This document describes the process of developing a new addon for MicroK8s. As an example, we will create a simple addon python-hello-k8s
, which creates a simple nginx deployment on our cluster.
Edit addons.yaml
in the root of this repository and add an entry for your new addon. See the expected format and the list of supported fields in
For our python-hello-k8s
addon, would look like this:
- name: "python-hello-k8s"
description: "Demo addon implemented in python"
version: "1.0.0"
check_status: "deployment.apps/python-demo-nginx"
- arm64
- amd64
- s390x
The enable
script is called when running microk8s enable python-hello-k8s
Create an empty directory addons/python-hello-k8s
, then create addons/python-hello-k8s/enable
. The enable
script can be written in either Python or Bash, and even supports command-line arguments. It is highly recommended to avoid Bash if any non-trivial amount of work is required for your addon.
For our simple addon, we only need to create a deployment with nginx
. We will support an optional command-line parameter --replicas
, which will allow users to configure the number of replicas when enabling the addon.
In the example below, we use Click for simplicity.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# addons/python-hello-k8s/enable
import os
import subprocess
import click
KUBECTL = os.path.expandvars("$SNAP/microk8s-kubectl.wrapper")
@click.option("--replicas", required=False, default=3, type=int)
def main(replicas):
click.echo("Enabling python-hello-k8s")
KUBECTL, "create", "deploy", "python-demo-nginx", "--image", "nginx", "--replicas", str(replicas),
click.echo("Enabled python-hello-k8s")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Make sure that the script is executable:
chmod +x ./addons/python-demo-nginx/enable
The disable
script is called when running microk8s disable python-demo-nginx
import click
import os
import subprocess
KUBECTL = os.path.expandvars("$SNAP/microk8s-kubectl.wrapper")
def main():
click.echo("Disabling python-demo-nginx")
KUBECTL, "delete", "deploy", "python-demo-nginx"
click.echo("Disabled python-demo-nginx")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Like previously, make sure the script is executable:
chmod +x ./addons/python-demo-nginx/disable
Testing the python-hello-k8s
addon is found in the tests/
file. With the help of a few helper functions in tests/
we are able to
- enable the addon
- wait for the nginx pods to come online
- the status of the addon
- disable the addon
import sh
import yaml
from utils import (
class TestAddons(object):
def test_python_demo_nginx(self):
wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=python-demo-nginx")
status = yaml.safe_load(sh.microk8s.status(format="yaml").stdout)
expected = {"python-hello-k8s": "enabled"}
To triggering the tests is with pytest
and have to be called after the repository is added in a MicroK8s cluster:
$ pytest -s ./tests/
====================== test session starts ========================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/jackal/workspace/microk8s-addons-repo-template
collected 1 item
tests/ Infer repository demo for addon python-hello-k8s
Infer repository demo for addon python-hello-k8s
====================== 1 passed in 12.42s =========================================
Install MicroK8s, then add the repository using mcirok8s addons repo
as shown in the
Then, enable the addon with:
# simple ...
microk8s enable python-hello-k8s
# ... or, with command-line arguments
microk8s enable python-hello-k8s --replicas 5
You can check the status of the addon with the microk8s status
microk8s status --addon python-hello-k8s
And disable the addon:
microk8s disable python-hello-k8s