, the_DT companies_NNS include_VBP Sony_NNP ,_, Microsoft_NNP ,_, Hewlett-Packard_NNP ,_, International_NNP Business_NNP Machines_NNPS ,_, Gateway_NNP ,_, Nokia_NNP and_CC others_NNS ._.
4.04 Kroger_NNP Co._NNP ,_, which_WDT owns_VBZ Ralphs_NNP ,_, and_CC Albertsons_NNP Inc._NNP bargain_NN jointly_RB with_IN Safeway_NNP and_CC locked_VBN out_RP their_PRP$ union_NN workers_NNS the_DT next_JJ day_NN ._. In_IN a_DT show_NN of_IN corporate_JJ solidarity_NN ,_, Kroger_NNP Co._NNP ,_, which_WDT owns_VBZ Ralphs_NNP ,_, and_CC Albertson_NNP Inc._NNP locked_VBD out_RP their_PRP$ workers_NNS the_DT next_JJ morning_NN ._.
3.6664 According_VBG to_TO the_DT Census_NNP Bureau_NNP ,_, the_DT Hispanic_JJ population_NN increased_VBN by_IN 9.8_CD percent_NN from_IN the_DT April_NNP 2000_CD census_NN figures_NNS ._. The_DT Hispanic_JJ population_NN increased_VBN by_IN 9.8_CD per_IN cent_NN from_IN the_DT April_NNP 2000_CD census_NN figures_NNS ,_, despite_IN less_JJR favourable_JJ social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ conditions_NNS than_IN in_IN the_DT 1990s_CD ._.
3.0 Its_PRP$ shares_NNS jumped_VBD to_TO $_$ 54.50_CD in_IN pre-open_JJ trading_NN from_IN $_$ 50.90_CD at_IN Wednesday_NNP 's_POS close_NN ._. Shares_NNP jumped_VBD almost_RB 7_CD percent_NN in_IN pre-open_JJ trading_NN ,_, rising_VBG to_TO $_$ 18.26_CD from_IN $_$ 17.05_CD at_IN Tuesday_NNP 's_POS close_NN ._.
3.8 He_PRP playfully_RB chided_VBD the_DT Senate_NNP 's_POS ``_`` little_JJ bitty_JJ tax_NN relief_NN plan_NN ._. ''_'' We_PRP do_VBP n't_RB need_VB a_DT little_JJ bitty_JJ tax_NN relief_NN plan_NN ._.
2.52 Looking_VBG to_TO buy_VB the_DT latest_JJS Harry_NNP Potter_NNP ?_. Harry_NNP Potter_NNP 's_POS latest_JJS wizard_NN trick_NN ?_.
3.4 MediaQ_NNP 's_POS customers_NNS include_VBP major_JJ handheld_JJ makers_NNS Mitsubishi_NNP ,_, Siemens_NNP ,_, Palm_NNP ,_, Sharp_NNP ,_, Philips_NNP ,_, Dell_NNP and_CC Sony_NNP ._. Nvidia_NNP will_MD take_VB advantage_NN of_IN MediaQ_NNP customers_NNS ,_, which_WDT include_VBP such_JJ players_NNS as_IN Siemens_NNP AG_NNP ,_, Sharp_NNP ,_, Philips_NNP ,_, Dell_NNP ,_, Mitsubishi_NNP and_CC Sony_NNP Corp._NNP ._.
3.88 Aventis_NNP ,_, based_VBN in_IN Strasbourg_NNP ,_, France_NNP ,_, is_VBZ one_CD of_IN a_DT handful_NN of_IN companies_NNS that_WDT still_RB make_VBP the_DT flu_NN vaccine_NN ._. Aventis_NNP ,_, based_VBN in_IN Strasbourg_NNP ,_, France_NNP ,_, is_VBZ one_CD of_IN the_DT leading_VBG producers_NNS of_IN the_DT vaccine_NN and_CC one_CD of_IN a_DT handful_NN of_IN companies_NNS that_WDT still_RB make_VBP it_PRP ._.
2.92 The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN <_NN ._. DJI_NNP >_CD was_VBD off_RB 58.69_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.64_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN 9,137.86_CD ._. The_DT Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN ._. DJI_NNP fell_VBD 79.43_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.86_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 9,117.12_CD on_IN Friday_NNP ._.
3.56 ``_`` It_PRP was_VBD a_DT little_JJ bit_NN embarrassing_JJ the_DT way_NN we_PRP played_VBD in_IN the_DT first_JJ two_CD games_NNS ,_, ''_'' Thomas_NNP said_VBD ._. ``_`` We_PRP 're_VBP in_IN the_DT Stanley_NNP Cup_NNP finals_NNS ,_, and_CC it_PRP was_VBD a_DT little_JJ bit_NN embarrassing_JJ the_DT way_NN we_PRP played_VBD in_IN the_DT first_JJ two_CD games_NNS ._.
2.6 From_IN Broadway_NNP comedies_NNS like_IN ``_`` The_DT Seven_CD Year_NN Itch_NNP ''_'' -LRB-_-LRB- 1952_CD -RRB-_-RRB- ,_, ``_`` Will_MD Success_NNP Spoil_NNP Rock_NNP Hunter_NNP ?_. ''_'' Playwright_NNP George_NNP Axelrod_NNP ,_, who_WP anticipated_VBD the_DT sexual_JJ revolution_NN with_IN The_DT Seven_CD Year_NN Itch_NNP and_CC Will_NNP Success_NNP Spoil_NNP Rock_NNP Hunter_NNP ?_.
4.04 His_PRP$ lawyer_NN ,_, Pamela_NNP MacKey_NNP ,_, said_VBD Bryant_NNP expects_VBZ to_TO be_VB completely_RB exonerated_VBN ._. ``_`` Mr._NNP Bryant_NNP is_VBZ innocent_JJ and_CC expects_VBZ to_TO be_VB completely_RB exonerated_VBN ,_, ''_'' Mackey_NNP said_VBD in_IN a_DT statement_NN ._.
3.4 It_PRP was_VBD the_DT best_JJS advance_NN since_IN Oct._NNP 1_CD ,_, when_WRB the_DT index_NN gained_VBD 22.25_CD ._. Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD index_NN rose_VBD 15.66_CD to_TO 1,046.79_CD ,_, its_PRP$ best_JJS advance_NN since_IN Oct._NNP 1_CD ,_, when_WRB it_PRP gained_VBD 22.25_CD ._.
3.9536 Mr._NNP Mask_NNP said_VBD Mr._NNP Cullen_NNP would_MD be_VB taken_VBN from_IN the_DT Somerset_NNP County_NNP Jail_NN by_IN Thursday_NNP and_CC moved_VBD to_TO the_DT Ann_NNP Klein_NNP Forensic_NNP Hospital_NNP just_RB outside_IN Trenton_NNP for_IN psychiatric_JJ care_NN ._. Charles_NNP Cullen_NNP ,_, 43_CD ,_, was_VBD transferred_VBN from_IN the_DT Somerset_NNP County_NNP Jail_NN in_IN Somerville_NNP to_TO the_DT Anne_NNP Klein_NNP Forensic_NNP Center_NNP ,_, a_DT 150-bed_JJ psychiatric_JJ treatment_NN facility_NN in_IN Trenton_NNP ._.
3.4 Scientists_NNS believed_VBD Stardust_NNP trapped_VBN thousands_NNS of_IN particles_NNS of_IN dust_NN ._. Stardust_NNP was_VBD designed_VBN to_TO gather_VB thousands_NNS of_IN dust_NN particles_NNS streaming_VBG from_IN Wild_NNP 2_CD ._.
3.4 Nine_CD seconds_NNS later_RB ,_, it_PRP broke_VBD the_DT sound_JJ barrier_NN and_CC continued_VBD its_PRP$ steep_JJ powered_VBN ascent_NN ._. Nine_CD seconds_NNS later_RB ,_, SpaceShipOne_NNP broke_VBD the_DT sound_JJ barrier_NN ,_, the_DT company_NN said_VBD ._.
3.2 The_DT report_NN by_IN the_DT independent_JJ expert_NN committee_NN aims_VBZ to_TO dissipate_VB any_DT suspicion_NN about_IN the_DT Hong_NNP Kong_NNP government_NN 's_POS handling_NN of_IN the_DT SARS_NNP crisis_NN ._. A_DT long_JJ awaited_VBD report_NN on_IN the_DT Hong_NNP Kong_NNP government_NN 's_POS handling_NN of_IN the_DT SARS_NNP outbreak_NN has_VBZ been_VBN released_VBN ._.
3.6 The_DT plane_NN was_VBD estimated_VBN to_TO be_VB within_IN 100_CD pounds_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ maximum_NN takeoff_NN weight_NN ._. US_NNP Airways_NNP Flight_NNP 5481_CD ,_, which_WDT crashed_VBD Jan._NNP 8_CD ,_, was_VBD judged_VBN to_TO be_VB within_IN 100_CD pounds_NNS of_IN its_PRP$ maximum_NN takeoff_NN weight_NN ._.
3.6 Both_DT devices_NNS implement_VBP the_DT v1_CD .2_CD standard_NN 's_POS eSCO_NNP facility_NN to_TO provide_VB the_DT basis_NN for_IN new_JJ cordless_JJ telephony_NN applications_NNS ._. BlueCore3_NNP also_RB implements_VBZ v1_CD .2_CD 's_POS eSCO_NNP facility_NN to_TO provide_VB the_DT basis_NN for_IN advanced_JJ cordless_JJ telephony_NN applications_NNS for_IN Bluetooth_NNP transmission_NN ._.
4.0 Michael_NNP Bloomberg_NNP ,_, NYC_NNP Mayor_NNP :_: ``_`` I_PRP 'm_VBP gon_VBG na_TO try_VB march_NN with_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN different_JJ groups_NNS ._. ``_`` I_PRP 'm_VBP going_VBG to_TO try_VB to_TO march_VB with_IN a_DT number_NN of_IN different_JJ groups_NNS ,_, ''_'' Bloomberg_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.88 The_DT attack_NN seemed_VBD similar_JJ to_TO others_NNS staged_VBD near_IN foreign_JJ compounds_NNS in_IN Riyadh_NNP on_IN May_NNP 12_CD ._. The_DT attack_NN seemed_VBD similar_JJ to_TO attacks_NNS staged_VBD near_IN foreign_JJ compounds_NNS in_IN Riyadh_NNP on_IN May_NNP 12_CD ,_, for_IN which_WDT officials_NNS have_VBP also_RB blamed_VBN al-Qaida_NN ._.
3.8 The_DT drop_NN in_IN core_NN wholesale_JJ prices_NNS in_IN April_NNP reflected_VBD falling_VBG prices_NNS for_IN cars_NNS ,_, trucks_NNS ,_, men_NNS 's_POS and_CC boy_NN 's_POS clothes_NNS and_CC cigarettes_NNS ._. That_DT was_VBD the_DT biggest_JJS drop_NN since_IN August_NNP 1993_CD and_CC stemmed_VBD from_IN falling_VBG prices_NNS for_IN cars_NNS ,_, trucks_NNS ,_, men_NNS 's_POS and_CC boys_NNS '_POS clothes_NNS and_CC cigarettes_NNS ._.
5.0 Gainer_NN said_VBD the_DT two_CD staff_NN aides_NNS are_VBP ``_`` very_RB sorry_JJ this_DT all_DT happened_VBN ,_, ''_'' and_CC the_DT security_NN personnel_NNS had_VBD performed_VBN ``_`` well_RB within_IN standards_NNS ._. ''_'' The_DT security_NN personnel_NNS performed_VBN ``_`` well_RB within_IN standards_NNS ''_'' and_CC the_DT two_CD staff_NN aides_NNS were_VBD ``_`` very_RB sorry_JJ all_PDT this_DT happened_VBD ,_, ''_'' Gainer_NNP said_VBD ._.
4.0 ``_`` We_PRP put_VBD a_DT lot_NN of_IN effort_NN and_CC energy_NN into_IN improving_VBG our_PRP$ patching_NN process_NN ,_, probably_RB later_RBR than_IN we_PRP should_MD have_VB and_CC now_RB we_PRP 're_VBP just_RB gaining_VBG incredible_JJ speed_NN ._. ``_`` We_PRP 've_VBP put_VBN a_DT lot_NN of_IN effort_NN and_CC energy_NN into_IN improving_VBG our_PRP$ patching_NN progress_NN ,_, probably_RB later_RBR than_IN we_PRP should_MD have_VB ._.
3.4 International_NNP rescue_NN workers_NNS are_VBP scouring_VBG flattened_VBD debris_NN for_IN survivors_NNS in_IN Iran_NNP 's_POS shattered_JJ ancient_JJ Silk_NNP Road_NNP city_NN of_IN Bam_UH after_IN a_DT violent_JJ earthquake_NN killed_VBD more_JJR than_IN 20,000_CD people_NNS ._. International_NNP rescue_NN workers_NNS hacked_VBD desperately_RB through_IN flattened_VBN debris_NN for_IN survivors_NNS and_CC cemeteries_NNS overflowed_VBD in_IN Iran_NNP 's_POS ancient_JJ Silk_NNP Road_NNP city_NN of_IN Bam_UH yesterday_NN ._.
4.2 Griffith_NNP ,_, a_DT Mount_NNP Airy_NNP native_NN ,_, now_RB lives_VBZ on_IN the_DT North_NNP Carolina_NNP coast_NN in_IN Manteo_NNP ._. Griffith_NNP ,_, 77_CD ,_, grew_VBD up_RP in_IN Mount_NNP Airy_NNP and_CC now_RB lives_VBZ in_IN Manteo_NNP ._.
3.6664 He_PRP also_RB said_VBD the_DT academy_NN will_MD get_VB its_PRP$ own_JJ internal_JJ report_NN next_JJ week_NN detailing_VBG the_DT seriousness_NN of_IN the_DT remaining_VBG problem_NN ._. The_DT academy_NN will_MD get_VB its_PRP$ own_JJ internal_JJ report_NN next_JJ week_NN and_CC it_PRP will_MD be_VB made_VBN public_JJ ,_, Rosa_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.6664 The_DT boy_NN also_RB sprayed_VBD the_DT room_NN full_JJ of_IN retardant_NN from_IN fire_NN extinguishers_NNS ,_, which_WDT made_VBD it_PRP hard_JJ to_TO see_VB ,_, the_DT chief_NN said_VBD ._. The_DT boy_NN fired_VBD once_RB into_IN a_DT wall_NN and_CC sprayed_VBD the_DT room_NN with_IN fire_NN extinguishers_NNS ,_, making_VBG it_PRP hard_JJ to_TO see_VB ,_, the_DT chief_NN said_VBD ._.
4.7336 The_DT Conference_NNP Board_NNP reported_VBD its_PRP$ U.S._NNP Consumer_NNP Confidence_NNP Index_NNP slipped_VBD to_TO 83.5_CD in_IN June_NNP from_IN 83.6_CD in_IN May_NNP ._. The_DT consumer-confidence_JJ index_NN came_VBD in_IN at_IN 83.5_CD in_IN June_NNP ,_, down_RB slightly_RB from_IN a_DT revised_VBN 83.6_CD in_IN May_NNP ,_, the_DT Conference_NNP Board_NNP said_VBD ._.
3.6664 ``_`` I_PRP notice_VBP a_DT mood_NN change_NN in_IN their_PRP$ priorities_NNS ,_, ''_'' one_CD politician_NN said_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PRP notice_VBP a_DT mood_NN change_NN in_IN their_PRP$ priorities_NNS ,_, ''_'' said_VBD one_CD Iraqi_JJ politician_NN after_IN meeting_VBG with_IN Mr._NNP Bremer_NNP ._.
3.08 ``_`` But_CC HRT_NNP should_MD not_RB be_VB used_VBN to_TO prevent_VB heart_NN disease_NN or_CC any_DT other_JJ chronic_JJ condition_NN ._. ''_'' ``_`` The_DT clear_JJ message_NN is_VBZ it_PRP should_MD not_RB be_VB used_VBN to_TO prevent_VB cardiovascular_JJ disease_NN ,_, ''_'' Manson_NNP said_VBD ._.
2.92 Heather_NNP ,_, 35_CD ,_, who_WP lost_VBD a_DT leg_NN in_IN a_DT road_NN accident_NN ,_, is_VBZ thought_VBN to_TO have_VB steel_NN plates_NNS fitted_VBN in_IN her_PRP$ hips_NNS ,_, which_WDT would_MD make_VB natural_JJ childbirth_NN impossible_JJ ._. Former_JJ model_NN Lady_NNP McCartney_NNP lost_VBD a_DT leg_NN in_IN a_DT road_NN accident_NN in_IN 1993_CD and_CC is_VBZ understood_VBN to_TO have_VB steel_NN plates_NNS fitted_VBN in_IN her_PRP$ hips_NNS which_WDT would_MD make_VB natural_JJ childbirth_NN difficult_JJ ._.
4.0856 The_DT network_NN is_VBZ also_RB dropping_VBG its_PRP$ Friday_NNP night_NN ``_`` Dateline_NNP ''_'' edition_NN ._. The_DT network_NN will_MD drop_VB one_CD edition_NN of_IN ``_`` Dateline_NNP ,_, ''_'' its_PRP$ newsmagazine_NN franchise_NN ._.
2.44 The_DT meat_NN ,_, poultry_NN ,_, butter_NN ,_, cheese_NN and_CC nuts_NNS were_VBD impounded_VBN a_DT year_NN ago_RB at_IN a_DT LaGrou_NNP Cold_NNP Storage_NNP warehouse_NN in_IN Chicago_NNP ._. The_DT meat_NN ,_, poultry_NN ,_, butter_NN ,_, cheese_NN and_CC nuts_NNS were_VBD being_VBG stored_VBN by_IN more_JJR than_IN 100_CD wholesalers_NNS in_IN Chicago_NNP ._.
3.88 The_DT BlueCore3-Multimedia_NN includes_VBZ a_DT 16-bit_JJ stereo_NN audio_NN CODEC_NNP with_IN dual_JJ ADC_NNP and_CC DAC_NNP for_IN stereo_NN audio_NN ._. BlueCore3-Multimedia_NN contains_VBZ an_DT open_JJ platform_NN DSP_NNP co-processor_NN and_CC also_RB includes_VBZ a_DT 16-bit_JJ stereo_NN audio_NN codec_NN with_IN dual_JJ ADC_NNP and_CC DAC_NNP for_IN stereo_NN audio_NN ._.
2.92 Vice_NNP President_NNP Dick_NNP Cheney_NNP and_CC Mississippi_NNP Republican_NNP gubernatorial_JJ candidate_NN Haley_NNP Barbour_NNP acknowledge_VBP the_DT cheering_VBG crowd_NN ._. Vice_NNP President_NNP Dick_NNP Cheney_NNP says_VBZ Mississippi_NNP Republican_NNP Haley_NNP Barbour_NNP would_MD be_VB a_DT good_JJ governor_NN because_IN of_IN his_PRP$ government_NN and_CC business_NN savvy_NN ._.
3.4 The_DT 51-year-old_JJ nurse_NN worked_VBD at_IN North_NNP York_NNP General_NNP Hospital_NNP ,_, the_DT epicentre_NN of_IN the_DT latest_JJS outbreak_NN ._. Emile_NNP Laroza_NNP ,_, 51_CD ,_, contracted_VBD SARS_NNP while_IN working_VBG as_IN a_DT nurse_NN at_IN North_NNP York_NNP General_NNP Hospital_NNP ,_, the_DT epicentre_NN of_IN the_DT second_JJ SARS_NNP outbreak_NN ._.
2.6 Rusch_NNP has_VBZ also_RB allowed_VBN five_CD or_CC more_JJR earned_VBN runs_NNS in_IN each_DT of_IN his_PRP$ last_JJ three_CD starts_NNS ._. Redman_NNP has_VBZ allowed_VBN two_CD earned_VBN runs_NNS or_CC less_JJR in_IN six_CD of_IN his_PRP$ nine_CD starts_NNS ._.
2.28 Mr._NNP Turner_NNP transferred_VBD about_IN 10_CD million_CD shares_NNS to_TO a_DT charitable_JJ trust_NN before_IN they_PRP were_VBD sold_VBN ._. The_DT sales_NNS leave_VBP Mr._NNP Turner_NNP with_IN about_RB 45_CD million_CD shares_NNS in_IN AOL_NNP ._.
4.2 He_PRP also_RB recruited_VBD others_NNS to_TO participate_VB in_IN the_DT scheme_NN by_IN convincing_VBG them_PRP to_TO receive_VB fraudulently_RB obtained_VBN merchandise_NN he_PRP had_VBD ordered_VBN for_IN himself_PRP ._. He_PRP also_RB recruited_VBD other_JJ people_NNS to_TO take_VB delivery_NN of_IN fraudulently_RB obtained_VBN merchandise_NN he_PRP had_VBD ordered_VBN ._.
3.88 Gartner_NNP 's_POS report_NN said_VBD global_JJ WLAN_NNP equipment_NN shipments_NNS reached_VBD 19.5_CD million_CD last_JJ year_NN ,_, a_DT 120_CD percent_NN increase_NN over_IN 2001_CD 's_POS 8.9_CD million_CD units_NNS ._. Total_JJ shipments_NNS reached_VBD 19.5_CD million_CD units_NNS last_JJ year_NN ,_, compared_VBN with_IN 8.9_CD million_CD units_NNS in_IN 2001_CD ._.
4.04 The_DT New_NNP York_NNP Mets_NNPS then_RB selected_VBN outfielder_NN Lastings_NNP Milledge_NNP from_IN Lakewood_NNP Ranch_NNP High_NNP School_NNP in_IN Florida_NNP ._. The_DT Mets_NNPS took_VBD Lastings_NNP Milledge_NNP ,_, an_DT outfielder_NN from_IN Florida_NNP ,_, with_IN the_DT 12th_JJ pick_NN ._.
4.52 Now_RB ,_, with_IN the_DT agency_NN 's_POS last_JJ three_CD shuttles_NNS grounded_VBN in_IN the_DT wake_NN of_IN the_DT Columbia_NNP disaster_NN ,_, that_IN wait_NN could_MD be_VB even_RB longer_RBR ._. With_IN the_DT remaining_VBG three_CD shuttles_NNS grounded_VBN in_IN the_DT wake_NN of_IN the_DT Columbia_NNP accident_NN ,_, the_DT rookies_NNS will_MD have_VB to_TO wait_VB even_RB longer_RBR ._.
3.4 Bremer_NNP ,_, 61_CD ,_, is_VBZ a_DT onetime_JJ assistant_NN to_TO former_JJ Secretaries_NNS of_IN State_NNP William_NNP P._NNP Rogers_NNP and_CC Henry_NNP Kissinger_NNP and_CC was_VBD ambassador-at-large_NN for_IN counterterrorism_NN from_IN 1986_CD to_TO 1989_CD ._. Bremer_NNP ,_, 61_CD ,_, is_VBZ a_DT former_JJ assistant_NN to_TO former_JJ Secretaries_NNS of_IN State_NNP William_NNP P._NNP Rogers_NNP and_CC Henry_NNP Kissinger_NNP ._.
4.04 Roy_NNP Moore_NNP ,_, the_DT suspended_VBN chief_NN justice_NN of_IN the_DT Alabama_NNP Supreme_NNP Court_NNP ,_, stood_VBD accused_VBN but_CC unrepentant_JJ Wednesday_NNP in_IN the_DT same_JJ courtroom_NN he_PRP recently_RB presided_VBD over_IN ._. Moore_NNP ,_, the_DT suspended_VBN chief_NN justice_NN of_IN the_DT Alabama_NNP Supreme_NNP Court_NNP ,_, stands_VBZ trial_NN before_IN the_DT Alabama_NNP Court_NNP of_IN the_DT Judiciary_NNP ._.
3.4 The_DT blue-chip_JJ Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN ._. DJI_NNP climbed_VBD 164_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 1.91_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 8,765.38_CD ,_, brushing_VBG its_PRP$ highest_JJS levels_NNS since_IN mid-January_JJ ._. The_DT blue-chip_JJ Dow_NNP Jones_NNP industrial_JJ average_NN ._. DJI_NNP tacked_VBD on_RP 97_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 1.14_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 8,699_CD ._.
4.4 An_DT arrest_NN warrant_NN claimed_VBD Bryant_NNP assaulted_VBD the_DT woman_NN June_NNP 30_CD at_IN a_DT hotel_NN ._. According_VBG to_TO an_DT arrest_NN warrant_NN ,_, Bryant_NNP ,_, 24_CD ,_, attacked_VBD a_DT woman_NN on_IN June_NNP 30_CD ._.
2.0184 Florida_NNP Sen._NNP Bob_NNP Graham_NNP was_VBD not_RB identifiable_JJ by_IN 61_CD percent_NN of_IN those_DT polled_VBN ._. Kerry_NNP was_VBD viewed_VBN favorably_RB by_IN 66_CD percent_NN of_IN those_DT polled_VBN ;_: Dean_NNP at_IN 57_CD percent_NN ._.
1.8 The_DT broader_JJR Standard_NNP &_CC Poor_NNP 's_POS 500_CD Index_NNP ._. SPX_NNP rose_VBD 3.47_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.36_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 977.59_CD ._. The_DT tech-laden_JJ Nasdaq_NNP Composite_NNP Index_NNP ._. IXIC_NNP shed_VBD 8_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 0.45_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 1,645_CD ._.
3.4 As_IN a_DT result_NN ,_, 24_CD players_NNS broke_VBD par_NN in_IN the_DT first_JJ round_NN ._. Twenty-four_CD players_NNS broke_VBD par_NN in_IN the_DT first_JJ round_NN ,_, the_DT third_JJ highest_JJS figure_NN in_IN U.S._NNP Open_NNP history_NN ._.
4.2 Those_DT conversations_NNS had_VBD not_RB taken_VBN place_NN as_IN of_IN Tuesday_NNP night_NN ,_, according_VBG to_TO an_DT Oracle_NNP spokeswoman_NN ._. Those_DT talks_NNS have_VBP not_RB taken_VBN place_NN ,_, according_VBG to_TO an_DT Oracle_NNP spokeswoman_NN ._.
3.8 FRIENDS_NNS of_IN Robert_NNP De_NNP Niro_NNP yesterday_NN rallied_VBD around_IN him_PRP after_IN he_PRP was_VBD diagnosed_VBN with_IN prostate_NN cancer_NN ._. Hollywood_NNP actor_NN Robert_NNP De_NNP Niro_NNP has_VBZ been_VBN diagnosed_VBN with_IN prostate_NN cancer_NN ,_, his_PRP$ spokesman_NN said_VBD today_NN ._.
4.2 Albertsons_NNP and_CC Kroger_NNP 's_POS Ralphs_NNP chain_NN locked_VBN out_RP their_PRP$ workers_NNS in_IN response_NN ._. Kroger_NNP 's_POS Ralphs_NNP chain_NN and_CC Albertsons_NNP immediately_RB locked_VBD out_RP their_PRP$ grocery_NN workers_NNS in_IN a_DT show_NN of_IN solidarity_NN ._.
3.6 Taiwan_NNP has_VBZ attempted_VBN to_TO gain_VB observer_NN status_NN to_TO the_DT United_NNP Nations-affiliated_NNP WHO_WP for_IN seven_CD years_NNS ,_, but_CC again_RB was_VBD rebuffed_VBN March_NNP 19_CD at_IN its_PRP$ annual_JJ conference_NN in_IN Geneva_NNP ._. It_PRP has_VBZ sought_VBN observer_NN status_NN for_IN seven_CD years_NNS ,_, but_CC was_VBD again_RB rebuffed_VBN May_NNP 19_CD at_IN the_DT annual_JJ WHO_WP conference_NN in_IN Geneva_NNP ._.
2.6 The_DT technology-packed_JJ Nasdaq_NNP Composite_NNP Index_NNP <_NNP ._. IXIC_NNP >_CD dropped_VBD 37.78_CD points_NNS ,_, or_CC 1.94_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO 1,912.36_CD ._. The_DT Nasdaq_NNP composite_JJ index_NN fell_VBD 2.95_CD ,_, or_CC 0.2_CD percent_NN ,_, for_IN the_DT week_NN to_TO 1,912.36_CD after_IN stumbling_VBG 37.78_CD yesterday_NN ._.
1.8 Shares_NNS of_IN SCO_NNP closed_VBD at_IN $_$ 10.93_CD ,_, down_RB 28_CD cents_NNS ,_, in_IN Monday_NNP trading_NN on_IN the_DT Nasdaq_NNP Stock_NNP Market_NNP ._. IBM_NNP shares_NNS closed_VBD up_RB $_$ 1.75_CD ,_, or_CC 2.11_CD percent_NN ,_, at_IN $_$ 84.50_CD on_IN the_DT New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP ._.
3.4 A_DT Washington_NNP County_NNP man_NN may_MD have_VB the_DT countys_NNS first_RB human_JJ case_NN of_IN West_NNP Nile_NNP virus_NN ,_, the_DT health_NN department_NN said_VBD Friday_NNP ._. The_DT countys_NNS first_RB and_CC only_RB human_JJ case_NN of_IN West_NNP Nile_NNP this_DT year_NN was_VBD confirmed_VBN by_IN health_NN officials_NNS on_IN Sept._NNP 8_CD ._.
3.08 National_NNP Breast_NNP Cancer_NNP Centre_NNP chief_JJ executive_NN Professor_NNP Christine_NNP Ewan_NNP said_VBD it_PRP was_VBD too_RB early_JJ to_TO quantify_VB the_DT risk_NN to_TO women_NNS ._. National_NNP Breast_NNP Cancer_NNP Centre_NNP head_NN Professor_NNP Christine_NNP Ewan_NNP said_VBD there_EX was_VBD no_DT need_NN for_IN panic_NN ._.
3.08 Brendsel_NNP and_CC chief_JJ financial_JJ officer_NN Vaughn_NNP Clarke_NNP resigned_VBD June_NNP 9_CD ._. The_DT company_NN 's_POS chief_JJ executive_NN retired_VBN and_CC chief_JJ financial_JJ officer_NN resigned_VBD ._.
4.68 On_IN health_NN care_NN ,_, the_DT NDP_NNP says_VBZ there_EX will_MD be_VB no_DT privatization_NN and_CC no_DT health-care_NN premiums_NNS ._. The_DT New_NNP Democrats_NNPS also_RB renewed_VBN their_PRP$ commitment_NN to_TO no_DT health-care_NN privatization_NN and_CC no_DT premiums_NNS ._.
3.56 But_CC JT_NNP was_VBD careful_JJ to_TO clarify_VB that_IN it_PRP was_VBD ``_`` not_RB certain_JJ about_IN the_DT outcome_NN of_IN the_DT discussion_NN at_IN this_DT moment_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` However_RB ,_, we_PRP are_VBP not_RB certain_JJ about_IN the_DT outcome_NN of_IN the_DT discussion_NN at_IN this_DT moment_NN ._. ''_''
3.4 The_DT House_NNP voted_VBD 425_CD to_TO 2_CD to_TO clear_VB the_DT bill_NN ,_, the_DT first_JJ of_IN 13_CD that_IN Congress_NNP must_MD pass_VB each_DT year_NN to_TO fund_VB the_DT federal_JJ government_NN ._. The_DT bill_NN is_VBZ among_IN the_DT first_JJ of_IN 13_CD that_IN Congress_NNP must_MD pass_VB each_DT year_NN to_TO fund_VB the_DT federal_JJ government_NN ._.
4.8 Knight_NNP agreed_VBD to_TO a_DT two-year_JJ ,_, $_$ 2.38_CD million_CD contract_NN that_WDT included_VBD a_DT $_$ 300,000_CD signing_NN bonus_NN ._. ESPN_NNP reported_VBD that_IN Knight_NNP 's_POS two-year_JJ deal_NN is_VBZ worth_JJ $_$ 2.38_CD million_CD ,_, including_VBG a_DT $_$ 300,000_CD signing_NN bonus_NN ._.
3.2 Against_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ currency_NN ,_, the_DT euro_NN was_VBD at_IN 135.92_CD /_CD 6.04_CD yen_NN against_IN the_DT late_JJ New_NNP York_NNP level_NN of_IN 136.03_CD /_CD 14_CD ._. The_DT dollar_NN was_VBD at_IN 117.85_CD yen_NNS against_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ currency_NN ,_, up_IN 0.1_CD percent_NN ._.
4.6 The_DT procedure_NN is_VBZ generally_RB performed_VBN in_IN the_DT second_JJ or_CC third_JJ trimester_NN ._. The_DT technique_NN is_VBZ used_VBN during_IN the_DT second_JJ and_CC ,_, occasionally_RB ,_, third_JJ trimester_NN of_IN pregnancy_NN ._.
3.2 The_DT new_JJ companies_NNS will_MD begin_VB trading_VBG on_IN Nasdaq_NNP today_NN under_IN the_DT ticker_NN symbols_NNS PLMO_NNP and_CC PSRC_NNP ._. Also_RB as_IN part_NN of_IN the_DT deal_NN ,_, PalmSource_NNP stock_NN will_MD begin_VB trading_VBG on_IN the_DT NASDAQ_NNP stock_NN market_NN Wednesday_NNP under_IN the_DT ticker_NN symbol_NN :_: PSRC_NNP ._.
2.76 Kids_NNS ,_, adults_NNS ,_, booksellers_NNS and_CC postal_JJ workers_NNS all_DT are_VBP preparing_VBG for_IN ``_`` Harry_NNP Potter_NNP and_CC the_DT Order_NN of_IN the_DT Phoenix_NNP ._. ''_'' The_DT crates_NNS are_VBP full_JJ of_IN hardback_NN copies_NNS of_IN ``_`` Harry_NNP Potter_NNP and_CC the_DT Order_NN of_IN the_DT Phoenix_NNP ._. ''_''
3.4 Besides_IN Hampton_NNP and_CC Newport_NNP News_NNP ,_, the_DT grant_NN funds_NNS water_NN testing_NN in_IN Yorktown_NNP ,_, King_NNP George_NNP County_NNP ,_, Norfolk_NNP and_CC Virginia_NNP Beach_NNP ._. The_DT grant_NN also_RB funds_NNS beach_NN testing_NN in_IN King_NNP George_NNP County_NNP ,_, Norfolk_NNP and_CC Virginia_NNP Beach_NNP ._.
2.92 Shares_NNS of_IN Halliburton_NNP fell_VBD 71_CD cents_NNS ,_, or_CC 3_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO close_VB at_IN $_$ 21.59_CD yesterday_NN on_IN the_DT New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP ._. Halliburton_NNP shares_NNS fell_VBD 54_CD cents_NNS ,_, or_CC 2.4_CD percent_NN ,_, to_TO $_$ 21.76_CD a_DT share_NN in_IN midday_NN New_NNP York_NNP Stock_NNP Exchange_NNP trade_NN ._.
3.4 He_PRP said_VBD the_DT attackers_NNS left_VBD behind_IN leaflets_NNS urging_VBG staff_NN at_IN the_DT Ishtar_NNP Sheraton_NNP to_TO stop_VB working_VBG at_IN the_DT hotel_NN and_CC demanding_VBG U.S._NNP forces_NNS leave_VBP Iraq_NNP ._. He_PRP said_VBD the_DT attackers_NNS left_VBD behind_IN leaflets_NNS urging_VBG workers_NNS at_IN the_DT Ishtar_NNP Sheraton_NNP to_TO stop_VB working_VBG at_IN the_DT hotel_NN ._.
3.4 With_IN diplomacy_NN heating_NN up_RB in_IN the_DT nearly_RB 10-month-old_JJ nuclear_JJ crisis_NN ,_, Chinese_NNP Foreign_NNP Minister_NNP Li_NNP Zhaoxing_NNP is_VBZ slated_VBN to_TO visit_VB South_NNP Korea_NNP from_IN August_NNP 13_CD to_TO 15_CD ._. With_IN diplomacy_NN heating_NN up_RB in_IN the_DT nearly_RB 10-month-old_JJ crisis_NN ,_, Chinese_NNP Foreign_NNP Minister_NNP Li_NNP Zhaoxing_NNP flies_VBZ to_TO Japan_NNP on_IN Sunday_NNP en_IN route_NN to_TO South_NNP Korea_NNP on_IN August_NNP 13_CD ._.
4.2 Tail_NN wagging_NN ,_, Abbey_NNP trotted_VBD on_IN stage_NN with_IN Conway_NNP before_IN a_DT crowd_NN of_IN more_JJR than_IN 10,000_CD attendees_NNS at_IN PeopleSoft_NNP 's_POS annual_JJ customer_NN conference_NN at_IN the_DT Anaheim_NNP Convention_NNP Center_NNP ._. On_IN Monday_NNP ,_, Abbey_NNP trotted_VBD on_IN stage_NN ,_, tail_NN wagging_NN ,_, with_IN Conway_NNP before_IN a_DT crowd_NN of_IN 10,000_CD attendees_NNS at_IN PeopleSoft_NNP 's_POS annual_JJ customer_NN conference_NN ._.
3.0704 Bond_NNP bulls_NNS would_MD like_VB the_DT Fed_NNP to_TO recognize_VB that_DT risks_NNS are_VBP biased_VBN toward_IN economic_JJ weakness_NN ._. The_DT Fed_NNP also_RB said_VBD the_DT risks_NNS to_TO the_DT economy_NN were_VBD biased_VBN toward_IN weakness_NN ._.
3.88 ``_`` There_EX is_VBZ the_DT real_JJ potential_NN for_IN a_DT secondary_JJ collapse_NN ,_, ''_'' Gov._NNP James_NNP McGreevey_NNP said_VBD ._. The_DT damaged_JJ area_NN of_IN the_DT garage_NN was_VBD not_RB stable_JJ ,_, with_IN ``_`` the_DT real_JJ potential_NN for_IN a_DT secondary_JJ collapse_NN ,_, ''_'' McGreevey_NNP said_VBD ._.
4.7336 At_IN midnight_NN on_IN Wednesday_NNP ,_, 68_CD percent_NN of_IN voters_NNS said_VBD ``_`` no_DT ''_'' to_TO the_DT tax_NN ,_, with_IN 97_CD percent_NN of_IN the_DT votes_NNS counted_VBN ._. With_IN 97_CD percent_NN of_IN precincts_NNS counted_VBN tonight_RB ,_, 68_CD percent_NN of_IN voters_NNS opposed_VBD the_DT tax_NN ._.
3.6664 The_DT government_NN did_VBD not_RB identify_VB the_DT taikonauts_NNS --_: a_DT term_NN coined_VBN from_IN ``_`` taikong_NN ,_, ''_'' the_DT Chinese_JJ word_NN for_IN space_NN --_: who_WP would_MD travel_VB on_IN the_DT second_JJ mission_NN ._. The_DT government_NN did_VBD not_RB identify_VB the_DT taikonauts_NNS --_: a_DT term_NN coined_VBN from_IN taikong_NN ,_, the_DT Chinese_JJ word_NN for_IN space_NN ._.
2.8664 No._NN 2_CD HP_NNP saw_VBD its_PRP$ Unix_NNP server_NN sales_NNS dropped_VBD 3.6_CD percent_NN to_TO $_$ 1.36_CD billion_CD ._. HP_NNP fell_VBD to_TO second_JJ place_NN with_IN server_NN sales_NNS growing_VBG 0.4_CD percent_NN to_TO $_$ 2.9_CD billion_CD ._.
3.6664 Graham_NNP is_VBZ expected_VBN to_TO be_VB nominated_VBN and_CC elected_VBN to_TO a_DT second_JJ one-year_JJ term_NN today_NN and_CC will_MD deliver_VB the_DT presidential_JJ address_NN ._. Later_RB Tuesday_NNP ,_, Graham_NNP was_VBD expected_VBN to_TO be_VB re-elected_VBN for_IN a_DT second_JJ one-year_JJ term_NN ._.