- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/http-custom-mechanism/README-source.adoc b/http-custom-mechanism/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0544977175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http-custom-mechanism/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+= http-custom-mechanism: Create a custom HTTP authorization mechanism
+:author: Darran Lofthouse
+:level: Intermediate
+:technologies: EJB, Security
+The `http-custom-mechanism` quickstart demonstrates how to implement a custom HTTP authentication mechanism that can be registered with Elytron.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: {artifactId}-webapp
+:app-user-groups: Users
+:deploymentDir: webapp
+== What is it?
+The `http-custom-mechanism` quickstart demonstrates how to implement a custom HTTP mechanism and then register it with Elytron. This makes it possible to override the configuration within the deployment to make use of this mechanism without requiring modifications to the deployment. This example makes use of custom HTTP headers to receive a clear text `username` and `password` and use them for authentication.
+WARNING: Generally you should avoid passing clear text passwords. It is only done here to simplify the example.
+This example consists of the following Maven projects.
+|Project |Description
+| `webapp`
+a| The project in the `webapp/` folder contains a deployable web application consisting of a secured servlet that is used to test the configuration. It generates the `{archiveName}.war` archive that is used to test the secured application.
+| `custom-module`
+a| This project contains the source for a custom HTTP authentication module that overrides the deployment configuration. It contains of the following Java classes and resources.
+* `CustomMechanismFactory`: This class implements `HttpServerAuthenticationMechanismFactory` and creates the new custom `HttpServerAuthenticationMechanism`.
+* `CustomHeaderHttpAuthenticationMechanism`: This class implements `HttpServerAuthenticationMechanism` and contains the source code for the custom mechanism processing. An `HttpServerRequest` object is passed to the `evaluateRequest` method. The mechanism processes the requests and uses one of the following callback methods on the request to indicate the outcome:
+** `authenticationComplete` - The mechanism successfully authenticated the request.
+** `authenticationFailed` - Authentication was attempted but failed.
+** `authenticationInProgress` - Authentication started but an additional round trip is needed.
+** `badRequest` - The authentication for this mechanism failed validation of the request.
+** `noAuthenticationInProgress` - The mechanism did not attempt any stage of authentication.
+* `org.wildfly.security.examples.CustomMechanismFactory`: This resource file contains a single line of text that names the custom mechanism factory class, which in this case is `org.jboss.as.quickstart.http_custom_mechanism.CustomMechanismFactory`.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// build and run with standard server distribution
+== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
+// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+=== Test the Secured Servlet
+Before you continue, you must test the secured servlet deployment to make sure it is working. Since this application uses a standard mechanism, it could be tested using a browser. However, after you implement the custom HTTP mechanism, the browser will not understand the request, so it is better to test the call using a client that will allow you to manipulate the headers yourself.
+Issue the following command to test the deployment.
+curl -v http://localhost:8080/http-custom-mechanism-webapp/secured -u quickstartUser:quickstartPwd1!
+You should see the HTTP result `HTTP/1.1 200 OK`, along with some header information, then followed by this output.
+ Secured Servlet
+ Secured Servlet
+ Current Principal 'quickstartUser'
+=== Add the Custom Module to the Server
+Now you must add the jar built by `custom-module`, as a custom module to the {productName} server. For your convenience, this quickstart includes the command to add the module in the `add-custom-module.cli` script, provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+In a terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=add-custom-module.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+This creates the custom `__{jbossHomeName}__/modules/modules/org/jboss/as/quickstart/http_custom_mechanism/main` folder, then copies in the `custom-module/target/custom-module.jar` file and creates the required `module.xml` file.
+You can verify the module structure in your file manager.
+└── __{jbossHomeName}__
+ └── modules
+ └── org
+ └── jboss
+ └── as
+ └── quickstart
+ └── http_custom_mechanism
+ └── main
+ ├── custom-module.jar
+ └── module.xml
+=== Configure the Server to Use the Custom Module
+You configure the server to use the custom module by running CLI commands. For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a `configure-elytron.cli` script, provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Before you begin, make sure you have done the following:
+* xref:back_up_standalone_server_configuration[Back up the {productName} standalone server configuration] as described above.
+* xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server with the standalone default profile] as described above.
+. Review the `configure-elytron.cli` file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script adds the configuration that enables Elytron security to use the custom HTTP module created by this quickstart . Comments in the script describe the purpose of each block of commands.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=configure-elytron.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following result when you run the script.
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+. Stop the {productName} server.
+=== Review the Modified Server Configuration
+After stopping the server, open the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml` file and review the changes.
+. The following `service-loader-http-server-mechanism-factory` was added to the `http` element of the `elytron` subsystem:
+ ...
+. The `application-security-domain` in the `undertow` subsystem was updated to use the `custom-mechanism` authentication factory with `override-deployment-config` set to `true`.
+== Test the Secured Servlet Using the Custom Mechanism
+Now you need to test the override of the deployment with the custom HTTP mechanism, please start the server as previously described.
+If you use the same `curl` command as when you xref:test_the_secured_servlet[tested the servlet before implementing the custom HTTP mechanism], it will fail with the following error.
+< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
+< X-MESSAGE: Please resubmit the request with a username specified using the X-USERNAME and a password specified using the X-PASSWORD header.
+This is because the authentication mechanism rejected the call and subsequently added a header describing how to do authentication. You must modify the curl command to the following.
+curl -v http://localhost:8080/http-custom-mechanism-webapp/secured -H "X-USERNAME:quickstartUser" -H "X-PASSWORD:password"
+You should see the HTTP result `HTTP/1.1 200 OK`, along with some header information, then followed by this output.
+ Secured Servlet
+ Secured Servlet
+ Current Principal 'quickstartUser'
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+// Additional information about this script
+This script reverts the changes made to the `undertow` and `elytron` subsystems. You should see the following result when you run the script.
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+// Quickstart not compatible with OpenShift
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/http-custom-mechanism/README.adoc b/http-custom-mechanism/README.adoc
index 7e5fd2b0cd..2bb16ce205 100644
--- a/http-custom-mechanism/README.adoc
+++ b/http-custom-mechanism/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: http-custom-mechanism
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= http-custom-mechanism: Create a custom HTTP authorization mechanism
:author: Darran Lofthouse
@@ -46,26 +243,422 @@ a| This project contains the source for a custom HTTP authentication module that
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// build and run with standard server distribution
== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart runs in a standalone server and
+// needs to back up the server configuration file before running
+// a CLI script to modify the server.
+// Define the attributes needed for this topic.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+Before you begin, back up your server configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Back up the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file.
+After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace this file to restore the server to its original configuration.
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Add the Authorized Application User
+// Note: The group ID syntax must be defined in the calling topic.
+// using the document attribute :app-user-groups:
+// Use a comma-delimited list to define more than one group.
+// :app-user-groups: guest, users
+:app-group-list: {app-user-groups}
+:app-group-command: -g '{app-user-groups}'
+// attr which other sections may check (ifdef) to know if users needs to be added
+:addQuickstartUser: true
+This quickstart uses secured application interfaces and requires that you create the following application user to access the running application.
+|UserName |Realm |Password |Roles
+|quickstartUser |ApplicationRealm |quickstartPwd1! |{app-group-list}
+To add the application user, open a terminal and type the following command:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
=== Test the Secured Servlet
@@ -219,10 +812,106 @@ You should see the HTTP result `HTTP/1.1 200 OK`, along with some header informa
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal manual restoration
+// of a single standalone server.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Replace the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file with the backup copy of the file.
// Additional information about this script
This script reverts the changes made to the `undertow` and `elytron` subsystems. You should see the following result when you run the script.
@@ -234,12 +923,355 @@ process-state: reload-required
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal manual restoration
+// of a single standalone server.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Replace the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file with the backup copy of the file.
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// Quickstart not compatible with OpenShift
\ No newline at end of file
+:leveloffset: +1
+= {xpaasproduct-shortname} Incompatibility
+This quickstart is not compatible with {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} templates.
diff --git a/http-custom-mechanism/custom-module/pom.xml b/http-custom-mechanism/custom-module/pom.xml
index fddaa72fa3..3160e3b433 100644
--- a/http-custom-mechanism/custom-module/pom.xml
+++ b/http-custom-mechanism/custom-module/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/http-custom-mechanism/pom.xml b/http-custom-mechanism/pom.xml
index 0c2853766f..c6a99ca416 100644
--- a/http-custom-mechanism/pom.xml
+++ b/http-custom-mechanism/pom.xml
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: http-custom-mechanism
This project demonstrates how to implement a custom HTTP authentication mechanism
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/http-custom-mechanism/webapp/pom.xml b/http-custom-mechanism/webapp/pom.xml
index b6025587a4..39d70f6c8f 100644
--- a/http-custom-mechanism/webapp/pom.xml
+++ b/http-custom-mechanism/webapp/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/jaxrs-client/README-source.adoc b/jaxrs-client/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc5bf16906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jaxrs-client/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+= jaxrs-client: Jakarta REST Client API example
+:author: Rafael Benevides
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: JAX-RS
+:openshift: true
+The `jaxrs-client` quickstart demonstrates Jakarta REST Client API, which interacts with a Jakarta REST Web service that runs on {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+== What is it?
+The `jaxrs-client` quickstart demonstrates the Jakarta REST Client API which interacts with a Jakarta REST Web service.
+This client tests "call" many `POST`, `GET`, and `DELETE` operations using different ways: synchronized, asynchronous,
+delayed and filtered invocations.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// build and run with standard server distribution
+== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+=== Investigate the Console Output
+When you run the integration tests, Maven prints summary of the performed tests to the console. You should see the following results.
+[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] Running org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.test.InvocationContactsRestClientIT
+[INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.42 s - in org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.test.InvocationContactsRestClientIT
+[INFO] Running org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.test.ContactsRestClientIT
+[INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.047 s - in org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.test.ContactsRestClientIT
+[INFO] Running org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.test.FilteredContactsRestClientIT
+[INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.052 s - in org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.test.FilteredContactsRestClientIT
+[INFO] Running org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.test.AsyncContactsRestClientIT
+[INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.064 s - in org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.test.AsyncContactsRestClientIT
+[INFO] Results:
+[INFO] Tests run: 20, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
diff --git a/jaxrs-client/README.adoc b/jaxrs-client/README.adoc
index 1bbdbbe7cb..f1ddfce6b2 100644
--- a/jaxrs-client/README.adoc
+++ b/jaxrs-client/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: jaxrs-client
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= jaxrs-client: Jakarta REST Client API example
:author: Rafael Benevides
@@ -21,23 +218,342 @@ This client tests "call" many `POST`, `GET`, and `DELETE` operations using diffe
delayed and filtered invocations.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// build and run with standard server distribution
== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
=== Investigate the Console Output
@@ -64,6 +580,576 @@ When you run the integration tests, Maven prints summary of the performed tests
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: jaxrs-client
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/jaxrs-client/charts/helm.yaml b/jaxrs-client/charts/helm.yaml
index 3e17b4ab5f..97dc121bb6 100644
--- a/jaxrs-client/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/jaxrs-client/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: jaxrs-client
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jaxrs-client/pom.xml b/jaxrs-client/pom.xml
index 5e514cf5c3..3b2323e20a 100644
--- a/jaxrs-client/pom.xml
+++ b/jaxrs-client/pom.xml
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: jaxrs-client
A JAX-RS Client API project
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/jaxrs-jwt/README-source.adoc b/jaxrs-jwt/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d543ddfc46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jaxrs-jwt/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+= jaxrs-jwt: Jakarta REST secured using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
+:author: Martin Mazanek
+:level: Intermediate
+:technologies: JAX-RS, Security
+The `jaxrs-jwt` quickstart demonstrates a Jakarta REST secured application using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Elytron.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+== What is it?
+This quickstart demonstrates how to secure a Jakarta REST service with JWTs using the Elytron subsystem.
+There are 4 resource endpoints, plus another one for generating JWTs.
+* `/rest/public` - Requires no authentication.
+* `/rest/customer` - Can be accessed by users with `customer` role authority.
+* `/rest/admin` - Can be accessed by users with `admin` role authority.
+* `/rest/claims` - Can be accessed by any authenticated user and demonstrates how to extract token claims.
+* `/rest/token` - `POST` endpoint for generating tokens from provided credentials.
+NOTE: This quickstart asserts only few JWT claims for demonstration purposes. In your application, you should use all claims required by the specification you are using.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+== Configure the Server
+You configure the security domain by running JBoss CLI commands. For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a `configure-elytron.cli` script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Before you begin, make sure you do the following:
+* xref:back_up_standalone_server_configuration[Back up the {productName} standalone server configuration] as described above.
+* xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server with the standalone default profile] as described above.
+. Review the `configure-elytron.cli` file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script adds the configuration that enables Elytron security for the quickstart deployment. Comments in the script describe the purpose of each block of commands.
+IMPORTANT: This script contains placeholder PEM public key to make the deployment of this quickstart easy. DO _not_ use this key for anything but testing purposes! You must generate your own key pair for your own application.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=configure-elytron.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+. Stop the {productName} server.
+== Review the Modified Server Configuration
+After stopping the server, open the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml` file and review the changes.
+. The following `token-realm` was added to the `security-realms` element in the `elytron` subsystem.
+. The following `security-domain` was added, which uses the `jwt-realm`.
+. The following HTTP authentication factory was added, which uses `BEARER_TOKEN` and the `jwt-realm`.
+. The application security domain in the Undertow subsystem is configured to use the new HTTP authentication factory.
+. Finally, the application security domain in the EJB subsystem is configured to use the `jwt-domain`.
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+== Access the Application
+The `JwtAuthIT` test shows how a client can authenticate with the server.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+// Additional information about this script
+This script reverts the changes made to the `undertow` and `elytron` subsystem.You should see the following result when you run the script.
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Debug the Application
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jaxrs-jwt/README.adoc b/jaxrs-jwt/README.adoc
index 21b74b2f39..179699b92c 100644
--- a/jaxrs-jwt/README.adoc
+++ b/jaxrs-jwt/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: jaxrs-jwt
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= jaxrs-jwt: Jakarta REST secured using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
:author: Martin Mazanek
@@ -27,16 +224,265 @@ There are 4 resource endpoints, plus another one for generating JWTs.
NOTE: This quickstart asserts only few JWT claims for demonstration purposes. In your application, you should use all claims required by the specification you are using.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart runs in a standalone server and
+// needs to back up the server configuration file before running
+// a CLI script to modify the server.
+// Define the attributes needed for this topic.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+Before you begin, back up your server configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Back up the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file.
+After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace this file to restore the server to its original configuration.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
== Configure the Server
@@ -119,7 +565,114 @@ After stopping the server, open the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuratio
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
== Access the Application
@@ -127,12 +680,88 @@ include::../shared-doc/build-and-deploy-the-quickstart.adoc[leveloffset=+1]
The `JwtAuthIT` test shows how a client can authenticate with the server.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal restoration of a single
+// standalone server configuration.
+// * It provides a CLI script.
+// * You can manually restore the backup copy.
+// You must define the script file name using the `restoreScriptName` attribute.
+// For example:
+// :restoreScriptName: remove-configuration.cli
+You can restore the original server configuration using either of the following methods.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_using_cli[run the `{restoreScriptName}` script] provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_manually[manually restore the configuration] using the backup copy of the configuration file.
+== Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration by Running the JBoss CLI Script
+. xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file={restoreScriptName}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
// Additional information about this script
This script reverts the changes made to the `undertow` and `elytron` subsystem.You should see the following result when you run the script.
@@ -144,12 +773,680 @@ process-state: reload-required
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal manual restoration
+// of a single standalone server.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Replace the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file with the backup copy of the file.
// Debug the Application
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Debug the Application
+// Include this template to provide debugging information.
+If you want to debug the source code of any library in the project, run the following command to pull the source into your local repository. The IDE should then detect it.
+$ mvn dependency:sources
+TODO: I need to investigate whether the following version can be used across all quickstarts.
+If you want to debug the source code or look at the Javadocs of any library in the project, run either of the following commands to pull them into your local repository. The IDE should then detect them.
+$ mvn dependency:sources
+$ mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
\ No newline at end of file
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+Unresolved directive in ../shared-doc/helm-deploy-project.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/quickstart/quickstart/jaxrs-jwt/charts/helm.yaml[]
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/jaxrs-jwt/pom.xml b/jaxrs-jwt/pom.xml
index 5ad46d28b4..84c30eb211 100644
--- a/jaxrs-jwt/pom.xml
+++ b/jaxrs-jwt/pom.xml
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: jaxrs-jwt
JWT authentication using Elytron
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/jaxrs-jwt/src/charts/helm.yaml b/jaxrs-jwt/src/charts/helm.yaml
index d9c4d656db..7049e1f802 100644
--- a/jaxrs-jwt/src/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/jaxrs-jwt/src/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: jaxrs-jwt
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jaxws-ejb/README-source.adoc b/jaxws-ejb/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efd4e03e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jaxws-ejb/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+= jaxws-ejb: An EJB JAX-WS Web Service
+:author: R Searls
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: JAX-WS
+The `jaxws-ejb` quickstart is a working example of the web service endpoint created from an EJB.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+// Override the archive directory
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+// Override the archive name
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+== What is it?
+The `jaxws-ejb` quickstart demonstrates the use of _JAX-WS_ in {productNameFull} as a simple EJB web service application.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// build and run with standard server distribution
+== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+== Access the Application
+You can check that the Web Service is running and deployed correctly by accessing the following URL: http://localhost:8080/EJB3Bean?wsdl.
+This URL will display the deployed WSDL endpoint for the Web Service.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jaxws-ejb/README.adoc b/jaxws-ejb/README.adoc
index 9b87618fa1..1a0134e0aa 100644
--- a/jaxws-ejb/README.adoc
+++ b/jaxws-ejb/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: jaxws-ejb
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= jaxws-ejb: An EJB JAX-WS Web Service
:author: R Searls
@@ -21,19 +218,295 @@ The `jaxws-ejb` quickstart is a working example of the web service endpoint crea
The `jaxws-ejb` quickstart demonstrates the use of _JAX-WS_ in {productNameFull} as a simple EJB web service application.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// build and run with standard server distribution
== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
== Access the Application
@@ -41,12 +514,625 @@ You can check that the Web Service is running and deployed correctly by accessin
This URL will display the deployed WSDL endpoint for the Web Service.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
\ No newline at end of file
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: jaxws-ejb
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/jaxws-ejb/charts/helm.yaml b/jaxws-ejb/charts/helm.yaml
index fb4da91070..2903677ac3 100644
--- a/jaxws-ejb/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/jaxws-ejb/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: jaxws-ejb
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jaxws-ejb/pom.xml b/jaxws-ejb/pom.xml
index 3e849d5501..38120b6cf5 100644
--- a/jaxws-ejb/pom.xml
+++ b/jaxws-ejb/pom.xml
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: jaxws-ejb
This project is a working example of a JAX-WS web service EJB endpoint
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/jaxws-retail/README-source.adoc b/jaxws-retail/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03e2dc9d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jaxws-retail/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+= jaxws-retail: A Retail JAX-WS Web Service
+:author: R Searls
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: JAX-WS
+The `jaxws-retail` quickstart is a working example of a simple web service endpoint.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+// Override the archive directory
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+// Override the archive name
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+== What is it?
+The `jaxws-retail` quickstart demonstrates the use of _JAX-WS_ in {productNameFull} as a simple profile management application. It also demonstrates usage of wsconsume to generate classes from WSDL file.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+== Access the Application
+You can check that the Web Service is running and deployed correctly by accessing the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/ProfileMgmtService/ProfileMgmt?wsdl. This URL will display the deployed WSDL endpoint for the Web Service.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jaxws-retail/README.adoc b/jaxws-retail/README.adoc
index 24a5279bbe..f467d17a6b 100644
--- a/jaxws-retail/README.adoc
+++ b/jaxws-retail/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: jaxws-retail
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= jaxws-retail: A Retail JAX-WS Web Service
:author: R Searls
@@ -21,16 +218,292 @@ The `jaxws-retail` quickstart is a working example of a simple web service endpo
The `jaxws-retail` quickstart demonstrates the use of _JAX-WS_ in {productNameFull} as a simple profile management application. It also demonstrates usage of wsconsume to generate classes from WSDL file.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
== Access the Application
@@ -38,12 +511,625 @@ include::../shared-doc/build-and-deploy-the-quickstart.adoc[leveloffset=+1]
You can check that the Web Service is running and deployed correctly by accessing the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/ProfileMgmtService/ProfileMgmt?wsdl. This URL will display the deployed WSDL endpoint for the Web Service.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
\ No newline at end of file
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: jaxws-retail
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/jaxws-retail/charts/helm.yaml b/jaxws-retail/charts/helm.yaml
index 110f339a2d..a65b34904e 100644
--- a/jaxws-retail/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/jaxws-retail/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: jaxws-retail
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jaxws-retail/pom.xml b/jaxws-retail/pom.xml
index 7906e79d8b..a9da61e136 100644
--- a/jaxws-retail/pom.xml
+++ b/jaxws-retail/pom.xml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/jsonp/README-source.adoc b/jsonp/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f74ae52a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsonp/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+= jsonp: JSON-P Object-based JSON generation and Stream-based JSON consuming
+:author: Rafael Benevides
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: CDI, JSF, JSON-P
+:openshift: true
+The `jsonp` quickstart demonstrates how to use the JSON-P API to produce object-based structures and then parse and consume them as stream-based JSON strings.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+== What is it?
+The `jsonp` quickstart creates a JSON string through object-based JSON generation and then parses and consumes it using stream-based JSON.
+It shows how to use the JSON-P API to generate, parse, and consume JSON files.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// build and run with standard server distribution
+== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+== Access the Application
+Access the running application in a browser at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/
+. You are presented with a simple form that is pre-filled with personal data. You can change those values if you prefer.
+. Click on the *Generate JSON String from Personal Data* button. The text area below the button presents a JSON string representing the data and values from the completed form.
+Note that the JSON string contains String, number, boolean and array values.
+. Now, click on the *Parse JSON String using Stream* button. The text area below the button shows the events generated from the parsed JSON string.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jsonp/README.adoc b/jsonp/README.adoc
index c7ea1b6218..64207ee895 100644
--- a/jsonp/README.adoc
+++ b/jsonp/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: jsonp
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= jsonp: JSON-P Object-based JSON generation and Stream-based JSON consuming
:author: Rafael Benevides
@@ -20,15 +217,242 @@ The `jsonp` quickstart creates a JSON string through object-based JSON generatio
It shows how to use the JSON-P API to generate, parse, and consume JSON files.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// build and run with standard server distribution
== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
== Access the Application
@@ -43,12 +467,625 @@ Note that the JSON string contains String, number, boolean and array values.
. Now, click on the *Parse JSON String using Stream* button. The text area below the button shows the events generated from the parsed JSON string.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
\ No newline at end of file
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: jsonp
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/jsonp/charts/helm.yaml b/jsonp/charts/helm.yaml
index ff181f49c8..fbff6cd6f9 100644
--- a/jsonp/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/jsonp/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: jsonp
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jsonp/pom.xml b/jsonp/pom.xml
index e298608512..50853c0c43 100644
--- a/jsonp/pom.xml
+++ b/jsonp/pom.xml
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: jsonp
A starter Jakarta EE webapp project for use on JBoss EAP
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/jta-crash-rec/README-source.adoc b/jta-crash-rec/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50c13fa822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jta-crash-rec/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+= jta-crash-rec: Example of JTA Crash Recovery
+:author: Mike Musgrove
+:level: Advanced
+:technologies: JTA, Crash Recovery
+The `jta-crash-rec` quickstart uses JTA and Byteman to show how to code distributed (XA) transactions in order to preserve ACID properties on server crash.
+:standalone-server-type: full
+:archiveType: war
+== What is it?
+The `jta-crash-rec` quickstart demonstrates how to code distributed or XA (eXtended Architecture) transactions so that the ACID properties are preserved across participating resources deployed to {productNameFull} after a server crash. An XA transaction is one in which multiple resources, such as MDBs and databases, participate within the same transaction. It ensures all operations are performed as a single entity of work. ACID is a set of 4 properties that guarantee the resources are processed in the following manner:
+* Atomic - if any part of the transaction fails, all resources remain unchanged.
+* Consistent - the state will be consistent across resources after a commit
+* Isolated - the execution of the transaction for each resource is isolated from each others
+* Durable - the data will persist after the transaction is committed
+This quickstart shows how to atomically update multiple resources within one transaction. It updates a relational database table using JPA and sends a message using JMS. This type of paired updates to two different resources are called XA transactions and are defined by the Jakarta EE JTA specification JSR-907.
+The relational database table in this example contains two columns that represent a `key` / `value` pair. The application presents an HTML form containing two input text boxes and allows you to create, update, delete or list these pairs. When you add or update a `key` / `value` pair, the quickstart starts a transaction, updates the database table, produces a JMS message containing the update, and then commits the transaction. If all goes well, eventually the consumer gets the message and generates a database update, setting the `value` corresponding to the `key` to something that indicates it was changed by the message consumer.
+In this example, you halt the {productName} server in the middle of an XA transaction after the database modification has been committed, but before the JMS producer is committed. You can verify that the transaction was started, then restart the {productName} server to complete the transaction. You then verify that everything is in a consistent state.
+{productName} ships with H2, an in-memory database written in Java. In this example, we use H2 for the database. Although H2 XA support is not recommended for production systems, the example does illustrate the general steps you need to perform for any datasource vendor. This example provides its own H2 XA datasource configuration. It is defined in the `jta-crash-rec-ds.xml` file in the WEB-INF folder of the WAR archive.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+== Download and Configure Byteman
+This quickstart uses _Byteman_ to help demonstrate crash recovery. You can find more information about _Byteman_ here: link:{configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl}[Configure Byteman for Use with the Quickstarts]
+Follow the instructions here to download and configure _Byteman_: link:{configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl}[Download and Configure Byteman]
+== Configure the Server
+_NOTE_: The _Byteman_ scripts only work in JTA mode. They do not work in JTS mode. If you have configured the server for a quickstart that uses JTS, you must follow the quickstart instructions to remove the JTS configuration from the {productName} server before making the following changes. Otherwise _Byteman_ will not halt the server.
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+== Access the Application
+The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/XA.
+== Test the Application
+. When you access the application, you will find a web page containing two html input boxes for adding `key` / `value` pairs to a database. Instructions for using the application are shown at the top of the application web page.
+. When you add a new `key` / `value` pair, the change is committed to the database and a JMS message sent. The message consumer then updates the newly inserted row by appending the text `updated via JMS` to the value. Since the consumer updates the row asynchronously, you may need to click _Refresh Table_ to see the text added to the `key` / `value` pair you previously entered.
+. When an _XA transaction_ is committed, the application server completes the transaction in two phases.
+** In phase 1 each of the resources, in this example the database and the JMS message producer, are asked to prepare to commit any changes made during the transaction.
+** If all resources vote to commit then the application server starts phase 2 in which it tells each resource to commit those changes.
+** The added complexity is to cope with failures, especially failures that occur during phase 2. Some failure modes require cooperation between the application server and the resources in order to guarantee that any pending changes are recovered.
+. To demonstrate XA recovery, you must enable the Byteman tool to terminate the application server while _phase 2_ is running as follows:
+** Stop the {productName} server.
+** Follow the instructions here to clear the transaction objectstore remaining from any previous tests: link:{configureBytemanClearDocUrl}[Clear the Transaction ObjectStore]
+** The following line of text must be appended to the server configuration file using the instructions located here: link:{configureBytemanHaltDocUrl}[Use Byteman to Halt the Application]
+JAVA_OPTS="-javaagent:/__BYTEMAN_HOME__/lib/byteman.jar=script:/__QUICKSTART_HOME__/jta-crash-rec/src/main/scripts/xa.btm ${JAVA_OPTS}"
+For Windows, append the following line.
+`JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:C:__BYTEMAN_HOME__\lib\byteman.jar=script:C:\__QUICKSTART_HOME__\jta-crash-rec\src\main\scripts\xa.btm %JAVA_OPTS%``
+** xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server] with the standalone full profile as described above.
+. Once you complete step 4, you are ready to create a _recovery record_. Go to the application URL http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/XA and insert another row into the database. At this point, Byteman halts the application server.
+. If you want to verify the database insert was committed but that message delivery is still pending, you can use an SQL client such as the H2 database console tool. Issue a query to show that the value is present but does not contain the message added by the consumer (`updated via JMS`). Here is how you can do it using H2:
+** Start the H2 console by typing:
+$ java -cp __{jbossHomeName}__/modules/system/layers/base/com/h2database/h2/main/h2*.jar org.h2.tools.Console
+** Log in:
+Database URL: jdbc:h2:file:~/jta-crash-rec-quickstart
+User name: sa
+Password: sa
+** The console is available at the url http://localhost:8082. If you receive an error such as `Exception opening port "8082"` it is most likely because some other application has that port open. You will need to find which application is using the port and close it.
+** Once you are logged in enter the following query to see that the pair you entered is present but does not contain _"updated via JMS"_.
+select * from kvpair
+** Log out of the H2 console and make sure you close the terminal. H2 is limited to one connection and the application will need it from this point forward.
+** If you are using the default file based transaction logging store, there will be a record in the file system corresponding to the pending transaction.
+*** Open a terminal and navigate to the `__{jbossHomeName}__` directory
+*** List the contents of the following directory:
+$ ls __{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/data/tx-object-store/ShadowNoFileLockStore/defaultStore/StateManager/BasicAction/TwoPhaseCoordinator/AtomicAction/
+*** An example of a logging record file name is:
+*** After recovery, log records are normally deleted automatically. However, logs may remain in the case where the Transaction Manager (TM) commit request was received and acted upon by a resource, but the TM crashed before it had time to clean up the logs of that resource.
+. To observe XA recovery
+** Stop the H2 console and exit the terminal to close the database connections. Otherwise, you may see messages like the following when you start your server:
+Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process"
+** link:{configureBytemanDisableDocUrl}[Disable the Byteman script] by restoring the backup server configuration file.
+** xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server] with the standalone full profile as described above.
+** Load the web interface to the application
+** By the time the {productName} server is ready, the transaction should have recovered.
+** A message is printed on the {productName} server console when the consumer has completed the update. Look for a line that reads:
+JTA Crash Record Quickstart: key value pair updated via JMS
+** Check that the row you inserted in step 4 now contains the text `updated via JMS`, showing that the JMS message was recovered successfully. Use the application URL to perform this check.
+** You will most likely see the following messages in the server log.
+WARN [com.arjuna.ats.jta] (Periodic Recovery) ARJUNA016037: Could not find new XAResource to use for recovering non-serializable XAResource XAResourceRecord < resource:null, txid:< formatId=131077, gtrid_length=29, bqual_length=36, tx_uid=0:ffff7f000001:1040a11d:534ede43:1c, node_name=1, branch_uid=0:ffff7f000001:1040a11d:534ede43:20, subordinatenodename=null, eis_name=java:jboss/datasources/JTACrashRecQuickstartDS >, heuristic: TwoPhaseOutcome.FINISH_OK, product: H2/1.3.168-redhat-2 (2012-07-13), jndiName: java:jboss/datasources/JTACrashRecQuickstartDS com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.resources.arjunacore.XAResourceRecord@788f0ec1 >
+WARN [com.arjuna.ats.jta] (Periodic Recovery) ARJUNA016038: No XAResource to recover < formatId=131077, gtrid_length=29, bqual_length=36, tx_uid=0:ffff7f000001:1040a11d:534ede43:1c, node_name=1, branch_uid=0:ffff7f000001:1040a11d:534ede43:20, subordinatenodename=null, eis_name=java:jboss/datasources/JTACrashRecQuickstartDS >
+This is normal. What actually happened is that the first resource, `JTACrashRecQuickstartDS`, committed before the {productName} server was halted to insert the recovery record. The transaction logs are only updated/deleted after the outcome of the transaction is determined. If the transaction manager did update the log as each participant (database and JMS queue) completed then throughput would suffer. Notice you do not get a similar message for the JMS resource since that is the resource that recovered and the log record was updated to reflect this change. You need to manually remove the record for the first participant if you know which one is which or, if you are using the community version of the ${product.name} server, then you can also inspect the transaction logs using a JMX browser. For the demo it is simplest to delete the records from the file system, however, *be wary of doing this on a production system*.
+. Do NOT forget to link:{configureBytemanDisableDocUrl}[Disable the Byteman script] by restoring the backup server configuration file. The Byteman rule must be removed to ensure that your application server will be able to commit 2PC transactions!
+== Server Log: Expected Warnings and Errors
+You will see the following warnings in the server log. You can ignore these warnings.
+WFLYJCA0091: -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in a future version.
+HHH000431: Unable to determine H2 database version, certain features may not work
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+NOTE: Within {JBDSProductName}, make sure you define a server runtime environment that uses the `standalone-full.xml` configuration file.
+// Debug the Application
+// Product Release content only
+// Quickstart not compatible with OpenShift
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jta-crash-rec/README.adoc b/jta-crash-rec/README.adoc
index 50c13fa822..1ae8c59353 100644
--- a/jta-crash-rec/README.adoc
+++ b/jta-crash-rec/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: jta-crash-rec
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= jta-crash-rec: Example of JTA Crash Recovery
:author: Mike Musgrove
@@ -31,13 +228,97 @@ In this example, you halt the {productName} server in the middle of an XA transa
{productName} ships with H2, an in-memory database written in Java. In this example, we use H2 for the database. Although H2 XA support is not recommended for production systems, the example does illustrate the general steps you need to perform for any datasource vendor. This example provides its own H2 XA datasource configuration. It is defined in the `jta-crash-rec-ds.xml` file in the WEB-INF folder of the WAR archive.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+// Include this template if your quickstart:
+// * Uses the h2 database: Be sure to define the `uses-h2` attribute.
+// * Uses an `*-ds.xml file`: Be sure to define the `uses-ds-xml` attribute.
+// * Has performance or scalability concerns: Be sure to define the `uses-ds-xml` attribute.
+H2 Database:: This quickstart uses the H2 database included with {productNameFull} {productVersion}. It is a lightweight, relational example datasource that is used for examples only. It is not robust or scalable, is not supported, and should NOT be used in a production environment.
+Datasource Configuration File:: This quickstart uses a `*-ds.xml` datasource configuration file for convenience and ease of database configuration. These files are deprecated in {productName} and should not be used in a production environment. Instead, you should configure the datasource using the Management CLI or Management Console. Datasource configuration is documented in the {LinkConfigGuide}[__{ConfigBookName}__].
+Performance and Scalability:: A Jakarta EE container is designed with robustness in mind, so you should carefully analyze the scalabiltiy, concurrency, and performance needs of your application before taking advantage of these techniques in your own applications.
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
== Download and Configure Byteman
@@ -50,9 +331,230 @@ Follow the instructions here to download and configure _Byteman_: link:{configur
_NOTE_: The _Byteman_ scripts only work in JTA mode. They do not work in JTS mode. If you have configured the server for a quickstart that uses JTS, you must follow the quickstart instructions to remove the JTS configuration from the {productName} server before making the following changes. Otherwise _Byteman_ will not halt the server.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
== Access the Application
@@ -184,15 +686,80 @@ HHH000431: Unable to determine H2 database version, certain features may not wor
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Quickstart in {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse
+// Include this template to provide instructions to run the quickstart
+// in Red Hat CodeReady Studio.
+// If the quickstart is not supported, create the `jbds-not-supported` attribute.
+This quickstart is not supported in {JBDSProductName}.
+You can also start the server and deploy the quickstarts or run the Arquillian tests in {JBDSProductName} or from Eclipse using JBoss tools. For general information about how to import a quickstart, add a {productName} server, and build and deploy a quickstart, see link:{useEclipseUrl}[Use {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse to Run the Quickstarts].
+// Add additional instructions specific to running this quickstart in an IDE here.
NOTE: Within {JBDSProductName}, make sure you define a server runtime environment that uses the `standalone-full.xml` configuration file.
// Debug the Application
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Debug the Application
+// Include this template to provide debugging information.
+If you want to debug the source code of any library in the project, run the following command to pull the source into your local repository. The IDE should then detect it.
+$ mvn dependency:sources
+TODO: I need to investigate whether the following version can be used across all quickstarts.
+If you want to debug the source code or look at the Javadocs of any library in the project, run either of the following commands to pull them into your local repository. The IDE should then detect them.
+$ mvn dependency:sources
+$ mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc
// Product Release content only
@@ -202,4 +769,4 @@ ifdef::ProductRelease[]
// Quickstart not compatible with OpenShift
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jta-crash-rec/pom.xml b/jta-crash-rec/pom.xml
index f026e74d9d..7fc7ab3025 100644
--- a/jta-crash-rec/pom.xml
+++ b/jta-crash-rec/pom.xml
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: jta-crash-rec
This project demonstrates JTA crash recovery
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/jts/README-source.adoc b/jts/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c199634b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jts/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+= jts: Java Transaction Service - Distributed EJB Transactions
+:author: Tom Jenkinson
+:level: Intermediate
+:technologies: JTS, EJB, JMS
+:prerequisites: link:cmt/README{outfilesuffix}[cmt]
+The `jts` quickstart shows how to use JTS to perform distributed transactions across multiple containers, fulfilling the properties of an ACID transaction.
+:standalone-server-type: full
+:archiveType: war
+== What is it?
+The `jts` quickstart demonstrates how to perform distributed transactions across multiple containers in an application deployed to {productNameFull}. A distributed transaction is a set of operations performed by two or more nodes, participating in an activity coordinated as a single entity of work, and fulfilling the properties of an ACID transaction.
+ACID is a set of 4 properties that guarantee the resources are processed in the following manner:
+* Atomic - if any part of the transaction fails, all resources remain unchanged.
+* Consistent - the state will be consistent across resources after a commit
+* Isolated - the execution of the transaction for each resource is isolated from each others
+* Durable - the data will persist after the transaction is committed
+The example uses Java Transaction Service (JTS) to propagate a transaction context across two Container-Managed Transaction (CMT) EJBs that, although deployed in separate servers, participate in the same transaction. In this example, one server processes the Customer and Account data and the other server processes the Invoice data.
+The code base is essentially the same as the link:../cmt/README.adoc[cmt] quickstart, however in this case the `InvoiceManager` has been separated to a different deployment archive to demonstrate the usage of JTS. You can see the changes in the
+following ways:
+* `cmt/src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/cmt/ejb/InvoiceManagerEJB.java` has been moved to `application-component-2/src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/cmt/jts/ejb/InvoiceManagerEJB`
+* `cmt/src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/cmt/ejb/CustomerManagerEJB.java` has been moved to `jts/application-component-1/src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/cmt/jts/ejb/CustomerManagerEJB.java`
+The changes to `CustomerManagerEJB` are purely to accommodate the fact that `InvoiceManager` is now distributed.
+You will see that the `CustomerManagerEJB` uses the EJB home for the remote EJB, this is expected to connect to remote EJBs. The example expects the EJBs to be deployed onto the same physical machine. This is not a restriction of JTS and the example can easily be converted to run on separate machines by editing the hostname value for the `InvoiceManagerEJB` in `org.jboss.as.quickstarts.cmt.jts.ejb.CustomerManagerEJB`.
+A simple MDB has been provided that prints out the messages sent but this is not a transactional MDB and is purely provided for debugging purposes.
+Also, while the `cmt` quickstart uses the Jakarta EE container default datasource, which is not distributed, this quickstart instead uses an external PostgreSQL database.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+== Prerequisites
+Developers should be familiar with the concepts introduced in the `cmt` quickstart.
+This quickstart requires the configuration of two servers. The first server must be configured to use the PostgreSQL database. Instructions to install and configure PostgreSQL are below.
+== Configure the PostgreSQL Database for Use with this Quickstart
+This quickstart requires the PostgreSQL database.
+. Instructions to install and configure PostgreSQL can be found here: link:{configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl}[Download and Install PostgreSQL]
+. For the purpose of this quickstart, replace the word `__QUICKSTART_DATABASE_NAME__` with `jts-quickstart-database` in the PostgreSQL instructions.
+. Make sure you link:{configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl}[Create a Database User] for the PostgeSQL database.
+. When you have completed these steps, make sure you start the PostgreSQL database. Unless you have set up the database to automatically start as a service, you must repeat the instructions to start the database server for your operating system every time you reboot your machine.
+Wait until later in these instructions to add the PostgreSQL module and driver configuration to the first {productName} server.
+== Configure the Servers
+For this example, you will need two instances of the application server, with a subtle startup configuration difference. Application server 2 must be started up with a port offset parameter provided to the startup script as `-Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100`.
+Since both application servers must be configured in the same way, you must configure the first server and then clone it. After you clone the second server, the first server must be configured for PostgreSQL.
+=== Configure the First Server
+You configure JTS transactions by running JBoss CLI commands. For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a `configure-jts-transactions.cli` script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Before you begin, back up your server configuration file
+** If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+** Back up the file: `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml`
+** After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace this file to restore the server to its original configuration.
+. Start the {productName} server with the standalone full profile, passing a unique node ID, by typing the following command. Make sure you replace `UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1` with a node identifier that is unique to both servers.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Djboss.tx.node.id=UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+. Review the `configure-jts-transactions.cli` file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script configures the server to use jts transaction processing.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=configure-jts-transactions.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following result when you run the script:
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: restart-required
+. Stop the {productName} server.
+IMPORTANT: When you have completed testing this quickstart, it is important to xref:remove_the_jts_configuration_from_the_server[Remove the JTS Configuration from the {productName} Server].
+=== Review the Modified Server Configuration
+After stopping the server, open the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml` file and review the changes.
+. The orb initializers `transactions` attribute is changed from `spec` to `full` in the `iiop-openjdk` subsystem to enable JTS.
+. An empty `` element is added to the end of the `transactions` subsystem to enable JTS.
+=== Clone the Server Directory
+Make a copy of this {productName} directory structure to use for the second server.
+=== Configure Server1 to use PostgreSQL
+Application server 1 must be now configured to use the PostgreSQL database created previously in the xref:configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_this_quickstart[Configure the PostgreSQL Database for Use with this Quickstart] section.
+. Make sure you start the PostgreSQL database. Unless you have set up the database to automatically start as a service, you must repeat the instructions "Start the database server" for your operating system every time you reboot your machine.
+. Follow the instructions to link:{configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl}[Add the PostgreSQL Module to the {productName} Server] to the server 1 install only.
+. Follow the instructions to link:{configurePostgresDriverDocUrl}[Configure the PostgreSQL Driver in the {ProductName} Server] for the server 1 configuration. Make sure you pass the `-Djboss.tx.node.id=UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1` on the command line when you start the first server to configure PostgreSQL.
+If there are issues with the scripts or you just want to configure the servers manually then the following will work:
+Start server 1:
+export WILDFLY_HOME_1=...
+$WILDFLY_HOME_1/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Djboss.tx.node.id=UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1 &
+# enable JTS mode
+cd /jts
+$WILDFLY_HOME_1/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=configure-jts-transactions.cli
+Stop server 1 and create second server by copying the installation directory:
+Configure postgresql on server 1 only as a module:
+mkdir -p $WILDFLY_HOME_1/modules/org/postgresql/main
+# download postgresql-42.6.0.jar or later and install it into the server:
+cp /postgresql-42.6.0.jar $WILDFLY_HOME_1/modules/org/postgresql/main
+Create a module.xml for postgresql with the following contents:
+$ cat $WILDFLY_HOME_1/modules/org/postgresql/main/module.xml
+Add the datasource to $WILDFLY_HOME_1/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+When you have done this the final changes to standalone-full.xml should be:
+$ diff $WILDFLY_HOME_1/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml $WILDFLY_HOME_2/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+< jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
+< postgresql
+< org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource
+== Start the Servers
+Start the two {productName} server with the standalone full profile, passing a unique node ID, by typing the following commands. You must pass a socket binding port offset on the command to start the second server. Make sure you replace `UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1` and `UNIQUE_NODE_ID_2` with node identifiers that are unique across both servers.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Djboss.tx.node.id=UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_2__/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Djboss.tx.node.id=UNIQUE_NODE_ID_2 -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\standalone.bat` and `__{jbossHomeName}_2__\bin\standalone.bat` scripts.
+== Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// This quickstart deploys multiple archives and cannot use the shared doc.
+Since this quickstart builds two separate components, you can not use the standard _Build and Deploy_ commands used by most of the other quickstarts. You must follow these steps to build, deploy, and run this quickstart.
+. Make sure you have started the {productName} server with the PostgreSQL driver.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to build and deploy the archive.
+$ mvn clean install wildfly:deploy
+. This will deploy `{artifactId}-application-component-1.war` and `{artifactId}-application-component-2.jar` to the running instance of the server.
+== Access the Application
+The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}-application-component-1/.
+When you enter a name and click to `Add` that customer, you will see the following in the application server 1 console:
+INFO [org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryTranslatorFactoryInitiator] (default task-2) HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
+INFO [org.jboss.ejb.client] (default task-4) JBoss EJB Client version 2.1.4.Final-redhat-1
+You will also see the following in application-server-2 console:
+INFO [org.jboss.ejb.client] (p: default-threadpool; w: Idle) JBoss EJB Client version 2.1.4.Final-redhat-1
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.cmt.jts.mdb.HelloWorldMDB] (Thread-97 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads-6840624)) Received Message: Created invoice for customer named: Tom
+The web page will also change and show you the new list of customers.
+== Server Log: Expected Warnings and Errors
+You will see the following warnings in the server log. You can ignore these warnings.
+WFLYJCA0091: -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in a future version.
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+== Remove the JTS Configuration From the Server
+You must remove the JTS server configuration you did during setup because it interferes with the JTA quickstarts.
+You can modify the server configuration by running the `remove-jts-transactions.cli` script provided in the root directory of this quickstart, by using the JBoss CLI interactively, or by manually editing the configuration file.
+=== Remove the JTS Server Configuration by Running the CLI Script
+. Start the first {productName} server with the standalone full profile, passing a unique node ID, by typing the following command. Make sure you replace `UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1` with the node identifier that you used when you previously started the server.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Djboss.tx.node.id=UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=remove-jts-transactions.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+This script removes the JTS configuration from the `iiop-openjdk` and `transactions` subsystems in the server configuration. You should see the following result when you run the script:
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: restart-required
+ "outcome" => "success",
+ "result" => undefined
+=== Remove the JTS Server Configuration using the Management CLI
+. Start the first {productName} server with the standalone full profile, passing a unique node ID, by typing the following command. Make sure you replace `UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1` with the node identifier that you used when you previously started the server.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Djboss.tx.node.id=UNIQUE_NODE_ID_1
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+. To start the JBoss CLI tool, open a new terminal, navigate to the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` directory, and type the following:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+. At the prompt, type the following commands.
+. You should see the following response after each command execution.
+ "outcome" => "success",
+ "response-headers" => {
+ "operation-requires-reload" => true,
+ "process-state" => "restart-required"
+ }
+=== Remove the JTS Server Configuration Manually
+. Stop the server.
+. If you backed up the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml` file, ,simply replace the edited configuration file with the backup copy.
+. If you did not make a backup copy, open the file `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.`xml` and disable JTS as follows:
+** Find the `orb` subsystem and change the configuration back to its original state.
+** Find the `transaction` subsystem and remove the `node-identifier` attribute from the `core-environment` element. Also remove the `` element.
+// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+// Product Release content only
+// Quickstart not compatible with OpenShift
diff --git a/jts/README.adoc b/jts/README.adoc
index c199634b61..7de25a664a 100644
--- a/jts/README.adoc
+++ b/jts/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: jts
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= jts: Java Transaction Service - Distributed EJB Transactions
:author: Tom Jenkinson
@@ -43,13 +240,97 @@ A simple MDB has been provided that prints out the messages sent but this is not
Also, while the `cmt` quickstart uses the Jakarta EE container default datasource, which is not distributed, this quickstart instead uses an external PostgreSQL database.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+// Include this template if your quickstart:
+// * Uses the h2 database: Be sure to define the `uses-h2` attribute.
+// * Uses an `*-ds.xml file`: Be sure to define the `uses-ds-xml` attribute.
+// * Has performance or scalability concerns: Be sure to define the `uses-ds-xml` attribute.
+H2 Database:: This quickstart uses the H2 database included with {productNameFull} {productVersion}. It is a lightweight, relational example datasource that is used for examples only. It is not robust or scalable, is not supported, and should NOT be used in a production environment.
+Datasource Configuration File:: This quickstart uses a `*-ds.xml` datasource configuration file for convenience and ease of database configuration. These files are deprecated in {productName} and should not be used in a production environment. Instead, you should configure the datasource using the Management CLI or Management Console. Datasource configuration is documented in the {LinkConfigGuide}[__{ConfigBookName}__].
+Performance and Scalability:: A Jakarta EE container is designed with robustness in mind, so you should carefully analyze the scalabiltiy, concurrency, and performance needs of your application before taking advantage of these techniques in your own applications.
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
== Prerequisites
@@ -279,7 +560,26 @@ WFLYJCA0091: -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
@@ -393,7 +693,27 @@ NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Quickstart in {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse
+// Include this template to provide instructions to run the quickstart
+// in Red Hat CodeReady Studio.
+// If the quickstart is not supported, create the `jbds-not-supported` attribute.
+This quickstart is not supported in {JBDSProductName}.
+You can also start the server and deploy the quickstarts or run the Arquillian tests in {JBDSProductName} or from Eclipse using JBoss tools. For general information about how to import a quickstart, add a {productName} server, and build and deploy a quickstart, see link:{useEclipseUrl}[Use {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse to Run the Quickstarts].
+// Add additional instructions specific to running this quickstart in an IDE here.
// Product Release content only
diff --git a/jts/application-component-1/pom.xml b/jts/application-component-1/pom.xml
index f27b5707d5..359596e379 100644
--- a/jts/application-component-1/pom.xml
+++ b/jts/application-component-1/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/jts/application-component-2/pom.xml b/jts/application-component-2/pom.xml
index 57f6c425af..ecec015e6d 100644
--- a/jts/application-component-2/pom.xml
+++ b/jts/application-component-2/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: jts - application-component-2
diff --git a/jts/pom.xml b/jts/pom.xml
index 7c3bcbe580..3123c6ee58 100644
--- a/jts/pom.xml
+++ b/jts/pom.xml
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: jts
A project that demonstrates how to use CMT with JTS
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/kitchensink/README-source.adoc b/kitchensink/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5643a37f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kitchensink/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+= kitchensink: Assortment of technologies
+:author: Pete Muir
+:level: Intermediate
+:technologies: CDI, JSF, JPA, EJB, JAX-RS, BV
+:openshift: true
+The `kitchensink` quickstart demonstrates a localized {javaVersion} web-enabled database application using JSF, CDI, EJB, JPA, and Bean Validation.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+== What is it?
+The `kitchensink` quickstart is a deployable Maven 3 project designed to help you get your foot in the door developing with {javaVersion} on {productNameFull}.
+It demonstrates how to create a _localized_ {javaVersion} compliant application using JSF, CDI, JAX-RS, EJB, JPA, and Bean Validation. A localized application is one that supports multiple languages. It also includes a persistence unit and some sample persistence and transaction code to introduce you to database access in enterprise Java.
+This quickstart has been enhanced to provide localization of labels and messages. A user sets the preferred language choice in the browser and, if the application supports that language, the application web page is rendered in that language. For demonstration purposes, this quickstart has been tranlated into French(fr) and Spanish (es) using http://translate.google.com, so the translations may not be ideal.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+=== Localization Code Changes
+The following changes were made to the quickstart to enable it to use the browser preferred locale setting when displaying the web page:
+* Properties files were created for the supported languages.
+** This quickstart is localized for Spanish and French. You can add additional language support by creating properties files with the appropriate suffix and populating the properties with translated values.
+** The JSF resource Bundle is located at `src/main/resources/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/kitchensink/bundle/Resources_(es|fr).properties
+** Messages generated by Java code (e.g. log messages and messages sent to the UI) are internationalized using JBoss Logging. The log messages are accessed via the `org.jboss.as.quickstarts.kitchensink.util.KitchensinkMessages` interface, and the message bundles are located at: `src/main/resources/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/kitchensink/util/KitchensinkMessages.i18_(es|fr).properties`
+** The message bundle consumed by Bean Validation is located at `src/main/resources/ValidationMessages.properties`. This is defined by the bean validation specification.
+* The following XML was added to the `src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml` file. When you create a property file for a new language, you must add the supported locale to this file.
+ en
+ en-US
+ fr
+ fr-FR
+ es
+ es-ES
+ org/jboss/as/quickstarts/kitchensink/bundle/Resources
+ bundle
+* The `src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/kitchensink/model/Member.java` file was modififed to add the message key to @Pattern annotation.
+@Size(min = 1, max = 25)
+@Pattern(regexp = "[A-Za-z ]*", message = "{name_validation_message}")
+private String name;
+* The `src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/kitchensink/util/KitchensinkMessages.java` file was created, which defines default messages in English. The `jboss-logging-processor` will automatically generate an implementation for you, which can be accesssed via the `MESSAGES` static variable.
+@MessageBundle(projectCode = "")
+public interface KitchensinkMessages {
+ KitchensinkMessages MESSAGES = Messages.getBundle(KitchensinkMessages.class, FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getLocale());
+ @Message("Registered!")
+ String registeredMessage();
+ @Message("Successfully registered!")
+ String registerSuccessfulMessage();
+ @Message("Registration failed:")
+ String registerFailMessage();
+ @Message("Registration failed. See server log for more information.")
+ String defaultErrorMessage();
+* The `src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/kitchensink/controller/MemberController.java` file was modified as follows:
+** Messages strings were replaced with strings retrieved using the resource bundle property names. For example:
+FacesMessage m = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,
+ KitchensinkMessages.MESSAGES.registeredMessage(),
+ KitchensinkMessages.MESSAGES.registerSuccessfulMessage());
+* The `src/main/webapp/index.xhtml` file were modified.
+** Strings for headers, messages, labels were replaced with the appropriate `# {bundle.}`, for example: `# {bundle.memberWelcomeHeader}`.
+=== Set the Browser Preferred Locale
+How you set your browser preferred locale depends on the browser and version you use. Use your browser help option to search for instructions to change the preferred language setting.
+// Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// build and run with standard server distribution
+== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+=== Access the Application
+The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/.
+=== Server Log: Expected Warnings and Errors
+You will see the following warnings in the server log. You can ignore these warnings.
+WFLYJCA0091: -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in a future version.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kitchensink/README.adoc b/kitchensink/README.adoc
index 17edd0d02a..8a07416133 100644
--- a/kitchensink/README.adoc
+++ b/kitchensink/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: kitchensink
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= kitchensink: Assortment of technologies
:author: Pete Muir
@@ -24,7 +221,13 @@ It demonstrates how to create a _localized_ {javaVersion} compliant application
This quickstart has been enhanced to provide localization of labels and messages. A user sets the preferred language choice in the browser and, if the application supports that language, the application web page is rendered in that language. For demonstration purposes, this quickstart has been tranlated into French(fr) and Spanish (es) using http://translate.google.com, so the translations may not be ideal.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
=== Localization Code Changes
@@ -113,19 +316,318 @@ FacesMessage m = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,
How you set your browser preferred locale depends on the browser and version you use. Use your browser help option to search for instructions to change the preferred language setting.
// Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+// Include this template if your quickstart:
+// * Uses the h2 database: Be sure to define the `uses-h2` attribute.
+// * Uses an `*-ds.xml file`: Be sure to define the `uses-ds-xml` attribute.
+// * Has performance or scalability concerns: Be sure to define the `uses-ds-xml` attribute.
+H2 Database:: This quickstart uses the H2 database included with {productNameFull} {productVersion}. It is a lightweight, relational example datasource that is used for examples only. It is not robust or scalable, is not supported, and should NOT be used in a production environment.
+Datasource Configuration File:: This quickstart uses a `*-ds.xml` datasource configuration file for convenience and ease of database configuration. These files are deprecated in {productName} and should not be used in a production environment. Instead, you should configure the datasource using the Management CLI or Management Console. Datasource configuration is documented in the {LinkConfigGuide}[__{ConfigBookName}__].
+Performance and Scalability:: A Jakarta EE container is designed with robustness in mind, so you should carefully analyze the scalabiltiy, concurrency, and performance needs of your application before taking advantage of these techniques in your own applications.
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// build and run with standard server distribution
== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
=== Access the Application
@@ -141,11 +643,624 @@ WFLYJCA0091: -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
\ No newline at end of file
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: kitchensink
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/kitchensink/charts/helm.yaml b/kitchensink/charts/helm.yaml
index 07593d4f85..7d2fd49968 100644
--- a/kitchensink/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/kitchensink/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: kitchensink
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kitchensink/pom.xml b/kitchensink/pom.xml
index 620cd1e667..51272e775a 100644
--- a/kitchensink/pom.xml
+++ b/kitchensink/pom.xml
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: kitchensink
A starter Jakarta EE web application project for use in JBoss EAP
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/logging/README-source.adoc b/logging/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e066f1331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logging/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+= logging: Example That Sets Up Different Logging Levels
+:author: Joel Tosi
+:level: Intermediate
+:technologies: Logging
+The `logging` quickstart demonstrates how to configure different logging levels in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+:restoreScriptName: remove-logging.cli
+:openshift: true
+== What is it?
+The `logging` quickstart demonstrates how to set up and log different levels of information in {productNameFull}.
+This quickstart contains contains a simple REST endpoint which will log messages. The `index.html` page can be used
+to log messages and see the results. However, you could use a REST client or something like `cURL` to invoke log
+To better visualize how the logging configuration works, you first deploy and access the application before configuring the logs and view the resulting log files. Then you configure the logs, redeploy and access the application, and look at the log files again to see the differences.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+== Access the Application
+The application is running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/.
+You will see the following message in the server console:
+18:20:33,272 FATAL [org.jboss.as.quickstarts.logging.rest.LogListingResource] (default task-1) This is an FATAL message from
+18:20:34,530 ERROR [org.jboss.as.quickstarts.logging.rest.LogListingResource] (default task-1) This is an ERROR message from
+18:20:35,332 WARN [org.jboss.as.quickstarts.logging.rest.LogListingResource] (default task-1) This is an WARN message from
+18:20:36,254 INFO [org.jboss.as.quickstarts.logging.rest.LogListingResource] (default task-1) This is an INFO message from
+18:20:37,156 DEBUG [org.jboss.as.quickstarts.logging.rest.LogListingResource] (default task-1) This is an DEBUG message from
+18:20:38,003 TRACE [org.jboss.as.quickstarts.logging.rest.LogListingResource] (default task-1) This is an TRACE message from
+== Check the Server Logs
+The log files are located in the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/log` log directory. At this point you should see the following log files.
+* `server.log` - This is the standard log produced by the application server. By default, it contains all the server log messages, including the server startup messages.
+== Configure the Server
+Now you have deployed the quickstart with the default configuration, you run a management CLI script to configure the logging subsystem and review the differences in the resulting log files.
+. Before you begin, make sure you do the following:
+* xref:back_up_standalone_server_configuration[Back up the {productName} standalone server configuration] as described above.
+* xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server with the standalone default profile] as described above.
+. Review the `configure-logging.cli` file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script configures the logging subsystem in the server configuration file. It configures the file handlers, creates the logger for our quickstart and sets the level to TRACE. It also assigns the handlers for our quickstart to our logger.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=configure-logging.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following result when you run the script:
+The batch executed successfully
+== Test the New Logging Configuration
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server with the standalone default profile] as described above.
+. xref:build_and_deploy_the_quickstart[Build and deploy the quickstart].
+. xref:access_the_application[Access the application].
+== Recheck the Server Logs
+The log files are located in the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/log` log directory. You should now see the 6 additional log files that are produced by this quickstart. They are listed below in hierarchical order from the largest file containing the most messages to the smallest file containing the least messages.
+** `quickstart.trace.log`
+** `quickstart.debug.log`
+** `quickstart.info.log`
+** `quickstart.warn.log`
+** `quickstart.error.log`
+** `quickstart.fatal.log`
+The following are the rest endpoint paths. Note these can be accessed from the `index.html` by clicking the buttons
+* `/api/logs/trace`
+* `/api/logs/debug`
+* `/api/logs/info`
+* `/api/logs/warn`
+* `/api/logs/error`
+* `/api/logs/fatal`
+The following describes what happens when you access this quickstart:
+. When you access one of the above endpoints, a simple message is logged.
+. Finally, the class file logs various levels, each to its own file as configured in `standalone.xml`. Note that log levels are hierarchical. When set, all log levels above the specified level are logged as well.
+. Common uses of the 6 log levels are outlined below. You should use the level that makes the most sense in your environment.
+FATAL - Used to track critical system failures. When this log message is written, it is writing application error that has caused service to cease. This is the most narrow logging.
+ERROR - Used to track application errors that may cause one request to fail (not a service ceasement).
+WARN - Used for warnings. At this level, all *WARN*, *ERROR*, and *FATAL* messages are written. Use this level message as a predictive measure for possible forthcoming issues.
+INFO - This provides any information - state transition, object values, etc
+DEBUG - Turned on in any environment when a problem is occuring. The information captured may be throughput, communication, object values, etc.
+TRACE - Turned on in any environment where you are trying to follow an execution path, for optimization or debugging. This is the most broad logging level and all messages are written.
+. To view log file differences for different logging levels, change the level for the "org.jboss.as.quickstarts.logging" logger
+from TRACE to DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL, then access the application.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Additional information about this script
+This script removes the log and file handlers from the `logging` subsystem in the server configuration. You should see the following result when you run the script:
+{"outcome" => "success"}
+{"outcome" => "success"}
+{"outcome" => "success"}
+{"outcome" => "success"}
+{"outcome" => "success"}
+{"outcome" => "success"}
+{"outcome" => "success"}
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
diff --git a/logging/README.adoc b/logging/README.adoc
index 8d5107cfea..e74c9d13af 100644
--- a/logging/README.adoc
+++ b/logging/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: logging
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= logging: Example That Sets Up Different Logging Levels
:author: Joel Tosi
@@ -25,17 +222,373 @@ messages.
To better visualize how the logging configuration works, you first deploy and access the application before configuring the logs and view the resulting log files. Then you configure the logs, redeploy and access the application, and look at the log files again to see the differences.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart runs in a standalone server and
+// needs to back up the server configuration file before running
+// a CLI script to modify the server.
+// Define the attributes needed for this topic.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+Before you begin, back up your server configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Back up the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file.
+After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace this file to restore the server to its original configuration.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
== Access the Application
@@ -135,11 +688,87 @@ TRACE - Turned on in any environment where you are trying to follow an execution
from TRACE to DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL, then access the application.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal restoration of a single
+// standalone server configuration.
+// * It provides a CLI script.
+// * You can manually restore the backup copy.
+// You must define the script file name using the `restoreScriptName` attribute.
+// For example:
+// :restoreScriptName: remove-configuration.cli
+You can restore the original server configuration using either of the following methods.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_using_cli[run the `{restoreScriptName}` script] provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_manually[manually restore the configuration] using the backup copy of the configuration file.
+== Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration by Running the JBoss CLI Script
+. xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file={restoreScriptName}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
// Additional information about this script
This script removes the log and file handlers from the `logging` subsystem in the server configuration. You should see the following result when you run the script:
@@ -156,11 +785,653 @@ This script removes the log and file handlers from the `logging` subsystem in th
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal manual restoration
+// of a single standalone server.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Replace the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file with the backup copy of the file.
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+Unresolved directive in ../shared-doc/helm-deploy-project.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/quickstart/quickstart/logging/charts/helm.yaml[]
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/logging/pom.xml b/logging/pom.xml
index a759a95437..64fed0c9b5 100644
--- a/logging/pom.xml
+++ b/logging/pom.xml
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: logging
This project demonstrates logging in JBoss EAP
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/logging/src/charts/helm.yaml b/logging/src/charts/helm.yaml
index f3e9d294ce..c411a053e0 100644
--- a/logging/src/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/logging/src/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: logging
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mail/README-source.adoc b/mail/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e3fdd8375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+= mail: E-Mail Example using CDI and JSF
+:author: Joel Tosi
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: JavaMail, CDI, JSF
+The `mail` quickstart demonstrates how to send and receive emails using CDI and JSF and with custom Mail provider configured in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+:restoreScriptName: remove-mail-session.cli
+== What is it?
+The `mail` quickstart demonstrates sending and receiving emails with the use of _CDI_ (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and _JSF_ (JavaServer Faces) in {productNameFull}.
+The mail provider is configured in the `mail` subsystem of the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml` configuration file if you are running a standalone server or in the `__{jbossHomeName}__/domain/configuration/domain.xml` configuration file if you are running in a managed domain.
+You can use the default mail provider that comes out of the box with {productName}. It uses your local mail relay and the default SMTP port of 25. However, this quickstart demonstrates how to define and use a custom mail provider.
+This example is a web application that takes `To`, `From`, `Subject`, and `Message Body` input and sends mail using SMTP. These emails can be later read by using IMAP or POP3. The front end is a JSF page with a simple POJO backing, leveraging CDI for resource injection.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+== Configure a Mail Server on Your Local Machine
+To run the Mail Quickstart, you need a Mail Server configured with the following protocols and ports:
+- SMTP port:1025
+- POP3 port:1110
+- IMAP port:1143
+In addition, the Mail Subsystem configuration and the test cases expect you have the following Mail accounts configured on your Mail Server:
+- user01@james.local
+- user02@james.local
+You can use any Mail Server you consider, although to facilitate this task, you will find under the Mail Quickstart root directory a docker compose file prepared to launch an Apache James Mail server with all the required configuration. You will need to have installed a Container Engine capable of work with Docker compose files and Linux images. The following command assumes you have https://podman.io/[Podman] and https://docs.podman.io/en/latest/markdown/podman-compose.1.html[Podman Compose] installed in your local environment.
+To launch the Apache James Mail server, open the terminal and navigate to the Mail Quickstart root directory and execute the following:
+$ podman compose up --wait
+>>>> Executing external compose provider "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose". Please refer to the documentation for details. <<<<
+[+] Running 1/1
+ ✔ Container apache-james Healthy
+NOTE: The Apache James server is configured without allowing the relay of the emails to external addresses that are not configured in the server. When you are sending / receiving emails with this server, you have to use the accounts shipped with the apache James demo image. These are the accounts available out of the box: user01@james.local, user02@james.local and user03@james.local.
+All accounts use the same password: `1234`
+Once you have finished with the Mail Quickstart, you can shutdown and remove the Apache James Mail server with the following command:
+$ podman compose down --volumes
+>>>> Executing external compose provider "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose". Please refer to the documentation for details. <<<<
+[+] Running 2/1
+ ✔ Container apache-james Removed
+ ✔ Network mail_default Removed
+// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+== Configure the Server
+You configure the custom mail session in {productName} by running Management CLI commands. For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a `configure-mail-session.cli` script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Before you begin, make sure you do the following:
+* xref:back_up_standalone_server_configuration[Back up the {productName} standalone server configuration] as described above.
+* xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server with the standalone default profile] as described above.
+. Review the `configure-mail-session.cli` file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script creates custom outbound socket binding port for SMTP, POP3, and IMAP. It then creates the custom `MyOtherMail` mail session and configures it to use the custom outbound socket binding ports and default user credentials for SMTP and IMAP.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=configure-mail-session.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following result when you run the script.
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+. Stop the {productName} server.
+== Review the Modified Server Configuration
+After stopping the server, open the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml` file and review the changes.
+The following `outbound-socket-binding` groups are added to the `standard-sockets` `` element.
+ ...
+The `MyOtherMail` mail session is added to the `mail` subsystem and configured to use the custom outbound socket binding ports.
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+== Access the Application
+The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/[http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/^].
+NOTE: If you see `Error processing request` in the browser when you access the application and attempt to send email, followed by `jakarta.servlet.ServletException: MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: localhost, 1025; timeout -1; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused`, make sure you followed the instructions above to xref:configure_an_smtp_server_on_your_local_machine[Configure an SMTP Server on Your Local Machine].
+NOTE: If you are using the Mail server shipped with this Quickstart and see `Error sending the Email. Invalid Addresses` in the browser when you attempt to send email, make sure you are sending your email to an existing account configured in the Mail Server since by default Apache James demo image is shipped with relay disabled. By default, Apache James demo image has the following accounts configured: user01@james.local, user02@james.local and user03@james.local.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Additional information about this script
+This script removes the custom `MyOtherMail` session from the `mail` subsystem in the server configuration. file You should see the following result when you run the script:
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+// Additional Red Hat CodeReady Studio instructions
+* Make sure you xref:configure_an_smtp_server_on_your_local_machine[Configure an SMTP Server on Your Local Machine].
+* Make sure you configure the {productName} custom mail configuration as described above under xref:configure_the_server[Configure the {productName} Server]. Stop the server at the end of that step.
+* To deploy the server project, right-click on the *{artifactId}* project and choose *Run As* –> *Run on Server*. A browser window appears that accesses the running application.
+* To undeploy the project, right-click on the *{artifactId}* project and choose *Run As* –> *Maven build*. Enter `wildfly:undeploy` for the *Goals* and click *Run*.
+* Make sure you xref:restore_the_server_configuration[restore the {productName} server configuration] when you have completed testing this quickstart.
+// Debug the Application
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+// Product Release content only
+// Quickstart not compatible with OpenShift
diff --git a/mail/README.adoc b/mail/README.adoc
index 15d2a3a308..89c21f0d09 100644
--- a/mail/README.adoc
+++ b/mail/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: mail
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= mail: E-Mail Example using CDI and JSF
:author: Joel Tosi
@@ -24,11 +221,66 @@ You can use the default mail provider that comes out of the box with {productNam
This example is a web application that takes `To`, `From`, `Subject`, and `Message Body` input and sends mail using SMTP. These emails can be later read by using IMAP or POP3. The front end is a JSF page with a simple POJO backing, leveraging CDI for resource injection.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
== Configure a Mail Server on Your Local Machine
@@ -71,9 +323,203 @@ $ podman compose down --volumes
// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart runs in a standalone server and
+// needs to back up the server configuration file before running
+// a CLI script to modify the server.
+// Define the attributes needed for this topic.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+Before you begin, back up your server configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Back up the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file.
+After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace this file to restore the server to its original configuration.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
== Configure the Server
@@ -146,7 +592,114 @@ The `MyOtherMail` mail session is added to the `mail` subsystem and configured t
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
== Access the Application
@@ -157,12 +710,88 @@ NOTE: If you see `Error processing request` in the browser when you access the a
NOTE: If you are using the Mail server shipped with this Quickstart and see `Error sending the Email. Invalid Addresses` in the browser when you attempt to send email, make sure you are sending your email to an existing account configured in the Mail Server since by default Apache James demo image is shipped with relay disabled. By default, Apache James demo image has the following accounts configured: user01@james.local, user02@james.local and user03@james.local.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal restoration of a single
+// standalone server configuration.
+// * It provides a CLI script.
+// * You can manually restore the backup copy.
+// You must define the script file name using the `restoreScriptName` attribute.
+// For example:
+// :restoreScriptName: remove-configuration.cli
+You can restore the original server configuration using either of the following methods.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_using_cli[run the `{restoreScriptName}` script] provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_manually[manually restore the configuration] using the backup copy of the configuration file.
+== Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration by Running the JBoss CLI Script
+. xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file={restoreScriptName}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
// Additional information about this script
This script removes the custom `MyOtherMail` session from the `mail` subsystem in the server configuration. file You should see the following result when you run the script:
@@ -174,9 +803,106 @@ process-state: reload-required
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal manual restoration
+// of a single standalone server.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Replace the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file with the backup copy of the file.
// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Quickstart in {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse
+// Include this template to provide instructions to run the quickstart
+// in Red Hat CodeReady Studio.
+// If the quickstart is not supported, create the `jbds-not-supported` attribute.
+This quickstart is not supported in {JBDSProductName}.
+You can also start the server and deploy the quickstarts or run the Arquillian tests in {JBDSProductName} or from Eclipse using JBoss tools. For general information about how to import a quickstart, add a {productName} server, and build and deploy a quickstart, see link:{useEclipseUrl}[Use {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse to Run the Quickstarts].
+// Add additional instructions specific to running this quickstart in an IDE here.
// Additional Red Hat CodeReady Studio instructions
* Make sure you xref:configure_an_smtp_server_on_your_local_machine[Configure an SMTP Server on Your Local Machine].
@@ -186,11 +912,296 @@ include::../shared-doc/run-the-quickstart-in-jboss-developer-studio.adoc[levelof
* Make sure you xref:restore_the_server_configuration[restore the {productName} server configuration] when you have completed testing this quickstart.
// Debug the Application
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Debug the Application
+// Include this template to provide debugging information.
+If you want to debug the source code of any library in the project, run the following command to pull the source into your local repository. The IDE should then detect it.
+$ mvn dependency:sources
+TODO: I need to investigate whether the following version can be used across all quickstarts.
+If you want to debug the source code or look at the Javadocs of any library in the project, run either of the following commands to pull them into your local repository. The IDE should then detect them.
+$ mvn dependency:sources
+$ mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/mail/pom.xml b/mail/pom.xml
index 4a8744f8e7..d1fb54d1f1 100644
--- a/mail/pom.xml
+++ b/mail/pom.xml
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: mail
This project demonstrates how to send mail
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/messaging-clustering-singleton/README-source.adoc b/messaging-clustering-singleton/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1052023a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/messaging-clustering-singleton/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+= messaging-clustering-singleton: Messaging Example that Demonstrates Clustering
+:author: Flavia Rainone, Jess Sightler
+:level: Advanced
+:technologies: JMS, MDB, Clustering
+The `messaging-clustering-singleton` quickstart uses a JMS topic and a queue to demonstrate clustering using {productName} messaging with MDB singleton configuration where only one node in the cluster will be active.
+:standalone-server-type: full-ha
+:archiveType: war
+== What is it?
+The `messaging-clustering-singleton` quickstart demonstrates the use of clustering with integrated Apache ActiveMQ Artemis. It uses the same code as in link:../helloworld-mdb/README.adoc[helloworld-mdb] quickstart, with only a difference in the configuration to run it as a clustered singleton. Instructions are provided to run the quickstart on either a standalone server or in a managed domain.
+These are the two JMS resources contained in this quickstart:
+* A queue named `HELLOWORLDMDBQueue` bound in JNDI as `java:/queue/HELLOWORLDMDBQueue`
+* A topic named `HELLOWORLDMDBTopic` bound in JNDI as `java:/topic/HELLOWORLDMDBTopic`
+Both contain a singleton configuration as specified in the file link:src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jboss-ejb3.xml[WEB-INF/jboss-ejb3.xml]:
+ *
+ true
+The wildcard (*) in the `ejb-name` element indicates that all MDBs contained in the application will be clustered singleton. As a result, only one node in the cluster will have those MDBs active at a specific time. If that node shuts down, another node in the cluster will become the active node with MDBs, called the singleton provider.
+Also, we can find a configuration for delivery group in the same file:
+ HelloWorldTopicMDB
+ my-mdb-delivery-group
+Here, you can see that only one of the MDBs, `HelloWorldTopicMDB`, is associated with a delivery group. All delivery groups used by an MDB must be declared in the `ejb` subsystem configuration, and they can be enabled or disabled. If the delivery group is disabled in a cluster node, all MDBs belonging to that group will be inactive in that node. Notice that delivery groups can be used in non-clustered environments as well. In that case, the MDB will be active in the server whenever the delivery group is enabled in the server. A delivery group can be enabled using the management CLI as you will see in this quickstart.
+If a delivery group is used in conjunction with singleton, as is the case of this quickstart, the MDB will be active in the singleton provider node only if that node has `delivery-group` enabled. If not, the MDB will be inactive in that node and all remainder nodes of the cluster.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+== Build the Project
+Follow these steps to build the project without deploying it.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to build the archive:
+$ mvn clean install
+== Configure the Server and Deploy the Quickstart
+You can choose to configure and deploy this quickstart to a xref:configure_the_server_and_deploy_the_quickstart_to_a_managed_domain[managed domain] or to a xref:configure_the_server_and_deploy_the_quickstart_to_a_standalone_server[standalone server]. The sections below describe how to configure and start the server for each configuration.
+=== Configure the Server and Deploy the Quickstart to a Managed Domain
+You configure the server by running the `install-domain.cli` script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+// Back Up the {productName} Managed Domain Configuration
+// Start the {productName} Managed Domain
+==== Configure the Domain Server and Deploy the Quickstart Using the JBoss CLI
+. Review the `install-domain.cli` file located in the root of this quickstart directory. This script creates the server group and servers and configures messaging clustering for testing this quickstart. You will note it does the following:
+** Stops the servers.
+** Creates the `quickstart-messaging-clustering-singleton-group` server group to test ActiveMQ clustering.
+** Enables console logging to allow you to view the quickstart output.
+** Adds two servers to the `server-group`.
+** Configures ActiveMQ clustering in the `full-ha` profile.
+** Creates a delivery group named `my-mdb-delivery-group`, with initial active value set to `true`.
+** Deploys the `{artifactId}.war` archive.
+** Starts the servers that were added to the managed domain.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=install-domain.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following output:
+ "outcome" => "success",
+ "result" => undefined,
+ "server-groups" => undefined
+The batch executed successfully
+ "outcome" => "success",
+ "result" => "STARTED"
+ "outcome" => "success",
+ "result" => "STARTED"
+=== Configure the Server and Deploy the Quickstart to a Standalone Server
+If you choose to use standalone servers rather than a managed domain, you need two instances of the application server. The second server must be started with a port offset parameter provided to the startup script as `-Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100`.
+Since both application servers must be configured in the same way, you must configure the first server and then clone it.
+// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+==== Configure the Standalone Server and Deploy the Quickstart Using the JBoss CLI
+. Review the `install-standalone.cli` file located in the root of this quickstart directory. This script configures clustering for a standalone server. You will note it does the following:
+** Because the console is disabled by default in the Full HA profile, it enables console logging to allow you to view the quickstart output.
+** Enables clustering and sets a cluster password.
+** Creates a delivery group named `my-mdb-delivery-group`, with initial active value set to `true`.
+** Deploys the `{artifactId}.war` archive.
+** Reloads the server configuration.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=install-standalone.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following output:
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+==== Clone the {productName} Directory
+After you have successfully configured the server, you must make a copy of this {productName} directory structure to use for the second server.
+. Stop the server.
+. Make a copy of this {productName} directory structure to use for the second server.
+. Remove the following directories from the cloned instance:
+==== Start the {productName} Standalone Servers with the Full HA Profile
+Use the following commands to start the standalone servers with the full HA profile.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_2__/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full-ha.xml -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\standalone.bat` and `__{jbossHomeName}_2__\bin\standalone.bat` scripts.
+== Access the Application
+=== Access the Application Running in a Managed Domain
+The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:9080/{artifactId}/HelloWorldMDBServletClient.
+It will send some messages to the queue.
+To send messages to the topic, use the following URL: http://localhost:9080/{artifactId}/HelloWorldMDBServletClient?topic
+=== Access the Application Running in a Standalone Server
+The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/HelloWorldMDBServletClient.
+It will send some messages to the queue.
+To send messages to the topic, use the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/HelloWorldMDBServletClient?topic
+== Investigate the Server Console Output
+Review the messages in both {productName} server consoles or logs.
+The following messages are sent to the queue:
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldQueueMDB] (Thread-0 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from queue: This is message 1
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldQueueMDB] (Thread-2 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from queue: This is message 3
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldQueueMDB] (Thread-4 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from queue: This is message 5
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldQueueMDB] (Thread-3 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from queue: This is message 4
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldQueueMDB] (Thread-1 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from queue: This is message 2
+The following messages are sent to the topic:
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldTopicMDB] (Thread-5 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from topic: This is message 1
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldTopicMDB] (Thread-6 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from topic: This is message 2
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldTopicMDB] (Thread-8 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from topic: This is message 4
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldTopicMDB] (Thread-7 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from topic: This is message 3
+INFO [class org.jboss.as.quickstarts.mdb.HelloWorldTopicMDB] (Thread-9 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Received Message from topic: This is message 5
+You will notice that only one of the nodes, elected as the singleton provider node, will be receiving the messages. For that, check both servers, only one will contain the received message log entries.
+== Server Log: Expected Warnings and Errors
+You will see the following warnings in the server logs. You can ignore these warnings as they are intended for production servers.
+WARNING [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (Thread-0 (ActiveMQ-server-ActiveMQServerImpl::serverUUID=c79278db-56e6-11e5-af50-69dd76236ee8-1573164340)) JGRP000015: the send buffer of socket DatagramSocket was set to 1MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max send buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.wmem_max on Linux)
+WARNING [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (Thread-0 (ActiveMQ-server-ActiveMQServerImpl::serverUUID=c79278db-56e6-11e5-af50-69dd76236ee8-1573164340)) JGRP000015: the receive buffer of socket DatagramSocket was set to 20MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max receive buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.rmem_max on Linux)
+WARNING [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (Thread-0 (ActiveMQ-server-ActiveMQServerImpl::serverUUID=c79278db-56e6-11e5-af50-69dd76236ee8-1573164340)) JGRP000015: the send buffer of socket MulticastSocket was set to 1MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max send buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.wmem_max on Linux)
+WARNING [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (Thread-0 (ActiveMQ-server-ActiveMQServerImpl::serverUUID=c79278db-56e6-11e5-af50-69dd76236ee8-1573164340)) JGRP000015: the receive buffer of socket MulticastSocket was set to 25MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max receive buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.rmem_max on Linux)
+== Electing a New Singleton Provider Server
+If you reboot the singleton server node, the other node will be elected the new singleton provider, and will start receiving the MDB messages instead.
+You should see the following output in the new singleton provider server:
+WFLYCLSV0003: master:quickstart-messagingcluster-nodeX elected as the singleton provider of the org.wildfly.ejb3.clustered.singleton service
+Where `nodeX` will be either `node1` or `node2`, depending on which node is the new singleton provider.
+If you now try to access the servlet urls, you will see that the new provider is receiving all new messages.
+You will see the following warnings in the log of the server that is _not_ the singleton provider. These messages show that the other node went down unexpectedly, which is exactly the scenario we are reproducing in this quickstart. For that reason, those warnings can be ignored.
+WARN [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.client] (Thread-2 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) AMQ212037: Connection failure has been detected: AMQ119015: The connection was disconnected because of server shutdown [code=DISCONNECTED]
+WARN [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] (Thread-2 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) AMQ222095: Connection failed with failedOver=false
+You may see the following log message as well. When a server is restarted, it may broadcast that it is up and running (with its nodeID) while other nodes still reference the previous server instance for the same nodeID. Eventually, the cluster will be informed of the new instance representing the given nodeID but as the warning explains, it is possible to see this log (once or more) when a server is restarted.
+WARN [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.client] (activemq-discovery-group-thread-dg-group1) AMQ212034: There are more than one servers on the network broadcasting the same node id. You will see this message exactly once (per node) if a node is restarted, in which case it can be safely ignored. But if it is logged continuously it means you really do have more than one node on the same network active concurrently with the same node id. This could occur if you have a backup node active at the same time as its live node. nodeID=a114b652-689e-11e7-a2f4-54ee751c6182
+The next error message is a https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-9261[known issue]. You can ignore it, as it does not affect the scenario that this quickstart reproduces:
+ERROR [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] (Thread-3 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) AMQ224037: cluster connection Failed to handle message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find binding for jms.queue.HelloWorldMDBQueuedea3e995-713c-11e7-85f2-b8f6b112daf7 on ClusterConnectionImpl@1129705701[nodeUUID=dabaa1fa-713c-11e7-8f3a-b8f6b112daf7, connector=TransportConfiguration(name=http-connector, factory=org-apache-activemq-artemis-core-remoting-impl-netty-NettyConnectorFactory) ?httpUpgradeEndpoint=http-acceptor&activemqServerName=default&httpUpgradeEnabled=true&port=9080&host=localhost, address=jms, server=ActiveMQServerImpl::serverUUID=dabaa1fa-713c-11e7-8f3a-b8f6b112daf7]
+at org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.cluster.impl.ClusterConnectionImpl$MessageFlowRecordImpl.doConsumerCreated(ClusterConnectionImpl.java:1294)
+at org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.cluster.impl.ClusterConnectionImpl$MessageFlowRecordImpl.handleNotificationMessage(ClusterConnectionImpl.java:1029)
+at org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.cluster.impl.ClusterConnectionImpl$MessageFlowRecordImpl.onMessage(ClusterConnectionImpl.java:1004)
+at org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.client.impl.ClientConsumerImpl.callOnMessage(ClientConsumerImpl.java:1001)
+at org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.client.impl.ClientConsumerImpl.access$400(ClientConsumerImpl.java:49)
+at org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.client.impl.ClientConsumerImpl$Runner.run(ClientConsumerImpl.java:1124)
+at org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.OrderedExecutorFactory$OrderedExecutor$ExecutorTask.run(OrderedExecutorFactory.java:101)
+at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
+at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
+at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
+=== Rebooting the Singleton Provider Server Node in a Managed Domain
+Run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server, and replacing `NODE_X` in the script name with either `node1` or `node2`, depending on whether the current singleton provider is `node1` or `node2`.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=restart-NODE_X-domain.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+=== Rebooting the Singleton Provider Server Node in a Standalone Server
+Stop the provider server and restart it again, using the same command you used to start the server initially.
+== Disable and Enable the Delivery Group
+To disable the delivery group "my-mdb-delivery-group" to which the topic belongs, run the `disable-delivery-group-domain.cli` or `disable-delivery-group-standalone.cli` script, located in the root directory of this quickstart. Follow the instructions in the next sections, depending on the server configuration you choose to run.
+After disabling the delivery group, try sending messages to the topic, You should notice that the topic messages are not delivered when the delivery group is inactive.
+Next, enable the delivery group using the appropriate `enable-delivery-group-domain.cli` or `enable-delivery-group-standalone.cli` script, also located in the root directory of this quickstart, so that the topic messages can be delivered again.
+=== Disable and Enable Delivery Group in a Managed Domain
+To disable the delivery group named "my-mdb-delivery-group" to which the topic belongs, run the `disable-delivery-group-domain.cli` script, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=disable-delivery-group-domain.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+Similarly, to enable the delivery group, run the `enable-delivery-group-domain.cli` script:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-delivery-group-domain.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+=== Disable and Enable Delivery Group in a Standalone Server
+To disable the delivery group named "my-mdb-delivery-group" to which the topic belongs, run the `disable-delivery-group-standalone.cli` script on both servers, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file==disable-delivery-group-standalone.cli
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_2__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect controller=localhost:10090 --file=disable-delivery-group-standalone.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` and `__{jbossHomeName}_2__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` scripts.
+Similarly, to enable the delivery group, run the `enable-delivery-group-standalone.cli` script in both servers:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file==enable-delivery-group-standalone.cli
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_2__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect controller=localhost:10090 --file=enable-delivery-group-standalone.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` and `__{jbossHomeName}_2__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` scripts.
+== Undeploy the Archive
+When you are finished testing, use the following instructions to undeploy the quickstart.
+=== Undeploy the quickstart in a Managed Domain
+. xref:start_eap_managed_domain[Start the {productName} managed domain] as described above.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the `undeploy-domain.cli` script, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file==undeploy-domain.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+=== Undeploy the quickstart in a Standalone Server
+. xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server with the standalone full HA profile] as described above.
+. Open a terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the `undeploy-standalone.cli` script, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` and `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to the appropriate server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file==undeploy-standalone.cli
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_2__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect controller=localhost:10090 --file==undeploy-standalone.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` and `__{jbossHomeName}_2__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` scripts.
+== Restore the Server Configuration
+=== Restore the Domain Server Configuration
+You can Restore the domain configuration by manually restoring the backup configuration files or by running the management CLI script.
+==== Restore the Domain Server Configuration Manually
+IMPORTANT: This method ensures the server is restored to its prior configuration.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Restore the `__{jbossHomeName}__/domain/configuration/domain.xml` and `__{jbossHomeName}__/domain/configuration/host.xml` files with the back-up copies
+of the files. Make sure you replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server.
+==== Restore the Domain Server Configuration by Running the Management CLI Script
+IMPORTANT: This script returns the server to a default configuration and the result might not match the server configuration prior to testing this quickstart. If you were not running with the default configuration before testing this quickstart, you should follow the intructions above to manually restore the configuration to its previous state.
+. xref:start_eap_managed_domain[Start the {productName} managed domain] as described above.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the `remove-domain.cli` script, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=remove-domain.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+This script removes the server configuration that was done by the `install-domain.cli` script. You should see the following result following the script commands:
+The batch executed successfully
+=== Restore the Standalone Server Configuration
+You can Restore the domain configuration by manually restoring the back-up copies the configuration files or by running the management CLI script.
+==== Restore the Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+IMPORTANT: This method ensures the server is restored to its prior configuration.
+. If they are running, stop both {productName} servers.
+. Restore the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__/standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml` file with the back-up copies of the file. Make sure you replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your server.
+==== Restore the Standalone Configuration by Running the Management CLI Script
+IMPORTANT: This script returns the server to the default configuration, which might not match the server configuration that existed prior to testing this quickstart. If you were not running with the default configuration before testing this quickstart, you should follow the intructions above to xref:restore_the_standalone_server_configuration_manually[manually restore the standalone configuration] to its previous state.
+. Start the {productName} server by typing the following, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the `remove-standalone.cli` script, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first server.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}_1__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=remove-standalone.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}_1__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+This script removes the server configuration that was done by the install-standalone.cli script. You should see the following result following the script commands:
+The batch executed successfully
+=== Delete the Cloned Standalone {productName} Directory
+. If it is running, stop the second instance of the {productName} server.
+. Delete the cloned directory.
+// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+// Product Release content only
+// Quickstart not compatible with OpenShift
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/messaging-clustering-singleton/README.adoc b/messaging-clustering-singleton/README.adoc
index 1052023a16..c546b603b5 100644
--- a/messaging-clustering-singleton/README.adoc
+++ b/messaging-clustering-singleton/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: messaging-clustering-singleton
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= messaging-clustering-singleton: Messaging Example that Demonstrates Clustering
:author: Flavia Rainone, Jess Sightler
@@ -49,11 +246,66 @@ Here, you can see that only one of the MDBs, `HelloWorldTopicMDB`, is associated
If a delivery group is used in conjunction with singleton, as is the case of this quickstart, the MDB will be active in the singleton provider node only if that node has `delivery-group` enabled. If not, the MDB will be inactive in that node and all remainder nodes of the cluster.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
== Build the Project
@@ -77,9 +329,58 @@ You can choose to configure and deploy this quickstart to a xref:configure_the_s
You configure the server by running the `install-domain.cli` script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
// Back Up the {productName} Managed Domain Configuration
+:leveloffset: +3
+= Back Up the {productName} Managed Domain Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart runs in a managed domain and
+// needs to back up the server configuration files before running
+// a CLI script to modify the server.
+Before you begin, back up your server configuration files.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Back up the following files:
+After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace these file to restore the server to its original configuration.
// Start the {productName} Managed Domain
+:leveloffset: +3
+= Start the {productName} Managed Domain
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a
+// managed domain.
+// This template does not currently support passing arguments for starting
+// the domain, but it could be added.
+// * Define the managed domain profile type. Supported values are:
+// :managed-domain-type: default
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} managed domain by typing the following command.
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/domain.sh
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\domain.bat` script.
==== Configure the Domain Server and Deploy the Quickstart Using the JBoss CLI
@@ -131,9 +432,203 @@ If you choose to use standalone servers rather than a managed domain, you need t
Since both application servers must be configured in the same way, you must configure the first server and then clone it.
// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +3
+= Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart runs in a standalone server and
+// needs to back up the server configuration file before running
+// a CLI script to modify the server.
+// Define the attributes needed for this topic.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+Before you begin, back up your server configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Back up the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file.
+After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace this file to restore the server to its original configuration.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +3
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
==== Configure the Standalone Server and Deploy the Quickstart Using the JBoss CLI
@@ -474,7 +969,27 @@ The batch executed successfully
. Delete the cloned directory.
// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Quickstart in {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse
+// Include this template to provide instructions to run the quickstart
+// in Red Hat CodeReady Studio.
+// If the quickstart is not supported, create the `jbds-not-supported` attribute.
+This quickstart is not supported in {JBDSProductName}.
+You can also start the server and deploy the quickstarts or run the Arquillian tests in {JBDSProductName} or from Eclipse using JBoss tools. For general information about how to import a quickstart, add a {productName} server, and build and deploy a quickstart, see link:{useEclipseUrl}[Use {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse to Run the Quickstarts].
+// Add additional instructions specific to running this quickstart in an IDE here.
// Product Release content only
@@ -484,4 +999,4 @@ ifdef::ProductRelease[]
// Quickstart not compatible with OpenShift
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/messaging-clustering-singleton/pom.xml b/messaging-clustering-singleton/pom.xml
index a44a993cfa..cec8063200 100644
--- a/messaging-clustering-singleton/pom.xml
+++ b/messaging-clustering-singleton/pom.xml
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: messaging-clustering-singleton
This project demonstrates a hello world Message-Driven Bean with Servlet 3.0 as client
diff --git a/micrometer/README-source.adoc b/micrometer/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3596ac0f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/micrometer/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+= micrometer: Micrometer QuickStart
+:author: Jason Lee
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: Micrometer
+:openshift: true
+The `micrometer` quickstart demonstrates the use of the Micrometer library in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+== What is it?
+https://micrometer.io[Micrometer] is a vendor-neutral facade that allows application developers to collect and report application and system metrics to the backend of their choice in an entirely portable manner. By simply replacing the `MeterRegistry` used, or combining them in Micrometer's `CompositeRegistry` data can be exported a variety of monitoring systems with no application code changes.
+== Architecture
+In this quickstart, we will build a small, simple application that shows the usage of a number of Micrometer's `Meter` implementations. We will also demonstrate the means by which {productName} exports the metrics data, which is via the https://opentelemetry.io/docs/reference/specification/protocol/otlp/[OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP)] to the https://opentelemetry.io/docs/collector/[OpenTelemetry Collector]. To provide simpler access to the published metrics, the Collector will be configured with a Prometheus endpoint, from which we can scrape data.
+== Prerequisites
+To complete this guide, you will need:
+* less than 15 minutes
+* JDK 11+ installed with `JAVA_HOME` configured appropriately
+* Apache Maven 3.5.3+
+* Docker Compose, or alternatively Podman Compose
+== Steps
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+=== Configure the Server
+You enable Micrometer by running JBoss CLI commands. For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a `configure-micrometer.cli` script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Before you begin, make sure you do the following:
+* xref:back_up_standalone_server_configuration[Back up the {productName} standalone server configuration] as described above.
+* xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server with the standalone default profile] as described above.
+. Review the `configure-micrometer.cli` file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script adds the configuration that enables Micrometer for the quickstart components. Comments in the script describe the purpose of each block of commands.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=configure-micrometer.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following result when you run the script:
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+. You'll need to reload the configuration after that:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --commands=reload
+=== Starting the OpenTelemetry Collector
+By default, {productName} will publish metrics every 10 seconds, so you will soon start seeing errors about a refused connection.
+This is because we told {productName} to publish to a server that is not there, so we need to fix that. To make that as simple as possible, you can use Docker Compose to start an instance of the OpenTelemetry Collector.
+The Docker Compose configuration file is `docker-compose.yaml`:
+The Collector server configuration file is `otel-collector-config.yaml`:
+We can now bring up the collector server instance:
+$ docker-compose up
+The service should be available almost immediately, which you can verify by looking at the Prometheus endpoint we've configured by pointing your browser at http://localhost:1234/metrics[]. You should see quite a few metrics listed, none of which are what our application has registered. What you're seeing are the system and JVM metrics automatically registered and published by {productName} to give systems/applications administrators a comprehensive view of system health and performance.
+You may use Podman as alternative to Docker if you prefer, in such case the command should be `podman-compose up`.
+If your environment does not support Docker or Podman, please refer to https://opentelemetry.io/docs/collector/installation[Otel Collector documentation] for alternatives on how to install and run the OpenTelemetry Collector.
+=== Registering metrics
+Micrometer uses a programmatic approach to metrics definition, as opposed the more declarative, annotation-based approach of other libraries. Because of that, we need to explicitly register our `Meter` s before they can be used:
+public class RootResource {
+ // ...
+ @Inject
+ private MeterRegistry registry;
+ private Counter performCheckCounter;
+ private Counter originalCounter;
+ private Counter duplicatedCounter;
+ @PostConstruct
+ private void createMeters() {
+ Gauge.builder("prime.highestSoFar", () -> highestPrimeNumberSoFar)
+ .description("Highest prime number so far.")
+ .register(registry);
+ performCheckCounter = Counter
+ .builder("prime.performedChecks")
+ .description("How many prime checks have been performed.")
+ .register(registry);
+ originalCounter = Counter
+ .builder("prime.duplicatedCounter")
+ .tags(List.of(Tag.of("type", "original")))
+ .register(registry);
+ duplicatedCounter = Counter
+ .builder("prime.duplicatedCounter")
+ .tags(List.of(Tag.of("type", "copy")))
+ .register(registry);
+ }
+ // ...
+Notice that we start by `@Inject` ing the `MeterRegistry`. This is a {productName}-managed instance, so all applications need to do it inject it and start using. Once we have that, we can use to build and register our meters, which we do in `@PostConstuct private void createMeters()`
+This must be done _post_-construction, as the `MeterRegistry` must be injected before it can be used to register the meters.
+In this example, we register several different types to demonstrate their use. With those registered, we can start writing application logic:
+public String checkIfPrime(@PathParam("number") long number) throws Exception {
+ performCheckCounter.increment();
+ Timer timer = registry.timer("prime.timer");
+ return timer.recordCallable(() -> {
+ if (number < 1) {
+ return "Only natural numbers can be prime numbers.";
+ }
+ if (number == 1) {
+ return "1 is not prime.";
+ }
+ if (number == 2) {
+ return "2 is prime.";
+ }
+ if (number % 2 == 0) {
+ return number + " is not prime, it is divisible by 2.";
+ }
+ for (int i = 3; i < Math.floor(Math.sqrt(number)) + 1; i = i + 2) {
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(10);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ //
+ }
+ if (number % i == 0) {
+ return number + " is not prime, is divisible by " + i + ".";
+ }
+ }
+ if (number > highestPrimeNumberSoFar) {
+ highestPrimeNumberSoFar = number;
+ }
+ return number + " is prime.";
+ });
+This method represents a simple REST endpoint that is able to determine whether the number passed as a path parameter is a prime number.
+=== Access the quickstart application
+You can either access the application via your browser at http://localhost:8080/micrometer/prime/13[], or from the command line:
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/micrometer/prime/13
+It should return a simple document:
+13 is prime.
+Once given enough time to allow {productName} to publish metrics updates, you now see your application's meters reported in the http://localhost:1234/metrics[Prometheus export]. You can also view them via the command-line:
+$ curl -s http://localhost:1234/metrics | grep "prime_"
+# HELP prime_duplicatedCounter
+# TYPE prime_duplicatedCounter counter
+prime_duplicatedCounter{job="wildfly",type="copy"} 0
+prime_duplicatedCounter{job="wildfly",type="original"} 0
+# HELP prime_highestSoFar Highest prime number so far.
+# TYPE prime_highestSoFar gauge
+prime_highestSoFar{job="wildfly"} 13
+# HELP prime_performedChecks How many prime checks have been performed.
+# TYPE prime_performedChecks counter
+prime_performedChecks{job="wildfly"} 1
+# HELP prime_timer
+# TYPE prime_timer histogram
+prime_timer_bucket{job="wildfly",le="+Inf"} 1
+prime_timer_sum{job="wildfly"} 10.941035
+prime_timer_count{job="wildfly"} 1
+Notice that all four meters registered in the `@PostConstruct` method as well as the `Timer` in our endpoint method have all been published.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+// Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
+== Conclusion
+Micrometer provides a de facto standard way of capturing and publishing metrics to the monitoring solution of your choice. {productName} provides a convenient, out-of-the-box integration of Micrometer to make it easier to capture those metrics and monitor your application's health and performance. For more information on Micrometer, please refer to the project's https://micrometer.io[website].
diff --git a/micrometer/README.adoc b/micrometer/README.adoc
index 3596ac0f89..9ee8cf9462 100644
--- a/micrometer/README.adoc
+++ b/micrometer/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,205 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+:artifactId: micrometer
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
= micrometer: Micrometer QuickStart
:author: Jason Lee
@@ -31,12 +232,167 @@ To complete this guide, you will need:
* Apache Maven 3.5.3+
* Docker Compose, or alternatively Podman Compose
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
== Steps
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
=== Configure the Server
@@ -85,14 +441,66 @@ The Docker Compose configuration file is `docker-compose.yaml`:
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+version: "3"
+ otel-collector:
+ image: otel/opentelemetry-collector
+ command: [--config=/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml]
+ volumes:
+ - ./otel-collector-config.yaml:/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml:Z
+ ports:
+ - 1888:1888 # pprof extension
+ - 8888:8888 # Prometheus metrics exposed by the collector
+ - 8889:8889 # Prometheus exporter metrics
+ - 13133:13133 # health_check extension
+ - 4317:4317 # OTLP gRPC receiver
+ - 4318:4318 # OTLP http receiver
+ - 55679:55679 # zpages extension
+ - 1234:1234 # /metrics endpoint
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
The Collector server configuration file is `otel-collector-config.yaml`:
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ health_check:
+ pprof:
+ endpoint:
+ zpages:
+ endpoint:
+ otlp:
+ protocols:
+ grpc:
+ http:
+ batch:
+ prometheus:
+ endpoint: ""
+ pipelines:
+ metrics:
+ receivers: [otlp]
+ processors: [batch]
+ exporters: [prometheus]
+ extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
We can now bring up the collector server instance:
@@ -211,7 +619,118 @@ public String checkIfPrime(@PathParam("number") long number) throws Exception {
This method represents a simple REST endpoint that is able to determine whether the number passed as a path parameter is a prime number.
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
=== Access the quickstart application
@@ -255,6 +774,7 @@ prime_timer_count{job="wildfly"} 1
Notice that all four meters registered in the `@PostConstruct` method as well as the `Timer` in our endpoint method have all been published.
// Server Distribution Testing
+<<<<<<< HEAD
// Undeploy the Quickstart
@@ -270,6 +790,920 @@ endif::[]
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal restoration of a single
+// standalone server configuration.
+// * It provides a CLI script.
+// * You can manually restore the backup copy.
+// You must define the script file name using the `restoreScriptName` attribute.
+// For example:
+// :restoreScriptName: remove-configuration.cli
+You can restore the original server configuration using either of the following methods.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_using_cli[run the `{restoreScriptName}` script] provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_manually[manually restore the configuration] using the backup copy of the configuration file.
+== Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration by Running the JBoss CLI Script
+. xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file={restoreScriptName}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+:leveloffset: +3
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal manual restoration
+// of a single standalone server.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Replace the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file with the backup copy of the file.
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: micrometer
+ replicas: 1
+ env:
+ value: "opentelemetrycollector"
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
== Conclusion
diff --git a/micrometer/charts/helm.yaml b/micrometer/charts/helm.yaml
index c0bbbce795..f87a7c0469 100644
--- a/micrometer/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/micrometer/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+<<<<<<< HEAD
ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
contextDir: micrometer
replicas: 1
diff --git a/micrometer/pom.xml b/micrometer/pom.xml
index 204b9f75ce..6d81bc16e0 100644
--- a/micrometer/pom.xml
+++ b/micrometer/pom.xml
@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: micrometer
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
- 5.0.0.Final
+ 6.0.0.Final
diff --git a/microprofile-config/README-source.adoc b/microprofile-config/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45d8a6454f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microprofile-config/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+= microprofile-config: MicroProfile Config QuickStart
+:author: Martin Stefanko
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: MicroProfile Config
+The `microprofile-config` quickstart demonstrates the use of the MicroProfile Config specification in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: microprofile
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+:arq-prerequisities: These tests require that JBOSS_HOME environment variable is set.
+== What is it?
+MicroProfile Config allows users to externalize their configuration from their
+application code. Users can modify the configuration from outside of the application
+so they can change it without the need to rebuild their applications. It exposes the
+configuration values to the application code through the CDI injection.
+== Architecture
+In this quickstart, we have a collection of CDI beans that expose functionalities of
+the MicroProfile Config specification. The individual externally configured values
+are provided to the users through a set of REST endpoints.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+== Solution
+We recommend that you follow the instructions that
+<>. However, you can
+also go right to the completed example which is available in this directory.
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+== Creating the Maven Project
+mvn archetype:generate \
+ -DgroupId=org.wildfly.quickstarts \
+ -DartifactId=microprofile-config \
+ -DinteractiveMode=false \
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
+cd microprofile-config
+Open the project in your favourite IDE.
+Open the generated `pom.xml`:
+The first thing to do is to setup our dependencies. Add the following section to your
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-microprofile
+ {versionMicroprofileBom}
+ pom
+ import
+Now we need to add the following two dependencies:
+ org.eclipse.microprofile.config
+ microprofile-config-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.enterprise
+ jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.ws.rs
+ jakarta.ws.rs-api
+ provided
+NOTE: Because MicroProfile Config uses CDI injection to expose configuration values
+to the user application we need to also include the CDI API dependency.
+All dependencies can have provided scope.
+As we are going to be deploying this application to the {productName} server, let's
+also add a maven plugin that will simplify the deployment operations (you can replace
+the generated build section):
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+// Setup required repositories
+As this is a Jakarta REST application we need to also create an application class.
+Create `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.JaxRsApplication` with the following content:
+NOTE: The new file should be created in
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application;
+public class JaxRsApplication extends Application {
+Now we are ready to start working with MicroProfile Config.
+== Injecting a configuration value
+Let's start by creating a new CDI bean which will use for the injection of our
+configuration values. This CDI bean will also be a JAX-RS resource. Create a new
+class `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.ConfigResource`;
+To inject any configuration value, MicroProfile Config provides a custom qualifier
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+public class ConfigResource {
+ @Inject
+ @ConfigProperty(name = "config.prop")
+ private String configValue;
+ @GET
+ @Path("/value")
+ public String getValue() {
+ return configValue;
+ }
+As you can see, we are injecting a `String` configuration value named `config.prop`
+directly into our CDI bean (annotated with `@ApplicationScoped`) which is also at the
+same time a REST endpoint.
+Let's try to deploy this application to the application server. There are several
+ways of how you can specify the value of your configuration properties which the
+specification calls config sources. By default each MicroProfile Config
+implementation must provide at least three default config sources:
+* System properties
+* Environment properties
+* META-INF/microprofile-config.properties file
+If the same configuration value is defined by several config sources at the same
+time, it is resolved based on the config sources priority. The default config
+sources are prioritized in descending order (system properties, environment
+properties, and microprofile-config.properties). So we look for the configuration
+value in the environment properties only if we cannot find it in the system
+Now we can start configuring our application. As specified above, the lowest
+ranking of the default config sources has the microprofile-config.properties file.
+So let's create a new file in our
+`src/main/resources/META-INF/microprofile-config.properties` with the following
+Now we can test our application correctly recognizes the configuration value:
+* Start your {productName} server
+* Package and deploy your application:
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+To check that the {productName} is working as expected:
+* access the `http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/value`
+endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/value`
+You will see that the returned value is our configured system property
+As said above, there are three different default config sources. So far we have
+seen only the `microprofile-config.properties` file which has the lowest priority.
+Let's override our configuration value with an environment property which has
+a bigger priority:
+* Stop you {productName} server
+* Set the environment propety `CONFIG_PROP` (the name is defined by the
+specification): `export CONFIG_PROP=MyEnvPropConfigValue`
+* Start your {productName} server again
+* access the `http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/value`
+endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/value`
+You can see that our configuration value defined in the configuration file was
+now overridden by the environment property and the value `MyEnvPropConfigValue`
+is returned.
+The last default config source is the system properties which has the highest
+* Stop you {productName} server
+* Start your {productName} server with the `-Dconfig.prop=MySysPropConfigValue`
+* access the `http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/value`
+endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/value`
+The configuration property was overriden again and the value `MySysPropConfigValue`
+is returned.
+We covered the basic injection and the default config sources provided by the
+MicroProfile Config specification. Let's see what else the MicroProfile Config can
+== Different types of configuration injections and default values
+In our first example we injected a concrete `String` value:
+@ConfigProperty(name = "config.prop")
+private String configValue;
+The `ConfigProperty` qualifier contains one more optional parameter called the
+`defaultValue`. As the name says, this parameter sets the default value if the
+configuration property is not found in any of the config sources.
+To demonstrate how this works, let's define a new configuration property without
+the default value:
+* Add the following code to `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.ConfigResource`:
+@ConfigProperty(name = "required.prop")
+private String requiredProp;
+public String getRequiredProp() {
+ return requiredProp;
+* Build and redeploy the application
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+The deployment will fail with the following error:
+Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: No Config Value exists for required property required.prop
+because the required configuration property `required.prop` wasn't defined. Let's
+fix this by providing a default value for this property if it's not found in any
+of the config sources:
+@ConfigProperty(name = "required.prop", defaultValue = "Default required prop value")
+private String requiredProp;
+Build and redeploy the application
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+The application should now deploy without any errors and if access the
+`http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/required` endpoint
+using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/required` you
+will see the default value that we configured in the `ConfigProperty` qualifier.
+However, this is not the only way how you can deal with the situation when the
+configuration value is not provided. MicroProfile Config allows you to define
+different types of injections:
+* concrete values (String, int, double, ...) -- see the default converters later
+* optional values (Optional) -- if the value is not found the specification
+injects `Optional.empty()` so the application can still be successfully deployed
+even if the configuration property is undefined
+* always reloaded values (Provider) -- the value will be reevaluated with every
+access (see later with custom config sources)
+Let's add a new configuration property `optional.prop` with the type
+`Optional` and corresponding endpoint:
+@ConfigProperty(name = "optional.prop")
+private Optional optionalString;
+public String getOptionalValue() {
+ return optionalString.orElse("no optional value provided, use this as the default");
+Build and redeploy the application
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+If you now access the
+`http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/optional` endpoint
+using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/optional` you
+will get back the `orElse` value because the `optional.prop` was not defined
+in our config sources.
+Last but not least, MicroProfile Config also allows you to inject the whole
+configuration collected from all config sources as a single object instance of
+the `Config` interface which provides a programmatic access to the configuration.
+Add the following code to `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.ConfigResource`:
+private Config config;
+public String getConfigPropertyNames() {
+ return config.getPropertyNames().toString();
+Build and redeploy the application
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+Access the `http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/all-props`
+endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/config/all-props` and
+you will see all available configuration property names.
+NOTE: You can investigate also the other methods of the `Config` interface.
+== Custom configuration sources
+MicroProfile Config allows you to define your own custom configuration sources
+to extend the three default ones provided by the implementation. To define your
+custom configuration source you need to provide a class which implements either
+`org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource` or
+`org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider` and define it through
+the https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/ServiceLoader.html[service file]
+which will be detected and installed at application startup/deployment.
+Let's define a custom config source with some predefined values. First create
+a new REST resource
+`org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.CustomConfigResource` which will be enclosing
+our custom configurations:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+public class CustomConfigResource {
+ @Inject
+ @ConfigProperty(name = "custom.config.source.prop")
+ private String customConfigSourceProp;
+ @GET
+ @Path("/value")
+ public String getCustomConfigSourceProp() {
+ return customConfigSourceProp;
+ }
+Let's now define a custom configuration source that will provide
+`custom.config.source.prop` configuration property. Create a new class
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.custom;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class CustomConfigSource implements ConfigSource {
+ private final Map properties;
+ public CustomConfigSource() {
+ properties = new HashMap<>();
+ properties.put("custom.config.source.prop", "MyCustomValue");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map getProperties() {
+ return properties;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getValue(String propertyName) {
+ return properties.get(propertyName);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getName() {
+ return "Custom Config Source with predefined values";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getOrdinal() {
+ return 400;
+ }
+We only need to override the necessary methods required to get the properties and
+to set the config source name. In this example, we also override the `getOrdinal`
+method which sets the config source priority to be higher than any of the default
+config sources.
+The last thing we need to do is to include our custom configuration source service
+loader definition. Create
+with the following content:
+Build and redeploy the application
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+If you now access the
+endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/custom-config/value`
+you will get back the configuration value `MyCustomValue` defined in our custom
+configuration source.
+If you would like to have a more programmatic approach to the definition of
+different ``ConfigSource``s, you can use
+`org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider`. Let's create a
+`ConfigSourceProvider` that defines a dynamic `ConfigSource`. Create a new class
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.custom;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+public class CustomPropertiesFileProvider implements ConfigSourceProvider {
+ @Override
+ public Iterable getConfigSources(ClassLoader forClassLoader) {
+ List configSources = new ArrayList<>();
+ configSources.add(new ConfigSource() {
+ @Override
+ public Map getProperties() {
+ return reloadPropertiesFile();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getValue(String propertyName) {
+ return reloadPropertiesFile().get(propertyName);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getName() {
+ return "Custom dynamic configuration source";
+ }
+ });
+ return configSources;
+ }
+ private Map reloadPropertiesFile() {
+ Properties properties = new Properties();
+ Path customPropertiesPath = Paths.get(System.getenv("JBOSS_HOME") + "/custom.properties");
+ if (!Files.exists(customPropertiesPath)) {
+ return new HashMap<>();
+ }
+ try (FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(customPropertiesPath.toFile())) {
+ properties.load(is);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ return properties.entrySet().stream().collect(
+ Collectors.toMap(
+ entry -> entry.getKey().toString(),
+ entry -> entry.getValue().toString()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+IMPORTANT: This requires that the `JBOSS_HOME` environment variable is set.
+NOTE: Note that our new custom `ConfigSource` reloads the property file on every
+As you can see above, our custom configuration source is accessing a file
+named `custom.properties` which needs to be created in your {productName}
+root directory (`JBOSS_HOME`):
+And as previously we need the service loader definition
+with the content:
+Let's define a new endpoint for accessing this custom dynamic config source.
+Add the following code to the
+@ConfigProperty(name = "custom.provided.prop", defaultValue = "default")
+private Provider providedCustomProp;
+public String providedCustomProp() {
+ return providedCustomProp.get();
+Note that we are now using `jakarta.inject.Provider` as an injected type. This means
+that our value will be reloaded from config sources on every access. Since we are
+reloading the property file from the file system on every access this allows us to
+change the configuration dynamically without the need to restart the {productName}
+server or to redeploy the application.
+Build and redeploy the application:
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+If you now access the
+endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/custom-config/reloaded-value`
+you will get back the configuration value `FileSystemCustomConfigValue` defined
+in our custom configuration file. But if you now change the `custom.properties`
+file (without stopping of the server or the need to redeploy the application)
+and repeat the invocation at
+you will see that the value is dynamically reloaded:
+* change `$JBOSS_HOME/custom.properties` (don't forget to save the file):
+* repeat the invocation at
+You will see that the value `DynamicallyUpdatedValue` is returned. If you repeat
+this with different values of `custom.provide.prop` it will always get reloaded.
+== Custom configuration converters
+The MicroProfile Config provides several default converters from the configuration
+values which are typed as ``String``s (e.g. `int`, `Integer`, `Double`, `float`, ...).
+However, you can also use your custom types as a configuration values. This can be
+done by implementing
+`org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.Converter` and adding its fully qualified
+class name in the
+`META-INF/services/org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.Converter` file. Let's create
+a new class
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.converter.type;
+public class MicroProfileCustomValue {
+ private String name;
+ public MicroProfileCustomValue(String name) {
+ this.name = name;
+ }
+ public String getName() {
+ return name;
+ }
+which represents our custom value and the corresponding
+`Converter` implementation
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.converter;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.Converter;
+import org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.converter.type.MicroProfileCustomValue;
+public class MicroProfileCustomValueConverter implements Converter {
+ @Override
+ public MicroProfileCustomValue convert(String value) {
+ return new MicroProfileCustomValue(value);
+ }
+NOTE: Please note that your custom converter class must be public and must have a
+public no-argument constructor. It also must not be abstract.
+Then you need to include the fully qualified class name of the converter in a
+service file
+After this is done you can use your custom type as a configuration value. Create
+a new resource class `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.ConverterResource`:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
+import org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.converter.type.MicroProfileCustomValue;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+public class ConverterResource {
+ @Inject
+ @ConfigProperty(name = "custom.converter.prop")
+ private MicroProfileCustomValue microProfileCustomValue;
+ @GET
+ @Path("/value")
+ public String customConverterProp() {
+ return microProfileCustomValue.getName();
+ }
+And define the `custom.converter.prop` in, for instance,
+`microprofile-config.properties` file.
+Build and redeploy the application
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+And now you can access the
+endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-config/converter/value` to make use of the custom
+converter. You will see the configured value which is taken from our created
+`MicroProfileCustomValue` object.
+// Bootable JAR
+// Openshift
+== Conclusion
+MicroProfile Config provides a way for your application to separate the configuration
+from your application code which is a requirement for modern applications targeting
+containers and cloud deployments. It allows you to adjust every aspect of the
+configuration according to the application needs. The more information can be found
+in the https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-config/blob/master/spec/src/main/asciidoc/microprofile-config-spec.asciidoc[MicroProfile config specification].
diff --git a/microprofile-config/README.adoc b/microprofile-config/README.adoc
index 59130ade08..6de7fae595 100644
--- a/microprofile-config/README.adoc
+++ b/microprofile-config/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: microprofile-config
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= microprofile-config: MicroProfile Config QuickStart
:author: Martin Stefanko
@@ -28,15 +225,184 @@ the MicroProfile Config specification. The individual externally configured valu
are provided to the users through a set of REST endpoints.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
== Solution
@@ -45,13 +411,163 @@ We recommend that you follow the instructions that
also go right to the completed example which is available in this directory.
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
== Creating the Maven Project
@@ -139,7 +655,69 @@ the generated build section):
// Setup required repositories
+:leveloffset: +1
+Setup the required Maven repositories (if you don't have them set up in Maven global settings):
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ true
+ true
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ true
+ true
As this is a Jakarta REST application we need to also create an application class.
Create `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.config.JaxRsApplication` with the following content:
@@ -798,10 +1376,492 @@ converter. You will see the configured value which is taken from our created
`MicroProfileCustomValue` object.
// Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: microprofile-config
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
== Conclusion
diff --git a/microprofile-config/charts/helm.yaml b/microprofile-config/charts/helm.yaml
index c32c42525c..4c84f77028 100644
--- a/microprofile-config/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/microprofile-config/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: microprofile-config
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microprofile-config/pom.xml b/microprofile-config/pom.xml
index f20f2cd58d..49fc2b9471 100644
--- a/microprofile-config/pom.xml
+++ b/microprofile-config/pom.xml
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: microprofile-config
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/microprofile-fault-tolerance/README-source.adoc b/microprofile-fault-tolerance/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19cdf30bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microprofile-fault-tolerance/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+This guide is adapted from the main Quarkus repository
+// Needed to correctly render on GitHub
+:productName: WildFly
+:standalone-server-type: microprofile
+= microprofile-fault-tolerance: MicroProfile Fault Tolerance
+:author: Radoslav Husar, Tomas Hofman
+:level: Intermediate
+:technologies: MicroProfile, Fault Tolerance
+The `microprofile-fault-tolerance` quickstart demonstrates how to use Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance in {productName}.
+One of the challenges brought by the distributed nature of microservices is that communication with external systems is
+inherently unreliable. This increases demand on resiliency of applications. To simplify making more resilient
+applications, {productName} contains an implementation of the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification.
+In this guide, we demonstrate usage of MicroProfile Fault Tolerance annotations such as `@Timeout`, `@Fallback`,
+`@Retry` and `@CircuitBreaker`. The specification also introduces `@Bulkhead` and `@Asynchronous` interceptor bindings not
+covered in this guide.
+== Scenario
+The application built in this guide simulates a simple backend for a gourmet coffee on-line store. It implements a REST
+endpoint providing information about coffee samples we have in store.
+Let's imagine, although it's not implemented as such, that some methods in our endpoint require communication
+to external services like a database or an external microservice, which introduces a factor of unreliability.
+This is simulated in our code by intentionally throwing exceptions with certain probability. Then we use
+the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance annotations to overcome these failures.
+== Solution
+We recommend that you follow the instructions that
+<>. However, you can
+also <> which is available in this directory.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+== Creating an Application from Scratch
+In this section we will go through the steps to create a new JAX-RS deployment from scratch and then make it more
+resilient by using MicroProfile Fault Tolerance annotations.
+=== Project Generation
+First, we need to generate a maven project. Open a terminal and create an empty maven project with following command:
+mvn archetype:generate \
+ -DgroupId=org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance \
+ -DartifactId=microprofile-fault-tolerance \
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp \
+ -DinteractiveMode=false
+cd microprofile-fault-tolerance
+Now, open the project in your favorite IDE.
+=== pom.xml Updates
+Next the project's `pom.xml` should be updated so the dependencies required by this quickstart are
+available and so we have a plug-in installed which can deploy the quickstart directly to {productName}.
+Add the following properties to the `pom.xml`:
+Also the project can be updated to use Java 8 as the minimum:
+Before the dependencies are defined add the following boms:
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-ee-with-tools
+ {versionServerBom}
+ pom
+ import
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-microprofile
+ {versionMicroprofileBom}
+ pom
+ import
+By using boms the majority of dependencies used within this quickstart align with the version uses by the application server.
+The following dependencies can now be added to the project.
+ org.eclipse.microprofile.fault-tolerance
+ microprofile-fault-tolerance-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.enterprise
+ jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api
+ provided
+ org.jboss.resteasy
+ resteasy-jaxrs
+ provided
+ org.jboss.logging
+ jboss-logging
+ provided
+Note that all dependencies have the scope `provided`.
+As we are going to be deploying this application to the {productName} server, let's
+also add a maven plugin that will simplify working with the application server.
+Add the following section under configuration:
+ ...
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+// Setup required repositories
+Now we are ready to start developing an application with MicroProfile Fault Tolerance capabilities.
+=== Preparing an Application: REST Endpoint and CDI Bean
+In this section we create a skeleton of our application, so that we have something that we can extend and to which
+we can add fault tolerance features later on.
+First, create a simple entity representing a coffee sample in our store:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance;
+public class Coffee {
+ public Integer id;
+ public String name;
+ public String countryOfOrigin;
+ public Integer price;
+ public Coffee() {
+ }
+ public Coffee(Integer id, String name, String countryOfOrigin, Integer price) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.name = name;
+ this.countryOfOrigin = countryOfOrigin;
+ this.price = price;
+ }
+Now, lets expose our JAX-RS application at the context path:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application;
+public class CoffeeApplication extends Application {
+Let's continue with a simple CDI bean, that would work as a repository of our coffee samples.
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+public class CoffeeRepositoryService {
+ private Map coffeeList = new HashMap<>();
+ public CoffeeRepositoryService() {
+ coffeeList.put(1, new Coffee(1, "Fernandez Espresso", "Colombia", 23));
+ coffeeList.put(2, new Coffee(2, "La Scala Whole Beans", "Bolivia", 18));
+ coffeeList.put(3, new Coffee(3, "Dak Lak Filter", "Vietnam", 25));
+ }
+ public List getAllCoffees() {
+ return new ArrayList<>(coffeeList.values());
+ }
+ public Coffee getCoffeeById(Integer id) {
+ return coffeeList.get(id);
+ }
+ public List getRecommendations(Integer id) {
+ if (id == null) {
+ return Collections.emptyList();
+ }
+ return coffeeList.values().stream()
+ .filter(coffee -> !id.equals(coffee.id))
+ .limit(2)
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+Finally, create the `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource` class as follows:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
+import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
+public class CoffeeResource {
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CoffeeResource.class);
+ @Inject
+ private CoffeeRepositoryService coffeeRepository;
+ private AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);
+ @GET
+ public List coffees() {
+ final Long invocationNumber = counter.getAndIncrement();
+ maybeFail(String.format("CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #%d failed", invocationNumber));
+ LOGGER.infof("CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #%d returning successfully", invocationNumber);
+ return coffeeRepository.getAllCoffees();
+ }
+ private void maybeFail(String failureLogMessage) {
+ if (new Random().nextBoolean()) {
+ LOGGER.error(failureLogMessage);
+ throw new RuntimeException("Resource failure.");
+ }
+ }
+At this point, we expose a single REST method that will show a list of coffee samples in a JSON format. Note
+that we introduced some fault making code in our `CoffeeResource#maybeFail()` method, which is going to cause failures
+in the `CoffeeResource#coffees()` endpoint method in about 50% of requests.
+=== Build and Deploy the Initial Application
+Let's check that our application works!
+. Make sure xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[the {productName} server is started] as described above.
+. Open new terminal and navigate to the root directory of your project.
+. Type the following command to build and deploy the project:
+mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+Then, open `http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee` in your browser and make a couple of requests.
+Some requests should show us the list of our coffee samples in JSON, the rest will fail
+with a `RuntimeException` thrown in `CoffeeResource#maybeFail()`.
+=== Adding Resiliency: Retries
+Let the {productName} server running and in your IDE add the `@Retry` annotation to the `CoffeeResource#coffees()`
+method as follows and save the file:
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Retry;
+public class CoffeeResource {
+ ...
+ @GET
+ @Retry(maxRetries = 4)
+ public List coffees() {
+ ...
+ }
+ ...
+Rebuild and redeploy the application in {productName} server:
+mvn wildfly:deploy
+You can reload the page couple more times. Practically all requests should now be succeeding. The `CoffeeResource#coffees()`
+method is still in fact failing in about 50% of cases, but every time it happens the platform automatically retries
+the call!
+To see that the failures still happen, check the output of the development server. The log messages should be
+similar to these:
+18:29:20,901 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #0 failed
+18:29:20,901 INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #1 returning successfully
+18:29:21,315 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #0 failed
+18:29:21,337 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #1 failed
+18:29:21,502 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #2 failed
+18:29:21,654 INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#coffees() invocation #3 returning successfully
+You can see that every time an invocation fails, it's immediately followed by another invocation, until one succeeds.
+Since we allowed 4 retries, it would require 5 invocations to fail in a row, in order for the user to be actually exposed
+to a failure. That is fairly unlikely to happen.
+=== Adding Resiliency: Timeouts
+So what else have we got in MicroProfile Fault Tolerance? Let's look into timeouts.
+Add following two methods to our `CoffeeResource` endpoint and deploy onto the running server.
+import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Timeout;
+public class CoffeeResource {
+ ...
+ @GET
+ @Path("/{id}/recommendations")
+ @Timeout(250)
+ public List recommendations(@PathParam("id") int id) {
+ long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ final long invocationNumber = counter.getAndIncrement();
+ try {
+ randomDelay();
+ LOGGER.infof("CoffeeResource#recommendations() invocation #%d returning successfully", invocationNumber);
+ return coffeeRepository.getRecommendations(id);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ LOGGER.errorf("CoffeeResource#recommendations() invocation #%d timed out after %d ms",
+ invocationNumber, System.currentTimeMillis() - started);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void randomDelay() throws InterruptedException {
+ Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(500));
+ }
+Rebuild and redeploy the application:
+mvn wildfly:deploy
+We added some new functionality. We want to be able to recommend some related coffees based on a coffee that a user
+is currently looking at. It's not a critical functionality, it's a nice-to-have. When the system is overloaded, and the
+logic behind obtaining recommendations takes too long to execute, we would rather time out and render the UI without
+Note that the timeout was configured to 250 ms, and a random artificial delay between 0 and 500 ms was introduced
+into the `CoffeeResource#recommendations()` method.
+In your browser, go to `http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee/2/recommendations` and hit reload a couple of times.
+You should see some requests time out with `org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.TimeoutException`.
+Requests that do not time out should show two recommended coffee samples in JSON.
+=== Adding Resiliency: Fallbacks
+Let's improve the recommendations feature by providing a fallback functionality for the case when a timeout happens.
+Add a fallback method to `CoffeeResource` and a `@Fallback` annotation to `CoffeeResource#recommendations()` method
+as follows:
+import java.util.Collections;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Fallback;
+public class CoffeeResource {
+ ...
+ @Fallback(fallbackMethod = "fallbackRecommendations")
+ public List recommendations(@PathParam("id") int id) {
+ ...
+ }
+ public List fallbackRecommendations(int id) {
+ LOGGER.info("Falling back to RecommendationResource#fallbackRecommendations()");
+ // safe bet, return something that everybody likes
+ return Collections.singletonList(coffeeRepository.getCoffeeById(1));
+ }
+ ...
+Rebuild and redeploy the application.
+Hit reload several times on `http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee/2/recommendations`.
+The `TimeoutException` should not appear anymore. Instead, in case of a timeout, the page will
+display a single recommendation that we hardcoded in our fallback method `fallbackRecommendations()`, rather than
+two recommendations returned by the original method.
+Check the server output to see that fallback is really happening:
+18:36:01,873 INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#recommendations() invocation #0 returning successfully
+18:36:02,705 ERROR [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) CoffeeResource#recommendations() invocation #0 timed out after 253 ms
+18:36:02,706 INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.faulttolerance.CoffeeResource] (default task-3) Falling back to RecommendationResource#fallbackRecommendations()
+NOTE: The fallback method is required to have the same parameters as the original method.
+=== Adding Resiliency: Circuit Breakers
+A circuit breaker is useful for limiting number of failures happening in the system, when part of the system becomes
+temporarily unstable. The circuit breaker records successful and failed invocations of a method, and when the ratio
+of failed invocations reaches the specified threshold, the circuit breaker _opens_ and blocks all further invocations
+of that method for a given time.
+Add the following code into the `CoffeeRepositoryService` bean, so that we can demonstrate a circuit breaker in action:
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker;
+public class CoffeeRepositoryService {
+ ...
+ private AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);
+ @CircuitBreaker(requestVolumeThreshold = 4)
+ public Integer getAvailability(Coffee coffee) {
+ maybeFail();
+ return new Random().nextInt(30);
+ }
+ private void maybeFail() {
+ // introduce some artificial failures
+ final Long invocationNumber = counter.getAndIncrement();
+ if (invocationNumber % 4 > 1) { // alternate 2 successful and 2 failing invocations
+ throw new RuntimeException("Service failed.");
+ }
+ }
+and inject the code below into the `CoffeeResource` endpoint:
+public class CoffeeResource {
+ ...
+ @Path("/{id}/availability")
+ @GET
+ public Response availability(@PathParam("id") int id) {
+ final Long invocationNumber = counter.getAndIncrement();
+ Coffee coffee = coffeeRepository.getCoffeeById(id);
+ // check that coffee with given id exists, return 404 if not
+ if (coffee == null) {
+ return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
+ }
+ try {
+ Integer availability = coffeeRepository.getAvailability(coffee);
+ LOGGER.infof("CoffeeResource#availability() invocation #%d returning successfully", invocationNumber);
+ return Response.ok(availability).build();
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+ String message = e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage();
+ LOGGER.errorf("CoffeeResource#availability() invocation #%d failed: %s", invocationNumber, message);
+ return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ .entity(message)
+ .type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE)
+ .build();
+ }
+ }
+ ...
+Rebuild and redeploy the application.
+We added another functionality - the application can return the amount of remaining packages of given coffee on our store
+(just a random number).
+This time an artificial failure was introduced in the CDI bean: the `CoffeeRepositoryService#getAvailability()` method is
+going to alternate between two successful and two failed invocations.
+We also added a `@CircuitBreaker` annotation with `requestVolumeThreshold = 4`. `CircuitBreaker.failureRatio` is
+by default 0.5, and `CircuitBreaker.delay` is by default 5 seconds. That means that a circuit breaker will open
+when 2 of the last 4 invocations failed. It will stay open for 5 seconds.
+To test this out, do the following:
+1. Go to `http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee/2/availability` in your browser. You should see a number being returned.
+2. Hit reload, this second request should again be successful and return a number.
+3. Reload two more times. Both times you should see text "RuntimeException: Service failed.", which is the exception
+thrown by `CoffeeRepositoryService#getAvailability()`.
+4. Reload a couple more times. Unless you waited too long, you should again see exception, but this time it's
+"CircuitBreakerOpenException: getAvailability". This exception indicates that the circuit breaker opened,
+and the `CoffeeRepositoryService#getAvailability()` method is not being called anymore.
+5. Give it 5 seconds during which circuit breaker should close. You should be able to make two successful requests
+== Working with the Completed Quickstart
+This section shows how to work with the complete quickstart.
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+=== Test the Deployed Application
+You can visit following URLs in your browser:
+This URL should almost always return a response with JSON data. Even though internally the endpoint fails
+in about 50% of cases (you can see those errors in the server log), it uses automatic retries to mitigate these
+See details in the section <>.
+* http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee/1/recommendations
+This endpoint also fails in about 50% of cases, but it uses fallback strategy to provide an alternative response if
+normal processing failed. As a result the response will either contain a JSON list with several items in it
+(a successful response) or just a single item in it (a fallback response).
+See details in sections <>
+and <>.
+* http://localhost:8080/microprofile-fault-tolerance/coffee/1/availability
+This endpoint demonstrates the use of a circuit breaker. It returns a sequence of two successful responses, followed by
+a sequence of two failed ones. After that, the circuit breaker will open and will block all
+further request processing for the duration of 5 seconds.
+See details in the section <>.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
+== Conclusion
+MicroProfile Fault Tolerance allows improving resiliency of your application, without having an impact on the complexity
+of our business logic.
diff --git a/microprofile-fault-tolerance/README.adoc b/microprofile-fault-tolerance/README.adoc
index 89ece6e475..f4416584cf 100644
--- a/microprofile-fault-tolerance/README.adoc
+++ b/microprofile-fault-tolerance/README.adoc
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+:artifactId: microprofile-fault-tolerance
This guide is adapted from the main Quarkus repository
@@ -8,7 +12,200 @@ https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/tree/master/docs/src/main/asciidoc
:standalone-server-type: microprofile
:portedToGlow: true
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= microprofile-fault-tolerance: MicroProfile Fault Tolerance
:author: Radoslav Husar, Tomas Hofman
@@ -43,15 +240,184 @@ We recommend that you follow the instructions that
also <> which is available in this directory.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
== Creating an Application from Scratch
@@ -173,7 +539,69 @@ Add the following section under configuration:
// Setup required repositories
+:leveloffset: +1
+Setup the required Maven repositories (if you don't have them set up in Maven global settings):
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ true
+ true
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ true
+ true
Now we are ready to start developing an application with MicroProfile Fault Tolerance capabilities.
@@ -590,7 +1018,114 @@ again.
This section shows how to work with the complete quickstart.
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
=== Test the Deployed Application
@@ -623,16 +1158,541 @@ further request processing for the duration of 5 seconds.
See details in the section <>.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: microprofile-fault-tolerance
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
== Conclusion
diff --git a/microprofile-fault-tolerance/charts/helm.yaml b/microprofile-fault-tolerance/charts/helm.yaml
index 88695c5b84..b52d7ef2fb 100644
--- a/microprofile-fault-tolerance/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/microprofile-fault-tolerance/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: microprofile-fault-tolerance
replicas: 1
diff --git a/microprofile-fault-tolerance/pom.xml b/microprofile-fault-tolerance/pom.xml
index b6a412f7f4..cb7d267b7b 100644
--- a/microprofile-fault-tolerance/pom.xml
+++ b/microprofile-fault-tolerance/pom.xml
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: microprofile-fault-tolerance
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/microprofile-health/README-source.adoc b/microprofile-health/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be7fdd02ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microprofile-health/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+= microprofile-health: MicroProfile Health QuickStart
+:author: Martin Stefanko
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: MicroProfile Health
+:post-helm-install-actions: ../microprofile-health/expose-management-port.adoc
+:extra-openshift-testing-actions: ../microprofile-health/expose-management-port.adoc
+:extra-openshift-test-arguments: -Dserver.management.host=https://$(oc get route {artifactId}-management --template='{{ .spec.host }}')
+The `microprofile-health` quickstart demonstrates the use of the MicroProfile Health specification in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: microprofile
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+:include-management-port: http://localhost:9990/health/live
+== What is it?
+MicroProfile Health allows applications to provide information about their state
+to external viewers which is typically useful in cloud environments where automated
+processes must be able to determine whether the application should be discarded
+or restarted.
+== Architecture
+In this quickstart, we have a simple REST application that exposes MicroProfile Health
+functionalities at the `/health/live`, `/health/ready`, and `/health/started` endpoints according to the specification.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+== Solution
+We recommend that you follow the instructions that
+<>. However, you can
+also go right to the completed example which is available in this directory.
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+=== Running the health check
+The {productName} server directly exposes three REST endpoints:
+- `/health/live` - The application is up and running.
+- `/health/ready` - The application is ready to serve requests.
+- `/health/started` - The application is started allowing switch to liveness check.
+- `/health` - Accumulating all health check procedures in the application.
+To check that the {productName} is working as expected:
+* access the `http://localhost:9990/health/live` endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:9990/health/live`
+All of the health REST endpoints return a simple JSON object with two fields:
+* `status` -- the overall result of all the health check procedures
+* `checks` -- an array of individual checks
+The general `status` of the health check is computed as a logical AND of all the
+declared health check procedures.
+NOTE: Similarly, you can access `http://localhost:9990/health/ready`,
+`http://localhost:9990/health/started`, and `http://localhost:9990/health`
+Congratulations! You successfully deployed and run this quickstart. If you wish to
+create the application step by step you can follow the subsequent sections.
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+== Creating the Maven Project
+mvn archetype:generate \
+ -DgroupId=org.wildfly.quickstarts \
+ -DartifactId=microprofile-health \
+ -DinteractiveMode=false \
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart
+cd microprofile-health
+Open the project in your favourite IDE.
+Open the generated `pom.xml`.
+The first thing to do is to change the packaging to `war` as this is required by
+the IDEs to recognize the application as a deployment:
+NOTE: For non-IDE deployments, the plain `jar` packaging is sufficient for
+the MicroProfile Health applications.
+Next we need to setup our dependencies. Add the following section to your
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-microprofile
+ {versionMicroprofileBom}
+ pom
+ import
+Now we need to add the following two dependencies:
+ org.eclipse.microprofile.health
+ microprofile-health-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.enterprise
+ jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api
+ provided
+NOTE: Because MicroProfile Health requires that all health checks are defined as
+CDI beans we need to also include the CDI API dependency.
+Both dependencies can have provided scope. The versions are taken from the above
+defined BOM.
+As we are going to be deploying this application to the {productName} server, let's
+also add a maven plugin that will simplify the deployment operations (you can replace
+the generated build section):
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+// Setup required repositories
+Now we are ready to start working with MicroProfile Health.
+== Creating your first health check
+In this section, we create our first simple health check procedure.
+Create the `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.health.SimpleHealthCheck` class:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.health;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheck;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheckResponse;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.Liveness;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+public class SimpleHealthCheck implements HealthCheck {
+ @Override
+ public HealthCheckResponse call() {
+ return HealthCheckResponse.up("Simple health check");
+ }
+As you can see health check procedures are defined as implementations of the
+`HealthCheck` interface which are defined as CDI beans with the one of the
+following CDI qualifiers:
+- `@Liveness` - the liveness check accessible at `/health/live`
+- `@Readiness` - the readiness check accessible at `/health/ready`
+- `@Startup` - the readiness check accessible at `/health/started`
+`HealthCheck` is a functional interface whose single method `call` returns a
+`HealthCheckResponse` object which can be easily constructed by the fluent builder
+API shown in the example.
+Now it's time to build and deploy our application that contains this health check
+to the {productName} server.
+WARN: Make sure your {productName} server is started.
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+Now we can simply repeat the request
+to `http://localhost:9990/health/live` by refreshing your browser window or by
+using `curl http://localhost:9990/health/live`. Because we defined our health check
+to be a liveness procedure (with `@Liveness` qualifier) the new health check procedure
+is now present in the `checks` array.
+Congratulations! You've created your first health check procedure. Let's
+continue by exploring what else can be done with the MicroProfile Health specification.
+== Adding a readiness health check procedure
+In the previous section, we created a simple liveness health check procedure which
+states whether our application is running or not. In this section, we will create a
+readiness health check which will be able to state whether our application is able to
+process requests.
+We will create another health check procedure that simulates a connection to
+an external service provider such as a database. For starters, we will always return
+the response indicating the application is ready.
+Create `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.health.DatabaseConnectionHealthCheck` class:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.health;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheck;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheckResponse;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.Readiness;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+public class DatabaseConnectionHealthCheck implements HealthCheck {
+ @Override
+ public HealthCheckResponse call() {
+ return HealthCheckResponse.up("Database connection health check");
+ }
+Now you can redeploy your application:
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+If you now rerun the health check at `http://localhost:9990/health/live` the `checks`
+array will contain only the previously defined `SimpleHealthCheck` as it is the only
+check defined with the `@Liveness` qualifier. However, if you access
+`http://localhost:9990/health/ready` (in the browser or with
+`curl http://localhost:9990/health/ready`) you will see only the
+`Database connection health check` as it is the only health check defined with the
+`@Readiness` qualifier as the readiness health check procedure.
+NOTE: If you access `http://localhost:9990/health` you will get back both checks.
+More information about which health check procedures should be used in which situation
+is detailed in the MicroProfile Health specification. Generally, the liveness
+procedures determine whether the application should be restarted while readiness
+procedures determine whether it makes sense to contact the application with requests.
+== Startup health checks
+Startup health checks are used in cloud environments to define checks that should respond
+UP before the liveness checks start to be called. This is useful in cases of slow container
+startups so the container won't get prematurely restarted if liveness is called before the
+container is fully initialized. These checks are defined in the same way as liveness or
+readiness checks but with the `@Startup` CDI qualifier. The HTTP endpoint exposed for the
+startup checks is available at `/health/started`. For simplicity, we will not include code
+example in this quickstart.
+== Negative health check procedures
+In this section, we extend our `Database connection health check` with the option of
+stating that our application is not ready to process requests as the underlying
+database connection cannot be established. For simplicity reasons, we only determine
+whether the database is accessible or not by a configuration property.
+To use MicroProfile Config configuration values we first need to add the Config API
+dependency to our application:
+ org.eclipse.microprofile.config
+ microprofile-config-api
+ provided
+Update the `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.health.DatabaseConnectionHealthCheck` class:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.health;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheck;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheckResponse;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheckResponseBuilder;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.Readiness;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+public class DatabaseConnectionHealthCheck implements HealthCheck {
+ @Inject
+ @ConfigProperty(name = "database.up", defaultValue = "false")
+ private boolean databaseUp;
+ @Override
+ public HealthCheckResponse call() {
+ HealthCheckResponseBuilder responseBuilder = HealthCheckResponse.named("Database connection health check");
+ try {
+ simulateDatabaseConnectionVerification();
+ responseBuilder.up();
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ // cannot access the database
+ responseBuilder.down();
+ }
+ return responseBuilder.build();
+ }
+ private void simulateDatabaseConnectionVerification() {
+ if (!databaseUp) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot contact database");
+ }
+ }
+Redeploy your application:
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+If you now rerun the readiness health check (at `http://localhost:9990/health/ready`)
+the overall `status` should be DOWN. You can also check the liveness check at
+`http://localhost:9990/health/live` which will return the overall `status` UP because
+it isn't influenced by the readiness checks.
+As we shouldn't leave this application with a readiness check in a DOWN state you can
+add `database.up=true` in `src/main/resources/META-INF/microprofile-config.properties`
+and redeploy the application. The readiness health check should be up again.
+== Adding user-specific data to the health check response
+In previous sections, we saw how to create simple health checks with only the minimal
+attributes, namely, the health check name and its status (UP or DOWN). However, the
+MicroProfile specification also provides a way for the applications to supply
+arbitrary data in the form of key-value pairs sent to the consuming end. This can be
+done by using the `withData(key, value)` method of the health check response
+builder API.
+Let's create a new health check procedure
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.health;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.Liveness;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheck;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.health.HealthCheckResponse;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+public class DataHealthCheck implements HealthCheck {
+ @Override
+ public HealthCheckResponse call() {
+ return HealthCheckResponse.named("Health check with data")
+ .up()
+ .withData("foo", "fooValue")
+ .withData("bar", "barValue")
+ .build();
+ }
+If you redeploy and rerun the liveness health check procedure by accessing the
+`/health/live` endpoint you can see that the new health check `Health check with data`
+is present in the `checks` array. This check contains a new attribute called `data`
+which is a JSON object consisting of the properties we have defined in our health
+check procedure.
+This functionality is specifically useful in failure scenarios where you can pass the
+error along with the health check response.
+ try {
+ simulateDatabaseConnectionVerification();
+ responseBuilder.up();
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ // cannot access the database
+ responseBuilder.down()
+ .withData("error", e.getMessage()); // pass the exception message
+ }
+//Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
+== Conclusion
+MicroProfile Health provides a way for your application to distribute information
+about its healthiness state to state whether or not it is able to function properly.
+Liveness checks are utilized to tell whether the application should be restarted.
+Readiness checks are used to tell whether the application is able to process requests.
+And last but not least, startup checks are useful if your container has a slow startup to
+prevent premature restarts if the liveness probes are called too soon.
+Congratulations! You have reached the end of this tutorial. You can find more information
+about the MicroProfile Health in the specification https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-health[github repository].
diff --git a/microprofile-health/README.adoc b/microprofile-health/README.adoc
index 23d22b8365..9bcc9a672b 100644
--- a/microprofile-health/README.adoc
+++ b/microprofile-health/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: microprofile-health
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= microprofile-health: MicroProfile Health QuickStart
:author: Martin Stefanko
@@ -31,15 +228,184 @@ In this quickstart, we have a simple REST application that exposes MicroProfile
functionalities at the `/health/live`, `/health/ready`, and `/health/started` endpoints according to the specification.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
== Solution
@@ -48,7 +414,114 @@ We recommend that you follow the instructions that
also go right to the completed example which is available in this directory.
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
=== Running the health check
@@ -79,13 +552,76 @@ Congratulations! You successfully deployed and run this quickstart. If you wish
create the application step by step you can follow the subsequent sections.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Quickstart in {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse
+// Include this template to provide instructions to run the quickstart
+// in Red Hat CodeReady Studio.
+// If the quickstart is not supported, create the `jbds-not-supported` attribute.
+This quickstart is not supported in {JBDSProductName}.
+You can also start the server and deploy the quickstarts or run the Arquillian tests in {JBDSProductName} or from Eclipse using JBoss tools. For general information about how to import a quickstart, add a {productName} server, and build and deploy a quickstart, see link:{useEclipseUrl}[Use {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse to Run the Quickstarts].
+// Add additional instructions specific to running this quickstart in an IDE here.
== Creating the Maven Project
@@ -179,7 +715,69 @@ the generated build section):
// Setup required repositories
+:leveloffset: +1
+Setup the required Maven repositories (if you don't have them set up in Maven global settings):
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ true
+ true
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ true
+ true
Now we are ready to start working with MicroProfile Health.
@@ -451,10 +1049,530 @@ error along with the health check response.
//Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: microprofile-health
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+:leveloffset: +1
+This quickstart requires the management port (9990) to be exposed for demo purposes and testing. We do this only to demonstrate the concepts and ease the testing.
+IMPORTANT: It is **not** recommended to expose the management port in a production environment!
+To expose the management porte to manually exposes our service on port 9990 we deploying the following file:
+oc apply -f charts/management.yml
+Once this is deployed you will be able to access the management port via the created `microprofile-health-management` route.
+To get the address of the `microprofile-health-management` route, execute:
+$ oc get route microprofile-health -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+:leveloffset: 2
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+:leveloffset: +1
+This quickstart requires the management port (9990) to be exposed for demo purposes and testing. We do this only to demonstrate the concepts and ease the testing.
+IMPORTANT: It is **not** recommended to expose the management port in a production environment!
+To expose the management porte to manually exposes our service on port 9990 we deploying the following file:
+oc apply -f charts/management.yml
+Once this is deployed you will be able to access the management port via the created `microprofile-health-management` route.
+To get the address of the `microprofile-health-management` route, execute:
+$ oc get route microprofile-health -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+:leveloffset: 2
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
== Conclusion
diff --git a/microprofile-health/charts/helm.yaml b/microprofile-health/charts/helm.yaml
index a925c5de44..36aea2f9d3 100644
--- a/microprofile-health/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/microprofile-health/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: microprofile-health
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microprofile-health/pom.xml b/microprofile-health/pom.xml
index a902324903..8631530eb0 100644
--- a/microprofile-health/pom.xml
+++ b/microprofile-health/pom.xml
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: microprofile-health
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/microprofile-jwt/README-source.adoc b/microprofile-jwt/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fba604aa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microprofile-jwt/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+= micro-profile-jwt: MicroProfile JWT QuickStart
+:author: Darran Lofthouse
+:level: Intermediate
+:technologies: JWT, Security, MicroProfile
+The `microprofile-jwt` quickstart demonstrates the use of the MicroProfile JWT specification in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: microprofile
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: microprofile-jwt.war
+== What is it?
+The `microprofile-jwt` quickstart demonstrates the use of the MicroProfile JWT
+specification in {productName}. Within the quickstart the following topics will be covered: -
+ * Creation of a simple Rest deployment as the base of the quickstart.
+ * Initial calls to verify the endpoint is accessible.
+ * Creation of public and private keys to enable generation and validation of JWT tokens.
+ * Creation of a simple utility to generate JWT tokens.
+ * Activation of `MP-JWT` authentication for the deployment.
+ * Calling the rest endpoint with the generated JWT token.
+ * Enabling authorization based on claims contained within the JWT token.
+ * Injection of claims from the JWT token.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+== Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
+To make it possible to execute this quickstart out of the box the public and private key are included in the
+quickstart, as both keys are published publicly they should never be used in a production environment.
+Although this quickstart demonstrates the functionality using a token generation utility, within a production
+environment it would be more appropriate to make use of an identity provider to issue the tokens.
+== Configure the Server
+One of the benefits of using MicroProfile JWT is that the configuration is contained entirely within the deployment,
+for this reason no manual configuration of the server is required to execute the quickstart.
+== Solution
+We recommend that you follow the instructions in the next sections and create the application step by step as this will
+provide a better foundation for creating your own MP-JWT secured deployment, however if you want to jump straight to
+executing the quickstarts the steps here can be followed to execute the included code.
+The quickstart can be deployed to the running application server using the following command: -
+mvn package wildfly:deploy
+An unauthenticated call can be made to one of the deployed endpoints using the following command: -
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/helloworld
+Hello anonymous
+Using the token generation utility contained within the quickstart a new JWT can be created using the following command: -
+$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt.TokenUtil -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.args="testUser 2017-09-15 Echoer Subscriber"
+JWT Header - {"kid":"Test Key","typ":"jwt","alg":"RS256"}
+JWT Claims - {"sub":"testUser","upn":"testUser","iss":"quickstart-jwt-issuer","aud":"jwt-audience","groups":["Echoer","Subscriber"],"birthdate":"2017-09-15","jti":"3b89e56f-b8fd-4d5f-a1ed-080b958873f9","iat":1579886816,"exp":1579901216}
+Generated JWT Token
+A call can now be made to the first endpoint using the generated JWT token within the request message: -
+$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ...XPA" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/helloworld
+Hello testUser
+The quickstart also contains an endpoint which requires the identity to be granted the `Subscriber` role, using a generated token this can be
+called using the following command: -
+$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ey..XPA" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/subscription
+hello + testUser, hasJWT: true
+If a token is now generated and use without the `Subscriber` group access to this endpoint should be rejected.
+$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt.TokenUtil -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.args="testUser 2017-09-15 Echoer"
+JWT Header - {"kid":"Test Key","typ":"jwt","alg":"RS256"}
+JWT Claims - {"sub":"testUser","upn":"testUser","iss":"quickstart-jwt-issuer","aud":"jwt-audience","groups":["Echoer"],"birthdate":"2017-09-15","jti":"4346874f-eb48-4d84-ab51-c6efd1cd22d5","iat":1580136970,"exp":1580151370}
+Generated JWT Token
+$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ey..APw" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/subscription
+Access forbidden: role not allowed
+The quickstart also contains an endpoint that makes use of the `birthdate` claim to calculate how long until the callers birthday, this can be called using a token which contains the `Subscriber` group.
+$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ey..XPA" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/birthday
+7 months and 19 days until your next birthday.
+This section has been a fast run through of the commands required to deploy the quickstart, generate JWT tokens and call the various endpoints, for further information as to how this was achieved
+please read through the next section where the process to generate this quickstart from scratch is described step by step.
+It is also possible to run each of these calls from the test case included in the quickstart.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+== Starting from Scratch
+In this section we will go through the steps to create a new JAX-RS deployment from scratch and incrementally
+add support for MicroProfile JWT including token generation, activation of authorization and the injection
+of claims.
+=== Project Generation
+This quickstart will be making use of JAX-RS endpoints secured using MicroProfile JWT so the first step
+is to generate a new `webapp` project: -
+mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false \
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp \
+ -DgroupId=org.wildfly.quickstarts -DartifactId=microprofile-jwt \
+ -Dversion=1.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT
+cd microprofile-jwt
+The changes required on the project can be performed using a text editor, however you may prefer to import the
+project into your favourite IDE.
+==== pom.xml Updates
+Next the project's `pom.xml` should be updated so the dependencies required by this quickstart are
+available and so we have a plug-in installed which can deploy the quickstart directly to {productName}.
+Add the following properties to the `pom.xml`.
+Also the project can be updated to use Java 11 as the minimum.
+Before the dependencies are defined add the following boms.
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-ee-with-tools
+ ${version.server.bom}
+ pom
+ import
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-microprofile
+ ${version.microprofile.bom}
+ pom
+ import
+By using boms the majority of dependencies used within this quickstart align with the version uses by the application server.
+The following dependencies can now be added to the project.
+ jakarta.annotation
+ jakarta.annotation-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.enterprise
+ jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.ws.rs
+ jakarta.ws.rs-api
+ provided
+ org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt
+ microprofile-jwt-auth-api
+ provided
+Also add the following test scoped dependencies.
+ com.nimbusds
+ nimbus-jose-jwt
+ ${version.com.nimbusds.jose.jwt}
+ test
+ jakarta.json
+ jakarta.json-api
+ test
+ org.glassfish
+ jakarta.json
+ ${version.glassfish.json}
+ test
+ org.eclipse.parsson
+ parsson
+ test
+Within the `` section of the project add the following plug-in definition.
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+Once the project has been developed this plug-in will handle the deployment to the application server.
+// Setup required repositories
+==== JAX-RS Conversion
+The generated project is a standard web application so the next step will be to delete the files not
+required by this quickstart and add the JAX-RS application and a `helloWorld` endpoint.
+Under `src/main/webapp` delete the generated `index.jsp`.
+Within the directory `src/main/webapp/WEB-INF` add an empty `beans.xml` file, this will act as a trigger
+to enable CDI for the deployment.
+Under `src/main` create a new `java` directory to hold the Java class to be added to the project.
+Add the following class in the `org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt` package, this will be the main trigger to
+process the deployment as a JAX-RS deployment.
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.auth.LoginConfig;
+@LoginConfig(authMethod="MP-JWT", realmName="MP JWT Realm")
+public class App extends Application {}
+Also within the `org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt` package add the following endpoint.
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+public class SampleEndPoint {
+ @GET
+ @Path("/helloworld")
+ public String helloworld() {
+ return "Hello World";
+ }
+At this stage the project contains a simple JAX-RS endpoint we can deploy to the server and invoke to verify
+everything is working as expected before moving on to enable JWT based authentication and authorization.
+First build the example and deploy it to the previously started application server.
+. Compile the application code and deploy it to {productName}
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+In the output of the application server's console check the deployment deployed successfully.
+15:48:22,159 INFO [org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 78) RESTEASY002225: Deploying jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application: class org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt.App$Proxy$_$$_WeldClientProxy
+15:48:22,193 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 78) WFLYUT0021: Registered web context: '/microprofile-jwt' for server 'default-server'
+15:48:22,239 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] (management-handler-thread - 1) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "microprofile-jwt.war" (runtime-name : "microprofile-jwt.war")
+The endpoint can now be called using the following command: -
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/helloworld
+Hello World
+Alternative HTTP clients can be used however later on we will be adding custom headers to the HTTP request which can be acomplished directly with the `curl` command.
+=== Report Authenticated Identity
+The first update to make to the project is to modify the `/helloworld` to report the name of the presently authenticated identity.
+Make the following changes to the previously created `org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt.SampleEndPoint` class.
+Add the following `import` statements to the class.
+import java.security.Principal;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Context;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext;
+Then replace the existing `helloWorld()` method with the following: -
+public String helloworld(@Context SecurityContext securityContext) {
+ Principal principal = securityContext.getUserPrincipal();
+ String caller = principal == null ? "anonymous" : principal.getName();
+ return "Hello " + caller;
+As before, deploy and call the endpoint.
+$ mvn package wildfly:deploy
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/helloworld
+Hello anonymous
+=== Public / Private Key
+Now that we have a deployable project our next step on the project will be to enable `MP-JWT` authentication, however before we can do this a couple of steps are
+required the first being the generation of a public / private key pair for token signing and verification.
+For MicroProfile JWT we only require the keys, we do not require an X509Certificate so we can use openssl to generate the raw keys.
+$ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
+From this we can then export the public key that will be included in the deployment.
+$ mkdir -p src/main/resources/META-INF
+$ openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -out src/main/resources/META-INF/public.pem
+The commands used here offer no protection of the generated keys, in a real world environment any private keys that can be used for token generation should be handled securely.
+=== Token Generator
+The next step is to add a utility to the project which can be used to generate JWT tokens for use with this example.
+First create a directory to hold the test code.
+$ mkdir -p src/test/java
+Under `src/test/java` add the following utility class to the `org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt` package.
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.security.KeyFactory;
+import java.security.PrivateKey;
+import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;
+import java.util.Base64;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import jakarta.json.Json;
+import jakarta.json.JsonArrayBuilder;
+import jakarta.json.JsonObjectBuilder;
+import com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEObjectType;
+import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm;
+import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSHeader;
+import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSObject;
+import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSSigner;
+import com.nimbusds.jose.Payload;
+import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.RSASSASigner;
+public class TokenUtil {
+ private static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(final String fileName) throws Exception {
+ try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(fileName)) {
+ byte[] contents = new byte[4096];
+ int length = is.read(contents);
+ String rawKey = new String(contents, 0, length, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
+ .replaceAll("-----BEGIN (.*)-----", "")
+ .replaceAll("-----END (.*)----", "")
+ .replaceAll("\r\n", "").replaceAll("\n", "").trim();
+ PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode(rawKey));
+ KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
+ return keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
+ }
+ }
+ public static String generateJWT(final String principal, final String birthdate, final String...groups) throws Exception {
+ PrivateKey privateKey = loadPrivateKey("private.pem");
+ JWSSigner signer = new RSASSASigner(privateKey);
+ JsonArrayBuilder groupsBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder();
+ for (String group : groups) { groupsBuilder.add(group); }
+ long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
+ JsonObjectBuilder claimsBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder()
+ .add("sub", principal)
+ .add("upn", principal)
+ .add("iss", "quickstart-jwt-issuer")
+ .add("aud", "jwt-audience")
+ .add("groups", groupsBuilder.build())
+ .add("birthdate", birthdate)
+ .add("jti", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
+ .add("iat", currentTime)
+ .add("exp", currentTime + 14400);
+ JWSObject jwsObject = new JWSObject(new JWSHeader.Builder(JWSAlgorithm.RS256)
+ .type(new JOSEObjectType("jwt"))
+ .keyID("Test Key").build(),
+ new Payload(claimsBuilder.build().toString()));
+ jwsObject.sign(signer);
+ return jwsObject.serialize();
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ if (args.length < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage TokenUtil {principal} {birthdate} {groups}");
+ String principal = args[0];
+ String birthdate = args[1];
+ String[] groups = new String[args.length - 2];
+ System.arraycopy(args, 2, groups, 0, groups.length);
+ String token = generateJWT(principal, birthdate, groups);
+ String[] parts = token.split("\\.");
+ System.out.println(String.format("\nJWT Header - %s", new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(parts[0]), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
+ System.out.println(String.format("\nJWT Claims - %s", new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(parts[1]), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
+ System.out.println(String.format("\nGenerated JWT Token \n%s\n", token));
+ }
+After adding the class the project will need to be compiled again and can then be executed using Maven.
+$ mvn package
+$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.wildfly.quickstarts.mpjwt.TokenUtil -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.args="testUser 2017-09-15 Echoer Subscriber"
+JWT Header - {"kid":"Test Key","typ":"jwt","alg":"RS256"}
+JWT Claims - {"sub":"testUser","upn":"testUser","iss":"quickstart-jwt-issuer","aud":"jwt-audience","groups":["Echoer","Subscriber"],"birthdate":"2017-09-15","jti":"3b89e56f-b8fd-4d5f-a1ed-080b958873f9","iat":1579886816,"exp":1579901216}
+Generated JWT Token
+We now have everything we need to activate `MP-JWT` authentication on the deployment and start accepting JWT tokens within the HTTP requests.
+=== Activating MicroProfile JWT
+At this stage we have a basic JAX-RS deployment, a pair of keys for the generation of and validation of JWT tokens and a utility to generate JWT tokens.
+Our next step is to activate MicroProfile JWT authentication for the deployment and we can then make use of some of the advanced features such as role
+based access control using the groups from within the token and access to individual claims within the token.
+The configuration for JWT validation can be contained within a MicroProfile Config properties file, under `src/main/resources/META-INF`
+add a `microprofile-config.properties` with the following content.
+As before, deploy and call the endpoint.
+$ mvn package wildfly:deploy
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/helloworld
+Hello anonymous
+A new token can now be generated using the TokenUtility created previously and the token passed in as we call the endpoint.
+$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ...59g" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/helloworld
+Hello testUser
+At this point our first endpoint now supports optional authentication making use of a JWT token.
+=== Authorization
+Now that authentication has been activated we can add another endpoint that requires the caller to have been granted the
+‘Subscribers’ role which will be based on the groups in the incoming JWT token.
+The following imports should be added to the “SampleEndPoint” class: -
+import jakarta.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken;
+And then the following new endpoint can be added: -
+JsonWebToken jwt;
+public String helloRolesAllowed(@Context SecurityContext ctx) {
+ Principal caller = ctx.getUserPrincipal();
+ String name = caller == null ? "anonymous" : caller.getName();
+ boolean hasJWT = jwt.getClaimNames() != null;
+ String helloReply = String.format("hello + %s, hasJWT: %s", name, hasJWT);
+ return helloReply;
+Within WildFly the JAX-RS deployment is handled by RESTEasy so under `src/main/webapp/WEB-INF` add the following to the web.xml to enable RESTEasy authorization checks.
+ resteasy.role.based.security
+ true
+ Subscriber
+As before, build and deploy the example.
+$ mvn package wildfly:deploy
+Using a recently generated token the new endpoint can be called.
+$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ey..59g" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/subscription
+hello + testUser, hasJWT: true
+If a token is now generated without including the “Subscriber” group access should be denied to the endpoint.
+$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ey..Pw" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/subscription
+Access forbidden: role not allowed
+=== Claims
+A final feature that will be explored within this Quickstart is accessing the claims contained within the JWT.
+The JWTToken in the previous example can be used to inspect the claims, however it is also possible to inject the specific claim.
+The following imports should be added to the “SampleEndPoint” class: -
+import java.time.LocalDate;
+import java.time.Period;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.Claims;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.Claim;
+And then the following new endpoint can be added: -
+@Claim(standard = Claims.birthdate)
+Optional birthdate;
+@RolesAllowed({ "Subscriber" })
+public String birthday() {
+ if (birthdate.isPresent()) {
+ LocalDate birthdate = LocalDate.parse(this.birthdate.get().toString());
+ LocalDate today = LocalDate.now();
+ LocalDate next = birthdate.withYear(today.getYear());
+ if (today.equals(next)) {
+ return "Happy Birthday";
+ }
+ if (next.isBefore(today)) {
+ next = next.withYear(next.getYear() + 1);
+ }
+ Period wait = today.until(next);
+ return String.format("%d months and %d days until your next birthday.", wait.getMonths(), wait.getDays());
+ }
+ return "Sorry, we don't know your birthdate.";
+As with the previous endpoint the caller is required to have been granted the `Subscriber` role, if a `birthdate` claim is present within
+the JWT token this endpoint will calculate how many days until the next birthday and wish you happy birthday it if is today.
+As before, build and deploy the example.
+$ mvn package wildfly:deploy
+Using a recently generated token the new endpoint can be called.
+$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ey..59g" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/birthday
+7 months and 19 days until your next birthday.
+// Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
+== Conclusion
+As demonstrated within this Quickstart the MicroProfile JWT specification provides an easy way to secure deployments without needing
+to rely on managed server configuration. The techniques explored in this quickstart can be used to create your own MicroProfile JWT
+secured enpoints or to add MicroProfile JWT authentication to your existing deployments.
diff --git a/microprofile-jwt/README.adoc b/microprofile-jwt/README.adoc
index e6ce271857..7bc548db7d 100644
--- a/microprofile-jwt/README.adoc
+++ b/microprofile-jwt/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: microprofile-jwt
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= micro-profile-jwt: MicroProfile JWT QuickStart
:author: Darran Lofthouse
@@ -19,7 +216,7 @@ The `microprofile-jwt` quickstart demonstrates the use of the MicroProfile JWT
specification in {productName}. Within the quickstart the following topics will be covered: -
* Creation of a simple Rest deployment as the base of the quickstart.
- * Initial calls to verify the endpoint is accessible.
+ * Initial calls to verify the endpoint is accessible.
* Creation of public and private keys to enable generation and validation of JWT tokens.
* Creation of a simple utility to generate JWT tokens.
* Activation of `MP-JWT` authentication for the deployment.
@@ -28,19 +225,155 @@ specification in {productName}. Within the quickstart the following topics will
* Injection of claims from the JWT token.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
== Considerations for Use in a Production Environment
-To make it possible to execute this quickstart out of the box the public and private key are included in the
+To make it possible to execute this quickstart out of the box the public and private key are included in the
quickstart, as both keys are published publicly they should never be used in a production environment.
Although this quickstart demonstrates the functionality using a token generation utility, within a production
environment it would be more appropriate to make use of an identity provider to issue the tokens.
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
== Configure the Server
@@ -50,8 +383,8 @@ for this reason no manual configuration of the server is required to execute the
== Solution
-We recommend that you follow the instructions in the next sections and create the application step by step as this will
-provide a better foundation for creating your own MP-JWT secured deployment, however if you want to jump straight to
+We recommend that you follow the instructions in the next sections and create the application step by step as this will
+provide a better foundation for creating your own MP-JWT secured deployment, however if you want to jump straight to
executing the quickstarts the steps here can be followed to execute the included code.
The quickstart can be deployed to the running application server using the following command: -
@@ -79,7 +412,7 @@ JWT Header - {"kid":"Test Key","typ":"jwt","alg":"RS256"}
JWT Claims - {"sub":"testUser","upn":"testUser","iss":"quickstart-jwt-issuer","aud":"jwt-audience","groups":["Echoer","Subscriber"],"birthdate":"2017-09-15","jti":"3b89e56f-b8fd-4d5f-a1ed-080b958873f9","iat":1579886816,"exp":1579901216}
-Generated JWT Token
+Generated JWT Token
@@ -91,7 +424,7 @@ $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ...XPA" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-j
Hello testUser
-The quickstart also contains an endpoint which requires the identity to be granted the `Subscriber` role, using a generated token this can be
+The quickstart also contains an endpoint which requires the identity to be granted the `Subscriber` role, using a generated token this can be
called using the following command: -
@@ -110,7 +443,7 @@ JWT Header - {"kid":"Test Key","typ":"jwt","alg":"RS256"}
JWT Claims - {"sub":"testUser","upn":"testUser","iss":"quickstart-jwt-issuer","aud":"jwt-audience","groups":["Echoer"],"birthdate":"2017-09-15","jti":"4346874f-eb48-4d84-ab51-c6efd1cd22d5","iat":1580136970,"exp":1580151370}
-Generated JWT Token
+Generated JWT Token
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ey..APw" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt/Sample/subscription
@@ -131,12 +464,36 @@ please read through the next section where the process to generate this quicksta
It is also possible to run each of these calls from the test case included in the quickstart.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
== Starting from Scratch
-In this section we will go through the steps to create a new JAX-RS deployment from scratch and incrementally
-add support for MicroProfile JWT including token generation, activation of authorization and the injection
+In this section we will go through the steps to create a new JAX-RS deployment from scratch and incrementally
+add support for MicroProfile JWT including token generation, activation of authorization and the injection
of claims.
=== Project Generation
@@ -154,12 +511,12 @@ mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false \
cd microprofile-jwt
-The changes required on the project can be performed using a text editor, however you may prefer to import the
+The changes required on the project can be performed using a text editor, however you may prefer to import the
project into your favourite IDE.
==== pom.xml Updates
-Next the project's `pom.xml` should be updated so the dependencies required by this quickstart are
+Next the project's `pom.xml` should be updated so the dependencies required by this quickstart are
available and so we have a plug-in installed which can deploy the quickstart directly to {productName}.
Add the following properties to the `pom.xml`.
@@ -275,7 +632,69 @@ Within the `` section of the project add the following plug-in de
Once the project has been developed this plug-in will handle the deployment to the application server.
// Setup required repositories
+:leveloffset: +1
+Setup the required Maven repositories (if you don't have them set up in Maven global settings):
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ true
+ true
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ true
+ true
==== JAX-RS Conversion
@@ -328,7 +747,7 @@ public class SampleEndPoint {
-At this stage the project contains a simple JAX-RS endpoint we can deploy to the server and invoke to verify
+At this stage the project contains a simple JAX-RS endpoint we can deploy to the server and invoke to verify
everything is working as expected before moving on to enable JWT based authentication and authorization.
First build the example and deploy it to the previously started application server.
@@ -399,7 +818,7 @@ Hello anonymous
=== Public / Private Key
-Now that we have a deployable project our next step on the project will be to enable `MP-JWT` authentication, however before we can do this a couple of steps are
+Now that we have a deployable project our next step on the project will be to enable `MP-JWT` authentication, however before we can do this a couple of steps are
required the first being the generation of a public / private key pair for token signing and verification.
For MicroProfile JWT we only require the keys, we do not require an X509Certificate so we can use openssl to generate the raw keys.
@@ -477,7 +896,7 @@ public class TokenUtil {
public static String generateJWT(final String principal, final String birthdate, final String...groups) throws Exception {
PrivateKey privateKey = loadPrivateKey("private.pem");
JWSSigner signer = new RSASSASigner(privateKey);
JsonArrayBuilder groupsBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder();
for (String group : groups) { groupsBuilder.add(group); }
@@ -505,7 +924,7 @@ public class TokenUtil {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- if (args.length < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage TokenUtil {principal} {birthdate} {groups}");
+ if (args.length < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage TokenUtil {principal} {birthdate} {groups}");
String principal = args[0];
String birthdate = args[1];
String[] groups = new String[args.length - 2];
@@ -532,7 +951,7 @@ JWT Header - {"kid":"Test Key","typ":"jwt","alg":"RS256"}
JWT Claims - {"sub":"testUser","upn":"testUser","iss":"quickstart-jwt-issuer","aud":"jwt-audience","groups":["Echoer","Subscriber"],"birthdate":"2017-09-15","jti":"3b89e56f-b8fd-4d5f-a1ed-080b958873f9","iat":1579886816,"exp":1579901216}
-Generated JWT Token
+Generated JWT Token
@@ -540,11 +959,11 @@ We now have everything we need to activate `MP-JWT` authentication on the deploy
=== Activating MicroProfile JWT
-At this stage we have a basic JAX-RS deployment, a pair of keys for the generation of and validation of JWT tokens and a utility to generate JWT tokens.
-Our next step is to activate MicroProfile JWT authentication for the deployment and we can then make use of some of the advanced features such as role
+At this stage we have a basic JAX-RS deployment, a pair of keys for the generation of and validation of JWT tokens and a utility to generate JWT tokens.
+Our next step is to activate MicroProfile JWT authentication for the deployment and we can then make use of some of the advanced features such as role
based access control using the groups from within the token and access to individual claims within the token.
-The configuration for JWT validation can be contained within a MicroProfile Config properties file, under `src/main/resources/META-INF`
+The configuration for JWT validation can be contained within a MicroProfile Config properties file, under `src/main/resources/META-INF`
add a `microprofile-config.properties` with the following content.
@@ -575,7 +994,7 @@ At this point our first endpoint now supports optional authentication making use
=== Authorization
-Now that authentication has been activated we can add another endpoint that requires the caller to have been granted the
+Now that authentication has been activated we can add another endpoint that requires the caller to have been granted the
‘Subscribers’ role which will be based on the groups in the incoming JWT token.
The following imports should be added to the “SampleEndPoint” class: -
@@ -711,14 +1130,495 @@ $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ey..59g" http://localhost:8080/microprofile-jwt
// Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: microprofile-jwt
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
== Conclusion
As demonstrated within this Quickstart the MicroProfile JWT specification provides an easy way to secure deployments without needing
to rely on managed server configuration. The techniques explored in this quickstart can be used to create your own MicroProfile JWT
secured enpoints or to add MicroProfile JWT authentication to your existing deployments.
diff --git a/microprofile-jwt/charts/helm.yaml b/microprofile-jwt/charts/helm.yaml
index 515e907085..fe48b8ceaf 100644
--- a/microprofile-jwt/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/microprofile-jwt/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: microprofile-jwt
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microprofile-jwt/pom.xml b/microprofile-jwt/pom.xml
index 756ff448c5..63ddf86b32 100644
--- a/microprofile-jwt/pom.xml
+++ b/microprofile-jwt/pom.xml
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: microprofile-jwt
Example project making use of MicroProfile JWT
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/microprofile-lra/README-source.adoc b/microprofile-lra/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a32da33411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microprofile-lra/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
+= microprofile-lra: MicroProfile LRA QuickStart
+:author: Martin Stefanko
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: MicroProfile LRA
+The `microprofile-lra` quickstart demonstrates the use of the MicroProfile LRA specification in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: microprofile
+:configFileName: standalone-microprofile.xml
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+:openshift: true
+== What is it?
+link:https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-lra[MicroProfile LRA specification] aims to provide an API that the
+applications utilize to cooperate actions in
+transactions based on the saga pattern. The user applications enlist within the LRA which in turn notifies all enlisted
+participants about the LRA (transaction) outcome. The saga pattern provides different transactional guarantees than ACID
+transactions. Saga allows individual operations to execute right when they are invoked. Meaning together with the
+enlistment in the LRA. It also requires each participant to define a compensating action which is a semantic undo of the
+original operation. Note that this doesn't need to be opposite action. The compensation is required to put the state of
+the system into the semantically same state as before the action invocation, not exactly same. If your action is for
+instance sending an email, your compensation might be another email cancelling previous email.
+If all actions execute successfully, the LRA is closed and the optional Complete callbacks are invoked on enlisted
+participants. If any action fails, then the LRA is cancelled and all compensation actions (Compensate callbacks) of all
+enlisted participants are invoked. The state of the system is said to be eventually consistent, since if we don't start
+any new LRAs, the state is bound to become consistent eventually.
+The implementation used in the {productName} is provided by the
+link:https://github.com/jbosstm/narayana/tree/main/rts/lra[Narayana project].
+== Architecture
+In this quickstart, we have a simple REST application that exposes several REST endpoints that enlist the application as
+different LRA participants and provide callbacks for completions and compensations respectively. It's REST API consists
+of the following
+- `GET /participant1/work` - work action of Participant 1
+- `GET /participant2/work` - work action of Participant 2
+- `PUT /participant1/compensate` - compensating action of Participant 1
+- `PUT /participant2/compensate` - compensating action of Participant 2
+- `PUT /participant1/complete` - complete action of Participant 1
+- `PUT /participant2/complete` - complete action of Participant 2
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+== Configure the Server
+You can configure the LRA extensions and subsystems (both for LRA coordinator and LRA participant respectively) by running CLI commands.
+For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a `enable-microprofile-lra.cli` script provided in the root directory
+of this quickstart.
+. Before you begin, make sure you do the following:
+* xref:back_up_standalone_server_configuration[Back up the {productName} standalone server configuration] as described above.
+* xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server with the standalone default profile] as described above.
+. Review the `enable-microprofile-lra.cli` file in the root of this quickstart directory. It enables two extensions and adds
+two subsystems, one for LRA coordinator and one for LRA participant respectively.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__`
+with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-microprofile-lra.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following result when you run the script:
+The batch executed successfully
+. Stop the {productName} server.
+== Review the Modified Server Configuration
+After stopping the server, open the `__{jbossHomeName}__/standalone/configuration/{configFileName}` file and review the changes.
+. The script added the following two extensions:
+. And also the following two subsystems:
+== Solution
+We recommend that you follow the instructions that
+<>. However, you can
+also go right to the completed example which is available in this directory.
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+// Additional information about this script
+This script removes the added extensions and subsystems for the LRA participant and the LRA coordinator.
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+//Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
+== Creating the Maven Project
+mvn archetype:generate \
+ -DgroupId=org.wildfly.quickstarts \
+ -DartifactId=microprofile-lra \
+ -DinteractiveMode=false \
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
+cd microprofile-lra
+Open the project in your favourite IDE.
+Open the generated `pom.xml`.
+The first thing to do is to change the minimum JDK to Java 11 and set the other relevant version properties:
+Next we need to setup our dependencies. Add the following section to your
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-ee-with-tools
+ ${version.bom.ee}
+ pom
+ import
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-microprofile
+ ${version.bom.microprofile}
+ pom
+ import
+Now we need to add the following dependencies:
+ org.eclipse.microprofile.lra
+ microprofile-lra-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.ws.rs
+ jakarta.ws.rs-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.enterprise
+ jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api
+ provided
+ org.jboss.logging
+ jboss-logging
+ provided
+NOTE: We need Jakarta REST (JAX-RS) since LRA exposes functionality over JAX-RS resources and uses HTTP as its
+communication protocol.
+All dependencies can have provided scope. The versions are taken from the above
+defined BOM.
+As we are going to be deploying this application to the {productName} server, let's
+also add a maven plugin that will simplify the deployment operations (you can replace
+the generated build section):
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ ${version.plugin.wildfly}
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ ${version.plugin.wildfly-jar}
+// Setup required repositories
+Now we are ready to start working with MicroProfile LRA.
+== Set up JAX-RS server and result wrapper
+LRA works on top of JAX-RS. To set up JAX-RS server in our service, we need to create a new application class
+`org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.JaxRsApplication` in the file
+`microprofile-lra/src/main/java/org/wildfly/quickstarts/microprofile/lra/JaxRsApplication.java` that looks like this:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application;
+public class JaxRsApplication extends Application {
+Now we can declare our LRA JAX-RS resources.
+The LRAs we're going to create also accumulate results in a wrapper called `ParticipantResult` which we can create in `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.ParticipantResult` class:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra;
+public class ParticipantResult {
+ private String workLRAId;
+ private String workRecoveryId;
+ private String completeLRAId;
+ private String completeRecoveryId;
+ private String compensateLRAId;
+ private String compensateRecoveryId;
+ public ParticipantResult() {}
+ public ParticipantResult(String workLRAId, String workRecoveryId,
+ String completeLRAId, String completeRecoveryId,
+ String compensateLRAId, String compensateRecoveryId) {
+ this.workLRAId = workLRAId;
+ this.workRecoveryId = workRecoveryId;
+ this.completeLRAId = completeLRAId;
+ this.completeRecoveryId = completeRecoveryId;
+ this.compensateLRAId = compensateLRAId;
+ this.compensateRecoveryId = compensateRecoveryId;
+ }
+ public String getWorkLRAId() {
+ return workLRAId;
+ }
+ public void setWorkLRAId(String workLRAId) {
+ this.workLRAId = workLRAId;
+ }
+ public String getWorkRecoveryId() {
+ return workRecoveryId;
+ }
+ public void setWorkRecoveryId(String workRecoveryId) {
+ this.workRecoveryId = workRecoveryId;
+ }
+ public String getCompleteLRAId() {
+ return completeLRAId;
+ }
+ public void setCompleteLRAId(String completeLRAId) {
+ this.completeLRAId = completeLRAId;
+ }
+ public String getCompleteRecoveryId() {
+ return completeRecoveryId;
+ }
+ public void setCompleteRecoveryId(String completeRecoveryId) {
+ this.completeRecoveryId = completeRecoveryId;
+ }
+ public String getCompensateLRAId() {
+ return compensateLRAId;
+ }
+ public void setCompensateLRAId(String compensateLRAId) {
+ this.compensateLRAId = compensateLRAId;
+ }
+ public String getCompensateRecoveryId() {
+ return compensateRecoveryId;
+ }
+ public void setCompensateRecoveryId(String compensateRecoveryId) {
+ this.compensateRecoveryId = compensateRecoveryId;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "ParticipantResult{" +
+ "workLRAId='" + workLRAId + '\'' +
+ ", workRecoveryId='" + workRecoveryId + '\'' +
+ ", completeLRAId='" + completeLRAId + '\'' +
+ ", completeRecoveryId='" + completeRecoveryId + '\'' +
+ ", compensateLRAId='" + compensateLRAId + '\'' +
+ ", compensateRecoveryId='" + compensateRecoveryId + '\'' +
+ '}';
+ }
+== Creating LRA participants
+In LRA, we define LRA execution and participation with the same `@LRA` annotation. If placed on a method, it acts
+similarly to `@Transactional` annotation from JTA. By default, it uses the `REQUIRED` LRA type meaning new LRA is
+started or existing LRA (if passed to the invocation) is joined before the method is started. The LRA is also closed
+(success) or cancelled (failure/exception) at the end of the method.
+LRA currently works on top of the JAX-RS resources. We can place `@LRA` annotation on any JAX-RS method and the LRA
+is already managed for us by {productName}. Let's create a simple JAX-RS resource that uses lra in `org.wildfly .quickstarts.microprofile.lra.LRAParticipant1`:
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
+ * Copyright 2023, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
+ * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
+ * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.HeaderParam;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.PUT;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.QueryParam;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.client.Client;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Context;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.lra.annotation.Compensate;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.lra.annotation.Complete;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.lra.annotation.ws.rs.LRA;
+import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
+import java.net.URI;
+public class LRAParticipant1 {
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LRAParticipant1.class);
+ private String workLRAId;
+ private String workRecoveryId;
+ private String completeLRAId;
+ private String completeRecoveryId;
+ private String compensateLRAId;
+ private String compensateRecoveryId;
+ @Context
+ UriInfo uriInfo;
+ @LRA
+ @GET
+ @Path("/work")
+ public Response work(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId,
+ @QueryParam("failLRA") boolean failLRA) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Executing action of Participant 1 enlisted in LRA %s " +
+ "that was assigned %s participant Id.", lraId, participantId);
+ workLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ workRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ compensateLRAId = null;
+ compensateRecoveryId = null;
+ completeLRAId = null;
+ completeRecoveryId = null;
+ return failLRA ? Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(lraId.toASCIIString()).build() :
+ Response.ok(lraId.toASCIIString()).build();
+ }
+ @Compensate
+ @PUT
+ @Path("/compensate")
+ public Response compensateWork(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Compensating action for Participant 1 (%s) in LRA %s.", participantId, lraId);
+ compensateLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ compensateRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ return Response.ok().build();
+ }
+ @Complete
+ @PUT
+ @Path("/complete")
+ public Response completeWork(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Complete action for Participant 1 (%s) in LRA %s.", participantId, lraId);
+ completeLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ completeRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ return Response.ok().build();
+ }
+ @GET
+ @Path("/result")
+ @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ public ParticipantResult getParticipantResult() {
+ return new ParticipantResult(workLRAId, workRecoveryId,
+ completeLRAId, completeRecoveryId,
+ compensateLRAId, compensateRecoveryId);
+ }
+Let's look at it part by part.
+The most important method is called `work` and it looks like this:
+public Response work(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId,
+ @QueryParam("failLRA") boolean failLRA) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Executing action of Participant 1 enlisted in LRA %s " +
+ "that was assigned %s participant Id.", lraId, participantId);
+ workLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ workRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ compensateLRAId = null;
+ compensateRecoveryId = null;
+ completeLRAId = null;
+ completeRecoveryId = null;
+ return failLRA ? Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(lraId.toASCIIString()).build() :
+ Response.ok(lraId.toASCIIString()).build();
+In this `GET` JAX-RS method, we also use the `@LRA` annotation that either starts a new LRA or joins an existing one
+which is defined by the default LRA type `REQUIRED`. This is decided based on the `LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER` header
+we called `lraId`. If the framework starts a new LRA,
+this header is automatically populated with its ID. If the caller specifies this `LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER`
+manually in the request, the received LRA is joined. As you can see, the LRA context or ID is propagated in HTTP
+The second header parameter `LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER` is considered a unique participant ID for a particular
+enlistment within LRA. If we would like to enlist `LRAParticipant1` in the same LRA (`LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER`)
+multiple times, this recovery ID would be different so we can associate the invocations of compensate and complete
+Each LRA participant needs to define the `@Compensate` method that defines the compensating action.
+public Response compensateWork(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Compensating action for Participant 1 (%s) in LRA %s.", participantId, lraId);
+ compensateLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ compensateRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ return Response.ok().build();
+The compensation is defined by the `@Compensate` annotation which needs to be placed on the JAX-RS PUT method so the LRA
+coordinator knows how to call it. For simplicity, we are just printing the messages to the console. The participant can
+control how it finishes its participation in LRA via the returned status code. Please see the
+for more details.
+The complete method looks similarly. It uses the `@Complete` annotation and it also needs to be the JAX-RS PUT method.
+public Response completeWork(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Complete action for Participant 1 (%s) in LRA %s.", participantId, lraId);
+ completeLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ completeRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ return Response.ok().build();
+The LRA coordinator invokes the `@Compensate` method when the LRA cancels on failure and it invokes the `@Complete`
+method when the LRA closes successfully.
+NOTE: The `@Complete` and `@Compensate` methods don't need to be JAX-RS methods. See the specification for details.
+Now we are already able to start our first LRA. You can deploy the application to the {productName} as demonstrated in
+the <> section. Remember that you need to enable the LRA extensions and subsystems with the
+`enable-microprofile-lra.cli` script.
+Then you can invoke the `LRAParticipant1` JAX-RS resource as:
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-lra/participant1/work
+or if you want to simulate LRA failure as:
+$ curl "http://localhost:8080/microprofile-lra/participant1/work?failLRA=true"
+In either case, you will see the LRA execution message printed in the {productName} console:
+INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.LRAParticipant1] (default task-1) Executing action of Participant 1 enlisted in LRA http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_48 that was assigned http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/recoveryhttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flra-coordinator%2Flra-coordinator%2F0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_48/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_4a participant Id.
+And either the complete or compensate message depending on the `failLRA` paramater that can fail the LRA causing it
+to cancel:
+INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.LRAParticipant1] (default task-4) Complete action for Participant 1 (http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/recoveryhttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flra-coordinator%2Flra-coordinator%2F0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_37/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_39) in LRA http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_37.
+INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.LRAParticipant1] (default task-4) Compensating action for Participant 1 (http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/recoveryhttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flra-coordinator%2Flra-coordinator%2F0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_48/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_4a) in LRA http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_48.
+== Multiple participants in the LRA
+One participant that starts and ends the LRA is probably enough to demonstrate the functionality, but it rarely makes
+sense in distributed microservices architecture to only have one service that participates in a distributed
+transaction. So let's add another participant into the LRA started in the `LRAParticipant1`.
+Copy the `LRAParticipant1` into a new class `LRAParticipant2` and change all references to `participant1` to
+full class is provided for convenience also here:
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
+ * Copyright 2023, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
+ * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
+ * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.HeaderParam;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.PUT;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.lra.annotation.Compensate;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.lra.annotation.Complete;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.lra.annotation.ws.rs.LRA;
+import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
+import java.net.URI;
+public class LRAParticipant2 {
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LRAParticipant2.class);
+ private String workLRAId;
+ private String workRecoveryId;
+ private String completeLRAId;
+ private String completeRecoveryId;
+ private String compensateLRAId;
+ private String compensateRecoveryId;
+ @LRA(end = false)
+ @GET
+ @Path("/work")
+ public Response work(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Executing action of Participant 2 enlisted in LRA %s " +
+ "that was assigned %s participant Id.", lraId, participantId);
+ workLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ workRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ compensateLRAId = null;
+ compensateRecoveryId = null;
+ completeLRAId = null;
+ completeRecoveryId = null;
+ return Response.ok().build();
+ }
+ @Compensate
+ @PUT
+ @Path("/compensate")
+ public Response compensateWork(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Compensating action for Participant 2 (%s) in LRA %s.", participantId, lraId);
+ compensateLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ compensateRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ return Response.ok().build();
+ }
+ @Complete
+ @PUT
+ @Path("/complete")
+ public Response completeWork(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Complete action for Participant 2 (%s) in LRA %s.", participantId, lraId);
+ completeLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ completeRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ return Response.ok().build();
+ }
+ @GET
+ @Path("/result")
+ @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ public ParticipantResult getParticipantResult() {
+ return new ParticipantResult(workLRAId, workRecoveryId,
+ completeLRAId, completeRecoveryId,
+ compensateLRAId, compensateRecoveryId);
+ }
+The only notable change is the `LRA` annotation that now contains the `@LRA(end = false)`. This parameter states that
+the LRA should not be ended when this business method ends. If we ended the LRA here, it would still invoke
+compensate or complete callbacks on all enlisted participants (including `LRAParticipant1` which will propagate the
+LRA into this class soon). However, it would also try to close/cancel LRA at the end of the `LRAParticipant1#work`
+method and by this time the LRA would already be ended. This would be reported by the coordinator.
+We also need to add the call to the newly created JAX-RS resource to the `LRAParticipant1#work` method as showed in
+public Response work(@HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER) URI lraId,
+ @HeaderParam(LRA.LRA_HTTP_RECOVERY_HEADER) URI participantId,
+ @QueryParam("failLRA") boolean failLRA) {
+ LOGGER.infof("Executing action of Participant 1 enlisted in LRA %s " +
+ "that was assigned %s participant Id.", lraId, participantId);
+ workLRAId = lraId.toASCIIString();
+ workRecoveryId = participantId.toASCIIString();
+ compensateLRAId = null;
+ compensateRecoveryId = null;
+ completeLRAId = null;
+ completeRecoveryId = null;
+ // call Participant 2 to propagate the LRA
+ try (Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient()) {
+ client.target(uriInfo.getBaseUri() + "/participant2/work")
+ .request().get();
+ }
+ return failLRA ? Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(lraId.toASCIIString()).build() :
+ Response.ok(lraId.toASCIIString()).build();
+You might remember that we need to propagate the LRA id (LRA context) in the `LRA.LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER`. However, if
+we make the outgoing JAX-RS call in the JAX-RS method that already carries an active LRA context, the context is
+automatically added to the outgoing call. So we don't need to pass it manually to each outgoing call.
+Now we are ready to propagate LRA started in Participant 1 to the Participant 2, enlist both in the newly started
+LRA, and finish the LRA when the Participant 1 ends its `work` method.
+Redeploy the application into the {productName} as showed in <>. Then you can repeat the calls to the
+`LRAParticipant1` JAX-RS resource as we used them previously:
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/microprofile-lra/participant1/work
+or if you want to simulate LRA failure as:
+$ curl "http://localhost:8080/microprofile-lra/participant1/work?failLRA=true"
+But this time, you will see the LRA is propagated to the `LRAParticipant2` and its (complete or compensate) callbacks
+are invoked by the LRA coordinator in the same way as for `LRAParticipant1`:
+INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.LRAParticipant1] (default task-1) Executing action of Participant 1 enlisted in LRA http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38b that was assigned http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/recoveryhttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flra-coordinator%2Flra-coordinator%2F0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38b/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38d participant Id.
+INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.LRAParticipant2] (default task-2) Executing action of Participant 2 enlisted in LRA http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38b that was assigned http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/recoveryhttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flra-coordinator%2Flra-coordinator%2F0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38b/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38f participant Id.
+INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.LRAParticipant1] (default task-5) Compensating action for Participant 1 (http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/recoveryhttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flra-coordinator%2Flra-coordinator%2F0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38b/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38d) in LRA http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38b.
+INFO [org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.lra.LRAParticipant2] (default task-5) Compensating action for Participant 2 (http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/recoveryhttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flra-coordinator%2Flra-coordinator%2F0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38b/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38f) in LRA http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator/lra-coordinator/0_ffff0aca949a_-4998614b_64e74427_38b.
+== Conclusion
+MicroProfile LRA provides a simple API for the distributed transactions based on the saga pattern. To use it on {productName} we need to enable the appropriate extensions and subsystems for the LRA Coordinator (a service that
+manages LRAs) and the LRA participant (client API). The LRAs are controlled through annotations provided by the
+Congratulations! You have reached the end of this tutorial. You can find more information
+about the MicroProfile LRA in the specification https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-lra[github repository].
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+// or the WildFly project.
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+// WildFly project
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+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
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+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
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+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
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+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= microprofile-lra: MicroProfile LRA QuickStart
:author: Martin Stefanko
@@ -57,19 +254,268 @@ endpoints:
- `PUT /participant2/complete` - complete action of Participant 2
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Back Up the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart runs in a standalone server and
+// needs to back up the server configuration file before running
+// a CLI script to modify the server.
+// Define the attributes needed for this topic.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+Before you begin, back up your server configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Back up the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file.
+After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace this file to restore the server to its original configuration.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
== Configure the Server
@@ -135,17 +581,200 @@ We recommend that you follow the instructions that
also go right to the completed example which is available in this directory.
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal restoration of a single
+// standalone server configuration.
+// * It provides a CLI script.
+// * You can manually restore the backup copy.
+// You must define the script file name using the `restoreScriptName` attribute.
+// For example:
+// :restoreScriptName: remove-configuration.cli
+You can restore the original server configuration using either of the following methods.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_using_cli[run the `{restoreScriptName}` script] provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_manually[manually restore the configuration] using the backup copy of the configuration file.
+== Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration by Running the JBoss CLI Script
+. xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file={restoreScriptName}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
// Additional information about this script
This script removes the added extensions and subsystems for the LRA participant and the LRA coordinator.
@@ -157,13 +786,567 @@ process-state: reload-required
// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal manual restoration
+// of a single standalone server.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Replace the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file with the backup copy of the file.
//Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
== Creating the Maven Project
@@ -185,19 +1368,19 @@ Open the generated `pom.xml`.
The first thing to do is to change the minimum JDK to Java 11 and set the other relevant version properties:
Next we need to setup our dependencies. Add the following section to your
@@ -284,7 +1467,69 @@ the generated build section):
// Setup required repositories
+:leveloffset: +1
+Setup the required Maven repositories (if you don't have them set up in Maven global settings):
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ true
+ true
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ true
+ true
Now we are ready to start working with MicroProfile LRA.
diff --git a/microprofile-lra/charts/helm.yaml b/microprofile-lra/charts/helm.yaml
index 67598c049f..94906bb652 100644
--- a/microprofile-lra/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/microprofile-lra/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: microprofile-lra
replicas: 1
diff --git a/microprofile-lra/pom.xml b/microprofile-lra/pom.xml
index f1acf25671..08910ee775 100644
--- a/microprofile-lra/pom.xml
+++ b/microprofile-lra/pom.xml
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: microprofile-lra
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
@@ -152,6 +152,21 @@
+ org.asciidoctor
+ asciidoctor-maven-plugin
+ ${version.server}
+ ${version.pack.cloud}
+ ${version.plugin.wildfly}
+ ${version.plugin.wildfly-jar}
diff --git a/microprofile-openapi/README-source.adoc b/microprofile-openapi/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03432cc0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microprofile-openapi/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+= microprofile-openapi: MicroProfile OpenAPI QuickStart
+:author: Paul Ferraro
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: MicroProfile OpenAPI
+This guide demonstrate how to use the MicroProfile OpenAPI functionality in {productName} to expose an OpenAPI document for a simple REST application.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+:standalone-server-type: microprofile
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+== Prerequisites
+To complete this guide, you will need:
+* less than 15 minutes
+* JDK 11+ installed with `JAVA_HOME` configured appropriately
+* Apache Maven 3.5.3+
+== Steps
+=== Access the OpenAPI documentation of the quickstart application
+Run following command in your terminal:
+[source, shell]
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/openapi
+It should return a YAML document conforming to the http://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.0.3[OpenAPI specification]:
+[source, yaml]
+openapi: 3.0.1
+ title: Store inventory
+ description: Application for tracking store inventory
+ version: "1.0"
+- url: /microprofile-openapi
+ /:
+ get:
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ description: OK
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ /fruit:
+ get:
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ description: OK
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Fruit'
+ post:
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Fruit'
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ description: OK
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Fruit'
+ delete:
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Fruit'
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ description: OK
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Fruit'
+ schemas:
+ Fruit:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ description:
+ type: string
+ name:
+ type: string
+=== Enhance OpenAPI documentation with annotations
+You can further enhance/complete your OpenAPI documentation by adding https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-open-api/tree/master/api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/microprofile/openapi/annotations[MicroProfile OpenAPI annotations].
+You will need to rebuild/redeploy for those changes to be reflected in the OpenAPI document.
+=== Finalizing OpenAPI documentation
+Rather than processing JAX-RS and MicroProfile OpenAPI annotations every time an application is deployed, {productName} can be configured to serve a static OpenAPI document.
+When serving a static document, typically, we also want to disable annotation processing.
+This is generally suggested for production environments, to ensure an immutable/versioned API contract for integrators.
+. Save the generated document to the source tree. Feel free to use JSON, if you prefer that over YAML.
+[source, shell]
+$ mkdir src/main/webapp/META-INF
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/openapi?format=JSON > src/main/webapp/META-INF/openapi.json
+. Reconfigure the application to skip annotation scanning when processing the OpenAPI document model.
+[source, shell]
+$ echo "mp.openapi.scan.disable=true" > src/main/webapp/META-INF/application.properties
+. Rebuild and redeploy the modified sample application.
+The OpenAPI document model will now be built from the static content rather than annotation processing.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
diff --git a/microprofile-openapi/README.adoc b/microprofile-openapi/README.adoc
index 721cd30d0a..dcc7f83b2c 100644
--- a/microprofile-openapi/README.adoc
+++ b/microprofile-openapi/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: microprofile-openapi
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= microprofile-openapi: MicroProfile OpenAPI QuickStart
:author: Paul Ferraro
@@ -10,7 +207,13 @@ include::../shared-doc/attributes.adoc[]
This guide demonstrate how to use the MicroProfile OpenAPI functionality in {productName} to expose an OpenAPI document for a simple REST application.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
:standalone-server-type: microprofile
:archiveType: war
@@ -26,13 +229,267 @@ To complete this guide, you will need:
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
== Steps
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
=== Access the OpenAPI documentation of the quickstart application
@@ -148,12 +605,537 @@ $ echo "mp.openapi.scan.disable=true" > src/main/webapp/META-INF/application.pro
The OpenAPI document model will now be built from the static content rather than annotation processing.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: microprofile-openapi
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/microprofile-openapi/charts/helm.yaml b/microprofile-openapi/charts/helm.yaml
index e539344a2f..a8bf829806 100644
--- a/microprofile-openapi/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/microprofile-openapi/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: microprofile-openapi
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microprofile-openapi/pom.xml b/microprofile-openapi/pom.xml
index 115cb68419..04ada5f4ce 100644
--- a/microprofile-openapi/pom.xml
+++ b/microprofile-openapi/pom.xml
@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: microprofile-openapi
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/README-source.adoc b/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a65fc779a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+= microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka: MicroProfile Reactive Messaging with Kafka QuickStart
+:author: Kabir Khan
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: MicroProfile Reactive Messaging
+The `microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka` quickstart demonstrates the use of the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging specification backed by Apache Kafka in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: microprofile
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+:helm-install-prerequisites: ../microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/helm-install-prerequisites.adoc
+:helm-app-name: mp-rm-qs
+:strimzi-version: v1beta2
+== What is it?
+link:https://microprofile.io/project/eclipse/microprofile-reactive-messaging[MicroProfile Reactive Messaging] is a framework for building event-driven, data streaming, and event-sourcing applications using CDI. It lets your application interact using messaging technologies such as link:https://kafka.apache.org[Apache Kafka].
+The implementation of MicroProfile Reactive Messaging is built on top of link:https://microprofile.io/project/eclipse/microprofile-reactive-streams[MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators]. Reactive Streams Operators extends the link:https://www.reactive-streams.org[Reactive Streams] specification, by adding operators such as `map()`, `filter()` and others.
+== Architecture
+In this quickstart, we have a CDI bean that demonstrates the functionality of the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging specification. Currently, we support Reactive Messaging 1.0. Connections to external messaging systems such as Apache Kafka are configured via MicroProfile Config. We will also use Reactive Streams Operators to modify the data relayed in these streams in the methods handling the Reactive Messaging streams.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+== Solution
+We recommend that you follow the instructions that
+<>. However, you can
+also go right to the completed example which is available in this directory.
+CAUTION: Kafka must be running before attempting to deploy the Quickstart application. See <> for how to do this in your local environment.
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+== Creating the Maven Project
+mvn archetype:generate \
+ -DgroupId=org.wildfly.quickstarts \
+ -DartifactId=microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka \
+ -DinteractiveMode=false \
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
+cd microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka
+Open the project in your favourite IDE.
+The project needs to be updated to use Java 8 as the minimum:
+Next set up our dependencies. Add the following section to your
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-ee-with-tools
+ {versionServerBom}
+ pom
+ import
+ org.wildfly.bom
+ wildfly-microprofile
+ {versionMicroprofileBom}
+ pom
+ import
+By using boms the majority of dependencies used within this quickstart align with the version used by the application server.
+Now we need to add the dependencies which are needed by what is the focus of this QuickStart (CDI, MicroProfile Reactive Messaging, Reactive Streams Operators, Reactive Streams and the Apache Kafka Client). Additionally we need to add dependencies for 'supporting' functionality (JPA, JTA and JAX-RS):
+ jakarta.enterprise
+ jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api
+ provided
+ org.apache.kafka
+ kafka-clients
+ provided
+ io.smallrye.reactive
+ smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-api
+ provided
+ org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging
+ microprofile-reactive-messaging-api
+ provided
+ org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive-streams-operators
+ microprofile-reactive-streams-operators-api
+ provided
+ org.reactivestreams
+ reactive-streams
+ provided
+ jakarta.persistence
+ jakarta.persistence-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.annotation
+ jakarta.annotation-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.transaction
+ jakarta.transaction-api
+ provided
+ jakarta.ws.rs
+ jakarta.ws.rs-api
+ provided
+ org.jboss.resteasy
+ resteasy-jaxrs
+ provided
+All dependencies have the 'provided' scope.
+As we are going to be deploying this application to the {productName} server, let's
+also add a maven plugin that will simplify the deployment operations (you can replace
+the generated build section):
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+// Setup required repositories
+Now we are ready to start working with MicroProfile Reactive Messaging.
+== Preparing the Application
+This will walk you through the steps to write our application. They are:
+* Create a generator for the generated messages. We will create something which mocks a call to an asynchnronous resource.
+* Add a data object which wraps the generated messages and adds a timestamp. We will use JPA annotations on this to make it persistable.
+* Create our CDI bean interfacing with the Kafka streams via annotated methods. For the streams that are managed by Kafka we will provide a MicroProfile Config file to configure how to interact with Kafka. It will log, filter and store entries to a RDBMS.
+* Create a CDI bean that will be used to store and retrieve entries from a RDBMS.
+* Create a JAX-RS endpoint to return the data that was stored in the RDBMS to the user.
+=== Adding our Data Generator
+Copy across the `microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/src/main/java/org/wildfly/quickstarts/microprofile/reactive/messaging/MockExternalAsyncResource.java` file to your project. This class mocks a call to an asynchronous external resource. The details of how it is implemented are not important for this QuickStart.
+`MockExternalAsyncResource` has one callable method:
+public CompletionStage getNextValue()
+The `CompletionStage` returned by this method will complete with a String when ready. A String is ready every two seconds. It will emit the following Strings in the given order:
+* `Hello`
+* `World`
+* `Reactive`
+* `Messaging`
+* `with`
+* `Kafka`
+After this initial sequence the returned `CompletionStage` will complete with a random entry from the above list. A new entry is available every two seconds.
+=== Adding a Data Object
+Later we will wrap the strings in a `TimedEntry` object which contains the String and a timestamp. Since we will be storing it in a database, we add JPA annotations to it:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import java.sql.Timestamp;
+import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
+import jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue;
+import jakarta.persistence.Id;
+public class TimedEntry {
+ private Long id;
+ private Timestamp time;
+ private String message;
+ public TimedEntry() {
+ }
+ public TimedEntry(Timestamp time, String message) {
+ this.time = time;
+ this.message = message;
+ }
+ @Id
+ @GeneratedValue
+ public Long getId() {
+ return id;
+ }
+ public void setId(Long id) {
+ this.id = id;
+ }
+ public Timestamp getTime() {
+ return time;
+ }
+ public void setTime(Timestamp time) {
+ this.time = time;
+ }
+ public String getMessage() {
+ return message;
+ }
+ public void setMessage(String message) {
+ this.message = message;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ String s = "TimedEntry{";
+ if (id != null) {
+ s += "id=" + id + ", ";
+ }
+ s += "time=" + time +
+ ", message='" + message + '\'' +
+ '}';
+ return s;
+ }
+=== Adding our Messaging CDI Bean
+MicroProfile Reactive Messaging is based on CDI, so all interaction with the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging streams must happen from a CDI beans. **Note:** The beans must have either the `@ApplicationScoped` or `@Dependent` scopes.
+Then within these beans we have a set of methods using the `@Incoming` and `@Outgoing` annotations from the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging specification to map the underlying streams. For an `@Outgoing` annotation its `value` specifies the Reactive Messaging stream to send data to, and for an `@Incoming` annotation its `value` specifies the Reactive Messaging stream to read data from. Although in this QuickStart we are putting all these methods into one CDI bean class, they could be spread over several beans.
+The MicroProfile Reactive Messaging specification contains a full list of all the valid method signatures for such `@Incoming`/`@Outging` methods. We will use a few of them, and see how they make different use-cases easier.
+Our bean looks as follows, and this is the main focus for the functionality in this QuickStart. We will also be using some other technologies, but they are secondary to this section. Explanations of each method will be given in line.
+[source, java]
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import java.sql.Timestamp;
+import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Incoming;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Outgoing;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.streams.operators.PublisherBuilder;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.streams.operators.ReactiveStreams;
+import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
+public class MessagingBean {
+First we inject our mock asynchronous external data producer, which produces a string every two seconds. We explained this class in a previous section.
+[source, java]
+ @Inject
+ MockExternalAsyncResource producer;
+We inject a bean that will be used to persist entries to a RDBMS later on.
+[source, java]
+ @Inject
+ DatabaseBean dbBean;
+Now we get to the reactive messaging part.
+Our first method is a 'producer' method, since is annotated with the `@Outgoing` annotation. It simply relays the output of our mock producer bean to the reactive messaging system. It uses the channel `source` (as indicated in the `@Outgoing` annotation's value) as the target stream to send the data to. You can think of 'producer' methods as the entry point to push data into the reactive messaging streams.
+[source, java]
+ @Outgoing("source")
+ public CompletionStage sendInVm() {
+ return producer.getNextValue();
+ }
+Next we have a 'processor' method. It is annotated with both `@Incoming` and `@Outgoing` annotations so it gets data from the reactive messaging streams and then pushes it to another stream. Essentially it simply relays data.
+In this case we get data from the `source` stream, so it will receive the entries made available by the `sendInVm()` method above, and forwards everything onto the `filter` stream.
+In this case, since we just want to log the strings that were emitted, we are using a simple method signature receiving and returning the raw string provided. The Reactive Messaging implementation has unwrapped the `CompletionStage` from the previous method for us.
+Note that there is no Kafka involved yet. Since the `@Incoming` and `@Outgoing` values match up, Reactive Messaging will use internal, in-memory streams.
+[source, java]
+ @Incoming("source")
+ @Outgoing("filter")
+ public String logAllMessages(String message) {
+ System.out.println("Received " + message);
+ return message;
+ }
+Now we have another 'processor' method. We get the data from the `filter` stream (what was relayed by the previous `logAllMessages()` method) and forward it on to the `sender` stream.
+In this method we want to do something a bit more advanced, namely apply a filter to the messages. We use a method receiving and returning a Reactive Stream, in this case we use `PublisherBuilder` from the MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators specification. `PublisherBuilder` extends the `Publisher` interface from the Reactive Streams specification, and provides us with the `filter()` methods we will use here.
+Again the Reactive Messaging implementation does all the wrapping for us.
+Our filter method tells us to only relay messages that match `Hello` or `Kafka`, and drop everything else. In other words, later methods in the stream will only receive occurrences of `Hello` or `Kafka`.
+[source, java]
+ @Incoming("filter")
+ @Outgoing("sender")
+ public PublisherBuilder filter(PublisherBuilder messages) {
+ return messages
+ .filter(s -> s.equals("Hello") || s.equals("Kafka"));
+ }
+Next we have another 'processor' method, which receives data from the `sender` stream and forwards it on to the `to-kafka` stream. It's parameter is a simple `String`, MicroProfile Reactive Messaging will unwrap the stream from the `PublisherBuilder` returned in the previous method and call this next method with the individual entries.
+In this method we want to wrap up the data into the `TimedEntry` class we defined earlier, so we have tuple of the message and a timestamp.
+Additionally we want to set a Kafka key for the entries so that we can take advantage of Kafka's querying capabilities (not done in this quickstart). In order to do this, we do the following steps:
+* Create an instance of `Message` from the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging API. A `Message` is a simple wrapper around the payload. In our case we use the `TimedEntry` instance we created.
+* We create the key for the `TimedEntry`. In this case we just use a hash of the message.
+* Use the `OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadata` builder to create an instance of `OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadata` with the key
+* Next we call `KafkaMetadataUtil.writeOutgoingKafkaMetadata()` to augment the `Message` with the `OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadata`. Note that the `Message` passed in to `KafkaMetadataUtil.writeOutgoingKafkaMetadata()` is not modified, we need the returned one.
+* We return the augmented `Message` to the stream which is backed by Kafka
+[source, java]
+ @Incoming("sender")
+ @Outgoing("to-kafka")
+ public Message sendToKafka(String msg) {
+ // Simpler example for debugging
+ TimedEntry te = new TimedEntry(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), msg);
+ Message m = Message.of(te);
+ // Just use the hash as the Kafka key for this example
+ int key = te.getMessage().hashCode();
+ // Create Metadata containing the Kafka key
+ OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadata md = OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadata
+ .builder()
+ .withKey(key)
+ .build();
+ // The returned message will have the metadata added
+ return KafkaMetadataUtil.writeOutgoingKafkaMetadata(m, md);
+ }
+Our final method is a 'consumer' method, as it has only an `@Incoming` annotation. You can think of this as a 'final destination' for the data in your application. We are using a `Message` as our method parameter. We are using this signature since we want to access the `IncomingKafkaRecordMetadata`, which contains the key we added in the previous method and additional information such as the Kafka partition and topic the message was sent on. Since we are using the signature taking a `Message` as the parameter, we need to `ack()` the message and return the resulting `CompletionStage`. (If we don't want to ack the receipt of the message and are not interested in the `IncomingKafkaRecordMetadata`, we could have used a simpler signature such as `void receiveFromKafka(TimedEntry message)`.)
+The methid calls through to our `dbBean` to store the received data in a RDBMS. We will look at this briefly later.
+[source, java]
+ @Incoming("from-kafka")
+ public CompletionStage receiveFromKafka(Message message) {
+ TimedEntry payload = message.getPayload();
+ IncomingKafkaRecordMetadata md =
+ KafkaMetadataUtil.readIncomingKafkaMetadata(message).get();
+ String msg =
+ "Received from Kafka, storing it in database\n" +
+ "\t%s\n" +
+ "\tkey: %d; partition: %d, topic: %s";
+ msg = String.format(msg, payload, md.getKey(), md.getPartition(), md.getTopic());
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ dbBean.store(payload);
+ return message.ack();
+ }} // MessagingBean - END
+You might have noticed that up to, and including, the `sendToKafka()` method the `@Incoming.value()` matches the `@Outgoing.value()` of the prior method. This indicates that these streams (`source`, `filter` and `sender`) are handled in memory by the Reactive Messaging implementation.
+For the last two methods this is different and there is no such pairing. The `sendToKafka()` method sends its data to the `to-kafka` stream:
+[source, java]
+ ...
+ @Outgoing("to-kafka")
+ public Publisher sendToKafka(Publisher messages) {
+ ...
+ }
+However, there are no methods annotated with `@Incoming("to-kafka)`.
+And the `receiveFromKafka()` method is expecting to receive data from the `from-kafka` stream:
+[source, java]
+ @Incoming("from-kafka")
+ public void receiveFromKafka(TimedEntry message) {
+ ...
+ }
+Again, there are no methods annotated with `@Outgoing("from-kafka")`.
+These 'unpaired' sets of methods indicate that we do not want to use an in-memory stream, and want to use an external system for these streams. If we were try to deploy the MessagingBean in this state the application would fail to deploy. To fix this, and tell it what to map onto, we need to provide some configuration.
+NOTE: `IncomingKafkaRecordMetadata` is only available on incoming streams coming from Kafka. `OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadata` will only have effect on outgoing streams going to Kafka.
+==== Mapping Streams to Kafka using MicroProfile Config
+To map 'unpaired' streams onto Kafka we need to add a MicroProfile Config file to configure these streams.
+Create a file called `src/main/resources/META-INF/microprofile-config.properties` and add the following:
+# Configure the Kafka source (we read from it)
+The MicroProfile Reactive Messaging specification mandates the following pre-fixes:
+* `mp.messaging.connector.` - used to set overall configuration for your application.
+* `mp.messaging.outgoing.` - used to configure streams we are writing to from methods annotated with `@Outgoing`. The next element determines the name of the stream as identified in the `@Outgoing` annotation so all the properties starting with `mp.messaging.outgoing.to-kafka` are used to configure the writing done by the `sendToKafka()` method which is annotated with `@Outgoing("to-kafka")`.
+* `mp.messaging.incoming.` - used to configure streams we are reading from in methods annotated with `@Incoming`. The next element determines the name of the stream as identified in the `@Incoming` annotation so all the properties starting with `mp.messaging.incoming.from-kafka` are used to configure the reading done by the `receiveFromKafka()` method which is annotated with `@Incoming("from-kafka")`.
+What comes after these prefixes is vendor dependent. We use the SmallRye implementation of MicroProfile Reactive Messaging.
+At the application level, the `mp.messaging.connector.smallrye-kafka.bootstrap.servers` property says that all conections to Kafka in this application should go to `localhost:9092`. This is not strictly necessary, since this value is the default that would be used if not specified. If we wanted to override this for say the `@Outgoing("to-kafka")` annotated `sendToKafka()` method we could specify this with a property such as:
+[source, properties]
+For the incoming and outgoing properties we can see that they all specify that they should use the `smallrye-kafka` connector and that the outgoing one writes to the same topic, `testing`, as the incoming one reads from.
+We see that the outgoing configuration uses a `TimedEntrySerializer` while the incoming one uses `TimedEntryDeserializer` for the values. Kafka just deals with byte streams, so we need to tell it how to serialize the data we are sending and how to deserialize the data we are receiving. As seen is configured with properties of the form `mp.messaging.outgoing..value.serializer` and `mp.messaging.incoming..value.deserializer`. The link:https://kafka.apache.org/27/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/common/serialization/package-summary.html[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization] package contains implementations of serializers and deserializers for simple data types and constructs such as maps.
+Finally, since the Kafka key is an `Integer`, we use `IntegerSerializer` and `IntegerDeserializer` for the keys. The concept is exactly the same as for the value (de)serializers, but is instead configured with the properties `mp.messaging.outgoing..key.serializer` and `mp.messaging.incoming..key.deserializer`.
+===== Custom (De)Serializers
+In our case the data we are sending to and receiving from Kafka is not a simple object. It is an object of a class defined in our application, so we need to define our own serialization and deserialization. Luckily, this is easy. We just need to implement the link:https://kafka.apache.org/27/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/common/serialization/Serializer.html[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer] and link:https://kafka.apache.org/27/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/common/serialization/Deserializer.html[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer] interfaces.
+Here is our `TimedEntrySerializer`:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
+import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer;
+public class TimedEntrySerializer implements Serializer {
+ @Override
+ public byte[] serialize(String topic, TimedEntry data) {
+ if (data == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ try {
+ ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bout);
+ out.writeLong(data.getTime().getTime());
+ out.writeUTF(data.getMessage());
+ out.close();
+ return bout.toByteArray();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+And here is our `TimedEntryDeserializer`:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
+import java.sql.Timestamp;
+import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer;
+public class TimedEntryDeserializer implements Deserializer {
+ @Override
+ public TimedEntry deserialize(String topic, byte[] data) {
+ if (data == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ try (ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data))){
+ Timestamp time = new Timestamp(in.readLong());
+ String message = in.readUTF();
+ return new TimedEntry(time, message);
+ } catch (IOException e){
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+As you can see the serializer writes the time as a Long, and the message as a string, and the deserializer reads them in the same order. Then in our `microprofile-config.properties` above we saw how to make Kafka use our classes for serialization and deserialization.
+### Storing Data in an RDBMS
+We have covered all the reactive messaging parts, but have missed out how the `MessagingBean.receiveFromKafka()` stores data via the `DatabaseBean`. This is not the focus of this QuickStart, so we will just mention how this works quickly.
+This is the definition of `DatabaseBean`:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import java.util.List;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
+import jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext;
+import jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery;
+import jakarta.transaction.Transactional;
+public class DatabaseBean {
+ @PersistenceContext(unitName = "test")
+ EntityManager em;
+ @Transactional
+ public void store(Object entry) {
+ em.persist(entry);
+ }
+ public List loadAllTimedEntries() {
+ TypedQuery query = em.createQuery("SELECT t from TimedEntry t", TimedEntry.class);
+ List result = query.getResultList();
+ return result;
+ }
+It injects an `EntityManager` for the persitence context `test`, which is defined in the `src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml` file:
+[source, xml]
+ java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS
+The `DatabaseBean.store()` method saves the `TimedEntry` and the `DatabaseBean.loadAllTimedEntries()` method loads all the ones we stored.
+It is worth pointing out that the `@Incoming` and `@Outgoing` annotated methods called by the Reactive Messaging implementation (such as `MessagingBean.receiveFromKafka()`) happen outside of user space, so there is no @Transaction associated with them. So we need to annotated the `DatabaseBean.store()` method with `@Transactional` in order to save our entry to the database.
+### Viewing the Data Stored in the RDBMS
+Finally, we would like to be able to view the data that was stored in the database. To do this we will add a JAX-RS endpoint that queries the database by calling `DatabaseBean.loadAllTimedEntries()`.
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import java.util.List;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
+public class RootResource {
+ @Inject
+ DatabaseBean dbBean;
+ @GET
+ @Path("/db")
+ @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
+ public String getDatabaseEntries() {
+ List entries = dbBean.loadAllTimedEntries();
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ for (TimedEntry t : entries) {
+ sb.append(t);
+ sb.append("\n");
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+We expose our JAX-RS application at the context path:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application;
+public class JaxRsApplication extends Application {
+### Interaction with User Initiated Code
+So far what we have seen is really happening in the back-end with little user interaction.
+The MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 2.0 specification adds a `@Channel` annotation and an `Emitter` interface which makes it easier to send data to MicroProfile Reactive Messaging streams from user initiated code and to receive data from Reactive Messaging streams.
+To showcase this functionality we add another CDI bean called `UserMessagingBean`:
+[source, java]
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
+import jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.FormParam;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.POST;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Channel;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Emitter;
+import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
+import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
+import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
+public class UserMessagingBean {
+ @Inject
+ @Channel("user")
+ private Emitter emitter;
+ private BroadcastPublisher broadcastPublisher;
+ public UserMessagingBean() {
+ //Needed for CDI spec compliance
+ //The @Inject annotated one will be used
+ }
+ @Inject
+ public UserMessagingBean(@Channel("user") Publisher receiver) {
+ this.broadcastPublisher = new BroadcastPublisher(receiver);
+ }
+ @PreDestroy
+ public void destroy() {
+ broadcastPublisher.close();
+ }
+ public Response send(String value) {
+ System.out.println("Sending " + value);
+ emitter.send(value);
+ return Response.accepted().build();
+ }
+ public Publisher getPublisher() {
+ return broadcastPublisher;
+ }
+ private class BroadcastPublisher implements Publisher {
+ // See source code for more details
+ }
+Looking at this in more detail, the following field
+[source, java]
+ @Inject
+ @Channel("user")
+ private Emitter emitter;
+is used to send data to the MicroProfile Reactive Messagin stream called `user`, which is done in the following method
+[source, java]
+ public Response send(String value) {
+ System.out.println("Sending " + value);
+ emitter.send(value);
+ return Response.accepted().build();
+ }
+`@Inject @Channel` on an `Emitter` can be considered similiar to an `@Outgoing` annotated method but with the data coming from code paths invoked by user interaction. In this case we are not using Kafka to back the stream but if we wanted to, for this example, the MicroProfile Config properties would be prefixed with the `mp.messaging.outgoing.user.` prefix.
+Next we have the constructor where we inject a `Publisher` (We could also have used a MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators `PublisherBuiilder`) to define the receiving side.
+[source, java]
+ @Inject
+ public UserMessagingBean(@Channel("user") Publisher receiver) {
+ this.broadcastPublisher = new BroadcastPublisher(receiver);
+ }
+We store this injected `Publisher` in the `broadcastPublisher` field. We will come back to why we are wrapping it in a `BroadcastPublisher` in a second. So an `@Inject @Channel` on a `Publisher` (or `PublisherBuilder`) can be considered equivalent to use of the `@Incoming` annotation. In this case we are listening to the `user` in memory stream so messages sent via the `Emitter` will be received on this `Publisher`. If instead we wanted to configure it to send via Kafka we would use MicroProfile Config properties prefixed with the `mp.messaging.incoming.user.` prefix.
+There are a few caveats on this mechanism though:
+1. There must be an active `Subscription` (from the Reactive Streams specification) on the channel before the `Emitter.send()` method is called.
+2. There can only be one `Subscription` on the injected `Publisher`. This means that we cannot simply return this `Publisher` as is via an asynchronous JAX-RS endpoint as each client request would result in a separate `Subscription`.
+The above two points will hopefully be fixed in a future version of the specification. For the purposes of this quickstart we are bypassing the above limitations by creating the `BroadcastPublisher` class and wrapping the original `Publisher` in that instead. Note that implementing `Publisher` is hard, and that `BroadcastPublisher` should be considered a 'proof of concept'. For more details about the `BroadcastPublisher` see the source code of the `UserMessagingBean` class. In a nutshell what it does is:
+* Its constructor subscribes to the injected `Publisher` to avoid the first problem
+* When code subscribes to it, it handles the `Subscription` on its own level, and forwards on code received on the ' a separate level and forwards on data received from the base `Subsciption` created in the constructor.
+Finally we have a JAX-RS endpoint
+[source, java]
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.reactive.messaging;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Consumes;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.POST;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.Stream;
+import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
+public class UserResource {
+ @Inject
+ UserMessagingBean bean;
+ @Path("{value}")
+ @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
+ public Response send(@PathParam("value") String value) {
+ bean.send(value);
+ return Response.ok().build();
+ }
+ @GET
+ @Produces(MediaType.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS)
+ @Stream
+ public Publisher get() {
+ return bean.getPublisher();
+ }
+It simply delegates the values received from `POST` requests under `/user/` onto the bean which sends them via the `Emitter`.
+Then `GET` requests for `/user` return the `BroadCastPublisher` to the user who will then receive data received on the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging channel.
+Now you should be able to compile the application and prepare it for deployment.
+=== Running the Application on a Standalone {productName} Server
+We need to first start Apache Kafka. Then we will run the {productName} server and deploy our application to the server.
+== Running the Apache Kafka Service
+// As Kafka is strictly backwards compatible, I don't think we need to specify the version for users to download
+To run Apache Kafka locally you will need to https://kafka.apache.org/downloads[download] it first. Extract the zip to a location, and
+enter that directory in a terminal window. Then enter the following command to start Apache Zookeeper:
+[source, shell]
+$ ./bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
+Then open a new terminal window and go to the same directory. In this terminal, to start a Kafka instance, enter the command:
+[source, shell]
+$ ./bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
+NOTE: Zookeeper and Kafka must be left running, so use a new terminal for other commands outlined in this quickstart.
+== Build and Deploy the Initial Application
+Let's check that our application works!
+. Make sure xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[the {productName} server is started] as described above.
+. {productName} ships with all the modules to run MicroProfile Reactive Messaging applications with Kafka, but the functionality is not enabled out of the box, so we need to enable it. Run: `$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli` to set everything up. The `enable-reactive-messaging.cli` file used can be found link:enable-reactive-messaging.cli[here].
+*NOTE*: This is only required if running against the downloaded server. If the `microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka` layer is provisioned, as is done by the `openshift` and `bootable-jar` maven profiles, the Kafka functionality is there
+. Open new terminal and navigate to the root directory of your project.
+. Type the following command to build and deploy the project:
+$ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
+Now we should see output in the server console. First, we see output for the ones in the determined order:
+[source, options="nowrap"]
+14:24:39,197 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) Received from Kafka, storing it in database
+14:24:39,197 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) TimedEntry{time=2021-08-06 14:24:39.183, message='Hello'}
+14:24:39,197 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) key: 69609650; partition: 0, topic: testing
+14:24:41,185 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received world
+14:24:43,183 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received Reactive
+14:24:45,183 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received Messaging
+14:24:47,183 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received with
+14:24:49,182 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received Kafka
+14:24:49,188 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) Received from Kafka, storing it in database
+14:24:49,188 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) TimedEntry{time=2021-08-06 14:24:49.183, message='Kafka'}
+14:24:49,188 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) key: 72255238; partition: 0, topic: testing
+14:24:51,184 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received Kafka
+Then we get another section where it is using the randomised order
+[source, options="nowrap"]
+14:24:51,184 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received Kafka
+14:24:51,190 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) Received from Kafka, storing it in database
+14:24:51,190 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) TimedEntry{time=2021-08-06 14:24:51.184, message='Kafka'}
+14:24:51,190 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) key: 72255238; partition: 0, topic: testing
+14:24:53,184 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received world
+14:24:55,184 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received world
+14:24:57,184 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received Reactive
+14:24:59,181 INFO [stdout] (pool-22-thread-1) Received Hello
+14:24:59,187 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) Received from Kafka, storing it in database
+14:24:59,187 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) TimedEntry{time=2021-08-06 14:24:59.182, message='Hello'}
+14:24:59,187 INFO [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) key: 69609650; partition: 0, topic: testing
+In both parts of the log we see that all messages reach the `logAllMessages()` method, while only `Hello` and `Kafka` reach the `receiveFromKafka()` method which saves them to the RDBMS.
+To inspect what was stored in the database, go to http://localhost:8080/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/db in your browser and you should see something like:
+[source, options="nowrap"]
+TimedEntry{id=1, time=2021-08-06 14:24:39.183, message='Hello'}
+TimedEntry{id=2, time=2021-08-06 14:24:49.183, message='Kafka'}
+TimedEntry{id=3, time=2021-08-06 14:24:51.184, message='Kafka'}
+TimedEntry{id=4, time=2021-08-06 14:24:59.182, message='Hello'}
+The timestamps of the entries in the browser match the ones we saw in the server logs.
+=== Interaction with User Initiated Code
+With the application still running, open two terminal windows. Enter the following `curl` command in both of them
+$curl -N http://localhost:8080/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/user
+The `-N` option keeps the connection open, so we receive data as it becomes available on the publisher.
+In a third terminal window enter the commands:
+$curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/user/one
+$curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/user/two
+$curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/user/three
+In the first two terminal windows you should see these entries appear as they are posted:
+data: one
+data: two
+data: three
+// Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
+== Conclusion
+MicroProfile Reactive Messaging and Reactive Streams Operators allow you to publish to, process and consume streams, optionally backed by Kafka, by adding `@Incoming` and `@Outgoing` annotations to your methods. 'Paired' streams work in memory. To map 'un-paired' streams to be backed by Kafka you need to provide configuration via MicroProfile Config.
diff --git a/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/README.adoc b/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/README.adoc
index 03b7d12651..49d04816e4 100644
--- a/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/README.adoc
+++ b/microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
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+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
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+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
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+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
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+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
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+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
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+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
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+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
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+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
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+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
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+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
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+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
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+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka: MicroProfile Reactive Messaging with Kafka QuickStart
:author: Kabir Khan
@@ -28,15 +225,184 @@ The implementation of MicroProfile Reactive Messaging is built on top of link:ht
In this quickstart, we have a CDI bean that demonstrates the functionality of the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging specification. Currently, we support Reactive Messaging 1.0. Connections to external messaging systems such as Apache Kafka are configured via MicroProfile Config. We will also use Reactive Streams Operators to modify the data relayed in these streams in the methods handling the Reactive Messaging streams.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
== Solution
@@ -48,17 +414,187 @@ CAUTION: Kafka must be running before attempting to deploy the Quickstart applic
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Run the Quickstart in Red Hat CodeReady Studio or Eclipse
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Quickstart in {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse
+// Include this template to provide instructions to run the quickstart
+// in Red Hat CodeReady Studio.
+// If the quickstart is not supported, create the `jbds-not-supported` attribute.
+This quickstart is not supported in {JBDSProductName}.
+You can also start the server and deploy the quickstarts or run the Arquillian tests in {JBDSProductName} or from Eclipse using JBoss tools. For general information about how to import a quickstart, add a {productName} server, and build and deploy a quickstart, see link:{useEclipseUrl}[Use {JBDSProductName} or Eclipse to Run the Quickstarts].
+// Add additional instructions specific to running this quickstart in an IDE here.
== Creating the Maven Project
@@ -215,7 +751,69 @@ the generated build section):
// Setup required repositories
+:leveloffset: +1
+Setup the required Maven repositories (if you don't have them set up in Maven global settings):
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ default
+ true
+ never
+ true
+ never
+ jboss-public-maven-repository
+ JBoss Public Maven Repository
+ https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public
+ true
+ true
+ redhat-ga-maven-repository
+ Red Hat GA Maven Repository
+ https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/
+ true
+ true
Now we are ready to start working with MicroProfile Reactive Messaging.
@@ -239,7 +837,7 @@ Copy across the `microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka/src/main/java/org/wildfly
public CompletionStage getNextValue()
-The `CompletionStage` returned by this method will complete with a String when ready. A String is ready every two seconds. It will emit the following Strings in the given order:
+The `CompletionStage` returned by this method will complete with a String when ready. A String is ready every two seconds. It will emit the following Strings in the given order:
* `Hello`
* `World`
@@ -969,10 +1567,574 @@ data: three
// Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+=== Install AMQ Streams on OpenShift
+The functionality of this quickstart depends on a running instance of the
+https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-amq#streams[AMQ Streams] Operator. AMQ Streams is a Red Hat project based on Apache Kafka. To deploy AMQ Streams in the Openshift environment:
+. Log in into the Openshift console as `kubeadmin` user (or any cluster administrator).
+. Navigate to `Operators` -> `OperatorHub`.
+. Search for `AMQ Streams` - click on the 'AMQ Streams' operator.
+Install it with the default values and wait for the message telling you it has been installed and is ready for use.
+. In your terminal, run the following command to set up a Kafka cluster called `my-cluster` in your project:
+$ oc apply -f - <
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: microprofile-reactive-messaging-kafka
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/microprofile-rest-client/README-source.adoc b/microprofile-rest-client/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf18b222af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microprofile-rest-client/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+= microprofile-rest-client: MicroProfile REST Client QuickStart
+:author: Martin Stefanko
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: MicroProfile REST Client
+The `microprofile-rest-client` quickstart demonstrates the use of the MicroProfile REST Client specification in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: microprofile
+:archiveType: jar
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+== What is it?
+MicroProfile REST Client provides a type-safe approach to invoke RESTful services
+over HTTP. It relies on Jakarta REST APIs for consistency and easier reuse.
+== Architecture
+In this quickstart we have a country server and a country client used in the test. The server provides a simple REST
+interface providing information about some countries. The test creates a client that consumes this API through the
+MicroProfile REST Client specification.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+== Access the Country Server Application
+The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/.
+You can verify that the server is responding by accessing
+endpoint using your browser or
+`curl http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/name/France`
+to get some information about `France`.
+== The Country REST Client
+Using the MicroProfile REST Client is as simple as creating an interface which uses the
+proper Jakarta REST and MicroProfile annotations. In this case, the `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.rest.client.CountriesServiceClient`
+interface may be found in `src/test/java`:
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.rest.client;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.inject.RegisterRestClient;
+import org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.rest.client.model.Country;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
+public interface CountriesServiceClient {
+ @GET
+ @Path("/name/{name}")
+ @Produces("application/json")
+ Country getByName(@PathParam("name") String name);
+ @GET
+ @Path("/name/{name}")
+ @Produces("application/json")
+ CompletionStage getByNameAsync(@PathParam("name") String name);
+The `getByName` method gives our code the ability to query a country by name
+from the REST Countries API, while the `getByNameAsync` method is an asynchronous alternative. The client will handle all the networking and
+marshalling leaving our code clean of such technical details.
+As you can see, all that our REST client interface uses for now are standard
+Jakarta REST annotations.
+Regarding integrating the REST Client in your application, there are two options, the CDI lookup and the programmatic lookup, and both may be found in the `org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.rest.client.CountriesResource`
+class, respectively in use by `cdiName(String)` and `programmaticName(String)` methods.
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.rest.client;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.WebApplicationException;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.RestClientBuilder;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.inject.RestClient;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.NotFoundException;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.PathParam;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
+import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
+import org.wildfly.quickstarts.microprofile.Country;
+import java.net.MalformedURLException;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+public class CountriesResource {
+ @Inject
+ @RestClient
+ private CountriesServiceClient countriesServiceClient;
+ @Inject
+ @ConfigProperty(name = "server.host")
+ private String serverHost;
+ @GET
+ @Path("/cdi/{name}")
+ @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ public Country cdiName(@PathParam("name") String name) {
+ try {
+ return countriesServiceClient.getByName(name);
+ } catch (NotFoundException e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ @GET
+ @Path("/programmatic/{name}")
+ @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ public Country programmaticName(@PathParam("name") String name) throws MalformedURLException {
+ CountriesServiceClient client = RestClientBuilder.newBuilder()
+ .baseUrl(new URL(serverHost))
+ .build(CountriesServiceClient.class);
+ return client.getByName(name);
+ }
+ @GET
+ @Path("/name-async/{name}")
+ @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ public CompletionStage nameAsync(@PathParam("name") String name) {
+ CompletionStage completionStage = countriesServiceClient.getByNameAsync(name);
+ try {
+ TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1L);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ throw new WebApplicationException(e);
+ }
+ return completionStage;
+ }
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+//Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
+== Conclusion
+MicroProfile REST Client provides you with an option to define REST clients in a
+clear, declarative, and intuitive way using the same annotations as for your
+Jakarta REST resources. It also allows you to make the HTTP communication on the background
+transparent for your services with the direct data conversions and exception mappers.
+You can find more information about the MicroProfile REST Client specification at
diff --git a/microprofile-rest-client/README.adoc b/microprofile-rest-client/README.adoc
index 0e6b555ae9..dadef6d435 100644
--- a/microprofile-rest-client/README.adoc
+++ b/microprofile-rest-client/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: microprofile-rest-client
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= microprofile-rest-client: MicroProfile REST Client QuickStart
:author: Martin Stefanko
@@ -26,18 +223,294 @@ interface providing information about some countries. The test creates a client
MicroProfile REST Client specification.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
== Access the Country Server Application
The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/.
@@ -164,15 +637,540 @@ public class CountriesResource {
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
//Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: microprofile-rest-client
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
== Conclusion
diff --git a/microprofile-rest-client/charts/helm.yaml b/microprofile-rest-client/charts/helm.yaml
index 16a15af18f..75b14eca27 100644
--- a/microprofile-rest-client/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/microprofile-rest-client/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: microprofile-rest-client
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microprofile-rest-client/pom.xml b/microprofile-rest-client/pom.xml
index b9b17fc6b3..8977a36874 100644
--- a/microprofile-rest-client/pom.xml
+++ b/microprofile-rest-client/pom.xml
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: microprofile-rest-client
@@ -42,20 +42,15 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
- 3.4.3
- 2.1.4.Final
@@ -167,15 +162,14 @@
- ${version.io.smallrye.smallrye-config}
- ${version.org.jboss.resteasy.microprofile}
diff --git a/numberguess/README-source.adoc b/numberguess/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ff1c57a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numberguess/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+= numberguess: Example Using CDI and JSF
+:author: Pete Muir
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: CDI, JSF
+:openshift: true
+The `numberguess` quickstart demonstrates the use of CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and JSF (JavaServer Faces) in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+== What is it?
+The `numberguess` quickstart demonstrates the use of CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and JSF (JavaServer Faces) in {productNameFull}.
+// Link to the quickstart source
+// System Requirements
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+// build and run with standard server distribution
+== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+=== Access the Application
+The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/.
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/numberguess/README.adoc b/numberguess/README.adoc
index 52e94537c2..fb1f3721f2 100644
--- a/numberguess/README.adoc
+++ b/numberguess/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,201 @@
+:artifactId: numberguess
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
= numberguess: Example Using CDI and JSF
:author: Pete Muir
@@ -18,31 +215,920 @@ The `numberguess` quickstart demonstrates the use of CDI (Contexts and Dependen
The `numberguess` quickstart demonstrates the use of CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and JSF (JavaServer Faces) in {productNameFull}.
// Link to the quickstart source
+:leveloffset: +1
+link:https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/{WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}/{artifactId}[Browse the source]
// System Requirements
+:leveloffset: +1
+= System Requirements
+// Include this template to describe the standard system requirements for
+// running the quickstarts.
+// The Forge quickstarts define a `forge-from-scratch` attribute because they
+// run entirely in CodeReady Studio and have different requirements .
+The application this project produces is designed to be run on {productNameFull} {productVersion} or later.
+All you need to build this project is {buildRequirements}. See link:{configureMavenDocUrl}[Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts] to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
// build and run with standard server distribution
== Building and running the quickstart application with a {productName} server distribution
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
// Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
=== Access the Application
The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/{artifactId}/.
// Server Distribution Testing
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
\ No newline at end of file
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: numberguess
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
diff --git a/numberguess/charts/helm.yaml b/numberguess/charts/helm.yaml
index 716217e700..b6c0b22ee7 100644
--- a/numberguess/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/numberguess/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
contextDir: numberguess
replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/numberguess/pom.xml b/numberguess/pom.xml
index fa5f9c9650..0a8ca3ded0 100644
--- a/numberguess/pom.xml
+++ b/numberguess/pom.xml
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: numberguess
The numberguess project demonstrates the use of CDI and JSF in JBoss EAP
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
diff --git a/opentelemetry-tracing/README-source.adoc b/opentelemetry-tracing/README-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e05c062d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opentelemetry-tracing/README-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+= opentelemetry-tracing: OpenTelemetry Tracing QuickStart
+:author: Jason Lee
+:level: Beginner
+:technologies: OpenTelemetry Tracing
+:openshift: true
+The `opentelemetry-tracing` quickstart demonstrates the use of the OpenTelemetry tracing specification in {productName}.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:archiveType: war
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+:restoreScriptName: restore-configuration.cli
+== What is it?
+OpenTelemetry is a set of APIs, SDKs, tooling and integrations that are designed for the creation and management of
+telemetry data such as traces, metrics, and logs. OpenTelemetry support in {productName} is limited to traces only.
+{productName}'s support of OpenTelemetry provides out of the box tracing of Jakarta REST calls, as well as
+container-managed Jakarta REST Client invocations. Additionally, applications can have injected a `Tracer` instance
+in order to create and manage custom `Span`s as a given application may require. These traces are exported
+to an OpenTelemetry Collector instance listening on the same host.
+== Architecture
+In this quickstart, we have a collection of CDI beans and REST endpoints that expose functionalities of the OpenTelemetry support in {productName}.
+// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+== Prerequisites
+To complete this guide, you will need:
+* less than 15 minutes
+* JDK 11+ installed with `JAVA_HOME` configured appropriately
+* Apache Maven 3.5.3+
+* Docker Compose, or alternatively Podman Compose
+== Steps
+// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+=== Configure the Server
+You enable OpenTelemetry by running JBoss CLI commands. For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a `configure-opentelemtry.cli` script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Before you begin, make sure you do the following:
+* xref:back_up_standalone_server_configuration[Back up the {productName} standalone server configuration] as described above.
+* xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server with the standalone default profile] as described above.
+. Review the `configure-opentelemtry.cli` file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script adds the configuration that enables OpenTelemetry for the quickstart components. Comments in the script describe the purpose of each block of commands.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=configure-opentelemetry.cli
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+You should see the following result when you run the script:
+The batch executed successfully
+process-state: reload-required
+. You'll need to reload the configuration after that:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --commands=reload
+=== Starting the OpenTelemetry Collector
+By default, {productName} will publish traces every 10 seconds, so you will soon start seeing errors about a refused connection.
+This is because we told {productName} to publish to a server that is not there, so we need to fix that. To make that as simple as possible, you can use Docker Compose to start an instance of the OpenTelemetry Collector.
+The Docker Compose configuration file is `docker-compose.yaml`:
+The Collector server configuration file is `otel-collector-config.yaml`:
+We can now bring up the collector instance:
+$ docker-compose up
+The service should be available almost immediately, which you can verify by looking for the log entry `Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.`.
+You may use Podman as alternative to Docker if you prefer, in such case the command should be `podman-compose up`.
+If your environment does not support Docker or Podman, please refer to
+https://opentelemetry.io/docs/collector/installation[Otel Collector documentation] for alternatives on how to install
+and run the OpenTelemetry Collector.
+Part of the value of OpenTelemetry is its vendor-agnostic approach to exporting its various supported signals. As such,
+this demo will only log the incoming traces, leaving the relaying of those signals to a downstream aggregation platform
+as an exercise for the reader.
+Now we can start adding our custom spans from our application.
+=== Creating traces
+==== Implicit tracing of REST resources
+The OpenTelemetry support in {productName} provides an implicit tracing of all Jakarta REST resources. That means that
+for all applications, {productName} will automatically:
+* extract the Span context from the incoming Jakarta REST request
+* start a new Span on incoming Jakarta REST request and close it when the request is completed
+* inject Span context to any outgoing Jakarta REST request
+* start a Span for any outgoing Jakarta REST request and finish the Span when the request is completed
+==== Explicit tracing
+The OpenTelemetry API also supports explicit tracing should your application required it:
+== Access the quickstart application
+You can either access the application via your browser at http://localhost:8080/opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace[], or http://localhost:8080/opentelemetry-tracing/explicit-trace[]. You can also access it from the command line:
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace
+$ curl http://localhost:8080/opentelemetry-tracing/explicit-trace
+Either endpoint should return a simple document:
+=== View the traces
+You can view the traces by looking at the Collector's log. You should see something like this:
+otel-collector_1 | 2023-12-13T21:05:28.002Z info TracesExporter {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "logging", "resource spans": 1, "spans": 1}
+otel-collector_1 | 2023-12-13T21:05:28.002Z info ResourceSpans #0
+otel-collector_1 | Resource SchemaURL: https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/1.20.0
+otel-collector_1 | Resource attributes:
+otel-collector_1 | -> service.name: Str(opentelemetry-tracing.war)
+otel-collector_1 | -> telemetry.sdk.language: Str(java)
+otel-collector_1 | -> telemetry.sdk.name: Str(opentelemetry)
+otel-collector_1 | -> telemetry.sdk.version: Str(1.29.0)
+otel-collector_1 | ScopeSpans #0
+otel-collector_1 | ScopeSpans SchemaURL:
+otel-collector_1 | InstrumentationScope io.smallrye.opentelemetry 2.6.0
+otel-collector_1 | Span #0
+otel-collector_1 | Trace ID : c761e8fadec36d222adac36dcff1f4b1
+otel-collector_1 | Parent ID :
+otel-collector_1 | ID : 08f93dd25f75b5cd
+otel-collector_1 | Name : GET /opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace
+otel-collector_1 | Kind : Server
+otel-collector_1 | Start time : 2023-12-13 21:05:20.560054393 +0000 UTC
+otel-collector_1 | End time : 2023-12-13 21:05:20.621635685 +0000 UTC
+otel-collector_1 | Status code : Unset
+otel-collector_1 | Status message :
+otel-collector_1 | Attributes:
+otel-collector_1 | -> net.host.port: Int(8080)
+otel-collector_1 | -> http.scheme: Str(http)
+otel-collector_1 | -> http.method: Str(GET)
+otel-collector_1 | -> http.status_code: Int(200)
+otel-collector_1 | -> net.transport: Str(ip_tcp)
+otel-collector_1 | -> user_agent.original: Str(curl/8.2.1)
+otel-collector_1 | -> net.host.name: Str(localhost)
+otel-collector_1 | -> http.route: Str(/opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace)
+otel-collector_1 | -> http.target: Str(/opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace)
+otel-collector_1 | -> net.sock.host.addr: Str(
+otel-collector_1 | {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "logging"}
+// Server Distribution Testing
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+// Bootable JAR
+// OpenShift
+== Conclusion
+OpenTelemetry Tracing provides the mechanisms for your application to participate
+in the distributed tracing with minimal effort on the application side. The Jakarta REST
+resources are always traced by default, but the specification allows you to create
+individual spans directly with the CDI injection of the `io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer`.
diff --git a/opentelemetry-tracing/README.adoc b/opentelemetry-tracing/README.adoc
index e05c062d83..1b7c783a99 100644
--- a/opentelemetry-tracing/README.adoc
+++ b/opentelemetry-tracing/README.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,205 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+:artifactId: opentelemetry-tracing
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for JBoss EAP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly builds.
+// Enable the following flag to build README.html files for EAP XP product builds.
+// Comment it out for WildFly or JBoss EAP product builds.
+// This is a universal name for all releases
+:ProductShortName: JBoss EAP
+// Product names and links are dependent on whether it is a product release (CD or JBoss)
+// or the WildFly project.
+// The "DocInfo*" attributes are used to build the book links to the product documentation
+// JBoss EAP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:productVersion: 8.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: {productVersion}
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 8.0.x
+:productImageVersion: 8.0.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap8
+// JBoss EAP XP release
+:productName: JBoss EAP XP
+:productNameFull: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack
+:productVersion: 3.0
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: XP_3.0.0.GA
+:productImageVersion: 3.0
+:helmChartName: jboss-eap/eap-xp3
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
+:jbossHomeName: EAP_HOME
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:quickstartDownloadName: {productNameFull} {productVersion} Quickstarts
+:quickstartDownloadUrl: https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=appplatform&downloadType=distributions
+:helmRepoName: jboss-eap
+:helmRepoUrl: https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+// END ifdef::ProductRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+// WildFly project
+:productName: WildFly
+:productNameFull: WildFly Application Server
+:ProductShortName: {productName}
+:jbossHomeName: WILDFLY_HOME
+:productVersion: 31
+:productImageVersion: 31.0
+:githubRepoUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/
+:githubRepoCodeUrl: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+:WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag: 31.0.0.Final
+:DocInfoProductName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
+:DocInfoProductNameURL: red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform
+// Do not update the following until after the 7.4 docs are published!
+:DocInfoProductNumber: 7.4
+:DocInfoPreviousProductName: jboss-enterprise-application-platform
+:helmRepoName: wildfly
+:helmRepoUrl: http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+:helmChartName: wildfly/wildfly
+// END ifndef::ProductRelease,EAPCDRelease,EAPXPRelease[]
+:source: {githubRepoUrl}
+// Values for Openshift S2i sections attributes
+:CDProductName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:CDProductShortName: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:CDProductTitle: {CDProductName}
+:CDProductNameSentence: Openshift release for {ProductShortName}
+:CDProductAcronym: {CDProductShortName}
+:CDProductVersion: {productVersion}
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {EapForOpenshiftBookName} Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {xpaasproduct} Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {CDProductShortName}
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {xpaasproduct-shortname} Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Container Platform
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: Getting Started with {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:OpenShiftOnlinePlatformName: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
+:OpenShiftOnlineName: Red Hat OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap80
+:ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepo: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: 8.0.x
+:EAPQuickStartRepoTag: EAP_8.0.0.Beta
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_container_platform/
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_with_jboss_eap_for_openshift_online/
+// Attributes for XP releases
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:xpaasproduct-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift
+:xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname: {ProductShortName} for OpenShift Online
+:ContainerRegistryName: Red Hat Container Registry
+:EapForOpenshiftBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift
+:EapForOpenshiftOnlineBookName: {productNameFull} for OpenShift Online
+:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp3
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: {ImageandTemplateImportBaseURL}/{ImagePrefixVersion}/
+:BuildImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-openshift
+:RuntimeImageStream: jboss-{ImagePrefixVersion}-openjdk11-runtime-openshift
+// OpenShift repository and reference for quickstarts
+:EAPQuickStartRepoRef: xp-3.0.x
+// Links to the OpenShift documentation
+:LinkOpenShiftGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:LinkOpenShiftOnlineGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html/using_eclipse_microprofile_in_jboss_eap/using-the-openshift-image-for-jboss-eap-xp_default
+:ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i/v{productVersion}.0/
+// Other values
+:buildRequirements: Java 11.0 (Java SDK 11) or later and Maven 3.6.0 or later
+:jbdsEapServerName: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3
+:javaVersion: Jakarta EE 10
+:javaVersion: Eclipse MicroProfile
+:githubRepoBranch: master
+:guidesBaseUrl: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-developer-shared-resources/blob/master/guides/
+:useEclipseUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#use_red_hat_jboss_developer_studio_or_eclipse_to_run_the_quickstarts
+:useEclipseDeployJavaClientDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_containing_server_and_java_client_projects
+:useEclipseDeployEARDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_JBDS.adoc#deploy_and_undeploy_a_quickstart_ear_project
+:useProductHomeDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}USE_OF_{jbossHomeName}.adoc#use_of_product_home_and_jboss_home_variables
+:configureMavenDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_MAVEN_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_maven_to_build_and_deploy_the_quickstarts
+:arquillianTestsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}RUN_ARQUILLIAN_TESTS.adoc#run_the_arquillian_tests
+:addUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#create_users_required_by_the_quickstarts
+:addApplicationUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_application_user
+:addManagementUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CREATE_USERS.adoc#add_an_management_user
+:startServerDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}START_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#start_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_database_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configurePostgresDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#download_and_install_postgresql
+:configurePostgresCreateUserDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#create_a_database_user
+:configurePostgresAddModuleDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#add_the_postgres_module_to_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configurePostgresDriverDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL_JBOSS_EAP.adoc#configure_the_postgresql_driver_in_the_jboss_eap_server
+:configureBytemanDownloadDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#download_and_configure_byteman
+:configureBytemanDisableDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#disable_the_byteman_script
+:configureBytemanClearDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#clear_the_transaction_object_store
+:configureBytemanQuickstartDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:configureBytemanHaltDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#use_byteman_to_halt_the_application[
+:configureBytemanQuickstartsDocUrl: {guidesBaseUrl}CONFIGURE_BYTEMAN.adoc#configure_byteman_for_use_with_the_quickstarts
+:EESubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0
+:IiopOpenJdkSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:iiop-openjdk:2.0
+:MailSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:mail:3.0
+:SingletonSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0
+:TransactionsSubsystemNamespace: urn:jboss:domain:transactions:4.0
+// LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/
+:LinkProductDocHome: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/jboss-enterprise-application-platform-continuous-delivery
+:LinkConfigGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/configuration_guide/
+:LinkDevelopmentGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/development_guide/
+:LinkGettingStartedGuide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/{DocInfoProductNameURL}/{DocInfoProductNumber}/html-single/getting_started_guide/
+:LinkOpenShiftWelcome: https://docs.openshift.com/online/welcome/index.html
+:LinkOpenShiftSignup: https://docs.openshift.com/online/getting_started/choose_a_plan.html
+:OpenShiftTemplateName: JBoss EAP CD (no https)
+:ConfigBookName: Configuration Guide
+:DevelopmentBookName: Development Guide
+:GettingStartedBookName: Getting Started Guide
+:JBDSProductName: Red Hat CodeReady Studio
+:JBDSVersion: 12.15
+:LinkJBDSInstall: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/installation_guide/
+:JBDSInstallBookName: Installation Guide
+:LinkJBDSGettingStarted: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_studio/{JBDSVersion}/html-single/getting_started_with_codeready_studio_tools/
+:JBDSGettingStartedBookName: Getting Started with CodeReady Studio Tools
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
= opentelemetry-tracing: OpenTelemetry Tracing QuickStart
:author: Jason Lee
@@ -29,7 +230,44 @@ to an OpenTelemetry Collector instance listening on the same host.
In this quickstart, we have a collection of CDI beans and REST endpoints that expose functionalities of the OpenTelemetry support in {productName}.
// Use of {jbossHomeName}
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
== Prerequisites
@@ -40,12 +278,167 @@ To complete this guide, you will need:
* Apache Maven 3.5.3+
* Docker Compose, or alternatively Podman Compose
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+This quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName}_1, {jbossHomeName}_2, and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+When deploying this quickstart to a managed domain, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When deploying this quickstart to multiple standalone servers, this quickstart requires that you clone your `__{jbossHomeName}__` installation directory and run two servers. In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}_1__` with the path to your first {productName} server and replace `__{jbossHomeName}_2__` with the path to your second cloned {productName} server.
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+= Use of the {jbossHomeName} and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
+In the following instructions, replace `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the actual path to your {productName} installation. The installation path is described in detail here: link:{useProductHomeDocUrl}[Use of __{jbossHomeName}__ and __JBOSS_HOME__ Variables].
+When you see the replaceable variable __QUICKSTART_HOME__, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
== Steps
// Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Start the {productName} Standalone Server
+// Include this template if your quickstart requires a normal start of a single
+// standalone server.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// custom
+// * For mobile applications, you can define the `mobileApp` variable in the
+// `README.adoc` file to add `-b` to the command line. This allows
+// external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect
+// to the application through through your local network
+// ::mobileApp: {artifactId}-service
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the {productName} directory.
+. Start the {productName} server with the {serverProfile} by typing the following command.
+$ __JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1__ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\standalone.bat` script.
+Adding `-b` to the above command allows external clients, such as phones, tablets, and desktops, to connect through your local network. For example:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/standalone.sh {serverArguments} -b
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
=== Configure the Server
@@ -94,14 +487,65 @@ The Docker Compose configuration file is `docker-compose.yaml`:
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+version: "3"
+ shared-volume:
+ # - logs:/var/log
+ otel-collector:
+ image: otel/opentelemetry-collector
+ command: [--config=/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml]
+ volumes:
+ - ./otel-collector-config.yaml:/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml:Z
+ ports:
+ - 1888:1888 # pprof extension
+ - 13133:13133 # health_check extension
+ - 4317:4317 # OTLP gRPC receiver
+ - 4318:4318 # OTLP http receiver
+ - 55679:55679 # zpages extension
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
The Collector server configuration file is `otel-collector-config.yaml`:
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ health_check:
+ pprof:
+ endpoint:
+ zpages:
+ endpoint:
+ otlp:
+ protocols:
+ grpc:
+ http:
+ batch:
+ logging:
+ verbosity: detailed
+ pipelines:
+ traces:
+ receivers: [otlp]
+ processors: []
+ exporters: [logging]
+ extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
We can now bring up the collector instance:
@@ -152,10 +596,154 @@ The OpenTelemetry API also supports explicit tracing should your application req
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+package org.wildfly.quickstarts.opentelemetry;
+import jakarta.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
+import jakarta.inject.Inject;
+import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
+import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer;
+public class ExplicitlyTracedBean {
+ @Inject
+ private Tracer tracer;
+ public String getHello() {
+ Span prepareHelloSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("prepare-hello").startSpan();
+ prepareHelloSpan.makeCurrent();
+ String hello = "hello";
+ Span processHelloSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("process-hello").startSpan();
+ processHelloSpan.makeCurrent();
+ hello = hello.toUpperCase();
+ processHelloSpan.end();
+ prepareHelloSpan.end();
+ return hello;
+ }
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Build and Deploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal deployment of a archive.
+// * Define the `archiveType` variable in the quickstart README file.
+// Supported values:
+// :archiveType: ear
+// :archiveType: war
+// :archiveType: jar
+// * To override the archive name, which defaults to the {artifactId),
+// define the `archiveName` variable, for example:
+// :archiveName: {artifactId}-service
+// * To override the archive output directory,
+// define the `archiveDir` variable, for example:
+// :archiveDir: ear/target
+// * To override the Maven command, define the `mavenCommand` variable,
+// for example:
+// :mavenCommand: clean install wildfly:deploy
+// The archive name defaults to the artifactId if not overridden
+:archiveName: {artifactId}
+// The archive type defaults to war if not overridden
+:archiveType: war
+// Define the archive file name as the concatenation of "archiveName" + "." + "archiveType+
+:archiveFileName: {archiveName}.{archiveType}
+// If they have not defined the target archive directory, make it the default for the archive type.
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/ear/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:archiveDir: {artifactId}/target
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+:mavenCommand: clean package
+:mavenCommand: clean install
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Run this command to enable the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging functionality on the server
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file=enable-reactive-messaging.cli
+. Type the following command to build the quickstart.
+$ mvn {mavenCommand}
+. Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
+$ mvn wildfly:deploy
+This builds and deploys the `country-server` and `country-client` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archives deployed successfully.
+This deploys the `{archiveDir}/{archiveFileName}` to the running instance of the server.
+You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
== Access the quickstart application
@@ -216,6 +804,7 @@ otel-collector_1 | {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "log
// Server Distribution Testing
+<<<<<<< HEAD
// Undeploy the Quickstart
@@ -231,6 +820,917 @@ endif::[]
// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Run the Integration Tests
+This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the `src/test/` directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure you start the {productName} server, as previously described.
+. Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
+You may also use the environment variable `SERVER_HOST` or the system property `server.host` to define the target URL of the tests.
+// Undeploy the Quickstart
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Undeploy the Quickstart
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal undeployment of an archive.
+When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
+. Make sure you xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
+. Type this command to undeploy the archive:
+$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+:leveloffset: +2
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal restoration of a single
+// standalone server configuration.
+// * It provides a CLI script.
+// * You can manually restore the backup copy.
+// You must define the script file name using the `restoreScriptName` attribute.
+// For example:
+// :restoreScriptName: remove-configuration.cli
+You can restore the original server configuration using either of the following methods.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_using_cli[run the `{restoreScriptName}` script] provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
+* You can xref:restore_standalone_server_configuration_manually[manually restore the configuration] using the backup copy of the configuration file.
+== Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration by Running the JBoss CLI Script
+. xref:start_the_eap_standalone_server[Start the {productName} server] as described above.
+. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing `__{jbossHomeName}__` with the path to your server:
+$ __{jbossHomeName}__/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --file={restoreScriptName}
+NOTE: For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\jboss-cli.bat` script.
+// Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+:leveloffset: +3
+= Restore the {productName} Standalone Server Configuration Manually
+// Include this template if your quickstart does a normal manual restoration
+// of a single standalone server.
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
+. If it is running, stop the {productName} server.
+. Replace the `__{jbossHomeName}__/{configFileName}` file with the backup copy of the file.
+// Build and run sections for other environments/builds
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned {productName} server
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+Instead of using a standard {productName} server distribution, you can alternatively provision a {productName} server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named `provisioned-server` when building the quickstart:
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+The provisioned {productName} server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the `{deploymentTargetDir}/server` directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
+The quickstart user should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The quickstart admin should be added before running the provisioned server:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ provisioned-server
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Server Provisioning Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a provisioned server
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean package
+:mavenServerProvisioningCommand: clean install
+ifndef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: target]
+ifdef::deploymentDir[:deploymentTargetDir: {deploymentDir}/target]
+:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080
+ifndef::extraStartParams[:extraStartParams: ]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the server is provisioned.
+$ mvn {mavenServerProvisioningCommand} -Pprovisioned-server
+. Add the quickstart user:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartUser' -p 'quickstartPwd1!' {app-group-command}
+. Add the quickstart admin:
+$ {deploymentTargetDir}/server/bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'quickstartAdmin' -p 'adminPwd1!' {admin-group-command}
+For Windows, use the `__{jbossHomeName}__\bin\add-user.bat` script.
+. Start the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the `jbossHome` system property.
+$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server {extraStartParams}
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:start -DjbossHome={deploymentDir}/target/server {extraStartParams}
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a provisioned server by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} provisioned server, this time using the {productName} Maven Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
+$ mvn -f {deploymentDir}/pom.xml wildfly:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Bootable JAR
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Building and running the quickstart application in a bootable JAR
+You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a {productName} bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
+The quickstart `pom.xml` file contains a Maven profile named *bootable-jar* which configures the bootable JAR building:
+ bootable-jar
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-jar-maven-plugin
+ wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)#${version.server}
+ ...
+ true
+ package
+ ...
+. Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
+$ JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS=true JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM=1 java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+$ java -jar target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. You can now interact with the quickstart application.
+After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+// Bootable Jar Testing
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with a bootable jar
+// This template sets attributes for the different standalone server profiles.
+// You must define the `standalone-server-type`. Supported values are:
+// default
+// full
+// full-ha
+// ha
+// microprofile
+// custom
+// Standalone server with the default profile.
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+// Standalone server with the full profile.
+:serverProfile: full profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full.xml
+// Standalone server with the full HA profile.
+:serverProfile: full HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-full-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the HA profile.
+:serverProfile: HA profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-ha.xml
+// Start the standalone server with the Eclipse MicroProfile profile.
+:serverProfile: MicroProfile profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone-microprofile.xml
+:serverArguments: -c standalone-microprofile.xml
+// Standalone server with the custom profile.
+// NOTE: This profile requires that you define the `serverArguments` variable
+// within the quickstart README.adoc file. For example:
+// :serverArguments: --server-config=../../docs/examples/configs/standalone-xts.xml
+:serverProfile: custom profile
+// If there is no match, use the default profile.
+:standalone-server-type: default
+:serverProfile: default profile
+:configFileName: standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ifndef::server_provisioning_server_host[:server_provisioning_server_host: http://localhost:8080]
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
+Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
+. Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
+$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
+. Start the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/{artifactId}-bootable.jar
+. Type the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated, and specifying the quickstart's URL using the `server.host` system property, which for a bootable jar by default is `{server_provisioning_server_host}`.
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host={server_provisioning_server_host}
+. Shutdown the {productName} bootable jar, this time using the {productName} Maven Jar Plugin too.
+$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
+:leveloffset: 1
+// OpenShift
+:leveloffset: +1
+:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
+= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
+// The openshift profile
+:leveloffset: +1
+== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
+ openshift
+ org.wildfly.plugins
+ wildfly-maven-plugin
+ org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:${version.server}
+ org.wildfly.cloud:wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack:${version.pack.cloud}
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+ openshift
+ org.jboss.eap.plugins
+ eap-maven-plugin
+ ...
+ org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
+ org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
+ ...
+ ROOT.war
+ package
+ ...
+You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Getting Started with Helm
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
+This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
+== Prerequisites
+* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
+* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
+Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
+$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
+"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo wildfly
+wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
+wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
+$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
+"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
+$ helm search repo jboss-eap
+{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
+//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+:leveloffset: +1
+ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
+:helm_chart_values: charts
+:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
+== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to OpenShift with Helm Charts
+Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
+The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
+Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
+$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s
+NAME: {helm-app-name}
+STATUS: deployed
+This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
+oc get deployment {helm-app-name}
+The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
+ uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+ ref: 31.x
+ contextDir: opentelemetry-tracing
+ replicas: 1
+ uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
+ ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
+ contextDir: {artifactId}
+ replicas: 1
+ route:
+ tls:
+ enabled: false
+This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
+If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
+$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
+Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
+$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
+Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
+The Maven profile named `openshift` is used by the Helm chart to provision the server with the quickstart deployed on the root web context, and thus the application should be accessed with the URL without the `/{artifactId}` path segment after `HOST:PORT`.
+== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from OpenShift with Helm Charts
+$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Testing on Openshift
+:leveloffset: +1
+= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
+The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
+The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
+Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-openshift-test-arguments}
+The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
+:leveloffset: 1
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
== Conclusion
diff --git a/opentelemetry-tracing/charts/helm.yaml b/opentelemetry-tracing/charts/helm.yaml
index 44a27be81b..6e044a49fe 100644
--- a/opentelemetry-tracing/charts/helm.yaml
+++ b/opentelemetry-tracing/charts/helm.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
+<<<<<<< HEAD
ref: main
+ ref: 31.x
+>>>>>>> b4ca9a43b66d96aff01d3da9f9714b65b9bb38b0
contextDir: opentelemetry-tracing
replicas: 1
diff --git a/opentelemetry-tracing/pom.xml b/opentelemetry-tracing/pom.xml
index 6f509d046d..bf27fafbfc 100644
--- a/opentelemetry-tracing/pom.xml
+++ b/opentelemetry-tracing/pom.xml
@@ -8,24 +8,24 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 7
+ 8
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
Quickstart: opentelemetry-tracing
- 31.0.0.Beta1
+ 31.0.0.Final
- 5.0.0.Final
+ 6.0.0.Final
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 5201fe1e7e..ef5b9a29d9 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
Maintain separation between the artifact id and the version to help prevent
merge conflicts between commits changing the GA and those changing the V.
- 31.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT
+ 31.0.0.Final
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- 2.3.0.Final
+ 2.4.0.Final
@@ -447,7 +447,9 @@
- README.adoc
+ README-source.adoc
+ README-source.adoc
@@ -477,7 +479,7 @@
- README.adoc
+ README-source.adoc