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Use the get_core() function below to get a core object, you only need to interact with the core object with two methods: core.setImage() and core.inference(). For example:

core = get_core() #create a core
core.setImage(img) #pass image to model
while True: #the eventloop
    ret = core.inference(pose_params) #go forward for models
    #do what ever you want with returned images

Data interface

The core object is interacted through numpy interface

Image data type

All images input& output using np.uint8 datatype

Image data layout

All images inputs&outputs are in (Hight, Width, Channel) data layout. For example, the input image that passed to core.setImage() must be in a shape of (512, 512, 4)

Image channels

Inputs and output images are having alpha channel therefore 4 channels. The channel format must be BGRA.


Pose params are passed every time an inference going forward. It should be np.float32 data in a shape of (1, 45) in a way works the same as Tha3 project.

Output images

The returned object of core.inference() is a List[np.ndarray] object, which returns a list of one or multiple image results according to if interpolation is enabled, we will talk about what and how an interpolation happens soon. The output images in the list subjects to the above datatype&layout&channel constrains.

The only thing you need to keep in mind is that, always consume(by transforming, or sending to other process, or do a copy to save) the result images before calling next core.inference(). The next return of inference will use those np.ndarray's memory inplace.


The core object hides all details but still you need to know the following concepts to correctly configurate get_core() function. There are four conponents in a core : tha, cacher, rife, and sr(undergoing integration). tha component is mandatory, all other components are optional


tha component is where THA3 algorithm happens. It has following options.

  1. tha component can use either seperable or standard convolution graph structure. This controls by model_seperable option in get_core, default to True.
  2. By setting model_half to True to use half percision for tha component and vice versa. Default to True.
  3. model_cache controls if tha model try to cache the intermediate results. Exchange RAM/VRAM space for time and GPU power. It is recommended and defaulted to True
  4. Model caching intermediate result can happen on VRAM or RAM, controled by model_vram_cache. Default and recommended to True.
  5. model_cache_size controls size of above cache in a unit of gigabytes, default to 1 as 1 gigabytes cache.


In the implementation, cacher component is optionally appended to the end of tha component output to cache image results of tha output. It has following options.

  1. use_cacher controls if cacher is enabled, default and recommended to True.
  2. cacher_on_database controls if cacher is used on RAM or hard drive database. Default to False on RAM.
  3. Since we are using turbojpeg to compress and save images, we should sepecify the compression ratio of JPEG algorithm, which is cacher_quality param in integer from 0 to 100. Smaller ratio == smaller compressed size == more cached items == higher cache hit rates == lower GPU computation comsumption. And vice versa. From my observation, I can not see great difference when cacher_quality >= 85. And if sr component is enabled, cacher_quality >= 70 still works good. When cacher_quality == 100, the core will give up turbojpeg and directly storing in non-compressed format. Default to 85.
  4. cacher_ram_size specifies cache size on ram in a unit of gigabytes. Default to 2.
  5. cacher_db_path to specify path to database file path if cacher_on_database == True .


In the core, we use RIFE algorithm to interpolate THA3 output. When this is enabled, the core.inference() will runs a bit slower and return multiple images at a time instead of just one. Please reference to above Interface section to understand how to handle outputs.

  1. use_interpolation controls if you use rife component in core, default to True.
  2. interpolation_scale is the scaling factor of rife interpolation. It can only be integer 2|3|4. You will get same numbers of output images everything running core.inference(). For example, if interpolation_scale==3 then ret = core.inference(), ret is a list of length 3, the first two images in the list are generated by rife and the last one is the orginal tha output. Default to 2.
  3. interpolation_half controls if using half percision rife model. Default to True

Device setting

You can also specify some device setting in get_core() for multiple GPU and non-Nvidia GPU.


device_id specifies device id integer, default to 0.


use_tensorrt specifies if TensorRT is used for inference. When use_tensorrt == False, DirectML will be used to support non-Nvidia GPUs. default to True.

More detailed example

suppose we want to work on GPU1, use full percision seperable float, and half percison 4x interpolation, a 8Gb RAM cacher.

from ezvtb_interface import get_core
import cv2
import numpy as np
core = get_core(
        device_id = 1,
        model_seperable = True,
        model_half = True,
        interpolation_scale = 4,
        interpolation_half = True,
        cacher_ram_size = 8
img = cv2.imread('img1.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) 
while True: #Eventloop here
    pose_param = pipe.get(blocking=True)
    ret = core.inference(pose_param)
    for ret_img in ret:
        cv2.imwrite('result.png',ret_img) #imwrite just for example