diff --git a/ocaml/xapi/eventgen.ml b/ocaml/xapi/eventgen.ml index dfc04d944b7..753bb8fdf7b 100644 --- a/ocaml/xapi/eventgen.ml +++ b/ocaml/xapi/eventgen.ml @@ -26,6 +26,24 @@ let find_get_record obj_name ~__context ~self () : Rpc.t option = (fun f -> f ~__context ~self ()) (Hashtbl.find_opt get_record_table obj_name) +(* Bidirectional lookup for relations encoded in all_relations. *) +let lookup_object_relation = + (* Precompute the symmetric closure of all_relations and store it as + a hash table. *) + let symmetric_table = + let table = Hashtbl.create 128 in + let relate = Hashtbl.replace table in + let api = Datamodel.all_api in + let close (p, p') = + (* R U= { (p, p'), (p', p) } where p, p' are of the form + (object, field) *) + relate p p' ; relate p' p + in + Dm_api.relations_of_api api |> List.iter close ; + table + in + Hashtbl.find_opt symmetric_table + (* If a record is modified, events must be emitted for related objects' records. We collect a list of related objects by querying the (Ref _)-typed fields of the input object against the relations encoded by the datamodel. @@ -37,16 +55,11 @@ let compute_object_references_to_follow (obj_name : string) = let module DT = Datamodel_types in let api = Datamodel.all_api in let obj = Dm_api.get_obj_by_name api ~objname:obj_name in - let symmetric = - (* Symmetric closure of the field relation set. *) - Dm_api.relations_of_api api - |> List.concat_map (fun (a, b) -> [(a, b); (b, a)]) - in (* Find an object related to the input field using the datamodel. *) let find_related_object = function | DT.{field_name; ty= Ref _; _} -> let this_end = (obj_name, field_name) in - List.assoc_opt this_end symmetric + lookup_object_relation this_end |> Option.map (fun (other_object, _) -> (other_object, field_name)) | _ -> None